- the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation (syn: province)
his state is in the deep south
- the way something is with respect to its main attributes
the current state of knowledge
his state of health
in a weak financial state
- the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state
the state has lowered its income tax
- a politically organized body of people under a single government (syn: commonwealth, country, land, nation)
the state has elected a new president
- (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container)
the solid state of water is called ice
- a state of depression or agitation
he was in such a state you just couldn’t reason with him
- the territory occupied by a nation (syn: country, land)
- the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies
Extra examples
Happiness is the state or condition of being happy.
We must keep our armed forces in a constant state of readiness.
She meditates to achieve a higher state of being.
The building is in such a sorry state that it’s hardly worth fixing.
Water in a gaseous state
The solid and liquid states
The member states of the United Nations Security Council
Things were in an untidy state.
A problem must be stated in order to be solved.
The contents of the deed were falsely stated.
To state him in the right of disposing of the forces.
There are fears for the state of the country’s economy.
When we bought the house, it was in a terrible state.
Frankly, I wouldn’t trust his emotional state right now.
She was in an extremely confused state of mind.
Word forms
I/you/we/they: state
he/she/it: states
present participle: stating
past tense: stated
past participle: stated
singular: state
plural: states
государственный, состояние, государство, констатировать
прилагательное ↓
- государственный
- (обыкн. State) амер. относящийся к штату
State law — право штата, закон штата
State legislature — законодательное собрание штата (в США)
State prison — тюрьма штата (в США)
State flower [bird, tree] — цветок [птица, дерево] как эмблема какого-л. штата (утверждаются в законодательном порядке)
существительное ↓
- тк. sing состояние, положение
- строение, структура
gaseous state of water — газообразное состояние воды
- общественное положение, особ. высокое; сословная принадлежность
persons in every state of life — люди разного звания /общественного положения/
the state he is surrounded with — его общественная среда
in a style befitting his state — как подобает человеку его положения
- великолепие, пышность; помпа, парадность
- напряжённое или возбуждённое состояние
to be in a state — быть в затруднении или в волнении
to work oneself into a state — взвинтить себя
he was in quite a state about it — он был очень взволнован этим
in a great state — в большом волнении, в возбуждённом состоянии
now don’t get into a state! — пожалуйста, не выходите из себя!
what a state you are in! — в каком вы виде!
ещё 8 вариантов
глагол ↓
- излагать; заявлять; формулировать
to state the question [facts, an opinion, reasons, a rule] — излагать вопрос [факты, мнение, причины, правило]
to state a case — юр. формулировать спорные вопросы по делу
to state an account — дать отчёт
the plaintiff stated his case — истец изложил суть своей жалобы
state your case! — изложите свои соображения!
he stated Verner’s law with great lucidity — он очень ясно изложил закон Вернера
- констатировать, утверждать
he positively stated that he had never seen the accused man — он решительно утверждал, что никогда не видел обвиняемого
- устанавливать; точно определять
to state the time for a meeting — назначить время собрания
this condition was expressly stated — это условие было особо оговорено
- редк. помещать, располагать, размещать
Мои примеры
water in a gaseous state — вода в газообразном состоянии
the solid and liquid states — твёрдое и жидкое состояния
a de facto state of war — фактическое состояние войны
in no fit state to continue — не в состоянии продолжать
bring to a state of — приводить в какое-л. состояние
national / state budget — государственный бюджет
national / state capital — национальный капитал
a state of chaos — состояние беспорядка
a state of confusion — смущение
constraint on the state — фазовое ограничение
counsellor of state — государственный советник
to deflect the state policy — изменить государственную политику
Примеры с переводом
Please state your name and address.
Пожалуйста, укажите ваше имя и адрес.
The price of the tickets is stated on the back.
Стоимость билетов указана на обратной стороне.
What a state you are in!
В каком вы виде! (разг.)
Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid.
Вода существует в трёх состояниях: жидком, газообразном и твёрдом.
The witness stated that he had not seen the woman before.
Свидетель заявил, что никогда не видел эту женщину раньше.
She lay in a comatose state.
Она лежала в коматозном состоянии.
The country was in a state of war (=officially fighting a war).
Страна находилась в состоянии войны (т.е. официально вступила в войну).
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
The voters were balloting in this state
They popularized coffee in Washington State
He sat there in a blissful state of comfort.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
instate — вводить в должность, обеспечивать
overstate — преувеличивать, переступить
restate — вновь заявить, формулировать иначе
stated — установленный, сформулированный, зафиксированный, высказанный, назначенный
stately — величественный, величавый, величественный, величавый
statement — заявление, утверждение, оператор, высказывание, изложение, ведомость, сообщение
static — статический, неподвижный, стационарный
statical — статический, неподвижный, стационарный
station — станция, пункт, место, станционный, вокзальный, размещать, дислоцировать
statist — статистик
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: state
he/she/it: states
ing ф. (present participle): stating
2-я ф. (past tense): stated
3-я ф. (past participle): stated
ед. ч.(singular): state
мн. ч.(plural): states
Examples from texts
This arterial response to the externally applied pressure is not dependent on the state of endothelial tissue.
Этот ответ артерии на давление извне не является эндотелий зависимым.
There are therefore only two possible ways of describing a state by a wave function, viz. either by the symmetrical or the antisymmetrical wave function;
Таким образом, имеются только две возможности описать состояние системы частиц с помощью волновой функции — нужно пользоваться либо симметричной, либо антисимметричной формой.
Born, Max / Atomic PhysicsБорн, Макс / Атомная физика
«That,» said Lord Evandale, «is an unanswerable argument, since it shows me that my residence here may be useful, even in my present disabled state.»
— Это, — сказал лорд Эвендел, — довод, против которого мне нечего возразить, так как он говорит в пользу того, что мое пребывание в замке, даже в таком беспомощном состоянии, как сейчас, может оказаться полезным.
Scott, Walter / Old MortalityСкотт, Вальтер / Пуритане
Скотт, Вальтер
© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1971
Old Mortality
Scott, Walter
© 2006 Adamant Media Corporation.
One either remains at an equilibrium state forever, or one tends asymptotically to it.
Решение либо пребывает в состоянии равновесия вечно, либо асимптотически стремится к нему.
Diacu, Florin,Holmes, Philip / Celestial encounters: the origins of chaos and stabilityДиаку, Флорин,Холмс, Филип / Небесные встречи. Истоки хаоса и устойчивости.
Небесные встречи. Истоки хаоса и устойчивости.
Диаку, Флорин,Холмс, Филип
© НИЦ «Регулярная и хаотическая динамика», перевод на русский язык, 2004
© Princeton University Press. 1996
Celestial encounters: the origins of chaos and stability
Diacu, Florin,Holmes, Philip
© 1996 by Florin Diacu and Philip Holmes
The essence of the above phenomenon is that the inhaled spores of the anthrax pathogen can persist in inactive state in alveoli for a long time (up to several weeks) until captured by alveolar macrophages.
Сущность феномена заключается в том, что ингалированные споры возбудителя сибирской язвы могут длительно, в течение нескольких недель персистировать в неактивном состоянии в альвеолах до тех пор, пока не будут захвачены альвеолярными макрофагами.
Table 41 presents the list of traders that performed the greatest volume of transactions with non-state securities on the MICEX Stock Exchange during the first half of 2010.
В табл. 42 приведен список участников торгов, осуществивших на ФБ ММВБ в течение первой половины 2010 г. наибольший объем сделок с негосударственными ценными бумагами.
Specifically, the chapter discusses the key federal and state franchise regulations and explains how they affect franchise operations.
Кроме того, в ней подробно рассмотрены основные положения федерального законодательства и законов штатов и их влияние на франчайзинговые операции.
Shane, Scott A. / From Ice Cream to the Internet: Using Franchising to Drive the Growth and Profits of Your CompanyШейн, Скотт А. / От мороженого к Интернету. Франчайзинг как инструмент развития и повышения прибыльности вашей компании
От мороженого к Интернету. Франчайзинг как инструмент развития и повышения прибыльности вашей компании
Шейн, Скотт А.
© Баланс Бизнес Букс, 2006
© перевод О. Теплых
© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From Ice Cream to the Internet: Using Franchising to Drive the Growth and Profits of Your Company
Shane, Scott A.
© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Besides, I had no intention of taking any man’s clothes entire and leaving him in my own current state of nature.
Кроме того, я не собирался лишать человека всей одежды и оставлять его в положении, в каком на данный момент пребывал сам.
Liss, David / A Spectacle Of CorruptionЛисс, Дэвид / Ярмарка коррупции
Ярмарка коррупции
Лисс, Дэвид
© И. Нелюбова, перевод, 2007
© Издательский дом «Азбука-классика», 2007
© 2004 by David Liss
A Spectacle Of Corruption
Liss, David
I, too, lay down on mine in a state of great excitement.
Я тоже улегся в свою, но в большом волнении.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство «Советская Россия», 1979
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
The index shows that a significant part of the state expenses for the Olympic activities financing is returned to the budget system.
Индикатор показывает, что значительная часть государственных затрат на финансирование Олимпийских мероприятий возвращается в бюджетную систему.
© 2009-2011 ГК «Олимпстрой»
© 2009-2011 SC «Olympstroy»
In order to realize a high-power deep discharge the galvanic cells are kept in the hot state during the discharge by means of different variants of thermal protection.
Для реализации глубокого разряда повышенной мощности в процессе разряда сохраняют нагретое состояние гальванических элементов, например, используя различные варианты тепловой защиты.
It had come to him by inheritance from an aunt, the widow of a councillor of state, Madame Kardon-Kataev, an excessively stout woman, who did nothing but lie in her bed, sighing and groaning.
Оно досталось ему в наследство от тетки, статской советницы Кардон-Катаевой, необыкновенно толстой женщины, которая, даже лежа в постеле, продолжительно и жалобно кряхтела.
Тургенев, И.С. / Записки охотника т.2Turgenev, I.S. / A Sportsman’s Sketches v.2
A Sportsman’s Sketches v.2
Turgenev, I.S.
Записки охотника т.2
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1975
In the first move, the parser shifts the state corresponding to the token digit (whose attribute value is 3) onto the stack
На первом шаге синтаксический анализатор переносит в стек состояние, соответствующее токену digit (значение его атрибута равно 3).
Aho, Alfred V.,Sethi, Ravi,Ullman, Jeffrey / Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and ToolsАхо, Альфред В.,Ульман, Джеффри,Сети, Рави / Компиляторы: принципы, технологии, инструменты
Компиляторы: принципы, технологии, инструменты
Ахо, Альфред В.,Ульман, Джеффри,Сети, Рави
© Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1985
© 2001
© Издательский дом «Вильямс», 2001
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Aho, Alfred V.,Sethi, Ravi,Ullman, Jeffrey
© 1986
We must note that in November 2008, the company suspended supplying its passenger cars to its largest client — Ukrzaliznytsia due to non-payments by this state-owned company.
Отметим, что еще в ноябре 2008 г. завод прекратил поставки пассажирских вагонов одному из своих наибольших заказчиков — «Укрзализныце» в связи с неплатежами госпредприятия.
How the atmosphere evolved from a supposed Earthlike beginning to its current, unimaginably hostile state.
Как изменялась атмосфера, эволюционируя от первоначального состояния, предположительно приближенного к атмосферным условиям Земли, к своему нынешнему, невообразимому состоянию.
© 1999–2011, Universe Today
© European Space Agency
Add to my dictionary
steɪtNounсостояние; положениеExamples
moribund state — предсмертное состояние
nervous state — нервное состояние
poor state — плохое состояние
weakened state — ослабленное состояние
state of mind — душевное состояние
state of affairs — положение дел, ситуация; конъюнктура
in a good state of repair — требующий починки
in a poor state of health — в плохом состоянии
in a highly nervous state — в сильном возбуждении
Things were in an untidy state. — Все вещи были в беспорядке.
What a state you are in! — В каком вы виде!
User translations
The part of speech is not specified
absorbing state
поглощающее состояние
acceptable state
допустимое состояние
acceptable state of thermal efficiency
допустимый тепловой к. п. д
accepting state
поглощающее состояние
accepting state
поглощающее состояние конечного автомата
accessible state
достижимое состояние
act of state
акт власти штата
act of state
акт государственной власти
act of state
государственный акт
act of state doctrine
доктрина «акта государственной власти»
active state
активное состояние
active state of plastic equilibrium
состояние динамического равновесия
actual state of the market
существующее положение дел на рынке
adjoining state
соседнее государство
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
the condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes: a state of health.
the condition of matter with respect to structure, form, constitution, phase, or the like: water in a gaseous state.
status, rank, or position in life; station: He dresses in a manner befitting his state.
the style of living befitting a person of wealth and high rank: to travel in state.
a particular condition of mind or feeling: to be in an excited state.
an abnormally tense, nervous, or perturbed condition: He’s been in a state since hearing about his brother’s death.
a politically unified people occupying a definite territory; nation.
the territory, or one of the territories, of a government.
Sometimes State . any of the bodies politic which together make up a federal union, as in the United States of America.
the body politic as organized for civil rule and government (distinguished from church).
the operations or activities of a central civil government: affairs of state.
Printing. a set of copies of an edition of a publication which differ from others of the same printing because of additions, corrections, or transpositions made during printing or at any time before publication.
the States, Informal. the United States (usually used outside its borders): After a year’s study in Spain, he returned to the States.
of or relating to the central civil government or authority.
made, maintained, or chartered by or under the authority of one of the commonwealths that make up a federal union: a state highway;a state bank.
characterized by, attended with, or involving ceremony: a state dinner.
used on or reserved for occasions of ceremony.
verb (used with object), stat·ed, stat·ing.
to declare definitely or specifically: She stated her position on the case.
to set forth formally in speech or writing: to state a hypothesis.
to set forth in proper or definite form: to state a problem.
to say.
to fix or settle, as by authority.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Idioms about state
lie in state, (of a corpse) to be exhibited publicly with honors before burial: The president’s body lay in state for two days.
Origin of state
First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English noun stat(e), partly from estat estate, partly from Latin status “condition” (see status); the meanings in defs. 7-11 derive from Latin status (rērum) ) “state (of things)” or status (reī pūblicae) “state (of the republic)”
synonym study for state
1. State, condition, situation, status are terms for existing circumstances or surroundings. State is the general word, often with no concrete implications or material relationships: the present state of affairs. Condition carries an implication of a relationship to causes and circumstances: The conditions made flying impossible. Situation suggests an arrangement of circumstances, related to one another and to the character of a person: He was master of the situation. Status carries official or legal implications; it suggests a complete picture of interrelated circumstances as having to do with rank, position, standing, a stage reached in progress, etc.: the status of negotiations. 19. See maintain.
historical usage of state
The history of the English noun state is complicated. It derives from both Old French and Latin. The Old French noun is estat, estate “general state or condition (material, bodily, moral, mental),” also the source of the English word estate “landed property.” Estat is a normal French development from Latin status “a standing, stance, physical state or circumstances, (public) order.” Latin status derives from the verb stāre “to stand,” from the very widespread Proto-Indo-European root stā- (and its many extensions) “to stand,” source of Greek histánai (from prehistoric sistánai with reduplication), Germanic (Old English) standan (English stand ), and Slavic (Polish) stać.
The e in estat is called a prothetic e ( prothetikós means “prefixed” in Greek). The prothetic e appears in the Romance languages of France (French, Provençal), and the Iberian Peninsula (Castilian, Portuguese, Catalan), and in Logudorese (the most conservative dialect of the Sardinian language). For example, Latin schola “school” appears as école in French (from earlier escole ), escòla in Provençal, escuela in Castilian, escola in Portuguese and Catalan, and iscola in Logudorese. The prothetic e was never common in Italy except to avoid ungainly consonant clusters; thus Italian la scuola “the school” becomes per iscuola “for school.” Prothesis persists in modern Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan: “station” is estación, estação, and estació, respectively, but it is no longer productive in French (“station” is station ) or Italian ( stazione ). Prothesis has never been common in Romanian (“school” is şcoală ).
stat·a·ble, state·a·ble, adjectivean·ti·state, adjectivecoun·ter·state, verb, coun·ter·stat·ed, coun·ter·stat·ing.out·state, verb (used with object), out·stat·ed, out·stat·ing.
sub·state, nounun·stat·a·ble, adjectiveun·state·a·ble, adjective
Words nearby state
Stassen, stat, statampere, statant, statcoulomb, state, state aid, state bank, state bird, state capitalism, state chamber Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to state
case, community, federation, land, nation, territory, union, affirm, articulate, describe, explain, expound, express, give, present, put, say, set forth, speak, specify
How to use state in a sentence
Halfway there, however, we passed two of the largest waterfalls in the state.
Due to the chemicals and the state the hair has been in, it will initially be damaged, but she will have hair.
Details were kept secret by 50-a, a state law that has barred the public from seeing police discipline records.
That’s why Abdur-Rahim pushed the G League, which typically functions like the NBA’s minor leagues, to offer financial, personal and professional incentives to keep elite high school players in the states.
Simon operates more than 200 properties in 38 states, all of which had to shutter operations in late March due to the pandemic.
Dental leaders barnstormed the state, and cities began to fluoridate.
But on Thursday Boxer triggered a Golden State political earthquake, announcing that she would not seek a fifth term in 2016.
Meanwhile, in Florida, Bush was flooded with questions about whether gay marriage could possibly come to the Sunshine State.
This week, Florida became the 36th state to allow same-sex marriage.
But if you have a hearing and you prove that someone is mature enough, well then that state interest evaporates.
If we can free this State of Yankees, we will accomplish more than your armies down south have.
Walls End Castle, when the party broke up, returned to its normal state.
The next morning he came rushing into the office, in a violent state of excitement.
He could not tell what I meant by secrets of state, where an enemy or some rival nation were not in the case.
From the very first of the war their work was to help exterminate the guerrilla bands which infested the State.
British Dictionary definitions for state
the condition of a person, thing, etc, with regard to main attributes
the structure, form, or constitution of somethinga solid state
any mode of existence
position in life or society; estate
ceremonious style, as befitting wealth or dignityto live in state
a sovereign political power or community
the territory occupied by such a community
the sphere of power in such a communityaffairs of state
(often capital) one of a number of areas or communities having their own governments and forming a federation under a sovereign government, as in the US
(often capital) the body politic of a particular sovereign power, esp as contrasted with a rival authority such as the Church
obsolete a class or order; estate
informal a nervous, upset, or excited condition (esp in the phrase in a state)
lie in state (of a body) to be placed on public view before burial
state of affairs a situation; present circumstances or condition
state of play the current situation
controlled or financed by a statestate university
of, relating to, or concerning the StateState trial
involving ceremony or concerned with a ceremonious occasionstate visit
verb (tr; may take a clause as object)
to articulate in words; utter
to declare formally or publiclyto state one’s innocence
Derived forms of state
statable or stateable, adjectivestatehood, noun
Word Origin for state
C13: from Old French estat, from Latin status a standing, from stāre to stand
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with state
In addition to the idiom beginning with state
- state of the art
also see:
- in a lather (state)
- in state
- ship of state
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
a. A condition or mode of being, as with regard to circumstances: The office was in a state of confusion.
b. A condition of being in a stage or form, as of structure, growth, or development: the fetal state.
c. A mental or emotional condition: in a manic state.
d. Informal A condition of excitement or distress: was in a state over going to the prom.
e. Social position or rank.
2. Physics The condition of a physical system with regard to phase, form, composition, or structure: Ice is the solid state of water.
3. Ceremony; pomp: foreign leaders dining in state at the White House.
a. The supreme public power within a sovereign political entity: the state intervening in the economy.
b. The sphere of supreme civil power within a given polity: matters of state.
c. A specific kind of government: the socialist state.
d. A body politic, especially one constituting a nation: the states of Eastern Europe.
e. One of the more or less internally autonomous territorial and political units composing a federation under a sovereign government: the 48 contiguous states of the Union.
1. Of or relating to a body politic or to an internally autonomous territorial or political unit constituting a federation under one government: a monarch dealing with state matters; the department that handles state security.
2. Owned and operated by a state: state universities.
tr.v. stat·ed, stat·ing, states
To set forth in words; declare.
stat′a·ble, state′a·ble adj.
Synonyms: state, condition, situation, status
These nouns denote the mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing: an old factory in a state of disrepair; a jogger in healthy condition; a police officer responding to a dangerous situation; the uncertain status of the peace negotiations.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. the condition of a person, thing, etc, with regard to main attributes
2. the structure, form, or constitution of something: a solid state.
3. any mode of existence
4. position in life or society; estate
5. ceremonious style, as befitting wealth or dignity: to live in state.
6. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a sovereign political power or community
7. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the territory occupied by such a community
8. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the sphere of power in such a community: affairs of state.
9. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (often capital) one of a number of areas or communities having their own governments and forming a federation under a sovereign government, as in the US
10. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (often capital) the body politic of a particular sovereign power, esp as contrasted with a rival authority such as the Church
11. obsolete a class or order; estate
12. informal a nervous, upset, or excited condition (esp in the phrase in a state)
13. lie in state (of a body) to be placed on public view before burial
14. state of affairs a situation; present circumstances or condition
15. state of play the current situation
16. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) controlled or financed by a state: state university.
17. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) of, relating to, or concerning the State: State trial.
18. involving ceremony or concerned with a ceremonious occasion: state visit.
vb (tr; may take a clause as object)
19. to articulate in words; utter
20. to declare formally or publicly: to state one’s innocence.
21. to resolve
[C13: from Old French estat, from Latin status a standing, from stāre to stand]
ˈstatable, ˈstateable adj
ˈstatehood n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
art at start
n., adj., v. stat•ed, stat•ing. n.
1. the condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes: the state of one’s health.
2. the condition of matter with respect to structure, form, phase, or the like: water in a gaseous state.
3. status, rank, or position in life; station.
4. the formal or elaborate style befitting a person of wealth and high rank: to travel in state.
5. a particular condition of mind or feeling: an excited state.
6. an abnormally tense, nervous, or perturbed condition: in a state over losing one’s job.
7. a politically unified people occupying a definite territory; nation.
8. the territory or authority of a state.
9. (sometimes cap.) any of the bodies politic or political units that together make up a federal union, as in the United States of America.
10. the body politic as organized for civil rule and government: separation of church and state.
11. the sphere of the highest civil authority and administration: affairs of state.
12. the States, the United States (usu. used outside its borders).
13. of or pertaining to the central civil government or authority.
14. of, maintained by, or under the authority of a unit of a federal union: a state highway.
15. characterized by, attended with, or involving ceremony: a state dinner.
16. used on or reserved for occasions of ceremony.
17. to declare definitely or specifically.
18. to set forth formally in speech or writing.
19. to set forth in proper or definite form: to state a problem.
20. to say.
21. to fix or settle, as by authority.
lie in state, (of a corpse) to be exhibited publicly with honors before burial.
[1175–1225; Middle English stat (n.), partly aph. variant of estat estate, partly < Latin status condition (see status); in definitions 7–11 < Latin status (rērum) state (of things) or status (reī pūblicae) state (of the republic)]
stat′a•ble, state′a•ble, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
of princes: princes collectively—Bk. of St. Albans, 1486.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: stated
Gerund: stating
Imperative |
state |
state |
Present |
I state |
you state |
he/she/it states |
we state |
you state |
they state |
Preterite |
I stated |
you stated |
he/she/it stated |
we stated |
you stated |
they stated |
Present Continuous |
I am stating |
you are stating |
he/she/it is stating |
we are stating |
you are stating |
they are stating |
Present Perfect |
I have stated |
you have stated |
he/she/it has stated |
we have stated |
you have stated |
they have stated |
Past Continuous |
I was stating |
you were stating |
he/she/it was stating |
we were stating |
you were stating |
they were stating |
Past Perfect |
I had stated |
you had stated |
he/she/it had stated |
we had stated |
you had stated |
they had stated |
Future |
I will state |
you will state |
he/she/it will state |
we will state |
you will state |
they will state |
Future Perfect |
I will have stated |
you will have stated |
he/she/it will have stated |
we will have stated |
you will have stated |
they will have stated |
Future Continuous |
I will be stating |
you will be stating |
he/she/it will be stating |
we will be stating |
you will be stating |
they will be stating |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been stating |
you have been stating |
he/she/it has been stating |
we have been stating |
you have been stating |
they have been stating |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been stating |
you will have been stating |
he/she/it will have been stating |
we will have been stating |
you will have been stating |
they will have been stating |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been stating |
you had been stating |
he/she/it had been stating |
we had been stating |
you had been stating |
they had been stating |
Conditional |
I would state |
you would state |
he/she/it would state |
we would state |
you would state |
they would state |
Past Conditional |
I would have stated |
you would have stated |
he/she/it would have stated |
we would have stated |
you would have stated |
they would have stated |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
1. Any of the images through which a print may pass as the artist alters the design, as frequently occurs in the work of Rembrandt. If no changes are made, this may be described as the only state.” Art historians may dispute whether differences are deliberate or merely caused by wear on the plate.
2. An internally autonomous territorial and political unit.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | province administrative district, administrative division, territorial division — a district defined for administrative purposes commonwealth — the official name of some states in the United States (Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and Virginia and Kentucky) and associated territories (Puerto Rico) country, land, state — the territory occupied by a nation; «he returned to the land of his birth»; «he visited several European countries» eparchy — a province in ancient Greece American state — one of the 50 states of the United States Italian region — Italy is divided into 20 regions for administrative purposes Canadian province — Canada is divided into 12 provinces for administrative purposes Australian state — one of the several states constituting Australia Soviet Socialist Republic — one of the states that formerly made up the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922-1991) |
2. | state — the way something is with respect to its main attributes; «the current state of knowledge»; «his state of health»; «in a weak financial state»
attribute — an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity feeling — the experiencing of affective and emotional states; «she had a feeling of euphoria»; «he had terrible feelings of guilt»; «I disliked him and the feeling was mutual» skillfulness — the state of being cognitively skillful cleavage — the state of being split or cleft; «there was a cleavage between the liberal and conservative members» medium — a state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position; «a happy medium» ornamentation — the state of being ornamented condition — a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing; «the human condition» condition, status — a state at a particular time; «a condition (or state) of disrepair»; «the current status of the arms negotiations» conditionality — the state of being conditional ground state — (physics) the lowest energy state of an atom or other particle nationhood — the state of being a nation situation, state of affairs — the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time; «the present international situation is dangerous»; «wondered how such a state of affairs had come about»; «eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation»- Franklin D.Roosevelt relationship — a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection); «he didn’t want his wife to know of the relationship» relationship — a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries tribalism — the state of living together in tribes utopia — ideally perfect state; especially in its social and political and moral aspects dystopia — state in which the conditions of life are extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror natural state, state of nature, wild — a wild primitive state untouched by civilization; «he lived in the wild»; «they collected mushrooms in the wild» isomerism — the state of being an isomer; the complex of chemical and physical phenomena characteristic of isomers degree, stage, level, point — a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; «a remarkable degree of frankness»; «at what stage are the social sciences?» office, power — (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power; «being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage»; «during his first year in office»; «during his first year in power»; «the power of the president» status, position — the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; «he had the status of a minor»; «the novel attained the status of a classic»; «atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life» being, beingness, existence — the state or fact of existing; «a point of view gradually coming into being»; «laws in existence for centuries» nonbeing — the state of not being death — the absence of life or state of being dead; «he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life» employ, employment — the state of being employed or having a job; «they are looking for employment»; «he was in the employ of the city» unemployment — the state of being unemployed or not having a job; «unemployment is a serious social evil»; «the rate of unemployment is an indicator of the health of an economy» order — established customary state (especially of society); «order ruled in the streets»; «law and order» disorder — a disturbance of the peace or of public order antagonism, enmity, hostility — a state of deep-seated ill-will conflict — a state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests; «his conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post»; «a conflict of loyalties» illumination — the degree of visibility of your environment freedom — the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints delegacy, representation, agency — the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent dependence, dependency, dependance — the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else motion — a state of change; «they were in a state of steady motion» lifelessness, motionlessness, stillness — a state of no motion or movement; «the utter motionlessness of a marble statue» dead letter, non-issue — the state of something that has outlived its relevance activeness, activity, action — the state of being active; «his sphere of activity»; «he is out of action» inaction, inactiveness, inactivity — the state of being inactive temporary state — a state that continues for a limited time |
3. | state — the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state; «the state has lowered its income tax»
authorities, government, regime — the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit; «the government reduced taxes»; «the matter was referred to higher authorities» Soviets — the government of the Soviet Union; «the Soviets said they wanted to increase trade with Europe» welfare state — a government that undertakes responsibility for the welfare of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and pensions and unemployment compensation etc. |
4. | body politic, country, nation, res publica, commonwealth, land commonwealth country — any of the countries in the British Commonwealth developing country — a country that is poor and whose citizens are mostly agricultural workers but that wants to become more advanced socially and economically Dominion — one of the self-governing nations in the British Commonwealth estate of the realm, the three estates, estate — a major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country (especially in the United Kingdom) and formerly possessing distinct political rights foreign country — any state of which one is not a citizen; «working in a foreign country takes a bit of getting used to» Reich — the German state renegade state, rogue nation, rogue state — a state that does not respect other states in its international actions suzerain — a state exercising a degree of dominion over a dependent state especially in its foreign affairs sea power — a nation that possesses formidable naval strength great power, major power, superpower, world power, power — a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world city state, city-state — a state consisting of a sovereign city ally — a friendly nation political entity, political unit — a unit with political responsibilities |
5. | state — (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container); «the solid state of water is called ice»
state of matter chemical science, chemistry — the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions chemical phenomenon — any natural phenomenon involving chemistry (as changes to atoms or molecules) phase, form — (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary; «the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system» liquid state, liquidity, liquidness, liquid — the state in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendency to disperse and relatively high incompressibility solid state, solidness, solid — the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape gas, gaseous state — the state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid states by: relatively low density and viscosity; relatively great expansion and contraction with changes in pressure and temperature; the ability to diffuse readily; and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout any container plasma — (physical chemistry) a fourth state of matter distinct from solid or liquid or gas and present in stars and fusion reactors; a gas becomes a plasma when it is heated until the atoms lose all their electrons, leaving a highly electrified collection of nuclei and free electrons; «particles in space exist in the form of a plasma» |
6. | state — a state of depression or agitation; «he was in such a state you just couldn’t reason with him»
colloquialism — a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech emotional state, spirit — the state of a person’s emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection); «his emotional state depended on her opinion»; «he was in good spirits»; «his spirit rose» |
7. | country, land administrative district, administrative division, territorial division — a district defined for administrative purposes banana republic — a small country (especially in Central America) that is politically unstable and whose economy is dominated by foreign companies and depends on one export (such as bananas) country of origin, fatherland, homeland, mother country, motherland, native land — the country where you were born buffer country, buffer state — a small neutral state between two rival powers department — the territorial and administrative division of some countries (such as France) demesne, domain, land — territory over which rule or control is exercised; «his domain extended into Europe»; «he made it the law of the land» midland — the interior part of a country kingdom — a country with a king as head of state province, state — the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation; «his state is in the deep south» tax haven — a country or independent region where taxes are low European country, European nation — any one of the countries occupying the European continent African country, African nation — any one of the countries occupying the African continent Asian country, Asian nation — any one of the nations occupying the Asian continent South American country, South American nation — any one of the countries occupying the South American continent North American country, North American nation — any country on the North American continent sultanate — country or territory ruled by a sultan |
8. | State — the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies; «the Department of State was created in 1789»
Department of State, DoS, State Department, United States Department of State executive department — a federal department in the executive branch of the government of the United States Foggy Bottom — United States Department of State, which is housed in a building in a low-lying area of Washington near the Potomac River Bureau of Diplomatic Security, DS — the bureau in the State Department that is responsible for the security of diplomats and embassies overseas Foreign Service — the part of the State Department that supplies diplomats for the United States embassies and consulates around the world Bureau of Intelligence and Research, INR — an agency that is the primary source in the State Department for interpretive analyses of global developments and focal point for policy issues and activities of the Intelligence Community |
Verb | 1. | state — express in words; «He said that he wanted to marry her»; «tell me what is bothering you»; «state your opinion»; «state your name»
say, tell present, lay out, represent — bring forward and present to the mind; «We presented the arguments to him»; «We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason» misstate — state something incorrectly; «You misstated my position» answer, reply, respond — react verbally; «She didn’t want to answer»; «answer the question»; «We answered that we would accept the invitation» preface, premise, precede, introduce — furnish with a preface or introduction; «She always precedes her lectures with a joke»; «He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution» give tongue to, utter, express, verbalise, verbalize — articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; «She expressed her anger»; «He uttered a curse» announce, declare — announce publicly or officially; «The President declared war» enunciate, vocalise, vocalize, articulate — express or state clearly say — state as one’s opinion or judgement; declare; «I say let’s forget this whole business» get out — express with difficulty; «I managed to get out a few words» declare — state emphatically and authoritatively; «He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with» declare — make a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official; «Do you have anything to declare?» note, remark, mention, observe — make mention of; «She observed that his presentation took up too much time»; «They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing» add, append, supply — state or say further; «`It doesn’t matter,’ he supplied» explain — define; «The committee explained their plan for fund-raising to the Dean» give — convey or reveal information; «Give one’s name» sum, summarise, summarize, sum up — be a summary of; «The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper» |
2. | state — put before; «I submit to you that the accused is guilty»
put forward, submit, posit propose, suggest, advise — make a proposal, declare a plan for something; «the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax» |
3. | state — indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.; «Can you express this distance in kilometers?»
express denote, refer — have as a meaning; «`multi-‘ denotes `many’ « vote — express a choice or opinion; «I vote that we all go home»; «She voted for going to the Chinese restaurant» vote — express one’s choice or preference by vote; «vote the Democratic ticket» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. say, report, declare, specify, put, present, explain, voice, express, assert, utter, articulate, affirm, expound, enumerate, propound, aver, asseverate Clearly state your address and telephone number.
2. distressed, upset, agitated, disturbed, anxious, ruffled, uptight (informal), flustered, panic-stricken, het up, all steamed up (slang) I was in a terrible state because nobody could understand why I had this illness.
3. untidy, disordered, messy, muddled, cluttered, jumbled, in disarray, shambolic, topsy-turvy, higgledy-piggledy (informal) The living room was in a dreadful state.
US States
State | Abbreviation | Zip code |
Alabama | Ala. | AL |
Alaska | Alas. | AK |
Arizona | Ariz. | AZ |
Arkansas | Ark. | AR |
California | Cal. | CA |
Colorado | Colo. | CO |
Connecticut | Conn. | CT |
Delaware | Del. | DE |
District of Columbia | D.C. | DC |
Florida | Fla. | FL |
Georgia | Ga. | GA |
Hawaii | Haw. | HI |
Idaho | Id. or Ida. | ID |
Illinois | Ill. | IL |
Indiana | Ind. | IN |
Iowa | Ia. or Io. | IA |
Kansas | Kan. or Kans. | KS |
Kentucky | Ken. | KY |
Louisiana | La. | LA |
Maine | Me. | ME |
Maryland | Md. | MD |
Massachusetts | Mass. | MA |
Michigan | Mich. | MI |
Minnesota | Minn. | MN |
Mississippi | Miss. | MS |
Missouri | Mo. | MO |
Montana | Mont. | MT |
Nebraska | Neb. | NE |
Nevada | Nev. | NV |
New Hampshire | N.H. | NH |
New Jersey | N.J. | NJ |
New Mexico | N.M. or N.Mex. | NM |
New York | N.Y. | NY |
North Carolina | N.C. | NC |
North Dakota | N.D. or N.Dak. | ND |
Ohio | O. | OH |
Oklahoma | Okla. | OK |
Oregon | Oreg. | OR |
Pennsylvania | Pa., Penn., or Penna. | PA |
Rhode Island | R.I. | RI |
South Carolina | S.C. | SC |
South Dakota | S.Dak. | SD |
Tennessee | Tenn. | TN |
Texas | Tex. | TX |
Utah | Ut. | UT |
Vermont | Vt. | VT |
Virginia | Va. | VA |
Washington | Wash. | WA |
West Virginia | W.Va. | WV |
Wisconsin | Wis. | WI |
Wyoming | Wyo. | WY |
Australian States and Territories Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. Manner of being or form of existence:
2. Informal. A condition of excited distress:
3. An organized geopolitical unit:
1. To put into words:
articulate, communicate, convey, declare, express, say, talk, tell, utter, vent, verbalize, vocalize, voice.
Idiom: give tongue to.
3. To declare by way of a systematic statement:
4. To put into words positively and with conviction:
affirm, allege, argue, assert, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, claim, contend, declare, hold, maintain, say.
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ástandlÿsa yfir, staîhæfaríkiviîhöfn
formulētizklāstītoficiāls gadījumsparādestāvoklis
quốc giatuyên bố
C. CPD (Pol) [policy, documents, security] → del estado; [capitalism, socialism, visit, funeral, business] → de estado
state aid N → ayuda f estatal
state apartments NPL apartamentos destinados a visitas de mandatarios
state bank (US) N → banco m estatal or del estado
state banquet N → banquete m de gala
state benefit N → subsidios mpl del estado, subsidios mpl estatales
those receiving or on state benefit → aquéllos que cobran subsidios del estado or estatales
State Capitol N (US) edificio donde tiene su sede el poder legislativo de un estado
state control N → control m público or estatal
to be/come under state control → pasar a manos del estado
State Department N (US) → Ministerio m de Asuntos Exteriores
state education N → enseñanza f pública
State Enrolled Nurse N (Brit) (formerly) → enfermero/a m/f diplomado/a (con dos años de estudios)
state fair N (US) → feria f estatal
state funding N → financiación f pública
state highway N (US) → carretera f nacional
state legislature N (US) → poder m legislativo del estado
state line N (US) → frontera f de estado
state militia N (US) [of specific state] → milicia f del estado
state occasion N → acontecimiento m solemne
state ownership N they believe in state ownership of the means of production → creen que los medios de producción deberían estar en manos del estado, son partidarios de que los medios de producción estén en manos del estado
state pension N → pensión f del estado, pensión f estatal
state police N [of country] → policía f nacional (US) [of specific state] → policía f del estado
state prison N (US) → cárcel f estatal, prisión f estatal
State Registered Nurse N (Brit) (formerly) → enfermero/a m/f diplomado/a (con tres años de estudios)
State Representative N (US) (Pol) → representante mf del estado
state school N (Brit) → colegio m público, escuela f pública
state secret N (lit, fig) → secreto m de estado
state sector N → sector m estatal
State Senator N (US) → senador(a) m/f del estado
state subsidy N → subvención f estatal
state tax N (US) [of specific state] → impuesto m del estado
state trooper N (US) [of specific state] → policía mf del estado
state university N (US) → universidad f pública
Se denomina State of the Union Address al discurso que el Presidente de Estados Unidos dirige cada mes de enero al Congreso y al pueblo estadounidense, en que muestra su visión de la nación y la economía y explica sus planes para el futuro. Como el discurso recibe una amplia cobertura informativa, el mensaje del Presidente va dirigido no sólo a los parlamentarios sino a todo el país. Esta tradición de dirigirse al Congreso poco después de la vuelta de éste de las vacaciones de Navidad el día 3 de enero se debe a que es un requisito de la Constitución que el Presidente informe al Congreso de vez en cuando sobre the State of the Union.
Al hablar de State’s Rights los estadounidenses se refieren a los derechos que tienen los estados en relación al gobierno federal, como por ejemplo la capacidad de recaudar impuestos, aprobar leyes o controlar la educación pública. En la Décima Enmienda de la Constitución estadounidense se dice que los poderes que la Constitución no delega a los Estados Unidos «se reservan a cada estado particular o al pueblo», aunque ha habido mucha polémica a la hora de interpretar esta enmienda. Este principio se usó para justificar la secesión de los estados sureños antes de la Guerra Civil y se convirtió en una consigna sureña contra la integración racial durante los años 50. Recientemente esta idea se ha ido extendiendo por todo el país debido a la falta de confianza de la gente en el gobierno federal, que está acaparando cada vez más poderes pero cuyos gastos son también mayores.
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
modif [affairs, aid, benefits, funding, pension] → de l’État; [company, airline, enterprise, radio, television] → d’État; [visit] → d’État; [occasion, opening] → national(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(Pol) → Staat m; (= federal state) → (Bundes)staat m; (in Germany, Austria) → (Bundes)land nt; the States → die (Vereinigten) Staaten; the State of Florida → der Staat Florida; a state within a state → ein Staat im Staate; affairs of state → Staatsangelegenheiten pl
in cpds → Staats-; control, industry → staatlich; (US etc) → des Bundes- or Einzelstaates, bundesstaatlich;
state apartment
n → Prunksaal m
state occasion
n → Staatsanlass m, → Staatsfeierlichkeit f
adj → staatseigen
state trooper
n (US) → Staatspolizist(in) m(f)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. n
b. (anxiety) → agitazione f
now don’t get into a state → non ti agitare
d. (Pol) the State → lo Stato
3. adj (business) → di stato; (control) → statale; (security) → dello stato
the State line (Am) → il confine (tra due stati)
to pay a state visit to a country → andare in visita ufficiale in un paese
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(steit) noun
1. the condition in which a thing or person is. the bad state of the roads; The room was in an untidy state; He inquired about her state of health; What a state you’re in!; He was not in a fit state to take the class.
2. a country considered as a political community, or, as in the United States, one division of a federation. The Prime Minister visits the Queen once a week to discuss affairs of state; The care of the sick and elderly is considered partly the responsibility of the state; (also adjective) The railways are under state control; state-controlled / owned industries.
3. ceremonial dignity and splendour. The Queen, wearing her robes of state, drove in a horse-drawn coach to Westminster; (also adjective) state occasions/banquets.
ˈstately adjective
noble, dignified and impressive in appearance or manner. She is tall and stately; a stately house.
ˈstateliness nounˈstatesman (ˈsteits-) noun
a person who plays an important part in the government of a state.
ˈstatesmanlike (ˈsteits-) adjective
showing the qualities of a good statesman.
ˈstatesmanship (ˈsteits-) noun
skill in directing the affairs of a state.
get into a state
to become very upset or anxious.
lie in state
(of a corpse) to be laid in a place of honour for the public to see, before burial.
(steit) verb
to say or announce clearly, carefully and definitely. You have not yet stated your intentions.
ˈstatement noun
1. the act of stating.
2. something that is stated. The prime minister will make a statement tomorrow on the crisis.
3. a written statement of how much money a person has, owes etc. I’ll look at my bank statement to see how much money is in my account.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ دَوْلَة, يُصَرِّحُ konstatovat, stát erklære, stat erklären, Zustand δηλώνω, πολιτεία declarar, estado sanoa, tila annoncer, état države, ustvrditi dichiarare, stato 状態, 述べる 국가, 진술하다 staat, verklaren erklære, tilstand podać, stan declarar, estado излагать, состояние stat, uppge บอกกล่าว, รัฐ durum, ifade etmek quốc gia, tuyên bố 国家, 陈述
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. estado, condición;
nutritional ___ → ___ nutricional.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
n estado, condición f; hypercoagulable — estado de hipercoagulabilidad;
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.