Формат ical в excel


Louise Ward

Дата создания:

11 Февраль 2021

Дата обновления:

15 Апрель 2023

Импорт данных множества интернет-страниц в Excel с помощью Power Query

Видео: Импорт данных множества интернет-страниц в Excel с помощью Power Query


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Apple iCal — это приложение-календарь, которое можно использовать для планирования и просмотра событий в графическом календаре. Если вы экспортируете информацию в файл iCal, приложение сохраняет информацию календаря в текстовом файле с разделителями и расширением файла ICS. Вы можете просмотреть свой ICS в любом текстовом редакторе, например в Блокноте или Microsoft Word. Вы также можете импортировать файлы ICS в Microsoft Excel с помощью мастера импорта текста Excel.

Шаг 1

Запустите приложение iCal.

Шаг 2

Щелкните имя календаря, который вы хотите экспортировать в Excel, под заголовком «Календари».

Шаг 3

Щелкните строку меню «Файл» и нажмите «Экспорт». Выберите место для файла. iCal экспортирует информацию календаря в текстовый файл с разделителями ICS.

Шаг 4

Запустите приложение Microsoft Excel.

Шаг 5

Щелкните вкладку «Файл» и нажмите «Открыть». Перейдите в папку, содержащую ваш файл ICS, и откройте файл в Excel. Excel запустит мастер импорта текста Office для преобразования данных ICS в формат Excel.

Шаг 6

Установите флажок рядом с записью для двоеточия «:» под заголовком «Разделители».

Нажмите «ОК», чтобы сохранить настройки и импортировать данные календаря ICS в Excel.

An open standard file format originally introduced in 1998, iCal stores calendar information in a format that’s easily shared between applications, both calendar and apps such as Microsoft Excel. The major calendar applications support iCal’s ICS file format, including Microsoft Outlook for Office 365, Apple Calendar, Yahoo Calendar and Google Calendar.

In addition, the online hospitality industry makes use of the iCal format to import reservations easily. Companies such as AirBnB use iCal, which enables their clients to export data about their bookings.

Exporting iCal data for use in Excel permits you to backup your calendar data with greater flexibility. The export process also makes it easy to share calendar data between calendar applications. For example, here is how to convert a Google calendar to Excel.

Export a Google Calendar to Excel

Google Calendar is typical of most calendar applications, so exporting iCal data uses similar steps as those done in most applications. There are, however, a few limitations. For instance, Google Calendar permits you to add calendars from other sources, adding them to the calendar you are viewing, but you can only export data from those listed under My Calendars, located on the left side of the screen. Also, you can only export from the Google Calendar browser format. Google calendar apps can’t export data.

The first step to convert a Google Calendar to Excel requires an export of iCal data from your calendar.

To export data from all of your calendars:

  1. Open Google Calendar in a web browser, such as Google Chrome or Apple Safari. 
  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner and select Settings. 
  3. Click Import & Export under General on the left side of your screen. 
  4. Click Export on the left side of the screen, then Export on the center part of the screen, to the right of the Export box. 
  5. Locate your iCal data download. With multiple calendars, this will be ICS files within a ZIP format. Unzip this file to access the individual ICS files. 

To export data from a single calendar:

  1. Open Google Calendar in a web browser, such as Google Chrome or Apple Safari. 
  2. Hover over the calendar you wish to export and click the options icon to the right. 
  3. Click Settings & Sharing.
  4. In the Calendar Settings box, click Export Calendar.
  5. Locate your iCal data download. With single calendars, this may be in ICS or ZIP file format. Unzip the file if necessary to access the ICS file. 

Transfer a Google Calendar to Excel

  1. Open Microsoft Excel for Office 365. Older versions of Excel work in a similar way, but individual steps may be different.
  2. Select Open Other Workbooks at the bottom left. 
  3. Select Browse and navigate to the folder with the unzipped ICS file for your calendar. 
  4. Click All Excel Files in the bottom right and select All Files. 
  5. Select the ICS calendar file and click Open. 
  6. Click the Delimited button from the Text Import Wizard dialog box and click Next.
  7. Deselect the Tab radio button and click Other. Enter a colon in the box and click Finish. Your calendar data is now displayed in two columns in Excel.  


You may not recognize the data as your calendar listings once you’ve converted it into Excel, since iCal is a database storage format. Calendar programs convert this data into the form you’re used to seeing, but Excel displays the raw data. You may be able to analyze calendar data by looking at it in Excel, or you may try other uses, such as another method to backup Google calendar.

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Exporting Outlook 2013/2016/2019 calendar to Excel, iCal and CSV formats

An ideal way to export your Outlook calendar is to synchronize between your cloud calendar such as Google and your Outlook 2016 with some sync Outlook add-in like EVO Collaborator for Outlook. However, when such synchronization is not available, you can still manually export your Outlook calendar to your local storage by some mean. Besides EVO’s Power Toys for Outlook (Click to download),

export outlook calendar to excel 2016/2013

Outlook 2013/2016 generally provides 4 formats that calendar can be exported into with some downfall which we will talk about later in this article. Let’s first brief what these 4 formats are:

Quick tutorial video: here is a short tutorial video if you don’t have time to read.

iCalendar or vCalendar: Export Outlook calendar to iCal or ICS

  • First, refer to Difference Between iCal & vCal that explains differences between iCalendar and vCalendar. Then, you can make decision whether you want to export into iCalendar or vCalendar file format.
  • Secondly, there are two major issues that bother users a lot:
    • Character encoding: Here is an example: if you install the Korean version of Outlook and your calendar event contains any Japanese hiragana or katakana, then these Japanese characters will appear as corrupted characters in the exported vCalendar files even though they look OK in Outlook before exporting.
    • Windows Time Zone vs. Olson Time Zone: Windows Time Zone system is only used under Windows itself while the rest of the world has been using Olson Time Zone. If you export your calendar events to elsewhere such as Google Calendar or other calendar services, then the receiving party will not be able to recognize it and fail the import.
  • Export:
  • Import:

CSV: Export Outlook calendar to CSV

  • Export:
  • Import:

Excel Spreadsheet: Export Outlook calendar to Excel 2016/2013

  • Export:
  • Import:

Everyone needs a planner to organize their work schedule efficiently so that there’s no chance of missing out on any important meeting. We all use one form or another of a calendar to keep a tab on things. Most of us use either Microsoft Outlook, Apple Calendar, or Google Calendar. 

This post is about the file extensions used for saving these calendars and how we can convert them into an easily workable data format. Read on to discover more!

What is an ICS file 

When you save a calendar entry in a universal calendar format like iCalendar, it gets saved with an ics extension. This means you will see .ics at the end of the file name. 

So, an ics file is basically a text file that stores information and you can use it for sharing schedule details like meeting title, date, start and end times, summary, cancellations, status updates, etc. 

You can send an ics file when you want to share meeting requests over email so that the receiver can import the information to their calendar and there’s no way they can miss it! The most popular calendars used by most of us are Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, and Apple Calendar. 

What is a CSV file

A CSV file or a comma separated values file has an extension of .csv at the end of the file name. Simply put, a csv file contains a list of data separated or delimited by commas. You can see these data in a plain text format in a table and therefore, you can use it with any spreadsheet program like Excel and Google Sheets.

If you’re wondering what’s the purpose of a csv file, here’s the deal. The csv file format enables you to export a large volume of data to a database. Also, you can seamlessly import the plain text format into a spreadsheet or database. In addition, you can better manage large amounts of data with a csv file format. Thus, it’s a great way to exchange info between different applications. 

ICS File To CSV File

To open an ICS file in an excel spreadsheet, follow the steps below.

Step 1: The first thing to do is access your Google Calendar at https://calendar.google.com. Then choose the calendar you want to work on and click on the menu button on the right to select Settings and sharing.  Now, choose the Export Calendar option on the lower right bottom and you’ll see a .zip file will be downloaded.

Access your google calendar. Then choose the calendar you want to work on and click on the menu button on the right to select Settings and sharing.  Now, choose the Export Calendar option on the lower right bottom and you’ll see a .zip file will be downloaded.

Step 2: Go to the folder chosen for the downloaded file, locate the .zip file, and right-click on the Extract All option.

Step 3: Now, open a new Excel sheet. On the top-left corner, click the File tab, choose the Open option, and locate your Google calendar ICS file. From the lower right drop-down menu, choose the All Files option, otherwise, the file won’t show. 

Now, open a new Excel sheet. On the top-left corner, click the File tab, choose the Open option, and locate your Google calendar ICS file. From the lower right drop-down menu, choose the All Files option, otherwise, the file won’t show.

Choose the ICS file and click the Open button. Now, click to check the Delimited option and then click the Next button. Under Delimiters, click the Tab button, and then click the Finish button. 

However, sometimes you may see the excel sheet not showing the extracted .ical file in your folder. In that case, use TimeTackle to open your ical file in excel. 

If you’re still struggling a little, there is another way of viewing an ICS file in your Excel sheet although it’s a bit of a roundabout way. You can import your Google Calendar to Microsoft Outlook and then export the file to a CSV file from Outlook. 

How to import ICS files to calendar

If you want to import ics files to your calendar, you need to follow two broad phases. Firstly, simply follow the sequence mentioned below. It’s best if you do this on your computer as things can be done more comfortably. 

Phase 1

You need to start by exporting your Calendar events into a Google-importable format by following the below steps.

Step 1: Open your Calendar with the events and click on the option Export. Remember this step is done more easily on a computer. 

Step 2: From the various file format options, choose a  CSV extension. By the way, if you are an Apple user, select vCard. The file will be saved in your preferred folder on your computer. 

Hopefully you’ve got the first phase right so, now you can move on to the next one!

Phase 2

You can now convert the exported calendar to Google Calendar by following the steps below.

Step 1: Open Google calendar at https://calendar.google.com and click Settings on the top right corner. From the left sidebar click Import & Export.

Open Google Calendar and click Settings on the top right corner

From the left sidebar click Import & Export.

Step 2: Choose the option Select file from your computer and then choose the downloaded exported file with the extension ics or CSV. 

Choose the option Select file from your computer and then choose the downloaded exported file with the extension ics or CSV.

Open the ICS file

Step 3: Select the calendar where you want to have the ics or CSV extension. Finally, click the option Import Calendar.

Select the calendar where you want to have the ics or CSV extension. Finally, click the option Import.

If there is a .zip file of your events, then you have to extract the files from the zip folder and import each ics or CSV file individually.

How do I create a comma separated value (CSV) file from calendar

If you want to create a CSV extension from your Calendar, scroll up and follow the steps mentioned above in the section titled How To Open An ICS File In Excel. 

When you see all the information in the excel sheet, follow only two steps mentioned below and before you know it, you’ve created your very first CSV file. Congrats!

Step 1: Go to the File tab on the top left of the window. 

Step 2: Click on Save As option. From the dropdown menu in the window, select the .csv format. 

Click on Save As option. From the dropdown menu in the window, select the .csv format.

How do I export Google calendar or ICal files to CSV

One way of exporting your schedule is to follow the steps mentioned in the section above titled “How To Open An ICS File” In Excel and then following the steps mentioned in “How Do I Create A CSV File From Calendar”. 

There is another way of exporting Calendar to CSV. You can import the Google Calendar or iCal file to Outlook and then export the Outlook calendar to a CSV extension. Therefore, you will need to follow two major phases. 

Phase 1

Importing Google calendar to Outlook

Step 1: Sign in to your Gmail account and select the calendar. Choose Settings from My Calendars. Now, select Export Calendars. Then choose the location on your computer for saving the .zip file. Click the right to select Extract All to unzip the folder.

 Sign in to your Gmail account and select the calendar. Choose Settings from My Calendars. Now, select Export Calendars. Then choose the location on your computer for saving the .zip file. Click the right to select Extract All to unzip the folder.

Step 2: On the Outlook Calendar, Select File, Open & Export, Import/Export. From the Import and Export Wizard, select Import an iCalendar (.ics) or vCalendar (.vcs) file and click Next. 

On the Outlook Calendar, Select File, Open & Export, Import/Export. From the Import and Export Wizard, select Import an iCalendar (.ics) or vCalendar (.vcs) file and click Next.

Step 3: Browse to the unzipped folder, select the one ending in gmail.com, and choose the OK button. Select Import and voila, you will find your Google Calendar events in your Outlook calendar! 

Browse to the unzipped folder, select the one ending in gmail.com, and choose the OK button

Select Import and voila, you will find your Google Calendar events in your Outlook calendar!

Phase 2

Exporting the Outlook calendar to a CSV extension 

Step 1: Start by opening your Microsoft Outlook account and click the File tab on the top-left corner. Select the Open & Export option from the menu on the left. Now, click the Import/Export button. Choose Export to a file option from the window and click Next. Repeat Phase 1 step 1 for this process.

 Step 2: Choose the Comma Separated Values option and click Next. From the Personal Folders, select the Calendar option and click Next. From the Browse button, fill in the File Name field, select the location of the exported file, and click OK. 

 Choose the Comma Separated Values option and click Next. From the Personal Folders, select the Calendar option and click Next.

Click Next

From the Browse button, fill in the File Name field, select the location of the exported file, and click OK.

Step 3: Click the Next and Finish buttons. 

Click the next and finish button.

Set date range and click Ok.

How to use Tackle to convert ICS to CSV file

If you don’t want to go through all the hassle of manually converting your calendar from the ICS to a CSV format, you can always rely on Tackle to do the job for you so that you can focus on more pressing matters. 

Simply follow the steps below to convert any ics file to CSV. 

Step 1: Go to https://www.timetackle.com and click login.

Step 2: Sign in with your Google account. Click on the calendars you want to export. Now Choose the date range and click on Preview and download the Export button. From the preview window, click the Download button.

Step 3: Check your chosen folder and locate the saved file. Open the file in excel and click the File tab on the top left corner. Select Save As and choose CSV (.csv) option. 

Check your chosen folder and locate the saved file. Open the file in excel and click the File tab on the top left corner.Select Save As and choose CSV (.csv) option.

ICS File To CSV File

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I convert ICS to PDF?

Just refer back to the post above and follow the sequence mentioned in the section How To Open An ICS File In Excel. When the spreadsheet is open, click the File tab on the top left. Choose Export from the menu. Next, click the icon showing Create PDF/XPS. Click Publish to save the file. 

Convert ICS To PDF.

How to Convert Excel to ICS Calendar Files with MS Excel and CSV to iCal Calendar Convertor
How to Convert Excel to ICS Calendar Files with MS Excel and CSV to iCal Calendar Convertor

If you are in the habit of using calendar applications, regardless of the platform, then you might already know what ICS files are. If not, then ICS or iCalendar is a file format that is mainly used for synchronizing calendar data between various applications such as Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Yahoo! Calendar or the Lightning extension for Mozilla Thunderbird. This type of file helps users share appointments, tasks and any other type of calendar data in a simple manner. Excel is Microsoft’s well-known software for creating spreadsheets (in XLS or XLSX formats) and it comes as a part of the Microsoft Office office suite (a collection of applications that includes Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Access, among others). Converting Excel files into ICS can be quite useful, especially if you have contact lists saved as Excel files and you want to import them into your calendar application.

However, Excel files can’t be directly saved as ICS or even directly converted, therefore, I will show you how you can you can turn your XLS or XLSX files into ICS using two applications/services: Microsoft Office Excel (monthly subscription) and the free CSV to iCal Calendar Convertor online service designed by Manas Tungare.

Tutorial assets

You will need to download the following software to follow along with this tutorial.

Here is the step-by-step guide for turning Excel files into ICS

Step 1

Open your Excel file using Microsoft Office Excel.

Step 2

Go to the «File» menu, select «Save As» and choose «Other formats». A new window will appear from where you will have to pick CSV as the output format, provide the desired file name and its location (it’s important to remember where you save the file as you will need it later).

File menuFile menu

Step 3

Launch your Internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or whatever web browser you use) and go to the CSV to iCal Calendar Convertor web page.

Step 4

Once the page is loaded, click on the «Browse» button and select your exported CSV file.

Step 5

Click on «Convert» and save the converted ICS file to any desired location or check the «Downloads» folder, depending on your web browser.

Save the fileSave the file


As you have probably notices, converting Excel files to ICS Calendar files using this method might seem a bit complicated, but, if you follow the presented guide, you should not encounter any problems whatsoever during the process and you will have your ICS files ready to be used and imported into your calendar application in no time. Other than that, there aren’t many other ways in which you can turn your XLS or XLSX files into ICS, except, maybe using other online service for converting CSV files into the iCalendar format such as the icsConverterWebapp by n8henrie.com or other tools to convert Excel files into CSV, like the ones you can find in the «Alternative Downloads» section.

  • Fast conversion process.
  • You will have to use one application and an online service.

Alternative downloads

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