French word meaning restaurant

  • 1

    1. ресторан

    Предприятие общественного питания с широким ассортиментом блюд сложного приготовления, включая заказные и фирменные, винно-водочные, табачные и кондитерские изделия, повышенным уровнем обслуживания в сочетании с организацией отдыха.
    [ ГОСТ 30602-97]


    Здание или комплекс помещений для предприятия общественного питания, обслуживающего посетителей широким ассортиментом блюд по индивидуальным заказам, с высоким комфортом и организацией отдыха и развлечений
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]


    • общественное питание


    • restaurant


    • Gaststätte
    • Restaurant


    • restaurant

    Франко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > restaurant

  • 2

    БФРС > restaurant

  • 3


    рестора́н рестора́нчик);

    un restaurant libre-service — столо́вая самообслу́живания

    Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif > restaurant

  • 4

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > restaurant

  • 5
    restaurant du cœur

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > restaurant du cœur

  • 6
    restaurant self-service

    • La terrasse au sommet, dans le prolongement d’un restaurant self-service, offre une vue magnifique sur le centre de la capitale et sur la butte Montmartre.

    Dictionnaire du journal FranCité (Français-Russe) > restaurant self-service

  • 7
    restaurant en libre service

    Le dictionnaire commercial Français-Russe > restaurant en libre service

  • 8
    restaurant convivial

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > restaurant convivial

  • 9
    restaurant de x couverts



    ресторан на «x» персон, ресторан на «x» человек

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > restaurant de x couverts

  • 10
    restaurant de plein air

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > restaurant de plein air

  • 11
    restaurant macrobiotique

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > restaurant macrobiotique

  • 12
    restaurant panoramique

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > restaurant panoramique

  • 13
    restaurant universitaire

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > restaurant universitaire

  • 14
    restaurant à l’ambiance chaleureuse

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > restaurant à l’ambiance chaleureuse

  • 15

    БФРС > voiture-restaurant

  • 16

    БФРС > wagon-restaurant

  • 17

    Dictionnaire polytechnique Français-Russe > voiture-restaurant

  • 18

    Dictionnaire polytechnique Français-Russe > wagon-restaurant

  • 19
    chèque de restaurant

    Dictionnaire de droit français-russe > chèque de restaurant

  • 20

    Dictionnaire de droit français-russe > ticket-restaurant


  • Следующая →
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  • 3
  • 4
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  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • restaurant — [ rɛstɔrɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1803; « reconstituant, fortifiant » XVIe XVIIIe; « boisson réconfortante » provenç. (1507); de restaurer ♦ Établissement où l on sert des repas moyennant paiement. ⇒fam. resto. Tenir un restaurant. Dîner au restaurant. «… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • restaurant — RESTAURÁNT, restaurante, s.n. Unitate de alimentaţie publică care prepară în bucătărie proprie mâncăruri şi le desface contra cost, împreună cu băuturi, în săli de mese special amenajate; local în care se află o astfel de unitate. [pr.: sta u ] – …   Dicționar Român

  • restaurant — restaurant, ante (rè stô ran, ran t ) adj. 1°   Qui restaure, qui répare les forces. Aliment restaurant. Potion restaurante.    S. m. C est un bon restaurant que le vin.    Particulièrement. Consommé fort succulent. •   Le père tout tremblant le… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

  • Restaurant — Sn std. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. restaurant, dem PPräs. von frz. restaurer wiederherstellen (restaurieren). So bezeichnet wurde zunächst eine stärkende Kost, danach der Ort, an dem eine solche Kost zu erhalten war.    Ebenso nndl.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • restaurant — UK US /ˈrestərɒnt/ noun [C] ► COMMERCE a place where meals are prepared and served to paying customers: »She has no experience of running a restaurant. »the restaurant business/industry »a restaurant chain »a restaurant owner/manager …   Financial and business terms

  • restaurant — Restaurant. s. m. v. Aliment qui restaure, qui donne des forces. C est un bon restaurant que l ambre gris, que le vin. On appelle plus particulierement, Restaurant, Un consommé fort succulent, un pressis de viande. On luy a donné un restaurant …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • restaurant — 1827, from Fr. restaurant a restaurant (said to have been used in Paris c.1765 by Boulanger), originally food that restores, noun use of prp. of restaurer to restore or refresh, from O.Fr. restorer (see RESTORE (Cf. restore)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Restaurant — [Basiswortschatz (Rating 1 1500)] Bsp.: • Sie aßen in einem Restaurant zu Abend. • Wir gehen gerne in ein italienisches Restaurant …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Restaurant — Res tau*rant (r?s t?*r?nt;277), n. [F., fr. restaurer. See {Restore}.] An eating house. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Restaurant — (franz., spr. storāng), in Frankreich soviel wie Speisehaus, (feinere) Garküche, wofür in Deutschland meist Restauration gebraucht wird; das erste wirkliche R. wurde 1770 in Paris errichtet. Restaurateur (spr. storatȫr), der Wirt eines… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Restaurant — (frz., spr. storáng), Speisehaus, Gastwirtschaft; Restaurateur (spr. töhr), Gastwirt (s.d.) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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Elizabeth Ramirez

Date Of Creation: 10 March 2023

Update Date: 10 April 2023

The Best Answer To The Question «Is restaurant a french word?»

Restaurant used in many languages today actually comes from the French verb restaurer, meaning “to restore or refresh.” According to Larousse and other encyclopedic food tomes, all seemed to be going deliciously until Boulanger had the nerve to serve sheep’s feet in a white sauce—pieds de mouton à la sauce poulette.


Video: Hey Pascal, is restaurant a French word?


  • What language is the word restaurant from?
  • What do they call a restaurant in France?
  • Is restaurant a feminine word in French?

Regarding This, What language is the word restaurant from?

Borrowed from French restaurant, present participle of the verb restaurer, corresponding to Latin restaurans, restaurantis, present participle of restauro (“I restore”), from the name of the ’restorative’ soup served in the first establishments.

Similarly, It Is Asked, What do they call a restaurant in France?

brasserieIn France, Flanders, and the Francophone world, a brasserie (pronounced [bʁas. ʁi]) is a type of French restaurant with a relaxed setting, which serves single dishes and other meals. The word brasserie is also French for «brewery» and, by extension, «the brewing business».

You Should Also Know, Is restaurant a feminine word in French?

Answer and Explanation: The word restaurant in French is a masculine noun. Even though the word is exactly the same as in English, you need to remember to use masculine…

21 Similar Questions

The word ‘Restaurant’ derives from the French verb restaurer,  meaning to restore. It was first used in France in the 16th century, to describe the thick and cheap  soups sold by street vendors that were advertised to restore your health.

It was in 1765 that a Monsieur Boulanger of Paris actually opened a shop selling soups. The sign outside of M. Boulanger’s shop is said to have read, “VENITE AD ME VOS QUI STOMACHO LABORATIS ET EGO RESTAURABO VOS” (Come to me, all who labour in the stomach, and I will restore you.) and this led to the use of the word restaurant to describe such shops. Boulanger did try to add stew to his list of soups but was successfully sued by a number of Parisian traiteurs (people who ran cookhouses). But it was not too long before ‘restaurants’ combined both soup and other food courses, including stews.

But his soup-shop was still a long way off from the types of establishment we think of today when we utter the word restaurant.  Nicholas Kiefer in his excellent published article, Economics and the Origin of the Restaurant, has this to say: 

“Pressures leading to the creation of the restaurant— with its individual tables, individual orders, flexible dining times convenient to the patrons, and payment by item ordered—came from both those who demanded food away from home and from its suppliers. From the diner’s point of view, the restaurant format offered a kind of privacy. The diner could eat alone or with companions of his or her choosing. The table d’hôte format is more social, but the mix of companions facing a stranger coming to an inn or cookshop [traiteurs] wasn’t always ideal for outsiders. More important, the diner in a restaurant could order, eat, drink, and pay for only and exactly what she wished. In contrast, in the table d’hôte format one ate what one could grab of what was served. Finally, the restaurant patron could eat at the time of his convenience, rather than when the host chose to serve the meal.”  

While there were restaurants in some form or other in Paris during the decades preceding the French Revolution, it was this late 18th Century historical event that provided the social conditions for the evolution of the restaurant as we know it today. A restaurant boom occurred at this time through the elimination of restrictive Guild rules coupled with the large number of chefs entering the labour market who had previously been employed by aristocrats who had lost their heads.

As the London Dorchester’s executive chef, Jocelyn Herland, recently remarked:

“If I could go back to any historic period, I would have to say the time after the French revolution of 1789. It was during this time that restaurants, as we know them today, made their appearance. After the French revolution, many chefs who were cooking high-quality cuisine at the houses of noblemen lost their jobs and thus opened their own restaurants.”

So there you have it. The origin of the word Restaurant. Thanks for reading.

About Jim McNeill

I am a blogger on ‘The Social History of the Touraine region of France (37)’ and also ‘The Colonial History of Pennsylvania and the life & Family of William Penn’.
I am a Director of Fresh Ground Group Ltd.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the French word of restaurants?
  2. What do we call menu in French?
  3. Is it Le table or La Table?
  4. What is French omelette?
  5. How many eggs should you use for an omelette?
  6. What is the most popular omelette?
  7. Do you flip omelettes?
  8. What goes good omelette?
  9. Do you put milk in your omelette?
  10. Why are my omelettes not fluffy?
  11. Which cheese is best for omelette?
  12. How does Gordon Ramsay make a cheese omelet?
  13. Can you lose weight eating omelettes?
  14. Does water or milk make eggs fluffier?
  15. What does milk do to scrambled eggs?
  16. Should you put milk or water in scrambled eggs?

Translation Matrix for restaurant:

Noun Related Translations
beanery bistro; brasserie; buffet; cantine; restaurant; restauration
bistro bistro; brasserie; restaurant
canteen bistro; brasserie; buffet; cantine; restaurant; restauration
eating house bistro; brasserie; buffet; cantine; restaurant; restauration

Translations. menu Noun. menu, le ~ (m) menu, the ~ Noun.

Is it Le table or La Table?

Senior Member. It’s essentially the difference between a dining table (la table) and a mathematical table (le tableau).

What is French omelette?

More French words for omelette. la omelette noun. omelet, scrambled eggs.

How many eggs should you use for an omelette?

Beat the eggs: Use two or three eggs per omelette, depending on how hungry you are. Beat the eggs lightly with a fork. Melt the butter: Use an 8-inch nonstick skillet for a 2-egg omelette, a 9-inch skillet for 3 eggs.

What is the most popular omelette?

The Omelette de la mère Poulard, a Norman specialty first developed in Mont-Saint-Michel, has been called the most famous omelette in the world. It is served without fillings but often served with heavy garnishes.

Do you flip omelettes?

Well, you don’t really need to flip an omelette in order to cook it through. Prepare your omelette mixture in a bowl (I like to use eggs, a tiny splash of milk and shredded cheese). Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat.

What goes good omelette?

Some classic omelet fillings include shredded cheddar or Gruyere cheese, sour cream, diced ham, crisp bacon, sautéed mushrooms, bell peppers or tomatoes, caramelized onions, fresh herbs or even leftovers from last night’s dinner. For a sweet omelet, omit pepper and add a dash of sugar to egg mixture.

Do you put milk in your omelette?

Crack the eggs into a small bowl and whisk. Add some salt and pepper, if you like, but do not add any water, milk, or any other liquids. This allows the uncooked egg on the top to flow down to the bottom of the pan. When the top is nearly set, sprinkle any fillings over half of the omelette and turn off the heat.

Why are my omelettes not fluffy?

Cooking Tips for a Fluffy Omelette Make sure the bowl where you beat the egg whites in is perfectly clean. If there is a little extra oil or grease in the bowl where you beat the egg whites they may not whip up as full as you need them to be.

Which cheese is best for omelette?

Cheddars, mozzarella, and alpine cheeses like Gruyère all melt perfectly for an omelet, but other cheeses like feta, parmesan, or manchego will work too. Some cheeses, like paneer or halloumi, won’t melt but can be cubed or sliced and added as a chewy filling.

How does Gordon Ramsay make a cheese omelet?


  1. Heat pan over medium heat.
  2. Oil pan.
  3. Mix eggs in bowl until well combined, add a pinch of salt and mix JUST BEFORE cooking.
  4. Pour egg mix into heated pan and work with fork like shown in video until edges solidify but some runny egg still shows (it will almost begin to look like scrambled eggs)

Can you lose weight eating omelettes?

Eggs are delicious almost every way you make them, but are most often boiled, scrambled, made into an omelet or baked. A breakfast omelet made with a couple of eggs and some vegetables makes for an excellent and quick weight loss friendly breakfast.

Does water or milk make eggs fluffier?

Water makes them lighter. Water doesn’t make it as tough as milk.” The trick is to add just a splash of water to the bowl after you crack and whisk the eggs. The water, when heated on the stove, creates a steaming effect and aids in a fluffier end result.

What does milk do to scrambled eggs?

If you are in the habit of adding milk or cream while whisking eggs, you can stop. Now. Milk won’t make eggs creamier, fluffier, or stretch the dish out. What the milk really does is dilute the flavor of the eggs, making them rubbery, colorless, and something similar to what you would find at a school cafeteria.

Should you put milk or water in scrambled eggs?

Should you add water or milk in scrambled eggs? Yes, but to a limit. The reason some recipes call for water, milk, cream, or half-and-half is mainly as extra insurance to prevent a rubbery texture. A small amount of liquid dilutes them, which stops the proteins from bonding too fast and tightly together.

French Word

: restaurant m.

English Meaning

: restaurant

German Meaning

: Restaurant

Spanish Meaning

: el restaurante

Example Sentences:

Veux-tu aller dans un restaurant chinois ?
Do you want to go to a Chinese restaurant?
[Show Details]

Peux-tu me recommander un restaurant pas trop loin ?
Can you recommend a restaurant nearby?
[Show Details]

Je viens de sortir du restaurant et j’ai beaucoup trop mangé, je suis gavé.
I have just come out of the restaurant and I have eaten way too much, I’m stuffed.
[Show Details]

Ils vont au restaurant pour le déjeuner.
They are going to the restaurant for lunch.
[Show Details]

Ce restaurant est une entreprise familiale.
This is a family-owned restaurant.
[Show Details]

Malheureusement, il n’y a aucun restaurant japonais par ici.
Unfortunately there are no Japanese restaurants here.
[Show Details]

Nous sommes allés au cinéma puis dans un restaurant sympa.
We went to the cinema, and afterwards to a fancy restaurant.
[Show Details]

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