Free word for students

Учащиеся и преподаватели имеют право на бесплатную версию Office 365 для образовательных учреждений, в которую входят Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Microsoft Teams и дополнительные инструменты для работы в классе. Используйте действующий адрес электронной почты вашего учебного заведения, чтобы получить ее уже сегодня.

Единое организационное пространство

Цифровая записная книжка OneNote позволяет организовывать учебные материалы и с легкостью взаимодействовать с учащимися и коллегами.

Доступ к ней возможен в любое время, в любом месте, с любого устройства.

Office 365 для образования — это единое цифровое пространство для общения, обмена информацией и совместного использования приложений. Сотрудничайте в реальном времени без границ, не беспокоясь о потере форматирования.

Простое управление классом

Создавайте классы и группы для Teams, Intune для образовательных учреждений и не только с помощью синхронизации школьных данных.

Подготовьте учащихся к успешной карьере

Office 365 для образования помогает учащимся осваивать целый ряд навыков и приложений, востребованных работодателями. Используя Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Access и OneNote, вы готовите учащихся к будущему.

  • Outlook

  • Word

  • Excel

  • PowerPoint

  • OneNote

  • Teams

  • Publisher

  • Access

Облачные службы для создания современного класса

Создавайте группы для совместной работы, объединяйтесь в профессиональные учебные сообщества, общайтесь с сотрудниками с помощью OneDrive, Teams, и не только — и все это на базе Office 365 для образования.

  • Exchange

  • OneDrive

  • SharePoint

  • Sway

  • Forms

  • Stream

  • Flow

  • School Data Sync

  • PowerApps

  • Bookings

  • Power BI


Exchange Online позволил нам объединить все факультеты, сотрудников и учащихся в единую систему, чтобы с легкостью обмениваться информацией, планировать встречи и эффективнее сотрудничать.

— Крейг Джексон, директор по инфраструктуре, эксплуатационной деятельности и сетевым технологиям, Университет штата Иллинойс

Бесплатный Office 365 Education для всей школы

Предоставьте каждому педагогу и учащемуся возможность на любых устройствах использовать Office 365 для образовательных учреждений, включая Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Microsoft Teams и бесплатные инструменты для работы в классе.

Office 365 A1

Эта бесплатная онлайн-версия Office включает все приложения Office, а также Microsoft Teams.

Office 365 A3

Доступ к классическим приложениям Office, включая Microsoft Teams, в сочетании с надежным управлением и средствами обеспечения безопасности.

Office 365 A5

Классические приложения Office, включая Microsoft Teams, а также лучшие в своем классе средства аналитики, обеспечения безопасности и соответствия.

Получить поддержку для работы с Office

Все онлайн-ресурсы, необходимые для скачивания и установки Office, управления учетной записью и устранения неполадок.

Обучающие занятия Office

Узнайте, как получить максимум от подписки на Microsoft Office вне зависимости от уровня квалификации.

Office: компетенции будущего

Помогайте учащимся осваивать приложения и умения, которые ценятся на рынке труда, используя Office 365 для образования.

Сообщество преподавателей Microsoft

Бесплатная онлайн-платформа для профессионального развития и сотрудничества поможет вам узнать, как интегрировать технологии в учебный процесс.

Вы можете пользоваться им, пока работаете в соответствующей требованиям школе. Мы можем в любой момент перепроверить ваше право на его использование. Когда срок действия вашего плана Office 365 для образования истекает,

  • приложения Office переходят в режим ограниченной функциональности, то есть вы можете просматривать документы, но не редактировать их или создавать новые.
  • Перестают работать веб-службы, привязанные к адресу школьной электронной почты, например, Office Online и OneDrive.
  • По истечении срока действия вашего плана вы можете продлить его, подтвердив свой статус преподавателя, или перейти на персональный план Office 365.

Во многих случаях подтверждение происходит мгновенно благодаря автоматическому процессу верификации. В других ситуациях требуется проверка, которая может продлиться вплоть до месяца. Если пробный 30-дневный период истекает, но ваше право все еще не подтверждено, свяжитесь со службой поддержки.

    Учетная запись OneDrive принадлежит вам, но привязывается к школе и предназначена для надлежащего контента. Школьный ИТ-администратор в любой момент может изменить полномочия и право доступа.

      Office 365 для образования предоставляется по индивидуальной лицензии и может использоваться только преподавателем, имеющим разрешение. Если ваши коллеги хотят использовать Office 365 для образования, они могут получить собственные лицензии на веб-странице Office 365 для образования.

        • Наличие специального адреса школьной электронной почты (например,, на который могут приходить письма с внешних адресов.
        • Возраст юридической дееспособности, позволяющий лично подписываться на онлайн-предложения.
        • Доступ к Интернету.

        Get started with Office 365 for free

        Students and educators at eligible institutions can sign up for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. Use your valid school email address to get started today.

        One place for organization

        The ultimate digital notebook, OneNote helps you organize class materials and easily collaborate with students and colleagues.

        Access anytime, anywhere, from any device

        Bring conversations, content, and apps together all from a single Office 365 Education experience. Collaborate in real time without boundaries, and without worrying about lost formatting.

        Simplify class management

        Create classes and groups for Teams, Intune for Education, and more for free with School Data Sync.

        Equip your students for success today and tomorrow

        When you use Office 365 Education in the classroom, your students learn a suite of skills and applications that employers value most. Whether it’s Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Access or OneNote, prepare students for their futures today.

        • Outlook

        • Word

        • Excel

        • PowerPoint

        • OneNote

        • Teams

        • Publisher

        • Access

        Cloud services to create a modern classroom

        Create collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learning communities, and communicate with school staff with the power of OneDrive, Teams, and more — all from a single experience in Office 365 Education.

        • Exchange

        • OneDrive

        • SharePoint

        • Sway

        • Forms

        • Stream

        • Flow

        • School Data Sync

        • PowerApps

        • Bookings

        • Power BI

        CASE STUDY

        We then saw a major increase in student attendance once we had trained the parents on how to use Microsoft Teams. This helped them better support their children in their learning activities, and keep track of their engagement, progress, grades, and homework.

        – Omer Faheem: Head of Education Technology, The City School Network

        Get Office 365 Education for your entire school

        Give every educator and student the power of Office 365 Education on all their devices, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Microsoft Teams, and free classroom tools.

        This free online version of Office includes everything you expect from Office, plus Microsoft Teams.

        Office 365 A3

        Access to the Office desktop apps including Microsoft Teams, plus robust management and security tools.

        Office 365 A5

        All the Office desktop apps including Microsoft Teams, with best-in-class security, compliance, and analytics.

        Get help with Office

        All the online resources you need to download and install Office, manage your account, and troubleshoot.

        Office training tutorials

        Learn how to get the most out of your Microsoft Office subscription, for all skill levels.

        Office 365 promotional kit

        Help students and educators get the full benefits of modern classroom collaboration with this free toolkit.

        Office future ready skills

        Help students learn the skills and applications that employers value most with Office 365 Education.

        Microsoft Learn Educator Center

        Learn how to integrate technology in your classroom with free online professional development and networking.

        You can use the plan as long as you are working at a qualified school. Your eligibility may be re-verified at any time. When your Office 365 Education plan expires:

        • The Office applications enter a reduced-functionality mode, which means that you can view documents, but you cannot edit or create new documents.
        • Online services associated with the school email address—for example, Office Online and OneDrive—will no longer work.
        • If your plan expires, you can extend your plan by re-verifying your status as an educator, or by moving to an Office 365 personal plan.

        In many cases, the response time is instantaneous through an automated verification process. In other cases where an institution needs to be verified, it may take up to a month to confirm eligibility. If you are nearing the end of your 30-day trial and have not received approval of eligibility, please contact customer support.

          The OneDrive account is assigned to you but associated with the school and should be used for school-appropriate content. Permissions and access can be changed by the school’s IT administrator at any time.

            Office 365 Education is individually licensed for use only by the eligible teacher. If you have colleagues who want to use Office 365 Education, they can get their own license on the Office 365 Education webpage.

              • Have a school-specific email address provided by the school (for example, that can receive external email.
              • Be of legal age to sign up for an online offer individually.
              • Have Internet access.

              For decades, Microsoft’s Office apps have been the default when it comes to productivity. Huge numbers of people still turn to Word for creating and editing documents, while Excel and PowerPoint remain the go-to when it comes to managing spreadsheets or producing presentations.

              Microsoft releases new standalone Office versions every few years, but the latest Microsoft Office 2021 bundle will set you back $149.99/£119.99. It also means you miss out on the regular updates and new features available in a Microsoft 365 subscription, but they end up being even more expensive.

              If you’re a student, it’s understandable if you’d be reluctant to spend so much on software, especially when the likes of Google Workspace offers similar features for free. However, Microsoft does offer special pricing for those in full-time education, including free access to Office 365 apps. Here’s everything you need to know.

              Yes, although you’ll need to meet two criteria. Firstly, your school, college or university will need to be paying for access to Office 365 apps, although most usually are. You’ll then need to have an active a valid school email address, whether you’re a student or educator.

              Once the verification process is complete, you’ll get full access to all the key Microsoft Office apps. We’re talking Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook and Microsoft Teams, alongside other tools designed for education. You’ll also get unlimited cloud storage in OneDrive.

              This plan, known as A1, is all most students will ever need. However, there are also some cut-price premium subscriptions. For A3 at US$2.50/£2.20 per user per month, you can also get Microsoft’s Publisher and Access apps, alongside a bookings tool. The US$6/£5.30 per user per month A5 plan gets you extra security management, compliance and analytics systems, but it’s overkill for most people.

              • Compare Office 365 Education plans in the US
              • Compare Office 365 Education plans in the UK

              How to get Office 365 for free as a student

              Provided you meet all the requirements, signing up for an Office for Education subscription is relatively simple:

              1. Head to the Office 365 page on Microsoft’s Education website – it’s available in the US, UK, Australia and many other countries around the world
              2. Enter your education email address and click ‘Get Started’
                Office 365 Education signup
              3. From the next screen, fill out your name and date of birth
              4. Check your email for a verification code, then copy and paste it to this screen
              5. After a few seconds, you should be redirected to, where you can access all the relevant apps via the web. If you’d prefer, there’s also the option to download desktop versions of each

              Related articles for further reading

              • Microsoft 365 buying guide
              • How to get Microsoft Word for free
              • How to get Microsoft Excel for free
              • How to get Microsoft PowerPoint for free

              As the resident expert on Windows, Senior Staff Writer Anyron’s main focus is PCs and laptops. Much of the rest of his time is split between smartphones, tablets and audio, with a particular focus on Android devices.

              You will find a link to download Microsoft Word for students and install it on your desktop computer through this article. Microsoft has made a provision for students and educators that are eligible to have the Office Education software for free. This is not a trial version, so you can use the Microsoft Word student software free if you are eligible. Included in the suite are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. The eligibility requirements include having a specific email address given to you by a school. For example, that is able to receive an external email. Also, you must be old enough to sign up for an online offer on your own and have access to the Internet. Besides, immediately you download the office suite to unveil your Microsoft Word student version, you have access to powerful tools and files that update real-time.

              And students and educators are able to use Android, iOS or Windows devices to work. For instance, you can use your one note to organize class materials and easily collaborate with other students and colleagues. In addition, you can enter conversations and collaborate in real-time without limits using your Office 365 student suite functionalities. Other functions include using School Data Sync to create classes and groups for teams in the school.

              Moreover, you can use tools like One Drive, Teams, and Skype to communicate with teaching communities, school staff and create a classroom where students unite to learn using Office 365 Education software. To give you quick access to these Microsoft tools, therefore, in this article, we will explain how you can download and install the Microsoft Word student edition for your desktop. Let us start now.

              Microsoft Word Student

              Features of the Office 365 Education suite

              • You have One place for organizing your work
              • Get access to powerful tools
              • Gain access anytime, anywhere, from any device
              • Make class management Simple
              • save time and money using integrated tools
              • prepare your students for success today and tomorrow
              • use the Cloud services to create a modern classroom

              Downloading Microsoft Word for students

              1. Go to Microsoft 365 education page at
              2. Type in your school email address (that is the email you got from your school or university). And then hit on the get started button.
              3. In the next page tap that “I am a student”  but if you a teacher select teacher.
              4. At this point, Microsoft will great you. Telling you that “you have an account already”. So go ahead and select “sign-in” to get the Microsoft office 365.
              5. Again, sign in with your school email address
              6. At this point, you will get a message that says ” there is no need to sign up” stating that you already have a license for Microsoft office 365 Education. So, tap on “ok, got it button
              7. Next, is to install office apps. Therefore, look to the top right side of your screen and click on a drop-down menu and select office 2016. When you do that, you will see Office 365, begin to download immediately.
              8. That is how to download Microsoft word for a student.

              Download Microsoft Word Student version

              Installing Microsoft Word for students using the Office 365

              1. To install the full package that comes with programs like Microsoft Excel, Access or PowerPoint and so on, choose other install options.
              2. Then from a drop-down menu, choose your language, and your system platform that is either 32 or 64-bit computer.
              3. And then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of Microsoft Office 365
              4. At the end of the installation exercise, you can restart the computer and then begin to use your new Microsoft Word student version.


              In this article, we showed you download link to Microsoft Word student software and how to install it on your desktop computer for Windows operating system. To download the free Office 365 suite student version, you must have a valid email from an eligible school and be of legal age to sign up for the service online. And then have access to the internet. Besides, this suite contains the Microsoft word that you need.  Enjoy your free office suite.


              • How to Download Microsoft Excel for students
              • How To Get GitHub For Students
              • Download Sage 50 Latest Version

              Microsoft Word student

              Download Microsoft Word student version for free. Are you a student who wishes to use Microsoft Word for your next project? Then you are very lucky. Here, we will show you everything you need to know about the free version of Microsoft Word for student and ways to get it.Microsoft Word for student features

              The other day we shared a tutorial on how to download the student version of Sage 50 software. Today, we are going to show you the Microsoft word free download for students guide.

              Thanks to Microsoft. You can now use all the Microsoft packages for free as a student or teacher without paying a dime as long as you meet some certain requirements. Let me explain this in detail.

              As a student or teacher, you are eligible to download and use the Microsoft Office 365 Education package for free. This package comes with Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote and other Classroom tools all at your disposal. Note that this is not Microsoft Word free trial version. This Microsoft Office package is actually built for students, teachers and schools.

              Microsoft Word student

              If you are a teacher currently lecturing in any academic institution, you are eligible to download Office 365 Education which include the Microsoft Word student package. Isn’t that beautiful? Of course, it is.

              Is Microsoft Word free for students?

              Yes, Office 365 Education is free for students that are either attending a part-time or full-time lecture if you meet these requirements.

              1. In order to Signup for this package, you must have a school-specific email address. For example [email protected]
              2. You must have internet access before you sign up
              3. You must be the legal age to sign up for online offers.

              If you meet the requirements above, you can use the student version of Office 365 except when you are no longer working at a qualified school.

              Microsoft Word student version

              Microsoft Word for Student – Download Office 365 Education.

              To signup for this package, click through the link below. After registration, you must wait to be approved. Approval is automated so you do not have to wait a long time. If you experience delays, kindly contact customer support for help.

              Related: How to download Microsoft Office 2016 free trial version.

              This is indeed a great avenue to use Microsoft office packages for free as a student. You can sign up here ( Before you sign up for Office 365 Education package, ensure your computer meets the minimum system requirements so that you won’t experience issues at the course of using this package.

              Also available for download:

              • Download Sage 50 Accounting free student version
              • How to download Adobe Illustrator for free

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              About the author

              Abe Cherian

              Abe Cherian is the founder and CEO of

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