For the word unlimited


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The system can support an unlimited number of users.

Система может поддерживать неограниченное число пользователей.

Her funds seem to be unlimited.

Её запасы кажутся бесконечными.

Membership gives you unlimited access to the facilities.

Членство даёт вам неограниченный доступ к услугам и объектам.

Nature provides an unlimited fund of energy available to all living things.

Природа предоставляет неограниченный источник энергии, доступный для всего живого.

This plan allows you to make an unlimited number of phone calls to anywhere in the U.S.

Этот тарифный план позволяет совершать неограниченное количество звонков в любую точку США.

A man has no unlimited privilege of boring other people.

Ни один человек не обладает неограниченным правом надоедать другим людям.

Look for a car hire agreement that offers unlimited mileage.

Ищите такое соглашение о прокате автомобиля, которое предлагает неограниченный пробег.

This ticket is good for unlimited travel on all trains.

Этот билет действителен для неограниченного проезда на всех поездах.

The ticket offers unlimited travel on British Rail for seven days.

Данный билет предоставляет право неограниченного проезда по британским железным дорогам в течение семи дней.

During those early halcyon years the company’s potential for growth seemed unlimited.

В те чудесные ранние годы казалось, что потенциал роста компании не знает границ.

Возможные однокоренные слова

limit  — предел, лимит, граница, предельный размер, ограничивать, лимитировать
limitation  — ограничение, ограниченность, срок давности, срок, оговорка, исковая давность
limited  — ограниченный, ограничивающийся, отграниченный

  • absolute
  • boundless
  • endless
  • immeasurable
  • immense
  • incalculable
  • indefinite
  • infinite
  • limitless
  • unconditional
  • unfettered
  • universal
  • unrestrained
  • unrestricted
  • untold
  • vast
  • all-encompassing
  • all-out
  • countless
  • full
  • full-blown
  • full-out
  • full-scale
  • great
  • illimitable
  • incomprehensible
  • interminable
  • measureless
  • no end of
  • no end to
  • no strings
  • numberless
  • total
  • totalitarian
  • unbounded
  • unconfined
  • unconstrained
  • unfathomed
  • unqualified
  • wide open

On this page you’ll find 106 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to unlimited, such as: absolute, boundless, endless, immeasurable, immense, and incalculable.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use unlimited in a sentence

Best mittens for under $20The best mittens come in a few basic shapes, but you can get them for a seemingly unlimited range of prices, from single-digit dollars to over a cool hundred.


With a corded vac, yes, you have the potential issues referenced above, but you also have a consistent supply of unlimited power coming to your machine which means you can vacuum for as long as you want.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • complete
  • consummate
  • downright
  • entire
  • flat out
  • free
  • full
  • infinite
  • no catch
  • no fine print
  • no holds barred
  • no ifs ands or buts
  • no joke
  • no strings attached
  • outright
  • plenary
  • pure
  • sheer
  • simple
  • straight out
  • supreme
  • thorough
  • total
  • unabridged
  • unadulterated
  • unconditional
  • unlimited
  • unqualified
  • unrestricted
  • utter
  • absolute
  • all-powerful
  • invincible
  • mighty
  • omnipotent
  • puissant
  • supreme
  • unlimited
  • boundless
  • deep
  • endless
  • far down
  • immeasurable
  • infinite
  • unending
  • unfathomable
  • unlimited
  • vast
  • great
  • illimitable
  • immeasurable
  • immense
  • incalculable
  • indefinite
  • inexhaustible
  • infinite
  • limitless
  • measureless
  • no catch
  • no end of
  • no end to
  • no holds barred
  • no strings
  • no strings attached
  • tremendous
  • unbounded
  • unconfined
  • unending
  • unlimited
  • untold
  • vast
  • wide open
  • all-embracing
  • all-inclusive
  • comprehensive
  • copious
  • encyclopedic
  • expansive
  • extended
  • extensive
  • far-flung
  • far-reaching
  • general
  • inclusive
  • nonspecific
  • scopic
  • sweeping
  • ubiquitous
  • undetailed
  • universal
  • unlimited
  • wide
  • wide-ranging
  • widespread
  • all-embracing
  • all-inclusive
  • comprehensive
  • copious
  • encyclopedic
  • expansive
  • extended
  • far-flung
  • far-reaching
  • general
  • inclusive
  • nonspecific
  • scopic
  • sweeping
  • ubiquitous
  • undetailed
  • universal
  • unlimited
  • wide
  • wide-ranging
  • widespread

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

How Do You Spell UNLIMITED?

Correct spelling for the English word «unlimited» is [ʌnlˈɪmɪtɪd], [ʌnlˈɪmɪtɪd], [ʌ_n_l_ˈɪ_m_ɪ_t_ɪ_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Table of Contents

Anagrams for unlimited

  • 3 letters
  • 4 letters
  • 5 letters
  • 7 letters
  • 8 letters

Common Misspellings for UNLIMITED

Below is the list of 71 misspellings for the word «unlimited».

  • inlimited
  • unlmited
  • inlighted
  • unlimitted
  • uncomitted
  • unlimitied
  • umlimited
  • unlimeted
  • ulimited
  • unlimeded
  • ilimated
  • unlimit
  • unlimeited
  • unlitmited
  • unpermited
  • unlinited
  • annimated
  • unfilimiarity
  • unsolicated
  • unlimtied
  • unlimiited
  • unliminted
  • unlimmited
  • alimited
  • anniliated
  • unallotted
  • enilialated
  • nonpermited
  • unlimiting
  • uncommited
  • unlimitely
  • unlimted
  • unltimate
  • unilmited
  • unimited
  • onlinemedia
  • antamited
  • elimated
  • unlimated
  • unpermitted
  • elemited
  • intimited
  • unlitmate
  • inplimented
  • islimited
  • unsoliciated
  • utlitmate
  • elimited
  • inlifted
  • unsolictied
  • annililated
  • unlimite
  • animted
  • lilmited
  • unlimatly
  • animeted
  • inililated
  • unlimkited
  • unlimately
  • unlimied
  • elimiated
  • utlimitley
  • unlitmed
  • unlimitless
  • animiated
  • unlimed
  • notlimited
  • elimted
  • inflamated
  • unllimited
  • unsolicitted

Similar spelling words for UNLIMITED

  • unlined,
  • unhelmeted.

377 words made out of letters UNLIMITED

3 letters

  • dim,
  • mei,
  • lei,
  • dle,
  • dun,
  • emu,
  • ent,
  • din,
  • mid,
  • iud,
  • mut,
  • lid,
  • ten,
  • uni,
  • let,
  • tun,
  • eld,
  • ult,
  • net,
  • mud,
  • med,
  • ute,
  • due,
  • nim,
  • tum,
  • leu,
  • min,
  • dit,
  • mil,
  • tin,
  • nit,
  • lii,
  • lin,
  • ltd,
  • tiu,
  • lit,
  • lie,
  • ted,
  • lem,
  • den,
  • led,
  • mit,
  • nil,
  • men,
  • end,
  • tie,
  • enl,
  • die,
  • nut,
  • elm.

4 letters

  • nudi,
  • edit,
  • iten,
  • emin,
  • iuni,
  • tuen,
  • dint,
  • luit,
  • duin,
  • muil,
  • muen,
  • nude,
  • mute,
  • leum,
  • edun,
  • mule,
  • lieu,
  • duit,
  • leud,
  • etui,
  • tiel,
  • inme,
  • mine,
  • delu,
  • duet,
  • idit,
  • deli,
  • mend,
  • iiun,
  • mite,
  • lent,
  • melt,
  • demi,
  • ilet,
  • idle,
  • item,
  • unit,
  • inle,
  • enid,
  • dime,
  • leit,
  • dule,
  • iilm,
  • dniu,
  • enim,
  • etim,
  • dlim,
  • mini,
  • inul,
  • liut,
  • mudl,
  • midi,
  • lude,
  • tund,
  • nuel,
  • lund,
  • idli,
  • emit,
  • mudi,
  • iuml,
  • limn,
  • tide,
  • ludi,
  • neid,
  • utne,
  • lein,
  • mult,
  • milt,
  • duli,
  • luin,
  • tieu,
  • ulin,
  • idlu,
  • mild,
  • diet,
  • unie,
  • lime,
  • mint,
  • idun,
  • duen,
  • uitm,
  • lien,
  • nidi,
  • medl,
  • duel,
  • mien,
  • deul,
  • tile,
  • duei,
  • dimi,
  • dent,
  • tumi,
  • mile,
  • mein,
  • menu,
  • umit,
  • tuel,
  • lini,
  • lint,
  • teli,
  • neum,
  • tied,
  • leti,
  • timu,
  • muti,
  • lunt,
  • meld,
  • tune,
  • tine,
  • idul,
  • luen,
  • duni,
  • lute,
  • tuni,
  • nute,
  • idil,
  • deut,
  • itum,
  • leni,
  • numt,
  • dine,
  • tuin,
  • dein,
  • nied,
  • deum,
  • deim,
  • liet,
  • tend,
  • milu,
  • ulmi,
  • munt,
  • udin,
  • temu,
  • eini,
  • tuli,
  • imin,
  • ndut,
  • line,
  • lied,
  • lite,
  • nile,
  • uden,
  • numi,
  • inti,
  • mind,
  • unti,
  • dieu,
  • iiul,
  • lind,
  • ueli,
  • temi,
  • lend,
  • nuit,
  • metn,
  • dune,
  • time,
  • inui.

5 letters

  • tiein,
  • dntel,
  • neumi,
  • mediu,
  • lindt,
  • lundi,
  • inmet,
  • dunem,
  • nield,
  • enlit,
  • neild,
  • lutie,
  • mendl,
  • muite,
  • mulde,
  • meinl,
  • inlet,
  • timei,
  • lumen,
  • edinu,
  • meuli,
  • temin,
  • untie,
  • dietl,
  • tumen,
  • melin,
  • nedum,
  • mitul,
  • tueni,
  • ilmen,
  • metin,
  • muled,
  • unmet,
  • menti,
  • munde,
  • ileum,
  • mitel,
  • tiled,
  • tidel,
  • liein,
  • linie,
  • lendu,
  • inuit,
  • ulmen,
  • denim,
  • unlit,
  • tiden,
  • ludin,
  • tendu,
  • timid,
  • ulmet,
  • leint,
  • deliu,
  • mendi,
  • indem,
  • melun,
  • imide,
  • indie,
  • tinle,
  • tedim,
  • mudie,
  • indue,
  • tunde,
  • multi,
  • limen,
  • tinue,
  • ndeti,
  • utile,
  • unlid,
  • muted,
  • telum,
  • mulet,
  • nimit,
  • munte,
  • lited,
  • mined,
  • inetd,
  • tulem,
  • dtime,
  • uldin,
  • tined,
  • nitel,
  • indle,
  • linum,
  • muine,
  • imedi,
  • uniti,
  • untii,
  • limit,
  • idite,
  • mundt,
  • liidu,
  • timed,
  • melut,
  • luden,
  • teiid,
  • lnuit,
  • menil,
  • numed,
  • niemi,
  • ntumi,
  • milne,
  • limin,
  • nitid,
  • eidul,
  • luini,
  • dinei,
  • luten,
  • unlet,
  • tenmu,
  • nidum,
  • lumet,
  • emnid,
  • intil,
  • liden,
  • umile,
  • ledin,
  • lined,
  • unted,
  • lenti,
  • lieni,
  • inite,
  • undie,
  • iinet,
  • tumin,
  • delun,
  • itude,
  • lunde,
  • tumed,
  • tuile,
  • milet,
  • nimet,
  • emini,
  • litem,
  • tuned,
  • lutin,
  • lundt,
  • ilium,
  • milde,
  • dlimi,
  • nedim,
  • unite,
  • dimel,
  • ultem,
  • lindu,
  • demin,
  • dulin,
  • udine,
  • elint,
  • limei,
  • mutli,
  • liten,
  • dutil,
  • tilde,
  • imeni,
  • ledum,
  • unled,
  • nudie,
  • unitd,
  • tulin,
  • denti,
  • tumid,
  • leumi.

7 letters

  • midline,
  • limited,
  • inutile,
  • diluent,
  • delimit,
  • minuted.

8 letters

  • mutinied.


Correct spelling for unlimited

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Definitions of unlimited

  1. adjective

    having no limits in range or scope

    “»to start with a theory of
    unlimited freedom is to end up with unlimited despotism»- Philip Rahv”




    having no apparent limits or bounds


    resembling the ocean in apparent limitlessness in extent or degree

    untrammeled, untrammelled

    not confined or limited

  2. adjective

    that cannot be entirely consumed or used up




    having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude

  3. adjective

    without reservation or exception


    outright, straight-out


    not limited or restricted

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘unlimited’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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for unlimited

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

The brackets around the word «unlimited» can therefore be removed.

Соответственно могут быть сняты скобки вокруг слова бессрочно.

The fact is that the word «unlimited» can be misleading.

Again, the word «unlimited» is just a marketing trick.

Другие результаты

No word can describe your unlimited love to us.

Нам не хватит слов, чтобы выразить нашу безграничную любовь к тебе.

In other words, you have unlimited opportunity and access.

То есть, другими словами, вы получаете просто неограниченные перспективы и возможности.

The man should be brief in words and unlimited in action.

Convenient search interface allowing to make queries with an unlimited word number.

In other words, the unlimited possibilities of its profitability.

Even this wordunlimited‘ and ‘infinite’ we do not understand because we have not known anything like that.

Даже это слово, «безграничный» и «бесконечный», мы не понимаем, потому что мы не знали ничего подобного.

In the full sense of the word, POWER is unlimited VIOLENCE against the person.

Audio can be played repeatedly by pressing the icon. Time for memorizing a word is unlimited, and the transition to the next word can be done at any convenient time by pressing the «next» button.

Аудио повторно воспроизводится при нажатии на иконку. Время на запоминание слова неограниченно, а переход к следующему может осуществляться в любой удобный момент по нажатию кнопки «далее».

From a dangerously young age, their infinite access to information and ideas and perspectives-unlimited words, images, and sounds-is completely without precedent.

С опасно раннего возраста они получают доступ к неограниченному объему идей и перспектив: слова, изображения, звуки… ничего подобного раньше не было.

In other words, they enjoy unlimited control and unlimited variables, and the possibility for growth is vast.

Krsna is unlimited, and similarly, each word and letter of Srimad-Bhagavatam has unlimited meanings.

Polysynthetic languages combine a limited set of roots and word endings to create an unlimited set of words.

Во-первых, большинство из этих языков полисинтетический Это означает, что они могут объединить ограниченный набор корней и окончаний слов для создания неограниченного набора слов.

Not being an emperor in the modern sense of the word, he, however, had sole and unlimited power in the republic.

Не являясь Императором в современном смысле этого слова, он, однако, обладал в республики единоличной и неограниченной властью.

In other words, these architectural and interior decorations give unlimited possibilities for expression of style, taste and ideas.

Другими словами, архитектурные декоративные элементы дают безграничные возможности для выражения стиля, вкуса и идей.

Conversely, deletion of those words would result in an unlimited ability to limit or exclude liability.

И напротив, исключение этих слов приведет к неограниченной способности ограничивать или исключать ответственность.

In other words, we are to forgive an unlimited number of times.

The IDEA Center in Irkutsk has completed another Microsoft Unlimited Potential course in Word Processing Fundamentals.

На занятиях В Иркутском центре IDEA завершила обучение по курсу «Основы работы с текстом» очередная группа слушателей.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 113. Точных совпадений: 3. Затраченное время: 226 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. unlimited

    Infinite (Latin in, not, and finis, limit) signifies without bounds or limits in any way, and may be applied to space, time, quantity, or number. Countless, innumerable, and numberless, which should be the same as infinite, are in common usage vaguely employed to denote what it is difficult or practically impossible to count or number, tho perhaps falling far short of infinite; as, countless leaves, the countless sands on the seashore, numberless battles, innumerable delays. So, too, boundless, illimitable, limitless, measureless, and unlimited are loosely used in reference to what has no apparent or readily determinable limits in space or time; as, we speak of the boundless ocean. Infinite space is without bounds, not only in fact, but in thought; infinite time is truly eternal. Compare synonyms for ETERNAL.

    absolute, boundless, countless, eternal, illimitable, immeasurable, infinite, innumerable, interminable, limitless, measureless, numberless, unbounded, unconditioned, unfathomable, unmeasured

    bounded, brief, circumscribed, evanescent, finite, limited, little, measurable, moderate, narrow, restricted, shallow, short, small, transient, transitory

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. unlimited, limitlessadjective

    having no limits in range or scope

    «to start with a theory of unlimited freedom is to end up with unlimited despotism»- Philip Rahv; «the limitless reaches of outer space»

    boundless, measureless, limitless, inexhaustible, illimitable, unbounded, outright, straight-out

    finite, qualified, small-scale, modest, narrow, limited, pocket-sized, pocket-size, minor, small

  2. outright, straight-out, unlimitedadjective

    without reservation or exception

    limitless, inexhaustible, straight-out, outright

    minor, pocket-sized, qualified, small-scale, limited, modest, pocket-size, narrow, small, finite

  3. inexhaustible, unlimitedadjective

    that cannot be entirely consumed or used up

    «an inexhaustible supply of coal»

    limitless, inexhaustible, straight-out, outright

    finite, pocket-size, minor, qualified, modest, small-scale, narrow, small, pocket-sized, limited

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «unlimited»:

    limitless, unrestricted, indefinite, boundless, unmetered, unrestrained, infinite, unbounded, endless, unfettered, uncompromised, indeterminate, open-ended, unbridled

Suggested Resources

  1. unlimited

    Song lyrics by unlimited — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by unlimited on the website.

How to pronounce unlimited?

How to say unlimited in sign language?

How to use unlimited in a sentence?

  1. Paul Kirk:

    The unlimited amounts of money flooding our political system from a narrow and immensely wealthy slice of American society is the most pernicious internal peril threatening the fundamental tenets of economic, political, moral and social justice and, not least, the fairness and vibrancy of our representative democracy.

  2. Charles Schwab:

    A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.

  3. Sheriff McGuffey:

    My concern is that as we support the second amendment, we get to a point here in our society that we’re ignoring the fact that it is not an individual freedom that is unlimited.

  4. An Amazon spokesperson:

    We are saddened by the tragic impact Covid-19 has had on communities across the globe, including on some Some Amazon team members and their family and friends, from early March to May 1, we offered our employees unlimited time away from work, and since May 1 we have offered leave for those most vulnerable or who need to care for children or family members.

  5. Steve Schooner:

    When you’re in the door, when the next opportunity comes in, you have the competitive advantage, the reality is if you are the primary contractor in a certain space, people will turn to you for ideas and opportunities going forward. The growth is potentially unlimited.


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  • For the lack of a better word meaning