a little
a little bird told me that,
I heard from a little bird that expr
I heard it from a little bird expr
a little while adv
(=small) petit (e)
→ a little house
→ the little group of art students
(=young) petit (e)
When I was little I was hyper-active. Quand j’étais petit, j’étais hyperactif.
her little brother Kevin son petit frère Kevin
a little girl une petite fille
→ a little boy of 8
for a little while pendant un petit moment
a little while longer un petit peu plus longtemps
a little way une petite distance
Just go down the road a little way. Descendez la rue sur une petite distance.
(=unimportant) petit (e)
a few little details quelques petits détails
→ Harry would often get angry over little things.
(=not much)
[time, money, hope] peu de
We’ve little money. Nous avons peu d’argent.
with little difficulty sans trop de difficulté
very little
[time, money, hope] très peu de
We’ve got very little time. Nous avons très peu de temps.
→ I need very little sleep these days.
a little (+ noun)
un peu de
a little milk un peu de lait
→ A little food would do us all some good.
a little bit (+ adj, adv)
un petit peu
a little bit further un petit peu plus loin
He was a little bit afraid of his father’s reaction. Il avait un petit peu peur de la réaction de son père.
→ Let’s continue for a little bit longer.
adv peu
→ On their way back to Marseille they spoke very little.
as little as possible le moins possible
→ We tried to interfere as little as possible.
little by little petit à petit, peu à peu
→ Little by little he was becoming weaker.
(=not much) peu de choses
Little is known about his childhood. On sait peu de choses sur son enfance.
very little très peu de choses
→ I know very little about personal finance.
to make little of faire peu de cas de
(=a bit)
a little un peu
How much would you like? — Just a little. Combien en voulez-vous? — Juste un peu.
Try to persuade her to eat a little. Essayez de la persuader de manger un peu.
→ You must try to sleep a little.
→ «Would you like some soup?» — «I’d love a little.»
a little of un peu de
Pour a little of the sauce over the chicken. Verser un peu de la sauce sur le poulet.
little finger
n petit doigt m
adj peu connu (e)
Little League
n (US) championnat de baseball pour les moins de 12 ans championnat de baseball pour les moins de 12 ans
little toe
n petit orteil m
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Translation for «little» to french
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sans importance
As we began to build, the movement grew little by little.
À mesure que nous avons commencé à construire, le mouvement a peu à peu grandi.
Problem no. 1: Very little activity; limited contents; little use.
Problème no 1: très peu d’activité; contenu restreint; peu d’utilisateurs.
(little traffic)
(peu de circulation)
The Talmud determined that he should get rid of it, but little by little, so as not to sustain a great loss”.
Il est dit dans le Talmud qu’il devait s’en débarrasser mais peu à peu, pour ne pas trop y perdre».
Little by little, it encloses the person in a world of silence and suffering.
Elle enferme peu à peu dans un monde de silence et de souffrance.
However, environmental and health studies have little by little made their way into the schools.
Toutefois, l’environnement et la santé entrent peu à peu dans les programmes scolaires.
The legal framework for applying those principles was developing little by little.
Le cadre légal de mise en oeuvre de ces principes se constitue peu à peu.
Or do we want a little bit of disarmament and a little bit of consensus?
Ou bien voulons-nous un petit peu de désarmement et un petit peu de consensus?
Little by little, the trades unions belonging to the Union are following suit.
Peu à peu, les syndicats appartenant à l’Union syndicale lui emboîtent le pas.
Know a little
Connaît un peu
Yeah, we read a little, dig a little, read a little, dig a little, kiss a little, dig a little.
Ouais, on lit un peu, creuse un peu, lit un peu, creuse un peu, s’embrasse un peu, creuse un peu.
A little wider, little wide…
Un peu plus, un peu plus
A little E, a little speed, a little DXM.
Un peu d’ecstasy, un peu d’amphés, un peu de DXM.
Little bit. A little bit.
Un petit peu. un petit peu.
Little cute, little weird.
Un peu marrant, un peu bizarre.
Little lemon, little garlic…
Un peu de citron, un peu d’ail…
A little, a very little.
— un peu, un tout petit peu.
No, little, little, everyone little.
Non, peu, peu. Tous peu.
Little more than a little.
Un peu plus qu’un peu.
Just a little, little bit?
Juste un peu, un petit peu ?
Little by little, we worked out pragmatic solutions to our problems.
Petit à petit, nous avons trouvé des solutions pragmatiques à nos problèmes.
«Little family» programme
<<Petits foyers>>
Little school of painting
Petite école de peinture
«Little sunshine»
«Petit rayon de soleil»
Chase away this little Moor.
Chassez ce petit maure.
«Bedtime for little ones»
«L’heure du coucher pour les petits«
Little by little, tyrants are beginning to fear that they could one day be held accountable for their crimes.
Petit à petit, les tyrans commencent à craindre qu’on leur demande un jour de répondre de leurs crimes.
I have a little shop.
J’ai un petit magasin.
Seven little. Six little. Five little Indians
Sept petits, six petits, cinq petits Indiens
Little fingers,little toes.
Petits doigts, petits orteils.
But, little by little…
Mais, petit à petit…
One little, two little three little leprechauns Four little, five little, six little leprechauns
Un petit, deux petits, trois petits farfadets… quatre petits, cinq… petits, six… petits farfadets.
Ten little. Nine little. Eight little Indians
Dix petits, neuf petits, huit petits Indiens
«Little by little, legally… «
«Petit à petit, légalement…»
(b) requires little space; and
b) Qui ne nécessite qu’un faible encombrement; et
There was little political support for it.
Il n’a recueilli qu’un faible soutien politique.
little or none
Faibles ou nulles
Little or no change
Évolution faible ou nulle
Too little light.
Une lumière trop faible.
The little guy.
Le plus faible.
There is little public condemnation of those crimes.
Ces crimes sont rarement condamnés publiquement.
Those regions lacked infrastructure and had little water.
Ces régions manquent d’infrastructures et l’eau y est rare.
And little has been done to publicize it.
Les mesures prises pour la faire connaître du public ont été rares.
Regrettably, there has been little progress towards this objective.
Hélas, rares sont les progrès accomplis en ce sens.
Little mention of bilateral cooperation with a developed country
Rares mentions d’une coopération bilatérale avec un pays développé
In the cities, there is little or no employment.
Le travail est rare dans les villes.
Women have little to no access to land or property.
Les femmes ont rarement, voire jamais, accès à la terre ou à la propriété.
There has been little attempt to publicize its contents.
Rares sont les mesures qui ont été prises pour en diffuser le contenu.
There is little oxygen.
L’oxygène se fait rare.
Friendship is so little.
L’amitié est si rare.
Booking’s got a little thin.
Les engagements se faisaient rares.
Business is a little slow at the moment.
Les clients sont rares.
Very little ever is.
Mais c’est rare.
We had very little to go on.
Les indices étaient rares.
There’s very little oxygen.
L’oxygène est rare.
There’s so little of it around.
C’est tellement rare.
For some IDCs, therefore, little or no benefit is likely to be gained in the short run.
Pour quelques pays en développement insulaires, par conséquent, il est probable que le profit à en tirer sera mince ou nul à court terme.
In a few countries, executions are carried out secretly, or with little prior warning.
Dans quelques pays, les exécutions ont lieu en secret, ou avec un court préavis.
Yeah, a little.
oui, mais courte.
— No, too little.
— Non, trop court .
A little short one.
Un court-métrage.
That’s a little wordy.
C’est plus court.
I never saw that little…
Je n’ai jamais…
Never a little kid.
Jamais un enfant.
How about a little light?
Jamais, tu éclaires ?
No, a little tipsy, maybe.
On n’est jamais bourrés.
Lying little fuck.
Oh, que non, ça, jamais !
Yet this consensus means little unless it is translated into action.
Toutefois, ce consensus n’a guère d’importance s’il ne débouche pas sur un passage à l’action.
In practice, the classification is of little importance.
Concrètement, la classification n’a guère d’importance.
They had little access to justice and their traditional systems of justice were not recognized.
Selon certaines informations, les Pygmées n’auraient qu’un accès limité à la justice et leur système judiciaire traditionnel ne serait pas reconnu.
Don’t think about the little pygmy.
Ne pensez pas à ce pygmée.
Sure, let the little pipsqueaks knock themselves out.
Laissons ces pygmées… se ramasser.
Little Amazonian Pygmy teenagers have floppy hair, darling.
Même les ados pygmées d’Amazonie lâchent leurs cheveux!
They think the little men are the Devil’s goblins.
Ils pensent que les pygmées sont les lutins du diable.
That’s the little— footed gull.
La mouette pygmée.
Building the model calls for little in the way of modelling knowledge.
Le montage exige peu de connaissances spéciales en modélisme.
Markbass Amp Bag Small For Little Mark Series- B-Stock.
Markbass petit sac Ampli pour Little Mark Series- B-Stock.
begin preparing our presentation for Little Brown.
Nous devons également préparer notre présentation pour Little Brown.
la fraternité l’emporte sur le mec idéal pour little J.
Life on board was one big adventure for little Irène.
Tell me, Winnie, how goes the search for little Annie?
Hector’s out there with a Christmas tree for little Willie.
They are perfect for little hands and encourage self-feeding.
Elles conviennent parfaitement aux petites mains et favorisent l’autonomie de votre tout-petit.
Bathing suit for little girl from 5 to 7 years old.
Costume-Mujik for Little boy from 2 to 4 years old.
Results: 445,
Time: 0.1024
Meet-up: Jean Marc will be in LA soon… & elsewhere in the States…une petiote (peh tee oht) : little girl, lass
un petiot (peh tee oh)
: little boy, lad
A Day in a French Life… by Kristin Espinasse
Don’t you just wonder who lives behind these fascinating French façades? The characters that cohabit, the personnages who putter derrière la porte? I want to know each and every one, and yet….
Ever since I was a child I have asked «qui habite là?» And so I spent a lot of time knocking on doors. If someone was out in their yard, I’d wander up and wait with hopeful eyes until I got invited over to the other side of the property line. If I didn’t get invited in, then I might return minutes later with a handful of just-picked desert flowers. How could the neighbors refuse?
I wish this favorite passe-temps had never left me; regrettably—as a social conscious scaredy-cat—I’ve lost that free spirit, the one that used to drift, dreamy-eyed, from one door to the next. Toc, toc! Anybody home?! Oh, the people I would meet!
As a child I was outside and discovering just soon as I rose from my bed. I could not wait to tie on my roller skates and glide around the neighborhood looking for a new friend. Our trailer park was populated with characters of all ages. And where there’s character, there’s atmosphere! I was curious to know what everyone else’s insides looked like—the inside of their trailer, even the inside of their refrigerator…. I knocked on a lot of aluminum-sided front doors and eventually got invited in for cookies, ice cream, and a chat. I’m not sure what I had to offer in the way of conversation, but the neighbors didn’t seem to mind my company.
I loved listening to the exotic foreigner who ended her sentences with «eh?» I was told she came from a country way up north… and I wondered whether she’d ever crossed paths with Santa Claus, eh? I picked desert wildflowers for her and hooked her up with my mom. The two became fast friends.
Three doors down from mine, a man wore a jupe and played funny pipes. I’d never seen him wear a skirt but my friend Donna said that people like that did. I was fascinated. I played the clarinet and wore bell-bottoms which were boring in comparison.
Over in the cul-de-sac, a man, whom everyone called «Father,» and his wafer-thin daughter, took me to church. She was so skinny, which was odd given the kind of service they took me to. (I had never before seen people snack at church and I couldn’t wait for my turn for «crackers» and «juice» from a fancy goblet. Turns out you only got one of those crackers (and only one sip of the «juice») but the fact was, we were eating and drinking in church!)
The characters whom I encountered in my childhood… from the Canadian to the kilt-wearing bagpipe player to the Catholic priest… continue to impress me and I know that those magical times can be relived. Such experiences are no farther than the next French door. All I have to do is summon that fearless fille inside of me, and head out to the village, with its characters and their mysteries.
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la façade = front wall of building, home
le personnage = character
derrière la porte = behind the door
qui habite là? = who lives there?
la porte = door
le passe-temps = pastime
toc toc = knock knock
la jupe = skirt
la fille = girl
And a tug beneath her ear lets her know Smokey’s near…
Blogger Espinasse has taken a step backward in the evolution of media by converting selected contents of her Web log into a book. Beginning students of conversational French will profit from many of these brief entries, and supplemental tables of expressions go far to demystify French idioms for anyone wishing to speak and write more fluent French. —Booklist