Forms of the word achieve

достигать, добиваться, выполнять, успешно выполнять, доводить до конца


- достигать; добиваться

to achieve one’s purpose /one’s aim, one’s end, one’s ambition/ — добиться своего /своей цели/
to achieve victory — одержать победу
his words achieved their object — его слова достигли (своей) цели
to achieve the impossible — добиться невозможного

- успешно выполнять

our plan was achieved — наш план был успешно выполнен

Мои примеры


a diet that achieves dramatic results — диета, которая помогает достичь значительных результатов.  
an Olympic swimmer who surmounted endless obstacles to achieve her goals — участница Олимпийских игр по плаванию, преодолевшая бесчисленные препятствия для достижения своих целей  
to achieve a high degree of proficiency — достичь высокого уровня профессионализма  
to achieve dominance — достичь господства  
to achieve one’s dreams — осуществить мечты  
to gain / accomplish / achieve one’s ends — достигать своей цели  
to achieve / attain equality — добиться равенства  
to achieve / attain / win fame — достигать известности, славы  
to achieve, win glory — добиться славы  
to achieve / attain / reach / realize a goal — достичь цели  
to achieve greatness — достигать величия  
to achieve harmony — достигать согласия  

Примеры с переводом

His plan was achieved.

Его план был успешно выполнен.

His words achieved their object.

Его слова достигли своей цели.

He hoped to achieve fame and fortune.

Он надеялся добиться славы и богатства.

She was unable to achieve her aims.

Она была не в состоянии достичь своих целей.

We have achieved what we set out to do.

Мы выполнили всё, что намеревались сделать.

There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.

Многие приложат все усилия, чтобы достичь этой цели.

She achieved her goal despite setbacks.

Она добилась своей цели, несмотря на неудачи.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was starkly unable to achieve coherence

…the frontiersmen were willing to brave harsh living conditions in order to achieve a better life…

Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

achievable  — достижимый, достигаемый
achievement  — достижение, успех, выполнение, подвиг
achieved  — достигнутый
achiever  — успевающий ученик, человек, добившийся успеха
underachieve  — не стараться, не дотягивать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: achieve
he/she/it: achieves
ing ф. (present participle): achieving
2-я ф. (past tense): achieved
3-я ф. (past participle): achieved

3 формы глагола achieve

Английский глагол achieve [əˈtʃiːv], переводится как: достигать.
Входит в группы:
правильные глаголы.

3 формы глагола achieve: Infinitive (achieve), Past Simple — (achieved), Past Participle — (achieved).

📚 Глагол achieve имеет значения: достигать, добиваться, выполнять, доводить до конца.

👉 Формы глагола achieve в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет achieve в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола achieve

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
achieve [əˈtʃiːv]

achieved [əˈtʃiːvd]

achieved [əˈtʃiːvd]


Как поставить achieve во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол achieve в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — achieve. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить achieve в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для achieve нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
achieve в past simple — achieved.

What is the past tense of achieve?

The past tense of achieve is achieved.

The past participle of achieve is achieved.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — achieve в past simple, будет achieved.

Future simple — achieve в future simple будет achieve. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — achieve в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — achieve в past perfect будет

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол achieve?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол achieve это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола achieve

    The main goal has been achieved. — Основная цель достигнута.
    (Present Perfect)

    The balance was achieved last week. — Баланс был достигнут на прошлой неделе.
    (Past Simple)

    After two hours of his speech his words achieved their object. — Его слова достигли своей цели после двух часов его речи.
    (Past Simple)

    She has achieved international fame thanks to her talant. — Она добилась мировой славы благодаря таланту.
    (Present Perfect)

    He achieved his ambition to become a president. — Его заветное желание стать президентов исполнилось.
    (Past Simple)

    We have achieved what we set out to do in two days. — Мы выполнили всё, что намеревались сделать за два дня. 
    (Present Perfect)

    She achieved a complete mastery of Spanish. — Она в совершенстве овладела испанским языком.
    (Past Simple)

    The company achieved dominance in the market. — Компания заняла доминирующее положение на рынке.
    (Past Simple)

    We haven’t achieved high scores on our math tests. — Мы не получили высокие баллы за тест по математике.
    (Present Perfect)

    He has achieved recognition and respect as a politician. — Как политик он добился признания и уважения.
    (Present Perfect)

Вместе с achieve, часто смотрят глаголы


and cancel.

Глаголы на букву:

























3 forms of the verb achieve
The English verb ‘achieve’ is pronounced as [əˈtʃiːv].
Related to:
regular verbs.

3 forms of verb achieve: Infinitive (achieve), Past Simple — (achieved), Past Participle — (achieved).

Here are the past tense forms of the verb achieve

👉 Forms of verb achieve in future and past simple and past participle.
❓ What is the past tense of achieve.

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle
achieve [əˈtʃiːv]

achieved [əˈtʃiːvd]

achieved [əˈtʃiːvd]

What are the 2nd and 3rd forms of the verb achieve?

🎓 What are the past simple, future simple, present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect forms of the base form (infinitive) ‘achieve‘?

Learn the three forms of the English verb ‘achieve’

  • the first form (V1) is ‘achieve’ used in present simple and future simple tenses.
  • the second form (V2) is ‘achieved’

    used in past simple tense.

  • the third form (V3) is

    used in present perfect and past perfect tenses.

What are the past tense and past participle of achieve?

The past tense and past participle of achieve are:
achieve in past simple is


and past participle is


What is the past tense of achieve?

The past tense of the verb «achieve» is «achieved»,

and the past participle is

Verb Tenses

Past simple — achieve in past simple achieved

Future simple — achieve in future simple is achieve (will + V1).

Present Perfect — achieve in present perfect tense is
(have/has + V3).

Past Perfect — achieve in past perfect tense is

(had + V3).

achieve regular or irregular verb?

👉 Is ‘achieve’ a regular or irregular verb? The verb ‘achieve’ is regular verb.

Examples of Verb achieve in Sentences

    The main goal has been achieved.

    (Present Perfect)

    The balance was achieved last week.

    (Past Simple)

    After two hours of his speech his words achieved their object.

    (Past Simple)

    She has achieved international fame thanks to her talant.

    (Present Perfect)

    He achieved his ambition to become a president.

    (Past Simple)

    We have achieved what we set out to do in two days.

    (Present Perfect)

    She achieved a complete mastery of Spanish.

    (Past Simple)

    The company achieved dominance in the market.

    (Past Simple)

    We haven’t achieved high scores on our math tests.

    (Present Perfect)

    He has achieved recognition and respect as a politician.

    (Present Perfect)

Along with achieve, words are popular


and destroy.

Verbs by letter:

























Achieve V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 is one of the verbs that are used very commonly in English tests as well as in everyday communication. Also, because it’s an irregular verb, achieve doesn’t follow the regular rule. The verb “achieve” has five different forms: base form, past simple, past participle form, present perfect, and present perfect participle. So what is achieve‘s past? How do conjugate verbs with achieve verbs?

Let’s find out with English tivi in the article below.

See more atVerbs

Achieve of Definition and Meaning

Achieve is a word that has been used for centuries. It means to bring about or reach a certain goal, to obtain or accomplish something.

Base Form (V1) achieve
Past Form (V2) achieved
Past Participle Form (V3) achieved
s / es/ es (V4) achieves
‘ing’ form (V5) achieving

Achieve of Past Simple V2

The verb Achieve is also employed in its V2 form as “achieved”’. It is used to indicate the past tense in sentences.

Achieve of Past Participle V3

The V3 form is identical to the V2 form. The V3 form is “achieved”. Achieved is used in the past or present perfect tense. 

+ In the present perfect tense, we use the word V1 as ‘have + achieved‘ or ‘has + achieved’.

  • I, you, and we are used as ‘have + achieved‘. 
  • ‘has + achieved’ is used for he, she, and it. 

+ If you need to use the past perfect tense, use ‘had + achieved‘ regardless of the subject.

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Conjugation of Achieve V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Conjugation table: Achieve

Number Singular
Present Simple of achieve I You She/He/It
achieve achieve achieves
We You They
achieve achieve achieve
Present Continuous of achieve I You She/He/It
am achieving are achieving is achieving
We You They
are achieving are achieving are achieving
Present Perfect of achieve I You She/He/It
have achieved have achieved has achieved
We You They
have achieved have achieved have achieved
Present Perfect Continuous of achieve I You She/He/It
have been achieving have been achieving has been achieving
We You They
have been achieving have been achieving have been achieving
Past Simple of achieve I You She/He/It
achieved achieved achieved
We You They
achieved achieved achieved
Past Continuous of achieve I You She/He/It
was achieving were achieving was achieving
We You They
were achieving were achieving were achieving
Past Perfect of achieve I You She/He/It
had achieved had achieved had achieved
We You They
had achieved had achieved had achieved
Past Perfect Continuous of achieve I You She/He/It
had been achieving had been achieving had been achieving
We You They
had been achieving had been achieving had been achieving
Future Simple of achieve I You She/He/It
will/shall achieve will/shall achieve will/shall achieve
We You They
will/shall achieve will/shall achieve will/shall achieve
Future Continuous of achieve I You She/He/It
will/shall be achieving will/shall be achieving will/shall be achieving
We You They
will/shall be achieving will/shall be achieving will/shall be achieving
Future Perfect of achieve I You She/He/It
will/shall have achieved will/shall have achieved will/shall have achieved
We You They
will/shall have achieved will/shall have achieved will/shall have achieved
Future Perfect Continuous of achieve I You She/He/It
will/shall have been achieving will/shall have been achieving will/shall have been achieving
We You They
will/shall have been achieving will/shall have been achieving will/shall have been achieving
Conditional Present of achieve I You She/He/It
would achieve would achieve would achieve
We You They
would achieve would achieve would achieve
Conditional Perfect of achieve I You She/He/It
would have achieved would have achieved would have achieved
We You They
would have achieved would have achieved would have achieved
Conditional Present Continuous of achieve I You She/He/It
would be achieving would be achieving would be achieving
We You They
would be achieving would be achieving would be achieving
Conditional Perfect Continuous of achieve I You She/He/It
would have been achieving would have been achieving would have been achieving
We You They
would have been achieving would have been achieving would have been achieving
Present Subjunctive of achieve I You She/He/It
achieve achieve achieve
We You They
achieve achieve achieve
Past Subjunctive of achieve I You She/He/It
achieved achieved achieved
We You They
achieved achieved achieved
Past Perfect Subjunctive of achieve I You She/He/It
had achieved had achieved had achieved
We You They
had achieved had achieved had achieved
Imperative of achieve I You She/He/It
We You They
Let’s achieve achieve

See more at: Vocabulary

Example Sentences with Achieve V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

In this section, we will learn about achieve sentence examples:

  • I’ve been at work all day, yet I don’t feel like I have achieved anything.
  • He asserted that the government’s training policy was accomplishing its aims.
  • I am optimistic that we will finally achieve peace, but it will not be easy.
  • I achieved a gold medal in the school chess competition.
  • He always achieves his goal if he tries his best.

Synonym Words For Achieve

Synonym of achieve word list. Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the synonym of achieve:

  • attain
  • score
  • earn
  • gain
  • win
  • find
  • acquire
  • obtain
  • procure
  • get
  • secure
  • accomplish
  • reach
  • fulfill
  • realise
  • establish
  • make
  • perform
  • execute

Opposite Words For Achieve

The antonym of achieve word list. Here are some words that have nearly the opposite meaning as achieve:

  • abandon
  • fail
  • forfeit
  • surrender
  • neglect
  • yield
  • halt
  • ignore
  • stop
  • forget
  • hold
  • lose
  • begin
  • commence
  • start
  • open
  • initiate
  • introduce
  • create
  • launch

You might also like: Best List of Irregular Verbs in English

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Achieve (Verb)

What is the V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 of achieve?

The past tense of achieve is achieved. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of achieve is achieves. The present participle of achieve is achieving. The past participle of achieve is achieved.

Base Form (V1) achieve
Past Form (V2) achieved
Past Participle Form (V3) achieved
s / es/ es (V4) achieves
‘ing’ form (V5) achieving

What is the V2 and V3 form of achieve?

+ The V2 and V3 form of achieve  is “achieved“.

What is the sentence of achieve?

What is the past tense V2 of achieve?

+ The past tense of achieve is “achieved“.

What is the past participle V3 of achieve?

+ The past participle of achieve is “achieved“.

What is the present participle V5 of achieve?

+ The present participle of achieve is “achieving“.


Let’s learn with English TV the structure of the verb “Achieve V1 V2 V3 V4 V5: Base Form, Past Simple, Present Continuous and Present Continuous and Present Continuous and Present Continuous forms. We wish you all the best of luck.

You should subscribe to the English TV YouTube channel if you want to learn more about the English language and improve your proficiency.

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Перевод achieve с английского на русский

  • достигать (добиваться, добиться, достигнуть, достичь)
  • реализовать (осуществить, выполнить, осуществлять)
  • получить (обрести)
  • сделать
  • достичь цели


  • achieve orgasm (достигать оргазма)
  • achieve great success (добиваться больших успехов)
  • achieve recognition (добиться признания)
  • achieve enlightenment (достигнуть просветления)
  • achieve stability (достичь стабильности)
  • achieve salvation (получить спасение)
  • achieve unity (обрести единство)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
achieve achieved achieved achieving
[əˈtʃiːv] [əˈtʃiːvd] [əˈtʃiːvd] [əˈtʃiːvɪŋ]
[əˈtʃiːv] [əˈtʃiːvd] [əˈtʃiːvd] [əˈtʃiːvɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Спряжение achieve в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I achieve
  • you achieve
  • he, she achieves
  • we achieve
  • you achieve
  • they achieve

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I achieved
  • you achieved
  • he, she achieved
  • we achieved
  • you achieved
  • they achieved

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will achieve
  • you will achieve
  • he, she will achieve
  • we will achieve
  • you will achieve
  • they will achieve

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am achieving
  • you are achieving
  • he, she is achieving
  • we are achieving
  • you are achieving
  • they are achieving

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was achieving
  • you were achieving
  • he, she was achieving
  • we were achieving
  • you were achieving
  • they were achieving

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be achieving
  • you will be achieving
  • he, she will be achieving
  • we will be achieving
  • you will be achieving
  • they will be achieving

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have achieved
  • you have achieved
  • he, she has achieved
  • we have achieved
  • you have achieved
  • they have achieved

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had achieved
  • you had achieved
  • he, she had achieved
  • we had achieved
  • you had achieved
  • they had achieved

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have achieved
  • you will have achieved
  • he, she will have achieved
  • we will have achieved
  • you will have achieved
  • they will have achieved

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been achieving
  • you have been achieving
  • he, she has been achieving
  • we have been achieving
  • you have been achieving
  • they have been achieving

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been achieving
  • you had been achieving
  • he, she had been achieving
  • we had been achieving
  • you had been achieving
  • they had been achieving

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been achieving
  • you will have been achieving
  • he, she will have been achieving
  • we will have been achieving
  • you will have been achieving
  • they will have been achieving

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would achieve
  • you would achieve
  • he, she would achieve
  • we would achieve
  • you would achieve
  • they would achieve


  • I would have achieved
  • you would have achieved
  • he, she would have achieved
  • we would have achieved
  • you would have achieved
  • they would have achieved

Present Continuous

  • I would be achieving
  • you would be achieving
  • he, she would be achieving
  • we would be achieving
  • you would be achieving
  • they would be achieving

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been achieving
  • you would have been achieving
  • he, she would have been achieving
  • we would have been achieving
  • you would have been achieving
  • they would have been achieving

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you achieve
  • we Let’s achieve
  • you achieve

Проспрягать другие глаголы

dismiss, understand, mirror, fool, watch, rent, shrink, insulate, cast, aim, pretend, withdraw, form, measure, mitigate, embed, comment, block, embrace, target, shiver, moderate, chase, inhibit, recite, train, abandon


Английский глагол achieve известен в следующих значениях: «достигать, добиваться, успешно выполнять, доводить до конца, обеспечивать, осуществлять».

Как все глаголы, achieve видоизменяется при его использовании в Настоящем Неопределенном или Простом времени (Present Indefinite or Simple Tense), принимая окончание –s в третьем лице ед. числе. Посмотрим наглядно как это происходит:

Спряжение глагола achieve в Present Simple

Глагол achieve относится к разряду правильных глаголов, поэтому нам не составит труда образовать его формы — как настоящего так и прошедшего времени. Вы, вероятно знаете, что у правильных глаголов формы Past Indefinite и Participle II совпадаюти образуются при помощи присоединения суффикса -ed к основе инфинитива.

Всего у английских глаголов четыре формы : Инфинитив, Past Indefinite, Participle II и Participle:  to achieve – achieved – achieved – achieving

Present Indefinite Tense

We slowly achieve the aim – мы медленно добиваемся цели

Past Indefinite Tense

He achieved his dream – он осуществил свою мечту

Present Perfect Tense

We have achieved success – мы достигли успеха

Past Perfect Tense

We had achieved some results by evening – мы добились некоторых результатов к вечеру

Обратите внимание на использование глагола achieve в примерах:

  • If you want to achieve success, you have to work hard at your English – Если ты хочешь добиться успеха, ты должен упорно работать над своим английским.
  • Mary said she paid much to achieve  everything she had dreamt of – Мэри сказала, что заплатила дорого, чтобы достичь всего, о чем мечтала.
  • I have achieved my mission by bringing you up – я выполнил свою миссию, восспитав тебя.

Синонимы глагола achieve

  • Accomplishachieve2
  • Reach
  • Attain
  • Bring home the bacon

Словообразование с глаголом  achieve 

Мы можем также образовать новые слова, прибавив к глаголу суффиксы и преффиксы:

  •  Achiever — успевающий ученик, человек, который добился успеха в жизни
  • Non-achiever – антоним слова  «Achiever»  — так называют человека, ничего не добившегося  в своей жизни, т.е.  неудачника, двоечника
  • Achievement – достижение, победа, успех
  • Achievable – достигаемый, достижимый

prosba avtora

regular model: work
verbs ending in -e: like

— model verb
Regular verbs ending with a silent -e: remove the final -e before adding -ed or -ing.

Variants of the regular models:

  1. pass -s, -sh, -x, -o: +e
  2. try -y>ie
  3. omit -X>-XX
  4. die -ie: -ie>y
  5. agree -ee: +d

Irregular past tense models:

  1. cost invar.
  2. feed vowel: long>short
  3. find i>ou
  4. know [o,a]>e
  5. mean +t
  6. panic -k-
  7. pay -ay>aid
  8. send -d>-t
  9. sing i>a, u
  10. show >ed, -n
  11. stick a>u, i>u
  12. sleep -ee_>-e_t
  13. speak >o_e, o_en
  14. spell >ed, -t
  15. take -ake>-ook, -aken
  16. think >-ought
  17. wear -ear>-ore, -orn
  18. write -i_e>o_e, i_en

Firefox and Chrome users: install a shortcut (Firefox or Chrome) then type «conj achieve» in your address bar for the fastest conjugations.


It is conjugated like: like

present participle:
past participle:
(to) achieve
definition in Spanish
in French
in Italian


presentAlso known as:
present simple or simple present
I achieve
you achieve
he, she, it achieves
we achieve
you achieve
they achieve
simple pastAlso known as:
past simple or preterit
I achieved
you achieved
he, she, it achieved
we achieved
you achieved
they achieved
I will achieve
you will achieve
he, she, it will achieve
we will achieve
you will achieve
they will achieve

Perfect tenses

present perfect
I have achieved
you have achieved
he, she, it has achieved
we have achieved
you have achieved
they have achieved
past perfectAlso known as:
I had achieved
you had achieved
he, she, it had achieved
we had achieved
you had achieved
they had achieved
future perfect
I will have achieved
you will have achieved
he, she, it will have achieved
we will have achieved
you will have achieved
they will have achieved

Continuous (progressive) and emphatic tenses

present continuous
I am achieving
you are achieving
he, she, it is achieving
we are achieving
you are achieving
they are achieving
past continuous
I was achieving
you were achieving
he, she, it was achieving
we were achieving
you were achieving
they were achieving
present emphatic
I do achieve
you do achieve
he, she, it does achieve
we do achieve
you do achieve
they do achieve
past emphatic
I did achieve
you did achieve
he, she, it did achieve
we did achieve
you did achieve
they did achieve

Compound continuous (progressive) tenses

present perfect
I have been achieving
you have been achieving
he, she, it has been achieving
we have been achieving
you have been achieving
they have been achieving
past perfect
I had been achieving
you had been achieving
he, she, it had been achieving
we had been achieving
you had been achieving
they had been achieving
I will be achieving
you will be achieving
he, she, it will be achieving
we will be achieving
you will be achieving
they will be achieving
future perfect
I will have been achieving
you will have been achieving
he, she, it will have been achieving
we will have been achieving
you will have been achieving
they will have been achieving


I would achieve
you would achieve
he, she, it would achieve
we would achieve
you would achieve
they would achieve
perfectAlso known as:
past conditional
I would have achieved
you would have achieved
he, she, it would have achieved
we would have achieved
you would have achieved
they would have achieved
present continuous
I would be achieving
you would be achieving
he, she, it would be achieving
we would be achieving
you would be achieving
they would be achieving
perfect continuous
I would have been achieving
you would have been achieving
he, she, it would have been achieving
we would have been achieving
you would have been achieving
they would have been achieving


(you) achieve!
(we) let’s achieve!
(you) achieve!


I achieve
you achieve
he, she, it achieve
we achieve
you achieve
they achieve
I achieved
you achieved
he, she, it achieved
we achieved
you achieved
they achieved
past perfectAlso known as:
pluperfect subjunctive
I had achieved
you had achieved
he, she, it had achieved
we had achieved
you had achieved
they had achieved
I should achieve
you should achieve
he, she, it should achieve
we should achieve
you should achieve
they should achieve

*Blue letters in conjugations are irregular
forms. (example)
*Red letters in conjugations are exceptions to
the model. (example)

Report a problem.


Глагол to achieve – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: достигать, добиваться; успешно выполнять; доводить до конца.

Infinitive to achieve
Simple past achieved
Past participle achieved
-s achieves
-ing achieving

Achieve in present simple


I achieve

You achieve

He achieves
She achieves
It achieves

We achieve

You achieve

They achieve


I do not achieve

You do not achieve

He does not achieve
She does not achieve
It does not achieve

We do not achieve

You do not achieve

They do not achieve


Do I achieve?

Do you achieve?

Does he achieve?
Does she achieve?
Does it achieve?

Do we achieve?

Do you achieve?

Do they achieve?

Achieve in present continuous


I am achieving

You are achieving

He is achieving
She is achieving
It is achieving

We are achieving

You are achieving

They are achieving


I am not achieving

You are not achieving

He is not achieving
She is not achieving
It is not achieving

We are not achieving

You are not achieving

They are not achieving


Am I achieving?

Are you achieving?

Is he achieving?
Is she achieving?
Is it achieving?

Are we achieving?

Are you achieving?

Are they achieving?

Achieve in present perfect


I have achieved

You have achieved

He has achieved
She has achieved
It has achieved

We have achieved

You have achieved

They have achieved


I have not achieved

You have not achieved

He has not achieved
She has not achieved
It has not achieved

We have not achieved

You have not achieved

They have not achieved


Have I achieved?

Have you achieved?

Has he achieved?
Has she achieved?
Has it achieved?

Have we achieved?

Have you achieved?

Have they achieved?

Achieve in present perfect continuous


I have been achieving

You have been achieving

He has been achieving
She has been achieving
It has been achieving

We have been achieving

You have been achieving

They have been achieving


I have not been achieving

You have not been achieving

He has not been achieving
She has not been achieving
It has not been achieving

We have not been achieving

You have not been achieving

They have not been achieving


Have I been achieving?

Have you been achieving?

Has he been achieving?
Has she been achieving?
Has it been achieving?

Have we been achieving?

Have you been achieving?

Have they been achieving?

Achieve in past simple


I achieved

You achieved

He achieved
She achieved
It achieved

We achieved

You achieved

They achieved


I did not achieve

You did not achieve

He did not achieve
She did not achieve
It did not achieve

We did not achieve

You did not achieve

They did not achieve


Did I achieve?

Did you achieve?

Did he achieve?
Did she achieve?
Did it achieve?

Did we achieve?

Did you achieve?

Did they achieve?

Achieve in past continuous


I was achieving

You were achieving

He was achieving
She was achieving
It was achieving

We were achieving

You were achieving

They were achieving


I was not achieving

You were not achieving

He was not achieving
She was not achieving
It was not achieving

We were not achieving

You were not achieving

They were not achieving


Was I achieving?

Were you achieving?

Was he achieving?
Was she achieving?
Was it achieving?

Were we achieving?

Were you achieving?

Were they achieving?

Achieve in past perfect


I had achieved

You had achieved

He had achieved
She had achieved
It had achieved

We had achieved

You had achieved

They had achieved


I had not achieved

You had not achieved

He had not achieved
She had not achieved
It had not achieved

We had not achieved

You had not achieved

They had not achieved


Had I achieved?

Had you achieved?

Had he achieved?
Had she achieved?
Had it achieved?

Had we achieved?

Had you achieved?

Had they achieved?

Achieve in past perfect continuous


I had been achieving

You had been achieving

He had been achieving
She had been achieving
It had been achieving

We had been achieving

You had been achieving

They had been achieving


I had not been achieving

You had not been achieving

He had not been achieving
She had not been achieving
It had not been achieving

We had not been achieving

You had not been achieving

They had not been achieving


Had I been achieving?

Had you been achieving?

Had he been achieving?
Had she been achieving?
Had it been achieving?

Had we been achieving?

Had you been achieving?

Had they been achieving?

Achieve in future simple


I will achieve

You will achieve

He will achieve
She will achieve
It will achieve

We will achieve

You will achieve

They will achieve


I will not achieve

You will not achieve

He will not achieve
She will not achieve
It will not achieve

We will not achieve

You will not achieve

They will not achieve


Will I achieve?

Will you achieve?

Will he achieve?
Will she achieve?
Will it achieve?

Will we achieve?

Will you achieve?

Will they achieve?

Achieve in future continuous


I will be achieving

You will be achieving

He will be achieving
She will be achieving
It will be achieving

We will be achieving

You will be achieving

They will be achieving


I will not be achieving

You will not be achieving

He will not be achieving
She will not be achieving
It will not be achieving

We will not be achieving

You will not be achieving

They will not be achieving


Will I be achieving?

Will you be achieving?

Will he be achieving?
Will she be achieving?
Will it be achieving?

Will we be achieving?

Will you be achieving?

Will they be achieving?

Achieve in future perfect


I will have achieved

You will have achieved

He will have achieved
She will have achieved
It will have achieved

We will have achieved

You will have achieved

They will have achieved


I will not have achieved

You will not have achieved

He will not have achieved
She will not have achieved
It will not have achieved

We will not have achieved

You will not have achieved

They will not have achieved


Will I haveachieved?

Will you haveachieved?

Will he haveachieved?
Will she haveachieved?
Will it haveachieved?

Will we haveachieved?

Will you haveachieved?

Will they haveachieved?

Achieve in future perfect continuous


I will have been achieving

You will have been achieving

He will have been achieving
She will have been achieving
It will have been achieving

We will have been achieving

You will have been achieving

They will have been achieving


I will not have been achieving

You will not have been achieving

He will not have been achieving
She will not have been achieving
It will not have been achieving

We will not have been achieving

You will not have been achieving

They will not have been achieving


Will I have been achieving?

Will you have been achieving?

Will he have been achieving?
Will she have been achieving?
Will it have been achieving?

Will we have been achieving?

Will you have been achieving?

Will they have been achieving?

Achieve in conditional present


I would achieve

You would achieve

He would achieve
She would achieve
It would achieve

We would achieve

You would achieve

They would achieve


I would not achieve

You would not achieve

He would not achieve
She would not achieve
It would not achieve

We would not achieve

You would not achieve

They would not achieve


Would I achieve?

Would you achieve?

Would he achieve?
Would she achieve?
Would it achieve?

Would we achieve?

Would you achieve?

Would they achieve?

Achieve in conditional present progressive


I would be achieving

You would be achieving

He would be achieving
She would be achieving
It would be achieving

We would be achieving

You would be achieving

They would be achieving


I would not be achieving

You would not be achieving

He would not be achieving
She would not be achieving
It would not be achieving

We would not be achieving

You would not be achieving

They would not be achieving


Would I be achieving?

Would you be achieving?

Would he be achieving?
Would she be achieving?
Would it be achieving?

Would we be achieving?

Would you be achieving?

Would they be achieving?

Achieve in conditional perfect


I would have achieved

You would have achieved

He would have achieved
She would have achieved
It would have achieved

We would have achieved

You would have achieved

They would have achieved


I would not have achieved

You would not have achieved

He would not have achieved
She would not have achieved
It would not have achieved

We would not have achieved

You would not have achieved

They would not have achieved


Would I have achieved?

Would you have achieved?

Would he have achieved?
Would she have achieved?
Would it have achieved?

Would we have achieved?

Would you have achieved?

Would they have achieved?

Achieve in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been achieving

You would have been achieving

He would have been achieving
She would have been achieving
It would have been achieving

We would have been achieving

You would have been achieving

They would have been achieving


I would not have been achieving

You would not have been achieving

He would not have been achieving
She would not have been achieving
It would not have been achieving

We would not have been achieving

You would not have been achieving

They would not have been achieving


Would I have been achieving?

Would you have been achieving?

Would he have been achieving?
Would she have been achieving?
Would it have been achieving?

Would we have been achieving?

Would you have been achieving?

Would they have been achieving?

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