For questions 16 30 read the text below and think of the word


of English (2)

For Questions 16-30, read the text below and think of the word
which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an
example at the beginning (O). Write your answers on the separate answer



It’s not always easy to decide which sport to (O) ………. up. When choosing,
it is important to remember that excellence in sports results (16) ………. a
number of factors. For some sports, the body shape and structure with (17) ……….
you are born are important. Top runners are typical examples of individuals
(18) ………. have selected a sport because of their natural body type. Many other
sports are more dependent (19) ………. training and technique, and anyone
following a well-structured and appropriate training programme should do well.

The aim of all sports training (20) ………. to improve fitness and skills,
and to develop training programmes that are both safe (21) ……….effective. To do
(22) ………. properly, an understanding of (23) ………. physical demands of sport is
needed. All sports require a combination of strength, speed, endurance, agility
and flexibility to varying degrees. (24) ………. is important is how these
elements are combined to build up the skills of the sport (25) ………. question.
Other factors to be (26) ………. into account in a training programme are diet,
the importance of avoiding injuries, your general state of health, and the
nature and role (27) ………. other team players.

Bearing (28) ………. considerations in mind, anyone prepared to work (29) ……….
it can expect to progress to a very reasonable competitive level, even (30) ……….
only a few people will go on to break world records.


from (preposition):collocates with ‘results’.

which (relative pronoun): referring to ‘the body shape and
structure’ .

who (relative pronoun): referring to ‘individuals’.

on (preposition):collocates with ‘dependent’.

is (verb):singular, ‘the aim … is’.

and (conjunction):links two adjectives

this (pronoun): referring to ‘to improve …
both safe’

the (definite article):referring to specific physical
demands: those of sport.

what (pronoun, the subject of
the sentence)
: means ‘the point

in (preposition):only word that collocates in
the expression ‘in question’.

taken (past participle):used in a passive construction,
collocates with ‘into account’.

of (preposition):indicating belonging.

these /such (determiners):referring back to all the
points in the previous paragraph.

at (preposition):collocates in the expression
‘to work at it’.

if / though (conjunctions):both collocate with ‘even’.

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Are You Happy Where You Work?

Finding a job you love is the first step to being happy at work, but 0 having the right workplace environment is equally important. Creativity, hard work and bright ideas come 9 positive, happy working environments in 10 people are allowed the freedom to think, develop and express themselves. It’s important for everyone to have 11 own clearly-defined work space, even if the workplace adopts an ‘open plan’ style, as so many offices now 12 . Relaxation areas where people meet to chat and discuss ideas during office hours are regarded 13 particularly beneficial.

Adding plants to the working environment can also 14 offices to life, since they increase oxygen levels, purify the air and can create a calming and more productive environment. Finally, the lighting 15 be right, because it can have a huge effect on people’s moods. If offices are too harshly lit, 16 can result in anger and headaches and lead to a lack of concentration.

For this task: Answers with explanations :: Vocabulary

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For questions 16 – 30, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. Choose from the list of words before each test 

in- to- have – as- which – with – time – since – than – yourself – plenty/lots- some/many – put – what – this 

Caravanning in Wales  

The sea cliffs and sandy beaches of Wales are hard (0) ____to____ beat. Add to (16) ________wild, romantic scenery, ancient castles, modern theme parks and cheap accommodation and you’ve got a great family holiday. Of course (17) _______makes Wales so green is the rain. Even in mid-summer, you can expect a couple of wet and windy days. But don’t let that (18)__________ you off. There are (19) __________of indoor activities, so you can enjoy (20) ________whatever the weather. For (21) _________people
Wales is a caravan country. If you haven’t stayed in a caravan (22) ________you were little, it’s (23) _________you tried it again. Standards of comfort are much higher (24) ________a decade ago, with facilities such (25) _________laundries and kids’ play areas. A good example is theFontygary Holiday Park. You can stay in a spacious caravan equipped (26) __________TV, shower, separate bedrooms and fridge, (27) ____________works out to be less expensive when compared (28) ____________a guesthouse or self-catering cottage. And you won’t even need to leave the site to
(29) ______________fun. The kids can swim in the 25-metre indoor pool, or join (30) ____________ the games organized by the entertainment staff. Meanwhile you can take a sauna, go to the gym, have your hair styled, or just sit on the cliff top and enjoy the view.  


out – be/get – by – in – thanks – case – which – example/instance – of – whether/if – wrong – others/some – fact – out – longer 

Travel Insurance  

When going (0) ___on___ holiday, it is always a good idea to take (16) _________travel insurance. This is just in (17) __________something goes (18) __________ along the way. You could lose your luggage, you could (19)  _________robbed, or even become ill and need expensive medical treatment. For millions of holiday makers, travel insurance is just a precaution (20)___________  will help them have an enjoyable and worry-free holiday. But for (21) __________ , travel insurance is a way of earning money (22) __________ making false claims against insurance companies. For (23) ____________ , some people pretend that they have had expensive equipment stolen which in (24) __________ never even existed, and then claim large sums (25) _____________ compensation. Such claims cost insurance companies a total (26) _________£50 million per year. But the cheats’ luck is about to run (27) ________  . (28) ________to a new computer system, companies will be able to tell at a glance (29) ___________ someone has made a claim within the last three years. Honest travellers will no (30) ___________ have to pay through the nose for other people’s dishonesty.  


on – been – also – that – than – their – way – means/way – many/some – make – of – and – down – in – which / that


You not only laugh more (0) ___when___you are relaxed, but you (16) ________relax when you laugh, and it has (17) ________found that when you’re (18) _________ holiday it is easier to do both. But for (19) ___________ people laughter is not just a pleasure, it is a (20) __________ of fighting illness. Some hospitals have begun to bring in clowns to relieve the silent, depressing atmosphere, especially in children’s wards. This scheme is called “Medical Smile” and it helps sick children in a (21)__________  that doctors, with all (22) _____________ knowledge, can’t do. The effect of the clowns is more (23) ___________ psychological. Laughter helps strengthen the immune system- (24) _________ is, the part of our bodies (25) __________fights off disease. We take (26) _________more oxygen when we laugh, and our heartbeat slows (27) _________  . Hospital clowns are becoming more (28) ________more popular because (29) ______ the positive effect they have. They both relieve depression, which tends to (30) __________ illnesses worse, and give people the will to fight their illnesses themselves.  


fact – have – who – like – well – at – in/from – or – out – point/time – idea/prospect/thought – will/may/can/could – then – from – such 

Coping with Shyness  

Shyness is a problem that is common (0) ___to___many people. In (16) __________ , according to Mr Zimbardo, a distinguished psychologist at Stanford University, eight (17) _________ of ten people are reported to (18) _________been shy at some (19) ___________in their lives. Most people (20) __________have this condition, suffer feelings of discomfort and anxiety at the (21) ___________of meeting others, especially at social gatherings (22) ____________parties. Keeping away from such situations is not really a solution, of course, and if a shy person can manage to overcome their fears they (23) ___________ gain a feeling of self-satisfaction as (24) ___________as improving their social life. However, if the case of shyness is severe, when important occasions are missed or a person’s social, educational or professional life is affected, (25) ___________ the label “shyness” is inappropriate. (26) ___________ this stage, it is termed “social phobia”. Those suffering (27) ______________ this condition are very often bright, talented and sensitive people. But feelings of social isolation, resulting (28) _____________ loneliness, can lead to additional problems (29) _____________ as alcohol abuse or addiction to medication. Fortunately, a number of treatments are available and come in the form of individual (30) ____________ group therapy and training. Therefore, a person who has social phobia has an excellent chance of recovery.


time – some/other/many – has – when – have – take – to – more/in – up – who – to – from – amount/level(s)/proportion – in – on  

Wake Up, It’s Summer!  

The summer season makes (0) ___all/most____ of us feel good, and scientists believe that they (16) ____________ discovered the reason for this. “Bright light makes you feel more awake and helps you sleep better,” says Dr. Arendt, from the University of Surrey, (17) ___________ is studying the effect of light (18) _____________ the human body. Light travels through the eye and sends a message to the part of the brain that controls sleep and appetite. So in the summer months (19) ____________ sunlight is increased, your energy level goes (20) ____________ thus decreasing the need to eat and sleep. (21) ___________ addition, the heat from the sun also (22)__________  a calming effect as it reduces blood pressure, producing a feeling of relaxation. Sea and mountain air are also beneficial in summer as they make you breathe (23) __________ deeply, increasing the (24) _________ of oxygen in your blood. For (25) __________ people, however, there is a negative side (26) ___________summer. Those suffering (27) __________ low blood pressure may experience feelings of tiredness and anxiety at this (28) ___________ of year. Experts advise such people to (29) _________ up exercise and to add more salt (30) ___________ their diet. So, if you can, enjoy the benefits of bright light, warm days and seaside air and you’ll feel completely refreshed. ‘  


about – having – fact – from – something/a – whether – lot – for – there – while – full – more – well – most/many/all – be 

Tasty Snacks  

We (0) ____all____  love to eat between meals, (16) ________it’s a bar of chocolate after breakfast or a packet of crisps before dinner. But when we think (17) _______it, most of these “snack” foods are (18) __________of fat, salt and sugar and thus contain a (19) ________of calories. Another disadvantage is that after (20) _________consumed these foods, there is a temptation to eat (21) __________as they still leave you feeling hungry. But who says snack foods have to be bad (22) ___________you? They can, in (23)___________ , be very good for you if you just choose carefully. One of the best and healthiest snack options is dried fruit. It’s really tasty and makes a brilliant, easy-to- eat snack, as (24) __________as leaving you satisfied. (25)_____________ is also a great variety to choose (26) ________, with dried bananas, apricots, grapes and apples available at (27) ___________ supermarkets. You can enjoy dried fruit for morning and afternoon breaks, at school or at work, in the car or (28) ___________watching television. Dried fruit also makes the perfect fast food for late-night homework sessions. So next time you fancy (29) ___________sweet, try the healthy option and you’ll (30) _________ pleasantly surprised.  


who(m) – in – without – will/can – ones – sure – other – cost – well – after – no – all – when/before – all – get /help 

Dinner Parties  

Organising a dinner party can (0) ___be___ a stressful business. Firstly you have to decide (16) _______you are going to invite and make (17) _________ the guests are going to mix well. It’s (18) ________good inviting people that are either going to sit around (19) small groups and only speak to each (20) ________or people that are going to hide behind the furniture and not talk at (21) ________.  Also you have to ensure they can get to and from your home (22) _________any problems. Next is organising the food. You want to prepare a meal that is above average standard, but doesn’t (23) _________ the earth. It is also wise to ask the guests about their likes and dislikes (24) ________ you invite them, as you don’t want to serve up a meal nobody (25) _______ eat. Cooking the meal is important as (26) __________ , because you want it ready at the time you stated. Seating arrangements are important too. You don’t want (27) _________the quiet guests at one end of the table and the talkative (28) __________ at the other. Serving drinks before, during and (29) ________ the meal is always a good way to (30) _________ people to relax and chat. And remember to shut the cat in another room, as you don’t want it jumping onto the table searching for a snack! 


many – take – until – down – at – spare – has – over/during/for – other – on-  which – far/much – for – in – be   

The Golden Gate Bridge  

The Golden Gate Bridge has linked San Francisco and theMarin
Peninsula for more (0) ___than___ 50 years. However, building it was no easy task. The idea of linking the two places was not a new one but it wasn’t (16) _______1917 that the first workable design was produced. It would (17)_______twenty years to complete the bridge, and from the outset there were (18) _______difficulties: rough waters, the often foggy conditions and the danger of earthquakes all combined to make constructing this bridge a (19) _______trickier business than building New York’s
George Washington Bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge, (20) _______was then the largest in the world, was finished (21) _______ May 27th, 1937. Californians flocked to their new showpiece and walked from one end to the (22)__________ . The next day it was opened to cars. (23) _______  the past 58 years it (24) __________ been part of daily life for millions of commuters. Of course, its paintwork must (25) __________ kept (26) _______good condition. A 28-man team is responsible for this. If you thought Michelangelo needed a good head (27) ________ heights to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling, just (28) _________ a thought for these men. The bridge stands (29) __________4,200 feet. The trick, agree the painters, is never to look (30)_______ . Rather them than us!  


there – so – into – supposed/thought/said/ – along – the – in – was – where – of – will/can – plenty/lots – many – middle/heart /depth – by


With (0) ___its___warm sunshine, sparkling seas and serene landscapes, Cyprus offers (16) _______of reasons to escape the grey winter days. Cyprus has so (17) ________attractions as a holiday island. The sun shines most days of the year and even in the (18) _______of winter the days are warm and inviting. The shoreline of rough cliffs, sandy beaches and old harbours is washed (19) ______the Mediterranean. Inland, you (20) _______discover another world of ancient mountains and green valleys with neat fields, orange and lemon groves, vineyards and old villages built out (21) ________stone Legend has it that Cyprus was the place (22) _________the ancient Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, (23) ________born. The exact spot is (24) ________to be the Rocks of Romiou, a beautiful beach just (25) the coast from the old port and town of Paphos. This is (26) _______largest town in Cyprus and is located (27) ________the south western part of the island. Paphos has developed (28)_________a thriving modern city and is a large tourist resort, but even (29) _________, it has managed to preserve its ancient past. The old harbour is still the central part of the town with tavernas lining the waterside. (30) ________are also excellent bars, clubs and restaurants in the modern part of town where visitors can enjoy traditional food and entertainment. 


been – than – fit – for – but – could – turned – value – whose – aim – being – which – example/instance – terms – allow 

Power Dressing  

Fashion designers have finally realised that working women are (0) ___their____main customers. Well-made clothes for the office rather (16) ________high glamour are now top priority. This season’s designs show that the working woman has (17) ________ very important to a wide range of fashion designers, with garments being made to (18) _________ not only the body (19) _________ the lifestyle as well. (20) _________ years, plain-coloured basic suits were the only thing business women (21) ________ wear, but today’s woman isn’t happy wearing what is no more than a version of a man’s business suit. She wants her clothes to be elegant, modern and dynamic – and good (22) __________ for money. While few big names in fashion have (23) ___________ their attention to the office, a new group of designers is emerging, (24) _________main goal is to dress city women in style. Collections are (25) __________ designed with the (26) ___________  of providing easy, comfortable, all-purpose clothes (27) __________will free women from thinking only in (28) ________of the usual blouse, jacket and skirt. For (29) ___________, a long black fitted jacket worn over a simple but beautifully cut dress would (30) ________ a woman to go from the office to a cocktail party with elegant ease.  


comes – keep/stay – shown – against/from – who – but – fewer – as – been – much – in – take – up – due – such/this  

Keeping Warm In Winter  

Do you feel the cold? If the answer is “yes”, then (0) ___why____not try a cold bath or shower? This unusual advice (16) ________from a natural health therapist in Germany (17) ________, for the last 30 years, has (18) ________studying the effects of cold water. Most people are brought (19) ________to believe that it’s important to (20) __________warm during the cold weather, with extra clothing and heaters, (21) _________ research shows that the opposite is true. At a German health centre, hundreds of visitors follow this advice by taking their first cold bath at 6 am, and come out feeling (22) _________ more relaxed. This is (23) __________ to the fact that the cold water increases blood sugar levels, the heart beat and breathing rate. New research at the medical centre of Hanover has (24) __________ that those taking daily cold baths have 50% (25) __________ colds and breathing problems than those who don’t. Studies (26) ________
London have also proven that (27) __________ treatment will help protect (28) ___________ heart attacks. For those people who find the idea of such behaviour unthinkable, then regular exercise such (29) ___________ running or cycling is a good alternative. So, next time you’re suffering from the cold, don’t sit and complain, (30) __________ action!


been – from/using – than – our – them/one – has – enough – being/also – less – so – order – in/with – which/that – can – from  

Fatal Frogs  

Across South America one can find a variety of frog unlike (0) ___those/any____found in Europe. Apart (16) _______being different colours, such as yellow and blue, these frogs are poisonous. Some of them are (17) ________ poisonous that even touching (18) _______ can be fatal. The Embera Choco people of Colombia have (19) ________ using toxins from frogs for many years in (20) ________ to hunt. However, since the arrival of other types of weapons in the rainforest, the .art of making dart guns (21) __________ started to disappear. However, it is still possible to find craftsmen making dart guns (22) _________ the trunks of palm trees. The actual dart is covered (23) __________ poison from the frog’s skin. The poison will remain strong (24) ______ to kill animals for more (25) a year. About 55 of the 135 species of South American frogs are toxic. The frogs are brightly coloured to warn predators not to touch them. Some species of frogs produce toxins (26) _________may be useful for mankind as painkillers. A number of species are (27) ________bred by researchers in the States to investigate the possibility of using toxins for (28) ________benefit. By licking the frog’s skin scientists (29) _______judge the level of toxins. There is no danger of being poisoned, though, as frogs in captivity gradually become (30) _______poisonous.  


any/all/most – look/seem/be/appear – such – like – have – other – be – because – as – with – kind/type – on – their – have – number


We are frequently told these days that we should eat more vegetables (0) ___as____part of a healthy diet. However, a large (16) _______of people are still not taking this advice. One of the reasons could be that they (17) ________ bad memories of the few vegetables they were forced to eat by (18) ________parents when they were children. (19) ________ the other hand, potatoes are one (20) ________ of vegetable which we are familiar (21) _______ although we do not perhaps think of them (22) ________ healthy food to eat. Of course, chips are not very good for us (23) _______ of their high fat content, but potatoes can (24) _______ cooked in many other interesting ways which do not harm our health. (25) ________ vegetables which we will almost certainly (26) _________ eaten are carrots, turnips and parsnips. Carrots can be eaten raw, while parsnips can be prepared (27) ________ potatoes, and baby turnips are crisp and as sweet as apples when cooked. Alternatively, there are many different vegetables in the shops, (28) _________as celeriac, kohlrabi and salsify. These may (29) _______ strange to us at the moment, but they are as easy to cook as (30) _________ of the other vegetables mentioned and make a delicious change.  


few – also – fit – along/on – on – are – pay – other – harm/damage – when/if – by – well – otherwise/or – let – that 

Mountain Biking  

Mountain biking is becoming an increasingly popular sport, as people become (0) ____more________ interested in keeping (16) ________and doing activities which take them out of their homes. It is not only a pleasurable way of improving your fitness, but (17) _________one of the most rewarding ways to explore the countryside. However, it is important to follow a (18) _________simple rules, other- wise you could (19) ___________the environment and spoil (20) ___________people’s enjoyment. Cyclists can use any road but they must (21) __________attention to the type of path they are on. Some paths (22) __________only designed for people who are (23) __________foot, so if you are cycling (24) __________ these, you could cause inconvenience to walkers as (25) _________ as ending up being taken to court (26) ___________ the owner of the land you are on. On any other path, you should still respect walkers and be careful (27) _________you are passing horse riders. Other things which you are asked to do are to close gates behind you, so (28) ___________farm animals cannot escape, and to take your rubbish home with you. Always (29) _________someone know where you are going and carry the right equipment and clothing for unexpected conditions, (30) _________you could be creating unnecessary problems for yourself.  


who – to – over/around – as – of – enough – worth – lots/plenty – worth – in – place – of – so – all – other/popular 

The Isle of Wight  

The Isle of Wight is a small island just (0) ___off____the south coast of England near the towns of Portsmouth and Southampton. Queen
Victoria loved the island (16) _______ much that she had Osborne House built, which has not changed at (17) _______ since the days when she used to visit with her huge family. (18) ________ tourist attractions include Butterfly World, where, (19) _________ the name suggests, visitors can see a large range __________ (20) butterflies, and two zoos. In summer it is usually warm and sunny (21) _________ for holidaymakers to enjoy the miles of clean beaches.
Alternatively, for those (22) __________ want to be out of doors but don’t like sunbathing, the Isle of Wight is an excellent place for cyclists. There are numerous little paths which lead (23) ________picturesque villages all (24) _______the island.
Newport, the island’s capital, is also (25) _________a visit. It is a busy little town with (26) _______of small specialist shops. (27)________ the beginning of August, there is the most famous yachting week (28) _________the world, which takes (29) _______at
Cowes. During that week Cowes is full (30) _______carnival atmosphere and every bar and restaurant is packed.


of/like – of – for – much – its – before – which – so/this – able – well – one – however – when/if – between – most 

The Brain  

Contrary to popular belief, it is not true (0) ___that___we use only 10 percent of our brain power; it is (16) ______of the myths of modern times. The brain controls all of our bodily functions as (17)  _______ as carrying out the most complicated processes (18) _________ thought and imagination.   There must (19) __________ , be some spare capacity built into the system because brain cells – unlike most of the body’s other cells – are not (20) _________ to divide and therefore are incapable (21) __________ replacing themselves (22) __________ they die. It is possible to increase the abilities of our brain. We do _________(23) when we learn to read, (24) ________ example. Current research shows that the learning process creates new connections (25) __________brain cells (26) ________ increases our mental powers. But scientists are unable to say exactly how (27) ________ of our brains we don’t use. Despite a lot of research, the brain is still the (28) _________ mysterious organ in the body and it will be many years (29) ________ enough information can be gathered to explain all (30) _________ functions.  


under – makes – are – which – making – few – your – time/care – some/this – in – causes – much – down – after/within – of 

Beating Stress  

Do you grab quick snacks (0) __at__work, eat late at night and drink too (16) ________ tea and coffee? If so, you’re probably (17) ________ stress, and your eating habits are (18) _______ the problem worse. The effects of stress can be beaten by following (19) _________ simple advice. First, cut (20) _________ on coffee, tea and cola drinks. They all contain caffeine, which (21) _________ you feel better for a (22) ________ minutes, but which also destroys the vitamins (23) _________ our bodies. Try not to eat sweets, biscuits and cakes. A quick burst of sugar suddenly increases blood-sugar levels; however, (24) _______ 2 or 3 minutes, you (25) ________ left feeling tired and irritable. Don’t drink alcohol to forget (26) ________ worries. In the long term, alcohol (27) _________ depression. Eat plenty (28) _________ citrus fruit and green vegetables as they contain Vitamin C. Red meat and seafood contain iron, (29) __________ helps fight nervous tiredness. Remember to eat a good breakfast to start the day well. Take (30) ___________ to eat properly and try to avoid eating late at night. Avoid junk food. Fresh is best!      

City Life (Traffic)

exam 1


questions 16-30, read the text below and think of the word which best
fits each space. Use only» word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write
your word on the separate answer sheet.





,»i i
:»; i

The flying
wing: aeroplane of the future

planes. It will also cost

less to
operate, and will therefore help to kee fares (24)……………affordable

What will
the aeroplane of the future look

An increasing number of

are being made (16)……………air, and

airlines are therefore demanding a new

kind of
plane (17)……………help them cope

increasing passenger numbers.

the revolutionary new designs

is a ‘flying wing’,

which is
short but very wide, in contrast

planes, which are long and

narrow. It
will be capable (21)……………

carrying 600-800
passengers. It will be built of an extremely light material, and together

unusual design, this will

performance. The new aeroplane will be quieter and more comfortable

will play (25)……………important!

role in
this plane. They would be used

flight as (27)……………as J

ground crews will simply plug their I laptop computers into the flight
computerstf check all functions.

additional advantage of this plane is

new runways or terminal

will have to be built for it,

is being designed in such a

way that it
can (30)……………existing ones.

exam 1


questions 41-55, read the text below and look carefully at each line.

Some of the
lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be


If a line
is correct put a tick (/) by the number on the separate answer

sheet. If a line
has a word which should not be there, write the word on

separate answer sheet.
There are two examples at the beginning

(0 and 00).


Living in London

0    ‘When
a man is tired of London, he is tired of the life.’

00    From
my own experience, this saying of the 18th

41    century
writer, Dr Johnson, is definitely right: London

42    has a
lot to offer. When I was first arrived in London

43    for
to study English, I thought that I would spend most

44    of my
spare time in studying. But very soon I was going

45    out on
every evening, either to the theatre or to jazz

46    clubs
(because that London has many famous clubs).

47    My
weekends were also full: I would go to sports

48    events,
to exhibitions, or just wander around. I used to

49    joke
that I was renting a room that I wasn’t spending

50    any
time in it! Luckily, I also realised that I was not

51    studying
enough and started staying at home more, and

52    studying
much more harder. I learnt that you should

53    never
feel that you must to do everything that is

54    available.
Still, I am sure that if you ever visit in

55    London, you will
agree with what Dr Johnson had said.


You are
going to read a text about women who ride mountain bikes. For questions 7-13,
choose the answer (А, В, С, or D)
which you think fits best according to the text. Mark your answers on the
separate answer sheet.

few years have seen quite an increased interest by women in off-road riding. A
good 15 percent of our female members ride off-road, and mountain bikes

5 seem to
be gaining in popularity as a means to this end. In an effort to learn why,
earlier this year readers of this column were invited to write in about their

The most
frequently mentioned reason for

Ю trying a
mountain bike was that a world existed out there that was waiting to be
explored, but walking provided limited possibilities, and light touring bikes
weren’t felt to be tough enough for the job. Some

15  began
by way of hiring one or borrowing someone else’s while on holiday. For others
it was a husband, a father, a daughter or a ‘mad friend’ that got them started.
One woman claimed she would never have seen much of

20 her
husband if she hadn’t started riding a mountain bike!

Only about
half had ridden with a group consisting of women only, but their experiences
were strongly recommended.

25 Overall
it was regarded as a positive and healthy experience, women being regarded as
more supportive, more cooperative, more patient and less competitive than men.
Such groups were more likely to take time to stop

30 and
notice things around them, and tfc share the enjoyable experience of riding
deep into the countryside, rather than to feel the need to ride for riding’s
sake or to become competitive. Men were considered to be too

35 keen on
taking risks, and showing off the

points of their bicycles. However, some women felt that mixed company
encouraged them to try harder.

Buying the
right bike can be a tricky task.

40   For
most of the women, the first bike was either too large (most common) or too
small: good advice seemed hard to come by. It is easy to get talked into buying
a cheap and cheerful machine (or even a very expensive

45  one) by
a shop assistant who doesn’t see mountain biking from your point of view.
Often, shop assistants don’t consider that a not particularly strong woman
might benefit more from a lighter bike than one built to

50  take
rough treatment from a professional rider. Unhelpful shops seemed to come high
on women’s list of complaints. They were either too eager to sell products the
buyer didn’t want or need, or came out with

55  insulting
comments. Some women didn’t feel they were treated as legitimate customers. ‘Is
the bike for your son?’ is not a helpful opener to someone prepared to fork out
a large sum on a purchase for herself.

60      As
for the riding itself, suggestions included starting with someone of your own
level or a bit better, but not someone competitive, so as to gain experience
and confidence gradually. Plan to cover fewer miles than you would

65  riding
on a hard surface, and remember that there are few eating and watering places
off-road. One reader was particularly encouraging: ‘Once you start, you’ll
probably want to do more and discover a whole new

70 freedom — and that’s

exam 3

7     What
do the words ‘this end’ (line 6) refer to?

Having mountain bikes.

В      Riding

С      The
gain in popularity.

D      A

8      Why
do many women take up mountain bikes?

A      They
want to spend more time with their husbands or friends

Английский язык

For questions 16-30, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your word in the answer boxes provided.
The library profession attracts people (0).with… many different interests, because of the wide range of work that librarians do. For (16)…., the profession may appeal to someone who wants to work with children in an elementary school library. A person interested in research may choose to work in a library (17)…. scholars use for their investigations. (18) …. people become librarians to help libraries adapt (19) …. advanced technology, while people (20) …. have expert knowledge of a foreign language, computers, or a specific subject may choose this career to make (21) …. of their special skills. Librarians tend, however, to share similar interests. They are the (22) …. of people who want to contribute to society and to help people find the information they are looking (23) They often have a strong commitment to public service, and usually enjoy keeping up with (24)…. latest knowledge. The work that librarians do depends (25)…. what career they choose within the profession. Most librarians pursue (26) …. of three tasks: developing collections, organising materials or communicating information. Developing collections may involve starting a new library, or improving the materials in an existing one. In both cases, a librarian must decide how (27) …. information is needed and (28)…. types of material the collection should include. The purpose of the library and the amount of money which is available have to (29) …. taken into consideration when making such decisions. (30)…. is an enormous amount of material available, in print and electronic forms, so librarians must choose wisely.

<< Предыдущий вопрос Следующий вопрос >>

For questions 16-30, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Write your word in the answer boxes provided.
The library profession attracts people (0).with… many different interests, because of the wide range of work that librarians do. For (16)…., the profession may appeal to someone who wants to work with children in an elementary school library. A person interested in research may choose to work in a library (17)…. scholars use for their investigations. (18) …. people become librarians to help libraries adapt (19) …. advanced technology, while people (20) …. have expert knowledge of a foreign language, computers, or a specific subject may choose this career to make (21) …. of their special skills. Librarians tend, however, to share similar interests. They are the (22) …. of people who want to contribute to society and to help people find the information they are looking (23) They often have a strong commitment to public service, and usually enjoy keeping up with (24)…. latest knowledge. The work that librarians do depends (25)…. what career they choose within the profession. Most librarians pursue (26) …. of three tasks: developing collections, organising materials or communicating information. Developing collections may involve starting a new library, or improving the materials in an existing one. In both cases, a librarian must decide how (27) …. information is needed and (28)…. types of material the collection should include. The purpose of the library and the amount of money which is available have to (29) …. taken into consideration when making such decisions. (30)…. is an enormous amount of material available, in print and electronic forms, so librarians must choose wisely.

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


Опять же на пиши это в строке там всё может покозать он так что вот

Похожие вопросы



In September, I’m going to university but at the moment I am 0
in two minds about where to go and what to
study. My personal choice would be to study theatre in Rome. I have a
very open personality, I am full of self- 1 ___________
and people say that when they talk to me they can’t 2___________.
So, studying theatre would be a great idea as I could be an actor, or
even a 3___________. In addition, living in Rome sounds
so 4___________. Life in Italy is totally 5___________
to life in England but I think I can 6___________the
different 7___________ and ways of life there. The only
big problem for me is the 8___________ in Rome.
There are just too many cars! The university does provide a
9___________ service to the university but friends tell me
it still takes two hours. Another problem is my parents. I think it
is highly 10___________ that they will 11___________me
going to Italy and studying theatre. They want me to study
International Politics in York. Their 12___________for
this is that they want me to be a highly 13___________
academic. I must admit, I am interested in 14
___________but I’d rather study theatre. Still, I’d better
15___________doing some more work because if I don’t
pass my exams I won’t be going anywhere!

0 a out of my mind b making up my mind c in two minds d
keeping an open mind

1 a confidence b defence c development d respect

2 a speak louder than words b get a word in edgeways
hear it on the grapevine d on the same wavelength

3 a poet b critic c ghostwriter d dramatist

4 a frustrated b isolated c intriguing d inadequate

5 a criticised b different c moving d impossible

6 a approve of b consent to c participate in d adjust to

7 a cuisines b climates c customs d geography

8 a traffic congestion b mindless vandalism c open spaces d
crime rate

9 a barge b shuttle c scooter d tram

10 a unnecessary b ineffective c unlikely d mistrust

11 a relate to b get on with c succeed d approve of

12 a motive b profile c assessment d false impression

13 a praised b different c unexpected d qualified

14 a natural resources b psychology c human rights d hierarchy

15 a get down to b put up with c fall out with d get used to


B For questions 16–30, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

When you visit 0___the_____Louvre
Gallery in Paris you find yourself face to face with one of the
greatest mysteries in the art world. For hundreds of years, no one
has known 16___________ the woman in Da Vinci’s famous
painting ‘The Mona Lisa’ was. No one knows 17___________she
was rich or poor, fact or fiction. Her identity 18___________
caused 19___________ argument over the years.
20___________the back of the painting had
21___________signed or dated, investigators may have been
able to discover Mona Lisa’s identity. In addition, there is
22___________record of a commission for the portrait in Da
Vinci’s papers. Supposing there was a note in his paper, would
23___________ have helped us find this mystery women’s
identity? Maybe the answer can be found in the fact that the painting
24___________ to be called ‘La Gioconda’. German
scientist Veit Probst thinks so. He has 25___________ he
knows who Mona Lisa 26__________. He is sure that she is
Lisa Gerardoni, wife of a Florentine cloth merchant
27___________Francesco del Giocondo. Probst 28___________
journalists that her identity 29___________revealed by a
note that belonged to a former owner of the painting. His scientific
article on this issue will 30___________ published next


C For questions 31–40, complete the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold
and other words. You must use between two and five words in total.

31 I could give you my boat for a month. Where would you go?


________________________my boat for a month, where would you go?

32 They drove for ten hours and then saw the coast.


They ________________________ten hours before they saw the coast.

33 I finally managed to convince him to come.


I finally ________________________ come.

34 It’s not possible for him to finish the report by ten.


He ________________________ the report by ten.

35 What time is it?


Do you ________________________?

36 ‘Is the train arriving at eleven tomorrow?’


She asked ________________________ at eleven the next day.

37 David says he will do it so it won’t be necessary for you to go.


David says he will do it so you ________________________ to go.

38 Someone comes and cleans our carpets twice a year


We ________________________ twice a year.

39 The exhibition will take place at Thornley Castle. The exhibition
will close on Monday.


The exhibition ________________________, will take pace at Thornley

40 I am very tired this evening.


I ________________________this evening.


D For questions 41–50, read the text below and look carefully
at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word
which should not be there.

If a line is correct, put a tick ().
If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the

Last year, while we were on our way to our holiday house, we had
had a

car crash. It wasn’t a bad accident. Both cars were only

damaged and the man with who was in the other car hurt his hand

it was not a bad injury. However, his lawyer suggested taking us

court to get damages. We didn’t want go to court so we had a

choice but to offer him a large amount of money. If you were

being in our situation, what would you have done?

His lawyer advised to him to accept the offer. However, to our

surprise, he has felt that he deserved more than we were offering.

After that, the man had refused to discuss any offer we might

suggest, even though we asked to him what he wanted from us.

So here we are now in court. We are extremely devastated by all

but what can we do?














E For questions 51–60, read the text below. Use the word given
in capitals beside each gap to form a word that fits in the same
space in the same line.

It’s not that I 0 dislike (LIKE) working
in this office. That comment would be totally 51___________
(ACCURACY). There are a lot of things that I really like, for example
the 52___________ (DEVELOP) programme, which is really 53
___________ (VALUE) in this profession if you want to get a
promotion. What really makes me angry is the 54___________
(RESPONSIBILITY) behaviour of some of the managers here. In recent
years, this company has grown so large that we are now an
55___________ (NATIONAL) company with offices in ten
cities around the world. As well as being a large company, we are now
a 56___________ (CULTURE) company. However, many of the
British-based managers don’t seem to realise this and have made no
effort to understand their foreign colleagues. This has resulted in a
lot of 57___________ (UNDERSTAND) and a feeling of
58___________ (TRUST) in many offices. I’d like to think
we can do something about this but I think it is 59___________
(LIKELY). Many managers, however, think such action is 60___________
(NECESSITY) and we should only be concentrating on making a profit.



F You are going to read an article about art
forgeries. Choose from the list A–H the sentence which best
summarises each part (1–7) of the article. There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.


1 How many Mona Lisa paintings
do you think there are in the world today? Just the one? I don’t
think so. The truth is that there are probably many, many Mona Lisa’s
hanging on walls or in studios. Of course only one was painted by
Leonardo Da Vinci but the art of copying or, if you can call it by
its legal term, ‘forgery’ is very common in the art world.

2 In fact it is true to say
that artists have been copying from other artists for hundreds if not
thousands of years. Traditionally, it was normal for artists to copy
other artists’ paintings. This was a way of making sure historical,
religious and artistic traditions were available for future
generations. It was considered normal for an artist in training to
practise by copying the work of other great artists. In fact some of
the most famous forgers in history, probably discovered their skill
while studying art at university. Even today this practice continues.

3 Historically, the purpose of
art was for historical reference, religious inspiration, or simple
enjoyment. Most of the time no one cared who painted the paintings.
This is why we find it difficult to identify the artists behind some
of the greatest older paintings. Paintings were usually commissioned
by the church or state, not by individuals so the name of the artist
was really unimportant.

4 However, from around the
16th century the church and state became poorer and money found its
way into the hands of rich individuals. These individuals, as a means
of showing their place in society or a knowledge of art, drastically
increased the demand for art. Suddenly more and more artists were
needed and people competed to buy the paintings of certain individual
artists. These created people whose job it was to buy and sell
paintings. It also created galleries and auction houses. Suddenly art
was a business and at its centre was money.

5 As it became more and more
important to decide how to value a painting or a work of art, dealers
and collectors needed to create a system to value a painting. One way
of doing this was by identifying an artist. If a painting was by Da
Vinci then it would be exceedingly expensive. If it was a painting by
one of his students it would be far cheaper. Now it was important for
artists to sign their works so that they could be identified.

6 The problem with this system
was that anyone could copy a signature. More complex ways of
identifying the artist were needed, such as the colours they used or
how they mixed their paints. Soon it became an art itself to be able
to identify who really painted a work of art. However, even styles
can be copied and art students who needed to make money now could
make a name for themselves by being able to copy exactly a great
painter’s style of work.

7 In addition, as always when
money is involved, laws were needed to protect the real painters and
paintings. It is at this point when we stop talking about ‘copying’
and begin talking about ‘forgery’ and ‘forgers’.

8 Today there are strict laws
protecting artists and art from forgery. Dealers and auction houses
employ specialists who are skilled at identifying forgeries. However,
whilst copying is central to learning the art of Art, Art will
continue to create the same people that damage it, the forgers. So
don’t expect there ever to be one Mona Lisa.

0 There are many forgeries in the world today. ______1____

A Dealers looked for the name of an artist on the
painting. ___________

B Copying is an important tradition in the Art World. ___________

C Laws make copying a crime. ___________

D Ways of identifying paintings became more complex. ___________

E Why were paintings painted and who for? ___________

F Not all forgeries are found. ___________

G Art makes its own criminals. ___________

H Art becomes commercial. ___________


G You are going to read a newspaper article in which people
talk about their favourite forms of transport. For questions 1–7,
choose from the people. For questions 8–14, choose which person’s
form of transport is referred to. The people and the types of
transport may be chosen more than once and there may be more than one


Last year I went on an adventure camp with friends in America and I
got the opportunity to ride a quad bike. It was fantastic. They are
really fast and go pretty much anywhere but you do have to be
careful. Maybe it’s just men who have a need for speed but you
always want to go a bit faster and that really isn’t a very good
idea when you are in a forest. I nearly had a really bad accident.


When I went skiing in Switzerland last year we had to use a cable car
to get to the top of the mountain. Because it is so slow it gives you
a lot of time to look around you and the views from the car were
magnificent. It’s very relaxing to use a cable car , which is just
as well as five minutes later you are probably zooming down the side
of a mountain. Unfortunately, when I was there the cable cars were
really crowded.


When I was young I was terrified of closed spaces so it is really
strange that I spent most of my life in a submarine. I’ve been in
the Royal Navy now for ten years and from the first moment I saw a
submarine I wanted to work in one. I know it’s strange but I’ve
always been the type of person who challenges their fears. The great
thing about a submarine is the friendships you build in one. Because
you are all in this tin can with nowhere to go and no one else to
talk to, you all become really close friends.


When I was young my family lived in Cappadocia which is famous for
its caves and its geography. Some foreigners living there ran a
balloon company so tourists could see Cappadocia from the sky. One
day they let me go up in the balloon and I was absolutely amazed by
what I saw. I could see right across Cappadocia and suddenly it
looked a completely different place. That summer I wouldn’t leave
the owners alone. I was desperate to go up as often as possible. Now
I hope that when I finish university, I can start my own balloon
company, maybe on the coast of Turkey.


I’ve always wanted to travel on a hydrofoil since I saw one when I
was child. Unfortunately there are now very few hydrofoils in service
in France. They used to be very common, travelling from one tourist
resort to another. You could always recognise them by the noise they
made and the way their blades threw up the water. My mother says we
had hovercrafts before hydrofoils. These looked like ships on
bubbles. It doesn’t sound very safe to me. Of course, when I was
young the big problem with hydrofoils was that they were so expensive
and now when I have the money, I can’t find one.


In my city Warsaw, one of the most popular forms of transport is the
tram. It’s particularly popular with university students in the
centre. I don’t know why because of course the underground is
better. Maybe it’s because the trams are old and they remind us of
the past. Certainly the seats are very uncomfortable. The big
advantage of them though is that although they are quite slow it is
easier to get around town because they don’t cause so much
congestion. It is actually quicker to get from one part of town to
the other during the rush hour by tram than it is by car. Plus, you
get to see the city rather than just blank walls if you take the


I own my own scooter. In Italy it’s almost a tradition, or at least
it used to be, to have your own scooter. Scooters are great because
you can quickly move through the traffic and get to where you want to
go quickly and easily. There’s no trouble with traffic congestion
as the scooter can go round the cars that are stuck in the jam. In
many countries people say it’s dangerous to ride a scooter in
traffic but in Milan it isn’t because most of the time the cars
aren’t moving because of the traffic! My scooter is bright yellow
with flowers painted on it. I know it’s a bit strange but that’s
the beauty of scooters. Motorbikes are just hard and grey but
scooters are fun.

Which person …

0 … travelled up a mountain? _Vijay_____

1 … used their form of transport to overcome a
phobia? ___________

2 … has redesigned their form of transport? ___________

3 … does not say what their form of transport is? ___________

4 … probably won’t have the opportunity to use their form of
transport? ___________

5 … used their form of transport on holiday? ___________

6 … knew the owner of the form of transport? ___________

Which form of transport …

7 … shows the world in a different way? ___________

8 … forces people to get to know each other? ___________

9 … is popular with young people? ___________

10 … motivates you to drive quickly? ___________

11 … avoids traffic? ___________

12 … is noisy? ___________


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