From the seventeenth word

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начиная с XVII

начиная с семнадцатого

из семнадцатого

с семнадцатой


не рассмотренные на семнадцатой

датируется семнадцатым

в 17

с 17

But from the seventeenth century on, a new possibility gradually arose: a conception of social life in which the «secular» was all there was.

Однако начиная с XVII века возникает новая конфигурация, новая концепция социальной жизни, в которой «светским» исчерпывается все существующее.

Also from the seventeenth century, there was the English custom, predominantly involving women, of taking a wassail bowl to their neighbors to solicit gifts, accompanied by carols.

Кроме того, начиная с XVII столетия, существовал английский обычай, в основном с участием женщин, угощения из заздравной чаши своих соседей с просьбой о подарках, сопровождаемой гимнами.

Before embarking on any detail, it will be well to consider the general pattern of the liberal movements from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.

Прежде чем останавливаться на каких-либо подробностях, необходимо рассмотреть общую структуру либерального движения начиная с семнадцатого и кончая девятнадцатым столетием.

These questions led me to examine representations of hatha yoga, and yogins themselves, in European travel writing, scholarship, and popular media from the seventeenth to the early twentieth century.

Эти вопросы привели меня к репрезентациям хатха-йоги и самих йогинов в записках европейских путешественников, учености и популярных медиа начиная с семнадцатого до начала двадцатого столетий.

A few names from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries may here suffice: Hugo Grotius (d.

Несколько имен из семнадцатого и восемнадцатого веков может здесь достаточно: Гуго Гроций (ум.

The idea of connecting the church with the square below originates from the seventeenth century, when the French also planned a statue of King Louis XIV of France at the top of the staircase.

Идея соединить церковь с площадью происходит из семнадцатого века, когда французы также запланировали установить статую короля Людовика XIV наверху лестницы.

Modern history moves chiefly among the nations of Europe, and from the seventeenth century finds a vast new theatre in North America.

Современная история вершится преимущественно среди народов Европы, и, начиная с XVII века, открывает для себя новое широкое поле деятельности в Северной Америке.

This has been possible because the English gentry, from the seventeenth century on and in ever-increasing numbers, had assimilated the higher ranks of the bourgeoisie, so that sometimes even the common man could attain the position of a lord.

Это оказалось возможным потому, что начиная с XVII в., английские джентри во все возрастающих количествах вбирали в свои ряды высшие слои буржуазии, так что иногда даже простолюдин мог выбиться в лорды.

We have already spoken with you about the tragedy of the drastic downfall of the world of experience in European civilization from the seventeenth century, that is, from the epoch of the Enlightenment, when the great slogan «Cogito ergo sum» was brought out.

О ДВУХ ПРАВДАХМы говорили о трагедии гибели мира переживания в европейской цивилизации начиная с XVII века, с эпохи Просвещения, когда был выдвинут замечательный лозунг: «Cogito, ergo sum».

But most of them are recent say experts, suggesting they date back from the seventeenth century.

Но большинство из них недавно говорят эксперты, предлагая, что они восходят к семнадцатому столетию.

Remaining issues from the seventeenth session, if any;

This influence was afterwards referred to as magnetism, which was initially rigorously examined from the seventeenth century.

Этот эффект был позже названный магнетизмом, который впервые был тщательно изучен в XVII веке.

At the viewing point, there are 12 cast-iron bastion cannons from the seventeenth century, which are the calling card of the city.

На валу размещены 12 чугунных бастионных пушек XVII века, которые считаются визитной карточкой города.

The history of the ruling family stretches from the seventeenth century.

We still have much to learn from the seventeenth century.

French was the language of international diplomacy from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries.

Французский был языком международной дипломатии с семнадцатого по девятнадцатый век.

Besides valuable books, the hall also contains several geographical and astronomical globes from the seventeenth century.

Помимо ценных книг, в зале есть также несколько географических и астрономических глобусов с семнадцатого века.

Almost 60 different tunings from the seventeenth century have been found.

Всего за XVII век было создано около 60 различных мануфактур.

It is the only Dutch book collection from the seventeenth century which is housed in the original purpose-built library.

Это единственная голландская коллекция книг XVII века, который находится в первоначальном здании — построенной для них библиотеке.

The present towers were added during the late fifteenth century by Italian architects, although the preserved tower roofs date only from the seventeenth century…

Нынешние башни были добавлены в конце пятнадцатого века итальянскими архитекторами, хотя сохранившиеся крыши башен датируются только семнадцатым веком.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 101. Точных совпадений: 101. Затраченное время: 94 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

семнадцатый, семнадцатый, семнадцатое число


- семнадцатый (по счёту)

he is in his seventeenth year — ему семнадцатый год

- составляющий одну семнадцатую (часть)
- семнадцатый (из следующих друг за другом)

Louis the Seventeenth — Людовик Семнадцатый

- в грам. знач. нареч. семнадцатым

he arrived seventeenth — он прибыл семнадцатым


- семнадцатое (число)

on the seventeenth of May — семнадцатого мая

- семнадцатая часть; (одна) семнадцатая

three seventeenths — три семнадцатых

Мои примеры


in the forepart of the seventeenth century — в начале семнадцатого века  
on the seventeenth of March — семнадцатого марта  

Примеры с переводом

Louis the Seventeenth

Людовик Семнадцатый

I’m planning to leave on the seventeenth (=the 17th day of the month).

Я планирую уехать семнадцатого (числа).

It is a seventeenth century farmhouse with some Victorian additions grafted on.

Это крестьянский дом семнадцатого века с некоторыми дополнениями в викторианском стиле.

Abai Kunanbaev is the Shakesphere of Kazakh literature. His Book of Words, «Kara Sozder», created by the great thinker constitute an ethnic philosophical work. This creation of his is an exploration of Kazakh national life in the second half of the 19th century. He influenced social affairs in the country where he lived.

Power, Mind and Heart were arguing over who of them is more necessary to the people. Ensuring that they cannot agree, they turned to Science.

— Look, Science! Said Power. — You know that without the hard work either mastery or wealth cannot be achieved. I am the one who preserves against frivolity and shame petty, unworthy of human affairs, from the desire for easy money. I do not give them to lose courage and return them to the right path, even when they manage to stray from it in broad daylight. Look, Science! Working tirelessly and without sleep, people take possession of you, it turns out you owe me your rises. Working tirelessly and without sleep, people become servants of God; it appears humanity owes their lives to me. So tell me, Science, why do these two argue with me?..

Then the Mind noticed: — I determine what is useful and what is harmful to humans both on the earth and in the afterlife. Isn’t it keeping the eternal life? People act on my command, so I know the price of a human strength and understand the language of science. How can you argue with me, if without me people didn’t not know where to look for the benefits, how to protect themselves from harm, how to comprehend the science?..

Did not stand the Heart:

— I am the king of life! Exclaimed it. — I drive the blood through the veins, the soul dwells in me, that’s why there is no life without me! I poison the dream of well-fed, lying in a soft bed in a warm house, forcing them to suffer for the poor, the hungry and the homeless. I hold the respect for elders and condescension to the younger. I am justice, satisfaction, conscience, gratitude and compassion. What are strength and mind without me? Only people cannot keep me such, and that’s why become different themselves. But I am the king of life! And my value is impossible to challenge!

After listening to all three, Science said:

— Listen, Power, all that you said is the truth. You just have not mentioned many of your merits; this is also your power. Life is unthinkable without you. But sometimes your abilities turn cruelly to the people. Your grip is hard, and when you support injustice the trouble comes. There is a lot use of you, but there is also a lot of evil.

Look, Mind, you’re also telling the truth. There are no acquisitions without the mind. It’s given to reveal the secrets of nature, of life, of the soul, and it’s true that people learn from you about the Creator. You own the mysteries of existence of both worlds, but this did not satisfy you, and you began to multiply cunning and deceit. You know the way to the treasures of both worlds, so both good and bad people began to rely on you. The trouble is that you with the same willingness fulfil the desires of both. You asked me to determine which one of you is of great value for a person. But I do not want to oppose you. Let the lord of all will be Heart. You, Mind, is various and versatile, and Heart will not follow your every decision. It will approve good and obey it with great joy. It will not accept the bad, likely disown you. You Power is mighty and cool, and Heart will not give you will. It will not spare you from good deeds, and hold you from evil. Unite together, and as I have said, let Heart lead you! If this happens, and you will unite in one person, then he will become righteous man. Dust from the soles of his feet will heal the blind. In this- in harmony and purity of human life- is the meaning of the existence of the great world. If you can’t unite together, then I shall give preference to Heart — king of human life. That’s how Science solved a dispute.

Примеры перевода

  • семнадцатый

Seventeenth‘s your daughter’s birthday, 19th’s your anniversary.

Семнадцатого апреля, родилась ваша дочь.

Seventeenth Night 18 October 4:29

Семнадцатая ночь 18 октября 4:29

Now get on with it, you seventeenth century poltroons!

Живее, трусы семнадцатого века!

In the Seventeenth Century they were terribly superstitious.

В Семнадцатом столетии они были ужасно суеверны.

That gentleman comes from the Seventeenth Century, hmm.

Тот джентльмен родом из Семнадцатого века, хм.

Young Girl by Window… is seventeenth century Phoenician school.

Молодая девушка у окна… Семнадцатый век, Венецианская школа.

Look Ben, for the moment we’re in the seventeenth century — somehow.

Смотри Бен, в настоящий момент мы находимся в семнадцатом столетии — так или иначе.

Now of those who rose your hands, who was there, at any time, during the weekend of September sixteenth, or seventeenth?

Кто из вас заходил туда на выходных, шестнадцатого и семнадцатого сентября?

But I don’t go a bomb on this, and I can’t very well report back to a Seventeenth Century navy.

Но я не собираюсь взрывать это, и я не могу обратиться к флоту Семнадцатого столетия.

If we must spend another year on the quest well, sir, it will be an additional expenditure in time of only five and fifteen-seventeenths percent.

Если надо потратить еще один год на поиски, то это будет еще одной поездкой, которая займет только пять и пятнадцать семнадцатых процентов всего времени.

On his seventeenth birthday, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen killed his one hundredth slave-gladiator in the family games.

В свой семнадцатый день рождения Фейд-Раута Харконнен убил на семейных играх своего сотого гладиатора.


1. num. ord.


1) семнадцатая часть

2) (the seventeenth) семнадцатое число

* * *

(a) семнадцатый

* * *

семнадцатый; составляющий одну семнадцатую

* * *

[,sev·en’teenth || ‚sevn’tɪːnθ]
семнадцатая часть

* * *


* * *

1. числ. поряд.
семнадцатый; составляющий одну семнадцатую (часть)
2. сущ.
1) семнадцатая часть
2) (the seventeenth) семнадцатое число

Новый англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «seventeenth» в других словарях:

  • Seventeenth — Sev en*teenth , a. [From {Seventeen}: cf. AS. seofonte[ o][eth]a, seofonteoge[eth]a.] 1. Next in order after the sixteenth; coming after sixteen others. [1913 Webster] In . . . the seventeenth day of the month . . . were all the fountains of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • seventeenth — [sev′əntēnth′] adj. [ME sevententhe: see SEVENTEEN & TH2] 1. preceded by sixteen others in a series; 17th 2. designating any of the seventeen equal parts of something n. 1. the one following the sixteenth 2 …   English World dictionary

  • Seventeenth — Sev en*teenth , n. 1. The next in order after the sixteenth; one coming after sixteen others. [1913 Webster] 2. The quotient of a unit divided by seventeen; one of seventeen equal parts or divisions of one whole. [1913 Webster] 3. (Mus.) An… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • seventeenth — [[t]se̱v(ə)nti͟ːnθ[/t]] ♦♦ seventeenths 1) ORD The seventeenth item in a series is the one that you count as number seventeen. She gave birth to Annabel just after her seventeenth birthday. 2) FRACTION A seventeenth is one of seventeen equal… …   English dictionary

  • seventeenth — /sev euhn teenth /, adj. 1. next after the sixteenth; being the ordinal number for 17. 2. being one of 17 equal parts. n. 3. a seventeenth part, esp. of one (1/17). 4. the seventeenth member of a series. [bef. 900; SEVENTEEN + TH2; r. ME… …   Universalium

  • seventeenth — sev|en|teenth [ ,sevn tinθ ] number 1. ) in the place or position counted as number 17: their seventeenth anniversary 2. ) one of 17 equal parts of something: Approximately one seventeenth of the population has the disease …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • seventeenth — UK [ˌsev(ə)nˈtiːnθ] / US [ˌsev(ə)nˈtɪnθ] number 1) in the place or position counted as number 17 their seventeenth anniversary 2) one of 17 equal parts of something Approximately one seventeenth of the population has the disease …   English dictionary

  • seventeenth — sev•en•teenth [[t]ˈsɛv ənˈtinθ[/t]] adj. 1) next after the sixteenth; being the ordinal number for 17 2) being one of 17 equal parts 3) a seventeenth part, esp. of one (1/17) 4) the seventeenth member of a series • Etymology: 1300–50;… …   From formal English to slang

  • seventeenth — /sɛvənˈtinθ/ (say sevuhn teenth) adjective 1. next after the sixteenth. 2. being one of seventeen equal parts. –noun 3. a seventeenth part, especially of one (¹⁄₁₇). 4. the seventeenth member of a series …  

  • seventeenth — seventeen ► CARDINAL NUMBER ▪ one more than sixteen; 17. (Roman numeral: xvii or XVII.) DERIVATIVES seventeenth adjective & noun …   English terms dictionary

  • Seventeenth-century materialism: Gassendi and Hobbes — T.Sorell In the English speaking world Pierre Gassendi is probably best known as the author of a set of Objections to Descartes’s Meditations. These Objections, the fifth of seven sets collected by Mersenne, are relatively long and full, and… …   History of philosophy

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