By , Alan and
Last updated:
March 16, 2023
Is your beginner French starting to feel a bit stiff? Then it’s time to go beyond the basics and learn some casual phrases French people say every day.
To help you get started, I’ve put together a list of over 110 informal, everyday French phrases and expressions.
- Greetings and Responses
- How You’re Feeling
- Asking for Help
- Getting Information and Directions
- Shopping
- Eating Out
- Conversational Phrases
- Exclamations and Remarks
- Saying Goodbye
- How to Learn French Phrases
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Greetings and Responses
1. Bonjour – Hello / Good day (formal/informal)
This phrase is probably the most common greeting you will hear and can be used in formal and informal situations (although it’s more common in formal situations).
2. Bonsoir – Good evening (formal/informal)
This phrase is used once people start to leave school or work to go home.
You’ll typically hear it start being used around 5 p.m., but if you’re in doubt you can listen to those around you to see which greeting they’re using.
3. Ravi de faire votre connaissance. – Happy to make your acquaintance. (formal)
This is a formal expression you can use when you’re meeting someone for the first time.
Notice that Ravi is masculine. In writing, you’ll want to add an e, making it Ravie, if you’re a woman. (You won’t hear the difference when it’s spoken.)
4. Enchanté – Charmed
Feminine: Enchantée. The same note about the extra e applies here.
This one’s short and sweet, and much more informal than the previous expression.
5. Comment vous appelez-vous ? / Comment t’appelles-tu ? – What’s your name? (formal/informal)
The informal version uses tu for you, instead of vous. This also means that the verb will be conjugated differently.
6. Je m’appelle … – I am called ___. / My name is ___.
7. D’où venez-vous ? / D’où viens-tu ? – Where are you from? (formal/informal)
8. Comment allez-vous ? / Comment ça va ? – How are you? (formal/informal)
Both of these basically mean “How’s it going?”, but the first option is much more formal. Use Comment ça va or just Ça va ? with your friends and peer groups.
9. Je vais bien, merci. – I’m doing well, thanks.
10. Oui, ça va. – It goes.
A causal reply to a casual Ça va ?
11. Ça va bien ? / Tu vas bien ? – How’s it going?
If you’re looking for some everyday alternatives to the textbook Comment ça va, you can use either of these.
12. Tout se passe bien. / Tout va bien. – Everything is well. / Everything goes well.
These are some everyday responses to the above questions.
13. Tout ira bien. – It will be okay.
Use this response if things aren’t going well, but you want to reassure the questioner (and practice your future tense).
14. Ça roule ? – How’s it going?
This is a very colloquial statement, meaning that everything’s great and life’s going well.
Therefore, in the form of a question, it simply means how’s life? It’s used in a similar way as Ça va ?
15. Comme d’hab. – Same as always.
The response to the last question is merely an abbreviation of the phrase comme d’habitude, meaning as usual.
A common expression, comme d’hab can be used in place of the standard comme d’habitude in virtually any informal setting.
16. Tu fais quoi ? – What are you up to?
The phrase “Whatcha doin’?” might be the best way to portray the laid-back style of this French phrase.
This phrase is highly informal, and it’s not recommended that you use it with anyone other than family or close friends.
How You’re Feeling
17. Je suis … . – I am ___.
To say how you’re really feeling, use Je suis with any emotion word.
18. Je suis en pleine forme. – I’m in good shape
This refers to how you’re feeling physically or health-wise. It’s a good one to use if you’re recovering from an illness.
19. Je suis de bonne humeur. / Je suis de mauvaise humeur. – I’m in a good mood / bad mood
20. Je suis crevé. – I’m dead tired.
Feminine: Crevée.
If fatigué(e) isn’t strong enough, this is a slangy way to say you’re basically dead on your feet.
21. J’ai le cafard… – I’m feeling a little down…
This is an informal way of expressing your sadness. It literally means, “I have the cockroach,” but to use the verb phrase avoir le cafard simply means to be depressed or to feel down.
You can also say Ça me donne le cafard (that depresses me).
22. J’ai hâte ! – I can’t wait!
Use this phrase if you are just too excited to wait. You can specify what you’re excited about by adding de + an infinitive.
Unfortunately for French learners, there is no good direct translation for “I’m excited.” Remember that Je suis excité(e) means that you are sexually excited, not excited to go on vacation!
23. Je meurs d’ennui. – I’m dying of boredom.
You’ve probably heard Je m’ennuie (I’m bored) before. To express the next level of boredom, you can say Je meurs d’ennui.
24. Bof – Blah / Meh
You might already be familiar with the phrase Comme ci, comme ça (so-so). To express the same idea more like a native, try Bof.
Asking for Help
25. J’ai besoin d’aide. – I need help.
26. Pourriez-vous m’aider ? / Pourrais-tu m’aider ? – Could you help me? (formal/informal)
27. Je me sens mal. – I don’t feel well.
28. J’ai une douleur ici. – I have a pain here.
29. J’ai besoin d’un médecin. – I need a doctor.
30. Au secours ! – Help! (urgent)
Getting Information and Directions
31. Je ne comprends pas. – I don’t understand.
32. Je ne parle pas beaucoup le français. – I don’t speak a lot of French.
33. Je ne parle qu’un peu français. – I only speak a little French.
34. Comment on appelle ça ? – What is that called?
Just point at what you want, and ask this to find out its French name. Voilà ! (There you go!)
35. Comment dire … en français ? – How do I say ___ in French?
If you’re working with someone who speaks English or another language you know well, you can ask them directly for a translation of a word you don’t know in French.
36. Plus lentement, s’il vous plaît. / Plus lentement, s’il te plaît. – Slower, please. (formal/informal)
37. Où se trouve … ? – Where is ___?
The important part of this phrase is où se trouve (where is).
Just add the name of whatever you’re looking for after that whether it’s le musée (the museum), l’hôtel (the hotel) or la gare (the train station).
38. Où est … ? – Where is ___?
This is a slightly less formal/polite version of the last phrase.
39. Montre-moi / Fais voir – Show me.
Montre-moi is the simplified conversational version of Montre-le-moi (show it to me). The verb montrer (to show) is a logical go-to when asking someone to show you something. It’s best used in writing or when forming a subject-verb sentence:
Je t’ai montré. (I showed you.)
Out in the French-speaking world, you’re more likely to hear someone say Fais voir. Its literal translation is “make to see,” but it means “show me.” It is best used as a command, for when you need to see something immediately.
40. Je dois aller à … . – I need to go to ___.
41. Pourriez-vous l’écrire ? / Pourrais-tu l’écrire ? – Could you write it down? (formal/informal)
Especially when you’re just learning French, it can be difficult to understand what you’re hearing.
Asking someone to write down the information you need can be an enormous help!
42. Quelle ligne va à … ? – Which line goes to___?
43. Un billet, s’il vous plaît. – One ticket, please
44. C’est à gauche. – It’s to the left.
45. C’est à droite. – It’s to the right.
46. C’est à côté de … . – It’s next to ___.
47. C’est près de … . – It’s close to ___.
48. C’est loin de … . – It’s far from ___.
49. Je cherche … . – I’m looking for ___.
If you’re shopping for clothes, you can tack on any article of clothing that you’re looking for, like un manteau (a coat), une robe (a dress), un pantalon (a pair of pants), etc.
50. Je ne connais pas ma taille. – I don’t know my size.
51. Combien ça coûte ? – How much does that cost?
52. Puis-je payer avec une carte de crédit ? – May I pay with a credit card?
53. Puis-je avoir un sac ? – May I have a bag?
Eating Out
54. J’aimerais voir le menu. – I would like to see the menu.
55. Est-ce qu’il y a des plats végétariens ? – Are there vegetarian dishes?
You can substitute in other preferences, such as sans gluten (gluten free), after plats (dishes).
56. Qu’est-ce que vous conseillez ? – What do you recommend?
57. Nous voudrions commander maintenant. – We would like to order now.
58. Je voudrais … . – I would like ___.
Simply remember je voudrais (I would like) and plug in anything you want off the menu after this phrase.
For example, you can ask for du pain (the bread), un steak (a steak), une tarte (pie) and so on.
You may hear French people in a hurry using je veux (I want) instead, as in:
Je veux un café ! Vite ! (I want a coffee! Fast!)
To be polite, stick with je voudrais.
59. Je vais prendre … . – I’ll take ___.
This is another way you can order, once again just inserting what you want from the menu after.
60. L’addition, s’il vous plaît. – The bill, please.
If you happen to be at a restaurant in Québec, where French is a little different than in Europe, you’ll want to ask for la facture instead of l’addition.
61. Sur place ou à emporter? – For here or to go?
Conversational Phrases
62. Merci bien. – Thanks a lot.
63. De rien. – You’re welcome. / It’s nothing.
64. Excusez-moi – Excuse me
65. Pardon – Excuse me
66. Desolé – Sorry
Feminine: Desolée.
67. Passe-moi un coup de fil plus tard. – Give me a call later.
68. Tu peux me donner ton numéro ? – Can you give me your number?
69. J’aimerais te revoir. – I’d like to see you again.
70. Comment va le travail ? – How’s work going?
You can substitute le boulot for le travail to make this more casual.
71. Tu veux prendre un verre ? – Do you want to get a drink?
72. Ça vous dit ? / Ça te dit ? – Are you up for it? (formal/informal)
This casual French expression is great for suggesting outings with friends or restaurant choices. It can also mean “Sound good?”
Use the first version (with vous) when addressing several friends, and the latter (Ça te dit ?) when hanging out with just one friend.
For example:
Il y a un petit resto chinois pas loin de chez moi… ça te dit ? (There’s a little Chinese restaurant not far from my place… sound good?)
73. J’ai envie de … . – I feel like ___.
This is the best way to describe something you’re in the mood to do. Use it when someone asks you what kind of activity or restaurant you want to try.
If you’re not in the mood, you can say Je n’ai pas envie (I don’t feel like it) or, as you’re likely to hear it in spoken French, J’ai pas envie. Use it to reply to someone who is giving horrible suggestions on how to spend the afternoon.
74. Ça te changera les idées… – It’ll take your mind off things…
Use this French phrase when consoling a friend who’s down. Offer to go with them to a movie or to a café to grab a cappuccino. Make your proposition, then use this argument to get them out of their funk.
For example:
Viens avec moi au ciné ! Ça te changera les idées ! (Come with me to the movie theater! That’ll take your mind off things!)
75. Comment va votre famille ? / Comment va ta famille ? – How’s your family? (formal/informal)
76. Tiens-moi au courant ! – Keep me up to date!
This is the perfect French phrase to use as you’re waiting to see how things play out in a friend’s life. Perhaps they just started a new job, or moved to a new city, and you want to know how things are evolving.
End your emails or conversations with this little phrase to ensure they give you all their latest updates.
77. Tu t’en sors ? – Are you managing okay?
This is a common French phrase to use while observing a friend who appears to be having difficulty doing something. It’s the equivalent of asking “Doing okay there? You managing there?”
For example:
Tu t’en sors ? (You managing there?)
Pas trop, non. Je ne sais pas comment faire un créneau… (No, not really. I don’t know how to parallel park…)
78. Il est nécessaire que … . – It is necessary that ___.
This subjunctive phrase is a bit on the simple side and easy to remember because it translates directly into English.
Il est nécessaire que is best to use when you really want to stress necessity, as in:
Il est nécessaire que les chats soient nourris au’jourdhui. (It is necessary for the cats to be fed today.)
79. Il faut que … . – It is necessary that ___.
This is a less simple alternative to Il est nécessaire que that you can use in all the same situations.
Il faut que is best if you know your subjunctive, are ready to sound pro and are talking about things someone must do, as in:
Il faut que tu fasses attention. (You need to pay attention.)
80. Je dois … . – I must ___.
Another verb for talking about gottas and have-tos, devoir (to have to) is best for explaining someone’s obligations, such as:
Je dois aller au supermarché. (I must go to the supermarket.)
Tu dois partir. (You must leave.)
81. Bref – In short / To make a long story short
Bref is only ever used to summarize something or to give one’s final impression of something after a lengthy story’s been told.
For example:
Bref, elle m’a largué. (In short, she dumped me.)
82. Revenons à nos moutons ! – Let’s get back to the point!
This is a perfect little expression to use after the conversation has strayed from the original topic, and literally means “Let’s get back to our sheep!”
It actually means “Let’s get back to the subject at hand!”
Exclamations and Remarks
83. Ah bon ! – Oh, really!
This is a very common exclamation French people use to express surprise. Think of it as “Oh, really!” in English.
You can also tack a question mark at the end to express “Oh, really?” or say it like “Ah, I see.”
Just keep in mind that just because bon means “good” in English doesn’t mean you have to use this expression exclusively for positive situations.
84. N’importe quoi ! – Whatever!
This simply means whatever, and is commonly used in French when someone is exasperated and wishes to openly display their disagreement in a simple, informal way.
For example:
Je te jure ! Je n’ai rien fait ! (I swear, I didn’t do anything!)
N’importe quoi… (Whatever…)
Similarly, in some other contexts, n’importe quoi can mean anything, like in this example:
J’aurais donné tout et n’importe quoi ! (I would have given anything and everything!)
85. C’est n’importe quoi ! – That’s nonsense!
This informal French phrase is similar to n’importe quoi. However, there’s a slight nuance in the meaning of this particular expression.
It still portrays the idea of exasperation, but it means That’s nonsense!
For example:
Le président a bien fait d’augmenter les impôts. (The president was right to increase taxes.)
C’est n’importe quoi ! (That’s nonsense!)
86. Laisse tomber… – Just forget it! / Never mind!
This phrase literally means “drop it,” but doesn’t have quite the same snappy tone behind it as “just drop it!” does in English.
For example:
Et alors ? Est-ce que tu as eu ton augmentation de salaire ? (So? Did you get your raise?)
Laisse tomber… L’entreprise a fait faillite ! (Forget it… The company went bankrupt!)
87. Allez savoir pourquoi ! / Va savoir pourquoi ! – Your guess is as good as mine! (formal/informal)
This is a useful little French phrase that perfectly expresses one’s befuddled state of mind.
Notice that it can be used for both the formal and informal version of the word you, the first being formal or speaking to several people, and the latter informal and to one person.
For example:
Elle a donné sa démission, et ne répond plus à mes textos ! Va savoir pourquoi ! (She quit her job, and isn’t responding to my texts anymore! God knows why!)
88. T’sais ? – Ya know?
This casual French phrase is used so commonly in casual settings that it’s almost impossible to have a conversation with friends without hearing it.
It simply means “Ya know?” and is oftentimes tacked onto the end of a sentence to emphasize whatever the speaker is saying.
For example:
Non, mais j’en ai marre, t’sais ? (No, but I am sick of it, ya know?)
89. Ouais, enfin… – Yeah, well…
Like English, French has its share of filler words, and enfin is commonly used as such. Meaning “well,” it’s slightly more refined than eeuuuh (uhhhh). Like most filler words, it doesn’t necessarily change the meaning of the sentence.
Here’s an example:
Ouais, enfin… faut vivre avec! (Yeah, well… gotta live with it!)
90. Allez ! – Oh, c’mon!
This interjection is the best way to communicate impatience with someone.
Trying to get out the door but your friend is holding you up, dillydallying with their phone? Let out a little, exasperated allez ! to get your point across.
Note that this is technically the vous (you [formal/plural] conjugation of the verb aller—to go). However, it can also mean, “Let’s go!” So, when you’re getting restless, you can just say, Allez !
It’s also common to hear this word in the bleachers of a sports event: Allez, allez ! (C’mon! Let’s go!)
91. C’est naze / c’est nul / c’est pourri ! – That stinks!
These are all lovely little French phrases to use to say “that sucks!” or “that’s stupid/terrible!” The general implication is that whatever is being discussed is either a total bore or totally ridiculous.
For example:
Ça, c’est marrant ! Par contre, ce cours est nul ! (Now that’s funny! This class, however, sucks!)
92. Dis donc ! – Wow!
You can use this the same way you would use Oh là là ! in French or “Wow!” in English. In addition, you can use it to command someone to “Listen up!”
93. Je n’en crois pas mes yeux ! – I can’t believe my eyes!
Let this one loose when you’re pleasantly surprised or dumbfounded by something you are witnessing.
The translation is more or less literal on this expression, and you can do no wrong in using it when dazzled or surprised!
94. La vache ! – Holy cow!
This directly translates to “the cow,” and it’s used like the English phrase “Holy cow!” Use it to express surprise… or, you know, to point out that there is a cow in front of you.
95. J’en mettrais ma main au feu ! – I’d bet my life on it!
The French version of this expression is a bit more colorful than the English, literally meaning “I’d put my hand in the fire!”
It simply expresses that you’re certain of something—and it’s usually used to try to convince others that you are right.
96. Il ne faut pas mettre tout dans le même sac ! – You can’t just group it all into the same category!
This is your go-to casual French expression for when one of your friends is generalizing, and it literally means, “you can’t put everything in the same bag!”
If you find yourself with a friend who does like to lump everything together, then remind him or her of this with this simple phrase.
Saying Goodbye
97. Au revoir. – Goodbye. (somewhat formal)
98. Salut – Goodbye
99. Ciao – Goodbye
As in a lot of European countries, France has borrowed the Italian word ciao to say a casual goodbye.
100. Bonne journée. – Have a nice day.
101. Bonne après-midi. – Have a good afternoon.
102. Bonne soirée. – Have a good evening.
103. Bonne nuit. – Have a good night.
104. Bon week-end. – Have a good weekend.
105. Bonne chance ! – Good luck!
106. À ce soir. – See you tonight.
107. À demain. – See you tomorrow.
108. À tout à l’heure. / À plus tard. – See you later.
109. À plus. – See you.
110. À bientôt. – See you soon.
111. À la prochaine. – Until next time.
The longer version of this expression is, à la prochaine fois, with fois meaning time.
112. Adieu – Goodbye (forever)
This essentially means, “until we meet our maker.” So please, unless you’re singing a certain song from “The Sound of Music,” refrain from using this unless you know you’ll never be seeing that person again!
How to Learn French Phrases
Having an enormous, comprehensive list of casual French phrases is a great starting point. However, if you’re not sure about the best ways to actually learn all these phrases, it can also be a stumbling block.
Here are a few tips that can help you get the most out of this French phrase list. You can apply these tips to any kind of French words or phrases you want to learn.
- Imagine using these phrases in real life. When you look at a group of French phrases, whether they’re simple greetings or terms used for ordering at a restaurant, picture yourself using them in some everyday setting. Think about who you’d be talking to.
- Read and repeat each phrase aloud. Do this several times, slowly and clearly. As you become more familiar with these phrases, your rate of speech will naturally pick up, until you’re at a normal conversational speed.
- Try these phrases out for yourself. Write these phrases in a language journal. Incorporate them into simple sentences. Use them in imaginary dialogues, or try them out with a French-speaking friend or conversation partner.
- Expose yourself to plenty of native-speaker audio and video. You can look for them on YouTube or you can also try FluentU, where you can search for specific words and phrases and find authentic videos such as movie clips, talks, etc. that use them naturally. Videos also come with learning tools like interactive subtitles, transcripts, personalized quizzes, multimedia flashcards and more.
- Reading in French will also teach you how to use these phrases like a native. (And they’ll even help you learn their proper spelling!)
So, there you have it, over 110 different French phrases for saying hello, goodbye and virtually everything in between.
Even as you progress in your French learning journey, you’ll find yourself using these go-to phrases again and again.
level 1
Technically, it’s three words.
level 2
He’s a heavy tipper.
(Rocky & Bullwinkle. Anyone?)
level 2
It’s sort of four words since «du» is a combination of «de le» which is something you never say in French. My French teacher told me that if you ever try to say «de le» your brain will melt and thusly should always say «du».
level 1
Saaayyy it agaiinnn dexxxtterrr
level 2
It makes me wet dexter….
level 1
That’s all you can say!
I hated Dee Dee.
level 2
where the hell did she get that credit card to open dexter’s door?
level 1
anyone else read it in his voice?
level 2
Yeah I reddit in his voice.
level 2
He says «Omelette Du Fromage» because it’s a reference to a Steve Martin stand up bit. This gets pointed out every time this post comes up. This is the third or fourth time I have seen it.
level 1
French is often considered as the language of love and romance.The melodious flow of the language is enough to melt hearts everywhere… And even the most innocuous French words can knock ladies off their feet!
This is totally an exaggeration, of course, but if that’s what innocent French words can do, can you imagine the impact truly romantic French words can have?
In this list, we’ve compiled the most swoon-worthy and romantic French words, phrases, and expressions like mon amour, which means my love in French. You’ll also find common English phrases that are cute in French! You can use this to woo your amour and express your love in French language or bust these words out during special occasions like Valentine’s Day or your anniversary. Totally up to you.
Download the list in PDF and Audio Format
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First, let’s start with the simple words.
L’ amour | Love |
Un câlin | Hug or cuddle |
La Saint-Valentin | St. Valentine’s Day |
Des fleurs | Flowers |
Des bonbons | Candy |
Des bijoux | Jewelry |
du parfum | Perfume |
Les fiançailles | Engagement |
Une bague de fiançailles | Engagement ring |
Une alliance | Wedding ring |
Les noces, le mariage | Wedding |
Le mariage | Marriage |
La lune de miel | Honeymoon |
Un mari, un époux | Husband |
Une femme, une épouse | Wife |
Un fiancé | Fiancé |
Une fiancée | Fiancee |
Un amant, une amante | Lover |
Un copain | Boyfriend |
Une copine | Girlfriend |
Tomber amoureux (de) | to fall in love (with) |
Galocher | to French kiss |
Sortir avec | to date |
Se fiancer à (or avec) | to get engaged |
Se marier avec | to get married |
Une liaison | Love affair |
Le coup de foudre | Love at first sight |
Une histoire d’amour | Love story |
éperdument amoureux | Lovestruck |
Un triangle amoureux | Love triangle |
Une déclaration d’amour | Declaration of love |
Son premier amour | First love |
Fou d’amour | Madly in love |
Amour d’adolescent | Puppy love |
Le grand amour | True love |
Amour de ma vie | Love of my life |
Amour sans fin | Endless love |
Romantic French Phrases
Now for some phrases that are sure to win the heart of that special person you’re eyeing… or make your long-time lover fall in love with you all over again.
Tu as de beaux yeux. | You have beautiful eyes. |
Tu es très jolie. | You are pretty. |
Tu es mignon. | You are cute. |
Tu es belle. | You are beautiful. (female) |
J’adore ton sourire. | I love your smile. |
Tu es charmante. | You are charming. |
Je pense toujours à toi. | I always think of you. |
Tu me manques. | I miss you. |
Tu me rends heureuse. | You make me happy. (male) |
Tu me rends heureux. | You make me happy. (female) |
Je veux être avec toi. | I want to be with you. |
Tu es ma joie de vivre. | You’re the joy of my life. |
Je suis fou de toi. | I’m crazy about you. |
M’apprécies-tu? | Do you care for me? |
Est-ce que tu m’aimes? | Do you love me? |
Je t’adore | I adore you. |
Je t’aime. | I love you. |
Moi aussi, je t’aime. | I love you too |
Je pense toujours à toi. | I always think about you. |
Tes yeux, j’en rêve jour et nuit. | I dream about your eyes day and night. |
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi. | I can’t live without you. |
Tu es l’amour de ma vie. | You’re the love of my life. |
Je t’aime de tout mon coeur. | I love you with all my heart. |
Tu veux sortir avec moi? | Will you go out (on a date) with me? |
Veux-tu être mon petit-ami? | Would you like to be my boyfriend? |
Veux-tu être ma petite-amie? | Would you like to be my girlfriend? |
Je veux être avec toi pour toujours. | I want to be with you forever. |
Serre-moi. | Hug me. |
Embrasse-moi. | Kiss me. |
J’ai envie de toi. | I want you. |
J’ai besoin de toi. | I need you. |
Fais-moi l’amour. | Make love to me. |
demande en mariage | Marriage proposal |
Veux-tu m’épouser? | Will you marry me? |
Je t’aimerai pour toujours. | I will always love you. |
À toi, pour toujours | Yours forever |
Je suis amoureuse. | I am in love. (female speaker) |
Je suis amoureux. | I am in love. (male speaker) |
Il est mon fiancé. | He is my fiancé |
Elle est ma fiancée. | She is my fiancée. |
Mini Quiz
French is a sweet, sultry language that could charm the socks off of anyone’s feet. Be sure to use these words properly so you won’t end up breaking any hearts!
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Here are some FAQs about Romantic French Words
How do you say “I love you” in French?
I love you in French is je t’aime and it is pronounced /zhuh-tem/.
How do you say “love” in French?
The French word for love is amour (noun) and aimer (verb).
How do you translate “love me for who I am” in French?
You can say “Aime-moi pour qui je suis” if you want to say “love me for who I am” in French.
How do you say “goodnight, my love” in French?
In French, “Goodnight my love” is bonne nuit, mon amour. Bonne nuit means “goodnight” and mon amour is “my love.”
From please and thank you to good morning and good night you’ll have what you need to be polite and win a smile for trying.
French word list for everyday conversation
Here’s a list of common French phrases that will help you communicate whilst travelling in France. Your trip will be much more enjoyable if you have a basic French vocabulary and the locals will appreciate your efforts.
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How to pronounce letter combinations
The following examples show you how to pronounce French letter combinations. The italic examples are the English equivalents.
Measurement Translations
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Colors (US) / Colours (UK)
The below English French translations show a list of colors and there pronunciation with links to French lessons by Lya and FrenchPod101. You can watch all the French videos here: French Colors | Tutorial Videos.
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Learn French — French Color Vocabulary
2 minutes 43 second tutorial
FrenchPod101 have also created this great French colors vocabulary lesson which shows you how to say 17 colors with pictures.
Time to talk
At some point you will need to know the time or will be asked for the time. These words & phrases will teach you the basics and the lessons below will have you conversing in no time!
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What Time Is It? — part 1
10 minutes 31 seconds tutorial
Words & phrases for telling the time
Join Alexa in «What Time Is It? — part 1». Alexa will teach you the basics about how to tell time in French.
What Time Is It? — part 2
14 minutes 5 second tutorial
Time Pronunciation
Once you have learnt the basics you can move on a more difficult lesson «What Time Is It? — part 2». Alexa will now show you how to build a sentence for telling the time.
Choosing a Delivery Time in France
2 minutes 14 second listening exercise
French Listening Exercise
Now that you have learnt some vocabulary, how about testing yourself with this listening exercise.
Words you may use when talking about the weather
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Free French Lessons
Here are 30 French language lessons that teach you basic french words & phrases.
December 5, 2017
France in all its romantic European glory is steeped in history with a rich language that matches its cultural depth. Widely known as the language of love, French, a romance language of Europe, has always been known for its eloquent phrases and elegant pronunciations. There are beautiful French words which are beautiful to speak and wonderfully evocative.
Learning these is fun and they’re useful words for both conversation and writing, really helping you spice up your French vocabulary. These beautiful French words will impress French native speakers and enhance your pronunciation of both simple and advanced phonetic sounds.
Here are the most beautiful French words
Argent – silver
Argent is used in English too to refer to something silver and shiny. For example,a damsel in distress may be rescued by an argent squire..romantic!
Masculine, noun
Atout – asset
Masculine, noun
Arabesque – in Arabic fashion or style
Feminine, noun
Bijoux – jewelry
Masculine, noun
Bisous – kisses
Masculine, noun
Example: ‘She said farewell to him with lots of hugs and kisses’ – Elle lui a dit adieu avec beaucoup de câlins et de bisous
Bonbon – candy
This French word for candy is used all over the world. Bonbons mean candy in a lot of countries, it’s a word which suits them perfectly
Masculine, noun
Brindille – twig
Feminine, noun
Example: ‘Twigs and leaves crack underfoot in the autumn sun’ – Sous le soleil d’autumn les brindilles et les feuilles se cassent sous nos pas
Câlin – hug
Masculine, noun
Cliché – stereotype
Masculine, noun
Chagrin – grief
Masculine, adjective
Cherie – dear
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Mon Cheri’ in a romantic movie? It means ‘my dear’ or ‘my darling’.
Feminine, noun
Chouchou – darling
Feminine, noun
Coeur – heart
Masculine, noun
Example: ‘The sacred heart is a famous parisian church’ – Le sacré cœur est une église parisienne
Consciencieuse – conscientious
Feminine, adjective
Coquelicot – poppy
Masculine, noun
Couture – sewing
Feminine, verb
Créneau – niche
Masculine, noun
Décolleté – neckline on a woman’s dress or top
Masculine, noun
éphémère – ephemeral, (lasting a short time)
Masculine, noun
Escargot – snail
L’escargot are snails, which are world famous delicacies in French cuisine.
Masculine, noun
Étoile – star
Feminine, noun
Excellence – to surpass
Yes, this really is the same as the English word excellence and their definitions are the same.
Feminine, adjective
Florilège – anthology
Masculine, noun
Jolie – pretty
Some surnames, like that of Angelina Jolie use this French word.
Feminine, adjective
Incroyable – incredible
Another French word which sounds very close to its English equivalent.
Feminine, noun
Libellule – dragonfly
Feminine, noun
Example: ‘A dragonfly zips over glistening water’ – La libellule se faufile sur l’eau brillante
Magnifique – wonderful
Feminine, adjective
Mélange – mixture
Masculine, noun
Noir – black
Noir is used internationally to denote dark films and cinema, a trend which originated in France; ‘Film Noir’
Masculine, adjective
Pamplemousse – grapefruit
Masculine, noun
Pantoufle – slipper
Feminine, noun
Papillon – butterfly
This French word seems delicate, just like a butterfly. French words have an awesome ability to mirror the fragility of what they are describing.
Masculine, noun
Parapluie – umbrella
You can see here the common prefix ‘para’ meaning ‘beside’ or ‘at one side’. So a parasol, which is an umbrella for the sun, means that it is beside the sun (and therefore shielding it).
Masculine, noun
Paupiette – a piece of meat, beaten thin, and rolled with a stuffing of vegetables, fruits or sweetmeats
Feminine, noun
Romanichel – gypsy
Feminine, noun
Silhouette – silhouette
Feminine, noun
Soirée – evening
Soiree is used in English to denote a posh or formal night, usually with accompanying musical performance or other similar artful activity.
Feminine, noun
Tournesol – sunflower
Feminine, noun
Vichyssoise – from vichy
Masculine, noun
Want more language learning tips? Check these out:
- How to find time to study languages
- 5 Tips to Improve Practice With A Native Speaker
- Foreign Language Learning: Avoid The 10 Common Mistakes