For each question choose the correct answer write one word for each gap

For each question, write the correct answer
Write one word for each gap.
Moving house
Hi Alex
How are you? This week’s been a very busy one for me — I finally moved house!
…. wasn’t until I started to pack a few days ago that realised how
much stuff I had. I really think moving house is one of the (28) ……………….. stressful
things I’ve ever done! I was sad to leave my old house — after (29) ……….. I’d
lived there my whole life so I have lots of good memories
Anyway, I’m looking (30) .. ……….. to being in this new house. It’s not as big as the
old one, but (31)…………
least it’s got a great garden. I’m planning to have
a small party on Saturday night. Are you free then? Why don’t you come along
you are? I hope you can make it. Let me know.
All the best,


For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. — Нужно вставить в каждый пропуск по одному слову, подходящему по смыслу и грамматически.

Moving house

Hi Alex,

How are you? This week’s been a very busy one for me — I finally moved house!

(27) It wasn’t until I started to pack a few days ago that realised how much stuff I had. I really think moving house is one of the (28) most stressful things I’ve ever done! I was sad to leave my old house — after (29) all, I’d lived there my whole life so I have lots of good memories.

Anyway, I’m looking (30) forward to being in this new house. It’s not as big as the old one, but (31) at least it’s got a great garden. I’m planning to have a small party on Saturday night. Are you free then? Why don’t you come along

(32) if you are? I hope you can make it. Let me know.

All the best,



27 It wasn’t until — усилительная конструкция со значением «только когда….»

28 one of the most stressful things — «одна из самых неприятных вещей», превосходная степень прилагательного stressful

29 after all устойчивое выражение «в конечном итоге»

30 look forward to — фразовый глагол » ожидать чего-то с нетерпением»

31 at least — устойчивое сочетание «по меньшей мере»

32 if союз «если», нужен по смыслу.


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Test 1 / 20

Home Changes

Dear Will,

I hope you are well. So, I have finally returned to Thailand after three years away in the UK. It is amazing to be back in Bangkok after so long. I have really missed the place. The traffic is still pretty bad, but they have improved the subway system. So, it’s easier to get around.

Last night, I went out to a nightclub with my friends. The music was better than it used to be. It was a great night out. My parents sold their house, so we are outside the city. It is quieter at night than before, and it is only a two-minute walk to the subway.

I am staying here for a month and then going to Japan for a year to work as an English Teacher. I hope you can make it to Bangkok one day.

All the best,

Test 2 / 20

Our Holiday in Spain

Our trip to Spain was wonderful! First, we flew to Valencia, one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. It’s a picturesque and elegant port city. We stayed at Hampton by Hilton there for three nights. We went sightseeing and just relaxed at the swimming pool.

From Valencia, we flew to Ibiza, arriving on Saturday morning. We went to Las Salinas, which is one of the most popular beaches in Ibiza. The next day, we had a go at water skiing or parasailing. One night, we took a bus tour to a traditional Ibizan village and stayed for dinner and a Flamenco show. We heard Spanish songs for voice and guitar, and we saw traditional dances – it was a very special evening.

From Sant Jordi, we drove to San Rafael. We stayed there for two nights. The very next day, we went back to Ibiza and flew back to Valencia. We plan to come back to Spain soon, but for now, we’re on our way to Portugal!

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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

…. wasn’t until I started to pack a few days ago that realised how
much stuff I had. I really think moving house is one of the (28) ……………….. stressful
things I’ve ever done! I was sad to leave my old house — after (29) ……….. I’d
lived there my whole life so I have lots of good memories
Anyway, I’m looking (30) .. ……….. to being in this new house. It’s not as big as the
old one, but (31)…………
least it’s got a great garden. I’m planning to have
a small party on Saturday night. Are you free then? Why don’t you come along
you are? I hope you can make it. Let me know.
All the best,

Ответ №1




Hi Alex

How are you? This week’s been a very busy one for me — I finally moved house!

(27) It wasn’t until I started to pack a few days ago that realised how

much stuff I had. I really think moving house is one of the (28) most stressful  things I’ve ever done! I was sad to leave my old house — after (29) so many years, I’d  lived there my whole life so I have lots of good memories
. Anyway, I’m looking (30) forward to being in this new house. It’s not as big as the  old one, but (31) at  least it’s got a great garden. I’m planning to have  a small party on Saturday night. Are you free then? Why don’t you come along  (32) if you are? I hope you can make it. Let me know.

All the best,



For each question, write the correct answer
Write one word for each gap.
Moving house
Hi Alex
How are you? This week’s been a very busy one for me — I finally moved house!
…. wasn’t until I started to pack a few days ago that realised how
much stuff I had. I really think moving house is one of the (28) ……………….. stressful
things I’ve ever done! I was sad to leave my old house — after (29) ……….. I’d
lived there my whole life so I have lots of good memories
Anyway, I’m looking (30) .. ……….. to being in this new house. It’s not as big as the
old one, but (31)…………
least it’s got a great garden. I’m planning to have
a small party on Saturday night. Are you free then? Why don’t you come along
you are? I hope you can make it. Let me know.
All the best,

1 ответ:






Hi Alex

How are you? This week’s been a very busy one for me — I finally moved house!

(27) It wasn’t until I started to pack a few days ago that realised how

much stuff I had. I really think moving house is one of the (28) most stressful  things I’ve ever done! I was sad to leave my old house — after (29) so many years, I’d  lived there my whole life so I have lots of good memories
. Anyway, I’m looking (30) forward to being in this new house. It’s not as big as the  old one, but (31) at  least it’s got a great garden. I’m planning to have  a small party on Saturday night. Are you free then? Why don’t you come along  (32) if you are? I hope you can make it. Let me know.

All the best,


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Новогодние поздравления на английском — в ассортименте
новогодние поздравления, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, тосты, универсальные поздравления, поздравления в стихах, деловые поздравления
Новогодние поздравления на английском – это самый удачный способ продемонстрировать свои знания друзьям, близким или коллегам. Понятно, что в предновогодней суете и беготне по магазинам в поисках подарков будет уже не до составления пламенных речей. Поэтому предлагаем вам в помощь список новогодних поздравлений на все случаи жизни.
С приближением 1 января новогодние поздравления на английском будут очень кстати. А для вас – это самый удачный способ продемонстрировать свои знания друзьям, близким или коллегам. Понятно, что в предновогодней суете и беготне по магазинам в поисках подарков будет уже не до составления пламенных речей. Поэтому предлагаем вам в помощь список поздравлений на все случаи жизни.
Наверное, самые известные фразы даже расшифровывать необязательно, но лишний раз прочитать их не помешает. Для общего развития. Небольшая ремарка: это только у нас принято отмечать Новый год с размахом, а в англоязычных странах предпочитают Рождество. Вот почему практически все новогодние поздравления на английском содержат фразы о Рождестве.
1. Универсальные традиционные поздравления, которые подойдут в любой ситуации:
• Happy New Year To You! С Новым годом!
• Merry Christmas To You! Веселого Рождества!
• Happy 2016 To You! С 2016-м тебя/вас!
• With Christmas Greetings and all Good Wishes for the New Year!
С рождественскими поздравлениями и самыми добрыми пожеланиями в новом году!
• Best wishes for a pleasant and successful New Year!
Наилучшие пожелания доброго и успешного Нового года!
• Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
Желаю вам веселого Рождества! Пусть этот праздник принесет много веселья и счастья!
• May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note!
Пусть это Рождество будет ярким и веселым, А Новый Год принесет только удачу и процветание!
Эти дежурные фразы можно свободно сказать и на работе, и на улице случайному прохожему, и бдительному (ну а что, вдруг он только по-английски говорит), и приятелю по Skype.
2. Просто милые пожелания, которые можно повторять каждый день, пока не закончится череда праздников и поток веселых гостей с шампанским:
• Happiness, Prosperity ‘N Success! Счастья, процветания и успехов!
• May All (your) Dreams Come True! Пусть все твои мечты сбудутся!
• From My Home To Yours. От нашего дома вашему с любовью.
• Warmest Wishes For Christmas! Наилучшие пожелания к Рождеству.
• Bright ‘N Joyful Christmas! Яркого и радостного Рождества!
• May you have an ocean of happiness! Моря счастья вам!
• Here’s wishing you all the joys of the season. Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!
Желаю всех радостей, какие только может принести зима! Веселого Рождества!
• May this holiday season brighten you up with peace, joy and good cheer! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Пусть этот праздник наполнит Вас спокойствием, радостью и весельем! Счастливого Рождества и Нового года!
Ненавязчиво, просто, душевно и вроде как уже не совсем банально.
3. Для любителей витиеватых речей, романтики и приятных эмоций:
• Better than any New Year has been and will be, Better than any joy known or to be known, Better than any wish realised or to be realised-that’s how, this New Year should be for you. Have a great new year.
Пусть этот Новый Год будет лучше, чем когда либо был, веселее, чем когда-либо было известно, лучше, чем любое сбывшееся желание.
• May the New Year brings new hopes, new promises and new reasons to celebrate your presence in your lives. Have a Joyous New Year!
Пусть этот Новый год принесет новые надежды, новые перспективы и новые причины для празднования в вашей жизни.
• Here is a wishing that the coming year is a glorious one that rewards all your future endeavors with success.
Пусть этот наступающий год будет великолепным и увенчает все ваши будущие усилия успехом.
• New Year is a time for celebration of love, of life, of Friendship. It’s the time to thank God for wonderful friends, and to bring to their lives as much magic as they bring to ours… So here’s celebrating our Friendship and praying that its magic continues forever. Happy New Year!
Новый год – время для празднования в честь любви, жизни и дружбы. Это время, чтобы благодарить Господа за замечательных друзей, и привнесения в их жизнь столько же волшебства, сколько они привносят в нашу…Поэтому мы здесь празднуем в честь нашей дружбы и пожелаем, чтобы так продолжалось всегда. С Новым годом!
• May this New Year adorn your life with many beautiful things and sweet memories to cherish forever.
And care of those whom the heart holds close, along with abundant joys and happiness, for you and your family.

<span>Я среднего роста переводится,спасибо взамен)</span>

Тест по аудированию на вставку пропущенных слов

Этот тип теста пока не практикуется на EГЭ и ОГЭ по английскому языку, но нередко встречается в олимпиадных заданиях. В данном онлайн тесте использованы материалы кембриджского пробника для уровня B1. Будет полезен тем, кто учится понимать английский на слух с целью извлечения конкретной информации. Кроме того, нужно правильно записать услышанное. После выполнения теста, нажмите кнопку Check для самопроверки. При необходимости, прочитайте и проанализируйте script, который приводится ниже.

TV news presenter

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time.


Hi, many thanks for inviting me. I’ve been a TV news presenter for four years now. I did a couple of other jobs after university, first in radio in my home city and then as a journalist on a magazine. I enjoyed both jobs very much.

I present the five o’clock evening news. There’s a lot of preparation to do before I start. First I get the newspapers and go through each one carefully. That way I understand what’s in the news reports I have to present that day. Then I have meetings with the editor of the news programme in the TV studio.

After that I have to spend a bit of time choosing the right jacket to put on! I think it’s really important, because that’s what you see when I’m sitting at my desk, reading the news. But at least I don’t need to worry about my trousers or my shoes as no-one gets to look at those!

What do I find particularly difficult? Well, I sometimes say things wrongly! I don’t often make mistakes with the names of cities or countries, whatever the language, but it’s names of people which I sometimes find a real challenge to get exactly right!

Now, I can’t choose what news to present of course! But I do have my favourite topic. I really enjoy business, so reading news about that is always interesting to me. For some of my colleagues, the most interesting subject is politics or even fashion. We’re all different!

What about the future? I’ve been told I could make a good actor. I’ve never been attracted by that, though. As a teenager, I always dreamt of becoming a producer. I still think it would be exciting if I get the chance. Maybe I’ll do that one day.

Now, any questions… (fade)

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