Fulfilled in one word

Asked by: Dr. Adaline Jacobson MD

Score: 4.1/5
(27 votes)

Fulfill. Fulfil and fulfill are both correct spellings of the same word. It means “to put into effect,” “to achieve,” “to carry out,” or “to realize.”

Which is correct fulfillment or Fulfilment?

For people who speak and write British English, fulfilment — with just two Ls instead of three — is the proper spelling. In American English, fulfillment with three Ls is the more common spelling, though both spellings are correct.

Is full fill one word?

ful·fill. 1. To bring into actuality; effect or make real: fulfilled their promises; fulfilled her dream.

How do you spell fulfill in Australia?

While ‘fulfil’ and ‘fulfill’ are variations of the same word, there is a key difference:

  1. Fulfil (with one ‘l’ at the end) is the standard spelling in Australian English.
  2. Fulfill (with a double ‘l’) is the standard spelling in American English.

How do you use fulfill?

Fulfill sentence example

  1. You must fulfill your duty to the humans. …
  2. I always wanted to be a veterinarian, so I decided to fulfill that dream. …
  3. Now, she had an eternity to fulfill the list. …
  4. I consider it a sacred duty to fulfill that person’s wishes. …
  5. None of it mattered now, however.

39 related questions found

Does fulfill have one or two Ls?

Fulfil and fulfill are both correct spellings of the same word. It means “to put into effect,” “to achieve,” “to carry out,” or “to realize.” Fulfil is the spelling commonly used in English speaking countries like the UK and Australia. Fulfill is the spelling commonly used in the United States.

What is fulfill the requirements?

To fulfil a task, role, or requirement means to do or be what is required, necessary, or expected.

How many L are in fulfill?

The verb fulfil has only one ‘l’ in the middle (unlike the adjective full, which has a double ‘l’).

Does Do antonym?

Antonyms. leader disobey disoblige violate predate literalize spiritualize. make out come proceed go get along.

What is the synonym of fulfillment?

Frequently Asked Questions About fulfill

Some common synonyms of fulfill are accomplish, achieve, discharge, effect, execute, and perform. While all these words mean «to carry out or into effect,» fulfill implies a complete realization of ends or possibilities. fulfilled their ambitions.

What is the word fulfill?

transitive verb. 1a : to put into effect : execute He fulfilled his pledge to cut taxes. b : to meet the requirements of (a business order) Their order for more TVs was promptly fulfilled. c : to measure up to : satisfy She hasn’t yet fulfilled the requirements needed to graduate.

What does fulfill mean vocabulary?

The verb fulfill means to fill a need or want. To fulfill yourself personally means to follow your inner passion, like flute-playing, no matter who thinks it’s silly. Fulfill can also mean to meet expectations, or live up to a standard.

What is difference between fill and fulfill?

fulfill = achieve something. Fill is to put on something that’s empty examples: -Fill the tank with water. -Fill in the blanks. Fullfill is to satisfy something, can be a promise or your aspirations examples: -I want to fulfill becoming an actor.

How can I be fulfilled in life?

16 Ways to Be Happier and Live a More Fulfilling Life

  1. Prioritize your time wisely.
  2. Build relationships over possessions.
  3. Take what you can from life, but always give back.
  4. Be accountable for your words and actions.
  5. Be disciplined in your personal and professional life.
  6. Expunge hate from your heart.

How do I find fulfillment?

Ten Simple Steps to Happiness & Fulfillment

  1. Be with others who make you smile. Studies show that we are happiest when we are around those who are also happy. …
  2. Hold on to your values. …
  3. Accept the good. …
  4. Imagine the best. …
  5. Do things you love. …
  6. Find purpose. …
  7. Listen to your heart. …
  8. Push yourself, not others.

What does antonym mean in English?

: a word of opposite meaning The usual antonym of good is bad. Other Words from antonym Some Differences Between Synonyms and Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About antonym.

How do you say I fulfill the requirements?

So you either say «I satisfy your requirements» or «I’m satisfied with your service».

How can I fulfill my dreams?

  1. Select a dream to fulfill. Some of us have so many dreams swirling in our minds, we don’t know where to start… …
  2. Believe it is achievable. …
  3. Ask for help. …
  4. Adjust your life as necessary. …
  5. Set a deadline. …
  6. Tell others. …
  7. Stay focused.

What does effectuate mean in English?

transitive verb. formal : to cause or bring about (something) : to put (something) into effect or operation : effect sense 2 … the insured or depositor relies on the insurer or bank to effectuate his wishes …—

Is Center and Centre the same?

Center and centre have the same meaning. Center is the correct spelling in American English, while in British English centre is correct. Notice that center (and centre) can be a noun, adjective, or a verb.

How do you spell Travelling?

Traveling or travelling depends on where is your audience. Traveling is the preferred spelling in the U.S. Travelling is the preferred spelling in the UK or in the Commonwealth. This American-British spelling difference carries for other forms: traveled or travelled and traveler or traveller.

What is the difference between behavior and Behaviour?

Behavior is the preferred spelling in American English. Behaviour is preferred everywhere else. Other than the spelling, there is no difference between the two words.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Dr. Adaline Jacobson MD

Score: 4.1/5
(27 votes)

Fulfill. Fulfil and fulfill are both correct spellings of the same word. It means “to put into effect,” “to achieve,” “to carry out,” or “to realize.”

Which is correct fulfillment or Fulfilment?

For people who speak and write British English, fulfilment — with just two Ls instead of three — is the proper spelling. In American English, fulfillment with three Ls is the more common spelling, though both spellings are correct.

Is full fill one word?

ful·fill. 1. To bring into actuality; effect or make real: fulfilled their promises; fulfilled her dream.

How do you spell fulfill in Australia?

While ‘fulfil’ and ‘fulfill’ are variations of the same word, there is a key difference:

  1. Fulfil (with one ‘l’ at the end) is the standard spelling in Australian English.
  2. Fulfill (with a double ‘l’) is the standard spelling in American English.

How do you use fulfill?

Fulfill sentence example

  1. You must fulfill your duty to the humans. …
  2. I always wanted to be a veterinarian, so I decided to fulfill that dream. …
  3. Now, she had an eternity to fulfill the list. …
  4. I consider it a sacred duty to fulfill that person’s wishes. …
  5. None of it mattered now, however.

39 related questions found

Does fulfill have one or two Ls?

Fulfil and fulfill are both correct spellings of the same word. It means “to put into effect,” “to achieve,” “to carry out,” or “to realize.” Fulfil is the spelling commonly used in English speaking countries like the UK and Australia. Fulfill is the spelling commonly used in the United States.

What is fulfill the requirements?

To fulfil a task, role, or requirement means to do or be what is required, necessary, or expected.

How many L are in fulfill?

The verb fulfil has only one ‘l’ in the middle (unlike the adjective full, which has a double ‘l’).

Does Do antonym?

Antonyms. leader disobey disoblige violate predate literalize spiritualize. make out come proceed go get along.

What is the synonym of fulfillment?

Frequently Asked Questions About fulfill

Some common synonyms of fulfill are accomplish, achieve, discharge, effect, execute, and perform. While all these words mean «to carry out or into effect,» fulfill implies a complete realization of ends or possibilities. fulfilled their ambitions.

What is the word fulfill?

transitive verb. 1a : to put into effect : execute He fulfilled his pledge to cut taxes. b : to meet the requirements of (a business order) Their order for more TVs was promptly fulfilled. c : to measure up to : satisfy She hasn’t yet fulfilled the requirements needed to graduate.

What does fulfill mean vocabulary?

The verb fulfill means to fill a need or want. To fulfill yourself personally means to follow your inner passion, like flute-playing, no matter who thinks it’s silly. Fulfill can also mean to meet expectations, or live up to a standard.

What is difference between fill and fulfill?

fulfill = achieve something. Fill is to put on something that’s empty examples: -Fill the tank with water. -Fill in the blanks. Fullfill is to satisfy something, can be a promise or your aspirations examples: -I want to fulfill becoming an actor.

How can I be fulfilled in life?

16 Ways to Be Happier and Live a More Fulfilling Life

  1. Prioritize your time wisely.
  2. Build relationships over possessions.
  3. Take what you can from life, but always give back.
  4. Be accountable for your words and actions.
  5. Be disciplined in your personal and professional life.
  6. Expunge hate from your heart.

How do I find fulfillment?

Ten Simple Steps to Happiness & Fulfillment

  1. Be with others who make you smile. Studies show that we are happiest when we are around those who are also happy. …
  2. Hold on to your values. …
  3. Accept the good. …
  4. Imagine the best. …
  5. Do things you love. …
  6. Find purpose. …
  7. Listen to your heart. …
  8. Push yourself, not others.

What does antonym mean in English?

: a word of opposite meaning The usual antonym of good is bad. Other Words from antonym Some Differences Between Synonyms and Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About antonym.

How do you say I fulfill the requirements?

So you either say «I satisfy your requirements» or «I’m satisfied with your service».

How can I fulfill my dreams?

  1. Select a dream to fulfill. Some of us have so many dreams swirling in our minds, we don’t know where to start… …
  2. Believe it is achievable. …
  3. Ask for help. …
  4. Adjust your life as necessary. …
  5. Set a deadline. …
  6. Tell others. …
  7. Stay focused.

What does effectuate mean in English?

transitive verb. formal : to cause or bring about (something) : to put (something) into effect or operation : effect sense 2 … the insured or depositor relies on the insurer or bank to effectuate his wishes …—

Is Center and Centre the same?

Center and centre have the same meaning. Center is the correct spelling in American English, while in British English centre is correct. Notice that center (and centre) can be a noun, adjective, or a verb.

How do you spell Travelling?

Traveling or travelling depends on where is your audience. Traveling is the preferred spelling in the U.S. Travelling is the preferred spelling in the UK or in the Commonwealth. This American-British spelling difference carries for other forms: traveled or travelled and traveler or traveller.

What is the difference between behavior and Behaviour?

Behavior is the preferred spelling in American English. Behaviour is preferred everywhere else. Other than the spelling, there is no difference between the two words.

выполненный, исполненный, осуществленный


- марк., амер. исполнитель*
- выполнивший*
- реализовавшийся* (по классификации VALS 2: зрелое, ответственное лицо, обычно являющееся хорошо образованным специалистом и получающее довольно высокие доходы; такие люди хорошо информированы об окружающем их мире, открыты для новых идей и социа
- выполненный

Мои примеры


desires have been fulfilled — желания осуществились  
prophecy was fulfilled — предсказание сбылось  
be fulfilled — удовлетвориться; исполняться; соблюдаться  
fulfilled services — выполненные работы  
fulfilled stages of uncompleted works — выполненные этапы по незавершённым работам  
partially fulfilled service — частично выполненная услуга  
price for work fulfilled — цена выполненных работ  
the condition was not fulfilled — данное условие не выполнялось  
this requirement must be fulfilled — это условие должно быть выполнено  
one of these conditions is necessarily fulfilled — необходимо выполняется  

Примеры с переводом

My worst apprehensions are fulfilled.

Сбылись мои худшие опасения.

He fulfilled his pledge to cut taxes.

Он выполнил свое обещание снизить налоги.

Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream.

Посетив Диснейленд, он исполнил свою детскую мечту.

If we could have that house, our dreams would be fulfilled.

Если бы у нас был тот дом, наши мечты исполнились бы.

I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion.

Став чемпионом, я исполнил свою детскую мечту.

She fulfilled her life’s ambition when she started her own business.

Начав собственное дело, она исполнила мечту всей своей жизни.

The prophecy that David would become king was fulfilled.

Пророчество о том, что Дэвид станет королем, сбылось.

She has fulfilled the general requirements of the course.

Она выполнила общие требования данного курса.

Adult education helps people achieve more fulfilled lives.

Дополнительное образование помогает людям достичь более полноценной жизни.

The criterion of repeatability (of experiments) is not fulfilled.

Критерий повторяемости не выполняется.

The old servant fulfilled his master’s charge to care for the children.

Старый слуга исполнял поручение хозяина приглядывать за детьми.

He fulfilled his childhood wish to become a professional baseball player.

Он осуществил своё детское желание — стать профессиональным бейсболистом.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Eisenhower fulfilled his election pledge to end the war in Korea.

She fulfilled her ambition to run the 10,000 metres in under 30 minutes.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

fulfil  — выполнять, исполнять, осуществлять, удовлетворять, завершать
unfulfilled  — невыполненный, неосуществленный
fulfiled  — выполненный, исполненный, осуществленный

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Leaders must make sure that promises are fulfilled.

Граждане должны быть уверены, что все обещания будут выполнены.

Almost every recommendation in the first and second reviews was fulfilled, specialists stressed.

Практически все из рекомендаций, данных в первом и втором обзорах, были выполнены , — подчеркнули специалисты.

Apparently he has fulfilled that mission.

И, как нам видится теперь, он эту миссию выполнил.

If so, he only fulfilled his obligations…

А если знал, то не выполнил свою единственную обязанность.

At least our task is fulfilled while yours goes on.

По меньшей мере, мы выполнили наши задачи, тогда как твои всё ещё продолжаются.

They fulfilled their duty and role.

Значит, свою роль и задачу они выполнили.

It’s because his desire is not being fulfilled.

Это происходит из-за того, что их желания не были выполнены.

Maybe it being gone means that he fulfilled his supernatural destiny.

Может то, что оно исчезло, означает что он выполнил свое предназначение.

Nor have the partnership promises been fulfilled.

Не были также выполнены обещания в отношении налаживания партнерства.

They are probably thinking they have already fulfilled their function.

«Они, как видно, считают, что свою функцию выполнили.

I believe that I fulfilled my patriotic international duty…

«… Считаю, что я выполнил свой интернациональный долг честно!».

Almost all decisions taken on February 9 have been fulfilled.

Практически по всем регионам те решения, которые были приняты 9 февраля, выполнены.

Martian Manhunter’s job was to make sure Clark fulfilled his destiny.

Задача марсианского охотника состояла в том, чтобы убедиться, что Кларк выполнил свою судьбу.

If fulfilled as intended, these terms could block Ukraine’s European course.

Если эти условия будут выполнены так, как и предполагается, они заблокируют европейский курс Украины.

All parties except Direct Democracy Ireland fulfilled this condition.

Все партии, кроме «Прямой демократии Ирландии», выполнили это условие.

We fulfilled our program without any problems.

Мы полностью выполнили свою техническую программу без каких бы то ни было проблем.

The purpose of funding never ever fulfilled.

К сожалению, цель их финансирования так и не была достигнута.

Self-actualized people are fulfilled and doing all they are capable of.

Самоактуализация людей, нацелена на то чтобы выполнить, и делать все, на что они способны.

Hold on till the desire is fulfilled.

Делать это нужно вплоть до того момента, когда будет исполнено желание.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат fulfilled

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fulfilled / fulfilled / fulfilling / fulfills


Europe must now fulfill its promise.

Теперь Европа должна выполнить свое обещание.


fulfilled / fulfilled / fulfilling / fulfils


To fulfil his last request?

Чтобы выполнить его последнюю просьбу?



But so far it has not fulfilled them.
Но пока он их не выполнил.

The demand that is created by this kind of requisition is always fulfilled by a purchase order.
Потребность, которая создается этим видом заявки, всегда выполняется заказом на покупку.

None of these conditions are fulfilled in Syria.»
Ни одно из этих условий не выполнено в случае с Сирией».

Trust will come only if we (and Pakistan) can verify that the agreements entered into are being fulfilled.
Между тем для достижения доверия и мы, и Пакистан должны быть уверены, что заключаемые нами соглашения будут выполняться.

Still, the accord never fulfilled its disarmament objective.
Тем не менее, обещания по разоружению в рамках соглашения так никогда и не были выполнены.


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