Form a new word that best fits each gap

Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each gap. Записывай только образованное слово без пробелов и знаков препинания. Например: consideration
1)It’s…(nature)to want a nice car.
2)Air…(pollute)is a serious health hazard
3)What is the…(wide)of the table?
4)It was a question of grate…(important) to us
5)The country is becoming more and more…(power)


Светило науки — 21184 ответа — 153888 раз оказано помощи

1) It’s…(natural) to want a nice car.
2) Air…(pollution) is a serious health hazard
3) What is the…(width) of the table?
4) It was a question of grate…(importantance) to us.
5) The country is becoming more and more…(powerful).

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

Уважаемые участники олимпиады, обращаем ваше внимание на то, что ответы можно вводить, лишь используя латинские буквы (английскую раскладку клавиатуры), иначе компьютер засчитает вам неверный ответ!

1. (3 балла) Choose the adjective that does not go with the noun. В ответе укажи только букву без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: а

2. (3 балла) Match the word with the suffix. В ответе укажи комбинацию цифр и букв без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания, цифры должны идти по порядку. Например: 1а2e3b4d5c

3. (6 баллов) Choose the right variant.

1. It was _____ an easy test.

2. She drives ____ fast that nobody can keep up with her.

3. We are having _____ nice weather.

4. Tom tells ____ awful jokes.

5. The film was ____ good as I had expected.

6. We hadn’t expected the trip to be ____ exhausting.

4. (4 балла) Choose the right variant to complete the sentence. В ответе укажи комбинацию цифр по возрастанию и букв, без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, 1d2f3a4e5c


5. (5 баллов) Do the quiz. В ответе укажи комбинацию цифр по возрастанию и букв, без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, 1d2f3a4e5c

6. (10 баллов) Choose the correct option.

1. “I’ll run to …. Father” – he said in ……. loud whisper.

a) a, the

b) -, a

c) -, —

2. ……. Cordillera are in …… North America.

a) -, —

b) the, —

c) the, the

3. One law is for ……. rich, and another law is for …… poor.

a) a, the

b) -, —

c) the, the

4. There is no…… place like ……. home.

a) -, —

b) -, a

c) the, —

5. What river is longer: ……. Volga or ……. Sozh?

a) the, the

b) -, —

c) a, a

6……. weather was good and we decided to go for ……. walk.

a) The, —

b) the, a

c) a, a

7. ……. Sun rises in ……. east.

a) the, the

b) -, —

c) the, —

8……… English language is very difficult for me, but ……. German is not.

a) The, the

b) the, —

c) -, —

9. They are looking for ……. girl with ……. short dark hair.

a) a, —

b) the, the

c) a, a

10. ……. Browns live in ……. Manchester.

a) -, —

b) the, —

c) -, a

7. (5 баллов) Solve the rebus. В ответ запиши только разгаданное слово без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, wisdom


8. (7 баллов) Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each gap. В ответе укажи только слово без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, wisdom

We are a volunteer 1) _____________ (organise) and every summer we provide holiday fun for many 2) ________(child) who could not normally have a holiday. No specific 3) _________ (qualify) are necessary. You just need the 4) _______(able) to look after the kids. Our 5) _____ (select) procedure involves three stages. First, fill in our 6) ______(apply) form online. Then we’ll invite you to an assessment weekend where you work with others. If you are 7) _______ (success) we’ll finally ask you to provide two references from people who have known you well.


9. (10 баллов) Choose the right preposition.

1. The lake is at the end ___ the street.

a) after

b) of

c) with

d) on

2.They will be back ___ Sunday.

a) with

b) after

c) with

d) on

3.Mike said goodbye____ me and left.

a) to

b) after

c) in

d) for

4. My grandmother likes the pictures hanging ___ the walls.

a) by

b) of

c) with

d) on

5. I am looking ___ my little sister at the moment.

a) with

b) on

c) to

d) after

a) on

b) after

c) in

d) at

7. I would like to apply ___ the position of a manager.

a) in

b) for

c) among

d) at

8. Nina deals ___ some of our important clients.

a) with

b) on

c) to

d) after

9. They opened an office ___ 12 Komsomolskaya Street.

a) on

b) after

c) in

d) at

10. I saw a few familiar people ___ the crowd.

a) by

b) of

c) among

d) at

2. Some snakes can find food at night by sensing the (2) __________ of other animals.

3. Elephants can sense the movements of other elephants through the (3) __________.

4. Deer can learn and (4) __________ what foods are good and bad for them to eat.

5. Sharks notice differences in (5) __________ to help them find food.

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    Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each gap.

    We are a volunteer 1)____(organise) and every summer we provide holiday fun for many 2)_____(child) who could not normally have a holiday.

    No specific 3)____(qualify) are necessary.

    You just need the 4)____(able) to look after the kids.

    Our 5)____(select) procedure involves three stages.

    First, fill in our 6)______(apply) form online.

    Then well invite you to an 7)____(assess) weekend where you work with others.

    If you are 8)_____(success) well finally ask you to provide two 9)____(refer) from people who have known you well.

    Заранее спасибо!

    На этой странице вы найдете ответ на вопрос Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each gap?. Вопрос
    соответствует категории Английский язык и уровню подготовки учащихся 10 — 11 классов классов. Если ответ полностью не удовлетворяет критериям поиска, ниже можно
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    Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс

    время выполнения – 60 минут

    участники олимпиады, обращаем ваше внимание на то, что ответы можно вводить, используя
    только латинские буквы (английскую раскладку клавиатуры), иначе компьютер засчитает
    вам неверный ответ!

    1. (4 балла) Find the translation of the words. Make a
    word from the remaining letters. В ответе запиши полученное слово без пробелов и
    каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, day


    2. (2 балла) Choose
    the right answer to the replica

    a) I
    don’t care.                         b) No, I’m fine, thanks.

    c) Don’t
    you?                          d) What for?

    3. (7 баллов) Read the conditional sentences and choose
    if they are right or wrong. Pay attention to the tenses of the verbs.

    1. If
    I were rich I would buy a villa.

    right                  b) wrong

    2. If
    it is my birthday tomorrow, I’d invite my classmates.

    right                  b) wrong

    3. If
    the sun shines tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk.

    right                  b) wrong

    4. If
    you had looked carefully, you saw the banana skin.

    right                  b) wrong

    5. If
    I had a lot of money, I would travel round the world.

    right                  b) wrong

    6. If
    you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the train.

    right                  b) wrong

    7. If
    I am in your position, I’d buy a new suit.

    right                  b) wrong

    4. (7 баллов) Choose the
    right variant.

    1. We
    are sorry about the noise we _______ last night.

    created             b) did                   c) made

    2. Can
    I _____ the manager, please.

    watch               b) see                   c) look

    3. He
    promised to _______ the truth.

    speak               b) say                   c) tell

    4. Can
    I _______ your dictionary for a minute?

    lend                  b) borrow             c) give

    Does this car use ______ petrol?

    much                b) many               c) a few

    6. I
    can tell Tom everything and he won’t tell anyone else. I can really _____ him.

    believe              b) trust                 c) treat

    Please, ______ her about it as quick as possible.

    talk                   b) speak               c) tell

    5. (18 баллов) Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each

    Записывай только образованное слово
    возле соответствующего номера без пробелов и знаков препинания.

    Answer 1: _________                      Answer
    2: _________

    Answer 3: _________                      Answer
    4: _________

    Answer 5: _________                      Answer
    6: _________

    Answer 7: _________                      Answer
    8: _________

    Answer 9: _________

    6. (12 баллов) Put the verbs
    in brackets into the correct form. Leave one space between the words. Запиши необходимое
    слово в ответе без каких-либо знаков препинания. Ставь пробел между словами.

    1: ___________                   Answer 2: ___________

    3: ___________                   Answer 4: ___________

    5: ___________                   Answer 6: ___________

    7. (3 балла) Find a
    mistake in
    one of the underlined words.

    a) 1             b) 2             c) 3             d) 4

    8. (6 баллов) Solve the puzzle. В ответе запиши только разгаданное
    слово без каких-либо знаков препинания.


    Tasks on Listening Comprehension

    Ссылка на
    звуковой файл аудирования

    Ссылка на
    текст аудирования

    для скачивания аудиофайлов


    Trial [ˈtraɪəl] суд

    To be found guilty быть призванным виновным

    To consider guilty – признать виновным

    Jury [ˈʤʊərɪ]суд присяжных

    Recommendation for mercy [ˈmɜːsɪ] рекомендация о смягчении наказания

    To tire [ˈtaɪə] somebody out – «вымотать» кого-нибудь

    Strong-minded – «твердолобые»

    Fool – дурак

    9. (4 балла) Mark the sentences as true, false.

    Mike had been put in prison for stealing some money.

    true                   b) false

    2. Ted
    was Mike’s old friend.

    true                   b) false

    There were 11people on the jury.

    true                   b) false

    4. The
    jury had wanted to find Mike not guilty.

    true                   b) false

    10. (8 баллов) Write the missing
    В ответе запиши только необходимое
    слово без каких-либо знаков препинания.

    course, Mike was very1) ________, but he did not have a chance to see
    Tom for some time after the trial. At last, however, Tom 2) ______ him
    in prison, and Mike 3) ________ him warmly and asked him how he had
    managed to persuade the other 4) _________ of the jury to recommend

    1: __________________               Answer 2:__________________

    3:__________________                Answer 4:__________________

    71 балл.

    Все категории

    • Фотография и видеосъемка
    • Знания
    • Другое
    • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
    • Общество и политика
    • Образование
    • Путешествия и туризм
    • Искусство и культура
    • Города и страны
    • Строительство и ремонт
    • Работа и карьера
    • Спорт
    • Стиль и красота
    • Юридическая консультация
    • Компьютеры и интернет
    • Товары и услуги
    • Темы для взрослых
    • Семья и дом
    • Животные и растения
    • Еда и кулинария
    • Здоровье и медицина
    • Авто и мото
    • Бизнес и финансы
    • Философия, непознанное
    • Досуг и развлечения
    • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
    • Наука и техника


    Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each gap.
    PUT ONLY ONE NEW FORMED WORD, PLEASE. Вводим/записываем только образованное слово возле соответствующего номера!
    There are people who spend years suffering from an illness which doctors are not usually 25. _______________ (sympathy) towards. Hypochondria is a 26. _______________ (medicine) term which describes a hightly abnormal level of worry about your health. Sufferers regularly visit their doctors with 27. _______________ (complain) of serious symptoms which doctors cannot explain. Hypochondriacs are always 28. _______________ (pessimism) about their health and often imagine that they are suffering from dangerous of 29. ______________ (cure) diseases. They waste the valuable time of doctors when they are really perfectly healthy. Sufferers can be taught to control their feelings of 30. _______________ (anxious) through relaxation techniques.

    1 ответ:



    <span>There are
    people who spend years suffering from an illness which doctors are not usually
    25. sympathetic (sympathy) towards. Hypochondria is a 26. medical (medicine)
    term which describes a hightly abnormal level of worry about your health.
    Sufferers regularly visit their doctors with 27. complaints (complain) of
    serious symptoms which doctors cannot explain. Hypochondriacs are always 28. pessimistic
    (pessimism) about their health and often imagine that they are suffering from
    dangerous of 29. incurable (cure) diseases. They waste the valuable time of
    doctors when they are really perfectly healthy. Sufferers can be taught to
    control their feelings of 30. anxiety (anxious) through relaxation techniques.</span>

    Читайте также

    1 has been working 2 have been learning 3 have you been doing 4 has been shopping

    .1. students will take exams in May.2. last year the police had uncovered a crime.<span>3. Now feed the cat</span>

    1)Where were you and Jane yesterday evening?C
    2)was it a good film?D
    3)Were you with them?A

    I’ve got two friends………..

    <span>Drakosha purple ,friendly, beautiful and modest. The dragon very long sharp claws and a long tail. He loves to bake » queques » is served, cakes and biscuits.</span>

    Дракоша фиолетовый ,дружелюбный, красивый и скромный.У дракона очень длинные острые когти и длинный хвост. Он любит печь кексики, торты и печенье.

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  • For letter in word print letter
  • Form a new word from the root we are not
  • For lack of a better word перевод
  • Form a new word from the given one in brackets
  • For lack of a better word use