French word for games

Gaming is one of the most popular trends around the world! With today’s online gameplay capabilities, it’s even possible that you’re competing with someone outside of your country.

Did you know that gaming is an excellent opportunity for you to improve your language learning skills? There are tons of French vocabulary for online and video gaming. 

Whether you’re connecting with players via the PC or enjoying a solo mission game on your favorite console, there’s lots of French to learn. 

Check out these 25 French words and phrases that you’re sure to hear during gameplay. We’ve even compiled the list before for you to refer to during a heated game quickly.

French gaming vocabulary

Getting Started!

Before jumping into your favorite game, let’s have a look at some of the beginning j’ai besoin de vocabulaire, or video game vocabulary to get you started. 

As you go through the list, you will notice a lot of similarities between English and French counterparts. When it comes to gaming, a lot of words, especially slang, were adapted from English. 

Most players online speak English, but it doesn’t mean you can’t surprise your gaming pals in France with a bit of local jargon.

Whether you’re waiting for the upcoming lancement a Minuit, or midnight release, or already have your favorite game loaded up, its time to jump into the expérience de jeu (gameplay). 

You might not be ready to jump online and interact with other players during your «kikou» or noob phase. If you’re brave enough, however, your casque, or headset, is perfect for plotting out gameplay strategies or dropping your new French lingo.

Quick tip!

Consider selecting French as your gameplay language. For games that you’re already familiar with, it will help with understanding the translations.

Some games have a lot of dialogue, and seeing the text in French is also beneficial to learn the language while having fun.

Expérience de jeu

Now the fun begins! The basics for all gamers is understanding the difference between your player and the PNJ, or personnage non-joueur (NPC, or non-player character).

You’ll want to give your player a unique look during the conception du personnage, or character design stage, that sets them apart from the other characters. Consider a style that matches how you look in real life!

Once your character spawns into the game, or réapparaître, you’ll be ready to test out your hand-eye coordination. Everyone is a kikou in the beginning, so don’t worry. You have the entire game to learn how to level up, or prendre un niveau. We all get a boost of adrenaline with every accomplissement, or achievement, that out character obtains.

One of the most important things to do during gaming is to save, or sauvegarder, to ensure you don’t lose your data. You should also sauvegarder this new French vocabulary to understand when the words appear on the screen when prompted to do so. 

Congratulations! You’ve reached un point de sauvegarder, or checkpoint, in your game and French vocabulary. Just another accomplissement to add to your stats.

That’s a lot of French for just learning the basics of gameplay. Feel free to take a snack break during the cinémathique, or cut scene, which is always dramatic for the storyline to get you excited for the next stages.

Scène coupée

You can apply much of the French vocabulary that we’ve already covered to a variety of games. We’ve even got you covered for some of the more unique terms that you may come across in either online or video gaming. 

Video games keep us anticipating what will happen next. Thankfully, many games have creative developers that add hidden features to the gameplay. Referred to as Easter eggs, or secrets  (we also say easter eggs in French), you’ll need to do specific tasks or missions to unlock them. You’ll be glad you did!

Most games are highly competitive, whether with the computer or other players. Every time you win a match or beat a game, be sure to cheer out: «La victoire est à nous,» or «we are victorious.» Your French-speaking gaming partners are sure to rejoice alongside you.

One of the darker sides of gaming is cheating. True gamers have all suffered the shame of a blowout or seemingly unfair situations. Maybe it’s because of the other player’s skill level —- but we always jump to the conclusion of triche and un dysfonctionnement, or ‘cheat’ and ‘glitch,’ respectively. 

Types of Games

Gamers come in all ages, genders, and nationalities. We each have our preferences when it comes to the types of games that we like to play. You can use our beginner list of French vocabulary words to help with various kinds of game types. 

A lot of joy in gaming comes from interacting with other players, either online or in the gaming chair adjacent to you. These games are called multi-plateforme, or multiplayer. Playing online gives you the advantage of having the entire screen to yourself for gameplay; some games allow for split-screen modes, or écran partagé, for enjoying with friends on the same TV or computer screen.

Another popular style of game is a jeu de combat, or fighting game. The phrase can apply for shooters, combat, and other related games. Brace yourself for a lot of shouting and exclamations with these games.

Impress your teammates with your French vocabulary by using words such as ‘aggro (attack)’ or ‘maniement à deux mains (dual wield).’

More strategic games allow you to explore an open world, or monde ouvert, filled with seemingly endless fun and missions to keep you entertained for hours at a time. 

For a more immersive gaming experience, test out one of the latest réalité virtuelle, or virtual reality games. 

Just as if you’re playing a démo, or demo game, we were sure to give you just enough French words and phrases to spark your interest in learning more!

Check out the entire list below for all of the words mentioned and their English translations. And be sure to check out some of the other beginner lists for French vocabulary you’re sure to use every day!

Midnight launch Lancement à minuit
Gameplay Expérience de jeu
Headset Casque
Spawn Réapparaître
Noob Kikou
Character design Conception/Creation du personnage
NPC or Non-player Character PNJ or personnage non-joueur
To save Sauvegarder
Checkpoint Point de sauvegarde
Cutscene Cinématique
Attack Aggro
Cheat Triche
Glitch Un dysfonctionnement
Multiplayer Multi-plateforme
Split screen Ecran partagé
Achievements Accomplissements
Level up Prendre un niveau/ Leveler
Demo Démo
Easter egg Secrets /easter egg
Fighting game Jeux de combat
Open world Monde ouvert
Virtual reality Réalité Virtuelle
Dual wield Maniement à deux mains
We are victorious La victoire est à nous

What do you think about this list? What French gaming vocabulary did we miss? Share it with us in the comments!

By January 30, 2013 • Updated March 23, 2023

Are you a game player? On this page you’ll find a complete list of French vocabulary covering words for both board games and card games. Interestingly, the word for chess is échecs, which looks like checkers. The word for checkers is jeu de dames.

Image: Board games

People & basic words

  • darts les fléchettes 
  • dice le dé 
  • game le jeu 
  • j’ai gagné! I won!
  • le pari bet
  • looser le perdant
  • move le coup 
  • player le joueur 
  • point le point 
  • score la marque
  • target la cible 
  • winner le gagnant 

Card games

  • ace l’as 
  • bishop le fou 
  • card game le jeu de cartes 
  • cards les cartes 
  • club le trèfle 
  • diamond le carreau 
  • heart le cœur
  • jack le valet
  • joker le joker 
  • king le roi 
  • pawn le pion 
  • queen la dame 
  • queen la dame 
  • spade le pique 

Board games

  • backgammon le trictrac 
  • board games les jeux de société 
  • checkers / draughts les dames 
  • chess les échecs 
  • chessboard l’échiquier 
  • dominos les dominos 
  • king le roi
  • knight le cavalier 
  • monopoly le monopoly 
  • rook le tour 
  • scrabble le scrabble 
  • tile / scrabble piece la pièce 


  • to deal (cards) donner
  • to lose the game perdre le jeu 
  • to play a game jouer un jeu 
  • to play jouer
  • to shuffle (cards) battre
  • to win the game gagner le jeu 
Related lessons:
  • jouer conjugation
  • jouer usage and example sentences
  • French hobbies vocabulary
  • French sports vocabulary
More resources:
  • French card playing vocabulary (Wiki page)
  • French boar game glossary (French website)

  • Author
  • Recent Posts

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he’s the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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Jeux, Sports, Passe-temps favoris

Even if you love working on your French, sometimes you just need to play! Learn the French equivalents of your favorite games, sports, and hobbies and the verbs to use with them.

Jouer = To play

With jouer, the preposition may be à or de, depending on the activity:

  • jouer à + game or sport
  • jouer de + music and musical instruments
    Learn more about jouer

Some activities require the verb faire (to do). If a preposition is required, it’s always de.

Games – Les jeux

board games   les jeux de société jouer aux jeux de société
card games   les jeux de cartes jouer aux jeux de cartes
checkers   le jeu de dames jouer au jeu de dames
chess   les échecs jouer aux échecs
darts   les fléchettes jouer aux fléchettes
pool   le billard jouer au billard
video games   les jeux vidéo jouer aux jeux vidéos
word games   les jeux de lettres jouer aux jeux de lettres

Sports – Les sports

basketball   le basket jouer au basket
biking   le cyclisme, le vélo faire du cyclisme
faire du vélo
faire de la bicyclette
boxing   la boxe faire de la boxe boxer
football   le football américain jouer au football
hockey   le hockey jouer au hockey
skiing   le ski faire du ski skier
soccer   le football, le foot jouer au foot(ball)
swimming   la natation faire de la natation nager
tennis   le tennis jouer au tennis
wrestling   la lutte faire de la lutte lutter

Hobbies – Les passe-temps

cooking   la cuisine faire la cuisine cuisiner
crocheting   le crochet faire du crochet crocheter
crossword puzzle   des mots croisés faire des mots croisés  
dancing   la danse faire la danse (rare) danser
fishing   la pêche aller à la pêche pêcher
gardening   le jardinage faire du jardinage jardiner
hiking   la randonnée faire de la randonnée
hunting   la chasse faire la chasse chasser
jigsaw puzzle   un puzzle faire un puzzle  
jogging   le jogging faire du jogging
knitting   le tricot   tricoter
movie   un film regarder un film
music   la musique écouter la musique
jouer de la musique
painting   la peinture   peindre
reading   la lecture faire de la lecture lire
sailing   la voile faire de la voile
sewing   la couture   coudre
  la télévision
la télé
regarder la télévision
regarder la télé

 The French verbs above are used to talk about playing or doing that activity, but of course you can also use verbs like aimer (to like), vouloir (to want to), and détester (to hate) with them.

 Related lessons

  • Using jouer | Jouer conjugations
  • Using faire | Faire conjugations
  • Verbs with prepositions
  • More sports

French lesson plans French lesson plans

  • Hobbies (Worksheet, 8th-9th grade)
  • Hobbies Quiz (Worksheet, 6th-8th grade)

Learn Spanish En español

  • Juegos, deportivos, pasatiempos

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Play Hangman as an easier introduction to new words in French while becoming familiar with their spelling. The online Hangman game here gives you more and more advanced words once you show you know the more basic words by getting them right.

Flash Cards

This online learning tool features a traditional flash card drill as well as a multiple choice game to start out learning new words, and a Test option which asks you to type the word in, thereby testing you know the word and know how to spell it, getting them right shows you really know the word and earns your the best score for a word.


Crossword Level 1
Crosswords are an addictive way to learn new words and challenge your current vocabulary. You can play our crosswords online or print them out. There are various game options apart from the standard crossword, such as scrambled words and an easy one-click word selection option.

Word Search

The classic Word Search game but with English clues and French words to search for. Print them out or play them online by clicking the letters that start and end the words, forwards or backwards.


Learn French numbers with audio by playing the standard Bingo, either on your own or with others at the same time. Once a game is started, listen for the number or see the written number, and mark the right square in the grid. Once you have a line, you win.

Word Bingo

Just like the traditional Bingo but with words instead of numbers, learn French vocabulary with pictures and audio by playing the Word Bingo game.


Play the classic Memory game to both improve your recall and to learn new words in French. Really challenge your memory with the 8×8 grid.

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