Full forms of teacher word

in this blog you are learning about teacher full form, full form of teacher, teacher ka full form, teachers full form, teacher ki full form.. You got all information in this blog. This blog is completely explain about teacher full form, … I hope you all enjoy this post.

  • noun:
  • One who teaches, especially in a school.
  • The popular backronyms for the word TEACHER are:
  • → Talented Educated Adorable Charming Helpful Encouraging Responsible
  • → Talented Efficient Able Cheerfulness Humble Enthusiastic Resourceful

Top Ten Tips to be the Best Teacher:

Great teachers are able to communicate with their students in a way that is both engaging and informative. This knowledge is crucial in delivering the right explanation. Vygotsky“Zone of proximal developmental”This is the most important thing. The explanation must be relevant to the audience. It should not be too complicated that it becomes difficult to understand by students. However, it shouldn’t be too boring or too challenging to bore them and make them uninteresting. Knowing your students will allow you to adapt your language to draw on their previous knowledge and activate links to the new information you want them to learn.

There are usually one or two key words you want to remember in most explanations. My English year 10 class is currently comparing Shakespeare’s “Sonnets” with “Romeo and Juliet”. My explanations are littered with subject specific words, such as ‘Sonnets’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’.Hyperbole” and “Oxymorons“. These words have been etymologised, examples have been analyzed and they have been repeatedly used in writing. These key words are the basis of clear explanations. We emphasize these words in our speeches for emphasis.

I don’t want to label students attention-deficit-sweepers. Human nature is programmed to forget – adults as well as teenagers. Therefore, effective explanations must use compressed language. A good proverb, like “Glass houses are not for people who throw stones.“has an enduring power. It sparks creativity, ideas, and connections.Tip 5. I argue that even the most complex explanations can be condensed into a single, memorable sentence – this is what I refer to as theThe core messageexplanation. This core knowledge is often linked inextricably with the language of the lesson object. A great explanationmayUse the “inverted pyramidJournalists use’to prioritize key information. Or, you can use traditional argument structures to make sure they remember what you want.


In his brilliant neuroscience book, “Why Don’t Students Like School?” Daniel Willingham explains that students will remember explanations better if they are emotional. However, there are also disclaimers. Be wary of the’style over substance’ mentality.Performance. I enjoy using humor and jokes often, but they won’t remember the explanations if you do a comedy routine.StyleAnd the jokes, forgetting about theSubstanceListen to what you’re saying. It is difficult to find the right balance between engaging students and teaching knowledge. Making students love learning doesn’t necessarily translate into them remembering what you want.

Most charity ads will confirm that individual stories that inspire empathy and interest are more memorable than abstract concepts or mass-scale problems. Memorable stories that are personal and emotional are more memorable than abstract concepts or mass scale problems. I can only recall GCSE Chemistry without the touching story of Marie Curie. Use examples that will hook them into the knowledge they want to retain over time. Let’s sum it up: Use humor with care; tell stories about people to stimulate empathy (something that has been proven to increase the reader’s emotional and physical response to reading stories); connect to their interests, but always return to the core message.

Cognitive science has shown that analogies, metaphors and symbols are critical to language, thinking, and remembering knowledge (seeHere. Naturally, our minds draw from ‘schemas” – A psychology term that describes the knowledge patterns we already have in order to learn new knowledge. The key to making new knowledge memorable is to tie it into existing ‘schemas“. If we were to be given something to eat that we had never tried before, we would use our prior knowledge and say “This tastes like chicken!” These templates give students useful examples to help them build on their previous knowledge and make educated guesses. My English class used their knowledge of the term “oxymoron” to explore the topic. We then compared and contrasted the label with Romeo’s character. Maths teachers often draw on real-world’schemas’ in order to make concepts more memorable. Students can use imagery and metaphors to evoke mental images and make connections between what they know and how they want to learn it. This will help them organize their knowledge better.

Wllingham.Psychologically privileged“in the human mind, memory. This is what I believe about memory, emotion and learning as an English teacher. Memorable personal stories bring History and facts to life. Statistics can be made more interesting when placed in context of a story. Although 64% of students achieve A grades in exams is fascinating, it’s not as memorable as the stories of individuals who work hard and persevere through difficult circumstances to earn an A grade. Stories are what give meaning to our minds. History allows us to imagine and sympathize with specific ‘characters’. When a ‘character’ is captured in our hearts and minds, we are captivated.Conflict“” is used to refer to characters. Our explanations should be constructed like narratives, with characters, conflicts, and resolutions. It is important to avoid rehashing irrelevant anecdotes. Stories should be used to highlight the main message, not distract from it.

We need to remember that storytelling is about using imagery and analogies to illustrate information.concreteKnowledge is more important than abstracts. This is what we are wired to do. Our first words are always concrete nouns or verbs that express our most basic needs. You may have heard the following proverb:

Tip 3:Glass houses are not for people who throw stones.“! This is a wonderful example of abstract ideas being made concrete and memorable. It is important to avoid using abstract language or jargon that goes beyond what students are taught

.Tip 2We risk losing the message that we want students to remember.

Brian Cox, the scientist/tv personality (yes, I’ve noticed that he’s not a teacher; some TV personalities have been known to be terrible teachers!) This is an excellent example of someone who can make abstract scientific concepts concrete and usefully explain them. His explanations are a great way to illuminate a topic that is difficult for students like me, who have very little science knowledge. It is clear and easy to remember. This video is a wonderful example of a well-executed explanation. It ticks off many points I have highlighted in my tips with ease.

July 06, 2019



T -Talented E -Educated A -Awesome C -Cheerful H -Helpful E -Efficient R -Receptive


July 07, 2019


A teacher plays multiple roles. They become influencers, motivators, role models, and whatnot! Most of us would have looked up to our teachers and if you have ever wondered what a TEACHER stands for, the answer is that there is no right answer! There’s no cut and right definition for Teacher full form. There can be many teacher full form and today we will be discussing a few illuminating teacher full form:

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What is the full form of teacher?

While there are many possible answers for the above question, here is a decent answer:
Talented-Eligible-Affectionate-Caring- Honest -Exemplary- Reliable

What is the full form of Teacher? Let us get one thing out of the way first. The word ‘teacher’ is not an abbreviation and hence, there’s no definite full form of teacher. There are many full forms that can be found on different websites.

Understand the difference between B.Ed and BTC. Also read everything about Teachers’ Eligibility Test.

TEACHER: Talented- Educated-Adorable-Charming-Helpful-Encouraging-Responsible

TEACHER: Tenacious-Encouraging-Amazing-Character-Harmony-Efficient-Reliable

TEACHER: Trained -Efficient-Able-Cheerful- Honest -Enthusiastic-Resourceful

TEACHER: Tolerant-Educated-Ageless- Cheerful- Helpful -Efficient -Respectful

TEACHER: Talented -Excellent-Adorable-Calm- Humble-Encouraging-Radiant

TEACHER: Talented-Eligible-Affectionate-Caring- Honest -Exemplary- Reliable

TEACHER: Truthful-Elegant- Angelic-Creative-Helpful-Encouraging-Role-model

TEACHER: Tactfulness-Enthusiastic-Amiable-Calm- Honest-Efficient-Resourceful

We have all had teachers who are talented, educated, adorable, calm, and angelic! When teachers look the other way when you have not done your homework, that’s nothing less than angelic! It goes without saying that teachers play a huge role in character development. All the adjectives in the world will not be able to define what a teacher is and that’s why there’s not just one definition! The roles and responsibilities of a teacher are endless and beyond giving quality education, they touch our lives and influence our behavior!

Teaching is a divine vocation and teachers have the power to shape the minds of tomorrow.

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