French word for you are beautiful

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French is the language of romance; its sounds and accents just roll together off of the tongue to create a feeling of love. Even sad songs can sound like love songs to a non-French speaker. What better phrase to learn how to say in French than something as beautiful as the language itself?

  1. Image titled Say You Are Beautiful in French Step 1


    Tell a woman she is beautiful with «Tu es belle.» This literally translates to «You are beautiful.» The first part, «tu es» means «you are,» and the word «belle» translates as «beautiful.»[1]

    • «Tu es belle» is pronounced as «Two eh bell.»
  2. Image titled Say You Are Beautiful in French Step 2


    Use the formal «vous êtes belle» when talking to superiors, the elderly, or distinguished people. «Vous» is the formal version of «tu,» and is used in «proper» conversation. Though there is no hard and fast rule for when to use «vous,» a good rule of thumb is to use it for anyone you would refer to as «Ms.» or «Mrs.» in English.[2]

    • Pronounce this as «vooz eht bell.»
    • Note how there is no «s» at the end of belle when speaking to one person.


  3. Image titled Say You Are Beautiful in French Step 3


    Tell multiple women they are beautiful by saying «Vous êtes belles.» This is the plural form of the equation, but the translation is the same.[3]
    Note how you cannot just add an «s» to belles, you need to use the plural form of «you are» as well — «Vous êtes.»

    • Pronounce this as «vooz eht bell.»
  4. Image titled Say You Are Beautiful in French Step 4


    Learn synonyms for the word «beautiful» in French. If you want to spice up your romantic vocabulary, there are a lot of words that you can substitute for «belle.»[4]
    Try out these, adding them in the phrases «Tu es _____» or «Vous êtes ____:»

    • Jolie: Pretty
    • Mignonne: Cute
    • Superbe, Splendide: Gorgeous
    • Séduisante: Alluring or attractive
    • Une jolie femme:A beautiful woman.
    • Tu es la plus belle fille que j’ai jamais vue: You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
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  1. Image titled Say You Are Beautiful in French Step 5


    Tell a man he is beautiful with «Tu es beau.» The male form of the word beautiful is «beau.» Beau has the same meaning as the female word «belle,» but it is male version of the word.

    • Pronounce this «two eh boh»
    • «Beau» is often translated as «Handsome» when speaking about a male.
  2. Image titled Say You Are Beautiful in French Step 6


    Use the formal «vous êtes beau» when talking to superiors, the elderly, or distinguished people. «Vous» is the formal version of «tu,» and is used in proper conversation. Though there is no hard and fast rule for when to use «vous,» a good rule of thumb is to use it for anyone you would refer to as «Mr.» in English[5]

    • Pronounce this as «vooz eht boh.»
  3. Image titled Say You Are Beautiful in French Step 7


    Tell multiple men they are beautiful or handsome by saying «Vous êtes beaux.» This is the plural form of the equation, but the translation is the same. To make the word ending in «au» plural, you need to add an «x», making «beaux.» You need to use the plural form of «you are» as well — «Vous êtes _____»

    • Pronounce this as «vooz eht boh.» The «x» is silent.
  4. Image titled Say You Are Beautiful in French Step 8


    Learn synonyms for «beautiful/handsome» in French. If you want to spice up your romantic vocabulary, there are a lot of words that you can substitute for «beau.»[6]
    Try out these, adding them in the phrases «Tu es _____» or «Vous êtes ____:»

    • Joli: Pretty
    • Mignon: Cute
    • Superb, Splendid: Gorgeous
    • Séduisant: Alluring or attractive
    • Un bel homme: a handsome man.
    • Tu es le plus beau garçon que j’ai jamais vu: You are the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen.
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    How do I say, «I love you» or «I’m in love with you» in French?

    Niels Zwaan

    Niels Zwaan

    Community Answer

    I love you = Je t’aime. I’m in love with you = Je suis amoureux/amoureuse de toi.

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    How do I say something such as a picture is beautiful?

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    «Beau/belle» depending on whether what’s being described is masculine or feminine. «Cette photo est belle.»

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    How do I say «beautiful and wonderful Montreal» in French Canadian?

    Community Answer

    The exact translation is «Beau et merveilleux Montréa,l» but «La belle et merveilleuse ville de Montréal!» would be a bit more satisfying.

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  • Adding the word «très» (pronounced: trε) after «tu es» or «vous êtes» changes the meaning to «you are very beautiful».

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Article SummaryX

There is no one way to say, “You are beautiful,” in French. When speaking to a woman, say, “Tu es belle,” which is pronounced like, “Two eh bell.” When addressing a female superior, say, “Vous êtes belle,” which is pronounced like, “Vooz eht boh.” When speaking to a man, replace “belle” with “beau,” which sounds like, “boh.” To tell multiple people they are beautiful, just add an “s” to the end of belle and an “x” to beau. To learn more about how to say, “You are beautiful,” in French, like synonyms for beautiful, keep reading!

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French is the language of romance; its sounds and accents just roll together off of the tongue to create a feeling of love. Even sad songs can sound like love songs to a non-French speaker. What better phrase to learn how to say in French than something as beautiful as the language itself?


  • 1 Steps
    • 1.1 Talking to Women
    • 1.2 Talking to Men
  • 2 Tips


Talking to Women

  1. Tell a woman she is beautiful with «Tu es belle.» This literally translates to «You are beautiful.» The first part, «tu es» means «you are,» and the word «belle» translates as «beautiful.»
    • «Tu es belle» is pronounced as «Two eh bell.»
  2. Use the formal «vous êtes belle» when talking to superiors, the elderly, or distinguished people. «Vous» is the formal version of «tu,» and is used in «proper» conversation. Though there is no hard and fast rule for when to use «vous,» a good rule of thumb is to use it for anyone you would refer to as «Ms.» or «Mrs.» in English.
    • Pronounce this as «vooz eht bell.»
    • Note how there is no «s» at the end of belle when speaking to one person.
  3. Tell multiple women they are beautiful by saying «Vous êtes belles.» This is the plural form of the equation, but the translation is the same. Note how you cannot just add an «s» to belles, you need to use the plural form of «you are» as well — «Vous êtes.»
    • Pronounce this as «vooz eht bell.»
  4. Learn synonyms for the word «beautiful» in French. If you want to spice up your romantic vocabulary, there are a lot of words that you can substitute for «belle.» Try out these, adding them in the phrases «Tu es _____» or «Vous êtes ____:»
    • Jolie: Pretty
    • Mignonne: Cute
    • Superbe, Splendide: Gorgeous
    • Séduisante: Alluring or attractive
    • Une jolie femme:A beautiful woman.
    • Tu es la plus belle fille que j’ai jamais vue: You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

Talking to Men

  1. Tell a man he is beautiful with «Tu es beau.» The male form of the word beautiful is «beau.» Beau has the same meaning as the female word «belle,» but it is male version of the word.
    • Pronounce this «two eh boh»
    • «Beau» is often translated as «Handsome» when speaking about a male.
  2. Use the formal «vous êtes beau» when talking to superiors, the elderly, or distinguished people. «Vous» is the formal version of «tu,» and is used in proper conversation. Though there is no hard and fast rule for when to use «vous,» a good rule of thumb is to use it for anyone you would refer to as «Mr.» in English
    • Pronounce this as «vooz eht boh.»
  3. Tell multiple men they are beautiful or handsome by saying «Vous êtes beaux.» This is the plural form of the equation, but the translation is the same. To make the word ending in «au» plural, you need to add an «x», making «beaux.» You need to use the plural form of «you are» as well — «Vous êtes _____»
    • Pronounce this as «vooz eht boh.» The «x» is silent.
  4. Learn synonyms for «beautiful/handsome» in French. If you want to spice up your romantic vocabulary, there are a lot of words that you can substitute for «beau.» Try out these, adding them in the phrases «Tu es _____» or «Vous êtes ____:»
    • Joli: Pretty
    • Mignon: Cute
    • Superb, Splendid: Gorgeous
    • Séduisant: Alluring or attractive
    • Un bel homme: a handsome man.
    • Tu es le plus beau garçon que j’ai jamais vu: You are the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen.


  • Adding the word «très» (pronounced: trε) after «tu es» or «vous êtes» changes the meaning to «you are very beautiful».

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Given the romantic nature of Paris, it's helpful to know how to comment on beauty.

Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images

Many people regard Paris as one of the world’s most beautiful cities, and it’s easy to be struck by cupid’s arrow during your visit. Telling random people that they’re beautiful might not be the best approach, but if you’re visiting the city with someone you love and want to convey your feelings in the native tongue, sweep your special someone off her feel by telling her that she’s beautiful in French.

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  • Singular Usage
  • Plural Usage
  • Speaking About Beauty
  • Nice to Meet You

1 Singular Usage

To express the sentiment «you are beautiful» to a woman in French, say «tu es belle.» The phonetic pronunciation of this short phrase is roughly, «too eh bell.» Alternatively, you can say «tu es jolie,» which means «you are pretty.» Pronounce «tu es jolie» as «too eh jo-lee.» To tell a man he is good-looking, say «tu es beau,» which is pronounced, «too eh bo.»

2 Plural Usage

If you’re speaking to one or more women and want to convey the message that they’re beautiful, it’s necessary to use the plural form of the phrase. Say «vous etes belles» to share this sentiment with more than one person. The pronunciation of «vous etes belles» is similar to «voos et bell.» To say this sentiment to one or more men, say «vous etes bel,» which is pronounced the same.

3 Speaking About Beauty

When you wish to describe the beautiful person you see to someone else, the phrase is slightly different from «tu es belle.» Say «une belle femme» or «une jolie femme» to express the sentiment that a woman is beautiful. Pronounce either of these short phrases as «oon bell fem» or «oon jo-lee fem,» respectively. For a girl, rather than woman, use «fille» instead of «femme.» Pronounce the former term «fee.» To describe a handsome man, say «un bel homme,» which is pronounced, «uh bell umm.»

4 Nice to Meet You

Walking up to a stranger in a French-speaking country and telling the person that she’s beautiful is more than a little direct. A safer approach is to say that it’s nice to meet her. In French, you can express this sentiment with one simple word: «enchante.» Pronounce this word similar to «on-shon-tay.»

About the Author

Toronto-based journalist William McCoy has been writing since 1997, specializing in topics such as sports, nutrition and health. He serves as the Studio’s sports and recreation section expert. McCoy is a journalism graduate of Ryerson University.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

tu es belle

vous êtes belle

tu es magnifique

tu es beau

tu es très belle

vous êtes belles

vous êtes beau

vous êtes magnifique

vous êtes beaux

vous êtes magnifiques

T’es beau

Vous êtes très belle

You Are Beautiful

tu es superbe

t’es belle


Raquel, you are beautiful and stunning.

Yes, but you are beautiful and kind.

Stop, moment, you are beautiful! …

Because you are beautiful and proud.

April, my dearest child you are beautiful, bright and brilliant.

And secondly… little metal machine… you are beautiful.

Et deuxièmement… petite machine métallique… tu es magnifique.

That is because you are beautiful.

Remember that you are beautiful no matter what.

Yes, when you are beautiful it’s easier.

Yes, I think you are beautiful.

It’s true, you are beautiful.

I smile at you because you are beautiful.

Inside and out, you are beautiful.

And second of all, you are beautiful.

Nicole Carver, you are beautiful.

You turned out to be as wretched as you are beautiful.

This ring is meant to remind you that you are beautiful.

Many walking and cycling opportunities, away at Fernpass lakes in which you are beautiful.

Nombreuses possibilités pédestres et cyclables, loin à Fernpass lacs dans lesquels tu es belle.

I say that you are beautiful in my eyes.

There is no doubt: you are beautiful.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain you are beautiful

Results: 428. Exact: 428. Elapsed time: 659 ms.


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