French word for love from

French is often considered as the language of love and romance.The melodious flow of the language is enough to melt hearts everywhere… And even the most innocuous French words can knock ladies off their feet!

This is totally an exaggeration, of course, but if that’s what innocent French words can do, can you imagine the impact truly romantic French words can have?

In this list, we’ve compiled the most swoon-worthy and romantic French words, phrases, and expressions like mon amour, which means my love in French. You’ll also find common English phrases that are cute in French! You can use this to woo your amour and express your love in French language or bust these words out during special occasions like Valentine’s Day or your anniversary. Totally up to you.


romantic french words

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First, let’s start with the simple words.

L’ amour Love
Un câlin Hug or cuddle
La Saint-Valentin St. Valentine’s Day
Des fleurs Flowers
Des bonbons Candy
Des bijoux Jewelry
du parfum Perfume
Les fiançailles Engagement
Une bague de fiançailles Engagement ring
Une alliance Wedding ring
Les noces, le mariage Wedding
Le mariage Marriage
La lune de miel Honeymoon
Un mari, un époux Husband
Une femme, une épouse Wife
Un fiancé Fiancé
Une fiancée Fiancee
Un amant, une amante Lover
Un copain Boyfriend
Une copine Girlfriend
Tomber amoureux (de) to fall in love (with)
Galocher to French kiss
Sortir avec to date
Se fiancer à (or avec) to get engaged
Se marier avec to get married
Une liaison Love affair
Le coup de foudre Love at first sight
Une histoire d’amour Love story
éperdument amoureux Lovestruck
Un triangle amoureux Love triangle
Une déclaration d’amour Declaration of love
Son premier amour First love
Fou d’amour Madly in love
Amour d’adolescent Puppy love
Le grand amour True love
Amour de ma vie Love of my life
Amour sans fin Endless love

Romantic French Phrases

Now for some phrases that are sure to win the heart of that special person you’re eyeing… or make your long-time lover fall in love with you all over again.

Tu as de beaux yeux. You have beautiful eyes.
Tu es très jolie. You are pretty.
Tu es mignon. You are cute.
Tu es belle. You are beautiful. (female)
J’adore ton sourire. I love your smile.
Tu es charmante. You are charming.
Je pense toujours à toi. I always think of you.
Tu me manques. I miss you.
Tu me rends heureuse. You make me happy. (male)
Tu me rends heureux. You make me happy. (female)
Je veux être avec toi. I want to be with you.
Tu es ma joie de vivre. You’re the joy of my life.
Je suis fou de toi. I’m crazy about you.
M’apprécies-tu? Do you care for me?
Est-ce que tu m’aimes? Do you love me?
Je t’adore I adore you.
Je t’aime. I love you.
Moi aussi, je t’aime. I love you too
Je pense toujours à toi. I always think about you.
Tes yeux, j’en rêve jour et nuit. I dream about your eyes day and night.
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi. I can’t live without you.
Tu es l’amour de ma vie. You’re the love of my life.
Je t’aime de tout mon coeur. I love you with all my heart.
Tu veux sortir avec moi? Will you go out (on a date) with me?
Veux-tu être mon petit-ami? Would you like to be my boyfriend?
Veux-tu être ma petite-amie? Would you like to be my girlfriend?
Je veux être avec toi pour toujours. I want to be with you forever.
Serre-moi. Hug me.
Embrasse-moi. Kiss me.
J’ai envie de toi. I want you.
J’ai besoin de toi. I need you.
Fais-moi l’amour. Make love to me.
demande en mariage Marriage proposal
Veux-tu m’épouser? Will you marry me?
Je t’aimerai pour toujours. I will always love you.
À toi, pour toujours Yours forever
Je suis amoureuse. I am in love. (female speaker)
Je suis amoureux. I am in love. (male speaker)
Il est mon fiancé. He is my fiancé
Elle est ma fiancée. She is my fiancée.

Mini Quiz


French is a sweet, sultry language that could charm the socks off of anyone’s feet. Be sure to use these words properly so you won’t end up breaking any hearts!

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romantic french words list

Here are some FAQs about Romantic French Words

How do you say “I love you” in French?

I love you in French is je t’aime and it is pronounced /zhuh-tem/.

How do you say “love” in French?

The French word for love is amour (noun) and aimer (verb).

How do you translate “love me for who I am” in French?

You can say “Aime-moi pour qui je suis” if you want to say “love me for who I am” in French.

How do you say “goodnight, my love” in French?

In French, “Goodnight my love” is bonne nuit, mon amour. Bonne nuit means “goodnight” and mon amour is “my love.”

How to say I love you in French? Learn nuances of love in French, from friendship to romantic love, French love expressions + avoid cultural misunderstandings.

First, let’s see the typical translation for “I love you” in French.

How To Say “I Love” You In French?

The typical translation for “I love you” is :

  1. Je t’aime (enunciated) – je t’aime (modern French pronunciation)
    I love you using “tu”.
  2. Je vous aime (enunciated) – je vous aime (modern French pronunciation)
    I love you using “vous”. More about tu versus vous you in French

Like it is often the case in French, the pronunciation will change slightly depending on whether you are speaking in a very enunciated manner or using a casual French pronunciation.

Carful though. Saying je t’aime to a friend would be a big faux-pas ! je t’aime actually means ‘I am in love with you’.

I love You In English

In English, the verb “to love” is confusing because it expresses a variety of feelings. You can say “I love you” to someone you are in love with, but also to your parents, or a friend to express friendship.

It’s not the case in French.

I love You In French

je t’aime really translates as ‘I am in love with you’.
To keep it on a friendship level, you need to ADD an adverb: “je t’aime beaucoup, je t’aime bien…” I understand it’s counter intuitive but that’s what we do in French!

You could say je t’aime to a member of your very close family, such as your child, a sibling, or your parents, or even a pet.

How To Answer I Love You In French?

The typical answer to I love you in French is “moi aussi“: me too. It’s as simple as that.

Now, here are other phrases to express your love in French.

9 Ways To Say I Love You In French

Let’s see how to nuance I love you.

All the audio recordings below will feature modern spoken French pronunciation.

  1. Je t’aime de tout mon coeur – I love you with all my heart
  2. Je suis amoureux/amoureuse de toi – I’m in love with you
  3. Je t’aime passionnément – I love you with passion
  4. Je t’aime à la folie – I’m crazy about you
  5. Tu es l’amour de ma vie – you are the love of my life
  6. Tu es mon grand amour – you’re my biggest love
  7. J’ai eu le coup de foudre pour toi – it was love at first sight
  8. Je te kiffe – I love you / I fancy you using actually an Arabic term that is nowadays quite commonly used in modern spoken French, especially by younger people.
  9. JTM – pronouncing it like the letters [jé té aim] – comes from texting in French and popular among young French people and teens.

poster: several ways to say I love you in French

13 Ways to Avoid I Love You in French

Sometimes, you have strong feelings about someone, but you’re note quite ready to drop the L bomb!

Although we’ll see below that it’s not as big a deal in France than it is other countries, you may need alternative to I love you in French.

  1. Tu me plais (beaucoup / énormément) – I fancy you, I’m fond of you
  2. J’en pince pour toi – I have a crush on you
  3. Je suis fou/folle de toi – I’m crazy about you
  4. Je suis dingue de toi – I’m crazy about you (a bit more colloquial)
  5. Je suis épris(e) de toi – I’m taken by you (quite formal)
  6. Tu m’as tapé dans l’oeil – you made quite an impression on me
  7. Je suis morgane de toi – pretty poetic slang – I’m crazy about you. French singer Renaud made this expression quite popular.
  8. Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi – I can’t live without you
  9. Je brûle pour toi – I’m burning (with love) for you
  10. Mon coeur s’enflamme en pensant à toi – my heart turns to flame when I think of you
  11. Je t’adore – I adore you – very used, a very good alternative to not say “I love you” in French…
  12. Je suis à toi – I’m yours. Why did I enunciate this one? Well, a “glided” pronunciation didn’t sound good to me here. So I record what I would say.
  13. Tu es tout pour moi – you’re everything for me. Same remark.

You will find longer lists on the internet but watch out… expressions are not timeless… Saying “Je t’ai dans la peau” – ‘I got you under my skin’ for example is not an expression we use seriously today. One can use it to be over-dramatic, or as a joke.

That’s why you have to be careful with articles with lists of expressions: without the right context, you could be making a big faux pas!

I highly recommend learning French in context: my French audiobook learning method is illustrated with an ongoing novel, entirely recorded in French (featuring both enunciated and modern spoken French pronunciations), and follows the Parisian life of Mary and her friends from their teen years to their forties… It includes young romances and life-long love stories!

À Moi Paris Audiobook Method

A new approach to learning both traditional and modern French logically structured for English speakers.

More Details & Audio Samples

10 Ways To Say My Love In French

There are many cute love nicknames in French. Follow the link to my article with audio for 44 French love nicknames. Here are some French love names that work for both men and women.

  1. Mon amour – my love
  2. Mon ange – my angel
  3. Mon trésor – my treasure
  4. Mon coeur – my heart
  5. Mon canard – my duck – yes, I know… wait, it gets worse…
  6. Mon chou – my sweet bun (un chou à la crème is a cream filled puff pastry) – “mon petit chou” is also quite common
  7. Mon chouchou – comes from “mon chou”
  8. Doudou – no literal translation – it sounds very bad in English but we use it a lot in French! The origine is Creole French and it means sweety, darling…
  9. Mon lapin – my rabbit
  10. Mon poussin – my chick

Now, words have their limits. The best way to express you love in French may be in loving gestures, and thoughtful acts, such as being encouraging, being there for your loved one, checking up on him/her regularly, sending texts… of course, the occasional bouquet of flower is also appreciated!

Valentines Day in France

My husband Olivier and me ❤️

The Crazy French Word For Love 🤪

The French word for love is L’amour.

But what is so weird about love in French is that it is masculine in the singular, and feminine in the plural !!!

  • Un grand amour = a big love
  • Des amours tumultueuses = difficult love

Love is definitely crazy!

Pronunciation of Love In French

You need to watch your pronunciation for “l’amour”, love in French. French students often mistake:

  1. L’amour = la moor = love
  2. La mort = la mor = death
  3. L’humour = lu moor = humor
  4. L’humeur = lu meur = mood

Quite a trap!

11 French Love Expressions

There are many expressions with the word love in French:

  1. faire l’amour – to make love.
  2. le grand amour – true love
  3. un amour interdit – forbidden love
  4. un premier amour – first love
  5. un amour de jeunesse – first love, love when you where young
  6. une histoire d’amour – a love story, a love affair
  7. un philtre d’amour – love potion
  8. filer le parfait amour – to be happily in love
  9. l’amour-propre – self esteem
  10. L’amour rend aveugle – love is bling
  11. Vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche – to live on love alone

french love expressions

30 French Love Words

  1. L’amour – love
  2. L’amitié – friendship
  3. Je t’aime – I love you (using tu)
  4. Je vous aime – I am in love with you (using vous)
  5. Je l’aime – I am in love with him/her
  6. Je suis amoureux / amoureuse de toi, lui, elle, vous… – I am in love with you, him, her, you
  7. Tomber Amoureux / amoureuse – to fall in love (not tomber en amour which is used in Canadian French but not in France)
  8. Est-ce que tu veux sortir avec moi – would you like to go out with me ?
  9. Est-ce que tu veux (bien) m’épouser – would you marry me? The bien here is optional, and means “are you willing to marry me”, but it’s what we traditionally say.
  10. To kiss – embrasser, s’embrasser. WATCH OUT !!! Not “baiser”… I’m sorry to be vulgar but you need to be aware that “un baiser” is fine, it’ a kiss, but “baiser” as a verb nowadays means to f..k.
  11. A kiss – un baiser, un bisou – I wrote a whole article on the subject of French kisses.
  12. Les fiançailles – engagement
  13. Se fiancer – to get engaged
  14. Un fiancé, une fiancée – someone you are engaged to. But sometimes used to say someone you are just dating.
  15. Le mariage – marriage, wedding (only one R in French)
  16. Se marier avec quelqu’un – to get married with someone
  17. Épouser quelqu’un – to marry someone
  18. Un marié – a groom
  19. Une mariée – a bride
  20. Un mari / un époux – a husband
    Watch out between un marié, une mariée, un mari…
  21. Une femme (pronounced “fam”) / une épouse – a wife
  22. Un/ une partenaire – a partner. Mostly used for gay couples in French.
  23. Un compagnon / une compagne – a partner as used in British English : someone you live with but you are not necessarily married to.
  24. Un amoureux / une amoureuse – a sweetheart
  25. Un petit-ami/ un petit-copain – a boyfriend
  26. Une petite-amie / une petite-copine – a girlfriend
  27. Watch out! “un amant” means a lover, as in someone you have sexual relations with or you are cheating on your spouse with. So not to be used lightly in French.
  28. Mon chéri, ma chérie, mon amour… there are plenty of French terms of endearments: I suggest you read (and listen) to my article about the French love nicknames with audio.
  29. Joyeuse Saint Valentin – happy Valentine’s day.
  30. Tu veux être mon valentin / ma valentine ? Would you be my valentine?

I Like You ≠ I Love You In French

Now let’s see how to differentiate friendship from romantic love.

In both cases, we are going to use the verb “aimer”.

  1. J’aime Paul – I am in love with Paul (love)
  2. J’aime beaucoup Paul –  I like Paul a lot (friendship)

The difference between like and love? The adverb! Add an adverb to the verb “aimer” and you’re staying in the friend zone!

To say you like or love someone as a friend, say:

  1. Je t’aime bien
  2. Je t’aime beaucoup
  3. Je t’aime énormément
  4. Je t’aime de tout mon coeur (with all my heart)

Many French love songs and movies have a dialogue along these lines:

  • Est-ce que tu m’aimes ? 
    Are you in love with me ?
  • Euh…. je t’aime beaucoup… 
    Well…I like you a lot…

Or to quote the song from Zazie, “Chanson d’ami” from the album “Made in Love”:
Je ne t’aime pas : je t’aime bien 
I am not in love with you: I like you


poster of French phrases for friendship and love

How To Translate To Be In Love In French?

If you really wanted to be clear and express you are in love with someone, you could use the expression: Je suis amoureux/amoureuse de toi – I’m in love with you  (careful, not “être en amour” which they use in Canada, but not in France).

J’aime beaucoup Paul, mais je ne suis pas amoureuse de lui.
I like Paul a lot, but I’m not in love with him.

It’s a bit redundant, but it’s very clear.

Saying I love You In France – Not Such A Big Deal

In many American sitcoms, saying I love you seems to be a very, very big deal. A milestone in the relationship.

It doesn’t seem to be quite strong a deal in France. Of course, saying I love you is never something you say lightly, but it doesn’t seem to be such a big deal. According to France 2, 8% of French people would be ready to say “I love you” on the first day!! Yet, France 2 also says many French feel comfortable saying “I love you” within two months of the relationship (Frenchmen: 88 days, Frenchwomen 134 days!)

What About Dating In France ?

Well, this was a big shock to me when I arrived in the US. I had no idea what “dating” meant.

I understood of course a man and a woman could be interested in each other in a romantic way, let me reassure you.

But I was not aware that accepting to go out to dinner with a man alone gave the signal that I was possibly romantically interested in him.

Nor did I know about this first date, second date and third date business.

In France, it’s very common for a girl to go out to dinner with a male friend. Even for a married woman to go out with a male friend who is single.

I wrote a whole article about dating in France and the culture around it. I invite you to follow the link to read it.

Valentine’s Day In France

Valentine’s day in France is only for people who are romantically in love. In the US, it’s common for kids to give valentines to their friends, their teachers… It’s not the case in France.

To know more about Valentine Day in France, I invite you to read my article.

I’ll end this long article with a video of a love poem said by my daughter.

S/he Loves Me, S/he Loves Me Not In French 🌼

Listen to my daughter Leyla when she was 4 years old telling the French version of “s/he loves me, s/he loves me not”, a child’s game where you pick up the petals of a flower (usually a daisy).

The French game goes:
Il/elle m’aime un peu, beaucoup, passionnément, à la folie… pas du tout!
S/he loves me a bit, a lot, with passion, s/he’s crazy about me… s/he doesn’t love me at all!

French Love Poem

Ma main est une fleur
Mes doigts sont les cinq pétales
Dis moi jolie petite fleur
Est-ce que ma maman
M’aime de tout son coeur ?
Elle m’aime un peu, beaucoup,
Passionnément, à la folie,
Pas du tout.
Pas du tout ??
Vilaine petite fleur !
Je sais que ma maman
M’aime de tout son coeur !

Note: Leyla says: “une main est une fleur” instead of “ma main”… little mistake.
Then she says “mes doigts Y (for “ils”) sont les cinq pétales” – that’s common spoken French for you!

English Translation of the French Love Poem

My hand is a flower
My fingers are the five petals
Tell me pretty flower
Does my Mom love me with all her heart ?
She loves me a little, a lot,
Passionately, madly,
Not at all.
Not at all ??
Naughty little flower!
I know my mom
Loves me with all her heart!

Awwwwwhhhh. my heart melts each time I watch this video… Moi aussi je t’aime de tout mon coeur ma Leylounette chérie !

Voilà, I hope this lesson clarified things about how to say I love you in French.

I post exclusive mini lessons, tips, pictures and more daily on my Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages – so join me there!

If you liked this article, I may also like:

  1. French Women Don’t Date – the French Dating System Explained
  2. Flirting in French
  3. Valentine’s day in France
  4. All About French Kissing
  5. French love nicknames (with audio)

A room with a view
But a house she can’t call her own
Dinner’s burning on the stove
It’s a far cry from home

The kids going wild
They won’t give her the time of day
She’s trying hard, but she’s just got
No clue what the’re saying

French word for love
The only thing that springs to mind
All the time keeps dreaming of
Romantic ways to spend the night
To feel alright

Quartier Latin
She’s all dressed up to move around
Handsome strangers everywhere
Her first night in town

A blue haze of smoke
In a placе they call Chez Maxim’s
The man of hеr dreams

She sees him again when the blue haze has gone
In front of the class that she attends
Whoever thought he’d be teaching French
At the Sorbonne

How to Format Lyrics:

  • Type out all lyrics, even repeating song parts like the chorus
  • Lyrics should be broken down into individual lines
  • Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc.
  • Use italics (<i>lyric</i>) and bold (<b>lyric</b>) to distinguish between different vocalists in the same song part
  • If you don’t understand a lyric, use [?]

To learn more, check out our transcription guide or visit our transcribers forum

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French Love Language: L’Amour et l’Amitié

Express yourself in the language of love

AleksandarNakic / Getty Images

If French is the language of love, what better language is there with which to express your love? Here are some key French words and phrases related to love, friendship, and special occasions. Click on the link to hear the word or phrase pronounced.

* Same pronunciation for masculine and feminine version.

French Terms of Endearment (Termes d’Affection)

French has all kinds of interesting terms of endearment, including a rather odd assortment of barnyard animals. Check out this list of French terms of endearment to use with your loved ones (both romantic and familial). For the most part, these all mean something along the lines of «sweetie,» «darling,» or «poppet,» so we’ve provided the literal translations as well as a few notes (in parentheses).

My love mon amour
My angel mon ange
My baby mon bébé
My beautiful (informal) ma belle
My dear mon cher, ma chère
My dearie mon chéri, ma chérie
My cutie mon mignon
My Half ma moitié
My little guy / girl mon petit / ma petite
My doll ma poupée
My heart mon cœur
My little girl (informal, old-fashioned) ma fifille
My big guy / girl mon grand / ma grande
My Jesus (when talking to a child) mon jésus
My treasure mon trésor
My (fruit) core (when talking to a child) mon trognon

Ma mie literally «my female friend,» but used to mean «my dear/love.»

This is a somewhat old-fashioned term contracted from mon amie > m’amie > ma mie. Note that mie also refers to the soft part of bread — the opposite of the crust.

Affectionate French Terms Related to Animals

Learn some playful French word for your loved ones.

Love Words Related to Food

My cabbage, my pastry (informal) mon chou
My favorite, blue-eyed boy/girl, pet* (informal) mon chouchou
My dropping (also refers to a small, round goat cheese) ma crotte
My barley sugar mon sucre d’orge

*as in «teacher’s pet»  

Notes About Modifiers

  • The word petit (little) can be added in front of most of these: mon petit chouma petite chatte, etc.
  • The phrase en sucre (made of sugar) can be added to the end of some: mon trésor en sucremon cœur en sucre, etc.

Note that the possessive adjectives mon and ma (my) have to agree with the gender of the term of endearment—not your own gender nor necessarily that of the person you’re talking to/about. Generally speaking, masculine terms of endearment can be used for men and women, while feminine terms of endearment can only be used for women.

Perfect Your Pronunciation: How to Say «I Love You» in French

They say that French is the language of love, so you’d better know how to say I love you! These step-by-step instructions will teach you how to say I love you in French.

Here’s How

  1. Find the person you love.
  2. Say his or her name.
  3. Say je t’aime:
    • j in je is pronounced [zh] like the g in mirage
    • e is pronounced like the oo in good
    • t’aime is pronounced [tem] to rhyme with them.
  4. Optional: Follow with «my darling»:
    • To a woman = ma chérie, pronounced [ma shay ree].
    • To a man = mon chéri, pronounced [mo(n) shay ree]. The (n) is nasal.
    • You can also choose a different French term of endearment
  5. Optional: To respond to someone who says «I love you,» say Moi aussi, je t’aime (I love you too).
    • moi is pronounced «mwa.»
    • aussi is pronounced «oh see.»
  6. You can listen to sound files of these terms on my page of French love language

What You Need

  • A few minutes of practice
  • A romantic location
  • Your beloved
  • (optional) candles, flowers, bonbons, soft music, an engagement ring…

English Expressions Using «Love»

The English word «love» is found in many different expressions. Here’s how to translate these phrases into French.

love affair (literal) une liaison
love affair (figurative) une passion
love at first sight le coup de foudre
love child un enfant d’amour
un enfant illégitime
un enfant naturel
love feast une agape
un banquet
love game (tennis) un jeu blanc
love handles poignées d’amour
love-hate relationship un rapport amour-haine
love-in-a-mist (plant) la nigelle de Damas
love-knot les lacs d’amour
love letter une lettre d’amour
un billet-doux
love-lies-bleeding (plant) amarante queue-de-renard
love life la vie amoureuse
ses amours
love match un mariage d’amour
love nest un nid d’amour
un nid d’amoureux
love of one’s life le grand amour
love potion un philtre d’amour
love scene une scène d’amour
love seat une causeuse
love story une histoire d’amour
love (in tennis) zéro, rien
love token un gage d’amour
love triangle un triangle amoureux
loved ones êtres chers
lovestruck éperdument amoureux
brotherly love amour fraternel
casual love affair un amour de rencontre
courtly love amour courtois
declaration of love une déclaration d’amour
first love son premier amour
free love amour libre
in love (with) amoureux (de)
labor of love une tâche accomplie pour le plaisir
madly in love fou d’amour
my love (term of endearment) mon amour
physical love amour physique
platonic love amour platonique
puppy love amour juvénile
true love le grand amour
for the love of God pour l’amour de Dieu
He loves me, he loves me not Il m’aime un peu, beaucoup, passionnément,
à la folie, pas du tout
How’s your love life? Comment vont tes amours ?
I’d love to! Avec plaisir !
Volontiers !
It can’t be had for love nor money. C’est introuvable.
On ne peut se le procurer à aucun prix.
Lucky at cards, unlucky in love Heureux au jeu, malheureux en amour
not for love nor money
I wouldn’t do it for love nor money.
pour rien au monde
Je ne le ferais pour rien au monde.
Someone up there loves me. C’est mon jour de veine.
There’s no love lost between them. Entre eux, ce n’est pas le grand amour.
Ils ne peuvent pas se sentir.
to do something for the love of it faire qqchose pour l’amour de l’art
to do something out of love for faire qqchose par l’amour pour
to do something with loving care faire qqchose avec amour
to fall in love (with) tomber amoureux (de)
to live on love alone vivre / se nourrir d’amour et d’eau fraîche
to love aimer
to make love faire l’amour

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