Forms of the word absent

отсутствующий, рассеянный, отсутствовать, отлучаться, в отсутствие, без


- отсутствующий

absent on leave — (находящийся) в отпуске
absent without leave — воен. находящийся в самовольной отлучке
to be absent from school — пропустить занятия (в школе)
to be absent from work — не быть на работе; прогулять
to be absent from duty — не явиться на службу
he is absent — он отсутствует, его нет
revenge is absent from his mind — о мести он и не помышляет

- несуществующий

snow is absent in some countries — в некоторых странах никогда не бывает снега

- рассеянный

absent look — отсутствующий взгляд
absent-minded — рассеянный


- отсутствовать, не быть (в каком-л. месте)

to absent oneself from smth. — а) уклоняться от чего-л.; б) отсутствовать где-л. (без уважительной причины); отлучаться откуда-л.


- без, в отсутствие

absent nationality — без гражданства

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

Several people in the class are absent today.

Сегодня в классе отсутствуют несколько человек.

He absented himself.

Он отлучился. / Он отсутствовал.

Since he is still absent, we should call the police.

Поскольку его всё ещё нет, нам следует вызвать полицию.

I hope that I may be permitted at times to absent myself from this place.

Надеюсь, что мне разрешат время от времени отлучаться отсюда без предупреждения.

In fishes the ribs are sometimes entirely absent.

У рыб иногда полностью отсутствуют рёбра.

Have you reckoned in the members who are absent?

Ты посчитал отсутствующих?

Notably absent from his statement was any hint of an apology.

В частности, в его заявлении, не было никакого намека на извинение.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The legs of snakes are vestigial or absent altogether.

Several senior executives were notably absent from the proceedings.

Local women were conspicuously absent (=obviously not there) from the meeting.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

absence  — отсутствие, недостаток, неявка, отлучка
absentee  — отсутствующий, уклоняющийся, прогулявший, не участвующий
absently  — рассеянно

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: absent
he/she/it: absents
ing ф. (present participle): absenting
2-я ф. (past tense): absented
3-я ф. (past participle): absented


Alternative forms[edit]

  • abs.

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English absent, from Middle French absent, from Old French ausent, and their source, Latin absens, present participle of absum (to be away from), from ab (away) + sum (to be).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈæ̩t/
  • (US) IPA(key): /ˈæ̩t/, enPR: ăb’sənt


absent (comparative absenter, superlative absentest)[1]

  1. (not comparable) Being away from a place; withdrawn from a place; not present; missing. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.][2]
  2. (not comparable) Not existing; lacking. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.][2]

    The part was rudimental or absent.

  3. (comparable) Inattentive to what is passing; absent-minded; preoccupied. [First attested in the early 18th century.][2]
    • 1746-1747, Chesterfield, Letters to his Son:

      What is commonly called an absent man is commonly either a very weak or a very affected man.

    • 1902, John Buchan, The Outgoing of the Tide
      For days Ailie had an absent eye and a sad face, and it so fell out that in all that time young Heriotside, who had scarce missed a day, was laid up with a broken arm and never came near her.
  • present
Derived terms[edit]
  • absent over leave
  • absent referent
  • absent treatment
  • absent voter
  • absent without leave
  • absence
  • absentee
  • absenteeism
  • absentia, in absentia

being away from a place

  • Afrikaans: afwesig
  • American Sign Language: 1@NearFinger-Open8@Center-PalmDown Contact 1@NearFinger-Open8@Center-PalmDown
  • Arabic: غَائِب(ḡāʔib)
  • Armenian: բացակա (hy) (bacʿaka)
  • Asturian: ausente
  • Belarusian: адсу́тны (adsútny), (verb) адсу́тнічаць impf (adsútničacʹ)
  • Bulgarian: отсъ́стващ (bg) (otsǎ́stvašt)
  • Catalan: absent (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 缺席 (zh) (quēxí)
  • Czech: nepřítomný
  • Danish: fraværende
  • Dutch: afwezig (nl), weg (nl), absent (nl)
  • Estonian: puuduv
  • Finnish: puuttuva (fi), poissa (oleva)
  • French: absent (fr)
  • Galician: ausente
  • Georgian: არდამსწრე (ardamsc̣re), არმყოფი (armq̇opi)
  • German: abwesend (de)
  • Greek: απών (el) (apón)
    Ancient: οἰχόμενος (oikhómenos)
  • Hindi: अनुपस्थित (hi) (anupasthit), ग़ैरहाज़िर (ġairhāzir)
  • Hungarian: távol lévő
  • Ido: absenta (io)
  • Italian: assente (it)
  • Japanese: いない (ja) (inai), 欠席する (ja) (kesseki suru) (verb)
  • Korean: 없는 (ko) (eomneun), 결석하는 (ko) (gyeolseokhaneun)
  • Latin: absēns (la)
  • Macedonian: отсутен (otsuten)
  • Malay:
    Rumi: absen (ms)
  • Maltese: nieqes (mt)
  • Maori: ngaro, kaitu, tamō, matangaro
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: fraværende
    Nynorsk: fråverande
  • Old English: æfweard
  • Persian: غایب (fa) (ğâyeb)
  • Polish: nieobecny (pl)
  • Portuguese: ausente (pt)
  • Romanian: absent (ro), neprezent
  • Russian: отсу́тствующий (ru) (otsútstvujuščij), (verb) отсу́тствовать (ru) impf (otsútstvovatʹ)
  • Serbo-Croatian: neprisutan (sh), неприсутан, odsutan (sh)
  • Slovak: neprítomný
  • Slovene: odsoten
  • Spanish: ausente (es)
  • Swedish: frånvarande (sv)
  • Tagalog: liban (tl), huwat
  • Ukrainian: відсу́тній (vidsútnij)
  • Urdu: غیر حاضر(ġair hāzir), غائب(ġā’ib)
  • Vietnamese: vắng mặt (vi)

not existing

  • Afrikaans: afwesig
  • Armenian: բացակա (hy) (bacʿaka)
  • Bulgarian: несъществу́ващ (bg) (nesǎštestvúvašt)
  • Catalan: absent (ca)
  • Dutch: afwezig (nl), ontbrekend (nl), niet meer voorhanden, tekort (nl)
  • Finnish: puuttuva (fi), olematon (fi)
  • French: absent (fr)
  • Greek: ανύπαρκτος (el) (anýparktos)
  • Hungarian: hiányzó
  • Ido: absenta (io)
  • Italian: assente (it)
  • Japanese: 無い (ja) (nai), 持たない (ja) (motanai)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: fraværende, ikke-eksisterende
    Nynorsk: fråverande
  • Portuguese: ausente (pt), inexistente (pt)
  • Romanian: absent (ro), inexistent (ro), neexistent
  • Russian: несуществу́ющий (ru) (nesuščestvújuščij)
  • Spanish: ausente (es)
  • Swedish: frånvarande (sv)


  • Armenian: անջատված (anǰatvac)
  • Bulgarian: отсъ́стващ (bg) (otsǎ́stvašt), невнима́телен (bg) (nevnimátelen)
  • Catalan: absent (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 缺席 (zh) (quēxí)
  • Dutch: afwezig (nl), verstrooid (nl), dromerig (nl), elders met zijn gedachten
  • Finnish: poissaoleva (fi)
  • French: absent (fr)
  • German: geistig abwesend (de)
  • Greek: αφηρημένος (el) (afiriménos)
  • Hungarian: szórakozott (hu)
  • Italian: assente (it)
  • Latin: amens
  • Maori: muhukai
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: fraværende
    Nynorsk: fråverande
  • Portuguese: ausente (pt)
  • Romanian: neatent (ro), distrat (ro), (spiritual) absent (ro)
  • Russian: невнима́тельный (ru) (nevnimátelʹnyj), отсу́тствующий (ru) (otsútstvujuščij)
  • Spanish: ausente (es), distraído (es)
  • Swedish: frånvarande (sv)
  • Vietnamese: lơ đãng


absent (plural absents)

  1. (with definite article) Something absent, especially absent people collectively; those who were or are not there. [from 15th c.]
    • 1772, Frances Burney, Journals & Letters, Penguin 2001, 30 May:
      The Applause he met with exceeds all belief of the Absent.
    • 1947, Cecil Day Lewis, Poetic Image:
      That very sense of longing, of yearning for the absent, which ‘nostalgia’ conveys to us now.
  2. (obsolete, Scotland) An absentee; a person who is not there. [15th–19th c.][3]



  1. In the absence of; without; except. [First attested in the mid 20th century.][2]

    Absent taxes modern governments cannot function.

    • 1919, “State vs. Britt, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division 2”, in The Southwestern Reporter, page 427:

      If the accused refuse upon demand to pay money or deliver property (absent any excuse or excusing circumstance) which came into his hands as a bailee, such refusal might well constitute some evidence of conversion, with the requisite fraudulent intent required by the statute.

    • 2011, David Elstein, London Review of Books, volume 33, number 15:

      the Princess Caroline case [] established that – absent a measurable ‘public interest’ in publication – she was safe from being photographed while out shopping.

    • 2019 September 5, Ian Bogost, “I tried to limit my screen time (It didn’t go well)”, in The Atlantic[1]:

      And the distraction-management software Freedom offers a mode that won’t unlock affected apps absent a telephone-support call.

    • 2020, Anu Bradford, “8. Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial?”, in The Brussels Effect. How the European Union Rules the World, Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 258:

      California cannot promulgate regulations that are inconsistent with US federal laws absent an explicit waiver from the federal government.


Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle English absenten, from Old French absenter, from Late Latin absentāre (keep away, be away).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /æbˈsɛnt/, enPR: ăbsĕnt’
  • (US) IPA(key): /æbˈsɛnt/
  • Rhymes: -ɛnt


absent (third-person singular simple present absents, present participle absenting, simple past and past participle absented)

  1. (reflexive) To keep (oneself) away.

    Most of the men are retired, jobless, or have otherwise temporarily absented themselves from the workplace.

    • 1701-1703, Addison, Remarks on Italy:

      If after due summons any member absents himself, he is to be fined.

    • This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.
  2. (transitive, archaic) To keep (someone) away. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.][2]
    • 1667, John Milton, “Book IX”, in Paradise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], [], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, →OCLC:

      Go; for thy stay, not free, absents thee more;

  3. (intransitive, obsolete) Stay away; withdraw. [Attested from around 1350 to 1470 until the late 18th century.][2]
    • 1855, Frederick Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom, New York: Miller, Orton and Mulligan:

      The iron rule of the plantation, always passionately and violently enforced in that neighborhood, makes flogging the penalty of failing to be in the field before sunrise in the morning, unless special permission be given to the absenting slave.

  4. (transitive, rare) Leave. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.][2]

to withhold from being present

  • Ancient Greek: ἅπειμι (hápeimi)
  • Catalan: absentar (ca)
  • Dutch: wegblijven van, zich absenteren, niet opdagen
  • Esperanto: foresti
  • Finnish: olla poissa
  • German: fehlen (de), fernbleiben (de)
  • Greek: απουσιάζω (el) (apousiázo)
  • Ido: absenteskar (io)
  • Latin: absum (la)
  • Maori: takē
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: absentere
  • Portuguese: ausentar (pt)
  • Quechua: ch’usay
  • Spanish: ausentarse (es)

Translations to be checked


  1. ^ Philip Babcock Gove (editor), Webster’s Third International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (G. & C. Merriam Co., 1976 [1909], →ISBN), page 6
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Lesley Brown, editor-in-chief; William R. Trumble and Angus Stevenson, editors (2002), “absent”, in The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles, 5th edition, Oxford; New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 8.
  3. ^ “absent, n.” in the Dictionary of the Scots Language, Edinburgh: Scottish Language Dictionaries.


  • Basnet, Batens, abnets, basnet, besant



Borrowed from Latin absēns, absēntem. Doublet of ausent.


  • (Balearic) IPA(key): /əpˈsent/
  • (Central) IPA(key): /əpˈsen/
  • (Valencian) IPA(key): /apˈsent/


absent (masculine and feminine plural absents)

  1. absent
    Antonym: present


  • absència

Further reading[edit]

  • “absent” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.



Borrowed from Latin absēns, absēntem. Compare the popular form ausent.


  • IPA(key): /ap.sɑ̃/


absent (feminine absente, masculine plural absents, feminine plural absentes)

  1. absent
  2. absent-minded

Derived terms[edit]

  • aux abonnés absents
  • absent le chat, les souris dansent


  • absence


absent m (plural absents)

  1. absentee; missing person

Derived terms[edit]

  • les absents ont toujours tort

Further reading[edit]

  • “absent”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.


  • basent




absent (strong nominative masculine singular absenter, not comparable)

  1. absent, not present
  2. absent-minded


Positive forms of absent (uncomparable)



From Old French ausent, relatinized on the model of its ancestor, Latin absēns (absent, missing), present active participle of absum, abesse (be away, be absent).


absent m

  1. (Jersey) absent

Derived terms[edit]

  • absemment (absently)



Learned borrowing from Latin absēns. First attested in 1571–1632.


absent m

  1. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:
    1. (Middle Polish) absence
    2. (Middle Polish) absentee


Attested forms of *absent

singular plural
genitive absentów


  • absencyjny
  • absencyjność
  • absentacja
  • absenteista
  • absenteizm
  • absentyzm
  • absentować impf


  • Marek Kunicki-Goldfinger (29.09.2014), “ABSENT”, in Elektroniczny Słownik Języka Polskiego XVII i XVIII Wieku [Electronic Dictionary of the Polish Language of the XVII and XVIII Century]



From French absent, Latin absēns, absēntem.


  • IPA(key): /abˈsent/, /apˈsent/


absent m or n (feminine singular absentă, masculine plural absenți, feminine and neuter plural absente)

  1. absent
    Antonym: prezent



  • absenta
  • absentare
  • absentat
  • absenteism
  • absenteist
  • absență

Further reading[edit]

  • absent in DEX online — Dicționare ale limbii române (Dictionaries of the Romanian language)

Table of Contents

  1. What is another name for absence?
  2. What is absence antonym?
  3. What are three verbs that describe what an absence does?
  4. What type of verb is absent?
  5. Can you say absent of?
  6. What is the difference between absent and absence?
  7. Is absent correct?
  8. What is the plural of absent?
  9. Has been absent in a sentence?
  10. Have been absent meaning?
  11. How do you use absent?
  12. What means absence?
  13. What is the correct way to spell absence?
  14. Is the word absent?
  15. What is the root word of absent?
  16. What is an absent expression?
  17. What does absent friend mean?
  18. What does lack of absence mean?
  19. What is a sentence for absence?
  20. How do you use the word absence?
  21. What is the meaning of in the absence of?
  22. How do you describe someone’s absence?
  23. Is death the absence of life?
  24. Why is death the absence of life?
  25. What is the purpose of life or existence?
  26. Why do I worry so much about death?

Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense absents, present participle absenting, past tense, past participle absentedpronunciation note: The adjective and preposition are pronounced (æbsənt ). The verb is pronounced (æbsent ).

What is another name for absence?

What is another word for absence?

lack want
omission deprivation
privation unavailability
defect drought
exclusion needfulness

What is absence antonym?

absence. Antonyms: presence, supply, appearance, existence, manifestation, evidence, attention, immanence, inherency, consideration. Synonyms: want, departure, inattention, nonexistence, failure, separation, lack, nonappearance, distraction.

What are three verbs that describe what an absence does?

  • deprivation,
  • loss,
  • necessity,
  • need,
  • needfulness,
  • omission.

Academic & Science » Universities. Rate it: ABSNT. Absent.

What type of verb is absent?

Can you say absent of?

Unfortunately, ‘absent of’ is not a valid expression. You could say ‘devoid of’ or just ‘wthout’.

What is the difference between absent and absence?

Absent is a word in English language that is used to refer to something or someone who is not present or missing. Absence is another word that is the state of being absent. This means that if someone is not present, he is absent and his absence is noted.

Is absent correct?

There’s no such thing as the present tense (or any tense) of “absent”, because “absent” is an adjective, not a verb. However, the “to be” verb can be used with “absent”, to form a verb phrase. For the present tense, it’s grammatically correct to say: “I am absent.”

“absent” is an adjective. “Absence” is the singular noun. “Absences” is the plural form of “absence.” “Absentees” are the people who are absent.

Has been absent in a sentence?

Re: Has been absent If he was absent on Monday and Tuesday, you say: He was absent for the past two days (Monday and Tuesday). If he is still absent today, you say: He has been absent for three days.

Have been absent meaning?

It means it happened before something else that was in the past. eg. I came back to work last week. (an event in the past). Before that I had been absent for a long time).

How do you use absent?

  1. [S] [T] Tom is absent. ( CK)
  2. [S] [T] Who is absent? ( CK)
  3. [S] [T] Is anyone absent today? ( CK)
  4. [S] [T] I’ll be absent tomorrow. ( CK)
  5. [S] [T] No students were absent. ( CK)
  6. [S] [T] Was anybody else absent? ( CK)
  7. [S] [T] He is absent from school. ( CK)
  8. [S] [T] He was absent from school. ( CK)

What means absence?

1 : a state or condition in which something expected, wanted, or looked for is not present or does not exist : a state or condition in which something is absent an absence [=lack] of detail In the absence of reform [=without reform], progress will be slow.

What is the correct way to spell absence?


  1. absense – 3.7%
  2. abscence – 2.7%
  3. abcense – 1.2%
  4. d’absence – 1.1%
  5. Other – 91.3%

Is the word absent?

adj. 1. Not present; missing: absent friends; absent parents.

What is the root word of absent?

“not present, not in a certain place” (of persons), “non-existent” (of things), late 14c., from Old French absent, ausent “absent” and directly from Latin absentem (nominative absens), present participle of abesse “be away from, be absent,” from assimilated form of ab “off, away from” (see ab-) + esse “to be” (from PIE …

What is an absent expression?

not attentive; preoccupied; absent-minded: an absent expression.

What does absent friend mean?

1 away or not present. 2 lacking; missing. 3 inattentive; absent-minded.

What does lack of absence mean?

“Absence of” means there is, in fact, none of whatever is being described. “Lack of” may mean there is none or there is not enough, but it implies that more would have been desirable or required.

What is a sentence for absence?

1) A new manager was appointed during/in her absence. 2) He was always absence in his mind. 3) He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses. 4) She did not mention her mother’s absence.

How do you use the word absence?

(1) In the absence of detailed documentary evidence, we can only make inferences about Minoan religion. (2) In the absence of a will the courts decide who the guardian is. (3) In the absence of any evidence, the police had to let Myers go. (4) In the absence of their teacher the class was in a state of anarchy.

What is the meaning of in the absence of?

in the absence of someone or something. while someone or something isn’t here; without someone or something. In the absence of the cook, I’ll prepare dinner.

How do you describe someone’s absence?

1 : while someone is away The study was completed in her absence. 2 : in the place of someone who is not present He was asked to speak in his brother’s absence.

Is death the absence of life?

Death is not mere absence of life, and eing dead is not the same as being nonliving. Life and death are like green and red: you can’t be both, but you can be neither. So we know that death is the end of life.

Why is death the absence of life?

Death could be described as the absence of life because a dead person lacks the quality of being alive, but I think death is better regarded as a part of life, specifically the end of life, which ought not be feared nor eventually should it even be avoided.

What is the purpose of life or existence?

Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work.

Why do I worry so much about death?

A fear of dying plays a role in many anxiety disorders, such as panic disorders. During a panic attack, people may feel a loss of control and an intense fear of dying or impending doom. Death anxiety may be linked to illness anxiety disorders, previously known as hypochondriasis.

Examples from texts

The written opinions of the members of the Committee absent at the meeting of the Committee shall be executed exclusively by means of filling in the ballots for voting on the items of the agenda.

Письменные мнения членов Комитета, отсутствующих на очном заседании Комитета, должны быть оформлены исключительно путем заполнения опросного листа для голосования по вопросам повестки дня.

© 2004-2011, ОАО «МРСК Центра»

© 2004-2010, IDGC of Centre

King Richard was absent a prisoner, and in the power of the perfidious and cruel Duke of Austria.

Ричард Львиное Сердце был в плену у коварного и жестокого герцога Австрийского.

Scott, Walter / YvanhoeСкотт, Вальтер / Айвенго


Скотт, Вальтер

© Издательство «Художественная литература «, 1962

I should only be absent about two hours.

Все мое отсутствие могло продолжаться всего только два часа.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The Insulted and InjuredДостоевский, Фёдор / Униженные и оскорблённые

Униженные и оскорблённые

Достоевский, Фёдор

© «Государственное издательство художественной литературы», 1955

The Insulted and Injured

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

The same conclusion is drawn if the maximum signal in the group belongs to an element containing an oligonucleotide showing specificity to two subtypes, for example, ixy1, with valid signals absent in other groups of the elements.

Такое же заключение выдается в случае, если максимальный сигнал в группе имеет ячейка, содержащая олигонуклеотид, специфичный к двум подтипам, например iхуl, при отсутствии достоверных сигналов в других группах ячеек.

Variable site Xx is absent or it can comprise up to 5 aminoacids or more.

Вариабельный участок Х может отсутствовать или содержать до 5 и более аминокислот.

Why, then, should we not simply stipulate that «pathological» phenomena are to be absent in problems under consideration?

Что же в таком случае может нам помешать просто сделать оговорку, что никакие «патологические» явления не будут фигурировать в задачах, подлежащих нашему рассмотрению?

Courant, Richard,Robbins, Herbert / What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and MethodsКурант, Р.,Роббинс, Г. / Что такое математика? Элементарный очерк идей и методов

Что такое математика? Элементарный очерк идей и методов

Курант, Р.,Роббинс, Г.

What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods

Courant, Richard,Robbins, Herbert

© 1941 (renewed 1969) by Richard Courant

© 1996 by Oxford University Press, Inc.

Nothing reflects him, because he is not there, he is absent.

Ничто не отражает его, ибо его нет, он отсутствует.

Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / The Empty Boat: Encounters with NothingnessОшо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Пустая лодка

Пустая лодка

Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш

© Osho International Foundation 1974, 1993

© «Общество Ведической культуры» 1995

© Swami Atmo Ravi, 1994 перевод

The Empty Boat: Encounters with Nothingness

Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh

© 2008, OSHO International Foundation

«Then will you make my apologies to her? Through inevitable circumstances I am forced to be absent and shall not be at the dinner in spite of your mamma’s kind invitation.»

— Ну-с, так вот и извините меня перед нею, что я, по обстоятельствам независящим, принужден манкировать и не буду у вас на блинах…то есть на поминках, несмотря на милый зов вашей мамаши.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание

Преступление и наказание

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1970

Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Allow us, for instance, to inquire why you were absent from the town, and just when you left and when you came back — all those facts.»

Позвольте, например, узнать: зачем вы отлучались из города и когда именно поехали и приехали… и все эти факты…

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы

Братья Карамазовы

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

The brothers Karamazov

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

I can compare these drawings less to chalk drawings on a blackboard than to drawings made with phosphorus on a dark wall at night, the phosphorus would show luminous vapors which were absent from my lines.

Я могу сравнить эти изображения не с рисунками мелом на черной доске, но с рисунками, сделанными фосфором ночью на темной стене, причем люминесцирующие пары фосфора на моих линиях отсутствовали.

Dilts, Robert / Strategies of Genius. Volume 3. Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola TeslaДилтс, Роберт / Стратегии гениев. Том 3. Зигмунд Фрейд, Леонардо да Винчи, Никола Тесла

Стратегии гениев. Том 3. Зигмунд Фрейд, Леонардо да Винчи, Никола Тесла

Дилтс, Роберт

© 1995 Robert B. Dilts

© 1995 Meta Publications

© 1998 Независимая фирма “Класс”, издание, оформление

© 1998 Е.Н. Дружинина, перевод на русский язык

Strategies of Genius. Volume 3. Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola Tesla

Dilts, Robert

© Copyright 1995 by Meta Publications

Again I passed in review the points of my interview, on which I was always constantly resolved so long as my adversary was absent from the scene: and again they struck me as inadequate.

Снова я мысленно перебрал аргументы и доводы, которые собирался пустить в ход (во время нашей поездки я проделывал это каждый раз, когда оставался один), и снова они показывались мне неубедительными.

Stevenson, Robert Louis / The wreckerСтивенсон, Роберт Луис / Потерпевшие кораблекрушение

Потерпевшие кораблекрушение

Стивенсон, Роберт Луис

© Издательство «Кыргызстан», 1986

The wrecker

Stevenson, Robert Louis

© 1891 by Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne

© 1905 by Charles Scribner’s Sons

In the spectrum recorded for the sample after high-temperature treatment (spectrum 3), traces of chlorine are absent, and the content of oxygen is 2%.

В спектре, снятом с образца после высокотемпературной обработки (спектр 3), следы хлора отсутствуют, а содержание кислорода составляет 2%.

The doctor was absent, much longer than either he or the ladies had anticipated.

Доктор отсутствовал гораздо дольше, чем предполагал он сам и обе леди.

Диккенс, Чарльз / Приключения Оливера ТвистаDickens, Charles / Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist

Dickens, Charles

© 1990 by Random House, Inc.

Приключения Оливера Твиста

Диккенс, Чарльз

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1958

The data obtained show that in intra-gastric administration of the compound of general formula I at a dose 30 mg/kg ulcerous lesion of gastric mucosa is absent.

Полученные данные показывают, что при внутрижелудочном введении соединений общей формулы I, в дозе 30 мг/кг, язвенное поражение слизистой оболочки желудка крыс отсутствует.

The composition of solid electrolyte allows realization of high conductivity of fluorine-ions in solid phase, while having very low or practically absent electronic conductivity.

Устройство твердого электролита позволяет реализовать высокую проводимость ионов фтора в твердой фазе при очень низкой или практически отсутствующей электронной проводимости.

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Absent officers were summoned to join their corps. — Отсутствующих офицеров обязали присоединиться к их частям.

User translations

The part of speech is not specified


absent good cause

отсутствие уважительной причины

absent nationality


absent subscriber

абонент отсутствует

absent treatment

заочное воздействие

absent treatment

заочное лечение

absent without leave

находящийся в самовольной отлучке

those absent


be absent from work


absent from duty

не явившийся на службу

absent in confinement

под арестом

absent in desertion


absent with leave

в отпуске

because most Majority members were absent.» is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — » » like a new Pearl Harbor. « Consequently, a thing to be loved «is not so adapted to faith, «as a thing to be hoped for, since hope is always of the absent and the unseen.» Dear Mr. Marthicow» the absent president … Don’t trust your suitcase to absent-minded people.» because most Majority members were absent.» is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — » » like a new Pearl Harbor. « Consequently, a thing to be loved «is not so adapted to faith, «as a thing to be hoped for, since hope is always of the absent and the unseen.» Dear Mr. Marthicow» the absent president … Don’t trust your suitcase to absent-minded people.» To the absents’ health. I don’t give a shit if he absents for one more round Just because someone absents themselves does not mean they’re missing. Season begins April 1st, but we’ve been working every weekend, so I took a little leave of absents unauthorized. You have too many absents then they can’t just pass them along. To the absents’ health. I don’t give a shit if he absents for one more round Just because someone absents themselves does not mean they’re missing. Season begins April 1st, but we’ve been working every weekend, so I took a little leave of absents unauthorized. You have too many absents then they can’t just pass them along. Corporal Hamilton, I presume that during the course of your duty you have arrested other deserters, of other men who have absented themselves from service? I submit that the prisoner absented himself at a time when, because of his mental health’ he was not fully responsible for his actions. If it is absented this time, I will not be able to do nothing. In that you absented yourself from duty without orders from your superior officer, from approximately 0700 hours on October 10th this year at a mace called Jackdaw Tunnel until October the 11th this year when you were arrested by the military police at Calais. Private Ephraim Knowles, without orders or furlough, absented himself from Camp Gonzalez, which is a direct violation of his sworn military oath. I have been thoughtlessly cruel in absenting myself from you so long. I’m absenting myself from the Lockhart/Gardner case. Corporal Hamilton, I presume that during the course of your duty you have arrested other deserters, of other men who have absented themselves from service? I submit that the prisoner absented himself at a time when, because of his mental health’ he was not fully responsible for his actions. If it is absented this time, I will not be able to do nothing. In that you absented yourself from duty without orders from your superior officer, from approximately 0700 hours on October 10th this year at a mace called Jackdaw Tunnel until October the 11th this year when you were arrested by the military police at Calais. Private Ephraim Knowles, without orders or furlough, absented himself from Camp Gonzalez, which is a direct violation of his sworn military oath. I have been thoughtlessly cruel in absenting myself from you so long. I’m absenting myself from the Lockhart/Gardner case.

Английское слово absent встречается в речи не так часто, поэтому студенты не уделяют ему много внимания. И все же, все со школьных времен помнят «Tanya is absent today». Как еще это слово может пригодиться вам? Об этом мы поговорим в статье сегодня.

I. Absent в качестве прилагательного
II. Absent в качестве предлога
III. Устойчивые выражения с absent

Absent в качестве прилагательного

Первый раз с прилагательным absent [ˈæbsənt] мы встречаемся как раз в школе, когда учитель спрашивает: «Who is absent today?» В этом случае absent переводится как «отсутствующий» и используется, когда что-то или кто-то находится не там, где должен быть. Особенно это касается учебных занятий или работы.

Mary has been absent from school for five days now.
Мэри вот уже как 5 дней отсутствует в школе.

Absent может также употребляться в значении «постоянно отсутствующий где-то, нехарактерный для». Например:

This species of ant is absent from Africa.
Этот вид муравьев отсутствует в Африке.

Обратите внимание, что после прилагательного absent ставится предлог from, а затем указывается место, о котором мы говорим.

Баннер Методика запоминания слов

Назад к содержанию

Absent в качестве предлога

Предлог absent переводится как «без», «в отсутствие» чего-либо.

Absent a detailed plan, the conference was doomed from the start.
Без продуманного плана конференция была обречена с самого начала.

Назад к содержанию

Устойчивые выражения с absent

Absent также входит в состав устойчивых английских выражений путем слияния с другими английскими словами. Посмотрим на примерах:

absent-mindedness – рассеянность (существительное)
absent-mindedly – рассеянно (наречие)
absent-minded – рассеянный (прилагательное)

In a moment of absent-mindedness, she threw her wallet in the bin.
В момент рассеянности она выбросила кошелек в мусорное ведро.

She absent-mindedly left her keys on the bus.
Она рассеянно оставила ключи в автобусе.

She is absent-minded.
Она рассеянная.

Фото Полины Червовой

Полина Червова, основатель школы WillSpeak

А ещё со словом absent есть пословица, которая имеет эквивалент в русском языке:

Long absent, soon forgotten.
С глаз долой, из сердца вон.

Назад к содержанию

Многие слова в английском языке сложны тем, что имеют несколько значений, не всегда очевидных и понятных на первый взгляд. На моем комплексном курсе английского Will Speak я объясняю каждое слово простым и понятным языком, чтобы вы могли их быстрее усвоить и уже начать строить предложения. Записаться можно прямо сейчас!

Ваша Полина Червова,
основатель школы WillSpeak

Пробный урок курса Will Speak

Recent Examples on the Web

Along with Costner and Sheridan, executive producer David Glasser, Kelly Reilly, Cole Hauser, Luke Grimes, Kelsey Asbille, Wes Bentley, Gil Birmingham, and Jacki Weaver, all of whom had originally been scheduled to participate, were absent from the event on Saturday according to People.

Lauren Hubbard, Town & Country, 4 Apr. 2023

Porsche appears to have shaken up the 718 offerings: the Cayman T and Boxster T are noticeably absent from the configurator.

Jack Fitzgerald, Car and Driver, 29 Mar. 2023

But, this time, the Roy children are pointedly absent from the festivities.

Brandon Taylor, The New Yorker, 26 Mar. 2023

Ye has mostly been absent from social media following a slew of antisemitic comments in late 2022.

Mitchell Peters, Billboard, 25 Mar. 2023

Many of the telltale signs that a motor vehicle caused Smith’s death were absent from the scene.

John Monk, al, 22 Mar. 2023

Reed was also absent this past February during a ceremony in New York celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 1973 championship team, the Times noted.

Justin Klawans, The Week, 21 Mar. 2023

The vote was 8-0, with Councilmember Vivian Moreno absent.

Jeff Mcdonald, San Diego Union-Tribune, 20 Mar. 2023

Board member Ronnie Remington was absent from the meeting.

Marc Hayot, Arkansas Online, 18 Mar. 2023

In the appeal, several applicants described how the delay had cost them tens of thousands of dollars to maintain property, employees and investors — a wait that could continue for months or years while litigation continues, absent a settlement with the state.

Robert Mccoppin,, 29 Jan. 2022

The only way to be in harmony with the world might be to absent himself from it altogether.

Merve Emre, The New Yorker, 27 Feb. 2023

But absent a bad day at Penn State, the Hoosiers have dodged landmines well.

Zach Osterman, The Indianapolis Star, 8 Feb. 2022

And absent a system for widespread testing and contact tracing, there was no known way to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the U.S. without the majority of us staying home.

Naomi Oreskes, Scientific American, 1 Aug. 2020

Gordon, a San Diego taxpayer who works as a restaurant consultant, sued the city, Cisterra and CGA Capital in August 2020, saying the city lease of the Ash Street high-rise violated the state constitution by indebting the city absent a public vote.

San Diego Union-Tribune, 25 Jan. 2023

But even absent a downturn, the Fed isn’t likely to hike more than expected next year thanks to slowing inflation.

Quartz, 23 Jan. 2023

Biden and López Obrador, whose relationship is transactional at best and absent the warmth and camaraderie Biden has with other world leaders, shook hands and walked together down a long red carpet on the tarmac, flanked by soldiers.

Maria Verza,, 9 Jan. 2023

Biden and López Obrador, whose relationship is transactional at best and absent the warmth and camaraderie Biden has with other world leaders, shook hands and walked together down a long red carpet on the tarmac, flanked by soldiers.

Dallas News, 9 Jan. 2023

Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed absent a full and complete investigation.

Kaitlyn Schallhorn, Fox News, 27 Sep. 2018

Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed absent a full and complete investigation.

Kaitlyn Schallhorn, Fox News, 27 Sep. 2018

Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed absent a full and complete investigation.

Kaitlyn Schallhorn, Fox News, 27 Sep. 2018

Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed absent a full and complete investigation.

Kaitlyn Schallhorn, Fox News, 27 Sep. 2018

Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed absent a full and complete investigation.

Kaitlyn Schallhorn, Fox News, 27 Sep. 2018

Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed absent a full and complete investigation.

Kaitlyn Schallhorn, Fox News, 27 Sep. 2018

Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed absent a full and complete investigation.

Kaitlyn Schallhorn, Fox News, 27 Sep. 2018

Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed absent a full and complete investigation.

Kaitlyn Schallhorn, Fox News, 27 Sep. 2018

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘absent.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.


- go away or leave (syn: remove)

He absented himself


- nonexistent (syn: lacking, missing, wanting)

the thumb is absent

- lost in thought; showing preoccupation (syn: abstracted)

an absent stare
an absentminded professor

Extra examples

He made an absent reply to her question as he continued to watch the TV.

Absent any objections, the plan will proceed.

Absent such an agreement we can go no further.

Absent officers were summoned to join their corps.

In fishes the ribs are sometimes entirely absent.

I hope that I may be permitted at times to absent myself from this place.

Local women were conspicuously absent (=obviously not there) from the meeting.

The dull, absent look on her face implied boredom.

He absented himself

Several people in the class are absent today.

The teacher marked the absent students on her list with crosses.

Several senior executives were notably absent from the proceedings.

When the teacher was absent, there was anarchy in the classroom.

Since he is still absent, we should call the police.

By being absent from the trial, he forfeited the right to appeal.

Word forms

I/you/we/they: absent
he/she/it: absents
present participle: absenting
past tense: absented
past participle: absented

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