Friendship is not just a word

Friendship is a strong bond between two or more people
True friends see your sorrow and happiness
And the reason behind your silence
True friends stand beside you, even on your worst days
And stay forever, further than anything
They are precious and rare
But do not trust anyone completely
Trust fully in God, he will never disappoint you

Fake friends deceive, envy, cheat, steal, provoke and pretend
When you fall, they watch you fall
Do not let them walk on you
Believe in yourself
Lift yourself up
Dust yourself off
Put on Vaseline and it will shine like the sun in the universe
The best revenge is to show them you can do better without them

Pray for those who mistreat you and let God do the rest
Evil company corrupts good souls
It is better to be alone than being in bad company
Therefore choose friends wisely
One who walks with the wise, grows wisely

Friends come and go
But not everyone you lose is a loss
Some will misuse you
Some will teach you a lesson
Some will bring out the best in you
And true friends stick close, like a family

Do not seek friends, let them come to you
Do not ask for friendship
Do not beg for friendship
And not everyone you meet is your friend
If someone wants you in their life they will make room for you
You should not have to fight for a spot

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone
Therefore do not let your life depend on someone else
Success is a battle between you and yourself

Whoever has found one true friend has found a treasure to keep
As a good heart makes good medicine

Posted on August 2, 2008. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Friendship is not just a word,
Friendship is not at all about spending time,
Friendship is not an expectation,
Unfortunately it cannot be defined,
& that is known as FRIENDSHIP.

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«True happiness arises, in the first place, from the enjoyment of one’s self, and in the next, from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions.»

~ Joseph Addison.

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.

~ Unknown.

«One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.»

~ Unknown.

«The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover.»

~ Joseph Addison.

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”

~ Unknown.

Life ends; when you stop Dreaming,

Hope ends; when you stop Believing,

Love ends; when you stop Caring,


Friendship ends; when you stop Sharing..!!!

~ Unknown.

A friend is someone who chooses you…

…out of a whole world of people.

~ Unknown.

«Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.»

~ Anais Nin.

A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute.

He may not seem such a good friend after telling.

~   Arthur Brisbane

Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.

~   Aristotle

He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,

And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.

~   Ali ibn-Abi-Talib

«What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.»

~ Aristotle.

«The friendship that can cease has never been real.»

~ Saint Jerome.

«I count myselt in nothing else so happy

As in a soul rememb’ring my good friends.»

~ William Shakespeare. 

True friends are those who are there for you unconditionally. 

Never do they question, but always offer support 

no matter what the circumstances are. 

Best Friends are the people worth living for.

Side by side or miles apart, 

dear friends are always close to the heart.

A best friend is somebody who knows every last thing about you, 

yet still manages to like you anyway.

The medicine of life is to have several true faithful friends.

A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and 

tolerates your successes.

I do not want a friend who smiles when I smile 

who weeps when I weep,

for my shadow in the pool can do better than that.

A friend is never a coincidence in your life,

They are meant to enter your life to bring you joy & laughter.

So, I will treasure the friendship between us.

~ Unknown.

Friends are like stars.

You can’t always see them,

But you know they are always there 4 you…

~ Unknown.

«A brother is not always a friend,but a friend is always a brother.»

~ Unknown.

«Never hurt your friends, not even in a joke.»

~ Unknown

Friendship is the bread of life. It is essential to our well being. We could not survive without it. Ever since the beginning of time we have been extending the hand of friendship to each other. In very primitive communities, having the help of others in a crisis is a matter of survival. However, even in today’s world where it seems as if we could survive without ever talking to another human being, friendship is important. Friendship is a prerequisite to sanity. We are social human beings and we need friends to survive.

~ Unknown.

Sharing good times with good friends is the greatest joy. This is the stuff that makes life worthwhile. Whether sharing a meal together or a good conversation, there is nothing more fulfilling then spending time with friends. We must be thankful for the friendships that come our way for not all are blessed with the skills to form deep relationships. Those of us that do have friends must never take for granted the gift bestowed upon us.

~ Unknown.

Forever And Always !!!

Whenever you feel sad and that no one is around

Always know I will be around.

When you think that nobody cares

I hope you know that I will always care.

When you feel like no one is by your side

I’ll be there even if the tide is high

So don’t let me catch you saying

You have no one and that no one is around

Wake up get out of this haze

I’ll always be your friend forever and always.

~ Tanya M. Meadwell

Life- Long Pals !

We are always by each other, never leaving.

We are best friends, never deceiving.

Sometimes we fight. sometimes we cry.

We’re best friends, we never lie.

Life- long pals means best pals forever and ever.

We’ll never be apart, never.

But some things change. you moved away.

I thought you were here to always stay.

But we made a promise to be life long pals.

We turned out to be the best gals.

If something ever happened to you, I’d remember we made a friendship pact.

Everybody knows we’re friends, yep that’s a true fact.

I will always love you no matter where you may be.

Just remember to always remember me!

~ Sierra.

«I do believe I know most of the best people in the world 

and you’ve all made my life livable…»

~ Jon P. Shank.

«Each day I am with you is better than the last, 

and my first day with you was the best day of my life.»

~ Unknown.

«Never be sad for what is over, just be glad it was once yours.»

~ Unknown.

«You know that place between asleep and awake? 

Where you still remember dreaming? 

That’s where I will always think of you.»

~ Tinkerbell.

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; 

Someone who changes your life 

just by being part of it. 

Someone who makes you laugh 

until you can’t stop; 

Someone who makes you believe 

that there really is good in the world. 

Someone who convinces you 

that there really is an unlocked door 

just waiting for you to open it. 

Image Source : LovingHugs.Com

In prosperity it is very easy to find a friend;

in adversity, nothing is so difficult.

~ Epictetus.

You will make more friends in a week by getting yourself interested in other people than you can in a year by trying to get people interested in you.

~ Arnold Bennett.

«A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.»

~ Donna Roberts.

The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing, and face us with the reality of our powerlessness, that is the friend who cares.

~ Henri J.M. Nouwen.

A friend is somebody

Who knows you and likes you

Exactly the way that you are…

Someone who’s special

And so close in thought

That no distance can ever seem far.

A friend understands you without any words,

Stands by you when nothing goes right…

And willingly talks over problems with you

Till they somehow just vanish from sight.

And whether you’re neighbors or live miles apart,

A word from a friend gives a lift

To your heart and spirit that shows you once more

Why friendship is life’s dearest gift!

My Friend !

Whenever I think of the times we’ve shared together,

I’m reminded of the pains and heartaches we’ve had to weather.

It seems no matter what’s going on,

To find comfort we don’t have to wait too long.

What then do we do when times get harder, as we continue to grow older?

Let me just say this to you,

Our friendship is very dear and special, too.

So please, no matter what happens between us,

Don’t let our friendship turn to dust.

Or I will without a doubt fall apart,

With the pieces of my broken heart.

~ Heidi Davin.

True Friends !

Best friends stick together till the end,

They are like a straight line that will not bend.

They trust each other forever,

No matter if your apart you are together.

They can be your hero and save the day,

They will never leave your side they are here to stay.

They help you up when you fall,

Your true friends are best of all.

~ Emily.

Friendship is genuine when two friends can enjoy each others company without speaking a word to one another.

~ George Ebers.

But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine.

~ Thomas Jefferson.

How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment when we realize we have discovered a friend.

~ William E. Rothschild.

Friendship is to be purchased only by friendship. A man may have authority over others, but he can never have their hearts but by giving his own.

~ Tom Wilson.

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

~ Unknown.

«Maybe I can’t stop the downpour, 

But I will always, always join you for a walk in the rain.»

~ Unknown.

A man should choose a friend who is better than himself. 

There are plenty of acquaintances in the world; but very few real friends.

~ Chinese Proverb.

A memory lasts forever.

Never does it die.

True friends stay together.

And never say goodbye.

~ Anon.

From quiet homes and first beginning,

Out to the undiscovered ends,

There’s nothing worth the wear of winning,

But laughter and the love of friends.

~ Hilaire Belloc.

«A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.»

~ Arnold H. Glasow.

“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, not the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone believes in him and is willing to trust him with his friendship.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

«Plant a seed of friendship; reap a bouquet of happiness.»

~ Lois Kaufman Quotes.

“A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.”

~ Robert Hall.

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you’ve ever had.

~ Unknown.

Friends are gifts wrapped in ribbons of thoughtfulness and trimmed with kisses and smiles, given by God to stay not just for a day, but for life.

~ Unknown.

Friendship is like a bunch of flowers tied together,

Happiness and solitude for some auspicious moments rather.

Friendship bears the sorrows and happiness of two souls,

It also bears misfortunes and disasters in various moulds.

Life is like a mystery to be thought,

Friendship is essential for it to be solved.

Friendship is like a sand castle which often breaks,

Friendship should not be made just for the sake.

Friendship is a sweet thread of love and affection

Life without friendship is like a boat without a rudder,

Friendship and kindness, cheerfulness gaiety mark the border.

A caring concern and a friendship that’s true

Makes it heavenly to be with you.

Your warm understanding is a special gift.

That always gives my spirit a sudden lift.

~ Green Peace.

Friends and medicine play the same role in our life. Both care for us in pain,

But the only difference is that Friendship does not have any expiry date !!!

~ Unknown.

A coin is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. The coin depreciates but a friend appreciates. I lost a coin when I texted you, but it’s okay because I got you.

~ Unknown.

A good deed is never lost: he who sows courtesy reaps friendship; and he who plants kindness, gathers love.

~ Basil.

I thank God I’m rich not with money but with people like you. I may not have the most expensive things but I’ve got a most precious gem… a friend like you.

~ Unknown.

Your friendship is a treasured gift that I hold very dear,

For the love of a friend can mean so very much,

Each hour, each day, all year and I’m really glad your here.

And I am hoping you will know what warmth is in this thought..

You came into my life unexpected and God bless you…

For the many joys that your friendship’s brought.

~ Unknown.

Side by side or miles apart,

dear friends r always close 2 the heart.

~ Unknown.

Never abandon old friends.

They r hard 2 replace.

~ Unknown.

Friendships is like wine: it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER.

Just like us…I get BETTER, U get OLDER.

~ Unknown.

Wherever u go, whatever u do,

may God’s angels watch over u.

~ Unknown.

The best mirror is an old friend.

The best possession one may have is a true friend.

Make friendship a habit and you will always have friends.

You will never have a friend if you must have one without faults.

Doing nothing for your friends results in having no friends to do for.

Anyone can give advice, but a real friend will lend a helping hand.

You can make more friends by being interested in them than 

trying to have them be interested in you.

A friend should be radical;

They should love you when you’re unlovable,

Hug you when you’re unhuggable,

And bear you when you’re unbearable.

A friend should be fanatical;

They should cheer when the whole world boos,

Dance when you get good news,

And cry when you cry.

But most of all, a friend should be mathematical,

They should multiply the joy, Divide the sorrow,

Subtract the past, And add to tomorrow,

Calculate the need deep within your heart,

And always be bigger than the sum of all their parts.

One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim.

~ Henry B. Adams.

«A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.»

~ Leo Buscaglia.

We are all travellers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.

~ Robert Louis Stevenson.

«In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.»

Martin Luther King, Jr.

«There is nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends.»

~ Hillaire Belloc.

«In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.»

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

«One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim.»

~ Henry B. Adams.

«I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship.»

~ Pietro Aretino (1537)

A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is u.

~ Unknown.

A friendship is like a winding road,

You never know where it is going to go.

But there is something that I do know,

Which is that our friendship will continue to grow.

~ Unknown.

When it hurts to look back,

and you are scared to look ahead,

you can look beside you

and your best friend will be there.

~ Unknown.

We are all travellers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.

~ Robert Louis Stevenson.

«Do not save your loving speeches

For your friends till they are dead;

Do not write them on their tombstones,

Speak them rather now instead.

~ Anna Cummins.

We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.

~ Orson Welles.

If I had one gift that I could give you, my friend, it would be the ability to see yourself as others see you, because only then would you know how extremely special you are.

~ B.A.Billingsly.

Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends, for it is one of God’s best gifts. It involves many things, but above all, the power of going out of one’s self, and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another.

~ Thomas Hughes.

«But friendship is precious, not only in shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine»

~ Thomas Jefferson.

Friendship consists in forgetting what one gives and remembering what one receives.

~ Alexandre Dumas the Younger.

«The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one.»

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

«I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship.»

~ Pietro Aretino (1537).

The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.

~ Ulysses S. Grant.

«A true friend is someone who is there for you when he’d rather be anywhere else.»

~ Len Wein.

«It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.»

~ J. K. Rowling.

«There is no friend like an old friend who has shared our morning days, no greeting like his welcome, no homage like his praise.»

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Friendship is like a flower, help it grow

Keep it warm, protect it from the snow,

How long will it last, only God will know,

But if it is’nt true, quickly it will go…

Friendship needs attention,

Friendship needs protection,

Friendship needs affection…

Friendship can die fast,

easy come, easy go,

But if its strong it’ll last,

it will never die or flow!

~ Kuji soliman.

Friendship needs no studied phrases,

Polished face, or winning wiles;

Friendship deals no lavish praises,

Friendship dons no surface smiles.

Friendship follows nature’s diction,

Shuns the blandishments of art,

Boldly severs truth from fiction,

Speaks the language of the heart.

Friendship favors no condition,

Scorns a narrow-minded creed,

Lovingly fulfills its mission,

Be it word or be it deed.

Friendship cheers the faint and weary,

Makes the timid spirit brave,

Warns the erring, lights the dreary,

Smooths the passage to the grave.

Friendship-pure, unselfish friendship,

All through life’s allotted span,

Nurtures, strengthens, widens, lengthens,

Man’s relationship with man.

~ Anonymous Americas.

Friendship stands the test of time,

Where-ever the place, whatever the clime.

Friendship is mellow, friendship is strong,

Friendship stands fast during sorrow and song.

Friendship’s not dumb, nor yet is it blind,

Acknowledges truth yet strives to be kind.

Friendship is something with feet on the ground,

Be thankful for friendship where-ever it’s found.

~ Mill Field.

Friendship is a gift,

That you choose to give away.

Friendship is a flower,

That grows stronger everyday.

Friendship is a treasure,

Full of riches and gold.

Friendship is a memory,

That can never grow old.

Friendship is a charm,

That you hold near and dear in your heart.

Friendship is a bond,

That keeps us from growing apart.

~ Sarah Stopka.

The best of friends,

Can change a frown,

Into a smile,

when you feel down.

The best of friends,

Will understand,

Your little trials,

And lend a hand.

The best of friends,

Will always share,

Your secret dreams,

Because they care.

The best of friends,

Worth more than gold,

Give all the love,

A heart can hold.

~ Unknown.

We are the captains of our own ships sailing the sea of life, 

but in times of a stormy weather, 

you will discover true friends 

when they don’t hesitate to be a lighthouse.


But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, 

but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement 

the greater part of life is sunshine.

~ Thomas Jefferson

Ah, how good it feels! 

The hand of an old friend.

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The friend who holds your hand and says 

the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff 

than the one who stays away.

~ Barbara Kingsolver

I always felt that the great high privilege, relief 

and comfort of friendship was that one had to explain nothing.

~ Katherine Mansfield

Everyone Should Have A Friend Like You !!

Everyone should have a friend like you

You are so much fun to be with

And you are such a good person

You crack me up with laughter

And touch my heart with your kindness

You have a wonderful ability

To know when to offer advice

And when to sit in quiet support

Time after time

You’ve come to my rescue

And brightened so many of my routine days

And time after time

I’ve realized how fortunate

I am that my life includes you

I really do believe that

Everybody should have a friend like you

But so far it looks like

You are one of a kind!

~ Umakant Gupta.

«Friends Are The Angels That Lift Us To Our Feet When Our Wings Have trouble Remembering How To Fly.»

~ Jessica.

«A smile makes richer the one who recieves it without making poorer the one who gives it»

~ Julia.

«I know we’ll be friends for life, sharing our dreams together. As we walk down the road we’ll never think twice, our memories will last forever. And although we’re off to different worlds, somehow we’re together. And even though we’re far apart, our memories are deep within our hearts. These are the times to remember, our memories will last…forever more…»

~ Kayla.

«Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday, and celebrate just living!»

~ Amanda Bradley.

«Real Friendship is the sharing of all that the heart holds inside, it’s tears and laughter, it’s joy and broken dreams. Because friendship dwells in the heart where time and distance know no boundaries, it understands the depth of true feelings and the sound of words unspoken. It is a true gift, for it connects the heart of soulmates together forever.»

~ Erin.

«The joy of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship. It is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him.»

~ Emerson.

A friend is someone we turn to

when our spirits need a lift.

A friend is someone we treasure

for our friendship is a gift.

A friend is someone who fills our lives

with beauty, joy, and grace.

And makes the whole world we live in

a better and happier place.

~ Jean Kyler McManus.

«A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like

is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.»

~ Proverbs.

«Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet

when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.»

~ Unknown.

«Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.»

~ Albert Schweitzer.

«Your friends will know you better in the first minute they meet you

than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.»

~ Richard Bach.

«He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,

And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.»

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides it’s evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island. To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.

~ Baltasar Gracian.

«Far away but always near

I hold our relationship very dear;

never together but never apart;

you will always be in my heart «

~ Unknown.

I believe in angels,

The kind that heaven sends,

I am surrounded by angels,

But I call them friends.

~ Aizabel Parinas.

«Friends are those rare people who ask how you are

and then wait to hear the answer.»

~ Unknown.

«When a friend’s in trouble,

Don’t insult him by asking what you can do,

think for yourself and start doing it.»

~ Unknown.

A Golden Chain !

Friendship is a Golden Chain,

The links are friends so dear,

And like a rare and precious jewel

It’s treasured more each year…

It’s clasped together firmly

With a love that’s deep and true,

And it’s rich with happy memories

and fond recollections, too…

Time can’t destroy its beauty

For, as long as memory lives,

Years can’t erase the pleasure

That the joy of friendship gives…

For friendship is a priceless gift

That can’t be bought or sold,

But to have an understanding friend

Is worth far more than gold…

And the Golden Chain of Friendship

Is a strong and blessed tie

Binding kindred hearts together

As the years go passing by.

~ Helen Steiner Rice.

Memories of me and you 

seem to last forever

we have been through so much

and always together

you were there when i fell in love

and when my heart was broken

through thick and thin 

we have been there for one another

every picture i see as i look through 

my album of memories,you are in

walking the streets at night and 

causing trouble in the park

what we have is a friendship 

that will last forever

all the secrets

all the laughter

all the gossip

all the tears

most of all,all the memories

of times i will hold so dear

of friendship that will never die

friend ship that will last 

forever through eternity . . 

Nothing is great like friendship on earth, No jewel No pearl has got it’s worth. No one except a friend can be trusted, Your life will never ever get rusted.


Friendship is not just a word,

Friendship is not at all about spending time,

Friendship is not an expectation,

Unfortunately it cannot be defined,

& that is known as FRIENDSHIP.

~ Unknown.

«All love that has not friendship for its base,

is like a mansion built upon the sand.»

~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

The only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself.

~ George Bernard Shaw.

(1856-1950) Irish Playwright

«A reassuring presence,

A LIGHT when times are dark,

A hand reaching out,

Is what friendship is about.»

~ Laure Schnackenberg.

«Friend derives from a word meaning «free.» A friend is someone who allows us the space and freedom to be.»

~ Unknown.

«Try to be governed by your loves and not your hates and find goodness and beauty where you can.»

~ Brandon Merenda.

«Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare

False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.»

~ Anoymous (sent by Deanne Pigdon)

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Friendship is not just a word,

Friendship is not just a word,
Friendship is not at all about spending time,
Friendship is not an expectation,
Unfortunately it cannot be defined,
& that is known as FRIENDSHIP…

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Friendship is not just a word or some kind of liability.
It is silent promise that I was
I am and I will always be there for you….!!!

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A true friend is not just a person whose name you know and who you chat with from time to time.Настоящий друг — не просто знакомый, чьё имя ты знаешь и с кем время от времени общаешься.

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Friendship Status for Whatsapp: No one can live alone, so they need to make mates like friends or partners. Friends are like an indivisible part of body and Friendship is the soul. Friendship is not just a word, it is a symbol of sharing, caring, and sacrifice. You may like to share your thought about friendship by updating your Whatsapp status from this post. Here we have some friendship statuses for Whatsapp from best to funny and emotional to sad. Just share your favorite Whatsapp status about friendship and let your friends know what they mean to you. You can also share this Friendship Status on various social sites like Facebook, Whatsapp, Wechat, Line and much more.

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.

Friends knock on the door. Best friends walk into your house and start eating.

We all have that one friend who never learned how to whisper.

It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.

When my best friend and I first met, we were both like, “You’re really weird.”

Friendship Status for Whatsapp

Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.

There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family.

Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.

There’s not a word yet for old friends who’ve just met.

Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.

Life was meant for good friends and great adventures.

Never take friendship for granted, you never know what tomorrow holds.

Do not try to buy friendship, it’s not for sale.

Blessings come in many ways but the best come as friends.

I am surrounded by awesome people; I called them Friends.

Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life.

More beautiful than all the stars that shine is the heart of a loving friend.

Friendship makes prosperity more brilliant and lightens adversity by dividing and sharing it.

If friendship is your weakest point then your the strongest person in the world.

Friendship doubles your Happiness and divides your Sorrow…

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

Good friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, impossible to forget.

Friendship is a mirror so that nothing can be hidden.

A true friend is someone who can look at you with the biggest smile on your face and still tell something is wrong.

Friends are like stars, they come and go, but the ones that stay are the ones that glow…

Read: Best Friendship Status

Cute Friendship Status for Whatsapp

A true fried is the best possession.

The language of friendship is not words but meaning.

A faithful friend is the medicine of life.

No friendship is an accident.


I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.

Friendship is just a soul trapped inside two bodies.

Love is beautiful, friendship is better.

I love my crazy best friends.

Every girl needs a boy best friend.

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

Every moment I spent with you is a beautiful dream come true.

You and I are more than friends. We’re like a really small gang.

Friends should be like books, few but hand-selected.

In life we never lose friends, we only learn who the true ones are.

Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe called life.

Wherever we are, it is our friends that make our world.

True friendship is hard to find, especially a friendship like yours and mine.

Besides chocolate, you’re my favorite.

Friendship Bio for Whatsapp

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.

The only way to have a friend is to be one.

Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.

Friendship is when people know all about you but like you anyway.

A friend is what the heart needs all the time.

Friends are the siblings God never gave us.

A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.

A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.

Friends are the family you choose.

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.

True Friends are like family, which support you with every problem.

Best Friend Bio for Whatsapp

True friends are always together in spirit.

Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend.

Life was meant for best friends and good adventures!

Best Friend Bio for Whatsapp

What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.

Fake friends: Never ask for food. Real friends: are the reason why you don’t have food.

Best friends don’t care if your house is clean. They care if you have wine.

A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.

If you have one true friend you have more than your share.

It’s not what we have, but who we have.

Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a best friend.

There’s nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend. Nothing.

True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.

Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.

The joy of true friendship is hot that last forever. Thank you for adding such joy to my life.

A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.

Funny Friendship Status for Whatsapp

True friends don’t judge each other. They judge other people together.

Just remember, if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.

I don’t like to commit myself to heaven and hell – you see, I have friends in both places.

Hold a true friend with both your hands.

A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.

A good friend will help you move. But a best friend will help you move a dead body.

There is nothing better than a friend unless it is a friend with chocolate.

In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.

A true friend is not angry when you insult. Instead, they think of more insulting words to you.

Friends are people who know you really well and like you anyway.

When I say won’t tell anyone. My best friend doesn’t count.

There are three faithful friends, an old wife, an old dog, and ready money.

Funny Friendship Status for Whatsapp

I don’t want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there.

My friends are the weirdest, craziest people I know but I love them.

A good friend would bail you out of jail but your best friend would be the one sitting next to you saying, damn that was cool.

God made us best friends because He knew our moms couldn’t handle us as sisters.

A good friend knows how you take your coffee. A great friend adds booze.

Never let your friends feel lonely… Always Disturb them…

We’ll befriend ’til we’re old and senile. … Then we’ll be new friends!

A good friend is like a computer. I ‘enter’ in your life, ‘save’ you in my heart, ‘format’ your problems, ‘shift’ you to opportunities & never ‘delete’ you from my memory!

People who tolerate me on a daily basis are real heroes in my eye.

The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn’t exist.

Real friendship is when your friend comes over to your house just take a nap.

Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.

A true friend is someone who never gets tired of listening to your pointless dramas over and over again.

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.

Some people say “If you can’t beat them, join them”. I say “If you can’t beat them, beat them”, because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.

Read: Happy Friendship Day Status 2022

Whatsapp Friendship Status for Best Friend

I found out what the secret to life is—friends. Best friends.

The best gift anyone can give, I believe, is the gift of sharing themselves.

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.

It’s not that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but it’s your best friends who are your diamonds.

A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad.

A circle is round, it has no ends, that’s how long I want to be your best friend.

A good friend knows all your stories. A best friend helped you write them.

Best friends loan out DVDs knowing that they’ll never be seen again.

I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I’m surrounded by angels, and I call them my best friends.


Best friends are the people in your life who make you laugh louder, smile brighter and live better.

Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours.

Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.

Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing means absolutely everything to me.

When it hurts to look back and you’re afraid to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.

Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don’t say.

Best friends understand when you say forget it. Wait forever when you say just a minute. Stay when you say leave me alone. And open the door before you can say come in.

Whatsapp Status for Missing Friends

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.

Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.

Friendship happens when the distance between the hearts tends to zero.

Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.

I miss my friend, and there is no other pain like it.

I miss your silly comments while watching our favorite comedies. Come back soon.

Take my iPhone away, take my laptop away. Take my Facebook away, take my car away… just give me my friend back. I miss you.

It doesn’t matter how much time we spend together, it will always be not enough for me. You are a part of my soul that lives in another body. I miss you.

Life moves on, but memories don’t. You may have gone away but our friendship is right here… in my heart. I miss you.

I wake up wanting to talk to you, I go to sleep thinking about you, and I dream about you holding me the way only you do. I miss you.

Even though you are just a post away on Facebook and a tweet away on Twitter… I wish you could just be a hug away in real life. I miss you.

If I could plant a flower for every time I miss you, I could walk through my garden forever. Missing you friend.

Being away from you has brought a definitive and hurting twist in my life’s story. First, it was full of happiness and now it is drowning in melancholy. I miss you.

The movies are lifeless, the cafes look barren, and even I’m not the same without you. I miss you.

Read: I Miss My Best Friend Status

Emotional Friendship Status for Whatsapp

I am forever grateful to Lord for sending you into my life.

If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.

Emotional Friendship Status for Whatsapp

Friendship is blessed on Trust, without it there is nothing.

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival.

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain of you even if you are fooling everyone else….

Everyone needs a good friend but there are only few who wants to be good for their friends.

Always Love your friends from your Heart, not from your mood or need.

A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second an stops the third.

Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you.

Friendship is never forgettable in your whole life. It is always sweet like chocolate but never bitter like Neem.

Never forget who was there for you when no one else was.

Friendship isn’t one big thing it’s a million little things.

True friends will pick you up when you fall. The bad friends will have been the one who made you fall in the first place.

Sad Friendship Status for Whatsapp

A friendship that can end never really began.

No one is really busy. It all depends on what number you are on their priority list.

We are neither on good terms or bad. We are no longer anything.

I’d rather have no friends than fake ones.

I don’t need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.

Shared joys make a friend, not shared sufferings.

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

Oh, my bad. I’m sorry for bothering you. I forgot I only exist when you need me for something.

Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don’t care, because they don’t.

Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm & constant.

Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.

I didn’t lose a friend, I just realized I never had one.

Some people aren’t loyal to you. They are loyal to their needs of you. Once their needs change, so does their loyalty.

Not all scars show, not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can’t always see the pain someone feels.

Friends are supposed to be there for you when you cry, not the reason you cry.

Betray a friend and you’ll often find you have ruined yourself.

The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.

Real loss only occurs when you lose something that you love more than yourself.

Better to have an enemy who slaps you in the face than a friend who stabs you in the back.

Be slow to fall into friendship, but when you are in, continue firm and constant.

It’s funny how sometimes the people you’d take a bullet for are the ones behind the trigger.

I’m not even going to get mad anymore. I’m just going to learn to expect the lowest out of the people I thought the highest of.

Read More: Sad Friendship Status

Friendship is a wonderful relationship. A good friend or friends will never leave you alone. A true friend loves you the way you are. Not all people are lucky to have a friendship. If you feel the same than you will enjoy our collection of friendship status for whatsapp. We feel glad to have you on our site. Hope this friendship status for Whatsapp in English will help you to express your thoughts about friendship. Share these on Whatsapp and with your friends. Happy friendship.

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