Forest school 7 grade lesson plan excel


  1. Lesson plan for 7 class «Film genres»
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  3. Forest school lesson/ session plans
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  6. Childrens outdoor activities bonus collection, early years, holiday time, primary outdoor
  7. Childcare/ Early childhood theories, perspectives and and inspirations
  8. Pack of 9 outdoor activities
  9. Outdoor/ forest school activity bumper pack extravaganza!
  10. Forest school/ outdoor training/ parent information
  11. Environmental problems
  12. Просмотр содержимого документа «Environmental problems»
  13. План урока для 7 класса «An Unforgettable Experience» (Excel 7)
  14. Просмотр содержимого документа «План урока для 7 класса «An Unforgettable Experience» (Excel 7)»

Lesson plan for 7 class «Film genres»

Урок сотавлен по с учетом обновленного содержания. Используется различные виды организации деятельности на уроке.

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«Lesson plan for 7 class «Film genres»»

Unit 6 Entertainment and Media

Teacher name: Teremizova L.V

Theme of the lesson: Reading and talking about films genres

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7 L2 understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

7S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics.

7 S6 begin to link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentences and discourse level in pairs, group and whole class exchanges.

All learners will be able to: identifying genres of films.

Most learners will be able to: listen and understand the dialogue with specific vocabulary.

Some learners will be able to give an opinion about film

Level of thinking skill

Knowledge, understanding, application, assessment.

1. Understand specific information.

3 .Give the opinion about the topic.

4. Take part in discussing and solving problems in groups

Common history, culture and language

Cross curricular links

Self-awareness, Russian , Kazakh language

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Get students ready to the class by greeting them, asking questions about their feelings.

Hello! How are you today?

Warm-up: Students give compliments each other

Task1 7L2. Students listen to the words and identify what topic they belong to? According to these words can you guess what is our theme?

documentary, soap opera, drama, the news, action, quiz show, cartoon

adventure, chat show, sport game, comedy show, drama, film, western

music programme, love story, nature programme.

Task2. (7C7). Answer the questions

1.Do you watch films?

2.How often do you watch films?

3.What film genres do you like to watch?

4.What film genres do you know?

5 Can you identify genre with the help of pictures or title?

Descriptor: a learner

answers the questions

Task2 Look at the screen and match the pictures with words (pair work)

Descriptor: learners in pairs match the pictures with the names of genres.

Adventure Drama Western Thriller Romance Fantasy

Detective Cartoon Comedy Horror Science fiction

Task 3 Describing the film genres.

Divide into groups with the help of cards (green cards and violet cards, purple cards)

Students sit in 3 groups :Action group , Comedy group, Cartoon group.

Descriptor Students should choose one genre, describe it and give examples of films. After preparation they present their work in front of the class and other groups assess the works with two stars.

Task 4 Complete the sentences with appropriate word.

Descriptor Students in pairs complete the sentences about genres of films. Students check the work of other pair, compare their answers.

Task 5 Listen to the dialogue and complete it with missing words. (Individually and then check in group)

Amazing, loved, brilliant, the point, fantastic, so, funny, part, scene, silly, special, favourite, clever, thought, quite.

Descriptor Students listen to the dialogue write down the words and then check their works in group.

Task 6 The work with the text. (Group work)

Descriptor Students work with the review of the film The Old Man (ex 5 p72 textbook English Plus 7 grade) They read the review and answer the question.

Teacher ask students to pay attention to the blue words in text.

Task 7 To learn the rule of using which, who, where (p 72 textbook English Plus 7 grade)

Descriptor Students look at the words in blue in text , then choose the correct words in the rules ex 3 (p 72 textbook English Plus 7 grade)

Teacher checks with the whole class –students read the sentences and others check.


Forest school lesson/ session plans

Subject: Personal, social and health education

Resource type: Other

Various subject areas and age groups from health and social care, childcare to forest school.

22 February 2018

Forest school lesson/ session plans

These plans have been successfully used for a primary school programme by a forest school leader.
There are links to the curriculum- literacy and numeracy, Roman and Celt theme/ topic links, adult/ child led activities, health and safety, resources required, differentiation and more, also a tool safety poster.

Get this resource as part of a bundle and save up to 79%

A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Childrens outdoor activities bonus collection, early years, holiday time, primary outdoor

Childrens outdoor activities bonus collection, early years, holiday time, primary outdoor. Try ne box card activities Scavenger hunts Campfire fun Counting outdoors Forest school activities and much more! A 20 resource bundle! Enjoy a 79% saving!

Childcare/ Early childhood theories, perspectives and and inspirations

Childcare/ Early childhood theories, perspectives and inspirations. Forest school lessons, pack, Montessori workshop and Maslow’s Hierarchy game. 63% SAVINGS

Pack of 9 outdoor activities

A bundle of 9 outdoor activities for children, perfect for setting up in your environment. Mud play, scavenger hunts, forest school ethos, campfire building, worksheets and more. Suitable for a range of ages from early years to primary, also fun, family days out. Outdoor play and learning.

Outdoor/ forest school activity bumper pack extravaganza!

This is a super opportunity to download and use these resources, all in one great bundle! Included is a lovely campfire activity guide with learning opportunity ideas and a nutritious diet coke chicken curry recipe. A counting activity while den building! forest school plans that ideas can be drawn from to suit your own practice, a pack containing a scavenger hunt, safety triangles and more, nature star quotes that can be laminated and placed in your outdoor area. On top of all that, a Magazine based on utilising technology outdoors! Have great fun! 67% SAVING!

Forest school/ outdoor training/ parent information

Forest school/ outdoor training/ parent information This would be useful when starting up/ developing your outdoor area, forest school session guides, signs and a presentation for parents or could use as a print out to send home. A massive 50% saving!


Environmental problems

Қоршан отаның ластануы жайлы. Оқушылар видео ролик көріп түсіндендерін айтады

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Environmental problems»

Unit of a long term plan: Space and Earth

Looking at the future and the environment

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

L8 understand supported narratives on a wide range of

general and curricular topics

S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics

All learners will be able to understand the meaning of a story about environment

Most learners will be able to speak about ecological problems

Some learners will be able to write an essay and tell the class

Recognize the meaning of a story with some support

Convey fantasy ideas including emotions and senses

Level of thinking

Economic growth based on industrialization and innovation

Holidays and travels

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Checking up the homework

Dividing the class into group with the pictures of nature

Pictures of nature

Task1 Method “Brainstorming”

Work with a partner .Look at the photos and describe them. What do you think the video will be about?

Find out about building sustainably?

2.Describes the pictures

Watch the video without sound and check your ideas.

-watches the video without voice

-works with groups and checks ideas

Which of the words below do you think you will hear in the video?

tornado flood sustainable renewable sunlight rain mirror solar panels natural electricity environment

— watches the video and finds given words

Task4 Method “Check up yourself”

Watch the video with sound. Check your answers to exercise 3

Task5. Method “Match the word”

Watch the video again and match the information.

1 hail stones a of homes and businesses

3 the wind speed was b Greensburg was created

4 the solar panels c create energy for the building

5 a new and improved d the size of tennis balls

e 320km per hour

— watches the video

matches the sentences with the right column

Task6 Method “Changing station”

Discuss the questions in groups.

1 What are the most common natural disasters in your country?

2Are there any buildings in your town with solar panels?

3 Do many people have solar panels on their houses in your town ?

4Do you think solar panels are a good idea? WhyWhy not?

In my country, we have terrible forest fires….

-discusses with group

-answers the questions

for Kazakhstan 7 Grade Student s book

Excel for Kazakhstan 7 Grade

for Kazakhstan 7 Grade

for Kazakhstan 7 Grade

Home task; Ex 6 page48

Assessment: Teacher assesses learners with colorful leaves;

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Differentiationcan be achievedthroughtheselectionofactivities, identification of learning outcomes for a certain student, provision of individual support to learners,selection of learning materials and resources based on the individual abilities of leaners (Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner).

Use this section to record the techniques that you will use to assess what the learners have learned during the lesson.

Health saving technologies.

Using physical exercises and active activities.

Rules from the Safety Rules book which can be applied in this lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve thelesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class orindividuals that will inform my next lesson?


План урока для 7 класса «An Unforgettable Experience» (Excel 7)

An Unforgettable Experience

Просмотр содержимого документа
«План урока для 7 класса «An Unforgettable Experience» (Excel 7)»

Unit: 7.2 Holidays and Travel

Teacher name: Sadchikova

Theme of the lesson

An Unforgettable Experience

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.L3 Understand with some support most of the detail of an argument in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

7.S7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general

topics, and some curricular topic

7.UE9 Use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

All learners will be able to:

Use/learn vocabulary related to travelling by plane.

Complete exercises on the above topic.

Make an electronic booking.

Most learners will be able to:

punctuate the written text

share with their personal opinions in writing task

Some learners will be able to:

• use Present and Past Simple tenses correctly

Technology gadgets that can be used while travelling

Projector or Smart board to show a presentation

Cooperation, respect to each other, functional literacy

Cross curricular links

Travelling in a city in Kazakhstan and abroad

Talking about how people get to places in Kazakhstan

To develop leadership skills

To provide opportunity to work autonomously

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work

Health and Safety

Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard

Everyday classroom precautions

W – whole class discussion I – individual work P – pair work G – group work f – Formative assessment

Greeting learners. Setting positive atmosphere by asking some ice breaking questions.

To write an article about holiday problems

T. presents vocabulary related to ways of booking a ticket and their costs.

T. tells Ss that they are going to listen to a dialogue for the first time. While listening they answer the focus questions.

1. Where does Mary Jones want to go? She wants to go to Sydney.

2. What type of ticket does she want? She wants an economy class ticket

Ss give their answers.

T. corrects their answers and shows them on the O.P.

T. tells Ss that they are going to listen to the dialogue for the second time and do the T/F exercise.

Write T (True) or F (False)

1. Mary Jones wants to travel next Tuesday morning. ___ f

2. She will be staying there for three weeks. _____t

3. The flight leaves at 16:00 hrs. f

4. The flight arrives at 9:25 a.m. _____t

5. The flight number is NWA _____t

T. gives time to Ss to do the exercise individually. Then Ss compare their answers with their partners.

T. corrects the exercise on the O.P.

T. asks Ss to work in groups to fill in the gaps on the handout.

T. goes around monitoring and helping the Ss.

Then Ss role-play the conversation with their partner

Reservations clerk: — Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you?

Mary Jones: — Yes, do you have any ¹flights to Sydney next Tuesday

Reservations clerk: — One ²moment, please… Yes. There’s a flight at 16:45 and

Mary Jones: — That’s fine. 3 Could you tell me how much a 4 return flight

costs? I’ll be staying three weeks.

Reservations clerk: — Economy, 5 business class or first class ticket?

Mary Jones: — 6 Economy, please.

Reservations clerk: — That would be €346.

Mary Jones: — OK. Could I make a 7 reservation?

Reservations clerk: — Certainly. Which flight would you like?

Mary Jones: — The 16:45, please.

Reservations clerk: — Could I have your 8 name, please?

Mary Jones: — My name is Mary Jones, that’s M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S.

Reservations clerk: — How would you like to pay, Ms Jones?

Mary Jones: — Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick my 9 ticket?

Reservations clerk: — Yes, but you will have to 10 confirm this reservation at

least two hours before 11 departure time.

Mary Jones: — I see.

Reservations clerk: — Now you have been booked, Ms Jones. The flight leaves

at 16:45, and your 12 arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m.,

local time. The flight number is NWA 476.

Mary Jones: — Thank you.

Reflection “Plus-Minus-Interesting” technique

This exercise can be done orally, as well as in written form, which will depend on time you have. When you do it written form you should fill in the three columns of the table. In the column «P» — «plus»- write everything you liked at the lesson, information and forms, which caused positive emotions, or, may be useful for achieving objectives. In the column «M» — «minus»- you can write anything you didn’t like at the lesson, what was boring for you, stayed unknown, or any useless information. In the column «I» — «interesting»- you can write curious facts, they’ve learned at the lesson, anything you would like to learn about problems, questions to the teacher.


forest school medium term plan with lesson plans

Subject: Physical education

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

sarah kenna

Last updated

23 October 2017

a full terms worth of forest school

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Task1 7L2. Students listen to the words and identify what topic they belong to? According to these words can you guess what is our theme?

documentary, soap opera, drama, the news, action, quiz show, cartoon

adventure, chat show, sport game, comedy show, drama, film, western

music programme, love story, nature programme.

Task2. (7C7). Answer the questions

1.Do you watch films?

2.How often do you watch films?

3.What film genres do you like to watch?

4.What film genres do you know?

5 Can you identify genre with the help of pictures or title?

Descriptor: a learner

  1. answers the questions

Task2 Look at the screen and match the pictures with words (pair work)

Descriptor: learners in pairs match the pictures with the names of genres.

Adventure Drama Western Thriller Romance Fantasy

Detective Cartoon Comedy Horror Science fiction

Task 3 Describing the film genres.

Divide into groups with the help of cards (green cards and violet cards, purple cards)

Students sit in 3 groups :Action group , Comedy group, Cartoon group.

Descriptor Students should choose one genre, describe it and give examples of films. After preparation they present their work in front of the class and other groups assess the works with two stars.

Task 4 Complete the sentences with appropriate word.

Descriptor Students in pairs complete the sentences about genres of films. Students check the work of other pair, compare their answers.

Task 5 Listen to the dialogue and complete it with missing words. (Individually and then check in group)

Amazing, loved, brilliant, the point, fantastic, so, funny, part, scene, silly, special, favourite, clever, thought, quite.

Descriptor Students listen to the dialogue write down the words and then check their works in group.

Task 6 The work with the text. (Group work)

Descriptor Students work with the review of the film The Old Man (ex 5 p72 textbook English Plus 7 grade) They read the review and answer the question.

Teacher ask students to pay attention to the blue words in text.

Task 7 To learn the rule of using which, who, where (p 72 textbook English Plus 7 grade)

Descriptor Students look at the words in blue in text , then choose the correct words in the rules ex 3 (p 72 textbook English Plus 7 grade)

Teacher checks with the whole class –students read the sentences and others check.

Материалдар / Lesson plan, 7 grade (Сабақ жоспары, 7 сынып)

Аттестацияның пробный
сұрақтарын тапсырып
тестке дайындалыңыз!

Ұлттық тестілеу орталығының тақырыптары бойынша жасалған

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік

Environmental problem “Smog in the city”, 7 grade(7С1) understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics
(7R2) understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
(7L1) use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups
(7C3) respect differing points of view
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
• describe main points of the environmental problems using the target vocabulary in speaking tasks with support
• recognize and explain the main reasons of environmental causes from the text
• analyze and solve the problems of the environmental problem in group work
• express own views on the topic


Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ

05 Қараша 2021


2 рет жүктелген

Бүгін алсаңыз

30% жеңілдік


770 тг 539 тг

Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге

Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!

Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Text Centered

«Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналы министірліктің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігімен ресми тіркелген.

Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды.

Сайтта заңсыз жарияланған материалды көрсеңіз бізге хабарласыңыз. Редакцияның көзқарасы автордың көзқарасымен сәйкес келмеуі мүмкін.

Материал іздеу

Сіз үшін 400 000 ұстаздардың еңбегі мен тәжірибесін біріктіріп, ең үлкен материалдар базасын жасадық. Төменде пәніңізді белгілеп, керек материалды алып сабағыңызға қолдана аласыз

Барлығы 663 959 материал жиналған

Обновлено: 13.04.2023

Написание поурочных планов — это каждодневная работа любого учителя. Работа не из легких, но с помощью моих наработок любой учитель английского языка сможет значительно снизить свою нагрузку, ведь я предлагаю скачать готовые поурочные планы по английскому языку. Все выложенные мною поурочные планы шаблонны и в них могут вносится любые изменения. Предлагаю оценить мой труд.

Поурочные планы расчитаны на двухчасовую нагрузку в неделю. Подойдут для большинства средних школ Казахстана. Планы написаны по УМК Аяповой, который имеет наибольшее распространение по Республике.

Цели урока: совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в рамках данной темы.

Задачи урока:

Образовательная: активизировать употребление активной лексики при говорении о местах в городе; совершенствование навыки говорения на основе аудиотекста; совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

Задачи для учащихся: научиться спрашивать, где находится определенное здание в городе и как до него добраться.

Развивающая: развитие умений работы в командах; умения применять полученные знания в стандартной и нестандартной ситуациях, уметь анализировать, приводить примеры и логически мыслить.

Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию вежливости.

Лексический материал: bank, car park, exhibition centre, fitness centre, high-rise, river bank, skyscraper, town hall.

Английский язык: учебник для 7 класса / Юхнель Н.В.
Английский язык: рабочая тетрадь для 7 класса / Наумова Е.Г., Волков А.В.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Краткосрочный план урока по английскому языку в 7 классе. Тема урока «Computers».

Short term plan

Unit 2. Communication and technology

LESSON: Computers

School-gymnasium N 17

Subject: English

Date: 8 .10.17

Teacher: Netkachyova Tatyana Alexandrovna

CLASS: 7 “B”

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics — ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics begin to recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a limited range of spoken genres

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

read for specific information, understand the key words

Most learners will be able to:

read for specific information, use the key words in the speech

Some learners will be able to:

do a survey and make a graph, present survey results, present the poster

Language objectives

To read for specific information, to analyse and talk about survey results, to do a survey and make a graph, to present survey results

Value links

Respect and support classmates’ points of view and their choices

Smart board for presenting a PowerPoint Presentation, CD player

Pastoral Care

Students will be able to understand the importance of respecting values

Previous learning

GR: can/could-be able to, past habits (used to)

Planned timings

Planned activities

Class organisation

Warm-up and lesson objectives presentation

Guess the word. This is a technical device. You use it practically every day for typing, listening to music, playing games. I use it for my lessons. What is it? (A computer)

What association do you have when you hear “computer”? Possible answers: games, keyboard, the Internet.

Listen and repeat the key words: screen, webcam, speakers, mouse, keyboard, scanner, printer, DVD/CD drive. T-Cl


Use the key words to make sentences about the items in the pictures, ex 1 p 22. E.g. We use a webcam to see people through the Internet. (“Hot chair” strategy) The class gives the definition and one pupil names the key word.

Look at the text. Read the title and the first sentence in each paragraph, and try to guess what is the text about, ex 2 p 22. Listen and check

Objective: understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics

Read the text and make the notes: “v” if you know this, “+” if the information is new, “-“ if the information doesn’t coincide your knowledge, “?” if you would like to learn more. (“Insert” strategy)

Discuss the results in pairs.

Read the text and answer the questions, ex 3 p 22

Would you like to live in such a house? Why? Why not? T-P1, P2

Objective: give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics

Divide into groups “scanner”, “printer”, “keyboard”.

In groups, design your ideal house, ex 3c p 22. Present your house to the class. Give the smile to the poster you liked best.

Physical exercises

Ex 4 p 23. Look at the graph. Use the key words and the phrases to talk about teenagers. Ask and answer the questions: How often do you use a computer? What do you use it for?

Ex 7 p 23. Do your classmates use their computers in the same way as American teenagers? Do a survey and make a graph to represent the results. Present the graph to the class.

Objective: ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics

Материал содержит план урока + презентация. Разработан по учебнику «Excel» for Kazakhstan, Grade 7, by Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley – Bob Obee, Express Publisshing, Translations by: Natalya Mukhamedjianova

Содержимое разработки


Unit: 7.2 Holidays and Travel

School: Kyzylzhar secondary school

Teacher name: Saliakhunova L.K.

Number present

The theme of the lesson: The best places to visit in Kazakhstan

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C3 respect differing points of view

7.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics

7. R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

give short answers about travelling and tourism in Kazakhstan,

Match the activities and places with some teacher’s support;

Most learners will be able to:

give extended answers about travelling and tourism in Kazakhstan;

show the cities and countries on the map independently;

match the activities and places on their own;

Some learners will be able to:

apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately a rranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences

Previous learning

Gathering information about festivals in Kazakhstan and around the world (Food and drink), countries, cities,

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Greetings. “Circle of joy”

Greeting learners. Setting positive atmosphere by asking some ice breaking questions in the circle of joy

(W) Pupils divide into 4 groups by pictures .

(G) Warm-up. Brainstorming.

Game: Where is it?

Pictures are given with different kinds of sights of different countries. Students must guess where everything is.

W hat kind of interesting places of Kazakhstan do you know?


Pre-teaching new vocabulary:

space station

(G) Reading. Jigsaw reading. (FA)

Differentiation. Descriptor:

read correct – 1 point

read correct and translate – 1 point

read correct, translate and retell – 1 point

Texts for group 1

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Astana is famous for its modern buildings. The popular buildings are the monument of Baiterek and Duman center

Almaty, the biggest city in the country, is setting between plains and mountains. The town has lots of theaters, museums, exhibition halls, art galleries and business centers and also a wide variety of entertainment complexes including movie theaters, night clubs, restaurants and cafes.

Texts for group 2

Medeo is only 15 km away from Almaty. There is the most unique and largest speed skating rink in the whole world that is located at 1,700 meters above sea level.

Baikonur Cosmodrome is the world’s oldest and largest space station. It covers an area of nearly 7,000 square kilometers. Baikonur is very important in the history of space travel.

Texts for group 3

Taraz is the oldest city in Kazakhstan. The town celebrated reaching 2,000 years in 2001. The Aisha Bibi and Babaji mausoleums are great masterpieces of antique architecture.

Mangystau is the best place in Kazakhstan. It is rich in gas, building resources and oil. It has a rich cultural tradition. Some of the best hotels in Kazakhstan are found here.

Texts for group 4

In Turkestan you’ll see the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. It’s one of Kazakhstan’s most important buildings. It’s 39 metres high and it has fabulous blue domes. Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is buried here.

The Burabai National Nature Park is the most beautiful area of Kazakhstan. In the park you will find incredible lakes, mountains and forests of pine and birch trees. In Burabai you can walk, cycle, swim, camp, lie on beaches and go sailing. The most beautiful lake is Lake Burabai.

(FA) Post-reading task

Differentiation. Descriptors:

True or false — 1 point

Make questions and answer them — 1 point

Make a short topic — 1 point

Task for T or F

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan T F

Almaty is the smallest city in the country T F

Baiterek and Duman center are situated in Almaty T F

Almaty is situated near the Caspian sea

Medeo is situated so far from Almaty T F

Medeo is a skating rink T F

Baikonur Cosmodrome is a space station T F

Baikonur Cosmodrome is situated in Russia T F

Taraz is the oldest city in Kazakhstan T F

The Aisha Bibi and Babaji mausoleums are situated in Almaty T F

Mangystau is rich in gas, building resources and oil. T F

Mangystau has a rich cultural tradition T F

In Turkestan you’ll see the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi T F

The Burabai is the National Nature Park T F

The Burabai is situated in Astana T F

In Turkestan you can lie on beaches and go sailing. T F

(G) Project work. Feedback

Students make a poster with colorful-pens, colour pencils, markers

To advertise on the most interesting places of Kazakhstan and to protect the poster

What are the best places to go on holiday in Kazakhstan?

Where would you advise tourists to visit in your area? Why?

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