Full form of computer word

Everyone will know about a computer but no one knows the full form of computer.

Often the computer full form is asked in your school and college.

After all, What is the full form of computer?

So let’s know about the full form of computer and about the What is Computer?

In this post, I will explain in detail all full form of computer parts and Computer Related Full Forms.

This Article is Best on the whole internet.

If you read this article carefully you will understand all A to Z Full Form Computer.

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What is the Full Form of Computer?

The full form of computer in English language.

The Full-Form of computer is Commonly Operated Machine Particular Used For Trade Education Research.

To understand you, the complete full form of each word of the Computer is given in the table below.

This computer full form is very common and popular full form that will be taught in your school and college.

Suggested Video of Computer full form.

What is the Meaning of Computer?

In this post, I will explain meaning of every word of computer in detail.

C for Commonly ( What is Commonly in computer? )

This usually means that any common person can use it.

For example, children, men, women can use any computer.

O for Operated ( What is Operated in computer? )

This means that any normal person can operate this device very easily.

For example, children can also operate computers very easily.

M for Machine ( What is Machine in computer? )

This means that a computer is an electronic machine.

A computer cannot function without electricity.

A computer is a machine that makes the work of humans very easily and quickly.

P for Particular ( What is Particular in computer?)

Particular has no meaning. Particular is an adjective word.

This word is used to denote a special thing.

U for Used ( What is Used? )

You all will know that ‘used’ means ‘use’.

This means that you can use a computer. Used is an adjective word.

T for Trade ( What is Trade in computer? )

The term trade is used in trade. This means that moving a service from one place to another and selling and buying that service is called trade.

Trade in computers means exchanging data from one place to another.

E for Education ( What is Education in computer? )

Education means in computers that computers are widely used in the field of education.

R for Research ( What is Research in computer? )

Research is a creative thing. Increase collections of knowledge are called research.

Today scientists are doing a lot of research with the help of computers.

What is the long form of computer?

There are many other long full forms of such computers, let us know about all of them as well.

These are all computer full forms.

  • Common Operation Made Possible Under Technical Engineering Researches.
  • Commonly Operating Machine Particular Used For Technical And Education Research.
  • Common Operating Machine Particularly Used For Technical and Educational Research.
  • Common Operating Machine Particularly Used For Trade Education and Research.
  • Common Operating Machine Particularly Used For Training Education and Reporting.
  • Computing Oriented Manipulation Programming Used In Technology Education and Research.
  • Commonly Oriented Machine Particularly Used For Trade Education and Research.
  • Common Oriented Machine Purely Used For Technical and Educational Research.
  • Commonly Operating Machine Particular Used For Technical Education And Research.
  • Cable of Making Perfectly Uncomplicated Tasks Extremely Rigorous.
  • Complicated Office Machine Put Under Tremendous Effort To Reduce Manpower.
  • Calculate Operate Memory Print Update Tabulate Edit Response.
  •  Common Operating Machine Purposely Used For Technological and Educational Research.

A computer is an electronic and programming machine and device. A computer is a device that works on the instruction of the user.

The computer takes data from the user and by processing that data, the computer gives us the result.

The computer is capable of doing all kinds of work. A computer cannot function without a user. A computer is a type of mathematical machine.

A to Z Full Form of Computer Related Words

Now we are going to tell you about another important full form related to the computer, all this full form is very important for your every exam which you must remember.

No. Abbreviation Full-Form
1 RAM Random Access Memory
2 ROM Read Only Memory
3 CPU Central Processing Unit
4 URL Uniform Resource Locator
5 USB Universal Serial Bus
6 VIRUS Vital Information Resource Under Siege
7 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
8 UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
9 SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
10 PSU Power Supply Unit
11 SMPS Switched-Mode Power Supply
12 CD Compact Disc
13 DVD Digital Versatile Disc
14 CRT Cathode Ray Tube
15 DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
16 SAP System Application and Products
17 PNG Portable Network Graphics
18 IP Internet Protocol
19 GIS Geographical Information system
20 DDS Digital Data Storage
21 CAD Computer Aided Design
22 ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
23 AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
24 APM Advanced Power Management
25 APIPA Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing
26 HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
27 HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
28 GPU Graphics Processing Unit
29 GDI Graphics Device Interface
30 ICP Internet Cache Protocol
31 GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out
32 GMAIL Graphical Mail
33 CAN Campus Area Network
34 CAL Computer Aided Leering
35 GPL General Public License
36 GCR Group Code Recording
37 MSN Microsoft Networks
38 BCC Blind Carbon Copy
39 VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
40 MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
41 TPU Tensor Processing Unit
42 PSD Photoshop Document
43 DPI Dots Per Inch
44 FYA For Your Action
45 CRS Computer Reservation System
46 BFD Binary File Descriptor
47 ABR Available Bit Rate
48 GBPS Gigabits Per Second
49 PING Packet InterNet Groper
50 CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access
51 AD Active Directory
52 ADC Analog to Digital Converter
53 BGP Border Gateway Protocol
54 CSI Common System Interface
55 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
56 OSI Open Systems Interconnection
57 LAN Local Area Network
58 WAN Wide Area Network
59 MAN Metropolitan Area Network
60 PAN Personal Area Network
61 MAC Media Access Control
62 OMR Optical Mark Recognition
63 NIC Network Interface Card
64 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
65 UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
66 DCE Distributed Computing Environment
67 PFA Please Find Attached
68 HCI Human Computer Interaction
69 FHS Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
70 FCS Frame Check Sequence
71 DVE Digital Video Effects
72 DLL Data Link Layer
73 CSV Comma Separated Values
74 CTCP Client–to–Client Protocol
75 ABI Application Binary Interface
76 MIS Management Information System
77 BIOS Basic Input Output System
78 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
79 LTE Long Term Evolution
80 AHA Accelerated Hub Architecture
81 ALU Arithmetic Logical Unit
82 FPU Floating Point Unit
83 FXP File Exchange Protocol
84 HID Human Interface Device
85 IOS iPhone Operating System
86 PATA Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment
87 DDR Double Data Rate
88 DFS Distributed File System
89 MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
90 MMC Microsoft Management Console
91 VGCT Video Graphics Character Table
92 WBMP Wireless BitMap Image
93 PCM Pulse-Code Modulation
94 WMA Windows Media Audio
95 RAS Remote Access Service
96 HTM Hierarchical Temporal Memory
97 SIS Security and Intelligence Services
98 LBA Logical Block Addressing
99 CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing
100 MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple Output
101 PLC Programmable Logic Controller
102 SCSI Small Computer System Interface
103 NVRAM Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory
104 BLOB Binary large Object
105 VPN Virtual Private Network
106 SFF Small Form Factor
107 CAI Computer–Aided Instruction
108 EMP Electro-Magnetic Pulse
109 EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
110 AAC Advanced Audio Codec
111 IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
112 ASL Age Sex Location
113 MBSA Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
114 ZIP Zig-zag In-line Package
115 HSPA High Speed Packet Access
116 VFS Virtual File System
117 SIMD Single Instruction Multiple Data
118 IPC Inter-Process Communication
119 DAC Discretionary Access Control
120 DKIM Domain Keys Identified Mail
121 WIFI Wireless Fidelity
122 PTP Picture Transfer Protocol
123 IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
124 HIG Human Interface Guidelines
125 UNIVAC Universal Automatic Computer
126 CIFS Common Internet File System
127 HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer
128 IPV6 Internet Protocol Version 6
129 CNR Communication Network Riser
130 EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture
131 RPM Red-Hat Package Manager
132 DLT Distributed Ledger Technology
133 ISH Information Super Highway
134 BY Bronto-bytes
135 DTS Digital Theater System
136 MSB Most Significant Bit
137 HVD Holographic Versatile Disk
138 MOSFET Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
139 AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate
140 CMD Command
141 BCD Binary Coded Decimal
142 DMA Direct Memory Access
143 EB Exa-bytes
144 AVI Audio Video Interleave
145 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
146 CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
147 RIFF Resource Interchange File Format
148 TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
149 WUSB Wireless Universal Serial Bus
150 HHD Hybrid Hard Drive
151 HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
152 AST Abstract Syntax Tree
153 MSD Most significant Digit
154 IRQ Interrupt Request
155 DVI Digital Visual Interface
156 SPARC Scalable Processor Architecture
157 URI Uniform Resource Identifier
158 EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
159 SAN Storage Area Network
160 EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
161 MVS Multiple Vendor System
162 NAS Network Attached Storage
163 BPS Bits Per Second
164 LPX Low Profile Extension
165 HCL Hardware Compatibility List
166 RTS Real Time Streaming
167 RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
168 MUI Multilingual User Interface
169 MFD Multi-Function Device
170 CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer
171 MBR Master Boot Record
172 BINAC Binary Automatic Computer
173 SGRAM Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
174 DLP Digital Light Processing
175 UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
176 LLC Logical Link Control
177 DOC Document (Microsoft Corporation)
178 ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
179 ACL Access Control List
180 RAIT Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes
181 MMX Multi-Media Extensions
182 STP Spanning Tree Protocol
183 MLI Multiple Link Interface
184 RIP Routing Information Protocol
185 AIFF Audio Interchange File Format
186 RMA Returned Materials Authorization
187 EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol
188 XMF Extensible Music File
189 MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
190 MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
191 SRAM Static Random-Access Memory
192 SDR Software-Defined Radio
193 PAP Password Authentication Protocol
194 VRAM Video Random Access Memory
195 WAP Wireless Application Protocol
196 TGT Ticket Granting Ticket
197 GIF Graphics Interchange Format
198 TPM Trusted Platform Module
199 SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
200 ULSI Ultra Large-Scale Integration
201 EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
202 CDN Content Delivery Network
203 NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt
204 PPI Pixels Per Inch
205 RJ45 Registered Jack 45
206 SEC Single Edge Connector
207 BER Bit Error Rate
208 OOPS Object-Oriented Programming System
209 ATA Advanced Technology Attachment
210 RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
211 NFS Network File System
212 SFC System File Checker
213 ICR Intelligent Character Recognition
214 BTX Balanced Technology Extended
215 DOS Disk Operating System
216 CTS Clear to Send
217 AMD Advanced Micro Devices
218 DVD Digital Video Disc
219 CD-R Compact Disk – Recordable.
220 BAL Basic Assembly Language
221 UTF Unicode Transformation Format
222 MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
223 BAT Microsoft Batch Processing
224 VT Video Terminal
225 HP Hewlett Packard
226 URN Uniform Resource Name
227 D2D Device to Device
228 DSHD Double Sided High Density
229 FDC Floppy Disk Controller
230 SDN Service Delivery Network
231 SBU Standard Build Unit
232 MPL Mozilla Public License
233 ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
234 CAQA Computer–Aided Quality Assurance
235 ASF Advanced Systems Format
236 VM Virtual Machine
237 Mac Macintosh
238 OS Operating System
239 MNG Multiple-image Network Graphics
240 CD-ROM Compact Disk-Read Only Memory
241 MSB Most Significant Byte
242 TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
243 DMI Desktop Management Interface
244 NTP Network Time Protocol
245 PINE Program for Internet News and Email
246 SSL Secure Sockets Layer
247 BCR Bar Code Reader
248 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
249 KBPS Kilobits Per Second
250 TSI Time Slot Interchange
251 ABC Atanasoff-Berry Computer
252 YB Yotta Byte
253 ZB Zetta-bytes
254 WDDM Windows Display Driver Model
255 ZIF Zero-Insertion-Force
256 RDBMS Relation Database Management System
257 MSI Microsoft Installer
258 ISP Internet Service Provider
259 WAV Waveform Audio
260 TPS Transaction Per Second
261 ISV Independent Software Vendor
262 SXGA Super Extended Graphics Array
263 GP Graphics port
264 BGA Ball Grid Array
265 SIS Safety Instrumented System
266 CGI Common Gateway Interface
267 PDF Portable Document Format
268 MMU Memory Management Unit
269 PIC Peripheral Interface Controller
270 NIU Network Interface Unit
271 TPS Transaction Processing System
272 VLSI Very Large-Scale Integration
273 ESD Electro Static Discharge
274 MAPI Messaging Application Program Interface
275 KB Kilo-bytes
276 DSL Domain–Specific Language
277 PB Peta-bytes
278 NAP Network Access Point
279 MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System
280 WMV Windows Media Video
281 MFA Multi-Factor Authentication
282 GUI Graphical User Interface
283 RIS Remote Installation Service
284 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
285 ELF Executable and Linkable Format
286 WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network
287 DFD Data Flow Diagram
288 IRC Internet Relay Chat
289 PC Personal Computer
290 SDL Software and Documentation Localization
291 WINS Windows Internet Name Service
292 NOS Network Operating System
293 UNICS UNiplexed Information Computing System
294 DVR Digital Video Recorder
295 XMS Extended Memory Specification
296 LSI Large-Scale Integration
297 STP Shielded Twisted Pair
298 PCB Process Control Block
299 AGA Advanced Graphics Architecture
300 HSUPA High-Speed Uplink Packet Access
301 ICS Internet Connection Sharing
302 SOA Service Oriented Architecture
303 WWW World Wide Web
304 DLL Dynamic Link Library
305 DAP Direct Access Protocol
306 WMF Windows Metafile
307 EVDO Evolution Data Optimized Or Evolution Data Only
308 FAT File Allocation Table
309 DTE Data Terminal Equipment
310 PAL Phase Alternation Line
311 VGA Video Graphics Array
312 HSSI High-Speed Serial Interface
313 SIMM Single In-Line Memory Module
314 IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange
315 BWF Broadcast Wave Format
316 CRIMM Continuity-Rambus Inline Memory Module
317 OOP Object Oriented programming
318 RTOS Real Time Operating System
319 DBSN Database Source Name
320 IHV Independent Hardware Vendor
321 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
322 SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
323 FTP File Transfer Protocol
324 DRAM Dynamic Random-Access Memory
325 BSOD Blue Screen of Death
326 HTX Hyper Transport Expansion
327 LSTM Long Short-Term Memory
328 DIVX DIgital Video Express
329 UAC User Account Control
330 CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering
331 HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface
332 VDC Video Display Controller
333 AVC Advanced Video Coding
334 CGA Color Graphics Array
335 DPMS Display Power Management Signaling
336 DBA DataBase Administrator
337 P2P Peer-To-Peer
338 MSI Medium Scale Integration
339 EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
340 EFS Encrypting File System
341 MHz Megahertz
342 WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network
343 CAN Controller Area Network
344 VDU Video Display Unit
345 JPG Joint Photographic Expert Group
346 MB Mega-bytes
347 ENI Elastic Network Interface
348 VPU Visual Processing Unit
349 MTP Media Transfer Protocol
350 MDI Multiple Document Interface
351 TDR Time Domain Reflectometer
352 WUXGA Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
353 NAP Network Access Protection
354 DWM Desktop Window Manager
355 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
356 PPT PowerPoint Presentation
357 LSB Least Significant Byte
358 CCD Charged Coupled Device
359 VCR Video Cassette Recorder
360 EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
361 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
362 XGA Extended Graphics Array
363 LSB Least Significant Bit
364 ZISC Zero Instruction Set Computer
365 ISA Instruction Set Architecture
366 HPC High-Performance Computing
367 MSDN Microsoft Developer Network
368 BPI Bytes Per Inch
369 SVGA Super Video Graphics Array
370 RDF Resource Description Framework
371 MFP Multi-Function Product
372 FCPGA Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
373 ASR Automated System Recovery
374 VAN Value-Added Network
375 PIO Programmed Input/Output
376 RGB Red, Green, Blue
377 FDMA Frequency-Division Multiple Access
378 SWF Shock Wave Flash
379 EOF End of File
380 POP Post Office Protocol
381 CBEMA Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
382 GB Giga-bytes
383 EDP Electronic Data Processing
384 DIMM Dual In-Line Memory Module
385 VM Virtual Memory
386 SHDSL Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line
387 WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
388 MBCS Multi Byte Character Set
389 IPV4 Internet Protocol Version 4
390 MCR Multivariant Curve Resolution
391 MTA Mail Transfer Agent
392 BOSS Bharat Operating System Solutions
393 ISC Internet Storm Center
394 POST Power on self-test
395 DTR Data Terminal Ready
396 SMBIOS System Management BIOS
397 HPFS High Performance File System
398 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
399 IIS Internet Information Services
400 VPG Virtual Private Gateway
401 CUA Common User Access
402 NID Network Interface Device
403 HDD Hard Disk Drive
404 IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
405 VLC Video LAN Client
406 ERD Emergency Repair Disk
407 WPA Wireless Protected Access
408 IOS Internetwork Operating System
409 PKI Public key Infrastructure
410 UDP User Datagram Protocol
411 ISA Industry Standard Architecture
412 TPDU Transaction Protocol Data Unit
413 M3G Mobile 3D Graphics
414 DTP Desktop Publishing
415 PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
416 CAE Computer–Aided Engineering
417 NTFS New Technology File System
418 FDD Floppy Disk Drive
419 IPP Internet Printing Protocol
420 VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
421 VXLAN Virtual Extensible Local Area Network
422 CTL Computation Tree Logic
423 DAT Digital Audio Tape
424 BiDi Bi–Directional
425 SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
426 ECP Extended Capabilities Port
427 TB Tera-bytes
428 CMOS Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor
429 OCR Optical Character Reader
430 JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
431 SONET Synchronous Optical Networking
432 CCS Common Command Set
433 CUPS Common Unix Printing System
434 ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Compute
435 IVR Interactive Voice Response
436 HTPC Home Theatre Personal Computer
437 HD High Definition
438 EVC Ethernet Virtual Circuit
439 NMS Network Management System
440 UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair-Cable
441 FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
442 HAN Home Area Network
443 XMPP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
444 ISCSI Internet Small Computer Storage Interface
445 PDP Plasma Display Panel
446 VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol

How Many Parts of Computer?

There are many parts of a computer system is given below.

What are Main Parts of Computer?

There are four main parts of computer system, which are given below.

  1. Desktop
  2. CPU
  3. Keyboard
  4. Mouse

Desktop — Desktop is a output device. Large-size glass screens are called desktops. The desktop always sits on a wooden desk.

CPU — CPU operates the entire computer system and it is also called the brain of the computer.

Keyboard — The keyboard is an input device in the computer. Which helps the user to input data from the keyboard.

Mouse — The mouse is a pointing device and also an input device. The mouse saves a lot of time of the user.

Basic Components of Computer

There are five basic components of computer System, which are given below.

  • Input Unit
  • Output Unit
  • Memory Unit
  • Control Unit
  • Arithmetical Logical Unit

Advantages of Computer

The computer is capable of doing a variety of tasks at a very fast speed. Today, you can work and also study from home through the computer.

Through the computer, you can talk to online video calls and can also use many types of social media like a — Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and etc.

Today, in the situation like covid 19, in the field of medicine, treatment is being done using computers.

Disadvantages of Computer

A computer is dependent on the user. A computer consists of an empty box without user. There is a risk of a cyber attack on private data of the computer.

Regular use of computer can also make you sick. Using the computer continuously for long hours can also damage your eye.

Types of Computer

There are three different types of computer.

  • Analog Computer
  • Digital Computer
  • Hybrid Computer 

Classification of Computer

The computer is divided into four parts based on its working and size.

  • Micro Computer
  • Mini Computer
  • Mainframe computer
  • Super Computer

Generations of Computer

The process of change in the computer from time to time is known as Generations of Computer.

  1. First Generation of computer
  2. Second Generation of computer
  3. Third Generation of computer
  4. Fourth Generation of computer
  5. Fifth Generation of computer

Characteristics of Computer

The main characteristics of computer are the following below.

  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Diligence
  • Reliability
  • Versatility
  • Storage Capacity
  • Automatic
  • Quick Decision
  • Multitasking
  • No Feeling
  • Power of Remembering
  • No IQ

Limitations of Computer

The work or instruction that a computer is not capable of doing is called Limitations of Computer.

There are some limitations of computer is given below.

  • Lack of common-sense
  • Zero IQ
  • No Feeling
  • Computers can’t Decide
  • Computers can’t Express their Ideas
  • Computers can’t Implement
  • Computers can’t Think

Some Famous Computer Brands

There are various computer brands, which names are given below.

  • HP
  • Lenovo
  • MI
  • Acer
  • DELL
  • MacBook by apple
  • HCL

Awesome Facts about Computer

  • Today 90% of the world’s currency is on the computer i.e. 90% of the world’s currency is in digital form.
  • Do you know that the world’s first computer was 18 square feet big and weighed 27 tons.
  • The world’s first electronic computer was the ENIAC.
  • More than 5000 new computer viruses are released every month in the world.
  • The world’s first 1GB hard disk drive was announced in 1980.

Computer Hardware Related Full Forms

There are various computer hardware related full forms, which are given below.

  • CPU — Central Processing Unit
  • ROM- Read-only Memory
  • RAM — Random Access Memory
  • Prom- Programmable Read-Only Memory
  • FDD- Floppy Disk Drive
  • HDD- Hard Disk Drive
  • CD- Compact Disk
  • DVD- Digital Video Disk
  • BIOS- Basic Input Output System
  • SMPS- Switch Mode Power Supply
  • VDU- Visual Display Unit
  • LED- Light Emitting Diode
  • LCD — Liquid Crystal Display
  • USB — Universal Serial Bus
  • HDMI — High Definition Multimedia Interface
  • SSD- Solid State Drive
  • VGA- Video Graphics Array
  • UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply
  • NTFS- New Technology File System
  • MMC- Multi-Media Card

Computer Software Related Full Forms

There are various computer software related full forms, which are given below.

  • OS- Operating System
  • VIRUS – Vital Information Resources Under Seize
  • DVI- Digital Visual Interface

Computer Storage Related Full Forms

There are various computer storage related full forms, which are given below.

  • KB — Kilobyte
  • MB- Megabyte
  • GB- Gigabyte
  • TB- Terabyte
  • PB- Petabyte
  • EB- Exabyte
  • ZB- Zetabyte

Computer Networking Related Full Forms

There are various computer networking related full forms, which are given below.

  • WIFI- Wireless Fidelity
  • WAN- Wide Area Network
  • WLAN- Wireless Local Area Network
  • DNS- Domain Name System
  • HTML- Hyper Text Markup language
  • IP- Internet Protocol
  • ISP- Internet Service Provider
  • VPS- Virtual Private Server
  • URL- Uniform Resource Locator
  • GSM- Global System for Mobile Communication
  • CDMA — Code Division Multiple Access
  • SIM- Subscriber Identity Module
  • WWW- World Wide Web
  • GPRS- General Packet Radio Service

FAQ Related to Computer Full Form

What is the full form of 2-d in computer science?

The Full Form of 2-d in computer science is Two-Dimensional.

U D computer course full form.

U D means Undergraduate Diploma course in computer. Some Popular Diploma course is given below.

  • DCA
  • ADCA
  • CCC

What is the full form of MS excellence in computer?

MS Excellence means MS Excel in computer. The full form of MS Excel is Micro Soft Excel. 

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Full Form of “COMPUTER”

is the full form of COMPUTER ?
this question comes to your mind,
worry I will clear this question with best answer

Most of the time we hear that COMPUTER stands for “Common
Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research”

But according to me its not true because first this definition
does not make any sense and second when the computer were invented they worked
as a calculating machine.

So knowing this we easily
understand that the COMPUTER is not an acronym, it is a word derived from word
“COMPUTE”, which means to CALCULATE and the word
Compute is derived from the Latin word Computare, which means «arithmetic, accounting«. . So we can say that COMPUTER is an electronic
device which is invented for fast calculation.

But today COMPUTER is not
only a calculating device but its became a multitasking device.COMPUTER has become an very advance device.

So today the
definition of COMPUTER is different from its previous definition.

its definition

 A computer is an electronic device which is used to perform
arithmetic and logical operations automatically. A computer consists of a
central processing unit and some form of memory.

Components of Computer

There are two most
important components of Computer is


Hardware — The
actual machinery (wires, transistors, and circuits) is called hardware.


Software – The
instructions and data are called software.

All general-purpose
computer requires the following hardware components –

CPU (Central processing unit) – CPU is called the heart of the computer.This is
the component that actually executes instructions organized in programs
(«software») which tell the computer what to do.

Memory (fast, expensive, short-term memory) — It enables a computer to store, at least
temporarily, data,programs, and intermediate results. Ex. – RAM
(Random Access Memory).

Mass storage device (slower, cheaper, long-term
memory) —
It allows a computer to permanently
retain large amount of data and programs. Common mass storage devices include
disk drives and tape drives.

Input device — Input device is the conduit through which data and
instructions enter a computer. Ex. – Keyboard, Mouse etc.

Output device – Output device that lets you see what the computer has
accomplished. Ex. – Monitor, Printer etc.

Types of Computer

Computer is classified in
many types.

There are few types I have

Microcomputers (personal computers) — Microcomputers are the most common kind of
computers in use. The term “microcomputer” was introduced with the advent of
systems based on single chip

microprocessors. The best-known
early system was the Altair 8800, introduced in 1975. The term “microcomputer”
has practically become an anachronism.

Microcomputers include –

Desktop computers – A case and a display, put under and on a desk.

In-car computers (carputers) – Built into a car, for entertainment,
navigation, etc.

Game consoles – Fixed computers specialized for entertainment purposes
(video games).

Smaller microcomputers are
also called mobile devices:

Laptops and notebook computers – Portable and all in one case.

Tablet computer – Like laptops, but with a touchscreen, entirely replacing
the physical keyboard.

Smartphones, smartbooks, PDAs and palmtop computers – Small hand held computers with limited

Programmable calculator– Like small hand helds, but specialized on
mathematical work.

Handheld game consoles – The same as game consoles, but small and

Minicomputers (midrange computers) – Minicomputers are a class of multi-user computers
that lie in the middle range of the computing spectrum, in between the smallest
mainframe computers and the largest single-user systems (microcomputers or
personal computers).

The term superminicomputer
or supermini was used to distinguish more powerful minicomputers that
approached mainframes in capability.

Superminis were usually
32-bit at a time when most minicomputers were 16-bit.

The contemporary term for
minicomputer is midrange computer, such as the higher-end SPARC, POWER and Itanium-based
systems from Oracle Corporation, IBM and Hewlett-Packard.

Mainframe computers — The term mainframe computer was created to
distinguish the traditional, large, institutional computer intended to service
multiple users from the smaller, single user machines. These computers are
capable of handling and processing very large amounts of data quickly. Mainframe
computers are used in large institutions such as government, banks and large corporations.
They are measured in MIPS (million instructions per second) and respond to up
to 100s of millions of users at a time.

Supercomputers — A Supercomputer is focused on performing tasks
involving intense numerical calculations such as weather forecasting, fluid
dynamics, nuclear simulations, theoretical astrophysics, and complex scientific
computations. A supercomputer is a computer that is at the front-line of
current processing capacity, particularly speed of calculation. The term
supercomputer itself is rather fluid, and the speed of today’s supercomputers
tends to become typical of tomorrow’s ordinary computer. Supercomputer processing
speeds are measured in floating point operations per second, or FLOPS.

An example of a floating point
operation is the calculation of mathematical equations in real numbers. In
terms of computational capability, memory size and speed, I/O technology, and
topological issues such as bandwidth and latency, supercomputers are the most
powerful, are very expensive, and not cost-effective just to perform batch or
transaction processing. Transaction processing is handled by less powerful
computers such as server computers or mainframes.

In this post I tried to
give some information about COMPUTER, I hope you like this post.

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full form of computer word

Full Form Computer Related(Computer Knowledge)

What is full form Computer ?

Ans:- Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.

What is full form CPU ?

Ans:- Central Processing Unit.

What is full form URL ?

Ans:- Uniform Resource Locator.

What is full form ROM ?

Ans:- Read Only Memory.

What is full form RAM ?

Ans:- Random Access Memory.

What is full form DOS ?

Ans:- Disk Operating System.

What is full form VDU ?

Ans:- Visual Display Unit.

What is full form OS ?

Ans:- Operating System.

What is full form HDD ?

Ans:- Hard Disk Drive.

What is full form SSD ?

Ans:- Solid State Drive.

What is full form USB ?

Ans:- Universal Serial Bus.

What is full form Esc ?

Ans:- Escape.

What is full form Ctrl ?

Ans:- Control.

What is full form Alt ?

Ans:- Alter.

What is full form UPS ?

Ans:- Uninterruptible Power Supply (source).

What is full form HTTP ?

Ans:- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

What is full form HTTPS ?

Ans:- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure.

What is full form XML ?

Ans:- Extensible Markup Language.

What is full form SGML ?

Ans:- Standard Generalized Markup Language.

What is full form SQL ?

Ans:- Structured Query Language.

What is full form IP ?

Ans:- Internet Protocol.

What is full form LAN ?

Ans:- Local Area Network.

What is full form WWW ?

Ans:- World Wide web.

What is full form WAN ?

Ans:- Wide Area Network.

What is full form IPV6 ?

Ans:- Internet Protocol Version 6.

What is full form WAV ?

Ans:- Waveform Audio File Format.

What is full form AVI ?

Ans:- Audio Video Interleaved.

What is full form DVD ?

Ans:- Digital Video Disk.

What is full form CD ?

Ans:- Compact Disk.

What is full form KB ?

Ans:- Kilobyte.

What is full form MB ?

Ans:- Megabyte.

What is full form GB ?

Ans:- Gigabyte.

What is full form TB ?

Ans:- Terabyte.

What is full form PB ?

Ans:- Petabyte.

What is full form MOUSE ?

Ans:- Manually Operated User Selection Equipment.

What is full form MONITOR ?

Ans:- Mass On Newton Is Train On Rat.

What is full form VGA ?

Ans:- Video Graphics Array.

What is full form ALU ?

Ans:- Arithmetic Logic Unit.

What is full form ADSL ?

Ans:- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.

What is full form COM ?

Ans:- Computer Output Microfilm.

What is full form BIOS ?

Ans:- Basic Input Output System.

What is full form PNG ?

Ans:- Portable Network Graphics.

What is full form GIF ?

Ans:- Graphics Interchange Format.

What is full form WMV ?

Ans:- Windows Media Video.

What is full form JPG ?

Ans:- Joint Photographic Experts Group.

What is full form ZIP ?

Ans:- Zone Improvement Plan.

What is full form RTF ?

Ans:- Rich Text Format.

What is full form OSI ?

Ans:- Open Systems Interconnetion.

What is full form ISO ?

Ans:- International Organization for Standardization.

What is full form DPI ?

Ans:- Dots Per Inch.

What is full form RPG ?

Ans:- Report Programmer Generator.

What is full form MODEM ?

Ans:- Modulator-Demodulator.

What is full form AMD ?

Ans:- Advanced Micro Devices.

What is full form AMR ?

Ans:- Audio Modem Riser.

What is full form AAC ?

Ans:- Advanced Audio Coding.

What is full form AD ?

Ans:- Active Directory.

What is full form AJAX ?

Ans:- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

What is full form BAL ?

Ans:- Basic Assembly Language.

What is full form BIN ?

Ans:- Binary.

What is full form BCD ?

Ans:- Binary Coded Decimal.

What is full form BT ?

Ans:- Bit Torrent / Bluetooth.

What is full form BIT ?

Ans:- A Binary Digit.

What is full form BLOG ?

Ans:- Web Log.

What is full form CD-RW ?

Ans:- Compact Disk-Rewritable.

What is full form CD-R ?

Ans:- Compact Disk-Recordable.

What is full form CG ?

Ans:- Computer Graphics.

What is full form CGA ?

Ans:- Color Graphics Array.

What is full form DB ?

Ans:- DataBase.

What is full form DDR ?

Ans:- Double Data Rate.

What is full form EXE ?

Ans:- Executable.

What is full form FAQ ?

Ans:- Frequently Asked Questions.

What is full form 2G ?

Ans:- Second Generation Cellular Network.

What is full form 3G ?

Ans:- Third Generation.

What is full form 4G ?

Ans:- Fourth Generation.

What is full form 5G ?

Ans:- Fifth Generation.

What is full form 6G ?

Ans:- Sixth Generation.

যদি তোমাদের এগুলো ভালো লাগে তাহলে কোমান্ড কর আর শেয়ার কর। তাহলে আমি আরও লিখব তোমাদের জন্য ।


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Asked by I. Klose, Last updated: Mar 22, 2023

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Anthony Paul Bonadio

Anthony Paul Bonadio

Its kind of my job to give answers

Anthony Paul Bonadio

The word COMPUTER does not have any other full form. It is as complete as it is unless you want to create a set of words using the same letters that are in the word ‘Computer’. Computer is not an acronym for anything. Computer is an electronic machine which is used to process, store and retrieve information by using a set of programming languages.

The word COMPUTER does not have any other full form. It is as complete as it is unless you want to
The importance of computer to this generation can not be underestimated. Computer is so important because it reduces human efforts in doing some things. Computer is known for it’s smartness, high memory capacity, capacity to perform different operations at a time. A computer system is made up of both the software and the hardware.

The two parts of a computer are really important, they work together in getting the desired results. Computer can also be classified in terms of it’s size and the type of operation it can be used for.

M. Krasinski

M. Krasinski

M. Krasinski

M. Krasinski, Content Writer, Columbus

Answered May 07, 2019

The computer is already a full word. In fact, this refers to a type of machine that was created decades ago. People may think that the computer is a desktop computer. The one that can be seen in offices and homes and are normally being used by different people. There are mini computers that are placed in the various devices that we use.

These computers will make sure that the devices will work properly. It is obvious from the name of the computer that its main function before was to compute hard equations. Over the years, it was improved in order to do a lot of other tasks. This is the reason why a lot of people cannot live without computer-powered items anymore.

Bobby Rickets

Bobby Rickets

Bobby Rickets

Computer does not have a full form officially as it is a word derived from the verb To Compute which means to calculate. However, if you want one created you could perhaps use Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research which is someone else’s brainchild, not mine.

Learn about the history and evolution of computers, as well as the full form of the word “computer.” Explore the types and capabilities of computers available today.


Computers are an integral part of modern technology, and it is hard to imagine life without them. 

Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, from personal devices such as laptops and smartphones to more powerful machines used in business and industry. 

But what does it mean when we talk about “computers”? What are the origins of these highly sophisticated machines?

The purpose of this article is to explore the history and evolution of computers, beginning with an understanding of the full meaning of the word “computer.” We will also discuss the different types of computers that exist today.

What is the Full Form of the Word “Computer”?

“Computing machine” is the full form of the word “computer,” which means “to calculate.” As previously mentioned, the computer is not an acronym. 

Some peoples say that  Computer Stands For “A common operating system that is used for technical, educational, and research purposes”

The full form of the computer has been given by many people to demonstrate their creativity. Listed below are the full forms of computers.

  • An operating system commonly used for scientific and educational research
  • A machine that is commonly used for training, education, and research purposes
  • An operating system that is commonly used in trade, education, and research
  • Under technical engineering research, common operations are made possible
  • An operating machine that is commonly used in technical and educational research
  • Specifically designed for use in trade education and research, this machine is commonly oriented
  • A common operating system that is used primarily for training, education, and reporting purposes
  • Technology Education and Research Using Computing-Oriented Manipulation Programming
  • A machine that is commonly oriented toward trade education and research
  • The Common Oriented Machine is exclusively used for research and education in the technical and educational fields
  • In technical education and research, this type of machine is commonly used
  • Ability to make simple tasks extremely rigorous, even when they are perfectly simple
  • Efforts to reduce manpower are being made to streamline a complex office machine
  • Computers used primarily for trade education and research
  • This is a common operating system that is used primarily for technical and research purposes

A Brief History of Computers:

Computing machines have been around for centuries. Babbage designed the first true computer in the early 1800s, which was known as the “Analytical Engine.” This machine was never built.

During the mid-20th century, the first computers were developed. They were huge machines that took up entire rooms. 

Various applications were carried out on these early computers, including scientific research, military applications, and data processing for businesses.

Throughout history, computers have become smaller and more powerful, making them increasingly accessible to individuals and businesses alike.

PCs were developed in the 1970s and 1980s, revolutionizing the way we use computers, and making them indispensable tools for both work and leisure.

Types of Computers:

A computer can be classified into several types, each with its specific characteristics and capabilities. Several types of computers are commonly used:

1.Personal Computers:

The term “personal computer” refers to a computer designed primarily for the use of an individual. 

The size of these devices is generally smaller and they can perform a wide range of tasks, including word processing, browsing the internet, and playing games.

 A personal computer can be divided into two main types: a desktop computer and a laptop computer. 

While desktop computers are larger and more powerful, laptop computers are portable and convenient to use when traveling.

2.Mainframe Computers:

The mainframe computer is larger and more powerful than the personal computer. A large organization, such as a government agency or a corporation, commonly uses them to process data and perform other tasks requiring a great deal of computing power. 

Multiple users can access a mainframe computer simultaneously and large amounts of data can be processed and stored.


There are several types of supercomputers, but supercomputers are the most powerful. 

These computers are used to perform tasks that require a great deal of computing power, such as weather forecasting, scientific research, and simulations. 

Large corporations, government agencies, and research institutions generally use supercomputers.

4.Embedded Computers:

An embedded computer consists of a small, specialized computer that is embedded into another device.

Embedded systems are often used to monitor and control the functions of the device they are embedded in. 


Automobiles, appliances, and industrial equipment are examples of devices that may contain embedded computers.

5.Entertainment and Gaming:

It is also common for computers to be used for entertainment purposes, including gaming. Various types of computer games are available, from simple puzzle games to complex role-playing games. 

The computer is also used to access streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu, as well as to listen to music and view movies.

6.The Future of Computers:

With the advancement of technology, computers will likely continue to become more powerful and capable in the future. 

Several experts believe that in the future, computers will be able to understand and respond to human emotions, as well as perform tasks that are currently considered impossible.


  1. How does a computer work?

It uses electronic circuits to process and store data. It receives input from the user via a keyboard or mouse, processes the data with the help of a microprocessor, and displays the results on a monitor or screen.

  1. What are the main components of a computer?

A computer is composed of several main components, including the central processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage (hard drive or solid-state drive), and input/output devices (keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.).

  1. What are some common uses for computers?

There are numerous uses for computers, including word processing, data analysis, internet browsing, gaming, and many others. They are also found in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, education, and government.


It has been a long journey since the first computing machines were developed in the mid-20th century. 

Computers are an integral part of a wide range of industries and fields today, and they continue to improve and evolve. 

Computers are integral parts of our daily lives, whether they are used for work, play, or anything in between.

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