From pdf to word editable

Convert your PDF to an editable Word document.

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PDF to WORD Converter

Convert your PDF to WORD documents with incredible accuracy.
Powered by Solid Documents.

PDF to Word

Some of your files contain scanned pages. To extract all text from your files, OCR is needed.

Looks like you are trying to process a PDF containing some scanned pages. To extract all text from your file, OCR is needed.

  • No OCR

    Converts PDFs with selectable text to editable Word files.

  • OCR Premium

    Converts scanned PDFs with non-selectable text to editable Word files.

UploadingGetting files from Drive

UploadingGetting files from Dropbox

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Converting PDF to WORD…


Convert your PDF to editable WORD documents with 100% accuracy.

  • Quick conversion with OCR software

    Quick conversion with OCR software With a simple drag-and-drop operation, you can convert PDF to Word within seconds. We are using OCR scanner to process a file’s physical form, extract the texts, and convert them to a PDF version.

  • Fast and high-quality conversion

    The PDF to DOC/DOCX converter can make accurate and high-quality conversions while keeping the original file’s fonts, layout, bullets, and tables.

  • Conversion in WPS Cloud

    Multiple cloud servers make it easy and safe to change PDFs to Word files that can be edited. Our powerful PDF to DOC convertor is being used by more than 1.1 million people. Come along now.

PDF to Word FAQ:

1. Drag your PDF file into the green upload files area or click ‘Select File’ to upload it.

2. Wait a few seconds, then click ‘Download’ to get your Word file that has been changed.

1. We never store any files on our servers. No one can see your files, so your privacy is safe.

You can achieve far more than PDF to Word conversion.Our tool has many more other features such as merging PDF files, converting PDF to Excel files, and converting PDF to PowerPoint presentations.

Сконвертируйте ваши pdf-файлы в doc онлайн и бесплатно

Перетащите файлы сюда. 100 MB максимальный размер файла или Регистрация

Конвертировать в PDF


Портативный формат документов

PDF ― это формат электронных документов, разработанный Adobe Systems с использованием некоторых функций языка PostScript. Официальная программа для просмотра документов в этом формате ― это Adobe Reader. Чаще всего PDF-файл представляет собой сочетание текста с растровой и векторной графикой, текстовыми формами, скриптами, написанными на JavaScript, а также иными элементами.

Конвертер DOC


Документ Microsoft Word

DOC ― это расширение файлов для документов текстового редактора. Оно связано преимущественно с приложением Microsoft Word. Файлы DOC также могут содержать графики, таблицы, видео, изображения, звуки и диаграммы. Этот формат поддерживается почти всеми операционными системами.

Как сконвертировать PDF в DOC

Шаг 1

Загрузите pdf-файл(ы)

Выберите файлы с компьютера, Google Диска, Dropbox, по ссылке или перетащив их на страницу.

Шаг 2

Выберите «в doc»

Выберите doc или любой другой формат, который вам нужен (более 200 поддерживаемых форматов)

Шаг 3

Загрузите ваш doc-файл

Позвольте файлу сконвертироваться и вы сразу сможете скачать ваш doc-файл

Рейтинг PDF в DOC

4.5 (636,922 голосов)

Вам необходимо сконвертировать и скачать любой файл, чтобы оценить конвертацию!

Optional Settings

OCR Method

Source language of your file

To get the best results, select all languages that your file contains.

Improve OCR

Apply Filter:

DOCX Converter

Convert from PDF to DOCX or from scan to DOCX.

PDF is a versatile format, but it’s difficult to edit it. Make it easier to extract quotes, edit a text, or re-use it!

What’s the difference between DOC and DOCX?

DOC is the document file format established by Microsoft Word and uses the .DOC file extension. Next to text, these files can also contain hyperlinks, images, graphics, tables, advanced formatting, and other elements.

With Microsoft Office, 2007, the .DOCX file extension was introduced. It uses the Microsoft Office Open XML international standard which makes the format more accessible and usable.

While newer versions of Microsoft Word can open the old DOC format, DOCX files cannot be opened in older versions. If they can be opened, it is possible that the formatting is offset or that parts of the document are missing.


Turn any PDF into an editable Word Document in seconds.

  1. Choose the PDF you want to convert from your computer.

  2. Our PDF to Word converter will begin extracting the text, images, and scanned pages (OCR) from your PDF.

  3. A perfectly formatted Word document is created in seconds and ready to download. Our PDF to Word converter then wipes out any copies of your file from our server, keeping your data safe.

The Best PDF to Word Converter

Our PDF converter is the best choice for your file conversion needs, whether you need to turn a PDF into a Word doc, Excel sheet, PowerPoint, or even a PNG or JPG.

Access to 20 PDF conversion tools

With a suite of other easy-to-use tools for merging and splitting PDFs, compressing and rotating PDFs, and deleting PDF pages, our PDF converter breaks you free from the typical constraints of PDF files.

Encrypted files for security

Our PDF converter secures your files with 256-bit SSL Encryption, and the data you submit won’t be shared with or accessed by any other parties.

Rapid conversion with automatic deletion

When you upload a PDF to convert it to Word, your files are converted immediately and deleted after conversion, with no residual copies retained.

Use on any computer, anywhere

Our PDF converter works with Mac, Windows, and Linux machines, so you can use it on any computer, anywhere.

Convert PDF to Word free with a free trial

Try our PDF to Word converter free with a free trial, or sign up for a monthly, annual, or lifetime membership to get unlimited access to all our tools, including unlimited document sizes and the ability to convert multiple documents at once.

PDF conversion guides

How to Convert PDF to Word

Converting a PDF to a Word document isn’t as difficult as it sounds. There are multiple ways to achieve it. In this article, we’ll describe three ways to convert your documents using Google Docs, Microsoft Office, and our Free PDF Converter!

PDF to WORD You can easily convert your PDF files to WORD with this online tool. Furthermore, the Online PDF Converter offers many more features. Just select the files, which you want to merge, edit, unlock or convert. Supported formats
Depending on your files you can set many options (most of them can be combined!)
— You can select particular pages, rotate PDF pages, reorder pages, split files and much more (just have a look at the buttons right of the selected file)
— A PDF protection for printing, copying and editing is removed automatically (without password). For read-protected PDF files the correct password is required.
— Many other options can be defined, like header/footer, layout and compression.

Please report all problems and bugs in the Feedback-Section to improve the quality of the converter. Thank you!

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