French word for car

Last Updated: December 18, 2021 | Author: Lisa McCombs


  • 1 How do French people say car?
  • 2 What is another word for car in French?
  • 3 How do you say voiture?
  • 4 What is van called in French?
  • 5 What is auto mean in French?
  • 6 Is car masculine or feminine in French?
  • 7 What’s French for bus?
  • 8 What is cat in other languages?
  • 9 Why is car feminine in French?
  • 10 Why is pizza feminine?
  • 11 Is garage masculine or feminine in French?
  • 12 Is Stylo masculine or feminine?
  • 13 Is Canada male or female in French?
  • 14 What does Livre mean French?
  • 15 What do you say Girl in French?
  • 16 How many genders French have?

Answer and Explanation:

The word for car in French is voiture.

What is another word for car in French?

France|fr (familier, fr) Voiture, automobile.


From To Via
• car voiture ↔ Wagen
• car → voiture ↔ Wagen

How do you say voiture?

What is van called in French?

More French words for van. le van noun. trailer, fan, sieve, horse box. le fourgon noun.

What is auto mean in French?

[ˈɔːtəʊ ] (US) auto f ⧫ voiture f.

Is car masculine or feminine in French?

Others are always feminine, like une voiture (a car), une maison (a house), and une école (a school). And some words are the tricksters of the bunch, taking on different meanings with different genders, like livre, which is a book when masculine but a pound when feminine!

What’s French for bus?

bus: autobus; bus; car de tourisme; autocar; omnibus.

What is cat in other languages?

Cat and Kitten in Different Languages

Cat Kitten
Finnish Kissa Kissanpoikanen
French Chat Chaton
Galician Gato Gatito
German Katze Kätzchen

Mar 15, 2021

Why is car feminine in French?

The French word for car is la voiture (la vwa chur). Notice that the word ends in e ;therefore, it is feminine.

Why is pizza feminine?

Gender in French is etymological. Pizza is feminine because it is in Italian, and also, we “feel” that.

Is garage masculine or feminine in French?

The gender of garage is masculine. E.g. le garage.

Is Stylo masculine or feminine?

The word for pen in French is stylo. Stylo is a masculine noun, so if you wanted to say ‘the pen,’ for example, you would use the masculine definite…

Is Canada male or female in French?

All other countries are masculine: le Nigéria, le Brésil, le Canada, le Japon, le Danemark, le Maroc, le Liban, le Pakistan, le Pérou.

What does Livre mean French?

Definition of livre

1 : an old French monetary unit equal to 20 sols. 2 : a coin representing one livre. 3 : the pound of Lebanon and Sudan.

What do you say Girl in French?

The word for girl in French is fille.

How many genders French have?

French adjectives therefore have four forms: masculine singular, feminine singular, masculine plural, and feminine plural.

If you’re looking for a list of French words and phrases related to cars and driving, this blog post is perfect for you.

French Transportation Vocabulary

Here, I’ve listed down useful terms about:

  • Cars and other vehicles
  • General transportation terms
  • Car parts
  • Driving words and phrases
  • Words and phrases for car rentals

So whether you need to study these words purely for learning the French word for car, or car in French slang, or because you need to drive or rent a car in a French-speaking locale, this list would definitely help.

You can also download a longer list in PDF. Instead of just 120 words and phrases, you’ll find a hefty list of 168 terms inside the downloadable and printer-friendly PDF. You can get it here.

*vélo is short for vélocipède which is an old-fashioned French term

**moto is short for motocyclette

Le frein Brake
Le frein à main Hand brake
Le siège conducteur Driver seat
La ceinture de sécurité Seat belt
Le klaxon Horn
Le tableau de bord Dashboard
Le clignotant Indicator/ blinker
Le phare Head light
Les feux de route, (plein phare) Full beam lights
Les feux de croisement Dipped headlights
Le rétroviseur Rear view mirror/ side mirror
L’embrayage Clutch
Le volant Steering wheel
L’accélérateur (m) Accelerator/ Gas pedal
un champignon Accelerator (informal)
l’allumage (m) ignition system
La boite à vitesse Gear box
Le levier de vitesse Gear stick
la boîte manuelle manual transmission/ stick shift
la transmission automatique automatic transmission
Le toit ouvrant Sky-light
La décapotable, Le cabriolet convertible
L’appui-tête (m) Head rest
Le moteur Motor
Le capot Hood
Le coffre arrière Rear Boot
L’aile (f) Wing
Le réservoir Petrol/gas tank
de l’essence (f) Gas / petrol
du sans plomb (essence) unleaded gas
du super (essence) Premium gas
le gasoil, gazole Diesel
La jauge à huile Oil Dip stick
La bougie (=candle) Spark plug
Le piston Piston
Le cylindre Cylinder
Le carter Sump
La soupape Valve
Le radiateur Radiator
La courroie de ventilation Fan belt
La roue de secours Spare wheel
La roue Wheel
L’enjoliveur (m) Wheel hub
La tête de delco Distributor cap
La batterie Battery
Le pare-brise Windscreen
La lunette arrière Rear windscreen
Le cric Jack
Le feu de détresse Warning/Distress lights
L’essuie glace (m) Windscreen wiper
Le pneu Tyre
Le pneu neige Snow tyres
Le pneu clouté Studded tyre
La boite à gants Glove box
la serrure de portière Door lock
la vitre window
Le pot d’échappement Exhaust pipe
L’amortisseur (m) Shock absorber
Le permis de conduire Driving license
Le pare-choc Bumper
conduire to drive
démarrer le moteur to start the engine
se mettre en marche (m) to start moving
changer de vitesse to change gear
rouler to move forward
dépasser to pass
accélérer to accelerate
doubler to overtake
freiner to brake
s’arrêter to stop
La voiture n’a plus d’essence. This car is out of gas.
Où est-ce qu’il y a une station-service près d’ici? Where is there a gas station near here?
Le plein, s’il vous plaît. Fill it up, please.
Vingt litres, s’il vous plaît 20 liters, please.
Cette voiture utilise de l’essence ordinaire. This car uses regular gas.
Cette voiture utilise de l’essence sans plomb This car uses unleaded gas.
Cette voiture utilise du diesel. This car uses diesel.
Est-ce que c’est la bonne route pour Paris? Is this the right road for Paris?
Voici mon permis de conduire. Here is my drivers license.
Est-ce que je roulais trop rapidement? Was I driving too fast?
la location de voitures car rental
louer une voiture to rent a car
réserver une voiture reserve a car
prendre la voiture to take/ pick up the car
rendre la voiture to return the car
J’aimerais louer une voiture, s’il vous plaît. I’d like to rent a car please.
Avez-vous une voiture manuelle? Do you have a manual shift car?
Avez-vous une voiture automatique? Do you have an automatic (car)?
C’est combien pour louer par jour, s’il vous plaît? How much is it to rent per day, please?
C’est combien pour louer par semaine, s’il vous plaît? How much is it to rent per week, please?
Je voudrais…. I would like….
…une voiture compacte. …a compact car.
…une voiture intermédiaire. …a mid-sized car.
…une grosse voiture. …a big car.
…une petite voiture. …a small car.
…un quatre-quatre. …a 4 x 4.
…un camion. …a truck.
…une voiture luxe. …a luxury car.
…une voiture hybride. …a hybrid car.
…une voiture électrique. …an electric car.

Once again, you can download the longer list of vocabulary as part of the French Language Learning Package when you click the red button below.

automobile) voiture f ⧫ auto f.

What is the proper term for car?

British Dictionary definitions for car (1 of 2) car. / (kɑː) / noun. Also called: motorcar, automobile a self-propelled road vehicle designed to carry passengers, esp one with four wheels that is powered by an internal-combustion engine.

What is a poule?

slang. a young woman, particularly a promiscuous one.

How do you say car slang?

Pejorative terms include beater, bucket, clunker, crate, heap, jalopy, junker, rattletrap, and wreck. (“Gas guzzler,” meanwhile, emphasizes a car’s lack of fuel economy, and “land yacht” also indicates excessive size.)

Why is a vehicle called a car?

The English word car is believed to originate from Latin carrus/carrum “wheeled vehicle” or (via Old North French) Middle English carre “two-wheeled cart,” both of which in turn derive from Gaulish karros “chariot.” It originally referred to any wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, such as a cart, carriage, or wagon.

Why do you call car she?

Referring to cars as “she” promotes the ideology that women are objects; things to be seen as property owned by men. If a person has the subconscious belief that women are not as good as men, they will treat them as such.

What cars are built in France?

French cars are most popular in European market, as based on a survey about 25% vehicles driven in Europe are made in France. Although several major car companies have set manufacturing facilities in France, the traditional French car brands par excellence remain Peugeot, Citroen and Renault.

What is the French word for car?

The word for car in French is voiture. According to French rules of grammar, voiture is feminine. If you saw it on a vocabulary list or in a… See full answer below.

What is a French race car?

1. Renault Alpine. This is a break-away from the usual everyday cars that Renault is famed for producing. The Alpine is a sports car that succeeded the Feugo and in all areas. It is a rear engine coupe that got noticed post its success on the race tracks during the early ‘70s.

Vocabulary: Learn vehicles names in French

Are you wondering how to say a car, a boat or other vehicles in French?

In the list below, you can learn a list of words to increase your vocabulary in French. Listen to the audio files and repeat after me, to improve your pronunciation and memorize the vehicles names.

The list includes the most common vehicles and means of transportation which can be useful to know, especially if you like to speak about this topic in French.

Below, you can find a list with 78 audios, a video, a list of vehicles in alphabetic order and some examples with images.

n.m stands for masculine word and n.f. for feminine word

French Pronunciation English
une voiture (n.f.) a car
une voiture de sport (n.f.) a sports car
un pick-up (n.m.) a pickup truck
une voiture de police (n.f.) a police car
un taxi (n.m.) a taxi
une jeep (n.f.) a jeep
une ambulance (n.f.) an ambulance
un camion de pompiers a fire truck
un camion (n.m.) a truck/lorry
un camion poubelle (n.m.) a garbage truck
un camion-citerne (n.m.) a tank truck
un camion toupie (n.m.) a cement mixer
une camionnette (n.f.) a delivery van
une fourgonnette (n.f.) a delivery van
un camping-car (n.m.) a motorhome/RV
une caravane (n.f.) a caravan/trailer
un fourgon blindé (n.m.) an armoured van
un bus (n.m.) a bus
un car (n.m.) a coach/bus
une moto (n.f.) a motorbike
un scooter (n.m.) a scooter/motorcycle
une mobylette (n.f.) a moped/motorcycle
un quad (n.m.) an ATV
un side-car (n.m.) a sidecar
un vélo (n.m.) a bike
une bicyclette (n.f.) a bicycle
un vtt (n.m.) a mountain bike
une trottinette (n.f.) a scooter
un pousse-pousse (n.m.) a hand rickshaw
un tuk-tuk (n.m.) a rickshaw
un jet-ski (n.m.) a jet ski
une motoneige (n.f.) a snowmobile
un bateau (n.m.) a boat
un bateau de croisière (n.m.) a cruise ship
un porte-conteneurs (n.m.) a container ship
un porte-avions (n.m.) an aircraft carrier 
un yacht (n.m.) a yacht
une péniche (n.f.) a barge/houseboat
un voilier (n.m.) a sailboat
une barque (n.f.) a rowboat
un kayak (n.m.) a kayak
un canoë (n.m.) a canoe
un radeau (n.m.) a raft
un bateau gonflable (n.m.) an inflatable boat
un hydroglisseur (n.m.) an airboat/swamp boat
un sous-marin (n.m.) a submarine
un tracteur (n.m.) a tractor
un char (n.m.) a tank
un chariot élévateur (n.m.) a forklift
une grue (n.f.) a crane
un train (n.m.) a train
un tram (n.m.) a tram/streetcar
un métro (n.m.) a subway
un avion (n.m.) an airplane
un avion de chasse (n.m.) a fighter aircraft
un hydravion (n.m.) a seaplane 
un hélicoptère (n.m.) a helicopter
une montgolfière (n.f.) an air balloon
un dirigeable (n.m.) an airship
un deltaplane (n.m.) a hang glider
un parachute (n.m.) a parachute
un paramoteur (n.m.) a paramotor
un téléphérique (n.m.) a cable car
une tyrolienne (n.f.) a zip line
une fusée (n.f.) a rocket
une calèche (n.f.) a carriage
une poussette (n.f.) a baby carriage/pram
des skis (n.m.) skis
un snowboard (n.m.) a snowboard
un skateboard (n.m.) a skateboard
un segway (n.m.) a segway
des rollers (n.m.) rollerblades
des patins à roulettes (n.m.) rollerskates
des patins à glace (n.m.) ice skates
une planche à voile (n.f.) a windsurf board
des palmes(n.f.) flippers
une soucoupe volante (n.f.) a flying saucer

I hope this list of vehicles names was useful for you, you can also watch it in video if you prefer. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

List of vehicles in French in alpabetic order:

  • ambulance – an ambulance
  • avion – an airplane
  • avion de chasse – a fighter aircraft
  • barque – a rowboat
  • bateau – a boat
  • bateau de croisière /paquebot  – a cruise ship
  • bateau gonflable – an inflatable boat
  • bicyclette – a bicycle
  • bus – a bus
  • calèche – a carriage
  • camion – a truck/lorry
  • camion de pompiers – a fire truck
  • camion poubelle – a garbage truck
  • camion toupie – a cement mixer
  • camion-citerne – a tank truck
  • camionnette – a delivery van
  • camping-car – a motorhome/RV
  • canoë – a canoe
  • car – a coach/bus
  • caravane – a caravan/trailer
  • char – a tank
  • chariot élévateur / fenwick – a forklift
  • deltaplane – a hang glider
  • dirigeable – an airship
  • fourgon blindé – an armoured van
  • fourgonnette – a delivery van
  • fusée – a rocket
  • grue – a crane
  • hélicoptère – a helicopter
  • hydravion – a seaplane
  • hydroglisseur – an airboat/swamp boat
  • jeep – a jeep
  • jet-ski – a jet ski
  • kayak – a kayak
  • métro – a subway
  • mobylette – a moped/motorcycle
  • montgolfière – an air balloon
  • moto – a motorbike
  • motoneige – a snowmobile
  • parachute – a parachute
  • paramoteur – a paramotor
  • palmes – flippers
  • patins à glace – ice skates
  • patins à roulettes – rollerskates
  • péniche – a barge/houseboat
  • pick-up – a pickup truck
  • planche à voile – a windsurf board
  • porte-avions – an aircraft carrier
  • porte-conteneurs – a container ship
  • pousse-pousse – a hand rickshaw
  • poussette – a baby carriage/pram
  • quad – an ATV
  • radeau – a raft
  • rollers – rollerblades
  • scooter – a scooter/motorcycle
  • segway – a segway
  • side-car – a sidecar
  • skateboard – a skateboard
  • skis – skis
  • snowboard – a snowboard
  • soucoupe volante – a flying saucer
  • sous-marin – a submarine
  • taxi – a taxi
  • téléphérique – a cable car
  • tracteur – a tractor
  • train – a train
  • tram – a tram/streetcar
  • trottinette – a scooter
  • tuk-tuk – a rickshaw
  • tyrolienne – a zip line
  • vélo – a bike
  • voilier – a sailboat
  • voiture – a car
  • voiture de police – a police car
  • voiture de sport – a sports car
  • vtt /vélo tout terrain – a mountain bike
  • yacht – a yacht

Vehicle Names in French with pictures and examples

voiture -car

Une voiture / La voiture = A car / The car

Martin a acheté une nouvelle voiture. = Martin bought a new car.


Un taxi / Le taxi = A taxi / The taxi

J’ai pris un taxi pour rentrer à la maison. = I took a taxi to go home.

camion de pompiers - fire truck

Un camion de pompiers = A fire truck

Je rêve de rouler dans un camion de pompiers. = I dream of riding in a fire truck.

Camping Car -RV

Un camping-car = A motorhome/RV

Mes parents veulent acheter un camping-car. = My parents want to buy a motorhome.

tracteur - tractor

Un tracteur / Le tracteur = A tractor / The tractor

J’ai souvent roulé dans le tracteur de mon grand-père. = I often rode in my grandfather’s tractor.

Moto - Motorbike

Une moto / La moto= A motorbike / The motorbike

La moto de mon frère a été volée. = My brother’s motorbike was stolen.

VTT - Mountain bike

Un VTT (vélo tout terrain) / Le VTT = A mountain bike / The mountain bike

Je roule souvent dans la forêt avec mon VTT. = I often ride my mountain bike in the forest.

porte-conteneurs - container ship

Un porte-conteneurs = a container ship

Un porte-conteneurs a coulé dans l’océan atlantique. = A container ship sank in the Atlantic Ocean. 

radeau - raft

Un radeau / Le radeau = A raft / The raft

Ils ont traversé la rivière avec un radeau. = They crossed the river with a raft. 

montgolfière - air balloon

Une montgolfière / La montgolfière = A air balloon / The air balloon

Je ne suis jamais monté dans une montgolfière. = I have never been in a hot air balloon.


A car is une voiture in French. But the word «bagnole» has so much more character—and this 2CV, especially. Speaking of character, read about it in today’s story!

la bagnole (ban-yol)

    : car; ride, set of wheels

Paris Monaco Rentals

France and Monaco Rentals: short-term holiday rental properties throughout France. Click here for pictures.

A Day in a FRENCH Life… by Kristin Espinasse

Last Sunday I hid in our bathroom as our guests collected their purses and coats. «I’ll be right back,» I said, promising to meet up again in the parking lot, where we were about to drive to the beach.

Hightailing it to the loo, I locked the door and sat down to collect my thoughts. This particular W.C. is hidden behind another «guest» restroom—the one I keep as tidy as possible in spite the crackling paint. But all my efforts to conceal the parts of our life that are not up to snuff were about to crumble like the paint next door…. 

As I sat on the throne of our hidden W.C., my guest’s words echoed in my mind: «We’ll need to take your car.» 

My car? But my car was worse than a mess! Sticky with after-school snacks, it attracted dust, parking receipts and dog hair (heavier items—such as books—collected on the floor). This accumulation of horrors is my secret shame, and it was about to come waltzing out of the closet with a toothless grin on its face. Like drunken kin who show up to the party unbidden, so was I at heart: undisciplined.

But no, it isn’t true. Just because my car is a mess doesn’t mean that I’m one too!  And so went my reasoning as I sat on the pot, in the dark—the light-bulb having burst weeks ago.

And then another light went off…. It occurred to me that if I sat there long enough things might work themselves out on their own! I leaned forward, putting my ear to the bathroom door. I could hear Jean-Marc chatting with our guests. Knowing my husband, he was busy redirecting everyone towards the other bagnole—our guest’s car. I needed only to wait out the crisis a little longer—then appear in time to dive into someone else’s back seat, in time to avoid humiliation.

Alas, when I exited the petit coin I was surprised to discover one of our guests getting into my car! At that point I was left with one all-consoling thought:

Character. Remember. It is what you most admire in others. So why not begin to appreciate it in yourself?

Shifting the car in reverse, I heard the familiar jingling. Besides dust, who else has a sheep bell tied to their gear stick? I smiled at my graceful passenger and we both laughed as my car lurched out of the driveway, jingling all the way to the shimmering blue sea.

*    *    * 

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French Vocabulary
w.c. = water closet, toilet
la bagnole = car
le petit coin = powder room

Creperie du hameau

Had a wonderful time at our meetup yesterday, meeting a handful of delightful readers. Will have more photos and a story for you soon! Beside me, in dark blue, is Najima, who, along with husband Frédéric, run this delicious crêperie in the port of Madrague (near St. Cyr sur Mer).

See another cool French bagnole in the post «Where to Rent a Car in France»

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