Friend giving one word answers

Why One-Word Answer Questions? 

If you’re looking to have a fun time with your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, or even friend, or to get to know them more, asking questions is one of the sure ways to. 

Apart from having fun, it’s a sure way to know your spouse in a relaxed atmosphere. 

What better way to know someone than when the mood is great? 

Also, it could be a way to stimulate your/their brain and get creative. 


1.This is not a regular question and answer game. It’s strictly one-word answer questions

Meaning, the answer to every question must be one word.

2. You can take turns in asking these questions and assign a mark to each question to declare a winner maybe or just to know the number of correct answers. 

3. You can also set a time limit for each answer so that the game is more structured. For instance, a maximum of 10 seconds to answer each question, depending on the capacity and agreement of the people involved. 

Have fun with these 100 cool one-word answer questions game!! 

1.Describe your life 

2. Your feeling right now 

3. Your childhood 

4. Your high school experience 

5. Your celebrity crush

6. What you have a phobia for

7. Your dream job 

8. Your favorite hobby

9. Your favorite holiday destination 

10. Your next holiday destination 

11. Describe your country 

12. Describe your president

13. Describe your boss

14. Describe your job

15. Your college experience 

16. Your first date ever

17. Describe your first day in high school 

18. The first name of your first best friend 

19. Describe your workplace 

20. Describe yourself 

21. Describe your first kiss

22. Describe your first boyfriend/girlfriend 

23. Where is your happy place? 

24. What’s your guilty pleasure? 

25. Describe your first day at work

26. Describe your first job interview 

27. What would you rather be doing right now? 

28. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received 

29. What’s your favourite board game? 

30. Your favorite book in the Bible (if you’re a Christian) 

31. A skincare product you can’t do without 

32. Your favorite subject in high school 

33. Your personality 

34. Your most cherished attribute 

35. Your favorite physical feature

36. The first thing you notice in others

37. A subject you’d teach if you were a teacher

38. Your least favorite subject 

39. A home appliance you can’t do without 

40. Your least favorite household chore

41. Your favorite household chore

42. One thing you regret ever trying and would try again

43. One thing you’re looking forward to trying 

44. If you could go under the knife, what part of your body would you love to work on? 

45. One thing you could do all day every day

46. One world problem you’d solve if you had the power 

47. What you’d never buy with your money 

48. An item you’d buy if you received a gift of 1M dollars 

49. An activity you think should be banned 

50. Describe the world 

51. Your favorite animal

52. If there was a second life, you would love to come back as a man or woman?. 

53. Your favorite color

54. A job you would never do even if the salary was 1M dollars a month

55. The sweetest name if you’ve ever heard

56. A celebrity you’d love to date

57. Your least favorite celebrity 

58. The most unrewarding job in the world 

59. Your favorite day of the week

60. Your favorite time of the year 

61. Your favorite time of the day 

62. Your mood when you wake up

63. The most unnecessary job

64. One thing you love about winter 

65. One thing you love about summer

66. A place you’d love to visit again

67. Your very first opinion of me

68. Love is – – – – 

69. Your role model

70. Favorite sport

71. Favorite meal of the day

72. Your favorite waking time

73. Your favorite sleeping time

74. The quality you value most in others

75. A habit you’d love to give up

76. A language you’d love to learn

77. What you think is overrated

78. What you think is underrated

79. A skill you think everyone should learn 

80. What you find most boring 

81. Your favorite bird

82. Your most-priced possession 

83. The most useless thing you’ve ever bought 

84. First thing you touch when you wake up

85. What makes you angry? 

86. Your favorite fashion item 

87. An unpopular person you think is a hero

88. Your favorite part of the house 

89. Your favorite drink 

90. Your favorite exercise activity 

91. If you were a sales person, what product would you love to sell

92. One thing you hate

93. One thing you’re so good at

94. One thing you’re obsessed with

95. Your favorite word 

96. People you think deserve the greatest punishment 

97. The person you’d give anything to see 

98. The person you wish never to see

99. A place you’d never go even if you were paid 1M dollars 

100. One thing you think is more important than money. 

one-word answer questions

Have fun! 

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Pretend you’re texting the guy you like. The conversation is flowing, texts are going back and forth, the mood seems fantastic, and then you get hit out of nowhere with a one-word answer.

It could look something like this:






Suddenly, your conversation stutters to a cold and awkward halt. You wonder to yourself how you’re supposed to answer that and return back to the flowing conversation from before.

Well, you’re in the right place. We’ll be showing you how to reply to one-word texts from guys, as well as tell you why he’s sending you those curt messages at all.

Why He’s Sending You One-Word Texts in the First Place

We’ll start by explaining why he’s suddenly decided to become the world’s laziest texter. There are several reasons behind his icy tone:

He’s just not that into you.

The most hurtful answer is simple: he’s not into, or he’s grown bored of you. This is more likely if you’re still early on in your relationship in the “getting to know him” stage.

In those first few weeks of “just talking,” the relationship is young and fragile. You probably don’t even have any sort of formal commitment yet. Because he could be (and probably is) talking to other girls, you need to keep his interest if you really like him.

The one-word answer could be a great way for you to gauge his interest level. At this point, it shows to you that he doesn’t care enough to put effort into your conversation.

Read Next: How to Text a Guy You Just Met

He’s a little busy at the moment.

"If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now."

A one-word text doesn’t have to be a bad sign. If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now.

For example, if he’s answering you on a quick break at work or while he’s visiting his mom, he doesn’t necessarily have the time to send you more…but he still cared enough to try and answer you, anyway.

When he sends you that dreaded one-word text, think about the time of day. Did you knowingly text him in the middle of his shift at work? Do you know if he had any plans at the time you texted him?

If you can answer yes to those questions, you can be more confident that he’s just a bit occupied.

VIDEO REVEALS: Secret ‘Desire’ text message that men are powerless to resist

He doesn’t realize he’s coming off as cold.

Men are often solution-focused. This means that, if one word perfectly sums up the response to something, he might spring for it because it makes sense.

He’s not necessarily trying to be rude, nor does he realize he’s coming off as cold. It’s kind of hard to tell if this is the case, though.

If he does this often, but seems interested in continuing the conversation by texting you again afterward, it’s a pretty good sign that his texting skills might just need a little polishing. He probably doesn’t know that he seems disinterested.

He could be testing your interest.

Unfortunately, both men and women play a lot of games when it comes to dating. We do this to protect our hearts from hurt.

Your guy could be doing exactly that when he sends you a one-word answer. He might be unsure how interested you are in him, so he sends you that single word, waiting to see what you do next. What he’s looking for in your response varies based on the man in question.

Again, this is another hard one to pinpoint. You can try looking at your past interactions to see if he has a pattern of playing games with you.

If you think he’s playing games with you, make sure to read our guide on what to text a guy who is playing games.

You Might Also Like: Random Things to Text a Guy You Like (That He Won’t Be Able to Resist)

He’s upset.

"Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint."

We’ve all been sulky before. Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint.

At other times, we send them that one-word message when we don’t know what else to say. Your guy could be doing the exact same thing.

To determine if this is what’s going on, take a step back and look at the circumstances surrounding the text. Did you just have a disagreement or an argument? Are you giving him some bad news?

Then there’s a good chance his cold reply is just him indicating he’s upset.

He’s trying to play it cool.

Here’s another game that we often play in the early stages of relationships: hard to get. You know how it works – you pretend to be less interested than you really are so you don’t come off as desperate.

Women aren’t the only ones who do this. Men frequently try to keep it cool, too, which could be exactly what he’s doing with his one-word texts.

Like many of the other causes, this one is hard to tell. It’s something you might not ever discover until later, when you know him well enough to ask him why he did it.

Recommended Article: Interesting Text Messages to Send to a Guy (With 15+ Intriguing Examples)

Don’t answer him at all.

Ignoring him might seem childish, but we honestly think it’s your overall best option. It can apply to every single reason for him sending you the one-word text.

Think he might be busy? Not texting him back could free him up to focus on other things and show him you respect his space.

If he’s playing games with you or losing interest, the lack of a response is a clear signal that you’re not desperate for him. When he realizes you’re not at his beck and call, he’ll be forced to see that he must work harder to keep your attention.

And if he’s being sulky, not answering him will give him time to stew in peace. Once he cools down, he should text you again himself if he’s actually interested in you.

Take a little break from him.

Ignoring him completely might seem too rude to you. And when you’re really smitten with him, you’ll feel less inclined to take risks like that with your relationship.

We hear you. If cutting him off completely until he steps up his game is too drastic, consider the happy medium: ending the conversation yourself for now.

After he sends you that frustrating single-word text, tell him you’ve got to go for now. Then, simply take a bit of a break from him or your phone. If you can, wait for him to text you next.

Send him a one-word answer of your own.

"Sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels."

We’re not the kind of people to constantly tell you to give someone “a taste of their own medicine,” especially when it comes to romance. In the arena of love, we should strive to be the best we can be.

However, sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels. Don’t be rude about it by sending him a haughty “whatever;” instead, just send him something acknowledging his answer, like “okay.”

Then don’t say anything else. Let him come to you when he’s ready to talk more.

If you know him well, check in on him.

When you’ve been talking to him longer or you’ve already started a committed relationship, you’re probably at a point where you can confide in each other. If you know him better and can sense that he’s upset, ask him if he’s doing okay or what’s wrong.

Don’t do this simply because you’re feeling insecure. If you constantly ask him what’s wrong any time you so much as think he’s mad, you’ll just look clingy.

You should only ask him if you’ve gotten to a stage in your relationship where you actually know him well enough to tell when he’s angry. Additionally, don’t ask him in a way that feels judgmental, such as saying something like, “what’s wrong now?”

Ask him in a way that sounds concerned and open to his thoughts. For example, you could say something like the following:

“Hey, it feels like you might be upset. Want to talk about it?”

Stay away from boring conversation openers.

"If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first."

Conversations are a two-way street. If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first.

There are some boring conversation openers that are just exhausting to answer all the time. “What’s up?” or “How’s it going?” are two examples of this. They can work perfectly fine sometimes, but as you get to know each other better, these classics are just plain uninteresting.

Keep your talks feeling fresh. Avoid using traditional conversation openers all the time, and try to go for things that are more personal to him, such as asking about how certain things went at work or who won the game he watched last night.

Further Reading: I Want to Kiss You Texts for Him (With 15 Examples You Can Use)

How to Become a Master of Texting

We get it. Texting can seem impossible, especially if you were never a strong writer to begin with. Even detailed guides might not be enough to make you feel more confident about your texting.

Follow the steps laid out in this video and learn how to hook a guy the easy way.

Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.

So ladies, let’s suppose you are out at the market when a guy you find attractive approaches you and starts a conversation, and it goes something like this:

Guy: “Are you having a good day?”
You: “Yes.”
Guy: “What are you having for lunch?”
You: “A sandwich.”
Guy: “Do you like sandwiches?”
You: “Yes.”

This was probably about as painful to read as it would be for the poor guy trying to get this conversation going. The point I’m trying to illustrate with this hypothetical is this: You need to stop giving one word answers.

It’s funny, because I get complaints about this from guys all the time. I hear over and over again about how they will finally approach a woman who has been looking at them for the last two hours, then when they try to initiate a conversation with her she will keep just giving these one word answers.

You can’t create a conversation with someone who only responds with one word answers. It’s impossible, because you are providing no information from which someone can work off of to keep a conversation going.

If you answer a man’s question with a one word answer, then at a minimum also respond with a follow-up question. If I ask you if you are enjoying your day and you answer “yes,” then at least add on something like “How about you?” or “Are you enjoying your day?”

See how simple that is to do?

If a guy in a coffee house asks you if that is your favorite coffee house, instead of responding with just “no”as your answer, try following that up with something like “I like the one on 5th and Main a lot better because it has my favorite kind of coffee.”

By giving one word answers, you’re not giving any conversation back to a guy. You’re not giving any bits of information from which the guy can work to build a conversation with you.

Whether you give one word answers because you’re nervous around a guy or for some other reason, the fact is that if do that then he is going to walk away . . . and he will do so seeing you as the “one word answer” kind of girl. If you are a “one word answer” kind of girl, you need to start giving guys who approach you and try to start a conversation a little more information to help him communicate with you better.

I have found that a lot of women are “one word answer” women and will do this. Even if they are attracted to and interested in a guy, they will still give only the one word answers when he tries to initiate a conversation with her.

What is unbelievable is that after the guy will walk away from her, this same woman will go back to her friends perplexed about why the guy walked away and say “I don’t know what happened. I tried to talk to him but he wouldn’t talk.” The truth, of course, is that it was she who wouldn’t talk.

So the next time you catch yourself giving one word answers when you’re talking to a guy, try to add a question or a statement on to your answer. If you and I were talking, you could do it in this way:

David: “So are you the type of woman who gives one word answers?”
You: “Yes. I’d really like to stop doing that right now though.”

See that can lead to a conversation, because I’d then look at you and be able to get a real conversation going:

David: “Really? Why do you want to stop giving one word answers?”
You: “Because, David, I want to meet some great men and I’m sick of losing the opportunity to meet great men because I always only give one word answers.”
David: “Well, what type of men do you like?”

The conversation would keep building from there. You can see how by getting rid of the one word answers that a conversation was able to be developed.

So, now, it’s time for you to get rid of the use of one word answers in your conversations with men for good. Go out there and practice and pretty soon it’ll be easy for you to do it every day.

Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.

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There are few things more frustrating than pouring your heart out to a guy over text, only to have him respond with the dreaded “K.” Luckily, if your dude tends to clam up over text, there are things you can do to help bring him out of his shell. Read on for our tips on how to handle a dry texter.

  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 1

    It can be really hard to pick up on tone over text. When you’re texting, you can’t hear a guy’s tone of voice or see his facial expressions and body language. That means it can be really easy to misinterpret text messages, especially short ones.[1]
    Before you assume that those dry texts mean he’s bored, upset, or being passive-aggressive, think about other possibilities. For example, it’s possible that:

    • He doesn’t like texting or isn’t used to it
    • He’s busy or distracted
    • He doesn’t realize that his short texts could come off as rude
    • He wants to chat, but he isn’t sure what to say
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 2

    When in doubt, it’s a good idea to clear the air. If his one-word texts seem a little different from his usual style, you might worry that something’s bothering him. Instead of jumping to conclusions or trying to guess what’s on his mind, just ask him what’s going on.[2]

    • Say something like, “Hey, you seem kind of quiet today. Is everything ok?” Or, “Is now a good time to chat? If you’re busy, we can talk later.”
  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 3

    He might be bored or unsure of what to say. Or, it’s possible that the topic you’ve been talking about is sensitive for him. Whatever the reason, if it seems like he’s clamming up all of a sudden, sometimes changing the subject can help. Say something to make the transition to a new topic feel more natural.[3]

    • For instance, “Oh hey, I just remembered something I’ve been meaning to ask you about.” Or, “This is a bit of a change of subject, but how was that Netflix documentary you watched last night?”[4]
    • Say something like «Hey, random thought» to send the conversation in a new direction. By including the word «random,» you pretty much have permission to bring up whatever you want.[5]
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 4

    These tend to require longer answers. If you tend to ask a lot of “yes” or “no” questions, the dude you’re chatting with might not realize you’re looking for something a little more substantial. The same goes if you’re just telling him things without actually inviting him to respond in some way. Try to get the conversation flowing by asking questions that start with who, what, where, when, why, or how.[6]

    • For instance, instead of just saying, “Did you have a good day?” try something like, “How was work today?” or “So, what have you been up to this weekend?”
    • If you tell him something, follow up with a question. For example, you might say something like, “That snowstorm was crazy last night, we must have gotten at least 10 inches up here. How much did you get?”
  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 5

    Texting might not be his style. Sometimes you just need to switch up how you communicate. If he has trouble opening up over text, ask if he wants to take it to voice. You could also suggest video chat, or even meeting up to talk in person.[7]

    • For instance, say something like, “I’d love to hear how your big presentation went today. Is this a good time to call?”
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 6

    He might be chattier later on. If you’re getting a bunch of one-word answers, it could be because he’s multi-tasking. You can always ask him if it’s a good time to chat. If he says no, take a rain check and try again later.

    • For instance, say something like, “Seems like you’re busy right now. TTYL?”
    • It’s totally normal for people to want space from texting sometimes. Even if he’s not busy, he might just need a break from texting or want some time to himself.[8]
  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 7

    He might not realize how they come across. If you have a good vibe with the guy in general, but his short texts drive you up the wall, it might help to let him know how you feel. Keep it chill and try not to make it sound accusatory, so he’s less likely to feel hurt or defensive.[9]

    • For example, say something like, “Hey, I love chatting with you, but I’m not sure how to feel when you send a lot of one-word answers. Sometimes I wonder if you’re bored or upset with me.”
    • Try suggesting a solution, like, “Hey, just let me know if you’re not in the mood to talk,” or “We can do FaceTime if you prefer.”
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 8

    Slow down if you feel like you’re doing all the work. Just like in a face-to-face conversation, things can get unbalanced if one person is a lot more talkative than the other. If you tend to send a lot of long, chatty texts, it’s possible that he might just feel a bit overwhelmed. Try slowing it down or stopping for a bit and see if he makes a move to get the convo going again.[10]

  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 9

    Heavy conversations are always trickier over text. For one thing, it’s a lot easier to misunderstand each other than if you’re talking face-to-face or even over the phone. If you have something important or difficult to discuss, give him a call or ask if he can meet up—that way, you’re more likely to have a productive conversation instead of getting a lot of frustrating one-word answers.[11]

    • For instance, if you need to talk to him about where the relationship is going, or open up about a tough situation that you’re dealing with, don’t try to connect with him over text.
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 10

    Sometimes, one-word texts can be a red flag. If you’ve noticed that the dry texts are becoming more of a pattern—especially if he’s taking longer and longer to answer you—then it could be that he’s losing interest.[12]
    If you just can’t seem to get a conversation going, and if you’re not connecting in other ways (like over the phone or in person), then it might be time to let him go.

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If a girl has been replying to your messages with one word then you’re probably wondering why.

This post will help you understand why a girl would reply to you with one word and why other girls might do it in the future as well.

So, what does it mean when a girl replies with one word? A girl replying with one word could be a sign that she is not interested in you especially if she only does it to you and she does it repeatedly on more than one occasion. It could also be a sign that she is seeing other guys. However, she might just be busy, annoyed with you or she might not like texting much.

Since there are a number of reasons why a girl might reply to your messages with one word it is important to consider the context of how she does it and the body language that she shows you when she is around you.

By doing so you’ll be able to get a better understanding of why she would reply to you with one word and the way that she feels about you.

Reasons why a girl will reply with one word

Each of the different reasons why a girl will reply to you with one word will likely come with a number of clues in the way that she interacts with you in person and in the way that she texts you.

Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a girl might reply with one word and the clues to look for.

She isn’t interested in you

The reason that she texts you one word could be that she is not interested in you anymore.

If she texted you one-word answers from the start then it could be that she gave you her number because she didn’t want to say no. If she initially replied with more enthusiasm and she has slowly begun to reply with shorter replies then it could be that she was initially interested but she isn’t anymore.

If she isn’t interested then it would be likely that she would not initiate any conversation, that she wouldn’t agree to hang out and that she would take a long time to reply.

It would also be likely that she would show signs of not being interested when you’re with her in person.

These signs could include:

  • Smiling at the mouth but not beside the eyes
  • Pointing her feet away from you
  • Having tight lips when you’re talking
  • Looking away from you often
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Distancing herself from you
  • Crossing her arms when she sees you
  • Giving you short replies in person
  • Not asking you any questions

She is seeing other guys

The reason that she gives you one-word answers could be that she is more interested in other guys.

If that is the case then it would also be likely that she would not agree to hang out or that she would often give excuses not to at the last minute. It would also be likely that she would show a lack of interest in person.

She might also be more responsive to you at certain times but not at others and she might avoid talking to you when certain guys are around.

She is busy

She might be giving you one-word answers because she doesn’t have the time to have a conversation with you.

If that is the case then she would be more likely to text you longer replies at certain times when she is less busy.

If she is interested in you she would also be likely to continue the conversation when she can and to agree to hang out with you when you suggest to.

She is annoyed with you

The reason that she gives you one-word replies could be that she is annoyed with you.

If she is then it would be likely that you would have had an argument at around the same time that she started to give you one-word replies. It might also be that you did something that she didn’t like or that she thought that you did at around the same time that she started to give you one-word replies.

If she is annoyed with you then it would be less likely that she would want to hang out with you and that she would initiate the conversation with you.

It would also be likely that she would show signs of being annoyed with you when she is with you in person.

These signs could include:

  • Squinting when looking at you
  • Tensing her jaw when looking at you
  • Hiding her lips when looking at you
  • Crossing her arms when she sees you
  • Pointing her feet away from you
  • Standing further away from you

She is doing it on purpose

Sometimes girls will reply with one-word answers or take a long time to reply on purpose so as not to seem overly interested.

If it is the case that she is actually interested in you then it would be likely that she would always reply to you eventually, initiate the conversation at times and that she would agree to hang out with you.

It would also be likely that she would show signs of being attracted to you when she is with you in person.

These signs could include:

  • Having more dilated pupils than normal
  • Holding prolonged eye contact with you
  • Standing closer to you when talking to you than she does with other people
  • Pointing her feet at you
  • Ventilating her hair when she sees you
  • Brushing her hair to the side when she sees you
  • Playing with her hair with her palms facing you
  • Sitting or standing with a straighter posture when she sees you
  • Uncrossing her arms when she sees you
  • Adjusting her appearance when she sees you
  • Laughing and looking to see if you’re also laughing
  • Mirroring your body language

It’s important to note that she might show a single one of these signs for a number of different reasons making it difficult to accurately tell why she would be showing it. But, if she shows multiple body language signs of attraction then it would be much more likely that she actually is.

You have been messaging her too much

It could be the case that you have been messaging her too much.

If you have been sending her lots of messages without her replying inbetween then it would be likely that she would be starting to get annoyed with it.

If that is the case then it would be likely that she would text you much less than you text her and that she would show signs of being annoyed with you in person. In this case, it would probably be worthwhile to reduce how much you message her.

She doesn’t like to message people

It might be the case that it’s normal for her to give one-word answers to everyone when texting.

If that is the case then it would be likely that she would also do it with her other friends and that she would show interest when she is with you in person. It would also be likely that she would agree to meet up with you when you suggest to.

She finds your conversations to be boring

The reason that she gives you one-word replies could be that she finds the conversation to be boring or that she doesn’t enjoy small talk.

If that is why she gives short replies then it would be likely that she would reply to her friends in different ways and that her conversations with her friends would involve different topics. It would also be likely that she would show a lack of interest in person.

Consider how she reacts to seeing you

When trying to understand why she gives you short replies and the way that she feels about you it would be helpful to consider the way that she reacts to you in person.

If she noticeably changes her body language and behavior when she sees you then it would be more likely that she has good or bad feelings about you depending on the way that she changes it.

If she reacts to seeing you by:

  • Uncrossing her arms
  • Brushing her hair to the side
  • Ventilating her hair
  • Smiling
  • Raising her eyebrows
  • Holding eye contact
  • Having more dilated pupils
  • Pointing her feet at you

Then it would be more likely that she has positive feelings towards you and that she gives one-word replies because she either does it on purpose, she’s busy or that she doesn’t enjoy texting.

Whereas, if she reacts to seeing you by doing things such as:

  • Crossing her arms
  • Squinting
  • Pointing her feet away from you
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Tensing her jaw
  • Tightening her lips
  • Distancing herself from you

Then it would be more likely that she gives you one-word replies because she is either annoyed with you or because she is not interested in you.

Consider how she interacts with other people

Another useful thing would be to consider how her interactions when other people are different to how she is with you.

If she also texts other people one-word replies but she shows more interested body language around you than she does with her friends then it could be that she naturally replies one-word answers but she is still interested in you.

Whereas, if she texts her other friends more and she shows more positive body language around her friends then it would be likely that she is not interested in you.

Consider what she does text you

It would also be useful to consider the types of things that she does text you.

If she often texts you more positive things, she asks you questions often through messaging you and she agrees to hang out with you then it would be more likely that she is interested in you.

Whereas, if she takes a long time to reply, she gives you negative replies a lot and she does not agree to hang out then it would be much more likely that she is not interested in you.

Consider multiple aspects of her body language

It is important not to judge a single body language signal by itself when considering what her body language is showing.

This is because she might show a single body language sign for many different reasons making it difficult to accurately tell why she is showing it.

Whereas, she would be more likely to show multiple body language signs that suggest the same thing for that specific reason.


What does it mean when a girl replies with short answers? It would likely mean that she is not interested in you especially if she shows signs of not being interested when you are with her in person. It could also be that she is annoyed with you, busy, she doesn’t like texting much or she might be doing it on purpose.

If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people’s true intentions.


Whether she’s your Tinder match, real life crush, platonic friend, or girlfriend…

…I’m going to give you 9 ways to deal with her one word texts.

So by the end of today’s article, you’ll know:

  • What do one-word text messages mean?
  • #1: Take a breath
  • #2: You’re texting her at the wrong time
  • #3: The best mindset to deal with one-word texts
  • #4: How often does she send you one-word texts?
  • #5: Ask more open-ended questions
  • #6: Be clear in your tone of voice
  • #7: Don’t be too hard-to-get
  • #8: Stop selling yourself
  • #9: Why you’re getting one-word texts from your girlfriend or boyfriend
  • #10: Stop typing like your uneducated
  • What to text after a one-word text

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

What do one-word text messages mean?

Honestly, it can mean many things.

She could be too busy to tell you more. It could be that your last text was difficult to answer. And it could mean she’s done with your shit.

Yup. More often than not, a one-word text is a negative sign.

But it doesn’t have to be.

So don’t jump to conclusions. It’s not good for your back or your relationship with that girl.

The only time you need to be worried is if you get one word replies a lot.

Then the odds are that you’re doing something wrong.

Find out what you’re doing wrong in the next tips.

#1: Take a breath

One of the most important things to do after you get a one-word text is to relax.

Take a chill pill, dude.

Because if you grab your phone with a heart full of rage, you’ll probably say something you’ll regret.

Something you can’t undo.

So don’t let your emotions get the better of you.

Take a deep breath and put the phone away.

Then do something fun or productive.

Go for a walk, hit the gym, or hang out with a friend.

And remember: her one-word reply may not mean anything.

#2: You’re texting her at the wrong time

Sometimes one word replies make a lot of sense.

You just caught her at the wrong time.

She’s working. Hanging out with friends. Or she’s done talking with you after you blew up her phone with text messages.

So timing is of the essence.

In this next 2-minute video, I tell you exactly what the best time is to text a girl.

#3: The best mindset to deal with one-word texts

One-word texts usually rattle us for two reasons.

  • We like the other person so much that their lack of interest hurts
  • We have a negative mindset

Story time!

One of the students from my TextGod Mentoring Program was at a girl’s house on a date when he saw something bad.

A trash can with two empty pizza boxes.

“Oh no…” he thought “she probably had a date yesterday and had sex with him!”

Now he felt like a cheap manwhore and the whole vibe of the date was ruined.

Let’s hit rewind.

Did the two empty pizza boxes mean she had a date?

How else could we interpret that?

  • She’s had a couple pizzas by herself this week
  • She had pizza with a platonic friend
  • She’s into modern art and this is her latest art installation (probably not)

In short: there are plenty of innocent reasons why she has a trash can with two empty pizza boxes!

But because my student had a negative mindset, he assumed the worst and was a real Debbie Downer.

So be careful, my friend.

Don’t assume the worst. Instead, assume she likes you and all is good.

  • 10 Ways to make a girl like you over text

#4: How often does she send you one-word texts?

Don’t worry if you get a brief reply every now and then.

That’s normal.

And more importantly, it’s probably not a bad sign.

Does it happen more often?

Now it’s time to put on your thinking cap, because we may have found a pattern.

Check your convo. Do the one-word texts have anything in common?

Were they perhaps sent at the same time of day (work hours) or after you said something with a unique flavor (something she didn’t like)?

Look carefully.

Because if you’re the cause of her short replies, you have the power to stop them.

You just need to find out what you’re doing wrong.

Here are some questions to help you identify the problem:

  • Was your text easy to reply to?
  • Were you talking about the same subject for too long?
  • Was the vibe of your text very different from the texts that came before?
  • Did you ask a question out of necessity rather than curiosity?

Want to know how to get her more engaged? Check out this article:

  • 19 Texting rules for guys to make her interested in you

#5: Ask more open-ended questions

A HUGE reason why people struggle with online dating is this.

They ask bad questions.

Closed questions.

Did you have a good weekend?

And, of course, this zinger of a question.

What’s the trouble with asking these types of questions?

They lead to one-word answers.

Yes and no.

Sure, she could reply more.

But if you want a rich and fulfilling love life, you need to take responsibility and be proactive.

So start writing texts that lead to long and fun answers.

An easy way is to start asking open-ended questions.

Here are two articles to give you some inspiration:

  • 100+ Tinder questions that actually work
  • 70+ Questions to ask your crush over text

#6: Be clear in your tone of voice

If you don’t take care of your tone of voice, you’re torpedoing your love life.

Even the most innocent texts can turn off Tinder matches or start fights with your significant other.


Because unless you clarify the vibe of your text, she’ll interpret the text based on her mood and what she knows of you.

If she barely knows you and she’s in a foul mood, you can guarantee an ambiguous text will go down badly.

So don’t just type up a joke and think she’ll laugh.

Read your text out loud to yourself and ask yourself: “Can I interpret the text in any other way?”

If so, delete that mothatrucka and send it to hell.

Or rewrite the text in a way that it only has one clear meaning. Sometimes the answer is as simple as adding an emoji.

So drop the linguistic puzzles and be clear.

#7: Don’t be too hard-to-get

Playing hard-to-get definitely has its place in seduction.

But it usually backfires harder than a sumo wrestler’s backside on enchilada night.


Because most people do it wrong.

They’re not hard-to-get. They’re cold.

  • They wait forever to text back
  • They never ask questions
  • And they never give compliments

What type of reaction do you think that type of behavior promotes?

MORE cold behavior in the shape of one-word answers.

So don’t be hard-to-get.

Be warm.

Which starts with smiling in your online dating photos. Click this link for 11 Tinder profile photo tips on how to triple your matches.

Anyway, being warm also means being friendly, genuine and curious in your text conversations.

  • If someone actually says or does something you like, tell them.
  • Don’t constantly hide behind jokes and witty remarks, be your relaxed self.
  • Lastly, be interested in their opinions and who they are.

But be careful you don’t simp for her.

That’s a big turn off.

Check my next article for what I mean:

  • 7 Signs you’re a simp over text message

#8: Stop selling yourself

If you’re a guy, you’re in trouble.

You see, when it comes to dating guys are born with a handicap.

A donger.

I’m joking, but only slightly.

Men are genetically wired to procreate and shoot babies into our better halves.

Although we can override that instinct, most dudes don’t even bother.

So the instant they see a pretty lady, they think: “I must have her!”

And all standards fly out the window.

The problem?

They’re already decided they want her and will do and say everything to get her.

Which often turns guys into a pushy car salesman.

Like so.

One simple text turned this guy into doggy listening to its master.

Which communicates to her:

“Man, I really like you. Here’s what I can do for you. Please say it’s enough and like me back.”

Not all girls will be turned off by this behavior.

But to many it’s a buzzkill.

Which they’ll show you by sending you one word texts.

#9: Why you’re getting one-word texts from your girlfriend or boyfriend

This is a serious topic which deserves a quick and serious answer.

First of all, remember that one-word texts aren’t an issue unless you’re getting them regularly.

Are one-word texts common for you?

Here’s what might be going on.

Warning, it’s not pretty:

You like her and the relationship a lot more than she currently likes you and the relationship.

Because you like her so much, you’re likely showering her with texts and affection.

And because she’s in need of some space, she’s being curt over text in the hope that you’ll take the hint.

Does that mean the relationship is over?


Just that you and your partner CURRENTLY have different needs.

So slow down.

If she’s suffering from a you-overdose, you want to give her a little less and give her the opportunity to miss you.

Once your loving strangle-hold loosens, she’ll likely start typing in full sentences again.

Want to make her fall in love with you (again)? Check out this article:

  • 14 Ways to make her fall in love over text

#10: Stop typing like your uneducated

If this title didn’t trigger you, then you need to read this tip.

Did the title make you cringe? Great.

Now you know how she’s feeling.

Anyway, the title has a big grammar mistake that will shrivel up a girl’s eggs.

Not all girls will have such a strong reaction. But many of the good ones will.

You know, the girls with diplomas, big ambitions and next level tongue and throat skills. (The last point is made up, but I feel like it makes my point more convincing.)

So while you may scoff at grammar mistakes, others wince at them as if they were hearing the sound of nails on a chalkboard.

And it makes sense.

Proper grammar communicates that you’re smart and probably live the life of a smart dude.

Nice place. Decent job. And a big d- oggo for her to cuddle.

So get your grammar right.

It doesn’t cost much effort and the rewards are big.

What to text after a one-word text

One of the most effective ways to get a woman to open up to you over text is this.


If you get it right, clickbait is irresistible.

As long as you choose the right topic to get the clicks.

Your safest bet is talking about her.


Because it’s her most favorite subject in the world.

So to get a good answer, hit her with some questions like this:

You know what I find so interesting about you?


I never thought about it until now, but you know what’s kinda funny about you?


She won’t be able to stop herself from replying.

For more clickbait questions and good follow-up questions, check my clickbait video where I tell you exactly what to do using actual text conversations.

You can find my clickbait video here.


Louis Farfields

And don’t forget your download below ;)

A. Complete using the words in the box.

close • confident • cool • divorced • generous • grateful

independent • loving • loyal • ordinary • patient • private • single

 Thanks for looking after my dog for the weekend. I’m really ………………… .

 Judy is one of the most ………………… people I know. She’s always giving me presents!

 I don’t want a girlfriend. I like being ………………… .

 It will take a while for Simon to forgive you. You’ll just have to be ………………… .

 Adam’s parents are …………………, so he only sees his dad at the weekend.

 Cats are more ………………… than dogs. They live their own lives and don’t need human company.

 I’m very ………………… to my best friend. I’d never talk about her behind her back.

 Sandy’s such a ………………… dog. He’s always so happy to see us when we come home!

 I’m not a very ………………… person. I get nervous when I have to speak in public.

10   My diary is ………………… . No one is allowed to read it apart from me.

11   I tell my sister all my problems and secrets. We have a very ………………… relationship.

12   My uncle’s really …………………! He’s in a rock band!

13   I’m just a/an ………………… person with a normal life -but I’m quite happy!


1 grateful   2 generous   3 single   4 patient

5 divorced   6 independent   7 loyal   8 loving

9 confident   10 private   11 close   12 cool

13 ordinary

B. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.

1   Don’t you think Ben and Angie make a lovely ……………………? L E O P U C

2   How many …………………… are staying at the hotel at the moment? S E G U T S

3   All our …………………… are coming to the wedding. S N O R E A L I T

4   A …………………… is just a friend you haven’t met yet! G R A N T E R S

5   How long have you been going out with your ……………………? D R I N F E Y O B

6   Why are you in such a bad ……………………? O D O M

7   My grandparents live in a really quiet ……………………  . O H I D R O U G H B O N E

8   My cousin has just moved into a …………………… in the city centre. A T L F

9   I’m going to the cinema with my …………………… tonight. R E D G I N F L I R


1 couple   2 guests   3 relations   4 stranger

5 boyfriend   6 mood   7 neighbourhood

8 flat   9 girlfriend

C. Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word.

1   I was first respected to Jake at a party. …………………….

2   I shouldn’t have rented you. Now I know you can’t keep a secret! …………………….

3   Our house is being recognised so we’re staying with my grandparents at the moment. …………………….

4   Everyone apologised Mr Turner because he was strict but fair. …………………….

5   Have you introduced to Kelly for losing her CD? …………………….

6   Sarah said I was a liar but Carol trusted me and said I wasn’t. …………………….

7   We decorated a small house in the countryside for the summer. …………………….

8   No one defended Phil when he came to the party dressed as an old man. …………………….


1 introduced   2 trusted   3 decorated   4 respected

5 apologised   6 defended   7 rented   8 recognised

D. Circle the correct word.

1   I thought I could trust you! You’ve really let me off / down.

2   Do you get on / in well with your older sister?

3   As children grow off / up, they want more independence from their parents.

4   Dave has fallen off / out with Jason and they’re not talking to each other at the moment.

5   Ed was brought in / up by his aunt because his parents lived abroad.

6   I used to go out / by with Tony but we split off / up about a year ago.

7   I hate looking after / over my baby brother!


1 down   2 on   3 up   4 out   5 up   6 out/up   7 after

E. Write one word in each gap.

Advice for parents of teenagers

You’ve always (1) …………………… up your children to come to you when they’re in trouble. You feel it’s your job to (2) …………………… after them when they’re having problems. But now, as your children are (3) …………………… up, they often don’t want to share their problems with you. That’s perfectly normal, so don’t worry! Of course, you want to (4) …………………… on well with your children, but that means you have to give them some freedom.

Maybe they’ve (5) …………………… out with their best friend and feel upset and angry. Maybe they’ve just (6) …………………… up with the boyfriend or girlfriend they’ve been (7) …………………… out with. Maybe they’ve been (8) …………………… down by a friend who they trusted. Teenagers go through all these problems. If they want to talk to you about it, then that’s fine. But if they don’t, don’t force them. They’ll come to you when they’re ready.


1 brought   2 look   3 growing   4 get

5 fallen    6 split   7 going   8 let

F. Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word.

1   Are you still on contact with any friends from university? ………………..

2   I’m going to split up with Dan because we’ve got nothing from common. ………………..

3   I don’t think I’d like to live on myself. ………………..

4   Would you like to live by your own? ………………..

5   Fiona didn’t break your MP3 player with purpose. It was an accident! ………………..

6   Guess what! Mike and Julie are at love with each other. ………………..


1 in   2 in   3 by   4 on   5 on   6 in

G. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

1   I’m asking for your …………………..! FORGIVE

2   Doug is such a ………………….. . I never believe a word he says! LIE

3   Be …………………..! I’ve just painted the walls and they’re wet. CARE

4   Lying to your dad like that was really ………………….. . HONEST

5   My brother is ………………….. but that doesn’t stop him from doing lots of sport. ABLE

6   I haven’t got the ………………….. to go up to a stranger at a party and introduce myself. CONFIDENT

7   My best friend gives me lots of help with my ………………….. problems. PERSON

8   My ………………….. with Chris lasted for over three years. RELATION


1 forgiveness   2 liar   3 careful   4 dishonest

5 disabled   6 confidence   7 personal   8 relationship

H. Complete the words.

 Liz has got a really lively person……………. .

 Roger is always losing things. He’s so care…………….!

 I really admire you for your honest……………. .

 I have a lot of admir……………. for Linda. She’s achieved such a lot.

 Uncle Alan has an amazing mental ab……………. – he can guess the number you’re thinking of.

 In the introduc……………. to this book, it says that moving house is extremely stressful.

 Most of my relat……………. live in Canada so I don’t see them very often.


1 -ality   2 -less   3 -y   4 -ation   5 -ility

6 -tion   7 -ions/ves

I. Write one word in each gap.

I’m very fond (1) …………………. my husband, William. I’ve been married (2) …………………. him for over sixty years. I know he cares (3) …………………. me now just as much as when we first met all those years ago. I’d got lost, and I asked him for directions. He was so kind (4) …………………. me. He offered to drive me wherever I wanted to go. It was love at first sight and since then my relationship (5) …………………. him has always been wonderful.

William is proud (6) …………………. my success as an artist, and he’s never been jealous (7) …………………. my fame. I really admire him (8) …………………. supporting me so much over the years. Every evening, we chat (9) …………………. each other (10) …………………. the day’s events. Of course, we do sometimes argue (11) …………………. things. All couples do. But whenever I have an argument (12) …………………. him, we soon start laughing and both apologise (13) …………………. each other (14) …………………. getting angry. I can’t imagine life without him!


1 of   2 to   3 about   4 to   5 with   6 of   7 of

8 for   9 to   10 about   11 about   12 with

13 to   14 for

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