Formal word for vocabulary

It is extremely important to know when to use either formal or informal language. This will depend on the business you are working in, the industry you are in, the people you are speaking with, and the topic you are talking about. Learning the formal and informal way to speak is also a great way to master and learn the language.

Both formal and informal languages serve different individual purposes. The two styles vary depending on the tone you use, the words you choose to use, and the way you construct the words together. Using formal language is less personal than using informal language. Always remember that the type of language you decide to use in writing or speaking will solely depend on your purpose and the audience you are speaking to. Here are some tips you must remember to help you know when to use either formal or informal language.

Formal Language

As mentioned above, formal language is less personal than informal language. This is commonly used when writing or speaking for professional or academic purposes like emails for business, formal letters, academic write-ups, professional academic circumstances, presentations, reports, official and or legal documents, job interviews, and any scenario where formal language is appropriate. Since it is less personal, this can be used when you are communicating with a person you do not personally know well, like public speeches and tenders.

Note that very formal English in everyday situations may sound pompous at times, so always consider the context and the audience you are targeting. In situations that are more serious like job interviews or emailing your university professor, using formal language is highly encouraged. This can help you avoid sounding disrespectful and inappropriate and help you sound polite and professional instead. Remember that formal language has a more complex grammar where the sentences are generally phrased longer and use modal verbs. In pronunciation, speech is slower when using formal language and the tone should be serious.

Informal Language

Informal language is more casual and laid back. This is commonly used with people you know well as your family and friends. You usually use this when you are in a relaxed environment. When your agenda is to share your personal thoughts or you are telling a story, you should use language that is appropriate to the scenario. Informal language has a more conversational tone, frequently using personal pronouns, informal expressions, sentences are shorter, and the feelings are more personal.

This type of language is best suited to use when telling a story, personal narrations, and social forms like blogs and personal emails. This can also be used in advertising, spontaneous speeches, networking, or socializing with your clients, meetings with your teams, text messages, and everyday conversations with your family and friends you know well. Contractions are used in informal languages to ease the flow and make the speech faster. Abbreviations and acronyms are also used to shorten the words. Colloquial language is also used to allow the casual flow of conversation. You can even insert an emoji here and there when using informal language!

Examples of Differences between Formal and Informal Language

Here are some examples of formal and informal languages used below in terms of:


Informal: It won’t turn on.

Formal: The device will not turn on.

Phrasal Verbs

Informal: I don’t want to drop out of school.

Formal: I have no intention of leaving the school.


Informal: Imma go hit him up.

Formal: I am going to contact him.


Informal: My business is going bankrupt.

Formal: My business has now officially ceased to trade.


Informal: I will send the files asap.

Formal: I will send the files as soon as I can.

First-Person Pronouns

Informal: I think my study is very useful.

Formal: The researcher is certain that the research conducted serves a lot of purposes.

Formal language is commonly used when writing. Informal language is usually used when speaking. However, this is always not the case. Always refer to the situation you are in upon deciding when to use either formal or informal language. If you are ever uncertain about whether what type of language you should use in a conversation, especially when speaking to someone older than you are or in a work environment, pay close attention to how they talk to you and try to follow their lead. However, when you are emailing someone you do not know, it is best to use formal language to be respectful and polite to the person you are emailing to.

Formal vs. Informal Words/Phrases

Learn an extensive list of 400+ formal vs. informal words and phrases in English.

Ask >>——-<< Enquire

Ask for >>——-<< Request

Book >>——-<< Reserve

Check >>——-<< Verify

Get >>——-<< Receive

Help >>——-<< Assist

Need >>——-<< Request

Say sorry >>——-<< Apologise

Start/ Begin >>——-<< Commence

End >>——-<< Terminate/ Finish

Try >>——-<< Endeavour

Deal with >>——-<< Handle

Tell >>——-<< Inform

Wait for >>——-<< Await

Fight >>——-<< Combat

Use/Eat >>——-<< Consume

Go >>——-<< Depart

Tough >>——-<< Difficult

Small >>——-<< Diminutive

Explain >>——-<< Disclose

Set out >>——-<< Display

Throw out >>——-<< Eject

Old >>——-<< Elderly

Say >>——-<< Express

Afraid >>——-<< Fearful

In the end >>——-<< Finally

Lucky >>——-<< Fortunate

But >>——-<< However

Wrong >>——-<< Incorrect

Go up >>——-<< Increase

Cheap >>——-<< Inexpensive

At first >>——-<< Initially

Mad >>——-<< Insane

Formal Words vs. Informal Words in English | Image 1

Informal and Formal WordsPin

Bright/smart >>——-<< Intelligent

Big/Large >>——-<< Enormous

Right >>——-<< Correct

A bit >>——-<< A little

Away >>——-<< Absent

Speed up >>——-<< Accelerate

Okay, ok >>——-<< Acceptable

Help >>——-<< Aid/ Assist

Let >>——-<< Allow

Call off >>——-<< Cancel

Friendly >>——-<< Amiable

Expect >>——-<< Anticipate

Seem >>——-<< Appear

Climb >>——-<< Ascend

Beat up >>——-<< Assault

Fall out >>——-<< Quarrel

Eager >>——-<< Avid

Stop >>——-<< Cease

Dare >>——-<< Challenge

Kids >>——-<< Children

Settle for >>——-<< Choose

Round >>——-<< Circular

Pick up >>——-<< Collect

Think of >>——-<< Conceive

Link up >>——-<< Connect

Think about >>——-<< Consider

Build >>——-<< Construct

Refer to >>——-<< Consult

Hurt >>——-<< Damage, harm

Go down >>——-<< Decrease

Want/ hope  >>——-<< Desire

Lack  >>——-<< Deficiency

Show >>——-<< Demonstrate

Brave >>——-<< Courageous

Pin down >>——-<< Determine

Put/ set down >>——-<< Deposit

Throw away >>——-<< Discard

Make out >>——-<< Discern

Talk about >>——-<< Discuss/consider

Give out >>——-<< Distribute

Give >>——-<< Donate

Remove >>——-<< Eliminate

Imagine >>——-<< Envisage

Break out >>——-<< Erupt

Get out >>——-<< Escape

Avoid >>——-<< Evade

Go through >>——-<< Examine

Make up >>——-<< Fabricate

Test >>——-<< Experiment

Ease >>——-<< Facilitate

Come after >>——-<< Follow

Sick >>——-<< Ill

Ask out >>——-<< Invite

Go away >>——-<< Leave/ depart

At once >>——-<< Immediately

Free >>——-<< Liberate

Deal with >>——-<< Manage

Bad >>——-<< Negative

Look into >>——-<< Investigate

Chance >>——-<< Opportunity

See >>——-<< Perceive

Happy >>——-<< Pleased

Give up >>——-<< Quit

Older >>——-<< Senior

Use >>——-<< Utilize

Enough >>——-<< Sufficient

End >>——-<< Terminate

Empty >>——-<< Vacant

Rich >>——-<< Wealthy

Mend >>——-<< Repair

Idea >>——-<< Notion

Mainly >>——-<< Principally

See >>——-<< Observe

Leave out >>——-<< Omit

Go against >>——-<< Oppose

Formal Words vs. Informal Words in English | Image 2

Formal Words & Informal Words in English | ImagePin

Hungry >>——-<< Famished

Childish >>——-<< Immature

Maybe >>——-<< Perhaps

Good >>——-<< Positive

Give >>——-<< Provide

Buy >>——-<< Purchase

Say no >>——-<< Reject

Free >>——-<< Release

Look for >>——-<< Seek

Choose >>——-<< Select

Get by >>——-<< Survive

So >>——-<< Therefore

Put up with >>——-<< Tolerate

Block >>——-<< Undermine

Catch up >>——-<< Understand

Sight >>——-<< Vision

Young >>——-<< Youthful

Get >>——-<< Obtain

Need >>——-<< Require

Pay back >>——-<< Repay

Live >>——-<< Reside

Point out >>——-<< Indicate

Find out >>——-<< Learn/Discover

Get away >>——-<< Elude

Come in >>——-<< Enter

Lively >>——-<< Energetic

Clear >>——-<< Transparent

Whole >>——-<< Entire/Complete

Blow up >>——-<< Explode

Break down >>——-<< Fail/Collapse

Hopeless >>——-<< Futile

Hit out at >>——-<< Criticise

Tired >>——-<< Exhausted/ Fatigued

Clothes >>——-<< Garment

Go before >>——-<< Precede

Thanks >>——-<< Gratitude

Hurry >>——-<< Haste, hasten

Funny >>——-<< Humorous, amusing

Better >>——-<< Improved

Dim >>——-<< Indistinct

Worse >>——-<< Inferior

Put in >>——-<< Insert

Bring in >>——-<< Introduce

Make up >>——-<< Invent

Kidding >>——-<< Jesting

Naked >>——-<< Nude

Childish >>——-<< Infantile

A lot of >>——-<< Numerous

Stubborn >>——-<< Obstinate

Danger >>——-<< Peril

Put off >>——-<< Postpone

Here >>——-<< Present

Keep >>——-<< Preserve

Go ahead >>——-<< Proceed

Go after >>——-<< Pursue

Anyways >>——-<< Nevertheless

Let >>——-<< Permit

Sweat >>——-<< Perspiration

Look at >>——-<< Regard

Laid back >>——-<< Relaxed

Take out >>——-<< Remove

Rack up >>——-<< Accumulate

Over >>——-<< At an end

Good looking >>——-<< Attractive

Good for >>——-<< Beneficial

By >>——-<< By means of

Lead to >>——-<< Cause

Complex >>——-<< Convoluted

Go out of >>——-<< Exit

Death >>——-<< Demise

Break off >>——-<< Suspend/adjourn

Also >>——-<< In addition, additionally

Wood >>——-<< Timber

Describe >>——-<< Depict

Go on >>——-<< Continue

In charge of >>——-<< Responsible

Enjoyment >>——-<< Gratification

Dirty/ polluted >>——-<< Contaminated

Again & again >>——-<< Repeatedly

Marvelous >>——-<< Exceptional

Really big >>——-<< Considerable

Can >>——-<< Is capable of

Fork out  >>——-<< Pay (money)

Talk into >>——-<< Persuade

Come up to >>——-<< Reach/attain

Iron out >>——-<< Solve/overcome (a problem/difficulty)

Next/later >>——-<< Subsequently

Try out >>——-<< Test

Call on >>——-<< Visit

Drop out of >>——-<< Withdraw (from)

Look up to >>——-<< Respect

Look like >>——-<< Resemble

Job >>——-<< Occupation

Dad >>——-<< Father

Boss >>——-<< Employer

Formal and Informal Words | Images

Formal Words & Informal Words in English | Image 3

Formal Words & Informal Words in English | Image 3Pin

List of Formal Words & Informal Words in English | Image 4

Formal Words & Informal Words in English | Image4Pin

Useful Formal Words & Informal Words in English | Image 5

Formal Words & Informal Words in English | Image 5Pin

Formal Words & Informal Words in English | Image 6

Formal Words & Informal Words in English | Image 6Pin

Formal vs. Informal Words Video

Last Updated on September 27, 2022

Formal and Informal words list in English Pdf!

What are formal and informal Words?

Formal Language is like formal dress, in the formal language you have to be careful with words, and you have to choose words with respect. You cannot use the word ‘Ask’ in formal language because it is an informal word. You have to be a bit polite in formal language and vocabulary words, rather you can use ‘Inquire’ which is more formal than ‘ask’.

Informal Language is the language you speak with your friend’s circle. It is used in conversation with your family and friends, informal words are also respectful words, but they are less polite as compared to formal words.

Related: List of Formal Words in English

Formal and Informal words list in English

Here is the list of common 1000 Formal and Informal Words:

Informal  –>  Formal

  • Ask  –>  Enquire
  • Ask for  –>  Request
  • Book  –>  Reserve
  • Check  –>  Verify
  • Get  –>  Receive
  • Help  –>  Assist
  • Need  –>  Request
  • Say sorry  –>  Apologies
  • Start/ Begin  –>  Commence
  • End  –>  Terminate/ Finish
  • Try  –>  Endeavour
  • Deal with  –>  Handle
  • Tell  –>  Inform
  • Wait for  –>  Await
  • Fight  –>  Combat
  • Use/Eat  –>  Consume
  • Go  –>  Depart
  • Tough  –>  Difficult
  • Small  –>  Diminutive
  • Explain  –>  Disclose
  • Set out  –>  Display
  • Throw out  –>  Eject
  • Old  –>  Elderly
  • Say  –>  Express
  • Afraid  –>  Fearful
  • In the end  –>  Finally
  • Lucky  –>  Fortunate
  • But  –>  However
  • Wrong  –>  Incorrect
  • Go up  –>  Increase
  • Cheap  –>  Inexpensive
  • At first  –>  Initially
  • Mad  –>  Insane
  • Bright/smart  –>  Intelligent
  • Big/Large  –>  Enormous
  • Right  –>  Correct
  • A bit  –>  A little
  • Away  –>  Absent
  • Speed up  –>  Accelerate
  • Okay, ok  –>  Acceptable
  • Help  –>  Aid/ Assist
  • Let  –>  Allow
  • Call off  –>  Cancel
  • Friendly  –>  Amiable

Formal Informal Words Image 1

formal and informal words pdf

  • Expect  –>  Anticipate
  • Seem  –>  Appear
  • Climb  –>  Ascend
  • Beat up  –>  Assault
  • Fall out  –>  Quarrel
  • Eager  –>  Avid
  • Stop  –>  Cease
  • Dare  –>  Challenge
  • Kids  –>  Children
  • Settle for  –>  Choose
  • Round  –>  Circular
  • Pick up  –>  Collect
  • Think of  –>  Conceive
  • Link up  –>  Connect
  • Think about  –>  Consider
  • Build  –>  Construct
  • Refer to  –>  Consult
  • Hurt  –>  Damage, harm
  • Go down  –>  Decrease
  • Want/ hope   –>  Desire
  • Lack   –>  Deficiency
  • Show  –>  Demonstrate
  • Brave  –>  Courageous
  • Pin down  –>  Determine
  • Put/ set down  –>  Deposit
  • Throw away  –>  Discard
  • Make out  –>  Discern
  • Talk about  –>  Discuss/consider
  • Give out  –>  Distribute
  • Give  –>  Donate
  • Remove  –>  Eliminate
  • Imagine  –>  Envisage
  • Break out  –>  Erupt
  • Get out  –>  Escape
  • Avoid  –>  Evade
  • Go through  –>  Examine
  • Make up  –>  Fabricate
  • Test  –>  Experiment
  • Ease  –>  Facilitate
  • Come after  –>  Follow
  • Sick  –>  Ill
  • Ask out  –>  Invite
  • Go away  –>  Leave/ depart
  • At once  –>  Immediately
  • Free  –>  Liberate
  • Deal with  –>  Manage
  • Bad  –>  Negative
  • Look into  –>  Investigate
  • Chance  –>  Opportunity
  • See  –>  Perceive
  • Happy  –>  Pleased
  • Give up  –>  Quit
  • Older  –>  Senior
  • Use  –>  Utilize
  • Enough  –>  Sufficient
  • End  –>  Terminate
  • Empty  –>  Vacant
  • Rich  –>  Wealthy
  • Mend  –>  Repair
  • Idea  –>  Notion

Formal Informal Words Image 2

formal and informal language

  • Mainly  –>  Principally
  • See  –>  Observe
  • Leave out  –>  Omit
  • Go against  –>  Oppose
  • Hungry  –>  Famished
  • Childish  –>  Immature
  • Maybe  –>  Perhaps
  • Good  –>  Positive
  • Give  –>  Provide
  • Buy  –>  Purchase
  • Say no  –>  Reject
  • Free  –>  Release
  • Look for  –>  Seek
  • Choose  –>  Select
  • Get by  –>  Survive
  • So  –>  Therefore
  • Put up with  –>  Tolerate
  • Block  –>  Undermine
  • Catch up  –>  Understand
  • Sight  –>  Vision
  • Young  –>  Youthful
  • Get  –>  Obtain
  • Need  –>  Require
  • Pay back  –>  Repay
  • Live  –>  Reside
  • Point out  –>  Indicate
  • Find out  –>  Learn/Discover
  • Get away  –>  Elude
  • Come in  –>  Enter
  • Lively  –>  Energetic
  • Clear  –>  Transparent
  • Whole  –>  Entire/Complete
  • Blow up  –>  Explode
  • Break down  –>  Fail/Collapse
  • Hopeless  –>  Futile
  • Hit out at  –>  Criticise
  • Tired  –>  Exhausted/ Fatigued
  • Clothes  –>  Garment
  • Go before  –>  Precede
  • Thanks  –>  Gratitude
  • Hurry  –>  Haste, hasten
  • Funny  –>  Humorous, amusing
  • Better –> Improved
  • Dim  –>  Indistinct
  • Worse  –>  Inferior
  • Put in  –>  Insert
  • Bring in  –>  Introduce
  • Make up  –>  Invent
  • Kidding  –>  Jesting
  • Naked  –>  Nude
  • Childish  –>  Infantile
  • A lot of  –>  Numerous
  • Stubborn  –>  Obstinate
  • Danger  –>  Peril
  • Put off  –>  Postpone
  • Here  –>  Present
  • Keep  –>  Preserve
  • Go ahead  –>  Proceed
  • Go after  –>  Pursue
  • Anyways  –>  Nevertheless
  • Let  –>  Permit
  • Sweat  –>  Perspiration
  • Look at  –>  Regard
  • Laid back  –>  Relaxed
  • Take out  –>  Remove
  • Rack up  –>  Accumulate
  • Over  –>  At an end

Informal Formal Words Image 3

formal and informal language

  • Good looking  –>  Attractive
  • Good for  –>  Beneficial
  • By  –>  By means of
  • Lead to  –>  Cause
  • Complex  –>  Convoluted
  • Go out of  –>  Exit
  • Death  –>  Demise
  • Break off  –>  Suspend/adjourn
  • Also  –>  In addition, additionally
  • Wood  –>  Timber
  • Describe  –>  Depict
  • Go on  –>  Continue
  • In charge of  –>  Responsible
  • Enjoyment  –>  Gratification
  • Dirty/ polluted  –>  Contaminated
  • Again & again  –>  Repeatedly
  • Marvelous  –>  Exceptional
  • Really big  –>  Considerable
  • Can  –>  Is capable of
  • Fork out   –>  Pay (money)
  • Talk into  –>  Persuade
  • Come up to  –>  Reach/attain
  • Iron out  –>  Solve/overcome
  • Next/later  –>  Subsequently
  • Try out  –>  Test
  • Call on  –>  Visit
  • Drop out of  –>  Withdraw (from)
  • Look up to  –>  Respect
  • Look like  –>  Resemble
  • Job  –>  Occupation
  • Dad  –>  Father
  • Boss  –>  Employer
  • Avoid –> Evade
  • Also In  –> Addition,
  • Ask –> Enquire
  • Afraid –>  Fearful
  • At First –>  Initially
  • Ask For –>  Request
  • Again & Again   –> Repeatedly
  • A Bit  –> A Little
  • Avoid –>  Evade
  • Anyway  –> Nevertheless
  • Ask Out –> Invite
  • Away  –> Absent
  • At Once  –> Immediately
  • A Lot Of  –> Numerous

Informal Formal Vocabulary Image 4

list of formal and informal words

  • Bright/smart –>  Intelligent
  • Buy  –> Purchase
  • Build  –> Construct
  • But  –> However
  • Bad  –> Negative
  • Beat up –>  Assault
  • Break out  –> Erupt
  • Block  –> Undermine
  • Blow up –>  Explode
  • Boss  –> Employer
  • Brave –>  Courageous
  • Better –>  Improved
  • Big/Large –>  Enormous
  • Bring in –>  Introduce
  • Break off  –> Suspend/adjourn
  • Break down –>  Fail/Collapse
  • Check  –> Verify
  • Come after  –> Follow
  • Choose –>  Select
  • Clear  –> Transparent
  • Come in  –> Enter
  • Call off  –> Cancel
  • Complex  –> Convoluted
  • Call on –>  Visit
  • Childish  –> Infantile
  • Chance –>  Opportunity
  • Cheap  –> Inexpensive
  • Can Is  –> capable of
  • Come up  –> to Reach/attain
  • Climb –>  Ascend
  • Clothes  –> Garment
  • Dirty/ polluted  –> Contaminated
  • Danger  –> Peril
  • Dare  –> Challenge
  • Dad  –> Father
  • Describe –>  Depict
  • Deal with –>  Handle
  • Dim  –> Indistinct
  • Death –>  Demise
  • Deal  –> with Manage
  • Drop out  –> of Withdraw (from)
  • End  –> Terminate/ Finish
  • Ease  –> Facilitate
  • Eager –>  Avid
  • Expect  –> Anticipate
  • Enough  –> Sufficient
  • Explain  –> Disclose
  • End  –> Terminate
  • Empty  –> Vacant
  • Enjoyment  –> Gratification

Formal Informal Words Image 5

list of formal and informal words

  • friendly  –> Amiable
  • Free  –> Liberate
  • Fork out  –> Pay (money)
  • Fall out –>  Quarrel
  • Fight  –> Combat
  • Get  –> Receive
  • Get out  –> Escape
  • Go  –> Depart
  • Go before –>  Precede
  • Go after  –> Pursue
  • Good looking  –> Attractive
  • Give –>  Donate
  • Go down  –> Decrease
  • Go through –>  Examine
  • Good for –>  Beneficial
  • Go ahead  –> Proceed
  • Go up  –> Increase
  • Go on  –> Continue
  • Go out of  –> Exit
  • Give up –>  Quit
  • Get away –>  Elude
  • Go away –>  Leave/ depart
  • Give out –>  Distribute
  • Go against –>  Oppose
  • Get  –> Obtain
  • Good  –> Positive
  • Get by –>  Survive

Related: Formal and Informal Words List for IELTS

  • Hit out at  –> Criticise
  • Hungry –>  Famished
  • Here  –> Present
  • Help –>  Assist
  • Hopeless –>  Futile
  • Happy  –> Pleased
  • Hurry  –> Haste, hasten
  • Hurt  –> Damage
  • Idea  –> Notion
  • Imagine –>  Envisage
  • In charge of –>  Responsible
  • Iron out  –> Solve/overcome
  • Job  –> Occupation
  • Keep –>  Preserve
  • Kidding  –> Jesting
  • Kids  –> Children
  • Look up to –>  Respect
  • Look at –>  Regard
  • Lucky  –> Fortunate
  • Lead to –>  Cause
  • Let  –> Allow
  • Lucky –>  Fortunate
  • Lack  –> Deficiency
  • Look for  –> Seek
  • Let  –> Permit
  • Live –>  Reside
  • Leave out  –> Omit
  • Look like –>  Resemble
  • Lively  –> Energetic
  • Laid back –>  Relaxed
  • Live  –> Reside
  • Look into –>  Investigate
  • Make up –>  Fabricate
  • Mainly –>  Principally
  • Mad  –> Insane
  • Maybe  –> Perhaps
  • Mend  –> Repair
  • Marvelous –>  Exceptional
  • Need  –> Require
  • Naked  –> Nude
  • Next/later  –> Subsequently
  • Old  –> Elderly
  • Over At an  –> end
  • Okay, ok –>  Acceptable
  • Older –>  Senior
  • Put off  –> Postpone
  • Pay back –>  Repay
  • Put/ set down –>  Deposit
  • Pin down –>  Determine
  • Put in  –> Insert
  • Pick up  –> Collect
  • Put up with  –> Tolerate
  • Point out  –> Indicate

Related: Formal and Informal Vocabulary Examples

Informal Formal Vocabulary Image 6

list of formal and informal words

  • Really big –>  Considerable
  • Remove  –> Eliminate
  • Rack up –>  Accumulate
  • Refer to  –> Consult
  • Rich  –> Wealthy
  • Round  –> Circular
  • Right  –> Correct
  • Show  –> Demonstrate
  • Speed up  –> Accelerate
  • Stop  –> Cease
  • Set up  –> Establish
  • Sick –>  ill
  • Stubborn  –> Obstinate
  • Start/ Begin  –> Commence
  • Shorten  –> Decrease
  • Settle for  –> Choose
  • Say no –>  Reject
  • Small –>  Diminutive
  • See –>  Observe
  • So –>  Therefore
  • Sight –>  Vision
  • Seem  –> Appear
  • Set out  –> Display
  • Seem  –> Appear
  • Sweat  –> Perspiration
  • Say sorry –>  Apologise
  • Say  –> Express
  • Talk into  –> Persuade
  • Tired –>  Exhausted/ Fatigued
  • Throw away  –> Discard
  • Take out –>  Remove
  • Test  –> Experiment
  • Thanks  –> Gratitude
  • Tough  –> Difficult
  • Try out  –> Test
  • Talk about  –> Discuss/consider
  • Throw  –> out Eject
  • Think of  –>  Conceive
  • Try  –> Endeavour
  • Think about –>  Consider
  • Tell  –> Inform
  • Use  –> Utilize
  • Wood  –> Timber
  • Want/ hope –>  Desire
  • Wrong –>  Incorrect
  • Wait for  –> Await
  • Want  –> Desire
  • Worse  –> Inferior
  • Whole –>  Entire/Complete
  • Young –>  Youthful

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Infographics (Formal and Informal words list in English )

informal and formal vocabulary informal and formal vocabulary Formal and Informal words list in English Formal and Informal words list in English

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Formal and Informal words list in English

Formal English:

Formal Language is like a formal dress, in a formal language you have to be careful with words, you have to choose words with respect. We use it when writing essays for school, cover letters to apply for jobs, or emails and letters at work.

Informal English:

Informal Language is the language you speak in your friend’s circle. It is used in conversation with your family and friends, informal words are also respectful words, but they are less polite as compare to formal words.

Here are Formal and Informal words List in English

1. Verbs – Informal & Formal

a lot of numerous
anyways nevertheless
block undermine
break down fail/collapse
break up disintegrate
bring in introduce
can is capable of
come back return
come/go in enter
deal with handle
enjoyment gratification
faithfulness fidelity
find out discover
from (company) on the behalf of
get obtain
get in touch with contact
give in yield
give the go-ahead authorize
give/bring back return
go against oppose
go ahead proceed
go away leave/depart
go before precede
go down decrease
go out of exit
go up increase
hopeless futile
house residence
hungry famished
it’s about it concerns, it’s in regards to
keep retain
keep up maintain properly
lead to cause
leave out omit
let permit
link up connect
lively energetic
look at examine
look for seek
look into investigate
look like resemble
lots of/ a lot of much, many
make out discern
makeup fabricate
mend repair
need to required
plus/also moreover/furthermore
point out indicate
put in insert
put off postpone
put up tolerate
put up with tolerate
put/set down deposit
rack up accumulate
really big considerable
refer to consult
ring up call
seem appear
set out display
set up establish
settle for choose
show demonstrate, illustrate, portray
show up arrive
speak to address
stand for represent
start commence
take away remove
take out remove
talk about discuss/consider
thanks gratitude
think about consider/ponder
think of conceive
throw away discard
throw out eject
tired Formal and Informal words list in English Pdf fatigued
tons of, heaps of large quantities of, a number of
try out test
wait for await
whole entire/complete
worse inferior
say sorry apologize, apologise

2. Transitions – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
Anyways Nevertheless
Plus/Also Moreover/ Furthermore
But However
So Therefore/Thus
Also In addition, Additionally
ASAP as soon as possible/at your earliest convenience
Okay, OK acceptable
In the meantime In the interim
I think In my opinion,
In the end, Finally
To sum up In conclusion,
In a nutshell/Basically To summarize,
Anyway, Notwithstanding
All right Acceptable
To top it all off,
On top of it all,
In order to

3. Emphasis Words – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
lots of/ a lot of much, many
tons of, heaps of large quantities of, a number of
totally completely, strongly
really, very definitely

4. Letter Expressions – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
Hi Robert, Dear Sir or Madam
Just wanted to let you know… I am writing to inform you…
Love, Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully,
Yours Truly, Best regards, kind regards
Hope to hear from you soon I look forward to hearing from you
You can call me if you need anything Please do not hesitate to contact me

5. Abbreviations – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
ASAP as soon as possible
T.V. television
photo photograph
cell cell phone
net Internet

6. Slang – Informal & Formal

Informal Formal
kids children
bad negative
good positive
really big considerable
right correct
wrong incorrect
smart intelligent
cheap inexpensive
loaded rich

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Formal and informal words list in English PDF! Formal language is like a formal thing, in formal language you have to be careful with words, you have to prefer formal words while showing respect to someone. We can use informal words when the person is our friend, sibling and other family members. On the other hand, if someone is senior to us or a respectable person its better to talk in formal language.

The tone of informal words is more personal than formal words. Here is a collection of 350+ Formal and Informal words list in English PDF. Many of informal and formal words are present here that can be used  in daily conversation to chat with friends and respectable personality with different tone.

Formal and informal words can be found in all spheres of the language. As the language become more liberal combining these two groups of words get more common.

 What is the difference between informal and Formal Words? 

Informal Words

Informal words is the language that you speak in your friends circle. it is used  during the chatting, messages, calling with your friends family conversation.

What are the examples of the informal words? There are some examples like call on, Avoid, say sorry, here, also, think of  etc.

The words that are used when the situation is serious or the person in front of us is unfamiliar to us are known as formal words. In such situation it is preferred to speak formal language. We normally speak formal language with our boss, our teachers, business men and other professional mans.

What are the Examples of formal words? There are some words of formal like present, conceive, vacant, disclose, respect.

Formal and informal words list in English PDF

Link up  ……Connect

Live  ……Reside

Naked  ……Nude

Refer to  ……Consult

Look for  ……Seek

Seem  ……Appear

At Once  ……Immediately

Marvelous  ……Exceptional

Pin down   ……  Determine

Complex  ……Convoluted

Dim  ……Indistinct

Hurry  ……Haste, hasten

Away  ……Absent

Dare  ……Challenge

Speed up  ……Accelerate

Lack  ……Deficiency

Sick   ……  ill

Buy  ……Purchase

Go away   ……  Leave/ depart

Say  ……Express

Describe   ……  Depict

Afraid  ……Fearful

Get  ……Obtain

Avoid   …… Evade

Sweat  ……Perspiration

Go away  ……Leave/ depart

Keep   ……  Preserve

Young  ……Youthful

Okay, ok  ……Acceptable

Look up to  ……Respect

Sick  ……Ill

Call on  ……Visit

Avoid  ……Evade

Also  ……In addition, additionally

Say sorry  ……Apologies

Here  ……Present

Think of  ……Conceive

Empty  ……Vacant

Explain  ……Disclose

List of formal and informal words

End  ……Terminate

Want  ……Desire

Block  ……Undermine

Find out  ……Learn/Discover

Can  ……Is capable of

Go out of  ……Exit

Sweat  ……Perspiration

Let  ……Allow

Wrong  ……Incorrect

Expect  ……Anticipate

Set up  ……Establish

Describe  ……Depict

Talk about  ……Discuss/consider

Look like  ……Resemble

Older  ……Senior

Test  ……Experiment

Brave  ……Courageous

A bit  ……A little

Stop  ……Cease

Say no  ……Reject

Drop out of  ……Withdraw (from)

Give   ……  Donate

Ask Out   …… Invite

Build  ……Construct

Good looking  ……Attractive

A Bit  ……A Little

Whole  ……Entire/Complete

Enough  ……Sufficient

Hurt  ……Damage, harm

Here  ……Present

End  ……Terminate

Get away  ……Elude

Lively  ……Energetic

Funny  ……Humorous, amusing

Make out  ……Discern

Remove  ……Eliminate

Happy  ……Pleased

Really big  ……Considerable

See   ……  Observe

Put in  ……Insert

Hit out at  ……Criticise

Happy  ……Pleased

Go down  ……Decrease

Dad  ……Father

Help   ……  Assist

Start/ Begin  ……Commence

Imagine   ……  Envisage

Idea  ……Notion

Want/ hope   ……Desire

Lucky  ……Fortunate

Enough  ……Sufficient

Go  ……Depart

Rack up  ……Accumulate

Look into  ……Investigate

Good looking  ……Attractive

Help  ……Assist

Kidding  ……Jesting

Sight   ……  Vision

Pick up  ……Collect

Also In  ……Addition,

Ease  ……Facilitate

Iron out  ……Solve/overcome

Maybe  ……Perhaps

Want/ hope   ……  Desire

Lively  ……Energetic

Speed up  ……Accelerate

Try out  ……Test

Go down  ……Decrease

Death   ……  Demise

Deal with   ……  Handle

Formal and informal vocabulary words

Over  ……At an end

Go through   ……  Examine

Catch up  ……Understand

Say no   ……  Reject

Pin down  ……Determine

Rack up   ……  Accumulate

Get  ……Receive

Go ahead  ……Proceed

See  ……Observe

Marvelous   ……  Exceptional

Get  ……Receive

Leave out  ……Omit

Pick up  ……Collect

Give  ……Donate

Iron out  ……Solve/overcome

Hungry   ……  Famished

Boss  ……Employer

Put/ set down  ……Deposit

Fork out   ……Pay (money)

Enjoyment  ……Gratification

Bright/smart  ……Intelligent

End  ……Terminate/ Finish

Leave out  ……Omit

Enjoyment  ……Gratification

At first  ……Initially

Thanks  ……Gratitude

Break down  ……Fail/Collapse

Big/Large  ……Enormous

 Stubborn  ……Obstinate

Mad  ……Insane

Friendly  ……Amiable

Job  ……Occupation

Throw  ……out Eject

Clothes  ……Garment

Shorten  ……Decrease

Go after  ……Pursue

Really big   ……  Considerable

Test  ……Experiment

Talk into  ……Persuade

By  ……By means of

Let  ……Allow

At First   ……  Initially

Go up  ……Increase

Put up with  ……Tolerate

Show  ……Demonstrate

Childish  ……Infantile

Live   ……  Reside

Book  ……Reserve

Eager  ……Avid

Deal  ……with Manage

Expect  ……Anticipate

Older   ……  Senior

Next/later  ……Subsequently

Bad  ……Negative

Make up  ……Fabricate

Okay, ok   ……  Acceptable

Look for  ……Seek

Put in  ……Insert

Keep  ……Preserve

Drop out  ……of Withdraw (from)

Say sorry   ……  Apologise

Pay back   ……  Repay

Give  ……Provide

So   ……  Therefore

Eager   ……  Avid

Hungry  ……Famished

Throw away  ……Discard

Hurry  ……Haste, hasten

Hopeless   ……  Futile

Formal informal words list

Kidding  ……Jesting

Mainly  ……Principally

Put up with  ……Tolerate

Mad  ……Insane

Look into   ……  Investigate

Think of  ……Conceive

Bring in  ……Introduce

Use/Eat  ……Consume

Wood  ……Timber

Deal with  ……Handle

Clear  ……Transparent

Break out  ……Erupt

Need  ……Require

Naked  ……Nude

Make up  ……Invent

Free  ……Liberate

Anyway  ……Nevertheless

Laid back  ……Relaxed

Rich  ……Wealthy

Check  ……Verify

Dirty/ polluted  ……Contaminated

Go against   ……  Oppose

Childish  ……Immature

A Lot Of  ……Numerous

Round  ……Circular

Try  ……Endeavour

Look up to   ……  Respect

Worse  ……Inferior

Put off  ……Postpone

Need  ……Require

Ask For   ……  Request

Right  ……Correct

Small  ……Diminutive

Lucky   ……  Fortunate

Right  ……Correct

Lucky  ……Fortunate

List of vocabulary words

Give out  ……Distribute

But  ……However

Say  ……Express

So  ……Therefore

Refer to  ……Consult

Wait for  ……Await

Make up   ……  Fabricate

Let  ……Permit

Round  ……Circular

Chance  ……Opportunity

Set out  ……Display

Look at  ……Regard

Over At an  ……end

Think about  ……Consider

Deal with  ……Manage

Go after  ……Pursue

Away  ……Absent

Look like   ……  Resemble

Point out  ……Indicate

Go before  ……Precede

Take out  ……Remove

Get  ……Obtain

Take out   ……  Remove

Hurt  ……Damage

Ask for  ……Request

Get away   ……  Elude

Settle for  ……Choose

Better   …… Improved

Go up  ……Increase

See  ……Perceive

Danger  ……Peril

Small   ……  Diminutive

Next/later  ……Subsequently

Lack   ……Deficiency

Fight  ……Combat

Good for  ……Beneficial

Settle for  ……Choose

Ask   …… Enquire

Danger  ……Peril

Mend  ……Repair

Let  ……Permit

Thanks  ……Gratitude

Idea  ……Notion

Go on  ……Continue

Mend  ……Repair

Tough  ……Difficult

Throw away  ……Discard

 Go ahead  ……Proceed

Young   ……  Youthful

A lot of  ……Numerous

Ease  ……Facilitate

Worse  ……Inferior

Tired   ……  Exhausted/ Fatigued

Get out  ……Escape

Stubborn  ……Obstinate

Kids  ……Children

Give out   ……  Distribute

Choose  ……Select

Blow up  ……Explode

Dad  ……Father

Break off  ……Suspend/adjourn

Good  ……Positive

End  ……Terminate/ Finish

Remove  ……Eliminate

Use  ……Utilize

Good  ……Positive

Dim  ……Indistinct

Good for   ……  Beneficial

Get by  ……Survive

Tough  ……Difficult

Need  ……Request

Pay back  ……Repay

In charge of  ……Responsible

Rich  ……Wealthy

Try out  ……Test

Ask  ……Enquire

Point out  ……Indicate

Come in  ……Enter

Throw out  ……Eject

Seem  ……Appear

Go before   ……  Precede

Show  ……Demonstrate

At once  ……Immediately

Afraid   ……  Fearful

Wrong   ……  Incorrect

Whole   ……  Entire/Complete

Put/ set down   ……  Deposit

Again & Again   ……Repeatedly

Go against  ……Oppose

Again & again  ……Repeatedly

Climb  ……Ascend

Death  ……Demise

Talk about  ……Discuss/consider

Explain  ……Disclose

Hit out at  ……Criticise

Empty  ……Vacant

Hopeless  ……Futile

Kids  ……Children

Most common formal informal words

Start/ Begin  ……Commence

Mainly   ……  Principally

Go  ……Depart

Old  ……Elderly

Cheap  ……Inexpensive

Use  ……Utilize

Fall out  ……Quarrel

Go on  ……Continue

Live  ……Reside

Job  ……Occupation

Come after  ……Follow

Give up   ……  Quit

Help  ……Aid/ Assist

Tell  ……Inform

Look at   ……  Regard

Lead to   ……  Cause

Call off  ……Cancel

Stop  ……Cease

Avoid   ……  Evade

Anyways  ……Nevertheless

Wood  ……Timber

Beat up  ……Assault

Imagine  ……Envisage

Get by   ……  Survive

Wait for  ……Await

Sight  ……Vision

Tired  ……Exhausted/ Fatigued

Tell  ……Inform

Ask out  ……Invite

Dare  ……Challenge

Set out  ……Display

Laid back   ……  Relaxed

Get out  ……Escape

Go out of  ……Exit

In charge of   ……  Responsible

 Put off  ……Postpone

Think about   ……  Consider

Give up  ……Quit

Old  ……Elderly

Free  ……Release

Lead to  ……Cause

Go through  ……Examine

In the end  ……Finally

Talk into  ……Persuade

Seem  ……Appear

Come up to  ……Reach/attain

Maybe  ……Perhaps


Formal and informal words list in english pdf

350+ Formal and informal words list in English PDF Formal and informal language examples Formal and informal words list in english pdf Formal and informal words pdf

You can Download Formal and informal words list in English PDF.


This entry is about differences in vocabulary of formal and informal styles. For general differences, see this article.

Both formal and informal vocabulary can be found in all spheres of the language. As the language becomes more liberal, combining these two groups of words gets more common. Below is an example list of words and expressions in formal and informal registers.

What does ‘formal’ mean? Simply put, it means something or someone following established norms, traditions and habits. A formal letter should have certain structure and vocabulary, usually more official and strict. Think of formal as a rough synonym for ‘official’.

Vocabulary for letters

Informal Formal
To ask for help To request assistance
To tell, to let know To inform, to notify
Problem Issue
Speak to Address smb.
Talk about Discuss, consider
Fix, take care of, put right Rectify, amend
I think that … I believe/hold it that …
I want to … I wish to …
I’m ready to … I am willing to …
I’m angry about … I am dissatisfied with …
Deal with, take care of Manage, resolve, settle
Put up with Tolerate, bear, endure
Bring up Mention
Take away Remove
Thanks I am grateful/thankful for …
I’m sorry about … I regret about …
I’m writing about I am writing regarding
I’ll get in touch … I will contact …
If you have any questions Should you have any questions

General formal and informal vocabulary

Informal Formal
And As well as …
But Whereas/While
So, in this manner Thus
If … Should … /Whether …
If … or not Whether … or not
For sure Definitely/Assuredly/Certainly
Many Numerous/Several
Get Receive
Keep Retain

It is recommended to stick to either formal or informal words whenever possible. In other words, don’t mix two registers. It is as important as consistency in using English and American spelling. However, using two registers in your speech is not a serious error. At least as far as your speech is concerned. You should nevertheless pay attention to your writing — if you can use a less colloquial expression in your formal letter then you should do so. Sometimes mixing can’t be helped — for example, using phrasal verbs in a text. Phrasal verbs give life to your writing, so you shouldn’t abstain from using them. But such things as contracted forms or slang words — they do not belong in a formal text. Some dictionaries have detailed entries on formal and informal register.

Which register should I use?

The degree of formality is usually decided by the following factors:

  • How well you know the person you’re writing to — the better you know the person, the less formal your writing will be (within reasonable limits)
  • The purpose of your letter — business correspondence tends to be more formal
  • The relative position of the person you’re writing to — a letter to your boss will be strictly formal. A letter to your subordinate is more likely to be semi-formal or fairly informal.

Use your judgement and common sense to decide on the register. For example, a letter to your boss who is much older than you, but whom you know very well is likely to be semi-formal, despite of his age and position. Conversely, if you are the head of department writing to a junior staff member whom you do not know, your letter should be on the formal side.


Bottom line is: if you are unsure whether to use formal or informal words, then stick to more respectable and tactful formal vocabulary. Nobody is going to hate you for being too formal. You will get a funny look or two if you overshoot with formality, but that is definitely not the end of the world!

On the other hand, opting for informal style and vocabulary in certain situations may be tactless and even rude. This in mind, use this simple rule:
When in doubt, keep it formal!

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