French word with picture

5.66MB. 480 audio & 487 images. Updated 2015-06-02.


500 coloured French words with pictures and audio.

Each card contains a picture, with the accompanying word coloured blue for masculine and red for feminine, along with male and female voices to aid memorisation.

Sample (from 491 notes)

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I refuse to believe that someone invested so much time and effort to upload all the pictures and intentionally left out the English word, effectively throwing everything in the trash and making it useless.


Must include gender articles! They are a part of the word, not separate from them. But thank you for sharing nonetheless.






Großartig zum Lernen von Vokabeln. Ich bin gerade dabei, für alle Substantive das französische Geschlecht und die deutsche Übersetzung zu ergänzen. Wenn ich alle Karten durch habe, lade ich das Deck wieder hoch als neue Version.


Would recommend for A1-A2 students !


Amazing deck, highly recommended!


A good collection and helpful attempt.


I enjoyed it.


Useful images!


It’s missing precisely what I want. Grammar words. But also missing verbs that I expected to see. This deck has a big focus on nouns. Two words I expected to see in it but are missing for example are allors and aller.


love that the feminine words are sopken by a female and masculine words are spoken by a male






thank you


Great help!


Overall, good deck. It’s a really great base, but the only real way to learn is to customize this so the pictures make sense to you.

Just a heads up, there is a mistake with le fer- it means iron as in the material e.g. «I have an iron pan» but right now it has a picture for an iron as in «I need to wait for the iron to get hot to press my clothes»


saves me from cutting and pasting, and excellent picture choices


Learning is easier with pictures and no traduction.


But I don´t know how to open, after downloaded.








There are no articles in the deck… That means that the deck provides only half of the information that it ought to. However, that means that making the ‘perfect deck’ is only a few clicks away per card. I hope to be able to improve this by adding my own as I go through it.


I can only reinforce what this commenter said:

I just wanted to respond to the critics about lack of articles/gender references in this deck.
These shared decks can be an amazing resource. Someone has taken the time to develop this deck and share it with all of us free-loaders. Then, people complain that it doesn’t have articles/gender?
Here’s a suggestion: Download and do the deck. Add articles as you go. You’ll learn the words better as you have to look up the articles/gender. Then, when you’re done improving the deck, upload and share it!
Instead of criticizing the world, go do the hard work and make it better. :-)


No article! That is the biggest mistake ever!


Really nice but please include English meaning also


I like the colour coding in combination with the pictures a lot. Makes you think, therefore learn!


Thank you for this! =)


Not always easy to see what in a picture is being referred to. Otherwise good stuff.


Brilliant tool


it’s useful


Ótimo deck de palavras soltas


Nice deck! I like the color-coded genders and that masculine words are pronounced by a masculine voice, and feminine words by a female voice. Thanks so much for sharing your work.


nul sa puie le caca


I just wanted to respond to the critics about lack of articles/gender references in this deck.
These shared decks can be an amazing resource. Someone has taken the time to develop this deck and share it with all of us free-loaders. Then, people complain that it doesn’t have articles/gender?
Here’s a suggestion: Download and do the deck. Add articles as you go. You’ll learn the words better as you have to look up the articles/gender. Then, when you’re done improving the deck, upload and share it!
Instead of criticizing the world, go do the hard work and make it better. :-)


Well-picked words, easy to organize and repeat every day. After a while, it gets very easy to remember «ah, this word has the grammatical female gender» because I recognize the voice that reads it. Some pronunciations are pretty bad (banana is a particularly hilarious example because it just won’t stop).

The easiest way to study these (as always) is to suspend all cards and then review a batch of them & unsuspend the ones you’ve reviewed once (also, pull in your own photos using google images, maybe? Otherwise, who knows what word the blurry-black and white outline of a person should be — if you guessed «vieux», that’s it.)


Great way to refresh and extend the French words I learned 50 years ago :-)


As far as I can tell, a word’s gender is color-coded and the audio is masculine/feminine accordingly. So it’s a pretty good deck.


Have to learn French.


Very good choice of words with color coded gender. Audio is pretty crappy but can easily be fixed using AwesomeTTS (Google translate).


The article(la, le) is indicated by the color of the word

blue = masculine
red = feminine

read the damn description of the deck


It doesn’t include articles and doesn’t tell you if the word is masculine or feminine, so it is basically useless




Very good deck with helpful pictures and audio. Like it :-)


very good basic deck with common nouns and verbs. The audio would be better with the articles but I like the use of color coding for masculine and feminine. It’s a great visual clue. I appreciate that someone went to the trouble to make and share this. Is it perfect? No, but it is a great resource. I think some people are too picky and too negative about its small faults. To make this deck yourself would take hours. Thank you to its creator for the effort.


The cards don’t have examples.


This words are just too difficult to learn for a beginner and there is no english translation.




This appears to be close to what I was looking for: verbs (gender not important) pronouns (singular is just fine) vocabulary (singular is ok). I hope to update my opinion as I use the deck to learn French. 201803006


I used it. It is fine but not amazing. A lot of words that are not commonly used like tools and stuff like that. Picture are often poor quality. Worth doing as your first Anki for French though…


This is exactly what I was looking for. It’s the best way, in my opinion, to start learning vocabulary in a foreign language.


All what I need to stady French.


Great as a start. I miss the gender and the plural of the words …


So far is seems to be put together very well !


Picture association, Masc vs Fem, Sound, What could be better


Using great pictures




How to import?

This is a great deck that I would like to use. How can I import this deck in AnkiApp ?
I have AnkiApp 2.7.0 installed on osx, but i see no option to import existing deck files (apkg)








Love the style

Most of the problems I’ve had with the deck was because of anki’s synchronization. I’m giving priority to decks with the same style in the future.


Audio Needs Improvement But Overall a Good Deck

Overall this is a good deck but the problems I found with it were the large variance of volume levels between cards (sometimes it’s a loud and strong masculine voice, and for others it’s a timid, low volume female voice); also I found an error (it’s actually on this page) for the number 11. The audio says «ehuf», which is nothing like how it should be pronounced in French.

The addition of photos for every card makes it much easier to absorb the information.


The articles ARE INCLUDED!

Please, read the description and actually try out the set.

If the word is in blue and a male says the word, guess what gender that is…

If the word is in red and a female says the word…

After all, «le» and «la» just become invisible after so many times seeing them. I’ve found that studying this way makes a greater impact, being that it activates other regions of our brain in accessing the gender information.

Thank you to the author and I’m sorry that a number of people haven’t appreciated your work.


No articles, are you kidding?

Instant delete. No way I’m wasting time on something with that huge of mistake. Unbelievable, really!





French 500 coloured words with pictures and audio



The images are pretty, unequivocal, and easily remembered. The system of displaying masculine words blue and feminine red is greatly helping me to keep in mind words’ genders. I use to enunciate the whole thing, including the article «le» or «la». This activity, together with the colored writing, is picking in my mind, as a catchy experience. An old fear of me that I could fail to memorize the genders of French expressions, thus, is unexpectedly overcome, in a very pleasant way. I recently have read that learning words triggers the same processes in the brain like eating chocolate. In the case on hand, such a situation must appear as utterly plausible.


Omitting the articles (masculine/feminine) is a critical flaw

To speak French, you have to learn the gender of all the nouns, and it just makes sense to learn the gender when you learn the noun, e.g. you don’t want to learn fire is «feu», you want to learn that fire is «le feu». Sadly this otherwise awesome deck omits the articles, meaning you’re going to have to come back and learn them all later. This is a critical omission that makes this deck (I cringe to say this…) almost not worth doing at all. But think about it: I’m going to invest some finite number of hours learning French. Given the choice, I’m definitely going to go with a a vocab resource that teaches me the articles over one that doesn’t.
I’m investigating whether I can find a way to add the articles and share the update.




Best Anki set I have used so far

Random words to build your vocabulary, usually around a theme
Great visual/audio recognition

Sometimes the pronunciation is off (i would pair with google translate)
Sometimes the pictures don’t make sense (rare, but again google translate)

Highly recommend to anyone who understands the grammar and basics of french, but need a kickstart on just memorizing nouns/verbs. I wish I had this for other languages






I am gonna be sooo smart after using this set, thank-you to the author!




Awesome deck with many important words and clean organization.





Super deck, great photos!

Useful words, great photos. Started this about three months ago, am now at about 5-10 daily reviews to keep things fresh. (I don’t push «easy» very much.) Well done deck!






Top notch — appreciate the work!

Excellent deck!

Would love to have the definitions as well (or a translation). Maybe someone could add them.


verg useful

This Deck is very useful, it helped me to review basic words. It would be better if it was mentioned article of the word too, (masculin or feminin).
Thank you for making this deck





A picture is worth a thousand words!

Learning vocabulary with visual imagery is more effective than doing with text alone. Pictures, photographs, or drawings help present and define words in a more meaningful way.

Each playlist contains more than 20 videos covering useful words of different topics.

Français Visuel : Vocabulaire en Images
Les mots indispensables en français – Les mots les plus utilisés



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learn french with pictures

Last updated:

June 3, 2022

Visualize Fluency: 7 Picture Perfect Ways to Learn French with a Visual Dictionary

A visual dictionary is one of the best things that you can have in your learner’s toolkit.

That’s why it’s important to choose the right visual dictionary for you.

Whether you’re looking for a dictionary to use on the go, a multi-language option for aspiring polyglots or even a child-friendly version, there’s a visual dictionary out there that’s perfect for you.

Once you’ve gotten familiar with your visual dictionary, it’s time to use these activities to help you shake it up effectively learn French with pictures.


  • 1. Learn like a pre-schooler: Label pictures in a coloring book
  • 2. Learn with reference pictures: Label everything you see
  • 3. Learn with picture games: Play with a friend
  • 4. Get curious: Learn with pictures then bring your vocabulary to life
  • 5. Learn with party game pictures
  • 6. Create your own pictures: Learning with flashcards, doodles and mind-maps
  • 7. Lunch-break learning with pictures: Online resources to boost your learning

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

1. Learn like a pre-schooler: Label pictures in a coloring book

Coloring books are a fantastic way to relieve stress…and help you to learn French! By spending time coloring, you develop associations in the visual center of your brain and this then helps you to remember the words. The idea with this is to label every detail on your coloring page so that you have a bank of words from your visual dictionary on each page. The act of coloring everything in will help you to remember the words.

This is also great because it’s something fun that you can do while you’re unwinding, it doesn’t have to be part of your study time. You could even color during your commute if your ride isn’t too bumpy.

Tips for coloring book vocabulary practice:

Discover Paris: Destination Relaxation (Color Your World Coloring Books)

  • Choose a book that isn’t abstract, make sure there are plenty of things you can label and that these are words you want to learn. Try a nature-based book or maybe one with people in it so you can label their features.
  • Track down some adult coloring books! These have more complex illustrations, more details and thus more opportunities for vocabulary learning. The book I’ve linked you to is Paris-themed!
  • Use post-its for labeling if you don’t want to ruin your artwork.
  • Use bright colors to help with memory association.

2. Learn with reference pictures: Label everything you see

Another great way to use your visual dictionary is to identify the things you see.

This helps you to form associations daily and is also great because you’ll be learning words that are useful to you. You could start by labeling things in your house and then do this mentally (or physically if you’d like) with things you see whilst out.

You could use post-its to help you form a physical link. If you know someone who is also learning French or is fluent, you could test each other on everything you see in a room.

3. Learn with picture games: Play with a friend

Visual dictionaries among friends lend themselves to playing games. You just have to try this more social approach.

It’s a wonderful way to add a competitive edge to your vocabulary acquisition. It’s also a great way to make sure that you get your vocabulary practice into your schedule along with a chance to practice pronunciation as well. To help you get started, here are some ideas:

  • Describe the items on the page of a visual dictionary without saying what they are, then everybody has to race to find that page. The first to find that page wins.
  • Test each other on random vocabulary. For example, you might ask “What is a seashell in French?” Keep a tally of your scores.
  • Use as much vocabulary on one page of your visual dictionary to write a story as you can. Whoever uses the most vocabulary wins.

4. Get curious: Learn with pictures then bring your vocabulary to life

Real-life context is the best way to learn vocabulary. You can make the most of this by planning activities to help you learn specific vocabulary.

This is a great activity to do with a friend so that you can both test each other on vocabulary as you go along.

You could take pictures and label everything afterwards, making your own visual dictionary. Some ideas to get you planning your next day out:

  • Learn vocabulary related to the ocean and aquatic life then visit an aquarium for the day. A fantastic idea would be to visit the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco
  • Learn vocabulary for animals of the world and then spend the day at a zoo. You could try the Zoo de La Fleche, rated as one of France’s finest zoos.
  • Learn vocabulary related to nature and spend a day at a park, admiring all of the different plants and animals and acknowledging their names in French.
  • Learn the vocabulary related to color and art and discuss paintings in a museum en français (in French)

5. Learn with party game pictures

Organizing a study group with a regular get-together could be the perfect way to help you memorize vocabulary.

By agreeing on a set of vocabulary you’re going to learn each time and then hosting party games surrounding the vocabulary, you’re using social pressure to help reinforce your vocabulary whilst also making it fun. Make into an evening with these suggestions:

  • Pictionary
  • Charades
  • Snap (where one player has the English and the other has the French)
  • Word searches

By organizing learning set vocabulary for each party, you’ll slowly work your way through to the point where you know most of the vocabulary in your visual dictionary. This will really help you to get to an advanced level of fluency in French as you’ll understand without having to translate much of what you read and hear.

6. Create your own pictures: Learning with flashcards, doodles and mind-maps

Mind-mapping is a way of organizing information around a central concept that is more natural than creating a list. It’s great for visual learners, as the links between information are clear to see and you can keep things interesting by using different colors. For example, if I was doing a mind-map of family vocabulary:

  • The central bubble would be la famille (the family).
  • One branch would have les parents (the parents) written along it.
  • At the end of this branch would be la mère (the mother) and le père (the father).
  • As I learn more vocabulary and colloquialism, I might add maman (Mom) and papa (Dad) to the end of these branches.
  • I would also add branches for all other parts of the family and might draw a famous family member (maybe a cartoon family) by each branch to help me remember the vocabulary.

For associating words with one another, a mind-map is very useful. You could select a section that you want to familiarize yourself with and draw out a mind-map with annotated drawings. This will help you to form a deep connection with the vocabulary. This can be a great way of studying for one of the activities suggested above.

Flashcards are brilliant for learning a stack of words and ensuring that they go into your long-term memory because you can keep testing yourself until you know the vocabulary and then keep testing yourself at regular intervals. This is great for words that are really important.

You can use apps like FluentU for building multimedia-based flashcards reinforced by authentic French content. Or you can try an app like Anki for a more customizable flashcard app.

7. Lunch-break learning with pictures: Online resources to boost your learning

The amount you use your visual dictionary will depend entirely on you.

Some people are at an advanced level and want to join in more with nuanced vocabulary, some are beginners and want to increase their word bank fast. Others at a casual intermediate stage just want to have fun with vocabulary and think visual dictionaries are a great way to do that.

Whatever your skill level or motivation, here are some great resources you can use during your lunch break, even if you don’t want to invest in a visual dictionary yet:

  • A site with activities to help you learn vocabulary
  • A free visual dictionary site
  • A site to test your vocabulary and grammar

You now have a visual dictionary as an extra tool in your toolbox, so go and make use of it!

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Lesson LibraryLearn with Pictures

With these 25 videos, you’ll learn useful French vocabulary based on a lot of different themes: food, body parts, weather, clothing, and much more! Learn new words, and then immediately test your knowledge with the quiz that follows.

Recommended textbook solutions

Points de Départ 2nd Edition by Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Mary Ellen Scullen

Points de Départ

2nd EditionISBN: 9780205788408 (1 more)Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Mary Ellen Scullen

376 solutions

Liaisons: An Introduction to French 3rd Edition by Bill VanPatten, Stacey Weber-Feve, Wynne Wong

Liaisons: An Introduction to French

3rd EditionISBN: 9780357474532Bill VanPatten, Stacey Weber-Feve, Wynne Wong

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Liaisons: An Introduction to French 3rd Edition by Bill VanPatten, Stacey Weber-Feve, Wynne Wong

Liaisons: An Introduction to French

3rd EditionISBN: 9781337905848Bill VanPatten, Stacey Weber-Feve, Wynne Wong

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En avant! Beginning French 3rd Edition by Annabelle Dolidon, Bruce Anderson

En avant! Beginning French

3rd EditionISBN: 9781260693218Annabelle Dolidon, Bruce Anderson

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  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

М.: АСТ: Астрель, 2010. — 160 с. — (Быстрый старт). В книгу включены широко употребляемые слова современного французского языка (существительные, прилагательные, глаголы, наречия, местоимения). Картинка, транскрипция, перевод на русский язык, транслитерация, письменное воспроизведение слова служат для активации различных видов памяти и в конечном счёте позволяют быстрее запомнить…

  • №1
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Usborne, 2002. — 34 p. В книге представлены тематические картинки для начинающих изучать французский язык. La maison. La cuisine. Le jardin. L’atelier. La rue. Le magasin de jouets. Le jardin public. Le zoo. Le voyage. La campagne. La ferme. La plage etc. Young learners of French will find it easy to learn new words with this delightful picture word book which provides a wealth…

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  • добавлен 26.04.2013 20:18
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2nd ed. — London: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2001. — 32 p. — (Usborne First 100 Words). Language: English, French. This large format book of first words in French aims to invite very young children into the lively, humorous scenes of family life. English translations appear alongside each object’s French name.

  • №3
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  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

EDC Publishing, 2005. — 64 pages. — ISBN10: 1580865135 French/English Young learners of French will find it easy to learn new words with this delightful picture word book which provides a wealth of vocabulary-building opportunities. Stephen Cartwright’s bright and amusing pictures encourage direct association of the French word with the object for effective, long-term learning….

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Paris: Fleurus, 2008. — 34 p. L’imagerie des tout-petits «La maternelle» est un livre pour rassurer les enfants qui vont entrer à la maternelle en les préparant à cet événement. Tout y est expliqué. De la rentrée des classes à la sieste, familiarisez votre enfant avec les premiers mots de l’école. De la cour de récré à la cantine, il apprendra à mettre des mots sur tout ce qui…

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Paris: Fleurus, 2000. — 34 p. Pour éveiller les enfants au monde qui les entoure avec des images simples et des textes courts.

  • №9
  • 9,59 МБ
  • добавлен 19.03.2021 22:18
  • описание отредактировано 20.03.2021 08:57
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Paris: Fleurus, 1999. — 34 p. Un livre pour faire découvrir les couleurs aux tout-petits, conçu avec des images simples et des textes courts.

  • №10
  • 6,66 МБ
  • добавлен 19.03.2021 22:23
  • описание отредактировано 20.03.2021 08:57
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Перевод с французского Л.В. Забродиной. — М.: АСТ, Астрель, 2010. — 48 с. — ISBN 978-5-17-059229-6. Самоучитель в картинках для детей от 2-х лет на французском языке. Оригинальное издание опубликовано под названием I Speak English. Impara L’inglese giocando. Этот самоучитель в картинках — удобное и эффективное пособие, которое поможет вашему ребенку легко начать изучение…

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  • описание отредактировано 24.01.2022 01:32
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

М.: АСТ; Астрель, 2010. — 48 с. Самоучитель в картинках для детей от 2—х лет на французском языке. Оригинальное издание опубликовано под названием I Speak English. Impara L’inglese giocando. Идея Donatella Bergamino. Перевод с французского Л.В. Забродиной. Этот самоучитель в картинках — удобное и эффективное пособие, которое поможет вашему ребенку легко начать изучение…

  • №12
  • 10,49 МБ
  • добавлен 31.08.2015 05:34
  • описание отредактировано 06.01.2019 09:14
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Berlitz Publishing, 2004. — 64 p. Presents 1000 entries for terms in French and English with corresponding illustrations to show usage.

  • №13
  • 10,02 МБ
  • добавлен 09.06.2022 16:17
  • описание отредактировано 09.06.2022 23:00
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

CEC, 2015. — 84 p. — ISBN: 276177972X. Le français en images est un ouvrage de référence visuel destiné à tous les jeunes apprenants du français, et ce, dès la 1ère année. Amusant et facile à consulter, ce livre est utile tant pour enrichir le vocabulaire des élèves que pour l’interaction orale et les productions écrites. Le français en images, c’est un environnement dynamique…

  • №14
  • 22,92 МБ
  • добавлен 11.09.2015 13:13
  • описание отредактировано 09.01.2019 06:24
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

OK, 1982. — 24 p. Ce livre est destinés aux enfants de 5 à 12 ans afin de leur donner leurs premières connaissances, développer leur curiosité et soif d’apprendre.

  • №15
  • 6,39 МБ
  • добавлен 24.08.2021 20:47
  • описание отредактировано 25.08.2021 00:25
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Usborn, 1982. — 47 p. Au fil de ces pages illustrées de façon vivante et cocasse, l’enfant est invité à suivre la trace des voleurs, des contrebandiers et des malfaiteurs de tout acabit. Mais cet inspecteur et ces détectives remarquablement efficaces, qui jamais ne manquent de remplir rigoureusement leur fonction, sont bien particuliers puisqu’il s’agit de Nom, Verbe, Pronom,…

  • №16
  • 63,03 МБ
  • добавлен 17.09.2022 07:57
  • описание отредактировано 03.03.2023 17:52
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Fleurus, 1998. — 514 p. Pour les 5 à 8 ans. Un premier dictionnaire pour découvrir le sens des mots a partir des contes et récits favoris des enfants. La lecture est au centre de la conception de ce nouveau dictionnaire. Grâce aux personnages et aux scènes des histoires que tous les enfants connaissent, les mots prennent vie dans des univers familiers pour stimuler l’envie de…

  • №17
  • 156,93 МБ
  • добавлен 21.01.2021 14:18
  • описание отредактировано 24.01.2021 15:46
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

М.: Лабиринт Пресс, 2005. — 61 с. Русско-французский словарь 500 слов с картинками. Персонажи любимых сказок встретят ребенка на каждой странице этого словаря и познакомят с французским языком. Выберите любую тему: животные, транспорт, морские обитатели, лес, школа, дом, игры, сладости — и начинайте увлекательную обучающую игру. Для детей от 5 до 9 лет

  • №18
  • 21,91 МБ
  • добавлен 25.10.2015 10:22
  • описание отредактировано 06.01.2019 09:14
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Fleurus, 1989. — 12 p. — (La miniimagerie des enfants). Des livres destinés aux tout-petits, afin de les aider à éveiller leur curiosité et à améliorer leur vocabulaire.

  • №19
  • 3,09 МБ
  • добавлен 30.07.2020 00:49
  • описание отредактировано 02.02.2022 23:38
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Play Bac, 2005. — 20 p. Une imagerie joliment illustrée pour les tout-petits. Avec Moustilou la souris, ils découvriront en photos les mots de tous les jours et s’éveilleront au monde qui les entoure.

  • №20
  • 14,81 МБ
  • добавлен 27.12.2018 20:27
  • описание отредактировано 09.01.2019 03:23
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Fleurus, 2003. — 18 p. Si tu ne sais pas encore lire, tu peux t’aider des mots-images. Ouvre grand les yeux et viens découvrir les petites bêtes. Un petit livre adapté aux petites mains. Une adorable collection pour les bébés dès 12 mois. Idéal pour éveiller la curiosité du tout-petit envers les insectes, grâce à une couverture rembourée avec de la mousse, des coins arrondis et…

  • №21
  • 4,72 МБ
  • добавлен 01.09.2015 02:28
  • описание отредактировано 09.01.2019 03:27
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Fleurus, 2003. — 19 p.
Si tu ne sais pas encore lire, tu peux t’aider des mots-images.
Ouvre grand les yeux et viens découvrir les petits des animaux.
Un petit livre adapté aux petites mains. Une adorable collection pour les bébés dès 12 mois. Idéal pour éveiller la curiosité du tout-petit envers les insectes, grâce à une couverture rembourée avec de la mousse, des coins…

  • №22
  • 9,20 МБ
  • добавлен 01.09.2015 02:32
  • описание отредактировано 09.01.2019 03:27
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Ill. Sébastien Coenen, texte: Sandra Ladwig a écrit le texte. — Paris: Oskar Jeunesse, 2008. — 67 p. Un imagier de plus de 500 mots pour découvrir tout ce qui se passe dans la ville. Un imagier et une première encyclopédie en un seul livre. Un livre qui grandit avec les enfants de 4 à 7 ans. — Le mot illustré par l’image — Des explications simples — Des dessins à la fois…

  • №23
  • 16,18 МБ
  • добавлен 21.01.2014 21:00
  • описание отредактировано 09.01.2019 03:27
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Barron’s Educational Series, 2001. — 48 p. — ISBN: 978-0764154362. Age Range: 3 and up Vividly illustrated with bright, full-color illustrations by award-winning children’s artists, books in the First Picture Dictionaries series speak to kids at progressive age levels. Books combine artwork and/or photo illustrations with bold and easy-to-read word labels and definitions….

  • №24
  • 27,88 МБ
  • добавлен 20.03.2016 22:28
  • описание отредактировано 09.01.2019 03:27
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

Éditions Usborne, 2011. — 16 p. Pour aider les jeunes enfants à développer leur vocabulaire de base, avec un millier de mots et d’images de tous les jours, organisés par thèmes. Premiers mots en images. C’est un imagier assez complet classé par thématiques : le corps, les vêtements, la maison, la nourriture… Les illustrations sont des personnages en pâte à modeler assez réussies…

  • №26
  • 1,49 МБ
  • добавлен 10.06.2017 01:21
  • описание отредактировано 09.01.2019 06:24
  • Раздел: Для детей → Иллюстрированные словари для детей

М.: Олма-Пресс, 2000. — 64 с. — (Первый урок). — ISBN: 5-224-00832-8. Художники О.Бабкин, С.Бабкина Дорогие родители! Ваш ребёнок уже освоил грамоту?.. Значит, пора приниматься за уроки. Уроки чтения развивают мышление, поощряют воображение и поднимают настроение. Так считают все учителя. Поэтому для первого самостоятельного чтения ребёнка мы искали только хорошие книжки….

  • №27
  • 11,04 МБ
  • добавлен 22.09.2020 15:08
  • описание отредактировано 22.09.2020 15:16

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