Full in the correct word board

Fill in the correct word.

• board

• meet

• weekend

• drama

• boring

• jigsaw

• once

• novels

• literature

e.g. Julie is fond of reading novels.
12. How often do you _ your friends?
13. Mary loves windsurfing. She tries to go every _ .
14. I think _ games like backgammon are lots of fun.
15. Are you good at acting? Why not join our _ club?
16. Bob and Liz don’t like doing _ puzzles.
17. Sharon goes cycling _ a week.
18. I hate computer club. It’s really _ .
19. John is interested in _ .


Английский язык 6 класс Spotlight Test Booklet Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 6 A (Module 6). Номер №C


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• доска
• встречать, знакомиться
• выходные дни
• драма
• скучный
• головоломка
• один раз
• романы
• литература
например, Джули любит читать романы.
12. Как часто вы _ с друзьями?
13. Мэри любит виндсерфинг. Она старается заниматься каждые _ .
14. Я думаю, что _ игры, такие как нарды, доставляют огромное удовольствие.
15. Вы хорошо играете роли? Почему бы не вступить в наш _ кружок?
16. Боб и Лиз не любят собирать _ пазлы.
17. Шэрон ездит на велосипеде _ в неделю.
18. Я ненавижу компьютерный клуб. Это действительно _ .
19. Джон интересуется _ .

12. How often do you meet your friends?
13. Mary loves windsurfing. She tries to go every weekend.
14. I think board games like backgammon are lots of fun.
15. Are you good at acting? Why not join our drama club?
16. Bob and Liz don’t like doing jigsaw puzzles.
17. Sharon goes cycling once a week.
18. I hate computer club. It’s really boring.
19. John is interested in literature.

Перевод ответа
12. Как часто вы встречаетесь с друзьями?
13. Мэри любит виндсерфинг. Она старается заниматься каждые выходные.
14. Я думаю, что настольные игры, такие как нарды, доставляют огромное удовольствие.
15. Вы хорошо играете роли? Почему бы не вступить в наш драматический кружок?
16. Боб и Лиз не любят собирать головоломки пазлы.
17. Шэрон ездит на велосипеде раз в неделю.
18. Я ненавижу компьютерный клуб. Это действительно скучно.
19. Джон интересуется литературой.

ITUчная аттестация по английскому языку 6 класс
Fill in the correct word.
*board * drama * boring * meet * literature * once
novels * weekend
1. Are you good at acting? Why not join our
2. How often do you
your friends?
3. Laura and Peter don’t like doing.
4. I think
games like backgammon are lots of fun.
5. Mary is interested in
6. Mark loves windsurfing. He tries to go every
7. Sharon goes cycling
a week.
8. I hate computer club. It’s really​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

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C Fill in the correct word. ● board ● meet ● weekend ●drama ● boring ● jigsaw ● once ● novels ● literature e.g. Julie

is fond of reading novels. 12 How often do you ………………………your friends? 16 Bob and Liz don’t like doing ………………………… puzzles. 13 Mary loves windsurfing. She tries to go every ………………………. 17 Sharon goes cycling ……………….. a week. 14 I think……………..games like backgammon are lots of fun. 18 I hate computer club. It’s really…………………. 15 Are you good at acting? Why not join our ……………. ….club. 19 John is interested in ………………… .


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

B Use -ist, -or, -er to form nouns
e.g. write – writer

6 play — ……………………………….. 9 football — …………………………..
7 cycle — ………………………………. 10 art — …………………………………
8 direct — …………………………….. 11 paint — ………………………………

C Fill in the correct word.
● board ● meet ● weekend ●drama ● boring ● jigsaw ● once ● novels ● literature
e.g. Julie is fond of reading novels.
12 How often do you ………………………your friends? 16 Bob and Liz don’t like doing …………………………
13 Mary loves windsurfing. She tries to go every
………………………. 17 Sharon goes cycling ……………….. a week.
14 I think……………..games like backgammon
are lots of fun. 18 I hate computer club. It’s really………………….
15 Are you good at acting? Why not join our
……………. ….club. 19 John is interested in ………………… .

D Match the words to make compound nouns

e.g. tooth F A work
20 wind .…….. B paper
21 basket ……… C ball
22 news ……… D day
23 birth ……… E surfing
24 home ……… F brush

E Underline the correct item.
e.g. Mum is cooking/cooks at the moment.
25 Pete and I are playing/play Scrabble at the
moment. 28 I go/am going to see my grandparents every Saturday morning.
26 My sister meets/is meeting her friends every
afternoon. 29 George is learning/learns to windsurf these
27 He is not having/doesn’t have a shower right

F Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
e.g. Joy goes (go) jogging in the mornings.
30 Peter………………………………………………..(like)
playing board games. 33 «What are you doing?» «I
(look) at my hair in the mirror.»
31 Jess…………………………………………………(love)
reading. It’s her favourite activity. 34 Ken …………………………………………………………….(have)
a shower right now.
32 John……………………………………(run)
around in the garden at the moment. 35 Bob ………………………………………………………….. (play)
basketball on Fridays.

Everyday English
G Choose the correct response
e.g. I’m looking for a present for a friend G A Monopoly and Scrabble.
36 How about this dart board? …… B I love going windsurfing.
37 Do you like swimming? …… C Yes please, that would be great.
38 What board games do you like? …… D Yes, I’m very keen on it.
39 How much is this puzzle? ….. E It’s — 15
40 What do you do in your free time? …… F Great! I’ll take it.
41 Would you like me to wrap it? …… G I have the perfect thing for you.

H Read the text and answer the questions.

My friend John is a very busy person. When he’s not doing his homework or studying, he is out having fun.
On Mondays, he plays basketball after school. He practises a lot because he’s in the school team. Then, on Tuesdays he goes to computer club. On Thursdays, he plays chess and then on Fridays he meets his friends in town.
At the weekend, John always spends time with his family. He usually goes fishing with his dad and helps his mum with the shopping.

e.g. Is John a busy person?
Yes, he is.

42 What team is John in?
………………………………………………………………….. 45 What board game does John like playing?
43 What does he do on Tuesdays?
…………………………………………………………………. 46 Who does John spend time with at the weekend?
44 When does John meet his friends?
…………………………………………………………………. 47 What does John help his mum do?


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    16 Bob and Liz don’t like doing ………………………… puzzles. 13 Mary loves windsurfing. She tries to go every ………………………. 17 Sharon goes cycling ……………….. a week. 14 I think……………..games like backgammon are lots of fun. 18 I hate computer club. It’s really…………………. 15 Are you good at acting? Why not join our ……………. ….club. 19 John is interested in ………………… .

    1 ответ:



    1) meet;

    How often do you meet your friends?

    2) jigsaw;

    Bob and Liz don’t like doing jigsaw puzzles.

    3) weekend;

    Mary loves windsurfing. She tries to go every weekend.

    4) once;

    Sharon goes cycling once a week.

    5) board;

    I think board games like backgammon are lots of fun.

    6) boring;

    I hate computer club. It’s really boring.

    7) drama;

    Are you good at acting? Why not join our drama club.

    8) literature;

    John is interested in literature.

    Читайте также

    You have a mistake in the word)Who are we talking about?

    1 isn’t it
    2 don’t we
    3 don’t they
    4 is it

    1) horrible
    2) reading
    3) strange
    4) ghost
    5) dark (?)
    6) wolf
    7) man
    8) mouth
    9) red (?)
    10) fangs
    11) sharp
    12) screamed
    Пятое и девятое возможно нужно поменять местами, но я думаю, что так правильно.


    what would you do when…

    Person whom I admire . Nowadays there are many idols among young people. But we should see the difference between admiration and obsession. Some youngsters are crazy about popular singers . They are called fans. So I am not a fan of any celebrity. To admire somebody means for me to find someone attractive and pleasant to look at and to respect him . Person whom I admire is my mother. She has strong will and she never gives up . She is an open- hearted and a kind person. She is always in a good mood . My mother is very conscientious person. If she stars to do something she will certainly finish it . My mother isn’t the most perfect person in this world but in my world she is .

    Test 6 A

    A    Fill in the correct word.

    ● board  ● weekend  ●  drama    ●  boring  ● once   ●   meet   ● jigsaw  ●  literature

    1.     Are you good at acting?  Why not join our  ……………. club.

    2.     Mary is interested in …………….  .

    3.     How often do you ……………..your friends?

    4.     Mark loves windsurfing. He tries to go every ………………  .

    5.     Laura doesn’t like doing ……………….puzzles.

    6.     Sharon goes cycling ……….a week.

    7.     I think ………. games like backgammon are lots of fun.

    8.     I hate computer class. It is really ………….  .

    B   Underline the correct item.

    9.     I go / am going to see my grandpsrents every Saturday.

    10.   Pete and I are playing / play Scrabble at the moment.

    11.   George is learning / learns to windsurfing now.

    12.   My sister meets / is meeting her friends every afternoon.

    13.   He is not having /  doesn’t have a shower right now.

    C     Math the words to make compound nouns.

    14.   home ……        A   day

    15.   wind ……         B  game

    16.   news ……         C  work

    17.   board …..          D  paper

    18.   birth  ……          E  surfing

    D     Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continious.

    19.    Jonh ………… (play) football on Tuesday.

    20.    Ken …………(have) a shower right now.

    21.    Jess ……….(love) reading. It is her  favourite activity.

    22.    Bob ……….(run) around the garden at the moment.

    23.    We …………(not/often/go) skiing.

    24.    Bred ……….(not/swim) in the sea at the moment.

    25.    What ……….(you/do) in your free time?

    26.    What ………..(you/do) at the moment?

    E  Read the text and answer the questions.  

         My friend Jonh is a very busy person. When he is not doing his homework or studing, he is out having fun.

         On Mondays, he plays basketball after school. He practises a lot because he is in the school team. Then on Tuesdays he goes to computer club. On Thursdays, he plays chess and then on Fridays he meets his friends in town.

          At the weekends John always spends time with his family. He usually goes fishing with his dad and helps his  mum with the shopping.

    27.   What does he do on Tuesdays?

    28.   What team is John in?

    29.   What board game does John like playing?

    30.   When does John meet his friends?

    31.   What does John help his mum do?

    32.   Who does John spend time with at the weekend?

    F   Complete the exchanges.

    ●  fond    ●  really good  ●  mad   ●    keen   ●  interested

    33.   I am ________ of painting.

    34.   I am ________about photography.

    35.   He is _________ on windsurfing.

    36.   Jane is ________in history.

    37.   Her daugter is________ at dancing.

    Test 6 B

    A   Complete the exchanges.

    ●  fond    ●  really good  ●  mad   ●    keen   ●  interested

    1.   He is _________ on windsurfing.

    2.   Her daugter is________ at dancing.

    3.   I am ________ of painting.

    4.   Jane is ________in history.

    5.   I am ________about photography.

    B     Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continious.

    6.     What ………..(you/do) at the moment?

    7.     What ……….(you/do) in your free time?

    8.     Jess ……….(love) reading. It is her  favourite activity.

    9.     Jonh ………… (play) football on Tuesday.

    10.    We …………(not/often/go) skiing.

    11.    Bred ……….(not/swim) in the sea at the moment.

    12.    Ken …………(have) a shower every morning.

    13.    Bob ……….(run) around the garden at the moment.

    C    Fill in the correct word.

    ●  drama   ● weekend  ●   board   ●  literature ● once   ●   meet   ● jigsaw  ● boring

    14.     Laura doesn’t like doing ……………….puzzles.

    15.     I think ………. games like backgammon are lots of fun.

    16.     How often do you ……………..your friends?

    17.     Mark loves windsurfing. He tries to go every ………………  .

    18.     Are you good at acting?  Why not join our  ……………. club.

    19.     Sharon goes cycling ……….a week.

    20.     Mary is interested in …………….  .

    21.     I hate computer class. It is really ………….  .

    D     Math the words to make compound nouns.

    22.   board ……        A   day

    23.   birth ……         B  game

    24.   news ……         C  work

    25.   home …..          D  paper

    26.   wind  ……          E  surfing

    E   Underline the correct item.

    27.     I go / am going to see my grandpsrents every Saturday.

    28.   Pete and I are playing / play Scrabble at the moment.

    29.   George is learning / learns to windsurfing now.

    30.   My sister meets / is meeting her friends every afternoon.

    31.   He is not having /  doesn’t have a shower right now.

    F  Read the text and answer the questions.  

         My friend Karen is a very busy person. When she is not doing his homework or studying, she is out having fun.

         On Tuesdays, she goes swimming after school. He practises a lot because she is in the school team. Then on Wednesdays she goes to music club. On Thursdays, she meets her friends for coffee in town. Then on Fridays she goes to the cinema or plays scrabble with her sister.

          At the weekends Karen always spends time with her family. She usually helps her mum around the house and sometimes her dad takes her windsurfing.

    32.   What activity does Karen do with her dad?

    33.   Who does she spend her weekends with?

    34.   Which board games Karen like to play?

    35.   When does she meet her friends?

    36.   What does she do on Wednesdays?

    37.   What school team does Karen belong to?


    Test 6 A

    1. drama

    2. literature

    3. meet

    4. weekend

    5. jigsaw

    6. once

    7. board

    8. boring

    9. go

    10. are playing

    11. is learning

    12. meets

    13. is not having

    14. C

    15. E

    16. D

    17. B

    18. A

    19. plays

    20. is having

    21. loves

    22. is running

    23. dont often go

    24. isnt swimming

    25. do you do

    26. are you doing

    27. he goes to computer club

    28. basketball team

    29. chess

    30. on Fridays

    31. do the shopping

    32. with his family

    33. fond

    34. mad

    35. keen

    36. interested

    37. really good

    Test 6 B

    1. keen

    2. good

    3. fond

    4. interested

    5. mad

    6. are you doing

    7. do you do

    8. loves

    9. plays

    10. dont often go

    11. isnt swimming

    12. has

    13. is running

    14. jigsaw

    15. board

    16. meet

    17. weekend

    18. drama

    19. once

    20. literature

    21. boring

    22. B

    23. A

    24. D

    25. C

    26. E

    27. go

    28. are playing

    29. is learning

    30. meets

    31. is not having

    32. go windsurfing

    33. with her family

    34. scrabble

    35. on Thursdays

    36. she goes to music club

    37. swimming team

    Test (Module 6) Vocabulary. A Translate: 1) езда на велосипеде 2)ловить рыбу 3)нарды 4)головоломки 5) домино

    B Use –ist, -or, -er (write-writer) 6) play, 7) art, 8) direct 9) football , 10) cycle

    C Fill in the correct word: board, drama, boring, meet, literature, jigsaw, once, weekend

    11) Are you good at acting? Why not join our … club.

    12) How often do you … your friends?

    13) Laura and Peter don’t like doing … puzzles.

    14) I think … games like backgammon are lots of fun.

    15) Mary is interested in … .

    16) Mark loves windsurfing. He tries to go every … .

    17) Sharon goes cycling … a week.

    18) I hate computer club. Its really …

    Grammar. D Match the words to make compound nouns

    e.g. tooth F A day

    19)wind …… B paper

    20) basket …… C surfing

    21) news … D work

    22) birth … E ball

    23) home…. F brush

    E ) Underline the correct item. (Mum is cooking / cooks at the moment.

    24)I go / am going to see my grandparents every Saturday morning.

    25) George is learning / learns to windsurf now.

    26) He is not having / doesn’t have a shower right now.

    27) Pete and I are playing/play Scrabble at the moment.

    28) My sister meets/is meeting her friends every afternoon.

    F) Put the verbs into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous . (Joy goes (go) jogging in the mornings.

    29) Bob …………… (play) football on Fridays.

    30) Jess ………….. (love) reading.

    31) Peter …………. (like) playing board games.

    32) «What are you doing?» — I ……….. (look) at my hair in the mirror.

    33) John …………… (run) around in the garden at the moment.

    34) Ken …………. (have) a shower right now.

    Everyday English

    G Choose the correct response.

    e.g. I ’m looking for a present for a friend. G A its – 15.

    35 Do you like cycling? ……………………… B I love going windsurfing

    36 How about this dart board? ……………… C Great! I will take it.

    37. What board games do you like? …………. D Yes, I am very keen on it.

    38. How much is this puzzle? ………………… E Monopoly and Scrabble.

    39. What do you do in your free time? ……… F Yes please, that would be great

    40. Would you like me to wrap it? …………. G I have the perfect thing for you.

    Reading H Read the text and answer the questions

    My friend Karen is a very busy person. When she is not doing her homework or studying , she is out having fun.

    On Tuesdays , she goes swimming after school. She practices a lot because she is in the school team. Then, on Wednesdays, she goes to music club. On Thursdays, she meets her friends for a coffee in town. Then, on Fridays, she goes to the cinema or plays scrabble with her sister.

    At the weekend, Karen always spends time with her family. She usually helps her mum around the house and sometimes her dad takes her windsurfing.

    41 What school team does Karen belong to? 42 What does she do on Wednesdays? 43 When does she meet her friends? 44 Which board game does Karen like to play? 45 Who does she spend her weekends with?

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