Forced return in word

Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated April 7, 2018)
This tip applies to Word 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003

When you use a typewriter, you press the Return, or Enter, key at the end of each line. This signifies you are done with one line and ready to begin the next. In Word, however, you do not have to do this. When you set up your page margins, Word is programmed to know that when you reach the right margin your text should automatically wrap to the next line.

There may be times, however, when you want to end a line before you get to the right margin. In these instances, you can end a line in either of two ways. The first way is to press the Enter key where you want the line to end. This results in a hard return being entered in the document. This action (pressing Enter) indicates that you have reached the end of the paragraph and want to start a new one.

The other way to end a line is to press Shift+Enter; this results in a soft return, sometimes called a line break or a newline character, being entered in the document. Hard returns are used to signify the end of a paragraph, whereas soft returns simply signify the end of a line.

If you have changed your view options so you can see all nonprinting characters, then a hard return appears on your screen as a paragraph mark (a backwards P), and a soft return appears as a down-and-left pointing arrow.

WordTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Word training.
(Microsoft Word is the most popular word processing software in the world.)
This tip (170) applies to Microsoft Word 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003.

Author Bio

With more than 50 non-fiction books and numerous magazine articles to his credit, Allen Wyatt is an internationally recognized author. He is president of Sharon Parq Associates, a computer and publishing services company. Learn more about Allen…


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Image of Susan Harkins


August 23, 2021, 9:27 AM PDT

How to use Replace to remove or add hard returns in a Word document

Too many or too few hard returns can ruin an otherwise professional looking Microsoft Word document. Fortunately, it’s easy to add and replace those hard returns using Word’s Replace feature.

Image: iStock/Sonja Rachbauer

In a Word document, you usually allow Word to wrap to the next line as you enter content. You press Enter only when you’re ready to start a new paragraph. It’s not uncommon though, especially with older documents that you inherit to find more than one hard return between paragraphs. That’s because someone used hard returns instead of altering the text style to add white space. It’s not right or wrong, but in this article, I’ll show you how to use the Replace feature to delete and add hard returns.

SEE: 83 Excel tips every user should master (TechRepublic)

I’m using Microsoft 365 on a Windows 10 64-bit system, but you can use earlier versions. Word Online doesn’t support special-character searches yet. There’s no demonstration file; you don’t need one. Enter =Rand() into a blank document to create a few paragraphs of text, as I did.

What’s a hard return?

Before we get started, I want to mention that the term hard return refers to manually pressing Enter to wrap text to the next line. Word refers to it as a paragraph mark. You’ll see the terms used interchangeably. In this article, I’ll use hard return when speaking generally and I’ll use paragraph mark when referring to the actual symbol circled in Figure A. To see this symbol, click Show/Hide in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.

As you can see in Figure A, there’s only one paragraph mark (hard return) between paragraphs. By default, newer versions of Word automatically add white space between paragraphs using a Spacing setting (more about that later). That’s how you get so much white space between paragraphs with only one hard return. You can adjust the setting, but let’s don’t. Instead, let’s remove it using Replace and see what happens.

Figure A

Deleting hard returns using Replace in Word

Now let’s suppose that you don’t want all that white space between he paragraphs, and you incorrectly assume that there are two hard returns instead of one because the paragraphs. In this case, you might do the following using Replace:

  1. On the Home tab, click Editing and then choose Replace, or click Ctrl + G. Click the Replace tab if necessary.
  2. Click More if necessary to expose more options.
  3. Click inside the Find What control.
  4. Click the Special button at the bottom of the dialog and choose Paragraph Mark from the resulting list (Figure B). Do this again, so Word looks for two paragraph marks (Figure C). The characters ^p represent a paragraph mark. It’s worth noting that you should use the Special button to enter special characters. Entering the carat character (^) manually doesn’t always work.
  5. Click inside the Replace With control.
  6. Use the Special button to enter only one Paragraph Mark (Figure C).
  7. Take a shortcut and click Replace All. Word confirms the task but makes no replacement (Figure D). (If you have one, don’t worry, it’s probably an extra hard return at the end of the text.)

Figure B

Figure C

Figure D

Are you surprised that nothing happened? By replacing two paragraph marks with only one, you might think you’re removing a paragraph mark between each paragraph, but that didn’t work because there’s only one paragraph mark. Word didn’t find two paragraph marks together.

Let’s delete just one paragraph mark and see what happens. Repeat the steps above, but in step 4, you need only one Paragraph Mark and in step 6, leave the Replace With control blank (delete the original paragraph mark from the first run if necessary). When you click Replace All, Word deletes all of the paragraph marks (a total of 5) and you end up with the single paragraph shown in Figure E.

Figure E

Before we move on to the section on adding hard returns, press Ctrl + Z to undo the Replace task and reset the text to its original space formatting.

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How to add hard returns using Replace in Word

Now we already know that there’s only one hard return between each paragraph and that a space setting is creating all that white space, so let’s delete it so we can practice adding a hard return using Replace. First, let’s change that space setting as follows:

  1. Select the content (all of it).
  2. Click the More button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.
  3. On the Indents and Spacing tab, check the Don’t Add Space Between Paragraphs of the Same Style option (Figure F).
  4. Click OK.

Figure F

The extra spacing is gone, but the single hard returns are still in place. What we need to do now is add a hard return to add more spacing. (I know it seems like we’re not actually solving anything, and we’re not; we’re simply working through examples of how to add and delete paragraph returns using Replace.)

Repeat the instructions for the replace task used above. You’re looking for one paragraph return (^p), and you want to replace it with two (^p^p). You’re reversing the first replace task. Figure G shows the results. The spacing is similar to the earlier space setting.

Figure G

I’m not suggesting that you eliminate the default spacing between paragraphs and then replace it with two hard returns using Replace. That’s not the point of the exercises. We’re deleting and adding hard returns using Replace because it’s easier than manually removing and adding them. You’ve learned that you can use Replace to add and delete them and that ^p represents a paragraph mark when searching a document.

Also See

  • How to make fewer mistakes and work more efficiently using predictive text in Microsoft 365

  • How to use the many text wrapping options in Microsoft Word

  • Microsoft 365: A cheat sheet

  • Zoom vs. Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx and Skype: Choosing the right video-conferencing apps for you (free PDF)

  • Checklist: Securing Windows 10 systems
    (TechRepublic Premium)

  • Must-read coverage: Windows 10
    (TechRepublic on Flipboard)

  • Microsoft

  • Software

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

принудительного возвращения

принудительное возвращение

принудительном возвращении

насильственного возвращения

принудительному возвращению

насильственное возвращение

принудительной репатриации

насильственным возвращением

принудительном выдворении

принудительного возврата

принудительного выдворения

принудительных возвращений

принудительной высылки

насильственная высылка

принудительным возвращением


By their very nature, forced return operations have the potential to involve serious violations of fundamental rights.

You also have to pay for the cost of your forced return.

The convention prohibits the forced return of refugees.

It also forbids the forced return of those asylum seekers.

She expressed grave concern at reports of forced return of refugees.

A foreigner or a stateless person must leave the territory of Ukraine within the period specified in the decision on forced return.

Иностранец или лицо без гражданства обязаны самостоятельно покинуть территорию Украины в срок, указанный в решении о принудительном возвращении.

That the risk must be real means that it must be the necessary and foreseeable consequence of the forced return.

Требование о наличии реальной опасности означает, что она должна быть неизбежным и прогнозируемым следствием принудительного возвращения.

The applicant receives a residence permit for one year, after which the ban on forced return is re-assessed.

Соискатель получает разрешение на временное проживание в Германии на один год, по истечении которого вопрос запрета на принудительное возвращение пересматривается.

There is no record of cases of extradition, forced return or expulsion of anyone from Nepal since 1994.

In these cases, the decision on forced return may be accompanied by a prohibition of entry to Ukraine for a term of 3 years.

В указанных случаях решение о принудительном возвращении может сопровождаться запретом въезда в Украину сроком на З года.

The entry ban and the forced return of foreigners should not be equated with a refusal to cross the Ukrainian border.

Запрет на въезд и принудительное возвращение иностранцев не следует отождествлять с отказом в пересечении границы Украины.

Parents are often informed by courts or administrative authorities of the possibilities of mediation at this stage, as it may avoid the forced return of children.

Суды или административные органы часто информируют родителей о возможности медиации на этой стадии для избежания принудительного возвращения детей.

Control of correct and timely execution of the decision on forced return of a foreigner or stateless person is the responsibility of the agency adopting it.

Контроль за правильным и своевременным исполнением решения о принудительном возвращении иностранца или лица без гражданства осуществляется органом, который его принял.

Regarding them, materials about their forced return from the territory of Ukraine have been prepared.

The European Union condemned the policy of the forced return and expulsion of refugees.

EU-FRA noted the late notification of the migrant of a forced return measure.

The Sudan was implementing a policy of exclusively voluntary return; there had not been any cases of forced return.

Судан проводит политику исключительно добровольного возвращения; в стране не было зарегистрировано ни одного принудительного возвращения.

It called on all States to recognize the threat to the lives and freedom of those fleeing that country in case of forced return.

Делегация призывает все государства признать угрозу жизни и свободе лиц, бежавших из этой страны, в случае их принудительного возвращения.

The warranty, moreover, must provide an immediate economic willingness in case of forced return by tourists from countries not within the European Union during attributed emergency occasions.

Фонд также должен обеспечить немедленную экономическую готовность в случае принудительного возвращения туристов из стран, не входящих в ЕС, в случае возникновения чрезвычайных ситуаций, связанных с поведением организатора или нет.

There has been significant concern recently about reports of the forced return to Myanmar of refugees in Thailand to conflict areas.

Серьезную озабоченность вызывают недавно полученные сообщения о принудительном возвращении в районы Мьянмы, охваченные конфликтом, беженцев из Таиланда.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain forced return

Results: 223. Exact: 223. Elapsed time: 79 ms.


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