Fucking with my excel

Бесплатно скачать или слушать онлайн песню Fucking With My Head исполняет Palaye Royale, в формате mp3 в хорошем качестве.

Длительность: 2:43

Размер: 4.0MB

Прослушиваний: 7284

Дата релиза: 2020-05-28

Битрейт: 320 kbps

Клип к песне Fucking With My Head

Текст песни

You coming round
But you act so cold
So cold, so cold
You show them wrong
Cause you just say no
No, no, no, no
You torture me
But I just won’t scream
I’m dead inside
Even in my dreams
You’re fucking with my head
Yeah, yeah
You’re fucking with my head
You’re fucking with my
Fucking with my head
Yeah, yeah
You’re fucking with my head
You’re fucking with my
We’re fucking with my head
You’re fucking with my head
You don’t know why
I just wanna be alone
No, no, no, no
Ask you nicely
But you won’t go
Won’t go home
You scream in my ear
But can’t hear a thing
Oh, I take you down
But you just won’t hate
You’re fucking with my head
Yeah, yeah
You’re fucking with my head
You’re fucking with my
We’re fucking with my head
Yeah, yeah
You’re fucking with my head
You’re fucking with my
We’re fucking with my head
You’re fucking with my head
Yeah, yeah
You’re fucking with my head
You’re fucking with my
We’re fucking with my head
Yeah, yeah
You’re fucking with my head
You’re fucking with my
We’re fucking with my head
You’re fucking with my head
We’re fucking with me
Fucking with me
Fucking with me
Fuck you!

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Ha. It didn’t take too long to make this, I promise.

But yes there is 1 Sub and 4 Functions.

  • PimpMyExcel — runs everything

  • GenerateFontColor — generates semi-random font color

  • GenerateBackgroundColor — generates semi-random background color

  • CalcLastColumn — calculates the last column used

  • CalcLastRow — calculates the last row used

As stated earlier I had to hard code the random colors due to Excel’s limitations for 512 different fonts and 4,000 different cell formats (in Excel 2000 and up) or 64,000 different cell formats (in Excel 2007 and up) which make up most of the lines of code.

CalcLastRow is something that I always use because I hate always figuring out the best way to calculate the last row. This function can calculate the last row of several things.

Function CalcLastRow(Optional sheet As Variant, Optional col As Variant) As Double    
' CalcLastRow("Sheet1", 3) - will calculate the last row used in column 3 in sheet named "Sheet1"
' CalcLastRow("Sheet1") - will calculate the last row used in sheet named "Sheet1"
' CalcLastRow(3) - will calculate the last row used in column 3 in ActiveSheet
' CalcLastRow() - will calculate the last row used in ActiveSheet

So depending on what I need to calculate the last row and column of I just use those two functions for other work that I do.

Применение оператора With для упрощения кода VBA Excel и ускорения его работы. Синтаксис оператора With, параметры, поясняющие примеры.

Оператор With предназначен для выполнения последовательности операторов (строк кода) для отдельного объекта или пользовательского типа данных.

Применение оператора With упрощает написание и восприятие кода VBA Excel, а также ускоряет его работу.


Синтаксис оператора With в VBA Excel:

With object


End With


Параметры оператора With:

Параметр Описание
object Имя объекта или пользовательского типа данных.
statements Один или несколько операторов (строк кода), которые выполняются в отношении указанного объекта.


В следующей процедуре выполняется несколько идущих подряд операторов (строк кода) в отношении одного и того же объекта Range("A1:E5"):

Sub Primer1()

    Range(«A1:E5»).Value = «Тест»

    Range(«A1:E5»).Interior.Color = vbMagenta

    Range(«A1:E5»).Font.Size = 14

    Range(«A1:E5»).Font.Color = vbYellow

    Range(«A1:E5»).Font.Italic = True

    Range(«A1:E5»).Borders.LineStyle = True

End Sub

Если в процедуре выполняется несколько идущих подряд операторов в отношении одного и того же объекта, то оператор With позволяет указать объект только один раз:

Sub Primer2()

    With Range(«A1:E5»)

        .Value = «Тест»

        .Interior.Color = vbMagenta

        .Font.Size = 14

        .Font.Color = vbYellow

        .Font.Italic = True

        .Borders.LineStyle = True

    End With

End Sub

Такое написание кода делает его более понятным, а выполнение – более быстрым.

Конструкции с оператором With можно вкладывать одну в другую:

Sub Primer3()

    With Range(«A1:E5»)

        .Value = «Тест»

        .Interior.Color = vbMagenta

            With .Font

                .Size = 14

                .Color = vbYellow

                .Italic = True

            End With

        .Borders.LineStyle = True

    End With

End Sub

Такой код удобен, когда необходимо выполнить ряд операторов по отношению к некоторому объекту [Range("A1:E5")], а также по отношению к одному из содержащихся в нем объектов [Range("A1:E5").Font].


Примечания от разработчика:

  • После входа в блок With параметр object изменить нельзя. Следовательно, один оператор With не может быть использован для изменения нескольких объектов.
  • Во вложенном блоке With необходимо указывать полные ссылки на любые элементы объекта из внешнего блока With.
  • Не рекомендуется использовать переходы в блоки With или из них.

  • #2

OK, I think my thought process may be reversed. The range look up list in Column E should have go first!?? Weired)



MrExcel MVP, Moderator

  • #3

Hi & welcome to MrExcel.
Your countif would need to be

Excel Formula:


or another option

Excel Formula:


  • #4

With 365, try

2 Tom 0 Mary
3 Mary 1 John
4 Jane 0
5 Jack 0
6 John 1


  • #5

Jason, so actually I am trying to figure out something like this, but has been struggling.

B C D (List)
John, Edith, Karen John
Mike, Cecil, Jane

This should not be that difficult. I must be have a brain freeze moment.

I tried, =COUNTIF(B2:B6, «*»&D2:D3&»*») but it fails. WHY??



MrExcel MVP, Moderator

  • #6

How about

+Fluff 1.xlsm
1 B C D (List)
2 Tom, Mary, Jane 1 Mary
3 John, Edith, Karen 1 John
4 Mike, Cecil, Jane 0
5 Tom, Mary, John 2


  • #7

See I did exactly what you did and my excel is giving me all «0»


  • #8

I am wondering if there is something wrong with my excel program?? Very strange.

  • #9

I think the problem I am discovering is the Range thing is not working. If it is a single cell comparison, it works.

If it were just «*»&$D$2&»*» it works, but when I do «*»&$D$2:$D$3&»*» it fails.



MrExcel MVP, Moderator

  • #10

Check that you don’t have any leading/trailing spaces or other hidden characters in d2:d3

Are you are having a few hassles when filtering?

Is the filter not working properly or as you would like it to?

Here are some reasons why your Excel filter may not be working.

Excel has an expectation that you have prepared your data to meet some basic layout standards before you use filter. Get these right and you will minimize filtering hassles.

Check that you are following these Filtering rules…

Now only blank rows will be displayed.

You can easily identify the rows as the row number will now be coloured blue.

To delete the blank rows just select them and then right-click over the top of one of the row blue numbers. Select Delete to delete the rows.

Turn filtering off and you will see that the rows have now been removed.

2. Check your column headings

Check your data has just one row of column headings.

If you need multiple lines for a heading, just type the first line into a cell and then press Alt + Enter to type on a new line within the cell.

Formatting the cell using Wrap Text also works.

3. Check for merged cells

Another reason why your Excel filter may not be working may be due to merged cells.

Unmerge any merged cells or so that each row and column has it’s own individual content.

If your column headings are merged, when you filter you may not be able to select items from one of the merged columns.

If you have merged rows, filtering will not pick up all of the merged rows.

4. Check for errors

Check your data doesn’t include errors. For example, if you were trying to filter on the ‘Top 10’, ‘Above Average’ or ‘Below Average’ values in your list (use Number Filters to do this), and error may stop Excel from applying the filter.

To remove errors first use Filter to find them. They are always listed at the bottom of the list so scroll right to the bottom.

If you see one (or many) remove the check mark from Select All at the top of the list first and then scroll back to the bottom of the list.

Select the error and click OK. Once you have located the error, fix it or delete it and then clear the filter. No go ahead and use Top 10, Above or Below Average and you’ll be back in business!

5. Check for hidden rows

Hidden rows aren’t even shown as a filter option on the filter list.

To unhide rows first select the area containing the hidden rows. This may mean you need to select the row above and below the hidden data.

Then either right-click in the row header area (over the row numbers) and select Unhide or from the Home tab select Format, Hide & Unhide, Unhide Rows.

Extra checks and info

Check for other filters

Check that a filter hasn’t been left on another column.

The best way to clear all of the filters is to click the Clear button on the Ribbon (to the right of the Filter button).

This then leaves Filter turned on, but removes all filter settings allowing you to start again with the full set of your data.

The Filter button is greyed out

If the Filter button is greyed out check that you don’t have your worksheets grouped.

You can tell if they are simply by looking at the title bar where the filename is shown at the top of the screen.

If you can see ‘Your file name’ — Group you currently have worksheets that are grouped.

Just make your way down to one of your worksheets, right-click the sheet tab and then select Ungroup Sheets. The Filter button will now be available.

The ‘Equals’ filter isn’t working

If you’re using the Number Filter or Date Filter, Equals filter and Excel isn’t returning the correct data, check the formats on your data are the same.

For example, if you have 2 cells with 1,000 entered into each and one cell is formatted with the Currency format and one with the Number, when you use the Number Filters, Equals option, Excel will only find matches where you type the format for the number as well.

Just typing 1000 will find a match for the cell formatted with a Number format only. Typing $1,000.00 will find the cell formatted as Currency.

This is the same for dates. 16-Jan-19 will not match 16/01/2019. Therefore, make sure the entire column of data is formatted with the same format to avoid this problem.

My file is really slow to refresh

If you are finding that your file is starting to become very slow at responding, i.e. the ‘whirly-wheel’ is displayed for more than a few seconds every time you update your file, check that you only selected the table area before you applied Filter, not entire rows, entire columns or the entire worksheet.

Also, if you have applied Filter to multiple tables within the file you might like to remove Filter from any tables you aren’t working with. This may also help eliminate ‘whirly-wheel’ moments.

I hope one of these tips has seen you back on track again. There are so many reasons why your Excel filter may not be working. However, these are typically the ones I come across the most.

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