Free word with mac

Microsoft Word has been one of the popular word processing software.   It was released in 1983 and has been one of the best since.We often use it in creating a  document, resume, report, etc. 

With the popularity and ease of use, not only Windows users but Mac users also like to use Microsoft Word. In this blog, we will discuss all the ways to get Microsoft Office paid, trial, or free version along with the general queries around it.  

Apart from this, as bonus information, we will also tell you about some alternatives which Mac users can use in place of Microsoft Word.

How To Get Microsoft Word For Free On Mac? (2023)

In Office 365 suite, Microsoft Word would cost households $6.99 a month ($9.99 for a whole family) or $12.50 a month for business users. Apart from this, a standalone version of Microsoft Word costs $139.99.

Note:- For basic functions like editing documents or using basic formatting features, you do not have to pay anything.

Some very frequent questions of Mac users are:-

  • Is there a free version of Microsoft Word for Mac?
  • Is there a free version of Office for Mac?
  • Are there any alternatives for Microsoft Word on Mac?

Is Microsoft Word Free For Mac?

Well in this blog, we will tell you whether you can use Microsoft on Mac or not, and also discuss what are the best alternatives for Microsoft Word on Mac.

Mac users open a .docx file on Mac with Preview or Quick Look, if Microsoft Word is not installed on their computer. However, if you want to edit the document, you are not allowed to do so.

Well, for that most of us end up looking for a solution on the internet like “Microsoft Word free download” or “How to open docs on Mac with Microsoft Word” and you will see dozens of video tutorials and blogs about the same. After watching the video tutorials and reading the blogs on the internet, in the pursuit of finding a way to get Microsoft Word for free, you end up clicking on various sites that offer you a free download of a trial version. In the process of getting a free Microsoft Office illegally, you might unknowingly download various malware on your Mac.

All such illegitimate steps might put your computer at high risk because there are chances of data loss and privacy breaches. 

Fortunately, if you don’t want to spend money on getting Microsoft Word for free, there are some other ways by which you can get Microsoft Word for free.

In October 2021, Office 2021 was available to users as a one-time purchase for one computer and not a subscription. That means the new one-time purchase for one computer will not cover future feature upgrades and you will have to again invest money in a new one-time purchase of Office with new features. This new one-time purchase of Office is available for both Windows and Mac but it can be installed only on one computer at a time either Windows or Mac. However, the good part about Office 2021 is you will get security updates.

Although it is available for Mac, there are a few drawbacks of this one-time purchase:

  • You will not get new features
  • Upgrade to major releases are not included
  • Extra online storage not included
  • It can not be installed on more than one computer
  • The cost is payable at a single one time cost
  • Technical support is included for installation only.

Prices of Office 2021:-

$149.99 for Office Home & Student 2021 (Windows or Mac)
$249.99 for Office Home & Business 2021 (Windows or Mac)

Is there a free version of Microsoft Word for Mac?

No, Microsoft Word for Mac is not free. However, Yes Microsoft Word Online is free. To use Microsoft Word online for free, all you need is a Microsoft account. You will not get all the features of Microsoft Word in the online version but it is good to go for basic operations.

To access free Microsoft Word online, you need to create a Microsoft account (in case you do not have one) and then log in to your Microsoft account and start using Microsoft Word.

Note:- Microsoft Word’s full version is available for free on iPad.

Microsoft word for free on mac

Image source-

How To Get A Free MS Office 365 Trial?

If you have a project that requires more features than a not-so-complex project, then you can do it by subscribing to a free Microsoft Word trial via Microsoft Office 365. You will get a one-month subscription to use all the apps in MS Office 365 including Excel, Word, Onenote, Powerpoint, Outlook, etc.

To use one monthly subscription, visit Microsoft 365 page and click on Try month free.

If this is not enough for you, and you are thinking of opting for a word processor software and didn’t want to invest as well, we have listed some of the best alternatives for MS Word. Read on to know about them. 

Microsoft word for mac

Image source-

Some Free Alternatives For Microsoft Word (2023)

Take a look at some of the best alternative solutions to MS Word that you can try on your Mac:

1. Google Docs

Get Microsoft Word For Free

Google Docs, as part of the G suite, is the best alternative available online for MS Word as it supports custom styles, in-line images, tables, etc. all the features are at par with MS Word. You will not miss using MS Word if you switch to Google Docs. You can also get the facility to edit and export .docx. if needed

Features of Google Docs:

  • Grammar check helps you avoid making mistakes
  • Voice typing is available as an option
  • Bookmarks are available for navigating documents
  • The number of pages is displayed for easy formatting
  • It allows you to write in offline mode

2. LibreOffice

Get Microsoft Word For Free

Another useful alternative is LibreOffice or OpenOffice. It is a text editing app that is free for all. It has a paid version also which has desktop publishing compatibilities. You can complete all your office tasks with it and will not miss the features of  MS Word.

Features of LibreOffice:

  • Free and open-source suite
  • Maths formula is provided for helping you in solving complex operations
  • Vector graphics and flowcharts can be drawn
  • Supports documents of all types like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc
  • Features are provided as extensions 


3. Collabio Spaces

Microsoft word for free on mac

Collabio Spaces is a text editor app that is useful for creating and formatting text. It comes with many ad-hoc collaboration features that will help you to make your work more impressive. The best feature of this app is you can co-edit the document in real-time by sharing the password without uploading the document to the cloud.

Features of Collabio Spaces:

  • Allows off-line real-time editing
  • Editing without servers, clouds, internet
  • Collaborate with Ad-Hoc
  • Scan and recognize content
  • Free trial version up to 14 days

4. Ulysses

Microsoft word for free on mac

Ulysses is the most popular app for writing small notes to manuscripts. The app is equipped with built-in support for Markdown, Style checkers, and grammar check. You can work without the tension of writing wrong grammar and can make the perfect project without any mistakes. After the job is done, you can export the PDF directly to WordPress or Medium and can also publish it directly. 

Features of Ulysses:

  • Text can be written in all sizes and ambitions
  • Built-in proofreader
  • Editing assistant
  • Available for over 20 languages
  • Built-in grammar and style check


5. Focused

Microsoft word for free on mac

Focused helps you to type a document with various themes available and beautiful typography. You can also add soundtracks to make your document full of life. These are some great features that allow you to make an impressive document. Such features are rare and are easily not available in many apps.

Features of Focused:

  • The entire suite is free for 7 days
  • Writing directly in HTML format
  • Adds songs to make the document feel like life
  • Various themes give a new look to document
  • Typography helps you in writing in many styles


6. MarsEdit

Microsoft word for mac

With help of MarsEdit, you get the facility to transport a complete blogging setup offline. Yes, that is right. You can now make your document and can edit HTML, the rich text adds images and videos without the Internet. You can upload the document online when you get internet access with all the changes you have made. This is a great feature because sometimes there is no internet connectivity and we need to do the task. In such times, this is the best alternative that can save you from trouble.

Features of MarsEdit:

  • Plain and Rich Text editing
  • Automatic preview template generation
  • Fast live previews
  • Advanced WordPress support
  • Enhanced blog archiving


7. Manuscripts

Microsoft word for mac

If you are into writing complex projects related to research papers, screenplays, novels, textbooks, etc, then Manuscripts is the best tool for you. It allows you to add multi-level outlive, templates, graphs, tables, citation editing, etc in no time and give you a great working experience.

Features of Manuscripts:

  • Makes complex projects easy
  • Templates can be added
  • Support for graph and table
  • Interactive interface
  • Fast and easy processing


8. Diary

Microsoft word for free on mac

Diary is an app that allows you to organize your notes, calendar events, and add lists in a very convenient manner that will make you fall in love with writing. This is the best app for you if you are looking for encrypted writing because from a security point of view Diary is best.

Features of Diary:

  • It is a  minimalistic application
  • Equipped with beautiful styles and unlimited entries
  • One subscription for all devices
  • 7 days free trial available to check the tool
  • Calendar, map, and timeline views make it easy to navigate

Frequently Asked Questions (2023)

Q1. Is Microsoft Word free for Mac?

Microsoft Word is not free as a tool for Mac but is free with basic features online for Mac users. Although, it is free for iPad.

Q2. How can I get Microsoft Word on my Mac?

Microsoft word is free to use online by creating a Microsoft Account. Mac users can create an account by navigating to the official Microsoft Site and using Microsoft Word on Mac

Q3. How much does Microsoft Word for Mac cost?

Microsoft Word is free to use for Mac users if they use it online. The only thing that they need to do is create a Microsoft account.

Q4. Can I purchase just Microsoft Word for Mac?

Yes, you can purchase the standalone app for Microsoft Word for Mac. However, you can also go to and sign up using a Microsoft account and use Word online for free on Mac. 


If you are looking for a free version of Microsoft Word then in this blog we have suggested ways to get it for free and also a paid version with a trial period of a month. However to suit your needs we have also told you many alternatives that are competent and are at par with Microsoft Word. With the help of these recommended tools, you can make your project work impressive.

Let us know in the comments section below about your experience of using alternative tools. If you have any doubts or queries to share, feel free to share them in the comments section below. You can also drop a line in our Facebook inbox! 


  • 6 Ways To Fix Microsoft Word Keeps Crashing on a Mac Issue
  • Best Microsoft Word Add-Ins To Take Your Productivity To The Next Level
  • Embed Fonts in a Microsoft Word Document 

Работа с текстовыми документами принуждает постоянно пользоваться удобными редакторами, среди которых первенство занимает Microsoft Word. Однако, Office является платным программным обеспечением, которое нужно приобрести целиком или оплатить подписку. Если не хочется тратить деньги, можно ли бесплатно установить Word на Mac? С технической точки зрения, да, но не без нюансов. Многим стоит предпочесть достойную альтернативу. Все доступные способы использовать текстовые редакторы бесплатно описаны ниже.


  • Может использовать видео с YouTube «Как получить Word для бесплатных видео»?
  • Может перейти к Microsoft Office Online?
  • Бесплатный месяц использования Office365
  • Бесплатные альтернативы Microsoft Word
  • Бесплатная версия Microsoft Word для iPad и iPhone

Может использовать видео с YouTube «Как получить Word для бесплатных видео»?

Если зайти в YouTube, не составит большого труда найти ролики, в которых показаны возможности бесплатно скачать, установить и запустить весь программный пакет MS Office на Mac. Предложение очень заманчивое, но как часто бывает, бесплатный сыр в мышеловке. Для использования описанных методов на исследованных видео требуется приобрести код для взлома текстового редактора. Часть пользователей думают, что это преступление без жертв, ведь у Microsoft много миллиардов доходов. На самом деле реальным пострадавшим может оказаться пользователь.

Действительно есть доброжелательные хакеры, которые делают информацию и ПО общедоступными. Не все водимы альтруистическими побуждениями. Загрузка и установка подобного ПО на Mac влечет за собой высокий риск добавления в систему вредоносного или шпионского кода. Оно часто наносит непоправимый ущерб данным. Это, не говоря о том, что пользователь нарушает авторские права.

Совет дня – лучше держаться подальше от инструментов взлома Word.

Может перейти к Microsoft Office Online?

Для людей с простыми потребностями существует бесплатная версия Microsoft Word, которая доступна в онлайн через любой браузер. Это лучшая бесплатная альтернатива настольному ПО. Для использования сервиса достаточно создать учетную запись (бесплатно). Да, онлайн-версия обладает урезанными функциями, но большая часть средств форматирования документов все же присутствует.

Одно из ключевых ограничений вытекает из названия Word Online. Доступ к приложению присутствует только через браузер при наличии подключения к интернету. Решение не является самым удачным для тяжеловесных документов. Однако, его возможностей достаточно для создания небольших текстов, документов, отчетов, проектов, резюме и прочего.

Бесплатный месяц использования Office365

Части пользователей Word нужен только для работы над одноразовым проектом, к примеру, дипломом или курсовой. Вполне официально можно загрузить и использовать весь офис от Microsoft в течение одного месяца. Пробная версия включает доступ к Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote и OneDrive.

В комплект входят все самые актуальные версии ПО. Полная их цена составляет £79,99, $99,99 или 6999 рублей за год использования. Стоимость указана за версию Home, которая позволяет подключать к приложению до 6 человек. За персональную модификацию редактора придется отдать 3499 рублей в год, но он поддерживает только 1 пользователя. Если это слишком высокая цена, можно оплачивать подписку ежемесячно по 350 рублей.

Бесплатные альтернативы Microsoft Word

Если задача получения Microsoft Word не принципиальна, можно воспользоваться множеством других редакторов. Они включают массу полезных функций и распространяются абсолютно бесплатно. К примеру, новый Mac по умолчанию поставляется с фри-версией Apple Pages. Это очень мощный инструмент по разработке документов, который хорошо интегрирован во все ОС от Apple, в том числе в мобильные.

Google Docs – неизменный фаворит. Сетевое ПО от Гугла является бесплатным аналогом Word, который легко использовать для совместной работы. Пусть в нем нет самых продвинутых функций, но большинству пользователей их предостаточно.

LibreOffice Writer – хорошее ПО с открытым исходным кодом, которое распространяется бесплатно. Оно предлагает комплексное решение, которое практически не уступает по мощности MS Word. Пусть его дизайн не самый эстетически приятный, но комфортно работать приложение позволит.

Бесплатная версия Microsoft Word для iPad и iPhone

Стоит отметить, что без какой-либо платы MS Word можно загрузить на iPad или iPhone. Работать на смартфоне не слишком удобно из-за маленького экрана, но размера дисплея iPad вполне достаточно. Особенно в сочетании с Bluetooth-клавиатурой.

Бесплатно установить можно не только Word, но и некоторые другие компоненты офиса – Excel, PowerPoint и OneNote. Все приложения доступны на App Store. Единственное ограничение заключается в том, что они ничего не стоят на устройствах с диагональю экрана до 10,1 дюйма. Таким образом самые свежие iPad Pro и iPad 10.2 не проходят в эту категорию. На меньших моделях все еще можно работать бесплатно.

Это все альтернативы и способы бесплатного использования Word. Все они связаны с определенными ограничениями. Читателю остается только выбрать наиболее подходящее решение из списка.

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  • 6 Free Word Processors for Mac to Edit Documents on Mac

By Alisa | Follow |
Last Updated July 19, 2022

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To create and edit documents on Mac, you need to use a professional Mac word processor. This post introduces some popular free word processors for Mac for your reference. To recover deleted or lost Word files or other data on your Mac computer, you can try Stellar Data Recovery for Mac.


On a Mac, you can use the free word processor program for Mac – Pages – to create and edit documents. Pages comes with most Apple devices like Mac computers, iPhone, and iPad.

Pages lets you easily create stunning documents, collaborate in real-time from anywhere, and offers all professional word editing tools. It also offers over 90 beautiful App-designed templates to let you easily make a beautiful report, resume, etc.

This free Mac word processor works well with Microsoft Office documents. You can save Pages documents as Word files or import and edit Microsoft Word documents in Pages.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a very popular free online word processor that is good for online document editing and collaborative working. You can use this web-based tool on Mac via any browser.

You can type in the browser and click Go to Docs to open Google Docs. Then you can click Blank to start a new blank document or choose a template to start editing a document. Multiple people can collaborate on the document together and from any device, be it a Mac, iPhone, iPad, etc. If you log in to your Google account, you can access and edit the document anywhere you want.

You can also import Microsoft Office files to work on them and export them in Microsoft Office formats again.

WPS Office for Mac

WPS Office is also a free word processor for Mac that is compatible with all macOS versions. It is a free office suite that is fully compatible with Microsoft Office, Google Docs, and LibreOffice.

This file management application offers a set of free office tools like Writer, Spreadsheet, Presentation, and PDF toolkit. You can easily create, edit and save documents with this word processing program.

You can sign in with the same account on your macOS device and continue to check and edit the cloud documents synced from your iPhone or iPad.

You can go to the official website of WPS Office for Mac and click Free Download to download and install this free Mac word processing app on your Mac computer.

WPS Office is also available for Windows, Android, iOS, Linux, etc. It is also one of the best free word processors for Windows.

OpenOffice Writer

OpenOffice Writer is also a free and open-source word processor for Mac. It contains many useful office applications such as a word processor, spreadsheet tool, presentation maker, drawing program, etc. It offers similar features to other office suites. You can use it to create and edit documents on your Mac computer with ease.


This free and open-source word processor is also available for Mac. It has good file format compatibility and lets you edit all kinds of documents on Mac. It is similar to Microsoft Word and has similar features. You can go to its official download website and choose your operating system like macOS and click the Download button to download this tool to your Mac computer.

Microsoft Office Online

If you don’t want to buy Microsoft Office, you can use the free version of Office for Mac. The web version of Microsoft Office is free and offers basic Microsoft Office services and tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. You can use it to easily do document editing, spreadsheet formulas, presentations, etc. on your Mac computer. You can go to in your browser to access the Microsoft Office Online tool.

In conclusion, this post introduces the 6 best free word processors for Mac and you can choose a preferred tool to create and edit documents on your Mac computer with ease.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Alisa is a professional English editor with 4-year experience. She loves writing and focuses on sharing detailed solutions and thoughts for computer problems, data recovery & backup, digital gadgets, tech news, etc. Through her articles, users can always easily get related problems solved and find what they want. In spare time, she likes basketball, badminton, tennis, cycling, running, and singing. She is very funny and energetic in life, and always brings friends lots of laughs.

Прикоснувшись однажды к корпусу Macbook и поработав с ним некоторое время переходить обратно на Windows машину совсем не хочется. Каждый пользователь компьютеров Mac после покупки задается вопросом о любимом офисном приложении от компании Microsoft. В сети существует огромное количество слухов о том, что Mac OS очень дорогая система и найти подходящий софт представляется крайне сложной задачей. В статье мы развеяли некоторые мифы по поводу компьютеров Mac и подобрали для вас лучшие аналоги всемирно известного офисного пакета.

Mac OS радует пользователя с самой первой секунды использования. Каждая покупка воспринимается словно праздник. Начинается все с момента распаковки устройства — металлический корпус, великолепная матрица и огромное внимание к мелочам просто завораживает. Первая настройка, интуитивно понятный интерфейс системы — кажется, ты больше никогда не вернешься на Windows. Но спустя пару часов, понимаешь — компьютер это не только красота, но и техническая составляющая. Несмотря на то, что программное обеспечение максимально адаптировано под операционную систему Mac, с ним всегда вознмкают трудности. И первой трудностью, с которой сталкивается новый пользователь — пакет офисных приложений.

Читайте также: Вызов такси, отправка денег, звонки через приложения: Как Apple ограничит Siri в iOS 15.


  • 1 Почему пакет офисных приложений Apple не подходит для постоянного использования?
  • 2 С Google suite совместная работа станет еще проще
  • 3 LibreOffice — лучший аналог офисного пакета от Microsoft
  • 4 OnlyOffice — работа с документами и отличная кроссплатформенность

Почему пакет офисных приложений Apple не подходит для постоянного использования?

В отличие от пользователей компьютеров на базе Windows, которые часто продаются даже без предустановленной операционной системы, c покупкой Mac все гораздо проще. Стандартный пакет приложений имеют пожизненную гарантию. И даже когда ваш компьютер не будет обновлен до следующей версии операционки, эти приложения будут работать, как часы. В Mac OS существуют собственные аналоги офисного пакета Microsoft. Pages отлично подойдет как замена Word, в Keynote можно сделать отличную презентацию, а Numbers полностью заменит вам Exel. С самого момента покупки своего устройства, я использовал их и горя не знал. Ведь во всех приложениях от Apple есть возможность экспортировать вс файлы в формате документов от Microsoft. Но в какой-то момент, преподаватель в университете попросил скинуть ему готовые работы. Я смело отправил работу старосте и тут началась моя история. Дальше, как бы сказал наш Главный редактор — «верстка поплыла». Шрифт, которым я пользовался, не имел аналогов в Word, оглавление и многие страницы документа сместились в хаотичном порядке. «И почему все в мире не могут купить компьютер, как у меня?» — думалось тогда. Что ж, не повторяйте моих ошибок. А почему бы не скачать Micrsoft Office, как я это делал на Windows? Все дело в том, что покупка офисного пакета от Гейтса обойдется вам в круглую сумму, поэтому предлагаем вам некоторые бесплатные аналоги.

Почему пакет офисных приложений Apple не подходит для постоянного использования? Pages, Numers и Keynote — очень хороши, если не одно НО. Фото.

Pages, Numers и Keynote — очень хороши, если не одно НО

С Google suite совместная работа станет еще проще

Если нет возможности работать в Microsoft Word, что нужно сделать? Правильно, обратиться к самому ближайшему конкуренту — Google. В отличие от стандартного пакета Mac OS, в Google документах экспорт не будет проблемой. Google. Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides — это три отличных варианта замены Microsoft Word, Excel и PowerPoint. В Pages мне очень понравились инструменты для работы и великолепно исполненные шаблоны для работ. Google представляется мне промежуточным значением между Apple и Microsoft. Здесь тоже большое количество шаблонов, гораздо лучших чем я видел это в Microsoft, однако сложно представить дизайнерские решения лучше чем Apple. С чем не сравнится больше ни один сервис — совместная работа. В своей статье на я уже писал о опыте использования этого сервиса вместе к коллегами. Факт того, что в реальном времени можно вместе работать над одним документом уже серьезная заявка.

С Google suite совместная работа станет еще проще. Apple не может, значит Google поможет. Фото.

Apple не может, значит Google поможет.

Коллеги пишут: У Apple серьёзные проблемы с переходом на Apple Silicon.

LibreOffice — лучший аналог офисного пакета от Microsoft

За последние годы Libre показывает себя лучшим аналогом Microsoft Office. Он также, как и Google отлично справляется с экспортированием файлов, но главное его преимущество состоит в том, что переход из привычного пакета приложений будет абсолютно безболезненным. Приложение имеет максимально схожую конструкцию и все функции пакета от Била Гейтса будут вам доступны в максимально схожем варианте. Хорошо видно, что разработчики работают над своим проектом и постоянно вводят новые дополнения в свой пакет.

LibreOffice — лучший аналог офисного пакета от Microsoft. Перейдя на LibreOffice вы не почувствуете разницы. Фото.

Перейдя на LibreOffice вы не почувствуете разницы.

Подписывайтесь на нас в Яндекс.Дзен, там вы найдете много полезной и интересной информации, которой нет на сайте.

OnlyOffice — работа с документами и отличная кроссплатформенность

OnlyOffice — бесплатный пакет офисных приложений, который содержит текстовый и табличный редактор, а также программу для создания презентаций. В приложении отлично реализована кроссплатформенность. Программа имеет приложения для iPhone и iPad. Также доступен крайне удобный облачный сервис с интеграцией Google Диск, Яндекс.Диск, iCloud и Dropbox. Приложение полностью бесплатно, однако пользователи отмечают в комментариях отсутствие некоторого набора функций.

OnlyOffice — работа с документами и отличная кроссплатформенность. OnlyOffice — серьезная заявка на кроссплатформенность. Фото.

OnlyOffice — серьезная заявка на кроссплатформенность.

Конечно, на Mac существуют способы поставить привычный всем пакет от Microsoft абсолютно бесплатно, однако с каждым обновлением операционной системы Mac OS, Apple все больше работает над безопасностью, а значит, велика вероятность того, что придется загружать все заново. С предложенными выше программами трудностей точно не возникнет.

А какими приложениями пользуетесь вы? Обязательно напишите об этом в нашем чате.

Компьютеры AppleОбзоры приложений для iOS и MacОперационные системы AppleПроблемы AppleСоветы по работе с Apple

Microsoft Word is a word processing application that first came onto the productivity markets in 1983. Its design was ambitious and feature-rich to provide a superior alternative to existing word processors like WordPerfect and MultiMate. Microsoft Word is still very popular among Windows users.

However, there are several alternatives to Microsoft Word on the market today. Pages, ClickUp Docs, Google Docs can all be used in place of Word.

Though the best Microsoft Word alternative for Mac is LibreOffice. You get complete office suite for free. The best part of LibreOffice is that it’s open-source, meaning users have more freedom to use documents the way they want.

  • More about Microsoft Word

  • The Switch to Mac

  • Best Microsoft Word Alternatives for Mac

    • 1. LibreOffice

    • 2. Pages

    • 3. ClickUp Docs

    • 4. Google Docs

    • 5. Calligra

    • 6. Polaris Office

    • 7. Mellel

    • 8. Nisus Writer

    • 9. Growly Write

    • 10. Office Online

    • 11. Apache OpenOffice

    • 12. NeoOffice

    • 13. Dropbox

    • 14. Markdown

    • 15. Bean

  • Wrapping It Up: What Is The Best Microsoft Word Alternative for Mac?

More about Microsoft Word

As Microsoft competed with Apple to gain market share in the late 1980s, they released a series of new applications, bundling them within their operating systems. MS Word was one of these applications, and it quickly became the dominant word processor on the market.

However, its hegemony declines as the computer hardware and software industries innovate under increasingly diverse brands. The monopolistic tendencies of product bundling by Microsoft continue unraveling. Consequently, alternatives to MS Word are increasingly becoming popular.

Users have more options as platforms like macOS become more user-friendly and compatible with office productivity applications. Hence, other word processors on MacOS like Pages and Keynote are slowly eating into MS Word’s market dominance.

As the industry leader, MS Word still has the most features and is compatible with the greatest number of hardware platforms and software programs.

It’s still the best option for users who need a feature-rich word processor, but it’s expensive. Thus, its market dominance is waning, and it may not be the best option for users in the future.

Also Read: Is Microsoft Word An Example Of System Software?

The Switch to Mac

Most folks use Windows for years before switching to Mac. They’re either unaware of the benefits of using a Mac or have used Windows for so long that they’re comfortable with it and don’t want to change.


Still, you’ve got many reasons to switch from Windows to Mac. The following are some of the most compelling:

  • Macs are much less likely to get viruses and malware than Windows computers.
  • Macs are easier to use and have a more intuitive interface than Windows computers.
  • Macs are more reliable and durable than Windows computers.
  • Macs retain their value better than Windows computers.

When you finally make the switch, you’ll need to know the various alternatives for Microsoft Word.

Though Microsoft is a classic for Windows, it doesn’t have the same ubiquity on Mac. Here are some of the best options for MS Word for Mac:

1. LibreOffice

LibreOffice is a free and open-source office suite that includes a word processor, spreadsheet application, presentation program, and more. LibreOffice is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

LibreOffice is an empowering alternative to Microsoft Office because of its cost-benefit implications. It has as many features as Microsoft Word, but it’s free and open source.

The open-source nature of LibreOffice allows talented and diverse developers globally to contribute innovations and debug code.

Thus, users can customize LibreOffice and share their innovations for free or through sales.

LibreOffice is a great example of how free and open-source software can compete with or beat expensive proprietary software.


Some of the innovations that make LibreOffice Writer tool better than MS Word include:

A More Intuitive User Interface

The LibreOffice Writer user interface is more intuitive than that of Microsoft Word, as the menus and toolbars are organized more logically.

For example, the Formatting toolbar is next to the Styles and Formatting window, which contains all the available formatting options.

Access to More Fonts

LibreOffice Writer includes a wider range of fonts than Microsoft Word. Such a range of options is crucial as the fonts you use can significantly affect the look and feel of your document.

For example, if you’re creating a flier, you’ll want to use a font that’s easy to read from a distance.

Ability to Save as PDF

When you save a document as a PDF, it retains all the formatting and layout of the original document.

Just imagine how this feature is helpful when you’re sending the document to someone who doesn’t have access to the original software that created it.

LibreOffice Writer can also password protect your PDFs.

Better Compatibility with Microsoft Office Formats

LibreOffice has much better compatibility with Microsoft Office formats than earlier versions of LibreOffice.

For example, if you save a document in Microsoft Word format, it’ll look similar when you open it in LibreOffice.

Thus, you can transfer all your MS Word docs to LibreOffice without formatting issues.

Better Support for Collaborative Editing

LibreOffice has better support for collaborative editing than Microsoft Word. For example, you can track all the changes made to a document and see who made them.

You can also add comments to specific parts of the document. Both features are essential when you’re working on a project with multiple people.

Comprehensive Extensions and Templates Library

LibreOffice has a comprehensive extensions and templates library that includes tools for creating diagrams, mathematical formulas, and more.

This library is constantly expanding as new extensions and templates are created by the community.

2. Pages

Pages is a word processing software developed by Apple Inc. that comes pre-installed on Mac computers. It offers several features unavailable in Microsoft Word, like the ability to create and edit documents collaboratively in real-time.


Pages is also more tightly integrated with other Apple software applications, including Keynote and Numbers. Thus, you can create more complex documents.

You can simultaneously create stunning documents from your iPad, iPhone, Mac, and Apple designed Pages for ease of use, with powerful features and tools that allow you to create stunning documents quickly and easily.

Microsoft Word is available for both Mac and Windows computers, while Pages is only available for Macs.

Pages is a good option if you’re a Mac user and are looking for an alternative to Microsoft Word. However, Pages does not have all the features of Microsoft Word, so if you need those features, you may want to stick with Microsoft Word.

You can start with something beautiful and track every change from your collaborative team members.

Pages for iCloud is free on the web. You don’t need a Mac, and you don’t even need an Apple ID. Just visit in any web browser and start creating beautiful documents.

3. ClickUp Docs

ClickUp specializes in project management, but it also offers a word processor that you can use on Mac devices. ClickUp Docs is a great alternative to Microsoft Word, especially if you need to collaborate with others on a project.

You can easily create and share documents with your team, and the app offers many features that make it easy to work on projects together. Plus, ClickUp Docs is free to use!

Microsoft Word is not free, and it can be expensive if you need to use the full version of the software. If you’re looking for an affordable alternative to Microsoft Word, ClickUp Docs is a great option.

Some of the highlights of ClickUp Docs for Mac users include:

  • A wide range of formatting options
  • Collaborative features, so you can work with others on projects
  • The ability to track changes and feedback
  • A simple interface that is easy to use

The paid version of ClickUp Docs offers even more features, such as:

  • Unlimited document storage
  • Advanced security features
  • The ability to create custom templates


ClickUp Docs are compatible with Microsoft Word files, so you can easily work with others using MS Word.

Cover images and page icons are available in the text formatting options, and a wide range of add-ons empowers you to customize the app.

4. Google Docs

Google is giving Microsoft a run for its money, and it’s banking on cloud-based document collaboration tools to do it. In addition to its popular email and calendar applications, Google offers a comprehensive set of online tools for creating and sharing:

  • Documents
  • Spreadsheets
  • Presentations

The most popular of these is Google Docs, a suitable alternative for Microsoft Word on a Mac.

Google Docs is also free. It works in your web browser and offers most of the features that you’re likely to need from a word processor.

You can create a document with a generous selection of fonts while uploading images and embedding links.


You can also collaborate in real-time with other people, whether they’re co-workers or friends. Changes are automatically saved as you work.

One downside is Google Docs doesn’t support complex formattings, such as footnotes and endnotes. If you need those features, you might better stick with Microsoft Word.

Check out the best Google doc alternatives in this post.

5. Calligra

Calligra Words is a feature among the Calligra Suite that has been designed to compete with Microsoft Word in the market. It’s a word processing application that allows users to create and edit text documents.

Many features make Calligra Words stand out among its competitors, including:

  • Support for various document formats such as .doc, .docx, .odt, and more
  • Advanced text formatting options
  • Collaborative editing tools
  • Spell checker and grammar checker
  • Templates for creating various types of documents


The company behind Calligra is KDE, a free and open-source software community that creates desktop applications and services.

KDE is popular for its user-friendly designs and its strong focus on collaboration. Naturally, Calligra Word is an excellent choice for users who want an application that is powerful and easy to use.

You can effortlessly add charts and images to your text documents. This free-to-download alternative for Word also supports export to Open Document Format and PDF publishing.

Thus, you can share your documents with others without worrying about compatibility issues.

6. Polaris Office

This Korean paid office suite offers an interesting alternative for Microsoft Word on Mac. It’s available for Mac, Android, iOS, Windows, and even Linux.

There’s an APK version and the online version. The features of the subscription versions are similar except for a few things.

The Polaris office product subscription categories are smart or pro. Some of the notable features of Polaris Office include:

Compress PowerPoint and Word files to PDF

Polaris Office can open and compress Microsoft PowerPoint (PPTX) and Word (DOCX) files to PDF. Thus, you can save space on your device or computer.

Add Watermarks to PDFs

You can add watermarks to your PDFs with Polaris Office, an effective way to protect your documents from being copied without your permission.

Convert PDFs to Editable Files

Polaris Office can convert PDFs to various Microsoft Office formats for you to edit them.

Organize Files by Projects

This feature helps you to better organize your files and work on them more efficiently.

Share Files with a Link

You can share your Polaris Office files with anyone by sending them a link. The recipient will be able to view, edit, or comment on the document without signing up for a Polaris Office account.

Security Features

Polaris Office takes security and privacy seriously. You can decide to encrypt all files and make them only accessible through passwords.


7. Mellel

This word processor is among the best for Mac users. Since 2002, Mellel has branded itself as the go-to tool for technical and academic writing with its many features for long document support.

Mellel has excellent support for working with different languages, allowing writers to work in their native language or switch between languages easily.

It also has powerful features for citations and bibliographies that make it a good choice for students and scholars.


Mellel Palettes vs MS Word Toolbar

Mellel did a much better job at simplifying the interface than Microsoft Word. The Mellel palettes are much more intuitive and user-friendly.

Ultimately, there are fewer options and features hidden behind menus in Mellel. The ton of features that MS Word tries to offer at the fingertip of the user is overwhelming, and it makes the average person not want to use any of them.

Thus, Mellel is a suitable alternative for Mac users looking for a word processor that is more straightforward than Microsoft Word.

8. Nisus Writer

Do you have an Apple Macintosh? And do you want to find an alternative for Microsoft Word? Look no further than Nisus Writer!

Nisus Writer is a powerful yet easy-to-use word processor for students, writers, business professionals, and anyone who needs to produce great-looking documents.

Nisus Writer has been in the game for 25 years, and it has a strong multilingual support system to bring together team members from different language communities.

Nisus Writer is also fully compatible with Microsoft Word, so you can easily share documents between the two programs.

The newest version of Nisus Writer, 3.2, offers a range of new features and enhancements. These include:

  • Native support for Apple Silicon (M1) and Dark Mode
  • Compatible with macOS Big Sur and Monterey
  • Numerous enhancements to an extensive set of features

Nisus Writer Express vs Nisus Writer Pro


The main difference is that Nisus Writer Pro offers more advanced features, including:

  • Support for macros
  • Stylesheets
  • Conditional text

If you frequently work with complex documents or need to create custom formatting, then Nisus Writer Pro is the right choice for you.

Otherwise, Nisus Writer Express will suit your needs just fine.

Give Nisus Writer a try and see for yourself how easy it is to create beautiful documents on your Macintosh!

9. Growly Write

This word processor allows you to create a staggering range of documents for free. Growly Write makes the process simple and easy, whether you need to produce a business report, a school assignment, or a letter.

Growly Write is compatible with:

  • Apple Silicon (M1)
  • Dark Mode
  • macOS Big Sur
  • Monterey


It’s also more compatible with other elements of the iWork suite.

It also has many features that make it stand out among its competitors. These features include:

  • A wide range of templates to choose from
  • The ability to track changes
  • Advanced grammar and spell check
  • Integration with iCloud Drive
  • Export options for PDF, DOCX, and HTML

10. Office Online

Office Online is the only option for enjoying free access to Word on a Mac. However, it isn’t as full-featured as the Microsoft Word for Mac that you would buy.

It’s still a convenient way of creating and editing text documents. Plus, it offers most of the features users need daily.

One significant advantage of using Office Online instead of Microsoft Word for Mac is its compatibility with any operating system or browser.

So, if you need to use Word on a Mac but don’t want to spend the money on the full version, Office Online is a great alternative.


11. Apache OpenOffice

OpenOffice is available in about 121 languages, and it dates way before 1999. It is compatible with many file formats and can work on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Interestingly enough, Apache OpenOffice was created by the same people who made StarOffice. Oracle then bought and held it for the longest time.

Oracle and Apache have come a long way with OpenOffice, making it the closest free alternative to the feature-packed MS Word.

OpenOffice has all the features present in MS Word, and developers constantly update it with new features. There are some drawbacks of using this tool, but they are not deal-breakers.

For instance, the software does not always save documents in the same format like MS Word, which can be a problem if you’re working with team members who aren’t using OpenOffice.


However, OpenOffice is still an empowering choice for those who want to avoid paying for software licenses. It’s worth noting that Apache OpenOffice is free and open-source software.

Thus, it is constantly under improvement by a community of self-motivated developers.

12. NeoOffice

This office suite for Mac has its design swiveled from LibreOffice and OpenOffice. This word processor is native to Mac’s OS, and it was developed in 2003. Hence, it’s accumulated 19 years of frequent innovation, tweaks, and new feature releases.

NeoOffice has most of the features that Microsoft Word offers, and its file format support is also impressive. You can open, edit, and save files in .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx formats.

You can navigate floating windows, icons, and menus effortlessly. The user interface might feel a bit familiar if you’ve used Microsoft Office in the past.

Another added advantage is its native support for Mac Services and the dark mode in macOS Mojave.

The only thing that might be a problem is the lack of online collaboration features, but it shouldn’t be an issue if you’re not working in a team.


13. Dropbox

Dropbox is a file sharing and storage service that allows users to access their files from any location. The service is available for:

  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Dropbox offers 2 GB of free storage space with the option to upgrade to a paid account for more storage. The company also has a partnership with Microsoft, allowing Office 365 users to receive 1 TB of storage space.

You can edit your office documents with DropBox if you have a Mac. Just open the document in Dropbox, make your changes, and save it.


Your changes will be automatically saved to Dropbox, and you can access them from any device. You can also create and share new documents with other people using Dropbox.

Check out this post to explore the best open-source alternatives to Dropbox.

14. Markdown

Are you tech-savvy, nerdy, or geeky? Do you like to be in control of your writing environment? Are you looking for a more lightweight, faster, and distraction-free way to write?

Markdown may be the right tool for you if you answered yes to any of these questions. Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool created by John Gruber in 2004.

It allows you to write in a more natural and relaxed way, without worrying about formatting your document for the web. Markdown is not only for writers though.

It can be used by anyone who wants a simple and easy way to format their text. For example, you can use markdown to create:

  • Email signatures
  • To-do lists
  • Random text for a website

One of the best things about markdown is that it’s compatible with many different platforms. It can be used on:

  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • GitHub
  • Stack Overflow


15. Bean

Is MS Word too convoluted and cluttered for your style? Are you the type that likes lean and straightforward apps? You’re in luck!

Bean is a stripped-down word processor that gives you the basic features you need to get your work done without all of the extra baggage. It also has an impressively user-friendly interface, so you can start typing away right away.

What’s even better? This minimalist word processor is free and works seamlessly on Mac.


Wrapping It Up: What Is The Best Microsoft Word Alternative for Mac?

It depends on your objectives, but LibreOffice offers the best features for a free office suite. If you’re looking for a native app with an Office-like interface, NeoOffice is a suitable option.

Markdown is the way to go if you want a distraction-free and lightweight word processor.

Happy writing!

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing.
Tom has been a full-time internet marketer for two decades now, earning millions of dollars while living life on his own terms. Along the way, he’s also coached thousands of other people to success.

Here is a list of best free office for MAC. These office suite for MAC are quite simple, easy to use, and are feature rich. These perform many of the tasks that are performed by Microsoft Office on Mac. You can use these MS Office alternative for MAC to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, create database, create diagrams, manage projects, and make vector graphics and diagrams. You can easily Open Microsoft Office files on MAC with these free office suites and save files in Microsoft Office Format on MAC. You can also choose to save files in OpenOffice formats and many other formats. Documents can also be easily shared via Email. Choose the option to edit files online and share them with your colleagues. These also support split view feature of El Capitan. Documents can be shared while editing, thereby supporting multiple authors.

My Favorite Free Office For MAC:

Out of the software listed here, I like iWork the most. It is due to the fact that it has a visually aesthetic interface. Apart from that, it has a number of outstanding features that separate it out from the others. Here you can insert a number of basic shapes, text, charts, and media elements. The documents are easily synced via iCloud and you can even edit documents online on any platform using any browser. Using Review tools you can work with multiple users at once.

Also check out Best Free Office Suites For Windows, Free MAC PDF Editor Software, and Best Free DOCX Viewer Software.


Pages, Keynote, and Numbers collectively make iWork, which is a good office suite for MAC. It is offered free to the users who bought MAC after 2013. Others have to buy it from the App Store. Along with it Photos is also provided to edit images on MAC. A number of amazing options are provided to insert images, text, charts, shapes, tables, graphs, and citations to convey ideas in a more appropriate way. Here you can also choose to insert media items, like: Photos, Music, and Movies. These can be further customized as per the requirement. A number of innovative features are also included, like: word wrap, ruler, alignment guides, written directions, word count, comments, feedbacks, and many more such options. Files can be synced on iCloud Drive and you can easily choose the option to edit documents using PC browser or MAC browser. The review tools contain several features for streamlined change tracking, highlights, and comments to help you work with multiple authors on documents. These can also be shared via mail, messages, notes, and iCloud. The templates can be saved if required in future. Passwords can also be set to secure files for a few people to use. Here options are also provided to reduce file size, optimize movies for iOS, and convert formats. It also supports the Split View feature of El Capitan. You can also use it on iCloud to access the same features online.

  • Pages can be used as an alternative to MS Word for MAC to create documents files. Here you can open Word files. The files can be exported as PDF, DOC, DOCX, Plain Text, ePub, Pages, and Pages 09.
  • Numbers for MAC can be used to create amazing spreadsheets. Spreadsheets can be saved as PDF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, Numbers, and Numbers 09.
  • Keynote is used to design beautiful presentations on MAC. You can use it to add a number of animation options, change text, and image styles. You can also use it to export presentations as PDF, PPT, PPTX, QuickTime videos, HTML, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, Keynote, and Keynote 09.


Calligra is a collection of a number of office software that make up a free Office Suite. It can be used on MAC OS X by installing Xcode, as it is a native software from Linux. You also need to have X11 or XQuartz installed on your system based on your OS X version. Finally you have to install Calligra on your system. It contains a total of 8 powerful Office, Graphics, and Project Management applications. Then you can easily choose to run different Calligra Office Suite Applications. The best feature of this software is that the formatting is done using dockers, thereby providing ample space to work around with files; this arrangement is saved and can be used the next time Calligra is opened.

Some of the best Office Applications in Calligra:

  • Calligra Words is a word software for MAC, which can be used to create a number of document from templates, like: fax, professional letter, and colorful documents. Here you can choose to insert different shapes, vector images, text, charts, formula, smileys, etc. You are also provided with different tools to help you with text editing, references, page layout, review, etc. You are also provided with different shape handling tool, shape connecting tool, and path drawing tool. It can open different file types, like: Microsoft Word Document, Word 2007 Document, Word 2007 template, RTF Document, WordPerfect Document, Microsoft Works document, OpenDocument Text, OpenDocument Master Document, OpenDocument Text Template, and Applix Words Document. Finally the document can be converted to ODT, ODM, OTT, TXT, ASC, V, DOC, DOCX, EPUB, HTML, HTM, MOBI, PRC, and PDF.
  • Calligra Stage is a good software that can be used to create beautiful presentations. You can choose from a number of templates options available, and also create your own templates. Different options of Slide Design, Animation, Shape Handling Tool, Connect Shapes, Draw Path, etc. can be chosen. Here you can also insert different shapes, music, video, charts, images, etc. to make your document even more beautiful and pleasant. It can open a number of presentation documents, like: OpenDocument Presentation, OpenDocument Presentation template, Apple Keynote 5 Presentation, KPresenter presentation, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, PowerPoint 2007 presentation, PowerPoint 2007 template, and PowerPoint 2007 slideshow. It can save files as ODP, OTP, PDF, and HTML.
  • Calligra Sheets is a good free Spreadsheet application that can be used to create beautiful spreadsheet files. Different sheet templates are available to make spreadsheets for Business, General, and Home and Family purposes. You are allowed to choose different options, like: cell formatting, shape handling tool, shape connectors, and path drawing tools. Insert shapes, images, charts, audio, video, etc. to your documents. You can use it to open different Spreadsheet files, like: OpenDocument Spreadsheet, OpenDocument Spreadsheet template, KSpread Spreadsheet, CSV Document, HTML Document, Microsoft Excel Worksheet, Excel 2007 spreadsheet, Excel 2007 template, Applix Spreadsheet, Xbase document, Gnumeric spreadsheet, Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet Template, and Quattro Pro Spreadsheet. A document can be exported as ODS, OTS, KSP, CSV, TXT, ASC, V, DOC, TEX, LTX, STY, CLS, DTX, INS, LATEX, GNUMERIC, HTML, HTM, and SXC.
  • Calligra Flow helps you to make diagrams and flowcharts. Here different flowchart options can be selected to be drawn, like: Assorted, BPNM, Basic Flowchart, Building Site, CMOS, Central Data Processing, ChemEng, Chemistry Lab, Circuit, Circuit 2, Cisco, Civil, Contact, Cybernetics, Digital, Edpc, Electric, Electric 2, Electronic, Flags, Gane and Sarson, Jigsaw, LST, Lights, Logic, MSE, Map, Misc, Network, Optics, Pneumatic, RDP, Racks, Renewable Energy, SDL, Scenegraph, Sybase, Value Stream Mapping, and many more. You can also change different properties, like: arrangement, geometry, shadow, and other shape properties. You can also use it to open different files, like: OpenDocument Drawing, OpenDocument Drawing template, SVG image, compressed SVG image, Microsoft Visio document, WordPerfect/DrawPerfect image, XFig image, XFig image, EPS image, PS document, Karbon14 drawing, PDF document, and WMF image. The project can be exported as ODG, OTG, JPEG, JPG, JPE, PNG, PDF, SVG, and WMF.
  • Kexi is a good visual database editor that can be used to design database applications, insert and edit data, perform queries, and process data. Here you can also create forms to provide an interface to your data. It stores all the database objects, like: tables, queries, forms, and reports. It can open KEXI, KEXIC, KEXIS, MDB, and TSV files.
  • Calligra supports 2 graphics applications Krita and Karbon that can be used to create and edit graphics. Krita is basically used as a sketching and painting program to create digital painting. It contains a number of tools to help you do so. It also supports a number of image formats, like: BMP, XPM, GIF, XBM, EXR, JPEG, OpenDocument drawing, PDF, PNG, and numerous other formats. Karbon also supports a number of formats, like: ODG, OTG, JPEG, PNG, SVG, WMF, and many more. Karbon can be used to create illustrations with vector graphics. It also supports layered images.
  • Calligra Plan can be used to manage task, and manage projects effectively. You can choose to make plans for Work and Vacation, Cost breakdown structure, resources, tasks, graphic dependencies, list dependencies, schedules using editors. Further you can also choose different views option, like: Gantt, Milestone Gantt, Resource Assignments, Resource Assignments (Gantt), and Cost Breakdown. Different execution options can also be selected, like: Project Performance Chart, Tasks Performance chart, task status, task execution, and work package views. Task status report generates the report for different tasks. Here you can choose to open Calligra Plan project management document, MS project plan, MS project exchange file, Planner project plan, and Kplato project management document. The project plan can then be exported as PLAN, VCS, and ICS.


LibreOffice is a good freeware that is a good free replacement to MS office for MAC. It performs about all the basic features of a basic MS Office application. It contains LibreOffice Writer to create and open Word documents on MAC, LibreOffice Calc to open Spreadsheet on MAC, LibreOffice Impress to open Presentation on MAC, LibreOffice Draw for Drawing, LibreOffice Math for Formula, and LibreOffice Base for Database. It can also be used to create text document, HTML document, XML form document, Master document, formula, labels, business cards, and templates. You can extend its functionalities with a number of extensions available. There are a number of templates available for Writer, Calc, Impress, and Draw. You can also use it to open remote files from a number of file services, like: Google Drive, OneDrive, Alfresco Cloud, Alfresco 4, IBM FileNet P8, Lotus Live Files, Lotus Quickr Domino, Nuxeo 5.4, OpenDataSpace, OpenText ELS, SharePoint, WebDAV, FTP, SSH, Windows Share, and other CMIS. Different Wizards like Letter, Fax, Agenda, Presentation, Web Page, Document Converter, Euro Converter, and Address Data Source make these task even more easier. LibreOffice can also be used to run and organize macros. You can also choose different options to enable or disable spell check, add or remove dictionaries, and grammar checking. If required you can also choose the option to allow animated graphics or animated text. If required the options can be chosen to customize the menus, toolbars, and events. It can be used to open and save into many MS Office supported file formats and many other formats, like: DOC, DOCX, DOC, WPS, TXT, PDF, ODF, DOTX, DOCM, PPT, PPTX, XLC, XLSX, ODF, CSV, PPSX, POTM, ODB, ODC, ODF, OCF, XSM, etc.

Apache OpenOffice

Apache OpenOffice is a good and feature rich freeware office for MAC. You can use it to create and open text document, spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, database, and formula. It can also be used to create text document, HTML document, XML form document, Master document, formula, labels, business cards, and templates. The functionalities of OpenOffice can be further extended by the use of templates and extensions. Different wizards can be put to use to create letter, fax, agenda, presentation, web page, document converter, euro converter, and address data source. Macros can be run and organised to ease the tasks. Menus, toolbars, and events can be further customized to suit your own needs. Different extensions can be added, disabled, or removed as per your requirement. It contains a number of writing tools to help you check the document for spelling errors and grammar errors. Different dictionaries can be enabled or disabled as per the requirement and the need. It can open and save different file formats, like: ODT, TXT, RTF, PDF, HTM, HTML, XML, DOT, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTM, PPTX, ODP, ODG, POTM, POTX, JPG, JPEG, TIFF, EMF, ODM, ODG, EPS, PSD, PNG, etc.

Siag Office

Siag Office is another free Office Suite for Linux. It can also be ported on MAC using Fink. But in order to do this you have to install Xcode and X11 or XQuartz in advance, then you can install Siag Office. This free office for MAC supports Siag, CSV, TXT, Lotus 1-2-3, Postscript, HTML tables, scheme code, Troff tables, Latex tables Microsoft Word, Pathetic Writer, RTF, Egon Animator, C Source, Animated GIF, Magic Point, and MS PowerPoint.

  • Siag Spreadsheet can be used to create spreadsheet.
  • Pathetic Writer is a word processor that is used to create word documents on MAC.
  • Egon Animator can be used to create animations.
  • Xedplus can be used as a simple text editor.
  • Xfilter is a simple file manager with drag and drop facilities.
  • Gvu helps you view PostScript Documents, but in order to do so you have to install Ghostscript.

Published Date: 11 Apr, 2016

Modified Date: 10 Mar, 2022

Microsoft Word remains the standard way to create and share text documents, whether you’re in a corporate or educational organisation. In recent years, it’s definitely had its iron-clad grip loosened by the likes of Google Docs, but in many instances Word is the preferred or expected software to use. There’s only one problem with that: it’s not free. So, if you don’t want to add another monthly bill to your account, how can you still use the software without shelling out? Here’s how to get Microsoft Word on your Mac for free, plus the various paid versions and some useful alternatives.

How to use Microsoft Word for free on the web

Microsoft offers completely free versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint, all of which you access online at its Microsoft 365 hub. You’ll need a Microsoft account, but these are free and you may find that you already have a Hotmail or Outlook account that you created a while back. If you don’t, they only take a few minutes to create.

Once this is done, you’re free to access the various apps and use them in your browser. This used to be called but Microsoft is now transitioning it to Microsoft 365 to keep it in line with its other productivity software.

How to get Microsoft Word Free on Mac: Word Online

It’s true that you don’t get the full suite of tools that the paid versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint possess, and you have to save documents to OneDrive, but if you just need a word processor that can accurately create and handle .docx file types, this is a handy way to get it for free. 

How to get the paid version of Microsoft Word

If you need the full range of tools that Word has to offer, not to mention the ability to work offline and save files into other folders or online storage services, then you’ll need to pay. There are two routes open to you: one-off payment, or a subscription. 

We already pay for plenty of things each month, so the idea of adding another bill to the list might not appeal. Thankfully, you don’t have to, as Microsoft still offers a one-and-done approach to buying Word. It’s not cheap, though, as buying the app outright will set you back $159.99/£149.99, although there are no more payments afterwards. 

The best option in our opinion, so long as you don’t mind signing up to another service, is the Microsoft 365 subscription. With this you not only get Word, but also Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook and 1TB of OneDrive storage. Microsoft keeps you on the latest version of the apps at all times, so you never need to deal with outdated software or miss out on new features. 

For a one-year Microsoft 365 Personal subscription you can either pay up front, costing $69.99/£59.99, or $6.99/£5.99 per month, which allows one account to use the Office apps on up to five devices, including an iPad. 

If you want more accounts, there’s the Microsoft 365 Family tier which allows 2-6 people to use the service and boosts the storage up to 6TB. This costs $99.99/£79.99 p/a or £7.99 p/m. 

Word on Mac


If you want to give the Office apps a test run before committing to a subscription, there’s also a 30-day free trial. 

To see how the subscription version compares to the bought one, take a look at our Microsoft 365 vs Office 2021 buying guide. 

Watch out for scams and hacks

It takes about 30 seconds to find videos on YouTube that will show you how to download, install and get Word (plus all the other MS Office software) up and running on your Mac for nothing. If the instructions are similar to the ones in this article, then you should be fine, but many of the ones we’ve seen require some sort of serial code-cracking program to be bought and downloaded to your machine. While this might seem like a victimless crime to some–Microsoft is a multi-billion-dollar company while the user is just a single person with no money–the real victim is most likely to be you.

It’s true that some hackers are benevolent, wanting only to free the information so that anyone can use it, but sadly others are most definitely not. Downloading and installing things like this on your Mac is one of the easiest ways to contract malware or spyware software that can cause havoc with your data. That’s aside from the fact that you’re contravening copyright, which is rather naughty.

Our advice would be to keep well away from these ‘free’ routes to Word.

Free alternatives to Microsoft Word

Unless you specifically need Microsoft Word, you’ll find that there are plenty of great word processors out there that won’t cost you a penny. Any new Mac will come with a free copy of Apple’s Pages software, which is a hugely powerful tool for creating and editing documents, and also works well with its iOS/iPadOS counterpart app.

Google Docs is a perennial favourite as the web-based software is free and easy to use. You won’t find incredibly advanced features like those on the full-blown Microsoft Word, but for most people it’s all they’ll ever need.

LibreOffice Writer is another one that’s always worth checking out. The open-source software is completely free and yet offers a complete solution for those who want the functionality of MS Word. Yes, it’s not quite the smooth and aesthetically pleasing experience of its inspiration, but you can get so much done on Writer that you won’t care.

For a roundup of other options, check out our Best Mac word processor roundup.

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