Forms of the word abuse

Infinitive Simple past Past participle
abuse abused abused
злоупотреблять, оскорблять, ругать
Present Simple — Настоящее время
Вопросительная форма Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Do I abuse? I abuse I don’t abuse
Does he abuse? He abuses He doesn’t abuse
Does she abuse? She abuses She doesn’t abuse
Does it abuse? It abuses It doesn’t abuse
Do you abuse? You abuse You don’t abuse
Do we abuse? We abuse We don’t abuse
Do they abuse? They abuse They don’t abuse
Past Simple — Прощедщее время
Вопросительная форма Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Did I abuse? I abused I didn’t abuse
Did he abuse? He abused He didn’t abuse
Did she abuse? She abused She didn’t abuse
Did it abuse? It abused It didn’t abuse
Did we abuse? We abused We didn’t abuse
Did you abuse? You abused You didn’t abuse
Did they abuse? They abused They didn’t abuse
Future Simple — Будущее время
Вопросительная форма Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Will I abuse? I will abuse I won’t abuse
Will he abuse? He will abuse He won’t abuse
Will she abuse? She will abuse She won’t abuse
Will it abuse? It will abuse It won’t abuse
Will we abuse? We will abuse We won’t abuse
Will you abuse? You will abuse You won’t abuse
Will they abuse? They will abuse They won’t abuse

злоупотребление, оскорбление, брань, злоупотреблять, браниться, оскорблять


- брань, ругательства; оскорбление

to exchange abuse — оскорблять друг друга
to break out into abuse — разразиться бранью
to heap /to shower/ abuse on smb. — осыпать кого-л. оскорблениями

- плохое или жестокое обращение

abuse of children — жестокое обращение с детьми

- неправильное употребление или (ис)пользование

abuse of words [terms] — неправильное или необычное употребление слов [терминов]
abuses of figures — подтасовка статистических данных

- злоупотребление

crying abuse — вопиющее злоупотребление
drug abuse — злоупотребление наркотиками
abuse of power /authority/ — злоупотребление властью
abuse of trust — злоупотребление доверием
abuse of process — юр. злоумышленное использование одной стороной процессуальных законов во вред противной стороне

- нападение, избиение
- изнасилование, особ. совращение малолетних
- тех. эксплуатация с нарушением правил или норм


- оскорблять, ругать; поносить

to abuse smb. left and right — ≅ поносить кого-л. на чём свет стоит
the candidates abused each other — кандидаты занимались взаимными нападками

- мучить; жестоко обращаться

to abuse a child — жестоко обращаться с ребёнком
to abuse a horse — загнать лошадь

- портить; неосторожно пользоваться (чем-л.)

to abuse one’s eyesight — перенапрягать зрение; не жалеть своих глаз

- злоупотреблять

to abuse rights [privileges, smb.’s kindness] — злоупотреблять правами [привилегиями, чьей-л. добротой]
to abuse one’s authority — превышать (свои) полномочия

- неправильно или непривычно употреблять (слово, термин)
- нападать, избивать
- совращать (малолетних); насиловать
- pass ист. быть введённым в заблуждение, быть обманутым
- тех. эксплуатировать с нарушением правил или норм

Мои примеры


a free booklet on drug abuse — бесплатный буклет по проблеме наркомании  
the multiplex problem of drug abuse — сложная проблема наркомании  
shower / stream of abuse — поток брани, ругательств  
a term of abuse — ругательство  
to heap, shower abuse (up)on smb. — осыпать, поливать бранью кого-л.  
to receive abuse — подвергаться нападкам  
child abuse, abuse of children — жестокое обращение с детьми  
abuse of power — злоупотребление властью  
to abuse one’s rights — злоупотреблять правами  
to abuse smb.’s generosity — злоупотреблять чьим-л. благородством  
to abuse smb.’s hospitality — злоупотреблять чьим-л. гостеприимством  
to abuse a privilege — злоупотреблять привилегией  

Примеры с переводом

Her husband often abuses alcohol.

Её муж часто злоупотребляет алкоголем.

This boss abuses his workers.

Этот руководитель плохо обращается со своими рабочими.

She took a lot of abuse from him.

Она терпела от него многочисленные оскорбления.

She abused her friend’s trust.

Она злоупотребила доверием своей подруги.

This car has taken a lot of abuse.

С этой машиной очень плохо обращались.

He is a senator who abuses his power.

Он — сенатор, который злоупотребляет /злоупотребляющий/ своей властью.

I did not mean to abuse the cloth.

Я не хотел оскорбить честь мундира.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Many children suffer racial abuse at school.

The other driver started hurling abuse at me.

The prisoner let fly with a torrent of abuse.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disabuse  — выводить из заблуждения, освобождать от иллюзий, лишать иллюзий
abusive  — оскорбительный, матерный, бранный, оскорбляющий
abuser  — злоумышленник, алкоголик, алкоголичка, наркоман, наркоманка, злоумышленница
abused  — злоупотреблять, браниться, оскорблять, ругать, ругаться, поносить
abusage  — неправильное употребление, слов

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: abuse
he/she/it: abuses
ing ф. (present participle): abusing
2-я ф. (past tense): abused
3-я ф. (past participle): abused

ед. ч.(singular): abuse
мн. ч.(plural): abuses

Глагол to abuse – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: злоупотреблять, ругать, оскорблять, плохо обращаться, браниться, хулить, ругаться.

Infinitive to abuse
Simple past abused
Past participle abused
-s abuses
-ing abusing

Abuse in present simple


I abuse

You abuse

He abuses
She abuses
It abuses

We abuse

You abuse

They abuse


I do not abuse

You do not abuse

He does not abuse
She does not abuse
It does not abuse

We do not abuse

You do not abuse

They do not abuse


Do I abuse?

Do you abuse?

Does he abuse?
Does she abuse?
Does it abuse?

Do we abuse?

Do you abuse?

Do they abuse?

Abuse in present continuous


I am abusing

You are abusing

He is abusing
She is abusing
It is abusing

We are abusing

You are abusing

They are abusing


I am not abusing

You are not abusing

He is not abusing
She is not abusing
It is not abusing

We are not abusing

You are not abusing

They are not abusing


Am I abusing?

Are you abusing?

Is he abusing?
Is she abusing?
Is it abusing?

Are we abusing?

Are you abusing?

Are they abusing?

Abuse in present perfect


I have abused

You have abused

He has abused
She has abused
It has abused

We have abused

You have abused

They have abused


I have not abused

You have not abused

He has not abused
She has not abused
It has not abused

We have not abused

You have not abused

They have not abused


Have I abused?

Have you abused?

Has he abused?
Has she abused?
Has it abused?

Have we abused?

Have you abused?

Have they abused?

Abuse in present perfect continuous


I have been abusing

You have been abusing

He has been abusing
She has been abusing
It has been abusing

We have been abusing

You have been abusing

They have been abusing


I have not been abusing

You have not been abusing

He has not been abusing
She has not been abusing
It has not been abusing

We have not been abusing

You have not been abusing

They have not been abusing


Have I been abusing?

Have you been abusing?

Has he been abusing?
Has she been abusing?
Has it been abusing?

Have we been abusing?

Have you been abusing?

Have they been abusing?

Abuse in past simple


I abused

You abused

He abused
She abused
It abused

We abused

You abused

They abused


I did not abuse

You did not abuse

He did not abuse
She did not abuse
It did not abuse

We did not abuse

You did not abuse

They did not abuse


Did I abuse?

Did you abuse?

Did he abuse?
Did she abuse?
Did it abuse?

Did we abuse?

Did you abuse?

Did they abuse?

Abuse in past continuous


I was abusing

You were abusing

He was abusing
She was abusing
It was abusing

We were abusing

You were abusing

They were abusing


I was not abusing

You were not abusing

He was not abusing
She was not abusing
It was not abusing

We were not abusing

You were not abusing

They were not abusing


Was I abusing?

Were you abusing?

Was he abusing?
Was she abusing?
Was it abusing?

Were we abusing?

Were you abusing?

Were they abusing?

Abuse in past perfect


I had abused

You had abused

He had abused
She had abused
It had abused

We had abused

You had abused

They had abused


I had not abused

You had not abused

He had not abused
She had not abused
It had not abused

We had not abused

You had not abused

They had not abused


Had I abused?

Had you abused?

Had he abused?
Had she abused?
Had it abused?

Had we abused?

Had you abused?

Had they abused?

Abuse in past perfect continuous


I had been abusing

You had been abusing

He had been abusing
She had been abusing
It had been abusing

We had been abusing

You had been abusing

They had been abusing


I had not been abusing

You had not been abusing

He had not been abusing
She had not been abusing
It had not been abusing

We had not been abusing

You had not been abusing

They had not been abusing


Had I been abusing?

Had you been abusing?

Had he been abusing?
Had she been abusing?
Had it been abusing?

Had we been abusing?

Had you been abusing?

Had they been abusing?

Abuse in future simple


I will abuse

You will abuse

He will abuse
She will abuse
It will abuse

We will abuse

You will abuse

They will abuse


I will not abuse

You will not abuse

He will not abuse
She will not abuse
It will not abuse

We will not abuse

You will not abuse

They will not abuse


Will I abuse?

Will you abuse?

Will he abuse?
Will she abuse?
Will it abuse?

Will we abuse?

Will you abuse?

Will they abuse?

Abuse in future continuous


I will be abusing

You will be abusing

He will be abusing
She will be abusing
It will be abusing

We will be abusing

You will be abusing

They will be abusing


I will not be abusing

You will not be abusing

He will not be abusing
She will not be abusing
It will not be abusing

We will not be abusing

You will not be abusing

They will not be abusing


Will I be abusing?

Will you be abusing?

Will he be abusing?
Will she be abusing?
Will it be abusing?

Will we be abusing?

Will you be abusing?

Will they be abusing?

Abuse in future perfect


I will have abused

You will have abused

He will have abused
She will have abused
It will have abused

We will have abused

You will have abused

They will have abused


I will not have abused

You will not have abused

He will not have abused
She will not have abused
It will not have abused

We will not have abused

You will not have abused

They will not have abused


Will I haveabused?

Will you haveabused?

Will he haveabused?
Will she haveabused?
Will it haveabused?

Will we haveabused?

Will you haveabused?

Will they haveabused?

Abuse in future perfect continuous


I will have been abusing

You will have been abusing

He will have been abusing
She will have been abusing
It will have been abusing

We will have been abusing

You will have been abusing

They will have been abusing


I will not have been abusing

You will not have been abusing

He will not have been abusing
She will not have been abusing
It will not have been abusing

We will not have been abusing

You will not have been abusing

They will not have been abusing


Will I have been abusing?

Will you have been abusing?

Will he have been abusing?
Will she have been abusing?
Will it have been abusing?

Will we have been abusing?

Will you have been abusing?

Will they have been abusing?

Abuse in conditional present


I would abuse

You would abuse

He would abuse
She would abuse
It would abuse

We would abuse

You would abuse

They would abuse


I would not abuse

You would not abuse

He would not abuse
She would not abuse
It would not abuse

We would not abuse

You would not abuse

They would not abuse


Would I abuse?

Would you abuse?

Would he abuse?
Would she abuse?
Would it abuse?

Would we abuse?

Would you abuse?

Would they abuse?

Abuse in conditional present progressive


I would be abusing

You would be abusing

He would be abusing
She would be abusing
It would be abusing

We would be abusing

You would be abusing

They would be abusing


I would not be abusing

You would not be abusing

He would not be abusing
She would not be abusing
It would not be abusing

We would not be abusing

You would not be abusing

They would not be abusing


Would I be abusing?

Would you be abusing?

Would he be abusing?
Would she be abusing?
Would it be abusing?

Would we be abusing?

Would you be abusing?

Would they be abusing?

Abuse in conditional perfect


I would have abused

You would have abused

He would have abused
She would have abused
It would have abused

We would have abused

You would have abused

They would have abused


I would not have abused

You would not have abused

He would not have abused
She would not have abused
It would not have abused

We would not have abused

You would not have abused

They would not have abused


Would I have abused?

Would you have abused?

Would he have abused?
Would she have abused?
Would it have abused?

Would we have abused?

Would you have abused?

Would they have abused?

Abuse in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been abusing

You would have been abusing

He would have been abusing
She would have been abusing
It would have been abusing

We would have been abusing

You would have been abusing

They would have been abusing


I would not have been abusing

You would not have been abusing

He would not have been abusing
She would not have been abusing
It would not have been abusing

We would not have been abusing

You would not have been abusing

They would not have been abusing


Would I have been abusing?

Would you have been abusing?

Would he have been abusing?
Would she have been abusing?
Would it have been abusing?

Would we have been abusing?

Would you have been abusing?

Would they have been abusing?

нет оценок

Введите инфинитив глагола или личную форму глагола, чтобы увидеть таблицу спряжения для него



  • Английский
  • Французский
  • Испанский
  • Немецкий
  • Итальянский
  • Португальский
  • Иврит
  • Русский
  • Арабский
  • Японский


Вспомогательный глагол:
have, be

Сокращенные формы



  • I abuse
  • you abuse
  • he/she/it abuses
  • we abuse
  • you abuse
  • they abuse


  • I abused
  • you abused
  • he/she/it abused
  • we abused
  • you abused
  • they abused

Present continuous

  • I am abusing
  • you are abusing
  • he/she/it is abusing
  • we are abusing
  • you are abusing
  • they are abusing

Present perfect

  • I have abused
  • you have abused
  • he/she/it has abused
  • we have abused
  • you have abused
  • they have abused


  • I will abuse
  • you will abuse
  • he/she/it will abuse
  • we will abuse
  • you will abuse
  • they will abuse

Future perfect

  • I will have abused
  • you will have abused
  • he/she/it will have abused
  • we will have abused
  • you will have abused
  • they will have abused

Past continous

  • I was abusing
  • you were abusing
  • he/she/it was abusing
  • we were abusing
  • you were abusing
  • they were abusing

Past perfect

  • I had abused
  • you had abused
  • he/she/it had abused
  • we had abused
  • you had abused
  • they had abused

Future continuous

  • I will be abusing
  • you will be abusing
  • he/she/it will be abusing
  • we will be abusing
  • you will be abusing
  • they will be abusing

Present perfect continuous

  • I have been abusing
  • you have been abusing
  • he/she/it has been abusing
  • we have been abusing
  • you have been abusing
  • they have been abusing

Past perfect continuous

  • I had been abusing
  • you had been abusing
  • he/she/it had been abusing
  • we had been abusing
  • you had been abusing
  • they had been abusing

Future perfect continuous

  • I will have been abusing
  • you will have been abusing
  • he/she/it will have been abusing
  • we will have been abusing
  • you will have been abusing
  • they will have been abusing



  • abuse
  • let’s abuse
  • abuse

Perfect participle

  • having abused

Спряжение глагола «abuse» во всех временах, наклонениях и лицах.
Поиск определения и перевода в контексте глагола «abuse» с примерами его использования в реальном общении.
Похожие английский глаголы: voice, lapse, irritate

Посмотрите слово abuse на новом сайте!



  1. злоупотреблять (злоупотребить)
  2. ругать (оскорблять, поносить, издеваться)
  3. жестоко обращаться (плохо обращаться)
  4. бесчестить

Синонимы: misuse.


  1. злоупотребление (жестокое обращение, нарушение, плохое обращение)
  2. оскорбление (брань, издевательство, ругань)
  3. изнасилование (насилие, надругательство, произвол)
  4. наркомания (токсикомания)
  5. превышение

Множ. число: abuses.

Синонимы: addiction, exceeding, transcendency, overshoot, transcending.


  1. жестокий

Синонимы: cut-throat, cold-blooded, cruelly, fiendish, felon, cruelty, unfatherly, iron, grim.

Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I abuse We abuse
You abuse You abuse
He/She/It abuses They abuse
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I abused We abused
You abused You abused
He/She/It abused They abused


abuse of alcohol
злоупотребление алкоголем

serious abuses
серьезные нарушения

gross abuse
грубые оскорбления

loud abuse
громкая брань

abusing people
издевательства над людьми

constant abuse
постоянное насилие

abuse of authority
превышение власти

abuse power
злоупотреблять силой

abuse the power
злоупотребить властью

abuse the government
ругать правительство


People shouldn’t abuse animals.
Люди не должны плохо обращаться с животными.

The abuse of alcohol among young people is a serious problem.
Злоупотребление алкоголем среди молодёжи — серьёзная проблема.

Less than five percent of perpetrators of child sexual abuse are female.
Менее пяти процентов совершающих сексуальное насилие в отношении детей являются женщинами.

Sexual abuse victims often disassociate from their trauma.
Жертвы сексуального насилия часто дистанцируются от своей травмы.

How long, O Catiline, will you abuse our patience?
До каких пор, Катилина, ты будешь злоупотреблять нашим терпением?

It’s an abuse of power.
Это злоупотребление полномочиями.

Everyone has the right to be stupid. Some people just abuse that privilege.
Каждый имеет право быть глупым. Но некоторые люди злоупотребляют этой привилегией.

He flung a stream of abuse at me.
Он выругался на меня.

He abuses his authority.
Он злоупотребляет своим авторитетом.

He abused my trust.
Он злоупотребил моим доверием.

He abused my confidence.
Он злоупотребил моим доверием.

Tom was abused by his father.
Том подвергся насилию со стороны отца.

The king abused his power.
Король злоупотреблял властью.

He abused our trust.
Он злоупотребил нашим доверием.

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  • (UK) IPA (key): /əˈbjuːs/, SAMPA: /@»bju:s/
  • (US) enPR: əbyo͞os’, IPA (key): /əˈbjus/, SAMPA: /@»bjus/
  • (UK) IPA (key): /əˈbjuːz/, SAMPA: /@»bju:z</
  • (US) enPR: əbyo͞oz’, IPA (key): /əˈbjuz/, SAMPA: /@»bjuz/


  1. (uncountable) Abuse is touching or acting towards someone in a way that will likely hurt them.
    The girls suffered terrible physical and sexual abuse from their father.
  2. (countable & uncountable) An abuse is an act of using something in the wrong way.


  • misuse


Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive) If you abuse something, you misuse it; you use something improperly.
  2. (transitive) If you abuse something, you injure it; you hurt it; you treat it with cruelty or damage it.
  3. (transitive) If you abuse somebody, you rape them; you assault them.
  4. (transitive) If you abuse somebody, you berate them; you insult or revile them.
    Child abuse is prohibited in America.


  • abusive
  • abusable
  • abuser

Примеры из текстов

He condescends to abuse me, you know.

Ведь удостаивает же он меня сам ругать.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы

Братья Карамазовы

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

The brothers Karamazov

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

UNDCP was commended for its increased involvement in programmes linking initiatives to reduce drug abuse with efforts to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS infection.

Было положительно оценено более активное участие ЮНДКП в программах, в рамках которых мероприятия по сокращению наркомании увязывались с усилиями по борьбе с распространением ВИЧ/СПИДа.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

Drag demand reduction: world situation with regard to drag abuse, in particular the spread of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) through drag injection.

Сокращение спроса на наркотики: положение в области злоупотребления наркотиками в мире, в частности, распространение вируса иммунодефицита человека/синдрома приобретенного иммунодефицита (ВИЧ/СПИД) в результате употребления наркотиков путем инъекций.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

Of course, ethical issues do arise in financial management and, whenever unscrupulous managers abuse their position, we all trust each other a little less.

Конечно, в финансовой деятельности возникают этические проблемы, и всякий раз, когда какой-нибудь недобросовестный менеджер злоупотребляет своим положением, все мы начинаем чуточку меньше доверять друг другу.

Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart / Principles of Corporate FinanceБрейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт / Принципы корпоративных финансов

Принципы корпоративных финансов

Брейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт

© 2003, 2000, 1996, 1991, 1988, 1984, 1981 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

© ЗАО «Олимп-Бизнес», перевод на рус. яз., оформление, 2004

Principles of Corporate Finance

Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart

© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003

This will represent the administrative contribution to the objective of enhancing the efficiency of the United Nations structure for drug abuse control.

Они будут представлять собой вклад организационного характера в дело повышения эффективности механизма Организации Объединенных Наций по борьбе со злоупотреблением наркотиками.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

First, if the total amount of the subsidy is received before the end of the loan period then there is greater scope for abuse.

Во-первых, если вся сумма компенсации выплачивается до срока выплаты процентов банку, то создаются основания для злоупотребления.

For sin is sweet; all abuse it, but all men live in it, only others do it on the sly, and I openly.

В скверне-то слаще: все ее ругают, а все в ней живут, только все тайком, а я открыто.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы

Братья Карамазовы

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

The brothers Karamazov

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

In that connection, administering Powers had a duty not to abuse the natural and human resources of those Territories and to promote the political, economic and social development of their peoples.

В этой связи управляющие Державы должны не допускать злоупотребления природными и людскими ресурсами этих территорий и содействовать политическому, экономическому и социальному развитию их народов.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

Vincent turned his attention away from a story about domestic abuse.

Винсент оторвался от статьи о насилии в семье.

Mead, Richelle / Succubus DreamsМид, Райчел / Сны суккуба

Сны суккуба

Мид, Райчел

© И. Шаргородская, перевод на русский язык, 2010

© Издание на русском языке, ООО «Издательство»Эксмо», 2010

© 2008 by Richelle Mead

Succubus Dreams

Mead, Richelle

Trends in the abuse of methamphetamine.

Тенденции в области злоупотребления метамфетамином.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

«You mustn’t abuse the public.»

— Публику нельзя ругать-с.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The possessedДостоевский, Фёдор / Бесы


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1989

The possessed

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Other important causes of a polyneuropathy are alcohol abuse, diabetes mellitus, malnutrition in patients with long lasting gastrointestinal diseases, neoplastic diseases or cachexia.

Другие распространенные причины полинейропатии — алкоголизм, сахарный диабет, истощение при хронических заболеваниях ЖКТ, новообразования и кахексия.

Hoffmann, Christian,Rockstroh, Jurgen,Kamps, Bernd / HIV Medicine 2006Хоффман, Кристиан,Рокстро, Юрген,Кампс, Бернд / Лечение ВИЧ-инфекции 2005

Лечение ВИЧ-инфекции 2005

Хоффман, Кристиан,Рокстро, Юрген,Кампс, Бернд

© 2003, 2004, 2005 Flying Publisher

HIV Medicine 2006

Hoffmann, Christian,Rockstroh, Jurgen,Kamps, Bernd

© 2006 by Flying Publisher

Several representatives of African countries referred to the drug abuse and trafficking problem related to cannabis and the efforts of their Governments to deal with that problem.

Несколько представителей стран Африки рассказали о проблеме наркомании и незаконного оборота применительно к каннабису и об усилиях их правительств по решению этой проблемы.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

Yakov said nothing, but still waited for Matvey to go away, and kept looking at his sister, afraid that she would interfere, and that there would be a storm of abuse again, as there had been in the morning.

Яков молчал и всё ждал, когда уйдет Матвей, и всё смотрел на сестру, боясь, как бы она не вмешалась и не началась бы опять брань, какая была утром.

Чехов, А.П. / УбийствоChekhov, A. / The murder


Чехов, А.П.

© Издательство «Наука», 1974

It should be noted, however, that the recorded increase may result in part from the newly implemented measures to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse.

Вместе с тем следует отметить, что указанный рост числа случаев может объясняться отчасти вновь проводимыми мерами, направленными на недопущение сексуальной эксплуатации и надругательств и реакцией на них.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

Добавить в мой словарь


ə’bjuːsСуществительноеоскорбление; брань; надругательствоПримеры

retorted abuse — ответное оскорбление

shower / stream of abuse — поток брани, ругательств

a term of abuse — ругательство

to bombard smb. with abuse — осыпать кого-л. оскорблениями

to break out into abuse — разразиться бранью

to exchange abuse — оскорблять друг друга

to heap, shower abuse (up)on smb. — осыпать, поливать бранью кого-л.

to receive abuse — подвергаться нападкам

She took a lot of abuse from him. — Она терпела от него бесчисленные оскорбления.


abuse a child

жестоко обращаться с ребенком

abuse a horse

загнать лошадь

abuse alcohol

злоупотреблять алкоголем

abuse of authority

злоупотребление властью

abuse of authority

злоупотребление полномочиями

abuse of authority

превышение полномочий

abuse of benefits

злоупотребление льготами

abuse of confidence

злоупотребление доверием

abuse of corpse

надругательство над трупом

abuse of credit

злоупотребление кредитом

abuse of credit

злоупотреблять кредитом

abuse of deteriorated quality


abuse of deteriorated quality

приводящие к ухудшению качества

abuse of discretion

злоупотребление правом на рассмотрение

abuse of discretion

злоупотребление правом на усмотрение

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