Forms of the word transport

транспорт, перевозка, транспортный, транспортировать


- транспорт, средства сообщения

public transport — общественный /городской/ транспорт
wheeled [motor] transport — колёсный [автомобильный] транспорт
water [air] transport — водный [воздушный] транспорт
rail transport — железнодорожный транспорт
two-wheel transport — двухколёсный транспорт (велосипеды, мотоциклы, мотороллеры и т. п.)
integrated transport system — единая транспортная система

- перевозка, транспортировка; транспорт

transport operations — перевозки
transport of freight — транспортировка грузов
transport of goods [of mail] — перевозка товаров [почты]
overland [overseas] transport — сухопутная [морская] перевозка
the transport of equipment up the frozen river — перевозка оборудования по замёрзшей реке

- машина, автомобиль

have you got transport? — у вас есть машина?
your transport is waiting — ваша машина подана

- транспортное судно, транспорт

to serve as a seaman on transports — служить моряком на транспортных судах

- транспортный самолёт

supersonic transport — сверхзвуковой транспортный самолёт

ещё 8 вариантов


- транспортный

transport airplane — транспортный самолёт
transport bomber — воен. транспортно-бомбардировочный самолёт
transport command — а) транспортная авиация; б) транспортное авиационное командование
transport rocket — воен. а) транспортная ракета; б) грузовая ракета


- перевозить, транспортировать; переносить, перемещать

to transport passengers and luggage — перевозить пассажиров и грузы
to transport mail by airplane — перевозить почту самолётом
to transport the house to a new site — перевезти дом на новое место
to transport troops from Great Britain to France — перебрасывать войска из Великобритании во Францию
we paid our fare to be transported across the river — мы заплатили за переправу через реку

- переносить (в мыслях, воображении и т. п.)

and on the instant he was transported to a far land — и в то же мгновение он перенёсся в мыслях далеко-далеко

- обыкн. pass приводить и состояние восторга, ужаса и т. п.

the crowd was transported by these words — эти слова воодушевили толпу

- обыкн. pass редк. ссылать на каторгу, высылать, отправлять в ссылку
- вчт. протягивать (ленту)
- шотл. переводить (священника на другое место); переносить (приход)

Мои примеры


public services such as education, housing and transport — такие государственные услуги, как образование, жилищное строительство и транспорт  
the nodal point of the transport system — узловая точка транспортной системы  
to carry / transport a load — перевозить груз  
overland transport — сухопутный транспорт  
provision of public transport — предоставление общественного транспорта  
sea transport — морской транспорт  
transoceanic transport — перевозка через океан  
public transport infrastructure — инфраструктура общественного транспорта  
intercity transport — междугородный транспорт  
motor transport — автомобильный транспорт  
outwards transport — перевозки из страны  
placental transport — трансплацентарный перенос  

Примеры с переводом

Two trips were required to transport the goods.

Понадобилось два рейса, чтобы переправить товары.

Have you got your own transport?

У вас есть свой собственный транспорт?

He swapped his car for public transport.

Он пересел на общественный транспорт.

She relies on public transport.

Она полагается на общественный транспорт.

A single drop of blood can transport the virus.

Вирус может переноситься одной-единственной каплей крови.

The ship is destined to transport the missionaries

Корабль был предназначен для перевозки миссионеров.

The extra money could be spent on improving public transport.

Дополнительные деньги можно было бы использовать на развитие общественного транспорта.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The statue was transported to London.

The transport workers were called out.

Horses were the only means of transport.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

transportable  — переносный, транспортабельный, передвижной, перевозимый, подвижной
transporter  — транспортер, конвейер

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): transport
мн. ч.(plural): transports


noun существительное

множественное число (plural):


















  1. транспорт

    inland water transport
    внутренний водный транспорт

    industrial railway transport
    промышленный железнодорожный транспорт

    deputy minister of transport
    заместитель министра транспорта

    excellent public transport links
    остановки общественного транспорта

    safe transport
    безопасная транспортировка

    international transport
    международная перевозка

  2. перенос

    atmospheric transport
    атмосферный перенос

  3. обоз

verb глагол

причастие прошедшего времени (past participle):
















  1. перевозить

    transported cargo
    перевозимый груз

    transport over
    перевезти более

  2. транспортировать

    transporting device
    транспортирующее устройство

  3. переносить

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative):







  1. транспортный

    transport document
    транспортный документ

    transport layer protocol
    протокол транспортного уровня

    heavy transport aircraft
    тяжелый транспортный самолет

    integrated transport system
    единая транспортная система

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений transport на 1 миллион слов: 109.

Примеры предложений

This railway station is an important hub in the local transport network.
Эта станция является важным узлом местной транспортной сети.

We use public transport.
Мы используем общественный транспорт.

What form of transport will we take?
На чём поедем?

His discovery gave rise to a revolution in transport.
Его открытие произвело революцию в транспорте.

Improper transport and handling may cause structural and functional damage of the device.
Неправильные транспортировка и обращение могут вызвать структурное и функциональное повреждение устройства.

Dear passengers! If you get on a means of transport and don’t have a season ticket, punch a one-time ticket without waiting for the next station.
Уважаемые пассажиры! При входе в транспортное средство и отсутствии проездного билета многоразового пользования прокомпостируйте билет одноразового пользования, не дожидаясь следующей остановки.

It’s very difficult to transport them overland, but simple to do so by sea.
Очень трудно перевозить их по суше, но легко это сделать по морю.

Water bears several vital functions in a man’s organism. It serves as a transport means for nutrients, regulates body temperature, and plays an important part in metabolism.
Вода выполняет несколько важных функций в организме человека. Она служит в качестве транспортного средства для питательных веществ, регулирует температуру тела и играет важную роль в обмене веществ.

The snow brought public transport to a halt.
Из-за снега общественный транспорт остановился.

The arteries transport oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the tissues.
Артерии транспортируют насыщенную кислородом кровь от сердца к тканям.

Is transport countable or uncountable?

transport. [uncountable] a system for carrying people or goods from one place to another using vehicles, roads, etc.

Is transportation a Noncount noun?

The noun transportation can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be transportation. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be transportations e.g. in reference to various types of transportations or a collection of transportations.

Is transport a plural word?

Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular present tense transports, present participle transporting , past tense, past participle transported pronunciation note: The noun is pronounced (trænspɔːʳt ). Transport is a system for taking people or goods from one place to another, for example using buses or trains. …

Can transport be a noun?

noun. the act of transporting or conveying; conveyance. a means of transporting or conveying, as a truck or bus. an airplane carrying freight or passengers as part of a transportation system.

What’s a noun for transport?

transportation. The act of transporting, or the state of being transported; conveyance, often of people, goods etc.

What is a adjective for transport?

transportable. Capable of being transported; easily moved.

What word is a synonym of transport?

Some common synonyms of transport are banish, deport, and exile.

What’s another word for sheltered?

Sheltered Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for sheltered?

secluded hidden
cloistered isolated
sequestered covert
reclusive remote
retired shielded

What’s the opposite of sheltered?

Opposite of shielded and protected from harm, damage or danger. exposed. bare. uncovered. unprotected.

What does sheltered life mean?

to have a life in which you are protected too much and experience very little danger, excitement, or change: Until going to college, she had led a very sheltered life.

What does sheltered mean?

adjective. protected or shielded from storms, missiles, etc., by a wall, roof, barrier, or the like. protected from the troubles, annoyances, sordidness, etc., encountered in competitive situations: a sheltered life.

Is it bad to be sheltered?

“Children tend to have difficulty making decisions or speaking for themselves when they are too sheltered. They may exhibit anxiety and self-esteem concerns. They can also struggle with trying new things, like making friends, traveling, making decisions, and much more.

How do you know if you are sheltered?


  1. Finding it Extremely Hard to Engage in Social Conversations.
  2. Struggling to Find a Sense of Independence at an Older Age.
  3. Public Speaking is Almost Impossible.
  4. Poor Social Skills – The Strange Feeling of Shutting Down & Being Stuck.

What is meant by sheltered areas?

Sheltered locations are areas of the garden or landscape that protect plants from the elements. Heavy winds, rain, hail or snow can also pulverize and flatten plants.

What makes a person sheltered?

If you say that someone has led a sheltered life, you mean that they have been protected from difficult or unpleasant experiences.

What does self sheltered mean?

1 something that provides cover or protection, as from weather or danger; place of refuge. 2 the protection afforded by such a cover; refuge. 3 the state of being sheltered. vb.

How do you build a sheltered area in your garden?

How to create shelter in a windy garden

  1. Create a microclimate for sitting out in a windy garden.
  2. Filter the wind.
  3. Divide your garden into ‘rooms’
  4. Create a sunken garden.
  5. Bring your garden to life with plants that sway in the wind.

Which trees are wind resistant?

5 Trees That Can Withstand High Winds

  • Live Oak. The live oak is a classic shade tree, thanks to its broad canopy and dense foliage.
  • Flowering Dogwood. If you’re looking for a smaller, flashier tree, the flowering dogwood might be a good choice.
  • American Beech.
  • Bald Cypress.
  • Southern Magnolia.

How do I break the wind in my garden?

There are all kinds of other ways to break up your garden into less wind-exposed patches. Retractable windbreak awnings provide reliable protection for your patio. Pick and choose from trellis panels, pergolas, sail shades and even fruit trees to add more shelter elsewhere – and a bit of a feature!

What plants are good for windy areas?

It’s crucial to use plants that flourish and enjoy growing in windy conditions.

  • Stipa tenuissima.
  • Geranium ‘Glenluce’
  • Brachyglottis compacta ‘Sunshine’
  • Crataegus monogyna.
  • Allium cristophii.
  • Eryngium variifolium.
  • Erysimum ‘Bowles’s Mauve’
  • Cordyline ‘Firecracker’

How windy is too windy for plants?

Researchers have found that light wind, less than 5 miles per hour, can lead to plants with stronger, stockier stems.

Can tomato plants handle wind?

Wind typically pollinates tomatoes, but if plants are too close together, the wind can’t reach the flowers. If you’re planting tomatoes in the spring, leave at least two feet or more between plants so that good air circulation can help pollinate them.

Does lavender withstand wind?

Lavender is ideal for planting in windy coastal areas, it shrugs off the wind without a problem. It is best suited to a full sun position which will extend its life and help to stop it going woody and bare at the base. Individual plants should be spaced 1m / 3ft apart to allow them room to grow to full size.

What is transport as a noun?

transport. noun. English Language Learners Definition of transport (Entry 2 of 2) : the act or process of moving people or things from one place to another. : a ship that is made for carrying soldiers or military equipment.

Is transport an uncountable noun?

Transport is used for modes of moving people or goods. Transport is mainly uncountable; the exception is the reference to a large vessel to transport troops, and a transport could also refer to a convict who was transported.

Is transport a verb or noun?

transport noun (GOODS/PEOPLE) The company will arrange transport from the airport. a system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, aircraft, etc. for getting from one place to another: Bicycles are a cheap and efficient form/means of transport.

What is the base word for transport?

Transport is from Latin words meaning “carry across.”

What is the adverb of transport?

transportingly. So as to transport, to carry away emotionally.

How do you use transport in a sentence?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word “Transport” in Example Sentences Page 1

  1. [S] [T] The goods were transported by ship. (
  2. [S] [T] Many goods are now transported by air. (
  3. [S] [T] He was transported to a local hospital. (
  4. [S] [T] The injured were transported by ambulance. (

Which means are used for transport?

Modes of transport include air, land (rail and road), water, cable, pipeline, and space. Means of transport are any of the different kinds of transport facilities used to carry people or cargo. They may include vehicles, riding animals, and pack animals.

Is transport in a sentence?

We hired a van for transport. The pipeline was constructed to transport oil across Alaska to ports on the coast. 11. It would be better to transport the goods by rail rather than by road.

What is transport in simple words?

In general, the term transport is the movement (of something) from one place to another. It can be used as an action word for carrying, moving, or conveying something from one location to another.

What is the example of transport?

Transport is defined as a way to move things from one place to another. An example of transport is a city bus. An example of transport is a cargo ship.

What are the 5 types of transportation?

Five Major Modes of Transportation

  • Road transport.
  • Railway transport.
  • Water transport.
  • Air transport.
  • Pipeline transport.

What is importance of transport?

Transport is important because it enables communication, trade and other forms of exchange between people, that in turn establishes civilizations. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization, but most types cause air pollution and use large amounts of land.

What are the two importance of transport?

Transport reduces the rigours of immobility of certain factors of production. Mobility of labour and capital increases with the development of transport. An efficient network of transport services encourages the movement of people from one place to another.

What is the advantages of transport?

It is more economic and quicker for carrying goods and people over short distances. Delays in transit of goods on account of intermediate loading and handling are avoided. Goods can be loaded direct into a road vehicle and transported straight to their place of destination.

What are the benefits of transport?

9 Benefits of Public Transportation

  • It benefits communities financially:
  • Public transportation reduces air pollution:
  • Increased fuel efficiency:
  • Reduced traffic congestion:
  • Saves money:
  • Increases mobility:
  • Frees up time:
  • Public transportation is safer:

What are disadvantages of transportation?


  • Transport subject to traffic delays.
  • Transport subject to breakdown.
  • Goods susceptible to damage through careless driving.
  • Bad weather.
  • Driving regulations can cause delays.

What are the advantages of air transport?

Advantages of Air Transport

  • High Speed. Air is the type of freight capable of traveling long distances in short periods of time.
  • Fast Service.
  • Send almost everywhere your freight.
  • High Standard of Security.
  • Natural Route.
  • There is less need for heavy packaging.

Why public transport is better than private transport?

You’ll save money. Using public transport can save you up to four times the money you use commuting in your private or personal car. The regular use of your personal car will require the costs of maintenance and other additional charges such as parking fees, emission tickets, and speeding fines.

What is the advantage of private transport?

Advantages. Having a private vehicle means you save time waiting for the next bus or train to come to the station. Go out anytime at night or as early in the day as you want. Plus, you don’t need to wait for other people to get off at their stops.

What are the benefits of public transport over private transport?

Did you know that buses actually emit significantly less air pollution per passenger mile than your average single-driver private vehicle? With more people taking buses and electric trains, the daily harmful emissions from privately-owned vehicles will be greatly reduced. This also helps us conserve fuel.

What are the disadvantages of public transport?

Disadvantages of Public Transportation

  • Some public transport systems are quite bad.
  • Long waiting times.
  • Unreliable in many regions.
  • Delays may imply problems at work.
  • Less flexibility regarding detours.
  • Transportation of heavy goods may be a problem.
  • Higher chance for infections with diseases.
  • Pretty crowded at rush hour.

How does public transport reduce pollution?

Emissions from vehicles account for 40 per cent of the air pollution and using public transportation can help in reducing that. Here, we can reduce emissions by using public transport which can contribute in making the air cleaner.

What are the challenges of public transport?

Despite the available modes of transportation, South African transport is still plagued with several challenges. These comprise of low ridership, lack of public transport accessibility in rural areas, equity imbalances and congestion (Jennings, 2015).

What would happen if everyone used public transport?

If everyone used public transport, more buses would pollute cities. It should also be mentioned that the manufacturing and creation of a public transport system is very energy intensive, drawing largely on coal and fossil fuels for energy. This releases significant carbon emissions into the atmosphere.



From Middle English transporten, a borrowing from Old French transporter (carry or convey across), from Latin trānsportō, from trans (across) + porto (to carry).


  • (Received Pronunciation) enPR: trănzpôrtʹ, tränzpôrtʹ, IPA(key): /tɹænzˈpɔːt/, /tɹɑːnˈspɔːt/
  • (General American) enPR: trănzpôrtʹ, IPA(key): /tɹænzˈpɔɹt/
  • (rhotic, without the horsehoarse merger) IPA(key): /tɹænzˈpo(ː)ɹt/
  • (non-rhotic, without the horsehoarse merger) IPA(key): /tɹænzˈpoət/
  • Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)t, (rhotic, without the horse–hoarse merger) -oɹt, (non-rhotic, without the horse–hoarse merger) -oət
  • Hyphenation: trans‧port
  • (Received Pronunciation) enPR: trănzʹpôrt, tränzʹpôrt, IPA(key): /ˈtɹænz.pɔːt/, /ˈtɹɑːnspɔːt/
  • (General American) enPR: trănzʹpôrt, IPA(key): /ˈtɹænz.pɔɹt/
  • (rhotic, without the horsehoarse merger) IPA(key): /ˈtɹænz.po(ː)ɹt/
  • (non-rhotic, without the horsehoarse merger) IPA(key): /ˈtɹænz.poət/
  • Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)t, (rhotic, without the horse–hoarse merger) -oɹt, (non-rhotic, without the horse–hoarse merger) -oət
  • Hyphenation: trans‧port


transport (third-person singular simple present transports, present participle transporting, simple past and past participle transported)

  1. To carry or bear from one place to another; to remove; to convey.

    to transport goods; to transport troops

    • 2021 January 13, Dr Joseph Brennan, “Spectacular funiculars”, in RAIL, issue 922, page 53:

      But the village’s growth was curbed by the cliffs that restricted onward exploration for visitors, while goods such as coal and lime, which had arrived by water, were being transported up the severe incline to the town of Lynton by horse and cart.

  2. (historical) To deport to a penal colony.
  3. (figuratively) To move (someone) to strong emotion; to carry away.

    Music transports the soul.

    • 1692–1717, Robert South, Twelve Sermons Preached upon Several Occasions, volume (please specify |volume=I to VI), 6th edition, London: [] J[ames] Bettenham, for Jonah Bowyer, [], published 1727, →OCLC:

      We shall then be transported with a nobler [] wonder.



  • (carry or bear from one place to another): convey, ferry, move, relocate, shift, ship
  • (historical: deport to a penal colony): banish, deport, exile, expatriate, extradite
  • (move someone to strong emotion): carry away, enrapture


carry or bear from one place to another

  • Arabic: نَقَلَ(naqala)
  • Asturian: tresportar (ast)
  • Bulgarian: пренасям (bg) (prenasjam), превозвам (bg) (prevozvam), транспортирам (bg) (transportiram)
  • Catalan: transportar (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Literary Chinese:
    Mandarin: (please verify) 輸送输送 (zh) (shūsòng)
  • Czech: dopravit
  • Danish: transportere
  • Dutch: overbrengen (nl), voeren (nl), vervoeren (nl), transporteren (nl)
  • Esperanto: transporti
  • Finnish: kuljettaa (fi), siirtää (fi), kantaa (fi), rahdata (fi), liikuttaa (fi), viedä (fi)
  • French: reporter (fr), transporter (fr)
  • Galician: transportar (gl)
  • German: transportieren (de), befördern (de)
  • Greek:
    Ancient: μετακομίζω (metakomízō)
  • Hungarian: szállít (hu), fuvaroz (hu)
  • Irish: iompair
  • Italian: trasportare (it)
  • Japanese: (please verify) 運送する (ja) (うんそうする, unsō surú) , (please verify) 輸送する (yusō-suru)
  • Kannada: ರವಾನೆ (kn) (ravāne)
  • Kavalan: saqut
  • Korean: 수송하다 (susonghada)
  • Lao: ຂົນສົ່ງ (khon song)
  • Latin: vectō, trānsportō
  • Latvian: transportēt, pārvest
  • Malay: angkut
  • Norwegian: føre (no)
    Bokmål: transportere
    Nynorsk: transportere, føre
  • Occitan: transportar (oc)
  • Paiwan: sakuc
  • Persian: ترابری کردن(tarâbari kardan), ترانسپورت کردن(trânsport kardan)
  • Polish: przewozić (pl) impf
  • Portuguese: transportar (pt)
  • Puyuma: akutr
  • Quechua: astay
  • Romanian: transporta (ro), căra (ro)
  • Russian: перевози́ть (ru) impf (perevozítʹ), перевезти́ (ru) pf (pereveztí)
  • Sanskrit: वहति (sa) (vahati)
  • Shan: တေႃႉသူင်ႇ (tâ̰u sùung)
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: (by vehicle, abstract) wózyś impf, (by vehicle, concrete) wjasć impf
  • Spanish: transportar (es)
  • Swahili: safirisha (sw)
  • Swedish: befordra (sv), forsla (sv), frakta (sv), transportera (sv)
  • Telugu: రవాణా (te) (ravāṇā)
  • Thai: ขนส่ง (th) (kǒn-sòng)
  • Welsh: cludo (cy), transbortio

historical: deport to a penal colony

  • Bulgarian: изпращам на каторга (izpraštam na katorga)
  • Catalan: deportar (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 流放 (zh) (liúfàng)
  • Danish: deportere
  • Dutch: deporteren (nl), wegvoeren (nl)
  • Finnish: karkottaa (fi)
  • Galician: deportar
  • Italian: deportare (it)
  • Japanese: 追放する (tsuihō-suru)
  • Latvian: izsūtīt
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: deportere
    Nynorsk: deportere
  • Polish: zsyłać impf
  • Portuguese: exilar (pt)
  • Russian: ссыла́ть (ru) impf (ssylátʹ), сосла́ть (ru) pf (soslátʹ)
  • Spanish: exiliar (es)
  • Swedish: deportera (sv)
  • Tamil: நாடு கடத்தல் (nāṭu kaṭattal)

move someone to strong emotion


transport (countable and uncountable, plural transports)

  1. An act of transporting; conveyance.

    The transport of goods is not included in the price given on the website.

  2. The state of being transported by emotion; rapture.
    • 1919, Elisabeth P. Stork (translator), Heidi, Johanna Spyri, page 53:
      In her transport at finding such treasures, Heidi even forgot Peter and his goats.
  3. A vehicle used to transport (passengers, mail, freight, troops etc.)
  4. (Canada) A tractor-trailer.
  5. The system of transporting passengers, etc. in a particular region; the vehicles used in such a system.

    The local transport received a big boost as part of the mayor’s infrastructural plans.

  6. A device that moves recording tape across the read/write heads of a tape recorder or video recorder etc.
  7. (historical) A deported convict.


  • (act of transporting): conveyance, ferrying, moving, relocation, shifting, shipping
  • (state of being transported by emotion): rapture
  • ((military) vehicle used to transport troops):
  • (vehicle used to transport passengers, mail or freight):
  • (system of transporting people): See public transport
  • (device that moves recording tape across the heads of a recorder):
  • (historical: deported convict): deportee, exile, expatriate


act of transporting

  • Bulgarian: пренасяне (bg) n (prenasjane), превозване (bg) n (prevozvane), транспорт (bg) m (transport)
  • Catalan: transport (ca) m
  • Czech: doprava (cs) f
  • Danish: transport (da) c
  • Dutch: vervoer (nl) n, transport (nl) n
  • Finnish: kuljettaminen (fi), kuljetus (fi), siirtäminen (fi), siirto (fi)
  • French: transport (fr) m
  • Galician: transporte (gl) m
  • Greek: μεταφορά (el) f (metaforá)
  • Ido: transporto (io)
  • Italian: trasporto (it) m, porto (it) m
  • Japanese: 運送 (ja) (unsō), 輸送 (ja) (yusō)
  • Latvian: transports m, pārvešana f
  • Malay: pengangkutan (ms), transpor
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: transport (no)
    Nynorsk: transport
  • Persian: ترابری (fa) (tarâbari)
  • Polish: transport (pl) m, przewóz (pl) m
  • Portuguese: transporte (pt) m
  • Romanian: transportare (ro)
  • Russian: перево́зка (ru) f (perevózka), транспортиро́вка (ru) f (transportiróvka)
  • Scottish Gaelic: còmhdhail f, giùlan m
  • Spanish: transporte (es) m
  • Swedish: befordran (sv) c, frakt (sv) c, förflyttning (sv) c, transport (sv) c
  • Tamil: போக்குவரத்து (ta) (pōkkuvarattu)
  • Telugu: రవాణా (te) (ravāṇā)

vehicle used to transport passengers, mail or freight

  • Armenian: փոխադրամիջոց (hy) (pʿoxadramiǰocʿ), տրանսպորտ (hy) (transport)
  • Azerbaijani: nəqliyyat (az), nəqliyyat vasitəsi, minik (az)
  • Bulgarian: транспорт (bg) m (transport)
  • Dutch: transport (nl) n, vrachtvoertuig
  • Finnish: kulkuväline (fi), kulkuneuvo (fi), kuljetusväline
  • French: transport (fr) m
  • German: Beförderung (de) f
  • Japanese: 輸送機関 (ゆそうきかん, yusō-kikan)
  • Kazakh: көлік (kölık)
  • Latvian: transportlīdzeklis m
  • Polish: transport (pl) m
  • Romanian: mijloc de transport
  • Russian: тра́нспорт (ru) m (tránsport), тра́нспортное сре́дство (ru) n (tránsportnoje srédstvo)
  • Spanish: transporte (es) m
  • Swedish: transportfartyg n, transportflygplan (sv) n, transportfordon (sv) n

military: vehicle used to transport troops

device that moves recording tape across the heads of a recorder

Translations to be checked

  • Arabic: (please verify) نَقْل(naql)
  • Hungarian: (please verify) szállítás (hu), (please verify) fuvarozás (hu), (please verify) közlekedés (hu)
  • Italian: (please verify) trasporto (it) m
  • Korean: (please verify) 수송 (ko) (susong) (susong)
  • Mandarin: (please verify) 運輸运输 (zh) (yùnshū), (please verify) 运输 (zh) (yùnshū)

Derived terms[edit]

  • means of transport
  • public transport
  • transport interchange


  • antitransport
  • transportability
  • transportable
  • transportage
  • transportation
  • transporter
  • transportive



From transportar (to transport).


transport m (plural transports)

  1. transport

Further reading[edit]

  • “transport” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
  • “transport”, in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2023
  • “transport” in Diccionari normatiu valencià, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.
  • “transport” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.



From Middle Dutch transport, from Middle French transport, from Old French transport, from transporter (carry or convey across), from Latin transporto, from trans (across) + porto (to carry).


  • IPA(key): /trɑnˈspɔrt/, /trɑnsˈpɔrt/
  • Hyphenation: trans‧port
  • Rhymes: -ɔrt


transport n (plural transporten, diminutive transportje n)

  1. transport


  • vervoer


  • Afrikaans: transport
  • Guyanese Creole English: transport
  • Indonesian: transpor



Internationalism ultimately from Latin trānsportō.


  • Hyphenation: trans‧port
This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with the IPA then please add some!


transport (genitive transpordi, partitive transporti)

  1. transport
    Synonym: veondus


Declension of transport (type riik)

Derived terms[edit]

  • ühistransport

Further reading[edit]

  • transport in Eesti keele põhisõnavara sõnastik
  • transport in Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat
  • transport in Raadik, M., editor (2018), Eesti õigekeelsussõnaraamat ÕS 2018, Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, →ISBN
  • transport in Sõnaveeb



  • IPA(key): /tʁɑ̃s.pɔʁ/
  • Rhymes: -ɔʁ
  • Homophone: transports


transport m (plural transports)

  1. transport

Derived terms[edit]

  • mal des transports
  • moyen de transport
  • titre de transport
  • transport en commun

Further reading[edit]

  • “transport”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.

Norwegian Bokmål[edit]


From Medieval Latin transportus, from Latin transportare.


transport m (definite singular transporten, indefinite plural transporter, definite plural transportene)

  1. transport, transportation

Derived terms[edit]

Terms derived from transport


  • “transport” in The Bokmål Dictionary.

Norwegian Nynorsk[edit]


From Medieval Latin transportus, from Latin transportare.


transport m (definite singular transporten, indefinite plural transportar, definite plural transportane)

  1. transport, transportation

Derived terms[edit]

Terms derived from transport


  • “transport” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.



Internationalism; compare English transport, French transport, German Transport, ultimately from Latin trānsportō.


  • IPA(key): /ˈtran.spɔrt/
  • Rhymes: -anspɔrt
  • Syllabification: tran‧sport


transport m inan

  1. transport (act of transporting)
    Synonym: przewóz
  2. transport (vehicle used to transport passengers, mail or freight)
  3. transport (system of transporting passengers, etc. in a particular region)
  4. load, cargo
    Synonyms: fracht, ładunek


Derived terms[edit]

  • transportowy
  • transportowiec
  • transportówka
  • przetransportować
  • przetransportowywać
  • przytransportować
  • transportować
  • wytransportować


  • transporterowy
  • transportacja
  • transporter
  • transporterka

Further reading[edit]

  • transport in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • transport in Polish dictionaries at PWN



From French transport.


transport n (plural transporturi)

  1. transport




trànsport m (Cyrillic spelling тра̀нспорт)

  1. transport, conveyance
  2. transport (vehicle)





transport c

  1. a transport, something to be moved
  2. a transport, a preliminary sum to be carried to the next page
  3. a transport, promotion to a new job or task


Declension of transport 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative transport transporten transporter transporterna
Genitive transports transportens transporters transporternas


  • transportera

See also[edit]

  • befordran
  • export
  • import
  • kommunikation
  • minnessiffra
  • spedition
  • trafik
  • åkeri



From Ottoman Turkish ترانسپورط(transport), from French transport.


  • IPA(key): /tɾɑns.pɔɾt/


transport (definite accusative transportu, plural transportlar)

  1. transport


Nominative transport
Definite accusative transportu
Singular Plural
Nominative transport transportlar
Definite accusative transportu transportları
Dative transporta transportlara
Locative transportta transportlarda
Ablative transporttan transportlardan
Genitive transportun transportların


- something that serves as a means of transportation (syn: conveyance)
- an exchange of molecules (and their kinetic energy and momentum) across the boundary between adjacent layers of a fluid or across cell membranes
- the commercial enterprise of moving goods and materials (syn: shipping, transportation)
- a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion (syn: ecstasy, exaltation, rapture)
- a mechanism that transports magnetic tape across the read/write heads of a tape playback/recorder
- the act of moving something from one location to another (syn: conveyance, transfer, transportation)


- move something or somebody around; usually over long distances
- move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one’s hands or on one’s body (syn: carry)
- hold spellbound (syn: delight, enchant, enrapture, enthral, enthrall, ravish)
- transport commercially (syn: send, ship)
- send from one person or place to another (syn: channel, transfer, transmit)

Extra examples

I was left without transport when the car broke down.

She relies on public transport.

He was transported to his childhood.

Improved rail transport is essential for business.

It’s easier to get to the college if you have your own transport (=a car, bicycle etc).

Horses were the only means of transport.

Canals were used for the transport of goods.

The statue was transported to London.

Have you got your own transport?

The extra money could be spent on improving public transport.

The mission is to transport medical supplies to remote areas of the globe.

The soldiers commandeered civilian vehicles to help transport the injured.

…a bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier that lists goods being shipped and specifies the terms of their transport…

The ship is destined to transport the missionaries

He swapped his car for public transport.

Word forms

I/you/we/they: transport
he/she/it: transports
present participle: transporting
past tense: transported
past participle: transported

singular: transport
plural: transports

Examples from texts

Datagram protocols transport datagrams, which are sometimes called packets.

Протоколы дейтаграмм переносят дейтаграммы, которые иногда называются пакетами.

Piroumian, Vartan / Wireless J2ME™ Platform ProgrammingПирумян, Вартан / Платформа программирования J2ME для портативных устройств

Платформа программирования J2ME для портативных устройств

Пирумян, Вартан


Wireless J2ME™ Platform Programming

Piroumian, Vartan

© 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

The various transport, supply, and construction vessels used during the construction phase of the project will produce wastes.

Различные транспортные, строительные и вспомогательные суда, используемые в течение этапа строительства Проекта, будут производить сбросы.

The important role in the project implementation is played by infrastructure, first of all, by transport and communications that influence the environment, life quality and the conditions of project implementation.

Важнейшую роль для реализации Проекта играет инфраструктура, в первую очередь транспортно-коммуникационная, влияющая на состояние окружающей природной среды, качество жизни населения и условия реализации Проекта.

© 2009-2011 ГК «Олимпстрой»

© 2009-2011 SC «Olympstroy»

A large body of research on wake transport and attenuation shows that the atmospheric factors such as wind, wind shift, stratification and turbulence play an important role in these processes.

Многочисленные исследования перемещения и затухания вихрей показали, что такие атмосферные факторы, как ветер, сдвиг ветра, стратификация и турбулентность, играют важную роль в этих процессах.

Limited transport necessitates restriction of output in all fields of the basin.

Ограниченные транспортные возможности вызывают ограничение добычи во всех промыслах этого бассейна.

Denny, Ludwell / America conquers BritainДенни, Людвелл / Америка завоевывает Британию

Америка завоевывает Британию

Денни, Людвелл

© Государственное издательство, 1930

America conquers Britain

Denny, Ludwell

© 1930 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

Thus, inhibition of this transport system by loop diuretics would result in these ions remaining in the urine and an increased rate of elimination.

Поэтому при применении «петлевых» диуретиков, ингибирующих эту транспортную систему, ионы перечисленных галогенов остаются в моче, и скорость их выведения возрастает

Anthony, Patricia / Pharmacology secretsЭнтони, Патриция / Секреты фармакологии

Секреты фармакологии

Энтони, Патриция

© 2002 by Hanley & Belfus, Inc.

© ООО «Медицинское информационное агентство». Перевод на русский язык и оформление, 2004

Pharmacology secrets

Anthony, Patricia

© 2002 by Hanley & Belfus, Inc.

I heard the lift machinery beginning, the whine of hover transport and a swoosh of displaced air.

Заработал двигатель, я ощутила движение вытесненного воздуха.

Saintcrow, Lilith / To Hell and BackСэйнткроу, Лилит / Дорога в ад

Дорога в ад

Сэйнткроу, Лилит

© 2008 by Lilith Saintcrow

© Волковский В. Перевод на русский язык, 2011

© Издание на руском языке, ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2011

To Hell and Back

Saintcrow, Lilith

© 2008 by Lilith Saintcrow

To approve the report of the General Director on the implementation of the business-plan of “Chuvash auto transport Company”, JSC for the 1 quarter of 2008”.

«Утвердить отчет генерального директора об исполнении бизнес-плана Открытого акционерного общества «Чувашская автотранспортная компания» за 1 квартал 2008г.»

© 2009-2011 ОАО «МРСК Волги»

© 2009-2011 IDGC of Volgi

The DWDM is a high-capacity optical-transport technology, but its price is rather high.

Технологии DWDM характеризуются предельно высокой пропускной способностью, но являются весьма дорогостоящими.

In many parts of the world, awareness is growing within the tourism and transport sectors of the important role which they must play to protect children’s rights.

Во многих районах мира в рамках туристического и транспортного секторов растет понимание той важной роли, которую они должны играть в защите прав детей.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

«Yes, you say yes…well after that you… you…» he cried in a transport, «you are a fount of goodness, purity, sense… and perfection.

— Так? Вы говорите, так? Ну так после этого вы… вы… — закричал он в восторге, — вы источник доброты, чистоты, разума и… совершенства!

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание

Преступление и наказание

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1970

Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

In a related Arkansas River story Fox News reported that this evening Samuel Johnson, captain of a river transport barge, had a heart attack while piloting the barge.

Далее шло прямое включение с места происшествия, и корреспондент «Фокс Ньюз» рассказал о том, что этим вечером Сэмюэль Джонсон, капитан баржи на Аризоне, был госпитализирован с сердечным приступом.

Cast, P.C.,Cast, Kristin / BetrayedКаст, Филис,Каст, Кристин / Обманутая


Каст, Филис,Каст, Кристин

© St. Martin’s Griffin Press, LLC, New York, 2007

© ЗАО «ОЛМА Медиа Групп», издание, перевод, 2009


Cast, P.C.,Cast, Kristin

© 2007 by P. С. Cast and Kristin Cast.

Mr. Attallah admitted that he used the UNRWA vehicle to transport the terrorists, because IDF does not search United Nations vehicles and that he would therefore be able to travel freely on the roads.

Г-н Атталла признался, что использовал для перевозки террористов машину БАПОР, поскольку силы ИДФ не досматривают транспортные средства Организации Объединенных Наций, и поэтому он мог ездить повсюду без всяких ограничений.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

This additional movement is carried out in the direction of the front of the transport vehicle 1 while its descent and in the direction of its rear end while its ascent.

Такое дополнительное перемещение осуществляется в направлении переднего конца транспортного средства 1 при спуске транспортного средства, и в направлении заднего конца — при подъеме.

If required, the transport vehicle 1 can be used outside the self-contained transport system.

При необходимости, транспортное средство 1 может быть использовано вне автономной транспортной системы.

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træn’spɔːt, trɑːn-Verbперевозить; везти; перемещать; переносить; транспортироватьExamples

to transport by airplane — перевозить на самолёте

to transport the house to a new site — перевезти дом на новое место

to transport troops from Great Britain to France — перебрасывать войска из Великобритании во Францию

User translations

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active transport

активный транспорт

aerosol transport

аэрозольный транспорт

air transport


air transport

воздушные перевозки

air transport

воздушный транспорт

air transport facilitation

уменьшение ограничений в воздушных перевозках

air-passenger transport

воздушный пассажирский транспорт



atmospheric transport

атмосферный перенос

atrial transport function

сократительная функция предсердий

axonal transport

аксональный транспорт

bilateral air transport agreement

двустороннее соглашение о воздушном сообщении

bulk water transport

магистральная транспортировка воды

bus transport

автобусный транспорт

capacitated transport network

упорядоченная по пропускной способности транспортная сеть

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ verb trans-pawrt, —pohrt; noun trans-pawrt, -pohrt ]

/ verb trænsˈpɔrt, -ˈpoʊrt; noun ˈtræns pɔrt, -poʊrt /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object)

to carry, move, or convey from one place to another.

to carry away by strong emotion; enrapture.

to send into banishment, especially to a penal colony.


the act of transporting or conveying; conveyance.

a means of transporting or conveying, as a truck or bus.

a ship or plane employed for transporting soldiers, military stores, etc.

an airplane carrying freight or passengers as part of a transportation system.

a system of public travel.

strong emotion; ecstatic joy, bliss, etc.

a convict sent into banishment, especially to a penal colony: The country had been colonized largely by transports.

Recording.Also called tape transport. a mechanism that moves magnetic tape past the head in a tape deck or tape recorder.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of transport

1325–75; Middle English transporten (v.) <Latin trānsportāre to carry across. See trans-, port5


trans·port·a·ble, adjectivetrans·port·a·bil·i·ty, nountrans·port·ive, adjectivecoun·ter·trans·port, noun

non·trans·port·a·bil·i·ty, nounnon·trans·port·a·ble, adjectivepre·trans·port, verb (used with object)un·trans·port·a·ble, adjective

Words nearby transport

trans+, transpolar, transponder, transponible, transpontine, transport, transportation, transport café, transported, transporter, transporter bridge Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to transport

shipment, shipping, transit, transportation, bring, carry, ferry, haul, lug, pack, remove, ride, take, displace, expel, carry away, move, send, carriage, carrier

How to use transport in a sentence

  • We like the snap-on seat and lid and the handle that slides over the top to lock everything in place, to minimize the potential for spillage and leakage during cleanup and transport.

  • The ministry said remote working was still the recommended practice, because of how it limits the spread of infection in the workplace and on public transport.

  • In some parts of the world people have started “flight-shaming,” that is, giving up air travel themselves and encouraging others to find alternative means of transport that are more climate-friendly.

  • The extensions “are highways for transport,” says Robert Grosse, a cell biologist at the University of Freiburg in Germany.

  • The platinum meshes serve as electrodes when voltage is applied, enabling the team to select different ions and adjust their transport rates independently.

  • Unfortunately, the underground tunnels that were used to transport booze and, if necessary, escaping patrons, are off-limits.

  • Eventually, their output is worth five times that much to those who transport it globally.

  • According to Kostick, while awaiting a van to transport Stewart to the nearest police station, his mood changed.

  • In a Lynx, however, Harry could take part in reconnaissance missions and transport passengers.

  • For years, William Schmidt single-handedly dug a tunnel through a mountain to transport his gold-rush loot.

  • The improvement of transport still further swelled the volume of production.

  • The first of these will leave about the end of this week, and the other two will be sent as transport is available.

  • The Admiral and Godley paid me a visit; discussed tea and sea transport, then a walk.

  • The transport difficulties were very great, and as General McArthur approached, every foot of ground was disputed by the enemy.

  • The British transport Europa, having troops on board, was totally destroyed by fire opposite Brest, and 21 lives lost.

British Dictionary definitions for transport

verb (trænsˈpɔːt) (tr)

to carry or cause to go from one place to another, esp over some distance

to deport or exile to a penal colony

(usually passive) to have a strong emotional effect on

noun (ˈtrænsˌpɔːt)

  1. the business or system of transporting goods or people
  2. (as modifier)a modernized transport system

British freight vehicles generally

  1. a vehicle used to transport goods or people, esp lorries or ships used to convey troops
  2. (as modifier)a transport plane

the act of transporting or the state of being transported

ecstasy, rapture, or any powerful emotion

a convict sentenced to be transported

Derived forms of transport

transportable, adjectivetransportability, nountransporter, nountransportive, adjective

Word Origin for transport

C14: from Latin transportāre, from trans- + portāre to carry

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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But it’s not just the cattle producers, it’s all the attendant industries like transport and shipping and feed producers and the like. There will be enormous ramifications across the beef industry generally as a result of the Government’s decision to ban all exports to all of the abattoirs in Indonesia.

Julie Bishop



From Latin transportāre, from trans- + portāre to carry.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Transport is a verb and can also act as a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb transport in English.




Transport or transportation is the movement of people, animals and goods from one location to another. Modes of transport include air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space. The field can be divided into infrastructure, vehicles and operations. Transport is important because it enables trade between people, which is essential for the development of civilizations. Transport infrastructure consists of the fixed installations including roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals and pipelines and terminals such as airports, railway stations, bus stations, warehouses, trucking terminals, refueling depots and seaports. Terminals may be used both for interchange of passengers and cargo and for maintenance. Vehicles traveling on these networks may include automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains, trucks, people, helicopters, watercraft, spacecraft and aircraft. Operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated, and the procedures set for this purpose including financing, legalities and policies. In the transport industry, operations and ownership of infrastructure can be either public or private, depending on the country and mode.

Definition of transport in the English dictionary

The first definition of transport in the dictionary is to carry or cause to go from one place to another, esp over some distance. Other definition of transport is to deport or exile to a penal colony. Transport is also to have a strong emotional effect on.




I transport

you transport

he/she/it transports

we transport

you transport

they transport

Present continuous

I am transporting

you are transporting

he/she/it is transporting

we are transporting

you are transporting

they are transporting

Present perfect

I have transported

you have transported

he/she/it has transported

we have transported

you have transported

they have transported

Present perfect continuous

I have been transporting

you have been transporting

he/she/it has been transporting

we have been transporting

you have been transporting

they have been transporting

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I transported

you transported

he/she/it transported

we transported

you transported

they transported

Past continuous

I was transporting

you were transporting

he/she/it was transporting

we were transporting

you were transporting

they were transporting

Past perfect

I had transported

you had transported

he/she/it had transported

we had transported

you had transported

they had transported

Past perfect continuous

I had been transporting

you had been transporting

he/she/it had been transporting

we had been transporting

you had been transporting

they had been transporting

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will transport

you will transport

he/she/it will transport

we will transport

you will transport

they will transport

Future continuous

I will be transporting

you will be transporting

he/she/it will be transporting

we will be transporting

you will be transporting

they will be transporting

Future perfect

I will have transported

you will have transported

he/she/it will have transported

we will have transported

you will have transported

they will have transported

Future perfect continuous

I will have been transporting

you will have been transporting

he/she/it will have been transporting

we will have been transporting

you will have been transporting

they will have been transporting

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would transport

you would transport

he/she/it would transport

we would transport

you would transport

they would transport

Conditional continuous

I would be transporting

you would be transporting

he/she/it would be transporting

we would be transporting

you would be transporting

they would be transporting

Conditional perfect

I would have transport

you would have transport

he/she/it would have transport

we would have transport

you would have transport

they would have transport

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been transporting

you would have been transporting

he/she/it would have been transporting

we would have been transporting

you would have been transporting

they would have been transporting

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you transport
we let´s transport
you transport

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Past participle


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


Synonyms and antonyms of transport in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «transport» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «transport» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of transport to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of transport from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «transport» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

phương tiện giao thông

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

mijloc de transport

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of transport


The term «transport» is very widely used and occupies the 1.980 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «transport» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of transport

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «transport».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «transport» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «transport» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about transport


Famous quotes and sentences with the word transport.

Australia has an economic interest in ensuring our cities have 21st century urban rail transport to reduce traffic congestion.

Politicians who lack the vision to lead the community on big issues like public transport often hide their inaction by blaming other levels of government when anyone complains.

None of the serious maritime incidents I had to deal with as transport minister off the pristine Queensland or Western Australian coastline involved an Australian flagged and crewed vessel.

The factors that have been holding farmers back are similar to those that threaten other types of growth in Africa. Infrastructure and transport are in many cases quite poor, resulting in the losses of huge amounts of produce.

My idea of an actor is to be different persons with different roles. Every time a script interests me, I look for interesting characters because I intend to completely transport myself into it. This happens only because I am a very greedy actor. I am not part of the rat race because I am living a dream.

I’m not the kind of actor that can go completely cold into an emotional scene. I have to transport myself emotionally by whatever means possible, and that basically means you carry the situation with you all week, all episode or all day beforehand.

Hopefully, sometime I get a superpower. I would like to be able to transport myself wherever I wanted.

I’m drawn to filmmaking that can transport me. Film can immerse you, put you there.

But it’s not just the cattle producers, it’s all the attendant industries like transport and shipping and feed producers and the like. There will be enormous ramifications across the beef industry generally as a result of the Government’s decision to ban all exports to all of the abattoirs in Indonesia.

Sometimes when you’re acting, you only need a little bit of something to sort of channel or, you know, transport into a place.


Discover the use of transport in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to transport and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Managing Transport Operations

However, it is also highly demanding work.In clear, jargon-free language, this book explains the exceptionally wide range of skills demanded of transport managers, who must understand the economic, social, political and technical aspects of …

This book presents balanced treatment of transport phenomena and equal emphasis on mass transport, momentum transport and energy transport.

R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot, 2007


Transport for Suburbia: Beyond the Automobile Age

The need for effective public transport is greater than ever in the twenty-first century.


Tourism and Transport: Modes, Networks and Flows

«This book provides an overview of the relationships between various modes and types of transport and tourism.

David Timothy Duval, 2007


Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor

Videostreamed lectures, keyed to specific sections of the book, are also available through the web. This book is primarily aimed at senior and graduate students.


Groundwater Reactive Transport Models

Many ground water reactive transport models available today are characterized by varying complexities, strengths, and weaknesses. Selecting accurate, efficient models can be a challenging task.

Fan Zhang, Jack Clark Parker, 2012


Critical Care Transport

This book meets the curricula of major critical care training programs, including University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).


A Handbook of Transport Economics

‘This Handbook is a stellar compilation of up-to-date knowledge about the important topics in transport economics.

André De Palma, Robin Lindsey, Emile Quinet, 2011

‘In the 3rd edition of Transport Economics Button draws together the burgeoning literature in transportation economics.


Porous Media: Fluid Transport and Pore Structure

This book examines the relationship between transport properties and pore structure of porous material.

F. A.L. Dullien, Howard Brenner, 1991


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term transport is used in the context of the following news items.

Airbus Takes 290M Euro Charge for Military Transport Crash

Profits were dented by a 290 million euro charge related to the May 9 crash of an A400M transport plane that killed four crew members. The crash stopped some … «ABC News, Jul 15»

Summer of woe in Italy: Pompeii shuttered, Alitalia on strike, Rome’s …

Rome’s transport slowdown got so bad Friday that Mayor Ignazio Marino fired the leadership of the ATAC public transport company and issued a public apology … «Fox Business, Jul 15»

Tube strike: What transport is still running in London?

Commuters and tourists are set to face major travel disruptions across the capital on Wednesday and Thursday, as London Underground (LU) workers plan to … «The Independent, Jul 15»

Baltimore police probe transport van sign

BALTIMORE (AP) — Police in Baltimore are investigating a sign posted inside a police transport van that tells passengers: «Enjoy your ride, cuz we sure will!». «USA TODAY, Jul 15»

Peter Hendy: from London bus driver to transport’s Olympic champion

Sir Peter Hendy, the current London transport commissioner who famously once called a commuter train service “shit”, could be the tough-talking man to get … «The Guardian, Jun 15»

Many over-65s in England ‘rarely use public transport

The public transport system is failing the oldest and most vulnerable in society in England, a report says. The Future of Transport in an Ageing Society was … «BBC News, Jun 15»

International Air Transport Association and Airlines Look to Regulate …

The answer may come from the IATA, or the International Air Transport Association. In an annual meeting with global airline CEOs yesterday, the IATA … «Forbes, Jun 15»

Personalise your weather

Members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union had planned walkouts for 24 hours from 5pm on June 4 and for 48 hours from the same time on June … «London24, May 15»

How Big Data And The Internet Of Things Improve Public Transport

Transport for London (TfL) oversees a network of buses, trains, taxis, roads, cycle paths, footpaths and even ferries which are used by millions every day. «Forbes, May 15»

Bank Holiday rail strike: Last chance to save millions from transport

Britain is facing at least three days of rail strike chaos over the Bank Holiday weekend with train passengers, drivers and football fans all warned to expect the … «, May 15»


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A van at the hotel transports guests to and from the airport.

the cost of producing and transporting goods

The melons are transported in large wooden crates.

The illness was first transported across the ocean by European explorers.

The movie transports us to a world of stunning beauty.

While reading, I was transported back to the year 1492.

He was transported for stealing.


the transport of manufactured goods

I was left without transport when the car broke down.

She relies on public transport.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

There were no major injuries, but RPS was called to the scene to evaluate the crew and transported two crew members as a precaution.

Greg Garrison | , al, 10 Apr. 2023

In 1998, as Round Rock was seeing development, the structure — a pattern-book house that could be broken into pieces — was disassembled into nine parts and transported about 60 miles away to the Antlers Inn resort in Kingsland.

Tommy Cummings, Dallas News, 8 Apr. 2023

The room’s reflective wall detailing and mirrored floor transports visitors to the inside of the atom.

Natalia Senanayake, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

Medics transported the victim to San Francisco General Hospital with serious injuries, police said.

Michael Cabanatuan, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 Apr. 2023

Watching the clips flash by to the deeply Pavlovian strain of John Williams’ iconic theme music transported me to a time when going to the movies was a part of, if not daily, then weekly life.

Mary Mcnamara, Los Angeles Times, 7 Apr. 2023

Officers called for medics, who transported the victim to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries, the police report said, adding that the victim ultimately died from the injuries.

Max Zahn, ABC News, 6 Apr. 2023

Fire officials transported two students to the hospital in stable condition, said department spokesperson Vito Maggiolo.

Emily Davies, Washington Post, 5 Apr. 2023

On this adventure see 80 life-size moving dinosaurs including a 35-foot high Brachiosaur and a 40-foot long T-rex battle a Triceratops (the size of a mail truck) and enter a wormhole and be transported back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

The Courier-Journal, 5 Apr. 2023

Among Paetongtarn’s promises are to double the minimum wage, expand health care and cut fares on public transport.

Heather Chen, CNN, 8 Apr. 2023

DenisTangneyJr—Getty Images Between a daily cup of coffee, a bagel, rent, utilities, a car or public transport, and another bagel, life can get expensive.

Chloe Berger, Fortune, 29 Mar. 2023

More than 1 million people took part in demonstrations last week, piles of trash have accumulated after garbage collectors went on strike and public transport has been heavily disrupted.

Bailey Schulz, USA TODAY, 28 Mar. 2023

Most air, train and public transport systems ground to a halt across the country after workers joined a 24-hour walkout aimed at securing inflation-beating wage rises.

Georgi Kantchev, WSJ, 27 Mar. 2023

Other methods included implementing LED lighting, using batteries instead of fuel generators or even encouraging the crew to switch to public transport.

Marta Balaga, Variety, 24 Mar. 2023

Prefer public transport over renting a car?

Lindsay Cohn, Travel + Leisure, 21 Mar. 2023

Strikes over this issue have disrupted services from public transport to power plants for weeks.

Annabelle Timsit, Washington Post, 15 Mar. 2023

Public transport, meanwhile has been disrupted: About 40 percent of high-speed trains and half the regional trains have been canceled.

Sylvie Corbet And Elaine Ganley,, 15 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘transport.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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