Forms of the word breathe

Infinitive Simple past Past participle
breathe breathed breathed
Present Simple — Настоящее время
Вопросительная форма Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Do I breathe? I breathe I don’t breathe
Does he breathe? He breathes He doesn’t breathe
Does she breathe? She breathes She doesn’t breathe
Does it breathe? It breathes It doesn’t breathe
Do you breathe? You breathe You don’t breathe
Do we breathe? We breathe We don’t breathe
Do they breathe? They breathe They don’t breathe
Past Simple — Прощедщее время
Вопросительная форма Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Did I breathe? I breathed I didn’t breathe
Did he breathe? He breathed He didn’t breathe
Did she breathe? She breathed She didn’t breathe
Did it breathe? It breathed It didn’t breathe
Did we breathe? We breathed We didn’t breathe
Did you breathe? You breathed You didn’t breathe
Did they breathe? They breathed They didn’t breathe
Future Simple — Будущее время
Вопросительная форма Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Will I breathe? I will breathe I won’t breathe
Will he breathe? He will breathe He won’t breathe
Will she breathe? She will breathe She won’t breathe
Will it breathe? It will breathe It won’t breathe
Will we breathe? We will breathe We won’t breathe
Will you breathe? You will breathe You won’t breathe
Will they breathe? They will breathe They won’t breathe

Перевод breathe с английского на русский

  • дышать (выдыхать, выдохнуть, вздохнуть, подышать, дохнуть, задышать, отдышаться, перевести дух)
  • вдыхать (вдохнуть, надышаться)
  • дышаться
  • веять
  • проронить
  • надышать


  • breathe more deeply (дышать глубже)
  • breathe pure oxygen (дышать чистым кислородом)
  • breathe fire (выдыхать огонь)
  • breathe freely (вздохнуть свободно)
  • breathe fresh air (вдохнуть свежий воздух)
  • breathe new life (вдохнуть новую жизнь)
  • breathe easier (дышаться легче)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
breathe breathed breathed breathing
[briːð] [ˈbriːðd] [ˈbriːðd] [ˈbriːðɪŋ]
[briːð] [briːðd] [briːðd] [ˈbriːðɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Спряжение breathe в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I breathe
  • you breathe
  • he, she breathes
  • we breathe
  • you breathe
  • they breathe

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I breathed
  • you breathed
  • he, she breathed
  • we breathed
  • you breathed
  • they breathed

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will breathe
  • you will breathe
  • he, she will breathe
  • we will breathe
  • you will breathe
  • they will breathe

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am breathing
  • you are breathing
  • he, she is breathing
  • we are breathing
  • you are breathing
  • they are breathing

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was breathing
  • you were breathing
  • he, she was breathing
  • we were breathing
  • you were breathing
  • they were breathing

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be breathing
  • you will be breathing
  • he, she will be breathing
  • we will be breathing
  • you will be breathing
  • they will be breathing

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have breathed
  • you have breathed
  • he, she has breathed
  • we have breathed
  • you have breathed
  • they have breathed

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had breathed
  • you had breathed
  • he, she had breathed
  • we had breathed
  • you had breathed
  • they had breathed

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have breathed
  • you will have breathed
  • he, she will have breathed
  • we will have breathed
  • you will have breathed
  • they will have breathed

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been breathing
  • you have been breathing
  • he, she has been breathing
  • we have been breathing
  • you have been breathing
  • they have been breathing

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been breathing
  • you had been breathing
  • he, she had been breathing
  • we had been breathing
  • you had been breathing
  • they had been breathing

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been breathing
  • you will have been breathing
  • he, she will have been breathing
  • we will have been breathing
  • you will have been breathing
  • they will have been breathing

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would breathe
  • you would breathe
  • he, she would breathe
  • we would breathe
  • you would breathe
  • they would breathe


  • I would have breathed
  • you would have breathed
  • he, she would have breathed
  • we would have breathed
  • you would have breathed
  • they would have breathed

Present Continuous

  • I would be breathing
  • you would be breathing
  • he, she would be breathing
  • we would be breathing
  • you would be breathing
  • they would be breathing

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been breathing
  • you would have been breathing
  • he, she would have been breathing
  • we would have been breathing
  • you would have been breathing
  • they would have been breathing

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you breathe
  • we Let’s breathe
  • you breathe

Проспрягать другие глаголы

breach, scrap, repudiate, represent, treasure, dampen, fill, reprint, oversee, traverse, hand, attack, download, think, score, owe, fail, beg, surprise, bound, execute, copy, refuse, duplicate, educate, fry, insist

дышать, вдыхать, вздохнуть, подышать, выдыхать, перевести дух, жить, дуть, благоухать


- дышать; вдыхать; выдыхать

to breathe freely — свободно дышать

- вздохнуть
- (into) вдохнуть

to breathe new life into smb. — вдохнуть новую жизнь в кого-л.
to breathe life into a stone — оживить камень

- жить, существовать

he’s still breathing — он ещё дышит, он ещё жив
a better fellow does not breathe — лучше него нет человека /никого не найти/

- слегка дуть (о ветре)
- благоухать
- едва доноситься, слабо раздаваться (о звуке)
- говорить тихо, шептать

he softly breathed her name — он прошептал её имя
not to breathe a syllable /a word/ — словом не обмолвиться, держать в секрете

- дуть (на что-л.)
- запятнать (чью-л.) репутацию; чернить, клеветать
- играть на духовых инструментах; дуть в духовые инструменты
- дать передохнуть

to breathe a horse — дать лошади передохнуть

- утомить, измотать
- выражать (что-л.), дышать (чем-л.)

his words breathe a spirit of humanity — его слова проникнуты человеколюбием

- фон. произносить без вибрации голосовых связок

to breathe freely /easily/ — чувствовать облегчение (от беспокойства или боли), вздохнуть с облегчением
to breathe again — разг. а) снова вздохнуть б) почувствовать облегчение
to breathe down smb.’s neck — подгонять кого-л.; ≅ стоять у кого-л. над душой
to breathe one’s last /breath/ — испустить последний вздох
to breathe a vein — уст. пустить кровь

Мои примеры


every creature that breathes — каждое существо, которое дышит  
breathe in clear tonic mountain air — дышать чистым бодрящим горным воздухом  
to breathe again / freely — вздохнуть с облегчением  
to breathe the lush scent of lilacs — вдыхать густой аромат лилий  
an artist who knows how to breathe life into a picture — художник, который знает, как вдохнуть жизнь в картину  
to breathe / inhale air — вдыхать кислород  
to breathe (new) life into smth. — вдохнуть (новую) жизнь во что-л.  
to breathe through the nose — дышать носом  
to breathe / heave a sigh (of relief) — вздохнуть (с облегчением)  
to heave /to breathe/ a sigh of relief — вздохнуть облегченно  
breathe breath — испустить последний вздох  
breathe a horse — дать лошади передохнуть  

Примеры с переводом

Breathe deeply and then exhale.

Глубоко вдохните, а затем выдохните.

I can’t breathe this dirty city air.

Я не могу дышать этим грязным городским воздухом.

Lie down flat and breathe deeply.

Ложись ровно и глубоко дыши.

Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone.

Об этом никому ни слова.

‘Wait,’ he breathed.

— Подождите, — выдохнул он.

The patient suddenly stopped breathing.

Пациент неожиданно перестал дышать.

A better fellow does not breathe.

Лучше него нет человека.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Relax and breathe deeply (=take in a lot of air).

He was finding it painful to breathe.

I can hardly breathe with all this smoke.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

breather  — сапун, респиратор, живое существо, дыхательное упражнение, короткая передышка
breathing  — дыхание, придыхание, легкое дуновение, дышащий, живой, словно живой
breathless  — затаивший дыхание, запыхавшийся, задыхающийся, бездыханный, безветренный
inbreathe  — вдыхать, вдохнуть, вдохновлять
breathy  — хриплый
breathable  — пригодный для дыхания, воздухопроницаемый
imbreathe  — вдохнуть, вдохновлять, вдыхать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: breathe
he/she/it: breathes
ing ф. (present participle): breathing
2-я ф. (past tense): breathed
3-я ф. (past participle): breathed

  • breathe,
    / breathed
    / breathing
    / breathes

Спряжение глагола breathe[bri:ð]      дышать, вдыхать, подышать

Все формы
IndefiniteContinuousPerfectPerfect ContinuousInfinitivesParticiples

Present Indefinite

I breathe
you breathe
he/she/it breathes
we breathe
you breathe
they breathe

Present Perfect

I have breathed
you have breathed
he/she/it has breathed
we have breathed
you have breathed
they have breathed

Present Continuous

I am breathing
you are breathing
he/she/it is breathing
we are breathing
you are breathing
they are breathing

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been breathing
you have been breathing
he/she/it has been breathing
we have been breathing
you have been breathing
they have been breathing

Past Indefinite

I breathed
you breathed
he/she/it breathed
we breathed
you breathed
they breathed

Past Continuous

I was breathing
you were breathing
he/she/it was breathing
we were breathing
you were breathing
they were breathing

Past Perfect

I had breathed
you had breathed
he/she/it had breathed
we had breathed
you had breathed
they had breathed

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been breathing
you had been breathing
he/she/it had been breathing
we had been breathing
you had been breathing
they had been breathing

Future Indefinite

I will breathe
you will breathe
he/she/it will breathe
we will breathe
you will breathe
they will breathe

Future Continuous

I will be breathing
you will be breathing
he/she/it will be breathing
we will be breathing
you will be breathing
they will be breathing

Future Perfect

I will have breathed
you will have breathed
he/she/it will have breathed
we will have breathed
you will have breathed
they will have breathed

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been breathing
you will have been breathing
he/she/it will have been breathing
we will have been breathing
you will have been breathing
they will have been breathing

Conditional Present

I would breathe
you would breathe
he/she/it would breathe
we would breathe
you would breathe
they would breathe

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be breathing
you would be breathing
he/she/it would be breathing
we would be breathing
you would be breathing
they would be breathing

Conditional Perfect

I would have breathed
you would have breathed
he/she/it would have breathed
we would have breathed
you would have breathed
they would have breathed

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been breathing
you would have been breathing
he/she/it would have been breathing
we would have been breathing
you would have been breathing
they would have been breathing




to breathe
to have breathed
to be breathing
to have been breathing

Breathe V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 is one of the verbs that are used very commonly in English tests as well as in everyday communication. Also, because it’s an irregular verb, breathe doesn’t follow the regular rule. The verb “breathe” has five different forms: base form, past simple, past participle form, present perfect, and present perfect participle. So what is breathe‘s past? How do conjugate verbs with breathe verbs?

Let’s find out with English tivi in the article below.

See more at: Verbs

Breathe of Definition and Meaning

breathe is a word to describe the process of breathing. Breathing is an important part of our life and it gives us oxygen in order to live.

Base Form (V1) breathe
Past Form (V2) breathed
Past Participle Form (V3) breathed
s / es/ es (V4) breathes
‘ing’ form (V5) breathing

Breathe of Past Simple V2

The verb Breathe is also employed in its V2 form as “breathed”’. It is used to indicate the past tense in sentences.

Breathe of Past Participle V3

The V3 form is identical to the V2 form. The V3 form is “breathed”. Breathed is used in the past or present perfect tense. 

+ In the present perfect tense, we use the word V1 as ‘have + breathed‘ or ‘has + breathed’.

  • I, you, and we are used as ‘have + breathed‘. 
  • ‘has + breathed’ is used for he, she, and it. 

+ If you need to use the past perfect tense, use ‘had + breathed‘ regardless of the subject.

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Conjugation of Breathe V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Conjugation table: Breathe

Number Singular
Present Simple of breathe I You She/He/It
breathe breathe breathes
We You They
breathe breathe breathe
Present Continuous of breathe I You She/He/It
am breathing are breathing is breathing
We You They
are breathing are breathing are breathing
Present Perfect of breathe I You She/He/It
have breathed have breathed has breathed
We You They
have breathed have breathed have breathed
Present Perfect Continuous of breathe I You She/He/It
have been breathing have been breathing has been breathing
We You They
have been breathing have been breathing have been breathing
Past Simple of breathe I You She/He/It
breathed breathed breathed
We You They
breathed breathed breathed
Past Continuous of breathe I You She/He/It
was breathing were breathing was breathing
We You They
were breathing were breathing were breathing
Past Perfect of breathe I You She/He/It
had breathed had breathed had breathed
We You They
had breathed had breathed had breathed
Past Perfect Continuous of breathe I You She/He/It
had been breathing had been breathing had been breathing
We You They
had been breathing had been breathing had been breathing
Future Simple of breathe I You She/He/It
will/shall breathe will/shall breathe will/shall breathe
We You They
will/shall breathe will/shall breathe will/shall breathe
Future Continuous of breathe I You She/He/It
will/shall be breathing will/shall be breathing will/shall be breathing
We You They
will/shall be breathing will/shall be breathing will/shall be breathing
Future Perfect of breathe I You She/He/It
will/shall have breathed will/shall have breathed will/shall have breathed
We You They
will/shall have breathed will/shall have breathed will/shall have breathed
Future Perfect Continuous of breathe I You She/He/It
will/shall have been breathing will/shall have been breathing will/shall have been breathing
We You They
will/shall have been breathing will/shall have been breathing will/shall have been breathing
Conditional Present of breathe I You She/He/It
would breathe would breathe would breathe
We You They
would breathe would breathe would breathe
Conditional Perfect of breathe I You She/He/It
would have breathed would have breathed would have breathed
We You They
would have breathed would have breathed would have breathed
Conditional Present Continuous of breathe I You She/He/It
would be breathing would be breathing would be breathing
We You They
would be breathing would be breathing would be breathing
Conditional Perfect Continuous of breathe I You She/He/It
would have been breathing would have been breathing would have been breathing
We You They
would have been breathing would have been breathing would have been breathing
Present Subjunctive of breathe I You She/He/It
breathe breathe breathe
We You They
breathe breathe breathe
Past Subjunctive of breathe I You She/He/It
breathed breathed breathed
We You They
breathed breathed breathed
Past Perfect Subjunctive of breathe I You She/He/It
had breathed had breathed had breathed
We You They
had breathed had breathed had breathed
Imperative of breathe I You She/He/It
We You They
Let’s breathe breathe

See more at: Vocabulary

Example Sentences with Breathe V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

In this section, we will learn about breathe sentence examples:

  • It’s so stuffy in here that I can’t even breathe.
  • Please accept my apologies if I’m breathing garlic odors!
  • It’s been a long time since I‘ve breathed the fresh air in the countryside.

Synonym Words For Breathe

Synonym of breathe word list. Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the synonym of breathe:

  • inhale
  • gasp
  • pant
  • respire
  • exhale
  • blow
  • puff
  • wheeze
  • expire
  • snort
  • inspire
  • gulp
  • suspire
  • sniff
  • snore
  • insufflate

Opposite Words For Breathe

The antonym of breathe word list. Here are some words that have nearly the opposite meaning as breathe:

  • hide
  • secret
  • despise
  • conceal
  • deflate
  • compress
  • shrink
  • contract

You might also like: Best List of Irregular Verbs in English

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Breathe (Verb)

What is the V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 of breathe?

The past tense of breathe is breathed. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of breathe is breathes. The present participle of breathe is breathing. The past participle of breathe is breathed.

Base Form (V1) breathe
Past Form (V2) breathed
Past Participle Form (V3) breathed
s / es/ es (V4) breathes
‘ing’ form (V5) breathing

What is the V2 and V3 form of breathe?

+ The V2 and V3 form of breathe is “breathed“.

What is the sentence of breathe?

What is the past tense V2 of breathe?

+ The past tense of breathe is “breathed“.

What is the past participle V3 of breathe?

+ The past participle of breathe is “breathed“.

What is the present participle V5 of breathe?

+ The present participle of breathe is “breathing“.


Let’s learn with English TV the structure of the verb “Breathe V1 V2 V3 V4 V5: Base Form, Past Simple, Present Continuous and Present Continuous and Present Continuous and Present Continuous forms. We wish you all the best of luck.

You should subscribe to the English TV YouTube channel if you want to learn more about the English language and improve your proficiency.

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regular model: work
verbs ending in -e: like

— model verb
Regular verbs ending with a silent -e: remove the final -e before adding -ed or -ing.

Variants of the regular models:

  1. pass -s, -sh, -x, -o: +e
  2. try -y>ie
  3. omit -X>-XX
  4. die -ie: -ie>y
  5. agree -ee: +d

Irregular past tense models:

  1. cost invar.
  2. feed vowel: long>short
  3. find i>ou
  4. know [o,a]>e
  5. mean +t
  6. panic -k-
  7. pay -ay>aid
  8. send -d>-t
  9. sing i>a, u
  10. show >ed, -n
  11. stick a>u, i>u
  12. sleep -ee_>-e_t
  13. speak >o_e, o_en
  14. spell >ed, -t
  15. take -ake>-ook, -aken
  16. think >-ought
  17. wear -ear>-ore, -orn
  18. write -i_e>o_e, i_en

Firefox and Chrome users: install a shortcut (Firefox or Chrome) then type «conj breathe» in your address bar for the fastest conjugations.


It is conjugated like: like

present participle:
past participle:
(to) breathe
definition in Spanish
in French
in Italian


presentAlso known as:
present simple or simple present
I breathe
you breathe
he, she, it breathes
we breathe
you breathe
they breathe
simple pastAlso known as:
past simple or preterit
I breathed
you breathed
he, she, it breathed
we breathed
you breathed
they breathed
I will breathe
you will breathe
he, she, it will breathe
we will breathe
you will breathe
they will breathe

Perfect tenses

present perfect
I have breathed
you have breathed
he, she, it has breathed
we have breathed
you have breathed
they have breathed
past perfectAlso known as:
I had breathed
you had breathed
he, she, it had breathed
we had breathed
you had breathed
they had breathed
future perfect
I will have breathed
you will have breathed
he, she, it will have breathed
we will have breathed
you will have breathed
they will have breathed

Continuous (progressive) and emphatic tenses

present continuous
I am breathing
you are breathing
he, she, it is breathing
we are breathing
you are breathing
they are breathing
past continuous
I was breathing
you were breathing
he, she, it was breathing
we were breathing
you were breathing
they were breathing
present emphatic
I do breathe
you do breathe
he, she, it does breathe
we do breathe
you do breathe
they do breathe
past emphatic
I did breathe
you did breathe
he, she, it did breathe
we did breathe
you did breathe
they did breathe

Compound continuous (progressive) tenses

present perfect
I have been breathing
you have been breathing
he, she, it has been breathing
we have been breathing
you have been breathing
they have been breathing
past perfect
I had been breathing
you had been breathing
he, she, it had been breathing
we had been breathing
you had been breathing
they had been breathing
I will be breathing
you will be breathing
he, she, it will be breathing
we will be breathing
you will be breathing
they will be breathing
future perfect
I will have been breathing
you will have been breathing
he, she, it will have been breathing
we will have been breathing
you will have been breathing
they will have been breathing


I would breathe
you would breathe
he, she, it would breathe
we would breathe
you would breathe
they would breathe
perfectAlso known as:
past conditional
I would have breathed
you would have breathed
he, she, it would have breathed
we would have breathed
you would have breathed
they would have breathed
present continuous
I would be breathing
you would be breathing
he, she, it would be breathing
we would be breathing
you would be breathing
they would be breathing
perfect continuous
I would have been breathing
you would have been breathing
he, she, it would have been breathing
we would have been breathing
you would have been breathing
they would have been breathing


(you) breathe!
(we) let’s breathe!
(you) breathe!


I breathe
you breathe
he, she, it breathe
we breathe
you breathe
they breathe
I breathed
you breathed
he, she, it breathed
we breathed
you breathed
they breathed
past perfectAlso known as:
pluperfect subjunctive
I had breathed
you had breathed
he, she, it had breathed
we had breathed
you had breathed
they had breathed
I should breathe
you should breathe
he, she, it should breathe
we should breathe
you should breathe
they should breathe

*Blue letters in conjugations are irregular
forms. (example)
*Red letters in conjugations are exceptions to
the model. (example)

Report a problem.


1. Base Form (Infinitive): Breathe
2. Simple Past: Breathed
3. Past Participle: Breathed
4. Present Participle: Breathing
5. 3rd Person Singular: Breathes
breathe verb forms v1 v2 v3 past tense and past participle-min
Breathed is the past tense of the word breathe.

Breathe past participle

Breathed is the past participle of the word breathe.

Breathe verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle
Breathe Breathed Breathed Breathing

Conjugation of Breathe

Simple / Indefinite Present Tense
I breathe.
He/She/It breathes.
You/We/They breathe.
Simple Past Tense
I breathed.
He/She/It breathed.
You/We/They breathed.
Simple Future Tense
I will/shall breathe.
He/She/It will breathe.
You/We/They will/shall breathe.
Present Continuous Tense
I am breathing.
He/She/It is breathing.
You/We/They are breathing.
Past Continuous Tense
I was breathing.
He/She/It was breathing.
You/We/They were breathing.
Future Continuous Tense
I will be breathing.
He/She/It will be breathing.
You/We/They will be breathing.
Present Perfect Tense
I have breathed.
He/She/It has breathed.
You/We/They have breathed.
Past Perfect Tense
I had breathed.
He/She/It had breathed.
You/We/They had breathed.
Future Perfect Tense
I will have breathed.
He/She/It will have breathed.
You/We/They will have breathed.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
I have been breathing.
He/She/It has been breathing.
You/We/They have been breathing.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
I had been breathing.
He/She/It had been breathing.
You/We/They had been breathing.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
I will have been breathing.
He/She/It will have been breathing.
You/We/They will have been breathing.

More verb past tense

  • Bore 
  • Borrow
  • Bounce
  • Brace 
  • Break 

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