French word for brother

Author Trevor Hicks

Posted Jun 10, 2022

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«How do you say brother in French?»This is a question that often comes up when people are learning French. The answer is actually quite simple. «Brother» in French is «frère.»However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using this word. First, «frère» is masculine, so it will change to «frères» if you are referring to more than one brother. Additionally, like most French words, it is written with a lowercase letter unless it is the first word in a sentence.

You may also hear people say «mon frère» or «ma frère.» These are simply ways of saying «my brother.»Now that you know how to say «brother» in French, you can start using it in your conversations. Remember to practice your pronunciation so that you can be understood by native speakers. With a little practice, you’ll be speaking like a native in no time!

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How do you say «brother» in French?

In French, the word for «brother» is «frère». This word is derived from the Latin word «frater», which means «brother». The French word «frère» can be used to refer to a biological brother, a close male friend, or a male member of a religious order.

When referring to a biological brother, the French word «frère» can be used either as a standalone word or as part of a compound word. For example, the word «frère» can be used alone to mean «my brother» or it can be used as part of the compound word «mon frère» to mean «my brother».

When referring to a close male friend, the French word «frère» can be used either as a standalone word or as part of a compound word. For example, the word «frère» can be used alone to mean «my brother» or it can be used as part of the compound word «mon frère» to mean «my brother».

When referring to a male member of a religious order, the French word «frère» can be used either as a standalone word or as part of a compound word. For example, the word «frère» can be used alone to mean «my brother» or it can be used as part of the compound word «mon frère» to mean «my brother».

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How do you say «sister» in French?

French has a variety of words for sister, depending on the age and relationship of the siblings. For example, a young child would refer to an older sister as a grande soeur, while an adult would call a sister by her first name.

There are also different terms for siblings who are related by blood or marriage. For instance, a person’s frère would be a brother who shares the same parents, while a beau-frère would be a brother-in-law.

Finally, there are also different terms for sisters depending on whether they are older or younger than the speaker. An older sister would be called a grande soeur, while a younger sister would be called a petite soeur.

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How do you say «son» in French?

In French, the word for “son” is fils. It is pronounced somewhat like “fee” with a slight “l” sound at the end.

Here are a few example sentences using the word fils:

mon fils – my son

ton fils – your son

son fils – his son

Notre Père qui es aux cieux, que ton nom soit sanctifié, que ton règne vienne, que ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel. Donne aujourd’hui notre pain de ce jour, pardonne-nous nos offenses comme nous pardonnons aussi à ceux qui nous ont offensés, et ne nous soumets pas à la tentation, mais délivre-nous du mal. Car c’est à toi qu’appartiennent, Seigneur, la puissance et la gloire, pour les siècles des siècles. Amen.

— The Lord’s Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

— Matthew 5:5

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How do you say «daughter» in French?

Daughter in French is «fille.» It is pronounced somewhat similarly to «feel» in English, but with a bit more of a «zh» sound at the end.

Just as in English, the word «daughter» can be used both as a noun and as a term of endearment. When used as a noun, it simply refers to a female child or offspring. When used as a term of endearment, it carries the same meaning as it does in English, signifying a close and loving relationship between a parent and child.

There are a few different ways to say «daughter» in French, depending on the context. For example, if you wanted to say «my daughter,» you would say «ma fille.» If you were introducing your daughter to someone, you might say «voici ma fille» (here is my daughter).

As is the case with many French words, the plural form of «fille» is not simply «filles.» Instead, the plural is «filles et fils,» which includes both daughters and sons. This is because, unlike in English, French nouns are grammatically feminine or masculine, regardless of their actual gender.

When referring to a daughter-in-law, the French word is «belle-fille.» This word is also used for a stepdaughter. For a stepson, the word is «beau-fils.»

The French word for «granddaughter» is «petite-fille.» The diminutive form «petite» is used here to signify that the child is younger than the speaker. The word «petit» can be used for both boys and girls, but «petite» is only used for girls. For a grandson, the word is «petit-fils.»

So, to recap, the word for «daughter» in French is «fille.» To say «my daughter,» you would say «ma fille.» The plural form is «filles et fils,» and the word for «granddaughter» is «petite-fille.»

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How do you say «uncle» in French?

In French, there are a few different ways to say “uncle.” The most common way is to say “mon oncle,” which means “my uncle.” You can also say “l’oncle de mon père,” which means “my father’s brother,” or “l’oncle de ma mère,” which means “my mother’s brother.” If you’re not sure which uncle you’re talking about, you can say “le frère de mon père” or “le frère de ma mère,” which both mean “my uncle.”

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How do you say «aunt» in French?

When referring to one’s aunt in French, the word used is “tante”. Unlike English, there is no distinction between an aunt by blood and an aunt by marriage. “Tante” can be used to refer to either one’s mother’s sister or one’s father’s sister. If there is a need to specify which aunt is being referred to, the appropriate titles can be used before “tante”. For example, if one were referring to their mother’s sister, they would say “ma tante maternelle”, and if one were referring to their father’s sister, they would say “ma tante paternelle”.

When referring to more than one aunt, the plural form of “tante”, “tantes”, is used. As with the singular form, there is no distinction made between blood relations and relations by marriage. For example, if one were referring to their two aunts, they would say “mes deux tantes”.

The word “tante” can also be used as a form of address for an older woman, even if she is not related to the speaker. In this case, the word takes on a more affectionate tone and is often used along with the woman’s first name. For example, a woman might be addressed as “Tante Suzanne”.

In general, the word “tante” is not used to refer to a man’s aunt. The word “oncle” (uncle) is used instead. However, there are some regions in France where “tante” is used to refer to a man’s aunt. In these cases, the word takes on a different meaning and is closer to the English word “auntie”.

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How do you say «nephew» in French?

How do you say «nephew» in French?

The word «nephew» in French is «neveu». It is a masculine word, so the masculine articles and pronouns must be used with it. For example, «mon neveu» (my nephew), «son neveu» (his nephew), or «leur neveu» (their nephew).

When referring to a nephew, the feminine form «nièce» is used. So, if you were asking how to say «niece» in French, the word would be «nièce». As with «nephew», the feminine articles and pronouns must be used with «nièce». For example, «ma nièce» (my niece), «sa nièce» (his niece), «nos nièces» (our nieces), or «leurs nièces» (their nieces).

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How do you say «niece» in French?

If you want to say «niece» in French, you have a few different options. You could say «ma nièce,» which would be «my niece.» Another option would be «la nièce de ma sœur,» which would mean «my sister’s daughter.» And finally, you could say «la petite fille de ma sœur,» which would mean «my sister’s little girl.»

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How do you say «cousin» in French?

In French, the word for cousin is cousin. The word cousin is derived from the Latin word for family, and it is related to the word for tribe. The word cousin is used in many Romance languages, including French, Italian, and Spanish. In French, the word cousin is used to refer to a person who is related to you by blood or marriage. The word can also be used to refer to a close friend or relative.

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What is another word for brother in French?

Le frère noun.

How do you Say’Brother’in French?

In French, the word for «brother» is «frère.» Brother in French is “frère.”

What does mon frère mean in French?

The word «mon» is used before any noun to indicate that it is the subject of the sentence. In this case, «mon frère» means «my brother.»

Is there a word for siblings in French?

There is not a single word for siblings in French. Instead, the usual word construction for referencing relatives is les frères et sœurs.

What is a synonym for brother?

colleague, friend, comrade, partner, companion, pal, chum, mate, compeer and comrade-in-arms are all synonyms for brother.

What is the difference between a brother and a sister?

The word “sister” is used to describe a woman or child with one or more kin. A brother is a male counterpart. While the word applies generally to a friendship between a family, it is sometimes used to apply closely to non- family relations. For example, two sisters may be very close friends and consider each other siblings. However, two brothers may not share the same level of relationship due to the fact that they are not related by blood.

How many languages has the word sister been translated into?

Almost 36 Asian languages, 4 middle eastern languages, 13 African languages, 10 Austronesian languages have the word sister been translated into.

What does Vous avez des frères et des Sœurs?

This means «Do you have brothers and sisters?»

How to use toujours mon frère in French?

Toujours est toujours (always is always).

How do you use the word frère in a sentence?

Je le considère comme mon frère.

What is my brother’s called in French?

mon frère

What grade is mon frère in?

My brother is in the fifth grade.

What is the French word for sister?

The French word for sister is sœur.

How do you say sister in other languages?

In British English, sister is pronounced /ˈsɪstə/. In American English, sister is pronounced /ˈsiːstə/. In Arabic, sister is pronounced أُخْت. Brazilian Portuguese uses the word irmã. Chinese uses the word 姐妹.

What are the different words for family in French?

Oncle = uncle. Tante = aunt. Cousin = relative in the first degree, i.e., someone one’s grandparents are blood relatives of. Petit-cousin = relative in the second degree, i.e., someone one’s great-grandparents are blood relatives of.

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The French word for brother is



The gender of frère is masculine. E.g. le frère.


The plural of frère is frères.

French Definition

     1. n. Frère.
     2. n. (Familier) Collègue, compère.

Translations for brother and their definitions

frère pronunciation
     1. n. brother (relation)
           Mon frère n’a rien fait. — My brother didn’t do anything.
     2. n. brother (monk)
           Frère Martin, qu’est-ce que vous cherchez ? — Brother Martin, what is it you seek?
     1. adj. (of a number) even
     2. n. A peer, high nobleman/vassal (as in peer of the realm)
     1. adj. similar
     2. n. (usually in the plural) something or someone that belongs to the same kind or species




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How do you say family in French and what are some vocabulary words for French family members?

The French word for family is “la famille” (pronounced “la famij” or “la fam-ee”). Vocabulary words for family members are: la mère (mother), le père (father), la soeur (sister), le frère (brother), la fille (daugher), le garçon (son), la tante (aunt), l’oncle (uncle), la grand-mère (grandmother) and le grand-père (grandfather).

This page will explain how to say the French family members (les membres de la famille) in detail. If you ever travel to France you will quickly discover that family values are very important to the French people.

These vocabulary lists cover the immediate family, extended family, specific words for steps and in-laws as well as words concerning adoption, family trees and genealogy.

In French, “les parents” means both parents and relatives. Hence, “J’ai des parents à Marseille” translates to “I have relatives in Marseille.

In addition to this list, you may also find the list at to be very helpful!

French family vocabulary

How to pronounce famille in French

The French word for family is “la famille”. A very common mistake is for people to pronounce the LL’s. Do not pronounce the LL’s.

The LL’s sound like “ee” as in feet. Hence the pronunciation sounds like “fa-mee”. Here are some samples of how to pronounce famille correctly on Forvo.

This quick video also does a great job teaching the proper pronunciation.

French vocabulary for the immediate family

The following list is for the members of the immediate family. The “è” on the words père (father), mère (mother) and frère (brother) has an “eh” sound.

The pronunciation of soeur is quite tricky. Here are some samples of how to pronounce seour on Forvo.

For the word fille (daughter), don’t pronounce the LL’s. The pronunciation of fille is “fee”, with a slight y sound at the end. Here are some samples of how to pronounce fille on Forvo.

  • father le père
  • mother la mère
  • son le fils
  • daughter la fille
  • brother le frère
  • sister la soeur
  • husband le mari
  • wife la femme, l’épouse
  • husband l’époux, le mari

French extended family members

The following is a list of extended family members. Notice that the word for grandmother is “la grand-mère”. Be sure not to add an -e to “grand” to make it feminine. This would be a mistake.

For the great grandparents, attached the word “arrière”. Hence, “arrière-grand-père” is great grandfather and “arrière-grand-mère” is great grandmother.

  • grandparents les grand-parents
  • grandfather le grand-père
  • grandmother la grand-mère
  • great-grandfather l’arrière-grand-père
  • great-grandmother l’arrière-grand-mère
  • grandchildren les petits-enfants
  • grandson le petit-fils
  • granddaughter la petite-fille
  • uncle l’oncle
  • aunt la tante
  • great-uncle le grand-oncle
  • great-aunt la grand-tante
  • nephew le neveu
  • niece la nièce
  • male cousin le cousin
  • female cousin la cousine

French vocabulary for the in-laws and step family

French vocabulary for the in-laws and step family can become quite confusing. La belle-famille refers to the in-laws.

When describing family members by marriage, the French do not distinguish between in-laws and step.

For example, “le beau-père” means both father-in-law and step-father.

Interestingly, “le demi-frère” translates to both half brother and step brother. Logically, “la demi-soeur” translates to half sister and step sister.

  • parents-in-law les beaux-parents
  • father-in-law, step-father le beau-père
  • mother-in-law, step-mother la belle-mère
  • son-in-law, step-son le beau-fils
  • daughter-in-law, step-daughter la belle-fille
  • half-brother, step brother le demi-frère
  • half-sister, step sister la demi-soeur

Special words for the family

French has some special family terms which are necessary to learn.

l’aîné – As a noun, l’ainé(e) means eldest child. As an adjective it means ‘older than’ or ‘your senior’.

  • Marie est l’ainee de la famille. Elle a 35 ans. Marie is the eldest child in the family. She’s 35 years-old.
  • Joseph est mon aîné de cinq ans. Joseph is five years older than me.

Le cadet – As a noun, le cadet/la cadette means the youngest child. As an adjective, it means younger. Le cadet can also refer to the second-born child.

  • Notre cadet habite encore à la maison. Our youngest child still lives at home.
  • Ma soeur cadette s’appelle Julie. My younger sister’s name is Julie.

Le benjamin – Le benjamin/la benjamine also refers to the youngest child in the family.

  • Sophie est la benjamine de la famille : elle n’a que trois ans. Sophie is the youngest in the family. She’s only three years-old.

Adoption and fostering

The following list covers adoption and fostering. French culture places a heavy emphasis on the parents.

Hence, you’ll often hear French people referring to “mon parrain” (my godfather) and “ma marraine” (my godmother.

  • adoptive fatherpère adoptif
  • adoptive mothermère adoptive
  • biological parents – les parents biologiques
  • biological father le père biologique
  • biological motherla mère biologique
  • foster familyla famille d’accueil 
  • foster motherla mère de la famille d’accueil
  • foster fatherle père de la famille d’accueil
  • godfather le parrain
  • godmother la marraine 
  • godson le filleul
  • goddaughter la filleule 

How to introduce family members

The following list of short phrases can come in handy for introducing family members in social situations.

“Je vous présente” is formal and translates to “I introduce you to”. The informal version for people you know better is “Je te présent”.

  • This my wife. Je vous présente ma femme.
  • This is my husband. Je vous présente mon mari.
  • These are my kids. Je vous présente mes enfants.
  • This is my daugher/son. Je vous présente ma fille/mon fils.
  • This is my sister/brother. Je vous présente ma soeur/mon frère.
  • This is my mother/father. Je vous présente mon père/ma mère.

Genealogy and distant relatives

If you are traveling to France with the intention of looking for distant relatives the following list covering genealogy and family trees will come in handy.

  • genealogy la généalogie
  • direct line of descent la filiation
  • family tree un arbre généalogique
  • ancestry, bloodline, lineage l’ascendance (f)
  • generation une génération
  • ancestors les ancêtres, les aïeux
  • distant relative un(e) parent(e) éloigné(e)
  • relationship, kinship la parenté
  • first cousin un(e) cousin(e) germain
  • second cousin un(e) cousin(e) issu de germain
  • once removed au deuxième degré
  • paternal (adj) paternel(le)
  • maternal (adj) maternel(le)
  • DNA le AND

Family in French – Summary Table

Here are ways of saying family members in French organized by each person with comments and pronunciation tips.

French English Comments
la famille family Pronounced «la fam-ee». Don’t pronounce the LL’s.
la mère mother è is pronounced «eh». This is the accent grave.
le père father è is pronounced «eh». This is the accent grave. Pronunciation clip here.
le frère brother è is pronounced «eh». This is the accent grave.
la soeur sister Pronunciation clip here.
le fils son Pronounced «le fees». Don’t say the -L.
la fille daughter Pronounced «la fee-ya» with a slight ya. Pronunciation clip here.
la grand-mère grandmother Do not add an -e to grand.
le grand-père grandfather Pronunciation clip here.
l’oncle uncle Pronunciation clip here.
la tante aunt Pronunciation clip here.
le cousin, la cousine cousin Presented both masculine and feminine forms. Cousin: nasal «in»; Cousine: pronounce the -n.
Related lessons:
  • conversation lesson covering the family
  • French baby vocabulary
  • marriage vocabulary
  • songs for learning French
More resources:
  • La famille flashcards (Quizlet)
  • French family vocabulary (Frenchcrazy)
  • How to talk about your family (FluentU)
  • La Famille –
  • Family Vocabulary – TV5Monde

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David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he’s the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.




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Family and Relationships

If you want to know how to say brother in French, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand French better.

Here is the translation and the French word for brother:


Brother in all languages

Dictionary Entries near brother

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  • brother
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  • brotherhood
  • brotherly

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«Brother in French.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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  • big sister
  • celibate
  • fatherless
  • interrelationship
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  • my friend
  • rendezvous
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  • sister
  • unrequited love

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