Free word list for games

Welcome to the printables page! Here you’ll find various printouts that I’ve made for different games. For the non-word-list printables down below, if you click the image, it will take you to the printable. If you click the words under the image, it will take you to the post with instructions on how to use the printable. Hopefully this page can help you find the game you’re looking for. Happy playing!

Word lists

Here’s some various word lists I’ve made that you can print out and cut up. They’re organized by game, though you could easily use printouts from one game for a different game. There’s also a Holidays category with word lists that can be used for any game. For even bigger lists of words in these categories, check out my online word generator.

Other word lists

  • Celebrities (a list of famous people and characters for the game Celebrities)
  • A list of adverbs (for In the manner of the adverb)
  • Get to know you questions (and another version of questions more suited for younger children)
  • Categories (a list you could use for several games)
  • Star Wars Actions (for a new came called pictionades)
  • Would you rather phrases for the game Would you rather

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Looking for a scrabble word list? Maybe a compound word, or words that start or end with any letter. We have it here. Check out our vast word lists that are great for games like Scrabble© and Words With Friends©. These lists can help you in your classroom, homework or just to study.

If you don’t see a particular list you are looking for please let us know and we will consider adding it.

All of our word lists formerly part of the TWL06 and OWL3 have been updated to the new (OTCWL2014). Included are all our words in the scrabble dictionary results and scrabble word finder results.

You cant export any of our word lists in a JSON format. WARNING! some of these lists are very large. Please do not link to our lists directly to use for your app or website. Download them to your server and use them locally.

Misc Word Lists

Words you can make with our word unscrambler

Common English words and Frequencies

Compound Words — Over 100,000 compound words!

Vowel Dumps — Vowel Dumps you can play in scrabble

Enable — The official word list for Words with Friends and Wordox

English Word List — (Western) English Word List

TWL06 — North America Scrabble Word List

SOWPODS — Eurpoe Scrabble Word List

2 Word Phrases — Common phrases with 2 words

3 Word Phrases — Common phrases with 3 words

Scrabble words with no vowels — over 110 scrabble words that do not contain vowels with or without a Y

Words with all consonants — Words that only contain consonants

Highest scoring words — Highest possible scoring words with in scrabble

Q words without a U after — Words with Q and not a U after

Palindrome Words — Words that are spelled fowards and backwards the same

How to memorize — Learn how to memorize words to improve your game of scrabble.

Common Prefixes — Huge list of common prefix words used in the english dictionary

Free Scrabble Word Finder — Another huge word list

Tools for webmasters

Embeddable Word Solvers — Multi Language Scrabble Word Finders for your websites

Scrabble Dictionary API — Word verification for the offical scrabble dictionary


Pictionary is one of the easiest games to play, and it can provide hours of entertainment. It requires very few materials and can be learned in minutes. You do need a good pictionary word list though, and we’re here to help!

We’ve collected over 100 pictionary ideas, ranging from animals to places to action verbs. We also explain different ways to play pictionary and the materials you need to gather. Will you be drawing Abe Lincoln? An igloo? Sunburn? They’re all options on our pictionary word lists!

What Materials Do You Need to Play Pictionary?

A major benefit to playing pictionary is that you almost definitely already have all the materials you need. All you need for pictionary is:

  • At least two people, although 4+ is better to create teams of two or more people
  • Whiteboard with markers or a pad of paper with pens/pencils
  • Timer
  • Dice (optional)
  • Scorecard
  • List of pictionary words (that’s where we come in!) each on their own piece of paper

How Do You Play Pictionary?

Pictionary involves one person drawing a picture based on a secret word, and others trying to guess the word correctly. 

Set up the game by gathering your pictionary words. You can write each word on a card that you then stack face-down, or you can write each word on a piece of paper you then fold so no writing is visible. The point is that the person drawing shouldn’t be able to see the words before choosing a card/piece of paper. You might also choose to write the pictionary category on each word card, which we discuss more in the «pictionary ideas» section. Next, set up the paper/pens or drawing board/markers in a spot where they’re visible to everyone.

To start playing, divide the group evenly into teams. How many teams you form depends on the number of people playing and how many groups you want them split into, but each team should have at least two people. If you have a large number of people, you can decide if you want two larger teams or multiple smaller teams. If your group is made up of pictionary beginners, you may want to play with larger teams so that there are more people to guess the answer while everyone gets familiar with the game. Generally, the more players on each team, the quicker the game moves along.

If you only have three people, one person will be the designated drawer, while the other two take turns guessing. If you have two people, they can alternate between drawing and guessing.

Once you have your teams formed, you can begin playing pictionary. First, decide which team will draw first. You can choose this yourselves or have each team roll a die and have the team with the highest roll go first. The team drawing first will decide which member will be the first drawer. Next, designate a timer (any player from another team).

The drawer will then select a card or slip of paper with a word on it. The drawer gets 5 seconds to look at the word and think about what to draw. If you’re playing with categories, they’ll announce the word’s category to the other players. The timer then starts the time, and the drawer gets 60 seconds to draw the word as best they can. No letters or numbers are allowed in the drawing.

During those 60 seconds, players on the drawer’s team try to guess the word being drawn. If they get the answer right, they get a point. If they don’t, they get no points. Once the word has been correctly guessed or the 60 seconds are up (whichever happens first), the next team gets a turn to draw a new word and guess.

Play until one team reaches a set number of points (10 is common). They are the winners!

Rule Variations

  • Let everyone (not just the drawer’s team) guess the pictionary phrases being drawn. The team of the correct guesser gets the point.

  • If the team guesses the word correctly before 60 seconds are up, continue playing additional words until time is up. The team gets one point for each word they correctly guess.

  • Award different amounts of points for different word categories (such as two points for correctly guessing a more challenging word). 

  • If time runs out and the word hasn’t been correctly guessed, the other team can have a chance to guess the word and get the point.

  • Teams go head to head. One person from each team draws the same word at the same time, and the team who guesses first earns the point.

  • If you have a board game with spaces to move around (such as Candy Land, etc.) you can roll a die before each round and move that many spaces if the word is correctly guessed instead of awarding points. The first team to get to the end of the board wins.


113 Pictionary Ideas

Below are a variety of pictionary word lists, organized into six categories. You may decide to organize the words by category or have the drawer announce the category before beginning to draw. Having pictionary categories will generally make the game easier because the guessers will have a better idea of what they’re trying to guess before drawing begins. You can also choose to combine all the pictionary ideas to make the game trickier.

Object Pictionary Words

  • Strawberry
  • Eclipse
  • Chandelier
  • Ketchup
  • Toothpaste
  • Rainbow
  • Bunk bed
  • Boardgame
  • Beehive
  • Lemon
  • Wreath
  • Waffles
  • Bubble
  • Whistle
  • Snowball
  • Bouquet
  • Headphones
  • Fireworks
  • Igloo
  • Ferris wheel
  • Banana peel
  • Lawnmower
  • Summer
  • Whisk
  • Cupcake
  • Sleeping bag
  • Bruise
  • Fog
  • Crust
  • Battery


Place Pictionary Words

  • Paris
  • Beach
  • Mountains
  • Hawaii
  • Mount Rushmore
  • USA
  • Hospital
  • Attic
  • Japan
  • Library
  • Desert
  • Mars
  • Washington DC
  • Las Vegas
  • Train station
  • North Pole
  • Farm
  • Disney World
  • Mexico

Animal Pictionary Words

  • Giraffe
  • Koala
  • Wasp
  • Scorpion
  • Lion
  • Salamander
  • Dolphin
  • Frog
  • Panda
  • Platypus
  • T-rex
  • Meerkat
  • Eagle


People (and Creatures That Act Like People) Pictionary Words

  • Mailman
  • Superman
  • Justin Beiber
  • Cowboy 
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • Robin Hood
  • Vampire
  • Pirate
  • Girl Scout
  • Pikachu
  • Spongebob
  • Baby Yoda
  • Pilgrim
  • Cinderella
  • Baker
  • Abe Lincoln
  • Thief
  • Leprechaun
  • Harry Potter
  • Shrek
  • Yoshi
  • Queen Elizabeth

Verb Pictionary Words

  • Skip
  • Burp
  • Cook
  • Scratch
  • Sleep
  • Plant
  • Purchase
  • Text
  • Tie
  • Snore
  • Catch
  • Study

Hard Pictionary Words

  • Olympics
  • Sandcastle
  • Recycle
  • Black hole
  • Applause
  • Blizzard
  • Sunburn
  • Time machine
  • Lace
  • Monday
  • Atlantis
  • Swamp
  • Panama Canal
  • Sunscreen
  • Dictionary
  • Vanilla
  • Century


What’s Next?

Interested in ideas for kids’ learning games? Then check out our expert guides on spelling games, alphabet games, and toddler learning games.

Want to lighten the mood? We’ve compiled over 100 of the best jokes. We bet you can’t read them all without laughing!

Interested in science experiments for kids? We have 37 fun science activities that are easy to do at home.

Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article!

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About the Author

Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master’s from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

Useful vocabulary

Roll a/ the dice

Board (game)



Winner (= First place)

Second place (= Runner up)

The wooden spoon (= Last place)

(Flip/ Toss a) coin/ Heads or tails?

Paper scissors stone/ Rock paper scissors

(Move) clockwise/ anticlockwise (= counter clockwise)

Bonus question


Pass (to the next player)


Minus one point/ Take away a point

Clue/ Hint

Shuffle/ Mix (up)

Deal (out)

(My/ Your/ His/ Her/ This team’s) turn


Add up (the points)/ The total (score)

Round one/ The first round

Playing board games

Throw/ roll the dice (and move around the board)

You need one counter each (for example, an eraser or a coin)

Whose turn is it? / Who’s next?

Is it my turn? / Am I next?

It’s your turn. / You’re next

Place your counter on start/ the first square/ Choose a different counter each and place it on «START».

The player with the highest number goes first

Play rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first

If you land on this square go back three squares/ take a card/ do the thing that is written there/ do the challenge that your partners set you

Take it in turns to throw the dice.

Move forward three squares.

If you throw a 6, have another go/ throw again

You need a board, a dice and a counter each. (Ask me nicely for those things)

What colour counter do you want/ would you like?

Playing card games

Face down (on the table)/ So you can’t see them

Face up/ So that you can see them

In a pack/ Two packs

Spread across the table/ floor

Deal out all the cards

Give (three/ four/ five/ an equal number of) cards to each player (and put the rest in a pack in the middle)

Shuffle (thoroughly)

Take a card from the pack (when it is your turn/ if you can’t go)

The person with the most/ least cards is the winner

Pick a card (from this pack)/ Take a card from the top of the pack

Take five cards, but don’t look at them (yet)

You can look at the cards, but don’t show your partner


You can only have one guess

If you guess wrongly play passes to the next team/ you lose one point

Do you need a hint/ a clue/ more time?

Twenty seconds to answer

(Is that your) final answer?

Choose one question

You have to agree on an answer in your team/ group

Starting and setting up games

It’s time for a game! / Let’s play a game!

Tell me/ decide on your team names/ What are your team names?/ Write your team names here/ Choose a team name from this list

Clearing space and getting into position

Clear your desks/ Put your books and pencils away/ Make some room on your desk

Get into pairs/ groups (of two/ three/ four)/ Find a partner/ Find two/ three/ four partners

This is group/ team A (and this is group/ team B)

You (two), work together

Make/ get into two/ three/ four groups/ teams

(Make/ get into) a boys’ team and a girls’ team

Make/ stand in a circle

Make two lines/ Stand in two lines (from here to here/ facing the board/ between here and here)

Turn (all the way) round (and face each other/ face the other way)

Face this way/ Face the board/ window/ teacher/ back of the room

Come to the front please/ Come up here

Getting the right bits and pieces

Take one (worksheet/ dice/ counter) and pass them back/ pass them along

One (photocopy/ piece of paper/ counter) each

One (dice/ playing board/ pack of cards) for each group

Choose something that you can use as a counter (for this game, for example a coin, eraser or pen lid)

Pass (me/ your partner/ the next person) the ball

Ask me (nicely/ politely/ in English) for the pack of cards/ dice/ ball

Here you are! / Here you go!

Make sure there is/ are… in your set

Giving instructions

What do (you think) we do with a/ this dice/ coin/ ball/ spinner/ sticky ball/ box of Lego bricks?

Who would like to demonstrate the game (with me)?

Does anyone already know this game?

Play moves clockwise/ anticlockwise (= counter clockwise)

Instruction checking questions

How long do you have to play the game?

Who is the winner?

How do you win the game?

Can you/ Should you…?

What are the rules?

What is this for?

What does this mean?

(Are there/ Does anyone have) any (more) questions?

Getting started

Who’d like to start? / (Are there) any volunteers (to go first)?

Are you ready?

Ready, steady, go! / On your marks, get set, go! / Wait for it, wait for it, go!

Any (more) questions about how to play? No? Okay, start/ play the game!

Making sure the game moves along

It’s your turn/ You’re next/ You’re up

Whose turn is it? / Who’s next?

Try (it) again

Are you (100%) sure? / (Is that your) final answer?

Finishing games

(Go) back to your seats

That was fun, wasn’t it? / Did you have fun?

Time’s running out! / Only 10 seconds left. Ten, nine…

Hurry up!

Time’s up/ Three, two, one, zero! / Game over! / The game is over

(There will be) (just) one more question/ round

How many points did you get? / Add up your scores/ Count up your points/ cards

Stop there

The winner

The person who has most/ least points/ cards is the winner

This team is the winner!

It’s a draw/ Everyone wins! / Everyone’s a winner!

.. and the prize is…

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I am building a word game in English. Is there a free list of words that I can download and use of a free service that can help validate the word entered by the user?

  • online-game
  • word-list

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asked Sep 1, 2017 at 7:09

Karthick S's user avatar

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Check out The Oxford 3000™

or get it from

or you can check out this

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answered Sep 1, 2017 at 7:15

Mr. A's user avatar

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In order to create a Scrabble-like mini game I need an English word list to validate entries.

I would like this list of words to be very extensive so just about any (within reason) English word will be represented.

Are there any lists like this available for free download and distribution?

fixer1234's user avatar


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asked Sep 13, 2009 at 13:03

lox's user avatar


I hope this is for Scrabble!

Take a look here

answered Sep 13, 2009 at 13:05

William Hilsum's user avatar

William HilsumWilliam Hilsum

116k19 gold badges181 silver badges265 bronze badges

A search (Google) for «free English word list» (without the brackets) came up with quite a few hits.

The first one looks promising, as does this one.

I suggest you check out each one in turn until you find one you like.

answered Sep 13, 2009 at 13:07

ChrisF's user avatar


41.2k17 gold badges97 silver badges152 bronze badges

GNU ASpell has a number of dictionaries for many languages.

answered Oct 25, 2009 at 17:19

Hosam Aly's user avatar

Hosam AlyHosam Aly

2851 gold badge4 silver badges13 bronze badges

On most Unix machines, there is a /usr/share/dict/words file installed that may be used.

answered Sep 13, 2009 at 14:54

dland's user avatar


1157 bronze badges

Looking for a fun game the whole family can play as a family game night idea? Or need a cool party game idea for kids? Then you’ll love our free printable Charades Ideas for kids. This hilarious game is a blast to play with both kids and adults. Plus with the easy charades categories & word lists, it allows all ages in your family to play together.

Find 10 funny Charades categories with Animals, Food, Things to Do, Sports, Places, Disney Movies, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. You’ll learn how to play Charades and have 192 Charade ideas so you can play the game over and over again without running out of options.

It’s sure to become one of your favorite family game nights. Or play it for a quick & fun birthday party game or a school party game. Your kids are going to beg you to play!

This post contains affiliate links. If you choose to buy something using my link, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. For more information, see my disclaimer here.

Family Charades Ideas for Kids & Adults

Free Printable Charades Ideas & Word List for Kids. A fun party game with 192 words with 10 different categories - Food, Animals, Things to Do, Sports, Disney, Places, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Easter. All you need to do is print out the Charades Words and you're ready to play!

Charades is a hilarious and entertaining game to play with younger kids and older kids. Watching your kids, friends, or family act out the funny charades words will have everyone laughing and having loads of fun.

Our easy charades ideas for kids were created with simple word lists so that the whole family could play together.

There are 10 different charades categories letting everyone find a topic they’d like to act out. Plus it gives you enough word options so you can play the game over and over again. You can pick a different charades theme every time you play.

I’ve used this simple game as both a fun family game night and at my son’s school parties and it was a hit at both. This would also be a fun holiday game to play with friends and family. We’ve even played this as a virtual game night on zoom with family far away. It really is a very versatile game

Don’t worry about writing down all the categories there is a free printable below with all 192 Charades Words.

How to Play Charades with Kids

Let’s get you started with some great ideas on how to play charades. Players will act out the words with motions rather than speaking to get their team members to guess the correct answers.

It’s important to go over the rules of charades before you start the game so that everyone knows how to play. Similar to if you play a Minute to Win it Game or plan a White Elephant exchange that way there is no arguing about the winners.

Teams or Against the Clock

First, decide if you want to break up into teams with a larger group or race against the clock individually on a family game night.

Number of Rounds

Decide the number of rounds you will play before you start the game. For instance, each team will let each player go one time or two times. Each time everyone on your team has gone you’ve completed one round.

Set a Time Limit

Decide on the time limit that players have to act out the charade ideas.

Cut Up the Word List

Cut up your charades list and add the slips of paper into a bowl so no one can see what the words will be. You could even fold the pieces over so players don’t peak.

Choose the Player

Pick the player or actor to start for your team or which individual to start if playing against the clock. The players will all rotate so everyone gets a chance to act out the words.

The first actor picks out of a bowl one of the charade words and starts.

Act it Out

A player will have a time limit of 1 minute to use motions and gestures to act out the word on their slip of paper. They may not talk! If they do they automatically lose the point.

Charades Signs

Players can use some common Charades signs and hand motions to help act out the words. For instance, the number of fingers when you start indicated the number of words in your clue.


Make sure to have paper and pen to write down the score as you go under each team’s name.

Playing in Teams – If the player’s team guesses correctly in under 1 minute they get a point. If they do not guess correctly the other team gets a chance to make one guess. If the other team guesses correctly they get the point.

Playing Individually – The person who guesses the answer correctly in under 1 minute gets the point.

If no one guesses correctly no points are awarded and you go onto the next actor/player.


After the pre-determined number of rounds the team or individual who has the most points wins the game.

Charades Categories & Word Lists

Kids Love these Hilarious Charades Ideas as a fun party game or family game night. The whole family can play together or use it for kids parties. The free printable has 192 words with 10 different categories. With all these ideas you can play this game over and over with out repeating words. Print it out today and your ready to play.

There are ten different Charades categories in this printable set – Animals, Food, Things to Do, Sports, Disney, Places, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter.

Each category has a list of words with good charades ideas to go with the theme.

Our free printable Charades Ideas for Kids has all eight charade categories and word lists you’ll find below.

You can click below to download your funny charades ideas now or keep reading to check out the lists of words.

Food Charades Words

Silly Food Charades Ideas for Kids with free printable word lists.


Corn on the Cob




Cotton Candy



Eating Soup

Ice Cream



Animal Charades Words

Fun Animal Charades Ideas for Kids with free printable word lists.













Disney Movie Charades Words

Fun Disney Movie Charades Words List Game for kids. Free printable Disney Charades category to use at your family game nights, kids birthday parties, school parties or holiday parties. Just print it out and play today!




Toy Story

The Little Mermaid

Mary Poppins


Mickey Mouse

Finding Nemo



Darth Vader


Donald Duck




The Beast


Minnie Mouse


Fairy Godmother

Jiminy Cricket


Things to Do Charades Words

Free Printable Things to Do Charades Words List for Kids. Fun charades ideas with action words kids will love acting out in this hilarious party game.

Ride a Bike

Go Fishing

Take a Nap

Do the Limbo

Playing Soccer

A Pillow Fight


Licking Ice Cream

Playing Baseball


Rowing a Boat

Playing Checkers

Horseback Riding

Climb a Tree

Build a Snowman

Playing Card Games

Go Skiing

Raking Leaves

Playing Tennis

Playing Duck Duck Goose

Drive a Car

Read a Book

Mow the Lawn


Sports Charades Ideas

Easy Sports Charades Ideas for Kids with a printable Word List.


Do Yoga

Playing Golf

Water Skiing

Raking Leaves

Playing Basketball


Playing Volleyball


Playing Hockey

Play Soccer

Playing Frisbee

Places Charades Ideas

Free Printable Places Charades Category for kids. Easy Words lists ideas you can print out and play at your next kids party, family game night or holiday party.




Grocery Store

Amusement Park

Swimming Pool







Christmas Charades Cards

Funny Christmas Charades Ideas for Kids with a free printable word lists.

Enjoy these funny Christmas Charades Ideas as fun Christmas games at Christmas Parties with the whole family.

If you want more Christmas game ideas check out our Free Printable Christmas Games for kids and our hilarious Minute to Win It Games for Christmas.


Santa’s Workshop

Nutcracker Ballet

Christmas Cards

Home Alone Movie

Elf on the Shelf


Decorating a Gingerbread House

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

Snowball Fight

Hot Chocolate



Mrs. Claus

Gingerbread Man



Christmas Stockings

Making Cookies

Ice Skating


Let it Snow


Little Drummer Boy

Halloween Charades Ideas

This is a great game for kids’ school parties and Halloween parties at home.







Trick or Treat

Face Paint

Witches Hat

Spider Web


Monster Mash

Bobbing for Apples


Haunted House



Witches Broom

Black Cat


Halloween Party

Go on Hayride

Zombie Brains

Valentine’s Day Charades

Cute Valentine's Day Charades Words & Ideas for kids. Perfect game for Valentine's Day Parties.

Fun Valentine’s Day Charades Themed words. Find even more Valentine’s Day Games to add to your holiday party.


Kissing a Frog

Love Birds

Cupid Arrow

Box of Chocolates



Candy Hearts


Love Letter


Prince Charming

Teddy Bear


Diamond Ring

Valentine’s Day Cards



Puppy Love

Romeo & Juliet

Queen of Hearts

Candle Lit Dinner

Blind Date

Slow Dance

Easter Charades

Fun Easter Charades Ideas & Word List for Families. Kids & Adults will love acting out these words at your Easter Party.

Fun Easter Charades words for your holiday party.

Hopping Rabbits

Eating Jelly Beans

Family Dinner

Going to Church

Flower Bouquet



Chocolate Eggs





Hiding Easter Eggs

Chocolate Bunny




Egg Hunt




April Showers

Cotton Tail


Make Sure to Grab Your Free Printable Charades Ideas for Kids Words lists and be ready for your next party!

More Party Game Ideas for Kids

Keep the party going with more easy and fun party games for kids. Check out our Kids Party Page with tons of ideas and some of our favorites below.

Minute to Win it Games

Hilarious Minute to Win It Game for Kids Parties at Birthday, School and Holiday Parties. Quick one minute games kids and adults will love playing.

20 Easy Minute to Win it Game for Kids

Minute to Win It Games for Teens & Tweens

Christmas Family Minute to Win it Games

Would You Rather Games

Free Printable Would You Rather Questions for Kids. A fun family Game Night Ideas.

Read off these funny questions and listen to your kid’s hilarious answers.

Funniest Would you Rather Questions for Kids (Free Printable)

Best Would You Rather Questions for Tweens & Teens (Free Printable)

Christmas Edition of Would You Rather Questions for Kids – (Free Printable)

Party Games

Fun Outdoor Party Games for Kids – Great for birthday parties

Elementary School Indoor Party Games for Kids – Easy games to play at classroom parties for Room Parents & Teacher

30 Awesome Birthday Party Games for Kids – Both indoor & outdoor games

Coolest Nerf Wars Birthday Party Ideas – Step by Step guide to throwing this easy & fun birthday party.

Family Game Nights

Plan an Awesome Family Game Night with a printable game planner. Everything you need from 12 months of game ideas, to meal and snack ideas, prizes and more. Reconnect with your kids with a fun and easy family game night!

Family Game Nights can be so much fun but who has time to plan them?

Make planning a night at home with the kids stress-free with my Family Game Night Planner. It includes 12 family game ideas for each month of the year plus tips, food ideas & prizes.

All you have to do is print out your family game night planner and you’ll be ready for an awesome night at home with the kids.

Are you ready now to plan a fun party or family game night with these Charades Ideas for kids? I hope these easy charades categories & word lists will inspire you to enjoy playing games with your kids.

If you enjoyed this article, become part of the Happy Mom Hacks Community where we strive to make a mom’s life easier. Get our weekly newsletter with fun kids activities, family travel ideas, easy weeknight meals, household hacks, and more.

Bonus, you’ll get our free printable Would You Rather Game to use as a hilarious birthday party game or fun family game night.

Hilarious Would You Rather Questions for Kids. A fun party game for kids to play at classroom parties, birthday parties & virtual parties. How to play the game and free printable pdf cards. #wouldyourather #kidsparty #partyforkids #gamesforkids #kidsgames #pdf

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for family travel ideas, kid’s activities, household hacks, and fun parenting humor to give you a laugh each day.

Don’t Forget to Pin This

Learn how to play Charades with kids plus 8 Charades categories and free printable with 144 words lists. Everything you'll need to play this fun game with kids at School parties, family parties or birthday parties.

There are a total of 12,986 five letter words in our dictionary, but in this list, we will only focus on the 2,309 words that are answers for the popular word game, Wordle. 

Five Letter Words For Wordle Words

About Wordle

  • You have six guesses to figure out the 5 letter word answer
  • If you guess a letter correctly but in the wrong spot, the letter will be marked in YELLOW
  • If you guess a letter correctly, in the correct spot then the letter will be GREEN
  • If the letter isn’t in the word at all, it will be marked in gray
  • Keep your streak alive by getting the correct answer each day
  • Share on social media for bragging rights!

Combine Words

Bird + Duck = Bick

Apple + Honor = Aplonor

Hand + Locker = Handocker

Combine Names

Brad + Angelina = Brangelina

Robert + Katelyn = Robyn

Gregory + Janet = Granet

You can use our Word Combiner to combine anything!

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