Form the new word to write


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    Английский язык

    10 — 11 классы

    14.05.2021 23:03

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        1. (Having writene) out all the new words, I started to learn them.
        2. ( living) in Kyiv, he was able to see all the ancient monuments.
        3. ( hearing) my friends voice, I left the room to open the door.
        4. We went home, (having looked) through the documents.
        5. ( drinking) coffee she was talking to her friend.
        6. ( going) down the street, the boy was looking back from
        time to time.
        7. (having thrown) the ball, the little girl ran home.
        8. I think that the man ( standing) there is her father.
        9. (Having bought) food, they left supermarket.
        10. ( knowing) French well the pupil can translate this text.
        11. She entered the room ( smiling).
        12. ( seeing) the stranger the dog began barking.
        13. (A barking) dog doesnt bite.
        14. (Having found) the keys, we were able to open the door.

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        Предмет: Английский язык,

        автор: sviterok05


        Автор ответа: slyuda1955


        1 friendly

        2 tropical

        3 unsafe


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        Предмет: Русский язык,
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        • Лексико-грамматический практикум
        • Unit 2
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        • 37
        • 38
        • 39
        • 40

        A. Form new words with the suffixes -y, -ful, -al from the nouns and verbs in the box and write them
        A. Сформируйте новые слова с суффиксами -y, -ful, -al из существительных и глаголов в рамке и запишите их.

        -y: windy, snowy, rainy, sandy, foggy, watery, stony, starry, milky
        ветреный, снежный, дождливый, песчаный, туманный, водянистый, каменистый, звездный, молочный

        -ful: colourful, beautiful, wonderful, thankful, joyful, helpful
        красочный, красивый, замечательный, благодарный, радостный, полезный

        -al: musical, central, political, professional, cultural, geographical.
        музыкальный, центральный, политический, профессиональный, культурный, географический.

        B. Use the new words from part A to make word combinations. Write three adjectives for each noun.
        Используйте новые слова из части А для создания словосочетаний. Напишите три прилагательных для каждого существительного.


        a political/cultural/professional system
        политическая/культурная/профессиональная система


        a professional, good, reliable, helpful actor
        профессиональный, хороший, надежный, полезный актер


        a black and white, wonderful, colourful film
        черно-белый, замечательный, красочный фильм


        a wonderful, beautiful, joyful holiday
        замечательный, красивый, радостный праздник


        a colourful, joyful, memorable picture
        красочная, радостная, запоминающаяся картинка


        a rainy, snowy, foggy, night
        дождливая, снежная, туманная, ночь


        a sandy, wonderful, beautiful beach
        песчаный, чудесный, красивый пляж


        a joyful, oval, round, beautiful face
        радостное, овальное, круглое, красивое лицо


        a joyful, beautiful dog
        радостная, красивая собака

        ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Лексико-грамматический практикум»

        по предмету Английский язык за 6 класс.

        Год издания



        Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


        A. Form new words with the suffixes -y, -ful, -al from the nouns and verbs in the box and write them down.
        A. Сформируйте новые слова с суффиксами -y, -ful, -al из существительных и глаголов в рамке и запишите их.

        In a
        sentence or text you have to change the form of a word, e.g. from a noun to an
        adjective, or from a verb to a noun. For example:

        _____ was very nervous. (sing)

        have to complete the sentence with the person noun (singer). You change
        the verb (sing) into the person noun (singer).

        Look at the word you have to change. Which words do you know that
        are in the same word family?

        The beginning of the word is often the same and the end of the
        word changes.

        What form is the new word? A verb? A noun? An adjective? An

        Nouns often end: -ment, -ion, -ness, -ity.

        People nouns often end: -er, -or, -ist, -ian.

        Adjectives often end: -able, -ible, -ive, -al, -ic, -ed, -ing.

        Some verbs end: -ise, -ate, -en.

        Adverbs often end: -ly.

        Is the new word negative? If so, you may need a prefix, e.g. un- (unhappy),
        im- (impolite), in- (inexperienced), dis- (dishonest),

        If you don’t know the new word, guess. You
        may be right!

        There are many word beginnings (prefixes) and word
        endings (suffixes) that can be added to a word to change its meaning or its
        word class. The most common ones are shown here, followed by examples of how
        they are used in the process of word formation. More can be found in the
        Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.

        Verb Formation

        The endings ize and ify can be added to nouns and
        adjectives to form verbs.

        Noun + ize = Verb

        American + ize = Americanize Legal + ize = legalize

        This will make the factory more modern. This will
        modernize the factory. Adjective + ize = Verb

         False + ify = Falsify Humid + ify = humidify

        These tablets make the water pure. They purify the

        Adverb Formation

        The ending ly can be added to most adjectives to form

        Adjective + ly = Adverb

        Easy + ly = easily His behaviour was stupid. He
        behaved stupidly

        Noun Formation

        The endings er, ment, and ation can be added to many
        verbs to form nouns.

        Verb + er = Noun Fasten + er = faster Open
        + er = opener

        John drives a bus. He is a bus driver.

        Amaze + ment = amazement Retire + ment = retirement

        Children develop very quickly. Their development is
        very quick.

        Admire + ation = admiration Organize + ation =

        The doctor examined me. The doctor gave me an

        The endings ity/ty and ness can be added to many
        adjectives to form nouns.

         Stupid + ity = stupidity Don’t be so cruel. I hate

        Adjective Formation

        The endings y, ic, ical, ful, and less can be added to
        many nouns to form adjectives. The ending able can be added to many verbs to
        form adjectives.

        Noun + y = Adjective Dirt + y = dirty

        That was an awful smell. It was very smelly.

        Atom + ic = atomic That was a book of poetry. It was a
        poetic book.

        Hope + ful = hopeful His broken leg caused pain. It
        was very painful.

        Care + less = careless The operation didn’t cause
        pain. It was painless.

        Verb + able = Adjective Love + able = lovable You can
        wash this coat.

        It’s washable Opposites Prefixes added to the front of
        many words can produce an opposite meaning. un + fortunate = unfortunate I’m
        not very happy. In fact I’m very unhappy.

         Put the correct
        form of the word in brackets into the blank .

        1. The results were very strange! In fact,
        they were ___________________ ! (BELIEVE)

        2. He has an unfortunate
        ___________________ to understand people’s feelings (ABLE)

        3. Due to the clerk’s
        ______________________ we missed the train (STUBBORN)

        4. What we saw was beyond all
        ______________________ (EXPECT)

        5. She is a student of the
        ______________________ (HUMAN)

        6. The book contains some great
        ______________________ (ILLUSTRATE)

        7. Please give us details of your present
        ______________________ (OCCUPY)

        8. What is the ______________________ of
        the Danube River (LONG)

        9. The ______________________ of our
        agriculture is important if we want to produce more food (MECHANIC)

        10. Drug ______________________ is a
        problem causing great concern (ADDICT)

        11. The ______________________ of the
        awards is scheduled for next Friday (PRESENT)

        12. I have been sworn to
        ______________________ so I can’t say a word (SECRET)

        13. After losing her job she was
        ______________________ for a month (EMPLOY)

        14. Pushing into a queue is considered to
        be extremely ______________________ (POLITE)

        15. The audience gave the violinist a
        round of ______________________ (APPLAUD)

        16. He isn’t happy with his job because he
        feels he is ______________________ (PAY)

        17. We have just been shown another
        example of ______________________ killing (SENSE)

        18. My sister’s ______________________
        makes hers social life difficult (SHY)

        19. I’m not sure at all I really can’t say
        with ______________________ (CERTAIN)

        20. My ______________________ is the
        history of Elizabethan England (SPECIAL)

        21. The police were told by their
        ______________________ where to find the criminal (INFORM)

        22. He received many medals for his acts
        of ______________________ during the war (HERO)

        23. The ______________________ of the
        company is said to be dangerous to small firms (EXPAND)

        24. For all of us, Marilyn Monroe was the
        ______________________ of beauty (PERSON)

        25. I can guarantee the ______________________
        of our new product (RELY)

        26. The government is encouraging heavy
        ______________________ (INVEST)

        27. People who suffer from
        ______________________ should buy themselves a pet (LONELY)

        28. George and I have been friends since
        ______________________ (CHILD)

        29. Everybody is worried about the
        ______________________ of the rain forest (DESTROY)

        30. Some MPs are calling for
        ______________________ without trial (DETAIN)

        31. My grandfather was given a medal for ______________________

        32. My father takes great
        ______________________ in his work (PROUD)

        33. This bag contains all my photographic
        ______________________ (EQUIP)

        34. ______________________ is probably the
        most useful form of energy (ELECTRIC)

        35. John turned up on the wrong day
        because of a ______________________ (UNDERSTAND)

        36. Jake had another
        ______________________ with his boss (AGREE)

        37. The bank robbers were sentenced to
        twelve years of ______________________ (PRISON)

        38. Mary suddenly felt sick, so we needed
        a ______________________ for her part in the play (REPLACE)

        39. Failure to apply in time may result in
        a ______________________ of benefits (LOSE)

        Pat was accused of stealing some ______________________ documents (CONFIDENT)

         Put the correct
        form of the word in brackets into the blank.

        1. In the future the public will have a
        wider __________________ of television programs. (CHOOSE)

        2. Looking after the health of 700
        children is heavy ______________________ . (RESPONSIBLE)

        3. The town spent more money on
        __________________ and health than ever before (HOUSE)

        4. Do you have any particular
        __________________ where we sit? (PREFER)

        5. There’s a __________________ contrast
        between what he does and what he says. (STRIKE)

        6. The party turned out to be a huge
        ______________________ (DISAPPOINT)

        7. He was fined and __________________ for
        reckless driving (QUALIFY).

        8. Is it possible to remove the smell from
        the books that have been in _______________ for such a long time? (STORE)

        9. Many people are interested in job
        __________________ more than in earning large amount of money (SATISFY).

        10. I hadn’t made a __________________ ,
        so I just got on the first flight available. (RESERVE)

        11. The anti-doping association believes
        that all sports must be free of drug __________________ (USE).

        12. The country is facing a population
        __________________ . (EXPLODE)

        13. It is __________________ to fasten
        your seat-belts before take-off (ADVISE)

        14. She claimed __________________ benefit
        for over six months. (EMPLOY)

        15. Tax __________________ is one of the
        biggest problems that face the new country. (EVADE)

        16. You can basically wear what you want
        but there is an _____________ law that says you must not wear jeans. (WRITE)

        17. The __________________ course is being
        paid for by the company. (MANAGE)

        18. It’s a __________________ shame that
        she didn’t have a better chance in life. (CRY)

        19. The farm house we stayed in was
        completely off the __________________ track. (BEAT)

        20. The police searched the house
        _______________________ . (SYSTEM)

        21. He is a __________________ -paid
        senior executive. (HIGH)

        22. A full-scale ____________________ of
        our company is urgently needed (ORGANIZE)

        23. Are we going to be saved
        __________________ by our oil supplies? (ECONOMY)

        24. Experts have tried to find a
        __________________ to the personnel problems. (SOLVE)

        25. She’s a specialist in psychology and
        human __________________ . (BEHAVE)

        26. The __________________ of the most
        important port of the country eliminated all trade. (BLOCK)

        27. The __________________ system of some
        countries used to be based on gold. (MONEY)

        28. He recovered from his injuries in the
        __________________ hospital (NAVY)

        29. He has loved her __________________
        ever since they first met. (PASSION)

        30. The importance of this
        __________________ has been extremely overrated. (INVENT)

        31. He is a convinced __________________
        of Chinese communism (FOLLOW)

        32. Jane’s party was more of an
        __________________ test than anything else. (ENDURE)

        33. The government has committed itself to
        developing __________________ sources of energy. (NEW)

        34. He took a job as a sales
        __________________ in a big department store. (ASSIST)

        35. The potential benefits of this
        treatment __________________ the risks. (WEIGH)

        36. Make sure the hairdryer is
        __________________ before you fix the switch. (CONNECT)

        37. They say that travel
        __________________ the mind. (BROAD)

        38. Without his teacher’s __________________
        he would have given up long ago. (ENCOURAGE)

        39. Dickens’s last novel was
        __________________ The Mystery of Edwin Drood. (TITLE)

        She has known me for two years now but she still __________________ my name.

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