French word for meeting

Leonardo Patrizi / Getty Images

Enchanté! The English verb «to meet» is very vague when talking about meeting people, but the five literal* French equivalents are much more specific, so you need to know in which circumstances to use each of them. This lesson should meet your expectations and help you improve your French fluency. 

Faire la Connaissance

Use faire la connaissance when talking about meeting someone for the first time. There are two slightly different contructions:

1) Faire la connaissance de plus a noun or name:

  • As-tu fait la connaissance de mon frère ?
    Have you met my brother?
  • Je vais enfin faire la connaissance de Jean-Paul.
    I’m finally going to meet Jean-Paul.

2) Faire ___ connaissance, where ___ is a possessive adjective:

  • Je suis ravi de faire votre connaissance.
    I’m delighted to meet you.
  • Connais-tu Sylvie ? J’ai fait sa connaissance hier.
    Do you know Sylvie? I met her yesterday.

Se Réunir

Literally «to reunite with each other,» se réunir means «to meet with others at a meeting»:

  • Nous nous réunirons à midi.
    We’ll meet at noon.
  • Où allez-vous vous réunir ?
    Where are you going to meet? (Where’s the meeting?)

Retrouver / Rejoindre

Both retrouver and rejoindre mean «to meet for an appointment or date»:

Je te retrouverai/rejoindrai au restaurant.
I’ll meet you at the restaurant.

Quand va-t-il nous retrouver/rejoindre ?
When is he going to meet (join) us?


Rencontrer, which literally means «to meet again,» is used to refer to meeting someone accidentally or running into someone:

  • J’ai rencontré ta sœur en ville.
    I ran into your sister in town.
  • J’espère ne pas rencontrer mon ex ce soir.
    I hope I don’t run into my ex tonight.

*This article covers only the literal translations; however, there are a number of figurative equivalents like meet your maker, meet your match, etc. You’ll need to consult a French dictionary for those.

The most important French phrases to learn (call them survival phrases) are the ones used for meeting people.

Visiting France, you will inevitably meet and greet many wonderful people.

The phrases below are absolutely essential to any conversation you have in French.

English French
Hi Bonjour
How are you? Comment allez vous?
I am fine. Bien
My name is … Je m’apelle …
What is your name? Comment vous appellez vous?
I am from the United States Je viens des Etats-Unis
Do you speak English? Parlez vous anglais?
Good morning Bonjour
Good afternoon Bonjour
Good evening/night Bonsoir
It is nice to meet you. Enchante
Do you understand me? Me comprenez vous?
Could you speak more slowly? Pouvez vous parler plus lentement?
Are you from here? Etes vous d’ici?
Bye Au revoir




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If you want to know how to say meeting in French, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand French better.

Here is the translation and the French word for meeting:


Meeting in all languages

Dictionary Entries near meeting

  • meet the expectations
  • meet the requirements
  • meet the standards
  • meeting
  • megalomania
  • megalomaniac
  • megaphone

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«Meeting in French.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



Check out other translations to the French language:

  • attached
  • capacious
  • cohesive
  • eastern
  • in chronological order
  • interaction
  • multiple sources
  • My pleasure
  • steadfast
  • washbasin

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If you want to learn how to say nice to meet you in French quickly and easily, look no further!

This guide is your one-stop-shop for learning the ins and outs of saying nice to meet you in French because, to be frank, whether you’re saying it in Japanese, Russian, Spanish, or French, you’re going to need to know how to say nice to meet you in a foreign language at one point or another.

So, let’s get started. In this post, you’ll find over 15 different ways to express yourself when you’re meeting someone for the first time. Whether you want to be formal or informal, we have plenty of easy sayings that are sure to do the trick.

We’ve also included plenty of videos to help you with pronunciation, so you can start talking like a native French speaker in no time.

Good Luck!

Learning how to say nice to meet you in French is just the beginning to learning this beautiful language

1. The standard way of saying nice to meet you in French

The standard way of saying nice to meet you in French is enchanté. This word has different meanings in French and English and has multiple spellings, as well.

Enchanté versus Enchantée

The only difference between these two words is the extra e on the end, correct? Well, luckily for us, the only difference in meaning behind this is who says it!

If a man were to say “nice to meet you”, then they would say enchanté as it is the masculine form of the word.

But, if a woman were to say “nice to meet you”, then they would say enchantée as it is the feminine form of the word.

Again, there is no difference in meaning or pronunciation, and you would only be able to see the difference when it is written down or spelled out.

Enchanté in English

The term enchanté in English is literally translated to the word enchanted which we native English speakers have come to associate with magical, fairytales, and storybooks.

Enchanté in French

In French, however, the word enchanté is actually translated to the word delighted which is where we get the saying “I am delighted to meet you.”

How to Pronounce Nice to Meet You in French

If you prefer to listen to the words being spoken and are more of a visual learner like I am, I highly recommend checking out this short video below!

Nice to Meet You in French: Formal

If you want to say nice to meet you in French formally, you'll need to use this type of phrasing

2. Nice to meet you – Ravi de vous rencontrer

This is a simple and direct way of saying nice to meet you in French. It is not the kindest nor the most polite, but it gets the point across. If you’re looking to be more optimistic in your answer, however, I recommend using one of the below sentences instead.

That being said, though, it really is all in your body language. If you say “ravi de vous rencontrer” with a big smile and positive attitude, there won’t be any question about your good demeanor.

Listen Here! ➡️ Ravi de vous rencontrer

3. Hello, it’s nice to meet you – Bonjour, ravi de vous rencontrer

If you want to greet the person before saying it’s nice to meet you in French, then a simple bonjour or salut will work just fine.

Listen Here! ➡️ Bonjour, ravi de vous rencontrer

4. Past Tense: It was nice meeting you – C’était un plaisir de vous rencontrer

When departing a situation where you just recently met someone, you would use the above phrase.

If you just met them that very day, then you can say “C’était un plaisir de vous rencontrer aujourd’hui” which means it was nice meeting you today.

Listen Here! ➡️ C’était un plaisir de vous rencontrer

5. It is great to meet you – C’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer

This is an upbeat, positive way of expressing your admiration for meeting someone. Throw in a smile and a firm handshake, and you’ll be both formal and optimistic.

Listen Here! ➡️ C’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer

Whether it is in French, Japanese, Russian, or Spanish, learning how to say nice to meet you is important

6. Past Tense: It was great meeting you – C’était super de vous rencontrer

Formally, when leaving an upscale social event or family home, it’s customary to say something positive like “it was great meeting you.”

If you don’t happen to get to say goodbye to the host or are connecting with someone you met the following day, you can always say “c’était super de vous rencontrer hier” which translates to it was great meeting you yesterday.

Listen Here! ➡️ C’était super de vous rencontrer

7. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance – C’est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance

Far more formal than the past 3 sentences, this is about as formal as it gets. If you’re being welcomed into a royal home, elegant night out, or are meeting someone who is famous, part of royalty, or the like, then this phrasing will work just fine.

However, if you use it on a friend of a friend on a night out at the bar, you will definitely receive some funny looks.

Listen Here! ➡️ C’est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance

8. Past Tense: It was a pleasure meeting you – C’était un plaisir de vous rencontrer

If you want to tell someone that it was a pleasure meeting them, then you would say the above phrase. This phrase also works for saying “pleased to meet you” in French as well as “pleasure” in French.

If you simply want to say “it’s a pleasure” in French, then you’ll use the phrase c’est un plaisir.

While a native French speaker will likely understand what you mean if you simply say “plaisir“, the word for pleasure, if you want to be more formal then I recommend using the sentence above.

You can also add aujourd’hui to the end of this sentence to say “it was a pleasure meeting you today” in French.

Listen Here! ➡️ C’était un plaisir de vous rencontrer

Learning how to say nice to meet you in French is important for social gatherings and business meetings

9. It is very nice meeting you in person – C’est très agréable de vous rencontrer en personne

If you have already been communicating with someone via email, social media, phone calls, texting, or through mutual friends, then this is a great way to acknowledge that.

Otherwise, if you simply say “nice to meet you” in French, the person may feel as though you have forgotten all of your previous conversations which may be awkward for the both of you.

Listen Here! ➡️ C’est très agréable de vous rencontrer en personne

10. Past Tense: It was very nice meeting you in person- C’était très agréable de vous rencontrer en personne

At the end of your visit with someone you have been previously in contact with, this is a great way to round it out. It acknowledges that you have already “met” in one form or another and that you plan on meeting again.

You can also use this phrase to say it was lovely meeting you in French or the like.

Listen Here! ➡️ C’était très agréable de vous rencontrer en personne

11. How to say “good evening, everyone” in French – Bonsoir, toutes les personnes

To greet a crowd or a new group of people that you haven’t met before, then use this phrase. You will be addressing everyone in the room or within hearing distance.

Listen Here! ➡️ Bonsoir, toutes les personnes

Nice to Meet You in French: Informal

There are both formal and informal ways of saying nice to meet you in French

12. Great to meet you- Enchanté de vous rencontrer

This is a very popular phrase to use between colleagues, students, friends of friends and family members, and so forth.

This is an informal greeting that is full of positivity and optimism. It is often used between people of similar ages, career paths, etc.

Listen Here! ➡️ Enchanté de vous rencontrer

13. Glad to meet you – Ravie de faire ta connaissance

If you are speaking to someone older than you or are meeting in terms of business or a more serious topic, this is a good phrase to use.

Listen Here! ➡️ Ravie de faire ta connaissance

14. Nice to see you in French – Ravi de vous voir

Now, if you have met someone very vaguely before, then this is a great one to use. Even if you can barely remember their name but you know you have been introduced or even near each other before, then acknowledge that!

This is both polite and informal, so you’ll be ticking all the French boxes with this one.

Listen Here! ➡️ Ravi de vous voir

15. Great to see you – Content de te voir

Perhaps you remember hitting it off with someone you met long ago, but you can’t remember their name or you don’t know much about them, then this phrase will still work.

It is a more enthusiastic greeting that will make an I remember having a pleasant experience with you statement.

Listen Here! ➡️ Content de te voir

Responses to Nice to Meet You in French

When someone says nice to meet you in French, it’s important to respond. Use one of the below phrases for either a formal or informal response.

✔️ It is nice to meet you too – C’est aussi un plaisir de vous rencontrer

Simply return the message exactly as they gave it. It’s simple and to the point, without any embellishments.

✔️ I’m so glad to meet you too – Je suis si heureux de te rencontrer aussi

Offer the same greeting, but with more enthusiasm and optimism.

✔️ The pleasure is mine – Le plaisir est pour moi

Let them know that you are equally happy to be meeting and that you have been looking forward to the occasion.

✔️ And you in French – Et vous or Et toi

If someone says it’s nice to meet you in French and you would like to respond in French, an easy saying is et vous! This means and you, but in a formal way.

Use the formal version when speaking to someone you do not know or someone who is older than you. You can use the informal version, et toi, if you already know the person or if it is a casual meeting.

✔️ Good and you in French – Bien et vous (or et toi)

If someone asks how you are in French after meeting you, a nice way to respond is with “good, and you?” or bien, et vous?

If you already know the person and you are on a first-name basis, then you can use bien, et toi? since it is less formal.

✔️ I’m Good and you in French – Je vais bien et vous (or et toi)

If you want to be a little bit more formal, you can respond with Je vais bien, et vous? which translates to I’m good, and you? in French.

You can also use et toi if you have been introduced to the person already and have had at least a few conversations previously.

Helpful French Translations

These are some other popular French sayings and phrases that people who are just meeting need to know how to say.

Have a nice day in French
Bonne journée

Listen Here! ➡️ Bonne journée

How to say “I’m good” in French
Je suis bien

Listen Here! ➡️ Je suis bien

Very nice in French
Très sympa

Listen Here! ➡️ Très sympa

Where are you in French
Où es-tu

Listen Here! ➡️ Où es-tu

To meet in French
Rencontrer – verb

Listen Here! ➡️ Rencontrer

Other Helpful French Resources

✔️ Saying No in French 30+ Ways (& Audio Pronunciation)
✔️ What Time Is It in French 11+ Ways: How to Ask and Tell Time in French
✔️ 33+ Ways to Say Thank You in French (with Audio)
✔️ How to Say Good Night in French 7 Different Ways
✔️ 1-10 in French: Learn to Count from 1-10+ in French (with Pronunciations)
✔️ Good Morning in French: 17 Helpful French Greetings
✔️ Merry Christmas in French 17+ Ways

Helpful France Resources

✔️ Is Paris Safe? A Full Guide on Safety in Paris
✔️ Why Visit Paris? 25 Reasons to Visit Paris, France
✔️ Best Time to Visit Paris: 7 Things to Consider
✔️ One Day in Paris: How to See the Best of Paris in One Day
✔️ 4 Days Paris Itinerary: How to Spend 4 Amazing Days in Paris
✔️ Paris At Night: 24 Amazing Things To Do in Paris at Night
✔️ 27 Incredible Day Trips from Paris
✔️ 17 Beautiful Beaches Near Paris
✔️ Souvenirs from France: 45 Unique French Souvenirs
✔️ Wine Tours in France: 15 Top-Rated French Wine Tours
✔️ 23 Best Things To Do in Chamonix, France: Summer & Winter
✔️ Lake Annecy, France: The Best Activities, Accommodations, and Travel Tips

If you are also interested in learning Spanish, check out these guides:

✔️ Numbers 1-100 in Spanish (with PDF Guide)
✔️ How to Say Good Night in Spanish 20+ Ways
✔️ Say Good Luck in Spanish 35+ Ways
✔️ Congratulations in Spanish 38+ Ways for Every Occasion
✔️ Happy Birthday in Spanish 13 Different Ways
✔️ 35 Helpful Greetings in Spanish – Formal and Informal

🌎 Pssst… if you are learning a new language for a future trip and you enjoy my itineraries, you can now have me design a custom itinerary just for you! Simply fill out the contact form below, and we’ll get started right away on a unique vacation that caters to your personal travel style and preferences!

The Wrap-Up: Nice to Meet You in French

Whether you simply want to learn how to communicate with basic phrases in French or you are getting started on your path to becoming bilingual, learning the basics is key to learning a new language.

I hope this post on 15+ different ways to say nice to meet you in French was helpful, and you can use it to motivate you to continue learning new languages around the world!



Can you imagine going to a business meeting in France with no knowledge of business French? With a bit of reckoning and preparation, you can spare yourself a lot of embarrassment. All you need is a small set of business French phrases.

The world of work can be wildly different from one country to another, and when traveling somewhere for business—either permanently or as a visitor—you’ll have to quickly find your mark to make the best of your new business environment. 

In this guide to phrases for doing business in French, you’ll learn everything you need to work in France or conduct your business with French-speaking partners. We’ll cover everything from coworkers and meetings to job interviews, letters, and even professional phone calls. Let’s take care of business!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in French

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Business Words and Phrases
  3. Coworkers and Meetings
  4. Nail a Job Interview
  5. Emails and Letters
  6. Business Calls
  7. Le Mot De La Fin

1. Getting Started


Before we dive into specific business French phrases, let’s cover the basics and work on your first impressions. 

In this section, you’ll learn how to greet, how formal you should be, and what words and expressions you need to know if you want to work or conduct business in French.

1 – Greetings and Goodbyes

  • Bonjour (“Hello”) is the magic greeting that works for everybody at almost any time of day. Literally meaning “Good day,” it’s neither too formal nor too relaxed, so you really can’t go wrong with it.
  • Bonsoir (“Good evening”) is basically bonjour for evening and night.

When meeting someone for the first time, you might want to add a polite “Nice to meet you.” Here are a few options:

  • Enchanté(e). (“Delighted.”) 
    • This one can be used with anyone in any situation. It takes a final E in the feminine form.
  • Ravi(e) de vous rencontrer. (“Happy to meet you.”)
  • C’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer. (“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”)

    → To learn more about greetings and polite phrases, make sure to read our complete guide on How to Say Hello in French.

Saying goodbye is even more straightforward. In any formal situation, always stick with Au revoir (“Goodbye”), and nothing else. Then, only once you become more casual with coworkers or business partners, you could use the relaxed Salut (“Bye”) or a similar alternative.

    → You’ll find everything on saying “Goodbye” and “See you later” in our blog article on Saying Goodbye in French.

2 – “Tu” or “Vous”?

The French have two distinct pronouns for “you”: vous and tu (formal and casual “you”). Whenever in doubt, you can’t go wrong with vous.

A simple rule: Follow your partners’ or coworkers’ lead. If they use tu when addressing you, answer with tu. Otherwise, just stick to the formal vous.

2. Business Words and Phrases

Business Phrases

Now we’ll introduce you to some of the most useful business French vocabulary. These are words and phrases that you’ll hear and use often in the French working world, so we recommend memorizing the ones that are most relevant to your situation. 

1 – The Company

We have two main words for “company” in French:

  • Une entreprise
  • Une société

There are some legal differences if you explore the working laws, but most people use both indiscriminately.

  • Yves Rocher est une entreprise de cosmétique. (“Yves Rocher is a cosmetics company.”)
  • Je travaille pour une société de transport. (“I work for a transport company.”)

In a more relaxed context, the casual word for “company” is une boite (literally, “a box”).

  • Je bosse pour une boite d’informatique. (“I work for an IT company.”)
    Note that I’m using the verb bosser, which is the casual slang term for travailler (“to work”).

Here are a few technical business French terms you might want to learn:

  • Le bureau (“The office”)
  • Un open space (“An open space” / “A bullpen”)
  • Une société par actions (“A joint-stock company”)
  • Une multinationale (“A multinational company”)
  • Une PME (Petite et moyenne entreprise) (“SMB – Small and medium-sized business”)
  • Une association (à but non lucratif) (“A non-profit organization”)

People Inside the Company

Une entreprise (“Company”)

2 – To Work

Now, here are some useful words and expressions for talking about work and employment.

  • Travailler (“To work”)
  • Bosser [Casual] (“To work”)
  • Gérer (“To manage”)
  • Recruter (“To hire”)
  • Chercher un emploi (“To look for a job”)
  • Un métier (“Occupation”)
  • Le travail (“Work”)
  • Un boulot [Casual] (“Job”)
  • Un taf [Slang] (“Job”)
  • Un poste (“Position”)
  • Une carrière (“Career”)
  • Un stage (“Internship”)
  • Un contrat (“Contract”)

3 – Top Business Words

You’ll notice that some words have a feminine form and some words don’t. I’m only adding the feminine form when it’s relevant and commonly used. This is because, in many cases, it’s still customary to use the masculine form for any gender.

Let’s start with the workforce:

  • Le personnel (“The staff”)
  • Un employé [Male] / Une employée [Female] (“An employee”)
  • Un stagiaire / Une stagiaire (“An intern”)
  • Un apprenti / Une apprentie (“An apprentice”)
  • Un cadre (“An executive”)

The management:

  • Le patron (“The boss”)
  • Le PDGPrésident-directeur général (“The CEO”) 
  • Un directeur / Une directrice (“A director”)
  • Un manager (“A manager”)
  • Un employeur (“An employer”)
  • Le comité de direction (“Top management”)

And now some departments and geographical terms:

  • Le siège social (“Head office”)
  • Une succursale (“A branch”)
  • Une filiale (“A subsidiary”)
  • Les ressources humaines or RH (“Human Resources”)
  • Le service marketing (“The marketing department”)
  • Le service des ventes (“The sales department”)
  • Le service technique (“The technical department”)
  • La comptabilité (“The accounting department”)


Le PDG (“The CEO”)

4 – Talking About Money

If you’re doing business, chances are you’ll eventually find yourself talking about money.

Let’s start with the basics before we move on to some technical financial vocabulary:

  • L’argent (“Money”)
  • Un salaire (“Salary”)
  • Un bulletin de salaire (“Payslip”)
  • Une avance (“An advance payment”)
  • Une retenue sur salaire (“A payroll deduction”)
  • Les impôts (“Taxes”)
  • Les charges salariales (“Wage costs”)
  • Un RIB (“Bank details”)
    • Veuillez joindre votre RIB à ce formulaire. (“Please, attach your bank details to this form.”)
  • Les bénéfices (“Revenue” / “Profit”)
    Le bénéfice net (“The net revenue”)
    Le bénéfice brut (“The gross revenue”)
  • Le chiffre d’affaire (“Turnover”)
  • Les actions (“Stocks”)
    • Mes actions sont en hausse. (“My stocks are rising.”)
    • Mes actions sont en baisse. (“My stocks are declining.”)

3. Coworkers and Meetings

Now that you have a large business vocabulary to talk about companies and money, let’s dive into more specific topics, starting with your coworkers’ meetings. Quite a program, right? No worries, we’ll keep it simple!

  • Un collègue (“Colleague” / “Coworker”)
  • Un partenaire (“Business partner”)
  • Un associé (“Associate” / “Partner”)

Now, onto the most useful French business phrases for interacting with coworkers and speaking up in business meetings.

1 – Asking a Colleague for Help

It’s perfectly fine in France to ask for assistance if you don’t understand something, if you’re lacking some important piece of information, or if you just think your current task should be tackled with outside help.

Below, I’ll write some example sentences using tu (casual “you”), as this is by far the most common way to address your coworkers unless you’re working in an unusually uptight work environment.

  • Est-ce que tu peux m’aider ? (“Can you help me?”)
  • Tu pourrais m’expliquer ça ? (“Could you explain this to me?”)
  • Je ne comprends pas ce document. (“I don’t understand this document.”)
  • Est-ce que tu sais utiliser ce logiciel ? (“Do you know how to use this software?”)

A Woman Helping Her Colleague

Est-ce que tu peux m’aider ? (“Can you help me?”)

2 – Thanking or Congratulating

  • Merci pour ton aide. (“Thank you for your help.”)
  • Merci pour le coup de main ! [Casual] (“Thanks for the help!”)
  • Bon travail. (“Good work.”)
  • Excellent travail ! (“Excellent work!”)

3 – Raising Concerns

You can have many reasons to voice your concerns, and in most places, French employees do so rather freely. If something is wrong, good managers will always prefer to know the hard facts than having you sugarcoat it and later find out the truth.

Ideally, you should express your concern in a polite and constructive manner, showing that you’re trying to solve a problem and not just complain for the sake of it.

  • Je n’ai pas été formé pour cela. (“I haven’t been trained for this.”)
  • Le délai est trop court. (“The deadline is too short.”)
  • Nous n’avons pas le budget pour ___. (“We don’t have the budget for ___.”)
  • Nous n’avons pas les ressources pour ___. (“We don’t have the resources for ___.”)
  • Nous n’aurons pas le temps de terminer. (“We won’t have enough time to finish.”)
  • Il faudrait reporter cette réunion. (“We should reschedule this meeting.”)
  • Il y a une erreur dans ce document. (“There is a mistake in this document.”)
  • Nous n’avons pas de documentation là dessus. (“We don’t have documentation on this.”)

When the French complain about their hectic lifestyle, lack of leisure time, or how they’re having trouble balancing their professional and personal lives, they use the expression: Métro, boulot, dodo. (“Metro, work, sleep.”). This is the equivalent of talking about the rat race.

    → For many more useful resources, don’t miss our free vocabulary list on Phrases for Doing Business Successfully, with recordings to practice your pronunciation.

4 – Making Apologies

We all make mistakes, and as long as you’re not denying them and take accountability, you should be just fine!

  • Je suis désolé. (“I’m sorry.”)
  • Désolé pour tout à l’heure. (“Sorry about earlier.”)
  • Désolé de ne pas avoir pu t’aider. (“Sorry I couldn’t help you.”)

A Chaos Scene in the Office

It’s all about working through your differences.

    → There are many ways to say “I’m sorry,” and this is the one situation where you don’t want to mess up. Check out our vocabulary list on Common Ways to Say Sorry, or if you want to know everything about it, head to our Complete Guide on Apologies on the FrenchPod101 blog.

5 – Afterwork Mingling

Getting to know your coworkers or business partners is important, and France has a well-established tradition of handling crucial decisions and agreeing on lucrative contracts over what we call déjeuner d’affaire (“business lunch”).

Among colleagues, it’s also common to have a drink after work or meet in informal settings to get to know each other better.

  • Tu travailles dans quel service ? (“In what department do you work?”)
  • Tu bosses sur quel projet ? (“On what project are you working?”)
  • Tu travailles dans l’équipe de Nicolas ? (“Are you working on Nicolas’s team?”)
  • Tu travailles ici depuis longtemps ? (“Have you been working here for a long time?”)
  • Tu faisais quoi avant de travailler ici ? (“What did you do before working here?”)

    → If you don’t feel comfortable with small talk and asking questions, make a detour through our Top 15 Questions You Should Know for Conversations.

4. Nail a Job Interview

Job Interviews

If there’s one situation where you’ll need a lot of business phrases and vocabulary, it’s certainly a job interview. You may have done well with your letter, and nobody saw you sweat during the phone call, but can you make it through the actual interview? Now is your time to shine.

You’ll need some practice to bring your game to the next level, but once you’ve rehearsed what you want to say and how to answer the most common questions, you’ll do just fine!

    → If you don’t feel comfortable with the introduction part, I recommend that you have a look at our free vocabulary list of 10 Lines You Need for Introducing Yourself on FrenchPod101.

And now, here are a few examples of common questions in a job interview and how to answer them:

    Pouvez-vous me parler de vos études ? (“Can you tell me about your studies?”)
    Quels sont vos diplômes ? (“What degrees do you have?”)
    Quel est votre parcours scolaire ? (“What is your education background?”)

      J’ai un master en gestion de projets. (“I have a masters degree in project management.”)
      J’ai un diplôme en comptabilité. (“I have a degree in accounting.”)
      J’ai étudié le droit à l’université de Toulouse. (“I studied law at the university of Toulouse.”)
    Quelle est votre expérience professionnelle ? (“What is your professional experience?”)
    Pouvez-vous me parler de votre parcours professionnel ? (“Can you tell me about your job history?”)

      J’ai travaillé chez Yves Rocher pendant 4 ans. (“I have worked for Yves Rocher for four years.”)
      Je travaille pour Remedy Software depuis 2 ans. (“I have been working for Remedy Software for two years.”)
    Quelles langues parlez-vous ? (“Which languages do you speak?”)

      Je parle couramment Anglais. (“I speak English fluently.”)
      Je parle un peu Français. (“I speak a bit of French.”)
      J’ai des notions d’Allemand. (“I have German basics.”)

If you didn’t understand the question, don’t hesitate to ask the other person to repeat:

  • Vous pouvez répéter, s’il vous plaît ? (“Could you repeat, please?”)
  • Pardon, je n’ai pas bien entendu. (“Sorry, I didn’t hear that.”)
  • Excusez-moi ? (“Excuse me?”)
    → For more details on how the interview is handled and many more question examples, make sure to stop by our full guide on How to Get a Job in France.

A Woman Interviewing A Man

Il passe un entretien d’embauche. (“He’s interviewing for a job.”)

5. Emails and Letters

Let’s face it, you’ll probably never send an actual letter for any business purpose in France. Surprisingly, we still use paper for a ridiculously big portion of our administrative procedures, but private companies moved to the digital era a couple of decades ago.

Nonetheless, you may read the word une lettre (“a letter”) in a business context. Just remember that we usually don’t mean a paper letter, and are rather referring to an email. This is the case for une lettre de motivation (“a cover letter”), for example, which nobody’s sending through the post office anymore.

When writing a French business letter, you’ll typically want to include three things before getting to the point:

1. Your personal details (name, address, phone number, email).

2. The other person’s details, to make sure it gets into the right hands. If you don’t know the person’s name, you can mention the name of the department. Another option is to write the name of the company and add à qui de droit (“to whom it may concern”).

3. [Optional] The topic of the letter, such as Candidature pour un poste de professeur d’Anglais (“Application for an English teaching position”) or Récapitulatif de nos conditions de distribution (“A summary of our distribution terms”).

Then, you should open the letter with a greeting. If you know the name of your reader, feel free to use it. For instance: 

  • Monsieur Morel, (“Mister Morel,”)
    You should always use the last name.
  • Cher Monsieur Morel, (“Dear Mister Morel,”) is not formal enough for a cover letter, but it’s fine for most business transactions. 

If you’re not sure, you can’t go wrong with: Madame, Monsieur, (“Madam, Mister,”).

There are tons of options for ending a French business email or letter, but you don’t want to be too submissive or old-fashioned. Here are a few timeless options:

  • Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, mes meilleures salutations.

    (“Please accept, Madam / Mister, my best salutations.”)
  • Veuillez recevoir, Madame, Monsieur, mes respectueuses salutations.

    (“Please receive, Madam / Mister, my respectful salutations.”)

6. Business Calls

In many big companies, Skype, Teams, or other similar audio conference solutions are already much more popular than phone calls. In the last company I worked for, I don’t believe I saw more than a couple of phones for 200 people.

However, in small businesses and administration, the phone is still alive and kicking. Luckily, the phrases and vocabulary are pretty similar to what we’ve covered already, except for a few added technical terms for online solutions.

Here’s some useful French for business phone calls and other long-distance interactions:

  • Allo ? (“Hello?”) is toned as a question, to make sure the other person can hear you. It can be used over the phone or in online calls, but never in person (unless you’re in Quebec). Most phone conversations start with Allo ?

Then, you may want to make sure you’ve dialed the right number or that you’re talking to the right person:

  • Bonjour, c’est bien le magasin Darty à Toulouse ? (“Hello, is this the shop ‘Darty’ in Toulouse?”)
  • Bonjour, monsieur Morel ? (“Hello, is it monsieur Morel?”)
  • Je cherche à joindre monsieur Morel, s’il vous plaît. (“I’m trying to reach mister Morel, please.”)
  • Pouvez-vous me mettre en relation avec le service financier, s’il vous plaît ? (“Could you please connect me to the finance department?”)

Should you be on the other side of the phone, here are a few useful sentences to handle calls:

  • Ne quittez pas. (“Hold the line.”)
  • Je vous le (la) passe. (“I will put you through to him [her].”)
  • La ligne est occupée. (“The line is busy.”)
  • Est-ce que je peux prendre un message ? (“Could I take a message?”)
  • Est-ce que vous voulez patienter ? (“Would you like to hold a moment?”)
  • Pourriez-vous rappeler plus tard ? (“Could you call back later?”)

A Woman Working Overtime

Allo, monsieur Morel ? (“Hello, is it mister Morel?”)

And finally, here are a few expressions for online calls specifically:

  • Est-ce que vous m’entendez bien ? (“Can you hear me well?”)

    Oui, on vous entend très bien. (“Yes, we can hear you very well.”)
  • La connexion est très mauvaise. (“The connection is very bad.”)
  • Je vous entends assez mal. (“I can hear you rather poorly.”)
  • La connexion a été coupée. (“The connection was lost.”)

And of course, remember the old trick you’ve learned talking to your mother-in-law:

  • Désolé, ça va couper. Je passe dans un tunnel ! (“I’m sorry, you’re breaking up. I’m going through a tunnel!”)
    → You can find more examples with audio recordings in our vocabulary list of Useful Phrases for a Phone Call on

7. Le Mot De La Fin

In this guide, you’ve learned everything about business French phrases, from useful French vocabulary to business letters, emails, phone calls, and workplace interactions. Did I forget any important topic you’d like to learn about?

Do you feel ready to jump right in and start handling your French partners in their native languages, or go and apply for a French company?

FrenchPod101 also has tons of vocabulary lists with audio recordings and free resources to boost your studies and keep your French learning fresh and entertaining!

Remember that you can also use our Premium PLUS service, MyTeacher, to get personal one-on-one coaching. Your private teacher will help you practice your business French and more, using assignments, personalized exercises, and recorded audio samples for you (they can review yours, too, to help improve your pronunciation). 

Happy learning on!

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About the Author: Born and bred in the rainy north of France, Cyril Danon has been bouncing off various jobs before he left everything behind to wander around the wonders of the World. Now, after quenching his wanderlust for the last few years, he’s eager to share his passion for languages.

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