Frequency word and phrase

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Самый популярный вопрос дня: «How often?» То есть, как часто происходит то или иное явление или событие. Внимательно изучив новую подборку «Frequency Words and Phrases En-Ru — Английские слова на тему Часто встречающиеся слова и фразы», вы сможете ответить на этот вопрос несколькими десятками разных способов. И все это благодаря нашему сайту Lingvotutor.RU.

Часто встречающиеся слова и фразы на английском языке с переводом

A few times — несколько раз
All day — весь день
All the time — всё время, всегда
Almost always — почти всегда
Almost never — почти никогда
Always — всегда, навсегда, в любом случае
At times — порой, подчас, иногда, периодически, по временам, нередко
Constantly — постоянно
Continuously — беспрерывно
Daily — ежедневно
Every hour — каждый час
Every Monday — каждый понедельник
Every month — каждый месяц
Every night — каждую ночь
Every now and then — то и дело, время от времени
Every third day — раз в три дня
Every two months — раз в два месяца
Every week — каждую неделю
Every year — каждый год
Every-time — всегда, когда бы ни, каждый раз
Four times — в четыре раза, вчетверо, четырёхкратный
Four times an hour — четыре раза в час
Frequently — часто
Generally — обычно
Hardly ever — почти никогда
Hourly — ежечасно
Many times — многократно
Monthly — ежемесячно
Most times — в большинстве случаев
Nearly always — почти всегда
Never — никогда
Normally — нормально
Not often — не часто
Now and then — время от времени
Occasionally — иногда
Off and on — время от времени
Often — часто
On the first of every month — на первое число каждого месяца
Once — один раз, однажды
Once a year — один раз в год
Once in a blue moon — раз в сто лет, в кои-то века, никогда, очень редко
Once in a while — изредка
Quite often — довольно часто
Rarely — редко
Regularly — регулярно
Seldom — редко
Several times — несколько раз
Sometimes — иногда
Three times — три раза
Three times a week — три раза в неделю
Twice — дважды
Twice a month — два раза в месяц
Usually — обычно
Very often — очень часто
Weekly — еженедельно
Yearly — раз в год, каждый год

Слова по теме «Часто встречающиеся слова и фразы» на английском с транскрипцией

a few times ə fjuː ˈtaɪmz несколько раз
all day ɔːl deɪ весь день
all the time ɔːl ðə ˈtaɪm всё время, всегда
almost always ˈɔːlməʊst ˈɔːlweɪz почти всегда
almost never ˈɔːlməʊst ˈnevə почти никогда
always ˈɔːlweɪz всегда, навсегда, в любом случае
at times ət ˈtaɪmz порой, подчас, иногда, периодически, по временам, нередко
constantly ˈkɒnstəntli постоянно
continuously kənˈtɪnjʊəsli беспрерывно
daily ˈdeɪli ежедневно
every hour ˈevri ˈaʊə каждый час
every Monday ˈevri ˈmʌndeɪ каждый понедельник
every month ˈevri mʌnθ каждый месяц
every night ˈevri naɪt каждую ночь
every now and then ˈevri naʊ ənd ðen то и дело, время от времени
every third day ˈevri ˈθɜːd deɪ раз в три дня
every two months ˈevri ˈtuː mʌnθs раз в два месяца
every week ˈevri wiːk каждую неделю
every year ˈevri ˈjiə каждый год
every-time ˈevriˌtaɪm всегда, когда бы ни, каждый раз
four times fɔː ˈtaɪmz в четыре раза, вчетверо, четырёхкратный
four times an hour fɔː ˈtaɪmz ən ˈaʊə четыре раза в час
frequently ˈfriːkwəntli часто
generally ˈdʒenr̩əli обычно
hardly ever ˈhɑːdli ˈevə почти никогда
hourly ˈaʊəli ежечасно
many times ˈmeni ˈtaɪmz многократно
monthly ˈmʌnθli ежемесячно
most times məʊst ˈtaɪmz в большинстве случаев
nearly always ˈnɪəli ˈɔːlweɪz почти всегда
never ˈnevə никогда
normally ˈnɔːməli нормально
not often nɒt ˈɒfn̩ не часто
now and then naʊ ənd ðen время от времени
occasionally əˈkeɪʒənəli иногда
off and on ɒf ənd ɒn время от времени
often ˈɒfn̩ часто
on the first of every month ɒn ðə ˈfɜːst əv ˈevri mʌnθ на первое число каждого месяца
once wʌns один раз, однажды
once a year wʌns ə ˈjiə один раз в год
once in a blue moon wʌns ɪn ə bluː muːn раз в сто лет, в кои-то века, никогда, очень редко
once in a while wʌns ɪn ə waɪl изредка
quite often kwaɪt ˈɒfn̩ довольно часто
rarely ˈreəli редко
regularly ˈreɡjʊləli регулярно
seldom ˈseldəm редко
several times ˈsevrəl ˈtaɪmz несколько раз
sometimes ˈsʌmtaɪmz иногда
three times θriː ˈtaɪmz три раза
three times a week θriː ˈtaɪmz ə wiːk три раза в неделю
twice twaɪs дважды
twice a month twaɪs ə mʌnθ два раза в месяц
usually ˈjuːʒəli обычно
very often ˈveri ˈɒfn̩ очень часто
weekly ˈwiːkli еженедельно
yearly ˈjɪəli раз в год, каждый год

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Here is a list of 5 free online tools to find the frequency of each word in a document. You can use any of these tools to check how many times a particular word has occurred in your document. You can paste the text content of your document and then get the results. One of these tools also support feature to directly upload a Word, TXT, PDF, ePUB, Excel, or HTML file.

Although there are many word count tools available but those are used to check how many total words are present in your document. If you want to check the frequency of words in a document, then you need to use the tools listed in this article.

Apart from counting word frequency, there are some unique features also available in these tools. For example, you can include/exclude stop words, save the output as CSV, view word density (in percentage), total number of characters, etc.

Let’s start with the first tool.

Free Keyword Density Analyzer Tool

keyword density analyzer tool

Keyword Density Analyzer is a feature rich and very useful tool to find the frequency of every word in a document. For each individual word, it shows the total count as well as word density. One of the best features of this word frequency tool is that you can set minimum word length and minimum occurrences to find the word frequency. Also, you can include/exclude page title of the document, meta tag keywords, meta tag description, add custom stop words or stop word list of this tool, and more. Thus, you can make search more specific and check the word frequency in your document.

A unique feature that you won’t find in other tools is that you can save the output as CSV file. This will help you download word frequency of each word in your document.

Apart from finding the frequency for individual words, it also shows the total frequency for 2 word phrases and 3 word phrases. By default, this tool ignores hashtags and words that contain numbers, but if there are hashtags and words with numbers available in your document, then you can manually enter those words. You can add URL of an online text file, an HTML file, or simply paste the plain text. In the results summary, it also shows the total word count and unique words. This is one of best options available to find the frequency of each individual word of a document.

Online Word Counter

Online Word Counter

The second best tool in this list to find word frequency in a document is Online Word Counter tool. Its unique feature is that you can upload a PDF, Word, TXT, ePub, Excel, or HTML file to check the word frequency in a document. It takes time to load the input file, but then you will be able to quickly check how many times a word has occurred in your document. Option to paste text content is also present in this tool. For every single word, it also provides word density in percentage.

Apart from this, it also shows other information in results. It lets you see the total number of characters, words, sentences, punctuation, paragraphs, and lines available in the input text.

Before generating the results, you can also use options to exclude stop words (supported languages are English, Japanese, Portuguese, Hindi, Greek, Russian, French, etc.), switch text to UPPERCASE, lower case, original text, remove tags, etc. Also, you can use this tool as file converter because the input text or documented can be saved to PC as ePUB, Word, TXT, PDF, and FB2 file. So, pretty good features are present in this tool.

Text Analyzer Tool

Text Analyzer Tool

Text Analyzer tool is also a good choice to find word frequency in a document. You will be able to see the total occurrences of a word and percentage of that word in the whole document. Apart from showing the frequency of a single word, it also generates similar results for top 2 word phrases, 3 words phrases, and 4 words phrases.

The output also generates a summary which includes: the total number of characters (including spaces), words, lexical density, sentences, etc. Keyword Density Analyzer tool is comparatively better than this tool, but this website is also pretty good at finding number of occurrences of each word in a doc.

To use this tool, you can either paste the entire text from your file, or provide URL of an online file.

Word Counter

Word Counter tool homepage and its report

Word Counter is another important tool here to find word frequency of the text in a document. It checks the text content of your document to find primary keywords and common keywords (the, and, this, etc.). After that, the list of those words and their frequency is visible in a table. The table has four columns: Primary keywords, Frequency, Common Words, and Frequency. The words and their frequency are shown in those columns by this tool. You can also Exclude common words before generating the result.

Using this tool is also very easy. Just copy and paste the text content, enable/disable the option to Exclude common words from word frequency count, and press COUNT WORDS button to generate the result.

Word Frequency Counter

Word Frequency Counter Tool

Word Frequency Counter is a very simple tool. It does what it should do but there are no options to customize. You first paste the text of a document and then Submit the input to get the results. In results, the words are visible in an order (one word per line). A word with the higher frequency is placed on the top and then other words are placed accordingly. With each word, it shows count of how many times the word appeared in the document.

This tool doesn’t show the keyword density (in percentage), doesn’t give option to choose words longer than a specific word length, minimum occurrence, etc. So, if you need a very simple or a basic tool that can show frequency of words in a document, then this tool can be a good option.

The Verdict:

It is quite clear that Keyword Density Analyzer tool is the best among all these tools. Therefore, I have placed it in #1 position. However, it is also true that rest of the tools are also good to find word frequency in a document. Still, based on features, I will go with Keyword Density Analyzer tool.

Download English word lists free of charge

a selection of word lists sorted by frequency

All word lists were generated from a huge multi-billion sample of language called a corpus which ensures all topics and text types are covered and the word list reflects how words are used by real users. The word lists include the most common and frequently used words, most frequently used nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions and some additional word lists.

How are different forms of the same word counted?

All wordlists are lemmatized (=different forms of the same words are counted together, i.e. goes, went, gone, going and go are counted together and listed as go). This is generally more practical. However, sometimes non-lemmatized word lists listing each word form separately are needed. Sketch Engine can generate both types of word lists.

list of English words starting with gn





words starting gn-

examples, synonyms and collocations for language learners

examples, synonyms and collocations for language learning more»

I want longer word lists!

Longer English word lists of the most frequent and common words can be generated with Sketch Engine. There is no limit for word lists generated from user corpora, however, there is a limit of 1,000 items for word lists generated from preloaded corpora. The user can produce any number of word lists. Advanced filtering criteria using regex can be applied so that the word list contains exactly what the user needs. Register for a free trial account with Sketch Engine to generate longer word lists in English.

A list of all words in English

Unlimited word lists from preloaded corpora, e.g. a list of all words in English, can be generated from our multi-billion word English corpora.

Please refer to this page to get information about English word lists for commercial use.

Is there a website that will give me a frequency of a word in the English language?
I am looking for some thing like this: I would type in the word, and it would give me a frequency rating.

I have seen one before that had something like 80,000 words, but I just can’t seem to find it anymore.

I think the problem with these frequency lists is that they are not accurate enough, because some words are also used as Proper Nouns, and that skews the numbers. For example, the word «bracken» is rarely used in its original meaning «fern», but it is frequently used as a last name. If you take that into consideration, then you can see a more accurate number.

RyeɃreḁd's user avatar


16.7k6 gold badges43 silver badges81 bronze badges

asked Apr 3, 2014 at 14:29

saturday's user avatar


This is irrelevant to the question, but it’s a simple and useful tool.Type the word or phrase you are interested in google’s search box with quotes.

For example, «duplicity».

The number of search results which are displayed below the search bar is a nice indication of the frequency of the particular word in web.

answered Oct 30, 2015 at 12:48

Rajesh's user avatar


2771 silver badge5 bronze badges


Up-goer 6 is an online prototype text editor that color-codes words by frequency, and if you click on the word, it’ll tell you the frequency more exactly.

KillingTime's user avatar


5,93059 gold badges33 silver badges39 bronze badges

answered Jul 11, 2021 at 13:40

Ettina Kitten's user avatar

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