From excel to wincc


  1. Integration process control technology and office world
  2. WinCC OA Excel Report
  3. Microsoft Excel
  4. Integration of WinCC OA Report functions into MS Excel
  5. Multi-user capability
  6. Redundancy
  7. Distributed Systems
  8. From excel to wincc
  9. 4.1 Action 1 Script: Create File and Copy Report
  10. 4.2 Global Action 2: Whole Point Storage Data

Integration process control technology and office world

WinCC OA Excel Report

A powerful report generator has been created directly in Microsoft Excel in the form of WinCC OA Excel Report. Templates can be created directly in Excel, simply and conveniently. If a report is to be created over a defined period, the system accesses the template and automatically fills it with data from the WinCC OA process database. Reports can also be created, printed and stored on a time-controlled basis, with no need for any user interaction. Finally, WinCC OA Excel Report provides full support for the WinCC OA compression structures (AC Archive Compression).

Figure 1 . WinCC OA Report 3.x start page

The standard templates provided for report formats can be adapted in template files to suit the query required, that is, to provide the desired selection of process data, periods and intervals. The layout facilities provided by MS Excel can be used here. On the basis of these templates, the final reports can be created for the particular time range required with just the press of a button.

Thus recurrent queries can be generated using WinCC OA Report quickly and in an easily managed way. Furthermore, the generation of periodic reports can be automated.

Microsoft Excel

As the de facto standard among spreadsheet systems, Microsoft Excel offers a very wide range of functions. Excel features a huge variety of display options, formula-based calculation of cell values and an enormous range of functions from all branches of statistics and mathematics. The powerful graphic display options extend from multi-channel trend curves through pie charts and vertical and horizontal bar charts, to 3D views of surfaces. Microsoft Excel also lets you divide data into several tab sheets, supports format templates and provides communication capabilities with the entire Office environment. For an example, refer to the Daily weather station report.

Integration of WinCC OA Report functions into MS Excel

Executed as a special Excel file that acts as a generation and evaluation environment for the reports, WinCC OA Report simply expands the program structure of Excel temporarily as an application. No changes are necessary to the software itself. When no work is being done with reports, no additional menus or function bars are visible.

Excel Report communicates with WinCC OA via optimum mechanisms. If a COM component ( Component Object Model) handles the data exchange on the Excel side, then a separate manager runs on the WinCC OA side. The master computer and analysis workstation communicate directly for Excel Report via TCP/IP.

You can add to the functions of WinCC OA Excel Report using Visual Basic macros.

Multi-user capability

Several workstations at once can generate reports from WinCC OA process data using Excel Report. If a common template directory has been created in the network, special templates can be used by more than one user. WinCC OA Report also lets each user work with their own separate templates, these are then stored locally.


WinCC OA Excel Report is also suitable for use with redundant WinCC OA servers. Excel Report directs its data query to the WinCC OA server that is active at the time (for an explanation of active and passive servers, refer to the Special functions/Redundancy section of the WinCC OA Online Help).

Distributed Systems

In a distributed system the WinCC OA Excel Report uses the configuration files from the selected systems (see Importing the archive structure). When selecting the data points (see Adding a data point) the required system must be selected. A general description about distributed systems can be found here: Distributed systems, basics.

SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture Version 3.18.16 — © ETM professional control GmbH


From excel to wincc

In industrial production, the report has always been a very important part. It is generally used to record the process parameters, energy consumption information and statistics on the scene, as the basis for analyzing the operation of the enterprise.
This article uses WinCC V7.5 SP1 as an example, describing how WinCC acquires the device’s running data statistics and presents statistics in the form of a report, as shown in Figure 1:

The following functions can be implemented:

  • Automatic logging device (full point statistics)
  • Timed storage daily report (Excel format)
  • Use the web control to display the HTM report file

Create a Report folder under the WinCC project folder, as shown in Figure 2, Figure 3:

Two WinCC variables are required in this example. One is the WinCC external variable related to the device running data, including running data, energy consumption data, etc., created according to the actual situation of the project. The other is a variable for all point storage, which will be introduced to read the current time (h value) using the WinCC system variable. As shown in Figure 4

There are two files in global action:

  • Action 1:
    • Create a temporary storage file using the template
    • Touch the hair every day 00:00:02 seconds
    • Press «File Name — Date» format COPY data to the specified report path
  • Action 2:
    • Read the read data for the whole point and store the temporary storage file

4.1 Action 1 Script: Create File and Copy Report

The global action script is as follows:

The action trigger cycle is 00:00:02 daily, as shown in Figure 5 below:

4.2 Global Action 2: Whole Point Storage Data

The global action 2 script is as follows, and the part code is modified according to the actual situation of the project.

The action trigger cycle is 00:05 seconds per hour, as shown in Figure 6 below:

WinCC report screen is divided into several features:

  • Click on the «Real Time Report» button to show the data today.
  • Traversal folder All report files (HTM format) to the list box, select the «Historical Report Query» button after check


March 22nd, 2014, 06:14 AM




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WinCC <—> Excel communication


I want to store data in WinCC into Excel, Like daily hour wise report or monthly report.

I have never attempted this stuff can anybody guide me or provide any documentation. Also help on data logging in SQL will also be great help.


Swapnil Naik


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March 22nd, 2014, 09:21 AM



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June 23rd, 2014, 07:27 AM




teckhno2002 is offline


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Hello Swapnil Naik
1. If you only want to acquire data «online» (tags directly from WinCC) and store their values in Excel database, check the file OPC.pfd located on the computer where WinCC is installed (path drive:Program FilesSiemensWinCCDocumentsenglish). The chapter «7.4.4 WinCC — Microsoft Excel Connection» gives an example about that.
2. If you want to access historical data (tags, alarms) from archives, you need to install WinCC/Connectivity Pack (with license) option of WinCC.


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June 26th, 2014, 01:43 AM




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Thanks Techno !

I have successfully generated report in Excel which creates Hourly Report of attached tags and creates new excel sheet with File name & Hr & date.

If any one requires code kindly contact me !!


Swapnil Naik


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July 18th, 2014, 08:04 AM




BKC1 is offline


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Hello Swapnil Naik, I am looking to do exactly the same thing you did and, although I have a script that export the data, it is based on an event and not on a cyclical count. Would you please post the code? Many thanks!




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July 18th, 2014, 09:13 AM



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Easy with vb scripts

Set objExcel = CreateObject(«Excel.Application»)
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(«C:reportsnew report.xls»)

you just need excel in your system…


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July 22nd, 2014, 02:33 AM




swapnil.naik is offline


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Give me your email ID. I will send you a pdf document.


Swapnil Naik


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July 22nd, 2014, 02:33 AM




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Yes its easy with VB Scrapper!!


Swapnil Naik


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July 23rd, 2014, 09:06 AM




BKC1 is offline


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Hello ScrapperPt,thanks for your answer but my problem is how to execute the script periodically.

Hello Swapnil Naik I will send you a pm with my email, many thanks!



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July 23rd, 2014, 09:14 AM




BKC1 is offline


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I have just found out you won�t receive pm, well my email is

Thanks and regards


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August 17th, 2014, 02:13 AM




Amol V is offline


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Hi Swapnil i am also searching for similar code can you please send it to me my mail id is


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August 24th, 2014, 04:06 AM




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Hi Amol,
I will send you within day or two..OK


Swapnil Naik


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August 25th, 2014, 08:48 AM




ajay34 is offline


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please do send this ..coz i m looking to do the same ..such as record usage from mixing


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August 25th, 2014, 10:05 AM


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Could you post the code so everyone can enjoy it?


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August 25th, 2014, 01:12 PM




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I would love too, but the code is too long and descriptive. hence can’t post it !!


Swapnil Naik


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WINCC7.3 / 7.4 Запросить отображение базы данных и экспорт EXCEL через VBS скрипт ссылки базы данных

В качестве системы визуализации Siemens Wincc может использоваться для отслеживания данных. Эта статья расскажет о WINCC7.3 / 7.4 через отображение базы данных запросов базы данных ссылок на скрипты VBS и экспорт EXCEL.
  1. Запросить базу данных SQL и отобразить данные в элементе управления MSFlexGrid

    Откройте базу данных:

Con="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persis Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Data;Data Source=.WINCC"
Set conn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Затем вам нужно написать операторы SQL-запроса в соответствии с вашими потребностями, включая различные условия запроса.
Выполнить инструкцию SQL:

Set oRs=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set oCom=CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set oCom.ActiveConnection=conn
Set oRs=oCom.Execute

Затем заполните запрашиваемые данные в элементе управления MSFlexGrid, ширину и высоту таблицы можно определить с помощью скрипта


2. Запросите базу данных SQL и экспортируйте данные в EXCEL
Экспорт EXCEL в основном аналогичен отображению данных в элемент управления MSFlexGrid. Он также является первым для запроса. Единственное отличие состоит в том, что вам нужно установить шаблон EXCEL, а объектом заполнения является EXCEL.

Откройте шаблон EXCEL:
Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
 objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open "D:  templates  record.xlsx"

Далее заполняем данные в шаблоне EXCEL:


Наконец, сохраните EXCEL как:

objExcelApp.activeworkbook.saveas excel_name
Set objExcelApp=Nothing
``! [Вставьте сюда описание изображения] (,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow_10,text_aHR0cHM9FF4Ly9
 Здесь, спасибо за помощь, предоставленную по этой ссылке:


table of Contents

    • 1 <Overview>
    • 2 <Create Template>
    • 3 <WinCC Variables>
    • 4 <Create Global Action>
      • 4.1 Action 1 Script: Create File and Copy Report
      • 4.2 Global Action 2: Whole Point Storage Data
    • 5 <Production Reports Screen>
      • 5.1 Control Add
      • 5.2 script
    • 6 <Run Results>

1 <Overview>

In industrial production, the report has always been a very important part. It is generally used to record the process parameters, energy consumption information and statistics on the scene, as the basis for analyzing the operation of the enterprise.
This article uses WinCC V7.5 SP1 as an example, describing how WinCC acquires the device’s running data statistics and presents statistics in the form of a report, as shown in Figure 1:

The following functions can be implemented:

  • Automatic logging device (full point statistics)
  • Timed storage daily report (Excel format)
  • Use the web control to display the HTM report file

2 <Create Template>

Create a Report folder under the WinCC project folder, as shown in Figure 2, Figure 3:

3 <WinCC Variables>

Two WinCC variables are required in this example. One is the WinCC external variable related to the device running data, including running data, energy consumption data, etc., created according to the actual situation of the project. The other is a variable for all point storage, which will be introduced to read the current time (h value) using the WinCC system variable. As shown in Figure 4

4 <Create Global Action>

There are two files in global action:

  • Action 1:
    • Create a temporary storage file using the template
    • Touch the hair every day 00:00:02 seconds
    • Press «File Name — Date» format COPY data to the specified report path
  • Action 2:
    • Read the read data for the whole point and store the temporary storage file

4.1 Action 1 Script: Create File and Copy Report

The global action script is as follows:

Option Explicit
Function action
    Dim objexcelapp,objexcelbook,objexcelsheet
    Dim sheetname
    Dim dstr,path,fn,cow,fso
    Dim MyFile
    Dim TempFileName,TemplateFileName,DestFile
    TemplateFileName = Hmiruntime.ActiveProject.path & " report  Daily Report  Smart Air Compressive Station Running Daily News _ Template .xlsx"
         TempFileName = Hmiruntime.ActiveProject.path & " report  Daily report  Smart Air Compressive Station Running Daily News. Xlsx"
         Destfile = "E:  Report"
    dstr = CStr(Year(Now)) & "-" & CStr(Month(Now)) & "-" & CStr(Day(Now)) & " " & CStr(Hour(Now)) & ":" & CStr(Minute(Now))
    fn = CStr(Year(Now)) & CStr(Month(Now)) & CStr(Day(Now)) & CStr(Hour(Now)) & CStr(Minute(Now))
         Sheetname = "Air Compressor"
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objexcelapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set MyFile = fso.GetFile(TemplateFileName)
    objexcelapp.visible = False TempFileName
    objexcelapp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(DestFile & fn & ".xlsx")
    objexcelapp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(DestFile &"web"& fn & ".htm"),44
    MyFile.Copy (TempFileName),True
    Set objexcelapp = Nothing
End Function

The action trigger cycle is 00:00:02 daily, as shown in Figure 5 below:

4.2 Global Action 2: Whole Point Storage Data

The global action 2 script is as follows, and the part code is modified according to the actual situation of the project.

Option Explicit
Function action

    Dim objexcelapp,objexcelbook,objexcelsheet
    Dim a,b,c,d,sheetname
    Dim dstr,path,fn,cow
    Dim TempFileName
         TempFileName = Hmiruntime.ActiveProject.path & " report  Daily report  Smart Air Compressive Station Running Daily News. Xlsx"
    cow = 4
    dstr = CStr(Year(Now)) & "-" & CStr(Month(Now)) & "-" & CStr(Day(Now)) & " " & CStr(Hour(Now)) & ":" & CStr(Minute(Now))
         Sheetname = "Air Compressor"
    Set objexcelapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    objexcelapp.visible = False tempfilename 'opens a temporary storage file
    a = HMIRuntime.Tags("IntHour").Read
    With objexcelapp.worksheets(sheetname)
        .cells(a + cow,1) = dstr
                 .Cells (a + cow, 2) = hmiruntime.tags ("Integer Transfer Point Number_PLC_SD"). Read
                 .cells (a + cow, 3) = hmiruntime.tags ("Integer Transfer Point Number_PLC_WD"). Read
        .cells(a + cow,4) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_1_ZGSSLL1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,5) = HMIRuntime.Tags("AI_2_AI_CQG_PRESS1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,6) = HMIRuntime.Tags("AI_AI_WATER_TEMP_IN").Read
        .cells(a + cow,7) = HMIRuntime.Tags("AI_AI_WATER_IN_PRESS").Read
        .cells(a + cow,8) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_SYSTEM_PRE_1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,9) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_KYSSLL_1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,10) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD1_1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,11) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD2_1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,12) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD3_1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,13) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_OIL_SUPPLY_TMP_1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,14) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_MOTER_DE_TMP_1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,15) = HMIRuntime.Tags("AI_2_AI_KYJ_WATER_PRESS_IN1").Read
        .cells(a + cow,16) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_SYSTEM_PRE_2").Read
        .cells(a + cow,17) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_KYSSLL_2").Read
        .cells(a + cow,18) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD1_2").Read
        .cells(a + cow,19) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD2_2").Read
        .cells(a + cow,20) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD3_2").Read
        .cells(a + cow,21) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_OIL_SUPPLY_TMP_2").Read
        .cells(a + cow,22) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_MOTER_DE_TMP_2").Read
        .cells(a + cow,23) = HMIRuntime.Tags("AI_2_AI_KYJ_WATER_PRESS_IN2").Read
        .cells(a + cow,24) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_SYSTEM_PRE_3").Read
        .cells(a + cow,25) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_KYSSLL_3").Read
        .cells(a + cow,26) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD1_3").Read
        .cells(a + cow,27) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD2_3").Read
        .cells(a + cow,28) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD3_3").Read
        .cells(a + cow,29) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_OIL_SUPPLY_TMP_3").Read
        .cells(a + cow,30) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_MOTER_DE_TMP_3").Read
        .cells(a + cow,31) = HMIRuntime.Tags("AI_2_AI_KYJ_WATER_PRESS_IN3").Read
        .cells(a + cow,32) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_SYSTEM_PRE_4").Read
        .cells(a + cow,33) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_4_LTLS_4").Read
        .cells(a + cow,34) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD1_4").Read
        .cells(a + cow,35) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD2_4").Read
        .cells(a + cow,36) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD3_4").Read
        .cells(a + cow,37) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_OIL_SUPPLY_TMP_4").Read
        .cells(a + cow,38) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_MOTER_DE_TMP_4").Read
        .cells(a + cow,39) = HMIRuntime.Tags("AI_2_AI_KYJ_WATER_PRESS_IN4").Read
        .cells(a + cow,40) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_SYSTEM_PRE_8").Read
        .cells(a + cow,41) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_KYSSLL_8").Read
        .cells(a + cow,42) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD1_8").Read
        .cells(a + cow,43) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD2_8").Read
        .cells(a + cow,44) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_ZD3_8").Read
        .cells(a + cow,45) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_OIL_SUPPLY_TMP_8").Read
        .cells(a + cow,46) = HMIRuntime.Tags("ZLAN1_3_MOTER_DE_TMP_8").Read
        .cells(a + cow,47) = HMIRuntime.Tags("AI_2_AI_KYJ_WATER_PRESS_IN8").Read
    End With
    Set objexcelapp = Nothing
End Function

The action trigger cycle is 00:05 seconds per hour, as shown in Figure 6 below:

5 <Production Reports Screen>

WinCC report screen is divided into several features:

  • Click on the «Real Time Report» button to show the data today.
  • Traversal folder All report files (HTM format) to the list box, select the «Historical Report Query» button after check

5.1 Control Add

  • ** Web Control: ** Microsoft Web Browser, «MyWeb»
  • ** list box control: ** Microsoft Lisview Control, «ListBox1»
  • ** Button Control: ** Button («Real Time Report», «Historical Report Query»)
    Control add mode
    Right-click on the ActiveX control, select Add / Remove, then select in the OCX control list
    Microsoft Lisview Control and Microsoft Web Browser. As shown in the following figure

5.2 script

  • Form script
    After the form is open, perform the Web Control Load «Real Time Report», and add a folder to the list box to all report names.
    «Form Object» — «Other» — «Open Screen», perform VB scripts, as shown below:
Sub OnOpen()                                                
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim fso, f, f1, fc, N 
    Dim lst,wbCtrl

	Set lst = ScreenItems("listbox1")
	Set wbCtrl = ScreenItems("myweb")
	Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
	 Set f = fso.getfolder ("E:  Report  Web Format))
	Set fc = f.Files
	N = 0
	For Each f1 In fc   
	    N = N + 1
	    lst.Index N
    lst.NumberLines =N
	lst.SelIndex ="1"
	lst.Sort = 1
	 Wbctrl.navigate hmiruntime.activeproject.path & " report  Daily report  Web  Smart Air Compressive Station Operation Daily. HTM"

End Sub
  • Button «Real Time Report» VB script
Sub OnClick(Byval Item)  
	On Error Resume Next
	item.Enabled = False
	Dim lst,wbCtrl
	Dim Value1
	Set wbCtrl = ScreenItems("myweb")
	Set lst = ScreenItems("listbox1")
	Value1 = lst.SelText
	 Wbctrl.navigate hmiruntime.activeproject.path & " report  Daily report  Web  Smart Air Compressive Station Operation Daily. HTM"
	item.Enabled = True

End Sub
  • Button «Historical Report Query» VB script
Sub OnClick(Byval Item)  
	On Error Resume Next
	item.Enabled = False                                
	Dim lst,wbCtrl
	Dim Value1
	Set wbCtrl = ScreenItems("myweb")
	Set lst = ScreenItems("listbox1")
	Value1 = lst.SelText
	 Wbctrl.navigate "E:  Report  Web Format " & Value1
	item.Enabled = True
End Sub

6 <Run Results>

plc247.comBasic >> Advanced >> Professional

In the previous article, guided you to Report Excel from TIA Portal WinCC Professional with the click of a button. Today I will continue to share the automatic Logging Data project without pressing the button.

With WinCC Professional version, there will be many options to help us automatically Report Excel: Tags, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Daily, Weeks, Months, Year…

Below are the Visual Basic Scripts used in this project, still the same as the previous article that I shared, no changes.

The difference in this project is the addition of Auto Report function using Scheduled Tasks:

Sample Program Simulator

Link Download Sample Program would like to share with you Program completely free. Note that the program is written on WinCC Professional V15.1, so you must use this version or higher (V16, V17) to read it.

Note: After downloading, you need to Copy the Excel File to the correct folder in the program E:Excel_ReportDemo.xlsx

Download Code via GoogleDrive

>>> Download WinCC Pro Excel Report Automatic Program

>>> Download Excel Sample File

>>> Download Tia Portal Professional V15.1 Software

Password Extract:


Done! hopes that with this project you can further customize and store all the data you want. Please share the article if you find it useful.

Best Regards!

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