Fourth word in this sentence

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четвертое слово

четвертая Дума

Determine the fourth word (or phrase) is not related to him within the meaning of.

Определите четвертое слово (или словосочетание), не относящееся к ним по смыслу.

Define the fourth word (or phrase), not related to them in meaning.

Определите четвертое слово (или словосочетание), не относящееся к ним по смыслу.

But what was the fourth word?

The fourth word is chair and looking up to the top of the tree you see a rocking chair nestled between two branches.

Четвертое слово — это стул, и глядя на самую верхушку дерева вы видите старый поломанный коричневый стул, который повис, зацепившись в развилке между двумя огромными ветками.

The fourth word kiser — ‘will split with a blow’ — has in the end a diminutive — differential particle kiya which gives this word a meaning ‘special’ or ‘favorite’ blow of sword.

Четвертое слово кисер — ‘разрубит’ — имеет в конце уменьшительно-выделительную частицу кийа, которая придает данному слову значение ‘особый’ или ‘любимый’ удар мечом.

The fourth word of Basmalah, Rahim (Compassionate) occurs 114 times, or 19×6.

Четвертое слово басмалы «Рахим» (Милосердный) встречается 114 раз или 19 х 6.

You need to come up with the fourth word that can be used with the provided three words.

Вам нужно найти четвертое слово, которое бы объединяло эти три слова.

For example, if a group of participants are given a list how words to remember, and then asked to recall the fourth word on the list, participants go through the list in the doe they heard it in order to retrieve the psychology.

Например, если группа участники получают список слов для запоминания, а затем просили вспомнить четвертое слово в списке, участники пройтись по списку в порядке, они услышали его, чтобы получить информацию.

The fourth word is «entrepreneur.»

The fourth word is meditating.

The fourth word is friend.

The fourth word is participation.

Finally, the fourth word is cost.

What is the fourth word in this sentence?

Finally, the fourth word is a reflection of global trends on strengthening of intercultural and inter-civilizational dialogue, which is gaining high importance in today’s world.

И наконец, четвертое — отражение глобальных трендов по укреплению межкультурного и межцивилизационного диалога, что приобретает в современном мире все большую значимость».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 26. Точных совпадений: 26. Затраченное время: 55 мс


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Continue Learning about English Language Arts

What is the opposite of the fourth word of this sentence?


Sentence with the word »forth» and »fourth»?

When the regiment sallied forth from the trench, a fourth of the men cowered in the bottom.Sallied (rushed) forth (forward).Fourth means one quarter or twenty-five percent.

A good fourth grade sentence for the word elevation?

The elevation of the sea groud is 2 inches. His elevation to
head teacher was well deserved

How do you spell the word norty?

The correct spelling is naughty.An example sentence is: «Ben was on Santa’s naughty list again for the fourth Christmas in a row».

What is a sentence including the word cacophony?

Here is a sentence:
What is a sentence including the word cacophony?
That is the sentence

>I have this assignment with where we’re required to analyze a learning algorithm for predicting the fourth word in a sentence. It is a 4-grams model, with the first three words given. The parameters we can change are d=the number of dimensions we can represent a word,

How, exactly, are words represented? How many 4-word combinations do you have? Are there multiple combinations that have the same 4th word?

>and numHid= the number of hidden units in the hidden layer (here we’re using a single hidden layer). So I trained the algorithm

What kind of algorithm? What is it’s name? Are you using the NN Toolbox?

> with different d every time and different numHid, the algorithm stops automatically when the validation error starts increasing. My question is: What does the number of epochs represent?

The interval between successive weight update stages is an epoch

> is it better for the epochs to be minimum? provided that the learning rate is kept constant throughout the algorithm.

Regardless of learning rate, the ultimate goal is to minimize the performance error on nondesign data. Speed is of secondary importance.

>Should I use the parameters that give me the minimum cross Entropy error?

Use the parameters that optimize YOUR measure of performance. From my point of view you have a classification problem and should try to minimize the rate of failure to choose the correct 4th word. However, classification error rate is not continuous. Therefore, it is much better to use a continuous objective function like mean-square-error or cross-entropy.

In the words of Confusious: «Try both, choose best»

Hope this helps.


5 different words (A, B, C, D, E)

A, B must appear. Repetition is allowed. How many permutations can you make with with 4 words.

We have to take cases.

Case 1. There is no repetition of A and B

A, B occupy 2 slots. Other 2 slots are free to be { C, D, E }.
Pick two slots for A, B and permutate, then number of functions from {C, D, E} -> {1, 2} (last 2 remaining slots)

Case 2. There is repetition of A but no repetition of B

Since the numbers are small, we can just write out the subcases explicitly. If not we’d have to use sigma notation with multinomials.

Subcase I. A repeated twice

We have a selection of A x 2, B x 1, and { C, D, E } x 1

Subcase II. A repeated trice


Case 3. There repetition of A but no reptition of B

The same as case 2.

Case 4. There is repetition of both A and B

The only selection we have is A x 2, B x 2



In addition, a certain word order allows the interlocutor to understand what type of sentence is being discussed: affirmative, negative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. To figure it out, let’s remember what the members of the proposal are.
A characteristic feature of sentences in English is a firm word order. Solid word order is of great importance in modern English, because, due to the poorly represented morphological system in the language, the members of the sentence are often distinguished only by their place in the sentence.

The direct word order in an English sentence is as follows: the subject is in the first place, the predicate is in the second, and the complement is in the third. In some cases, the circumstance may come first. In an English sentence, an auxiliary verb may appear in the main verb.

What is the word order in the English interrogative sentence?

In the first place the necessary QUESTIONAL WORD is put, in the second — the FAVORABLE, in the third place — the SUBJECT, in the fourth place are the SECONDARY members of the sentence.

What is the word order in an English declarative sentence?

A characteristic and distinctive feature of declarative affirmative sentences in English is the observance of a firm (direct) word order. This means that in the first place in a sentence the subject is usually put, in the second place — the predicate, in the third place — the addition and then the circumstances.

Why is direct word order in English?

In grammar, it is customary to distinguish two types of word order: Direct Order, which is used in declarative (affirmative and negative) sentences, and Indirect Order, which helps to ask a question, express an exclamation, or even give an order.

What order are adjectives in English?

The order of adjectives in English

  1. Article or other qualifier (a, the, his)
  2. Rating, opinion (good, bad, terrible, nice)
  3. Size (large, little, tiny)
  4. Age (new, young, old)
  5. Shape (square, round)
  6. Color (red, yellow, green)
  7. Origin (French, lunar, American, eastern, Greek)

How to build sentences correctly?

The subject is usually placed before the predicate. The agreed definition is before the word being defined, the circumstance of the mode of action is before the predicate, and the rest of the circumstances and addition are after the predicate. This word order is called direct. In speech, the specified order of the members of the sentence is often violated.

How many words are there in English?

Let’s try to find out the number of words in English by looking in the dictionary: The second edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains 171 words currently in use, and 476 obsolete words. To this can be added about 47 derivative words.

How to determine what time a sentence is in English?

The tense in an English sentence is determined by the verb. Note, not by additional words, but by the predicate verb.

How to construct an interrogative sentence in English correctly?

The special question uses interrogative words. They are what, where, when, whose, (when), how, why, and so on. The interrogative word is placed at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the verb (or auxiliary verb), the subjects — and then the rest of the sentence.

How to make negative sentences in English?

To make sentences negative, you must put the word «not» after the modal verb. For example, we have an affirmative sentence: He can swim. He can swim.

What is the word order in an affirmative sentence?

In an affirmative sentence, the subject is in the first place, the predicate is in the second place, and the secondary members of the sentence are in the third place.

What is a big word order sentence?

In direct word order, the subject precedes the predicate, i.e. comes first. In the reverse order of words, the subject is placed immediately after the predicate (its conjugated part).

What is a narrative sentence example?

A narrative sentence is used by the speaker to inform about some facts, phenomena of reality, about their thoughts, experiences and feelings, etc. May beetles whirled over the birches. A frog croaked at the shore.

What are the tenses in English?

There are also three English tenses — present, past and future, but depending on whether the action is complete or prolonged, each of these tenses can be of four types — simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous.

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