French word you are missing from me

In English we say “I miss you.” In French however you would say “Tu me manque” to express the same emotion. Translated this means not “I miss you” but rather “You are missing from me.” This is a linguistic difference that I love. I feel it more accurately conveys the depths of emotion I feel often when I think of my family.

We make a kickass team, my family and I, and when I’m away from them I always feel there is a part of me missing.  Or rather maybe a better metaphor is not that they are missing from me, but rather imagine a beautiful jigsaw puzzle that lacks completion because one single tiny piece of the puzzle is only god-knows-where, and I am that lonely little puzzle piece missing from the puzzle.


The lost jigsaw puzzle piece together at long last reunited with the rest of the puzzle.

It has been 895 days since I first arrived in Japan. The two and a half years I have been living here teaching English is undeniably one of the most life changing decisions I have ever made. I’m a very strong and independent young woman, but I would be lying if I said this was something I could have accomplished without the support of my family.  Their never-ending, bottomless love gave me the strength to live miles away from the life I knew.  Without question my mum, dad and younger brother are the thing I miss most. I miss the every day little moments, the way they accept me unconditionally for who I am and how I can simply be myself when I am with them.  I knew that after 2 Christmases spent a whole world apart that Christmas 2013 and New Years Eve 2014 needed to be celebrated with my family. So that’s exactly what we did. We met halfway between Canada and Japan in sunny Hawaii and had ourselves a “Maui little Christmas” which was lovely.


We found a Christmas tree!

My dad loved his gift, a Sapporo brewery t-shirt from my holidays in Hokkaido. 1483147_10100844215771831_1581015095_n
And I absolutely loved my Christmas present from my brother.  A wrap-around Chan Luu bracelet which I had been eyeing over when we went shopping earlier that week. He knows me so well, he couldn’t have picked a better gift!


Gorgeous, no? I adore it.

We spent a very uncharacteristic snow-less Christmas at the beach and finished up with a nice night out around the Black Rock area of the island, which is full of swanky restaurants and bars overlooking the water.


Then we had some drinks while watching the sunset. Matt had a mai tai and I had a coconut mojito. Deliciousness.

Then for Christmas dinner, thanks to a recommendation from my friend Denea when she visited Japan earlier this year, we went to the famous Hawaiian restaurant Roy’s. The food was to die for. The restaurant itself was a little noisier than we had expected, somehow I imagined a more subdued atmosphere in my mind, but the blacked ahi tuna more than made up for the noise. The chocolate souffle disappeared so fast no photo was ever taken, but it was a family favorite.

1526841_10100844215816741_2022825257_nIn Maui, our days were very simple and relaxing. Every day we woke up early, before the heat set in, to play tennis then headed back to the condo for breakfast. After, we would go to whichever beach had the best weather for reading, swimming, snorkeling, paddle boarding, playing backgammon or playing smash ball. Perfection.



Can you tell I come from a family of avid readers?

We rented a couple paddle boards and I loved it! I had never paddle boarded before and it was really fun and standing up wasn’t nearly as difficult as I had expected. Perhaps that’s due to my many years of snowboarding… Either way it was an activity that I would highly recommend.


I was pretty proud of being able to stand up the first time.

1538739_10100844227782761_1632134997_n I did a lot of reading this vacation. It was something I really missed from when I was younger. When I was little I was a real bookworm of a kid. I read at every opportunity, and when I was in trouble my punishment was that my book was taken away. Yeaaaah, I was that kind of kid.

As I got older life got busier and busier, these days I rarely have an entire day to myself that I can devote to reading. In Maui however, I read over 15 books in 2 weeks! I devoured them the same way Cookie Monster would probably devour cookies after being on a diet. Thank heavens I have a Kindle e-reader or my suitcase would have been filled to the brim with books.


Shade paradise. Please note the “local” chilling in the background who scoffed at the idea of needing time out of the sun for the majority of our beach time.


Feet in the water and nose in a book is bliss.


Another family pastime is a game called smash ball which basically ping-pong meets tennis. The goal is to see how many times you can hit the ball back and forth with a partner using only a little wooden paddle. Matt and I got up to 116!

Then every night we would return to the condo around 4:30 to clean up, grab a mojito and watch the sunset. We didn’t miss a single one.

Mojito magic

Mojito magic

1504063_10100846565153651_800997576_nMy favourite memory of the trip was walking along a beach near the northern tip of the island after visiting the quaint little town of Paia for a little (or in my case, a lot of) shopping.  My mom and I took a stroll to get a closer look at some of the surfers (who were freaking incredible). We noticed a lot of people taking a lot of pictures at one end of the beach so we wandered over and looked at the rocks past the barrier that had been erected but we didn’t see much. We looked at each other in confusion, raised an eyebrow, shrugged our shoulders and promptly went back to watching the surfers. Two young tourists stepped over the boundary holding their cameras ready, and likity-split a local rushed over and asked them to please come back to the other side. Curious…


Can you see them?

We looked closer at the rocks, wondering to ourselves what was up (perhaps it was dangerous?) when suddenly, I saw a “rock” move. Camouflaged amongst the rocks were giant sea turtles taking a sunny afternoon snooze on the beach!!!  A true OMG moment if there ever was one.


Very zoomed in picture of one of the turtles snoozing.

As I’m sure you can imagine, I completely freaked out and pointed at the nearest turtle to my mom and exclaimed “TURTLE!” while practically jumping for joy, at which point she freaked out and ran back for the camera. We were mesmerized, even though they were pretty boring to watch while sleeping, because there were lots and lots of them! There were big turtles and little turtles, all of whom were happily napping, and we hadn’t even noticed them when we first looked over.

So two weeks later I return to Japan ever-so-slightly tanned, relaxed, well-read, rejuvenated, more than a little homesick, and broke beyond belief after spending all my money on food goodies and new clothes (hey! I haven’t gone shopping in 2.5 yeaaaaars!). I’m so grateful to have such a wonderful family to call mine, and I am so thankful for everything my family did to make this holiday special. It meant the world to be with them, something they know very well.

I have 7 months remaining before I return home, and while I am eager for the day I step back on Canadian soil for good (at least for a little while before the next adventure) I’m also determined to make these last 7 months in Japan the best yet.  2014 get ready for some amazing adventures, I’m ready!


Updated on

3 Feb 2021

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that’s true

tu me manques = I miss you
tu manques à ma vie ( poetic) = means I miss you in my life
( literally you are missing to my life)

  • Hindi

….but if I say «tu me réveilles» than it means u wake me up than why does tu me manques means u r missing from me ….?

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os this real that In french we say " you are missing from me "instead of I miss u....... What is the literal meaning of (tu me manques )

  • I know the French have the romantic phrase «Tu me manques» which means «I miss you,» but how do y…


    I believe it is «Ta voix me manque.»
    Same set up, but «your voice» is the subject.

  • what does this mean in French? «Tu es si belle»


    It means «you are so beautiful».
    Lucky you ;)

  • what is «nice to meet you» in french???


    Ravie de faire votre connaissance

  • What dose «lors que»(not «lorsque») mean in French ?


    I guess you mean «dès lors que».
    It means ‘from the moment…’, ‘as soon as’.
    Ex.: «Dès lors qu’un homme politique est élu, ses opposants le …

  • What does Why does «Tu me manques» means «I miss u» in French altough it literally means «You mis…


    Hello, how are you

  • How do you say:

    «Don’t roll your eyes at me» in French?


    Ne lève pas tes yeux au ciel avec moi

  • Please show me example sentences with Please, Can you tell me different ways to say «I miss you» …


    tu me manques
    = j’ai hâte de te revoir/ qu’on se voit.
    = j’aimerais tellement/trop que tu sois là/avec moi.

    also : je me languis de toi ( bu…

  • Is there any particular way of saying «you» in a specific context
    Such as;
    What d…


    Tu : Non formal you
    Vous : Plural you / formal you
    toi : indirect object when the object is placed after the verb / used after an imperative,…

  • Est-ce que tu dis:
    «cette année» ou «cet année»?
    Parce que j’ai étudié que c’est toujours conson…
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Sep 2013


Lately, I have been feeling strange. They are feelings I’ve never felt before, so I decided to write about them. When the French miss someone they say “tu me manques” which means, “you are missing from me”. The difference between “I miss you” and “you are missing from me”, may seem slight, but it is profoundly different.

“I miss you”, is something I have always known. Even when I was with my ex, I always missed him, and when we broke up about a million times, I missed him every time. I missed his voice, I missed seeing him, I missed receiving messages from him. These feelings I felt, were clearly, the words, “I miss you.” Without him, “physically” with me, I was sad.

 My feelings now are different. Time and pain have made me realized what love means. I still think about my ex every day. I still have a pain in my chest that makes me feel like something is missing, but it is different now.  If you asked me if I wish to see him or hear from him now,  the answer would be no. I realized now, when I used to say, “I miss you”, it was the same as saying, “I need you to be happy.” Needing someone and loving someone is a fine line, and the only way to know the difference is when they are no longer there. I am becoming more independent every day. I don’t “need” him to get me through the day. I don’t “need” to hear his opinions to make decisions. I surpassed my expectations of what I could do without him. I never thought I could exist without him, and here I am, accomplishing so many things.
When I knew I loved him, I gave him my heart. It wasn’t my choice, “love”, made that decision on its own. Whether he wants it or not, I no longer have it. He is always “missing” from me, but I no longer Believe in “I miss you.”



manquant (e)     
the missing part      la pièce manquante  
→ The missing £100 has finally turned up.        
to be missing      avoir disparu  
My rucksack is missing.      Mon sac à dos a disparu.  
→ When he came out of the theatre he realised his wallet was missing.        
Some of her jewellery was still missing.      Certains de ses bijoux manquaient toujours.  
Half his front teeth were missing.      La moitié de ses dents de devant manquait.  
to go missing      disparaître  
→ A blanket had gone missing.        
→ The playing cards had gone missing.        
→ Things go missing all the time round here.        

[climber, explorer, disaster victim]  
disparu (e)     
the search for the missing climber      les recherches de l’alpiniste disparu  
→ Larry Burrows, missing and presumed dead since 1971        
to be missing      avoir disparu  
Two members of the group are missing.      Deux membres du groupe ont disparu.  
One person is still missing.      Une personne est toujours recherchée.  
→ Five people died in the explosion and more than one thousand were injured. One person is still missing.        
missing in action     
[soldier, sailor, pilot]  
disparu au combat  
→ prisoners of war and those missing in action        

missing link  
      n   chaînon    m   manquant  
→ We’re dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.        

missing person  
      n   personne    f   disparue  
→ She reported him to the police as a missing person.        
→ She’s tracked down over two hundred missing persons, in many cases after the police have given up.        

Missing Persons Bureau  
      n   bureau    m   des personnes disparues

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Context«you are missing from me«: examples and translations in context

It strikes me, unless I am missing something, that what you are suggesting is an entirely different approach from the one the government has taken in the bill. Ce qui me frappe, à moins qu’un détail m’échappe, c’est que l’approche que vous proposez est tout à fait différente de celle que le gouvernement a adoptée dans le projet de loi.
Perhaps you can also reveal to me, Mr. Turner, where the stolen manuscript — and the contents missing from my safe are located -? Vous pourriez peut-être aussi me dire où se trouvent le manuscrit volé et le contenu de mon coffre-fort ?
Ongoing attention was given to keeping the families of missing persons informed. Ils veillaient constamment à tenir les familles de disparus informées.
Already observe pearl missing… from lavaliere worn by Miss Preston. Déjà remarqué perle manquante… de lavallière portée par Mlle Preston.
Despite the missing information, we can see the overall picture. Malgré l’information manquante, on peut voir l’image entière.
Article 33 — Measures relating to endangered or missing persons 1. Article 33 -Mesures relatives aux personnes menacées ou disparues 1.

  • #3

Hey thanks for your response, yes I understand that it’s usually used as a question, I was just wondering if it can be used as a statement.

Sorry this is a bit abstract to understand. I’m not referring to a conversation per se, I’m just wondering if it can make sense to say «je te manques» and have it literally mean «I am missing from you». To insinuate something like «I should be with you».

I shouldnt have said that about it being in answer to a question, because it’s an unasked question. What I really meant is basically…. can it be used as a kind of statement of where one is? I’m wondering the same for «tu me manques», whether it can be used as this kind of literal statement too «you are missing from me», but I would assume if one works, then the other would too.

Hope that makes more sense.

Merci :)

Last edited: Dec 17, 2010


  • #10

JuicyJew, it is always:
Je te


Tu me manques. :)

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you are missing from me


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only you are missing


il y a que toi qui manque

Last Update: 2022-10-17

Usage Frequency: 1



yet: you are missing alot.


pourtant : vous manquez énormément.

Last Update: 2016-02-24

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


you are missing the point.


you’re missing the point.

Last Update: 2018-02-13

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


to replace what you are missing.


pour vos remplacements de manquants.

Last Update: 2018-02-13

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


what if you are missing information?


de cotisation établi en fonction de cet examen.

Last Update: 2015-05-14

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


3) you are missing the point.

Last Update: 2018-02-13

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


what traps are missing from this list?


quelles embûches faudrait-il ajouter à la liste?

Last Update: 2015-05-14

Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


what you are missing with unregistered version


ce que vous ratez avec une version non enregistrée

Last Update: 2018-02-13

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


brother, you are missing from me. (some say it means i miss you)


frere, tu me manques

Last Update: 2018-03-09

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


«people, you are missing the point!»


«personnes de ce monde, vous n’avez pas compris le principe!»

Last Update: 2018-02-13

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
Warning: Contains invisible HTML formatting


you are missing some of the best men, like:


you are missing some of the best men, like:

Last Update: 2018-02-13

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


several glands are missing from the diagram.


plusieurs ganglions sont omis du diagramme.

Last Update: 2016-11-30

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


top of page what if you are missing information?


haut de la page que faire s’il vous manque des feuillets ou des reçus?

Last Update: 2015-05-14

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


if you are missing some features, found some bugs


si une fonctionnalité vous manque, ou ne fonctionne pas

Last Update: 2018-02-13

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


very simply, because you are missing the point.


tout simplement parce que vous passez à côté du principal.

Last Update: 2012-02-29

Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


thirty thousand names are missing from this story.


il manquait 30 000 noms dans ce documentaires.

Last Update: 2017-02-15

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


of course, certain areas are missing from this list.


certes, certains chapitres manquent dans cette liste.

Last Update: 2012-03-21

Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: Anonymous


• covers apprentices who are missing from the results file.


• elle englobe les apprentis qui ne figurent pas dans le fichier des résultats.

Last Update: 2015-05-14

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


however, other important offences are missing from this list.


mais d’ autres infractions importantes n’ apparaissent pas dans cette liste.

Last Update: 2012-03-22

Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: Anonymous


and it is this turning ‘point’ that you are missing.


et c’est ce «tournant» que vous manquez de comprendre.

Last Update: 2018-02-13

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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