For each question write one word which can be used in all three sentences

boast • contradict • exaggerate • flatter

1   I think Dave’s ………………….. the magazine’s importance. It actually has a very small readership.

2   Caroline said the hotel was fantastic and then Paul immediately ………………….. her and said it wasn’t actually very nice at all.

3   I know Suzanne’s wealthy but there’s no need for her to ………………….. about it to everyone all the time.

4   Adam said I could be a professional model but I think he was just ………………….. me.

allege • assert • insist • utter

5   The politician has continually ………………….. his innocence.

6   As your lawyer, I ………………….. on your telling me the truth.

7   Thompson is ………………….. to have accepted a bribe from a local businesswoman.

8   Don’t ………………….. a single word until you’ve spoken to your lawyer.

confide • confirm • convey • disclose

9   You know you can ………………….. in me at any time, don’t you?

10   We would like to ………………….. that your application has been approved.

11   Your password will not be ………………….. to any third party.

12   I can’t begin to ………………….. how sorry I am for the trouble I’ve caused.

mumble • murmur • stumble • stutter

13   I could hear the audience ………………….. but couldn’t make out any distinct comments.

14   It’s so embarrassing when a newsreader ………………….. over their words.

15   I stood there ………………….. in shock, unable to think of anything sensible to say.

16   Please don’t ………………….. when you’re talking to me. Open your mouth when you talk!

quibble • rant • rave • scribble

17   Linda was ………………….. about that new sitcom on ITV. She said it’s hilarious.

18   Stop ………………….. on the desk!

19   There’s no point ………………….. over the bill. It’s only a few euros more than we thought it would be anyway.

20   When my boss gets in a bad mood, she just ………………….. at everybody.

clarification • context • gist • tip

21   Here’s a ………………….. for all budding writers out there. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!

22   Please do contact me if you require further ………………….. on any of these issues.

23   I understood the ………………….. of her argument, but I can’t say I understood all the fine points.

24   They quoted me completely out of ………………….. . I didn’t mean that at all.

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Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C by David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith

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Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking 1st Edition by Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

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For questions, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences : 1.

I had plenty of time to .

Before my train left.

Gerald managed to .

Everyone`s enthusiasm for the film by revealing the ending.

Susanna, wearing a stunning black number, was dressed to .

2. I didn`t meet a .

Interesting person at the party.

As a .

Mother, i know how difficult to raise children.

A . ticket to Northampton costs 28 and a return costs 40.

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вариант ответа не полностью вас удовлетворяет, то с помощью автоматического
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For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. You can use the «?» button to get a clue but by doing so you will lose points.



(v) move heaven and earth => to try very hard to achieve something.
(v) move in => to start to live in your new home.
(v) move on => to leave your present job and start doing another one.

(v) move the goalposts => to change the rules for something, or conditions under which it is done, so that the situation becomes more difficult for somebody.
(v) move in for the kill => to come closer to something in order to kill, defeat, or destroy it.


(adj) steady => firmly held in a particular position and not moving or shaking.
(adj) steady job => a regular job.
(adj) as steady as rock => very steady and unmovable; very stable.

(adj) steady relationship => someone that you have been having a romantic relationship with for a long time.
(adj) ready, steady, go! => what you say to tell people to start a race.


(n) pay sth back with interest => react to some harm by doing sth even worse.
(n) lose interest => stop being interested.
(n) place of interest => place that is interesting.

(n) vested interest => a strong reason for wanting something to happen because you will gain from it.
(n) in the interest of something => in order to help or achieve something.
(n) conflict of interest/interests => a situation in which you cannot do your job fairly because you will be affected by the decision you make.


(v) read through => to read something carefully from beginning to end.
(v) read sb’s mind => to guess what someone else is thinking.
(v) read sth from cover to cover => read all of sth because you are very interested.

(v) read between the lines => to guess someone’s real feelings from something they say or write, when they do not tell you directly.
(v) read somebody like a book => to understand easily what somebody is thinking or feeling.


(n) take sth on board => to listen to and accept a suggestion, idea etc.
(n) board and lodging => meals and a place to stay.
(n) across the board => involving everyone or everything in a company etc.

(n) sweep the board => to win everything that can be won, especially very easily.
(n) the boards => the stage in a theatre.
(n) full board => a type of accommodation in a hotel, etc. that includes all meals.
(n) have a seat on a board => be a member of a board.


  1. In the not too…….future many of the diseases we suffer from today will be eradicated.

    I’m a little worried about Steve lately as he seems so ……….. and in a world of his own.

    The story follows the hero as he travels to…………. galaxies in search of other life forms.

2. They are planning to postpone their house-warming …….. till the spring when the weather is nicer.

There is little support within the …….. for a change of leadership and most politicians seem happy to support the Prime Minister.

The restaurant got very busy when a coach …….. arrived full of people travelling to the coast.

3. Before we close the meeting I’d like to raise the …….. of punctuality in the office.

The press are calling into …….. Government claims that the crime rate has fallen and point to latest research figures as evidence that this isn’t true.

The company claim there is absolutely no …….. of making anybody redundant as business has never been better.

4. I’m driving into town and can …….. you off at the station if you need a lift.

Can we just …….. the subject and talk about something else, please.

Gardeners be warned that temperatures are likely to …….. to below freezing tonight.

5. I am writing with …….. to our recent meeting on 21st May.

I think students in other countries seem to have more …….. for teachers than they do here.

The match has been cancelled out of …….. for the death of our previous Manager.



2. They are planning to postpone their house-warming party till the spring when the weather is nicer.

There is little support within the party for a change of leadership and most politicians seem happy to support the Prime Minister.

The restaurant got very busy when a coach party arrived full of people travelling to the coast.

Dễ nhận thấy câu này cần một danh từ, mấu chốt để nhận ra từ cần điền là PARTY là ở câu số 1 và câu số 3.
House – warming party
Coach party : nhóm khách du lịch (đi bằng xe ô tô dài)

3. Before we close the meeting I’d like to raise the question of punctuality in the office.

The press are calling into question Government claims that the crime rate has fallen and point to latest research figures as evidence that this isn’t true.

The company claim there is absolutely no question of making anybody redundant as business has never been better.

Call into question : gây nghi ngờ
Question cũng còn có một nghĩa là sự nghi ngờ

4. I’m driving into town and can drop you off at the station if you need a lift.

Can we just drop the subject and talk about something else, please.

Gardeners be warned that temperatures are likely to drop to below freezing tonight.

Drop somebody/somgthing off : đưa ai đến đâu đó, hoặc xuống xe
Các câu còn lại có thể tự suy luận từ nghĩa câu

5. I am writing with respect to our recent meeting on 21st May.

I think students in other countries seem to have more respect for teachers than they do here.

The match has been cancelled out of respect for the death of our previous Manager.

Câu số 1 và 2 có thể suy luận theo nghĩa của câu
Out of respect : đây là một cụm từ , có nghĩa là “để tôn trọng”

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