For each definition find the word in the text

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A device that can accept information, store it, process it, and
present the results of the processing in some acceptable form.

The coded instructions.

The process by which information is put into the machine.

The process by which the results are moved out of the machine.

The mechanisms that can retain information during calculation and
furnish it as needed to other parts of the machine.

The part of the machine which can carry out one or more of the basic
arithmetic operations on the information held in storage.

7. The parts of the machine
that dictate the functions to be performed by all the other parts.

Reading Comprehension

1. Review the whole text again. Outline the subject matter of the text, its components structure, topic sentences and main ideas. Use the following phrases:

text deals with … (speaks about, presents, shows, points out,
discusses, reviews, throws light on, traces the history of, etc)

The subject matter of
the text is …

The text can be
segmented into … paragraphs.

first (second, third, fourth, etc.) paragraph considers … (deals
with, informs of, describes, etc.)

topic sentence of the first (second, third, fourth, etc.) paragraph
is …

main idea of the first (second
etc.) paragraph is …

The main idea of the
text is …

The conclusion the
author came to is …

The reasons for this
conclusion are …

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your choice. Use the given phrases:

It’s right. Quite so.

I quite (fully) agree to

Certainly. Exactly.

I doubt that …

I don’t think so.

This is not the case.

It’s wrong, I am afraid.

Quite the reverse.

The definition is

1. An electronic computer does
not differ radically from a calculator.

The coded instructions are called a program.

Modern electronic digital computers don’t have many attributes in

Any computer contains devices for five main functions: input,
storage, arithmetic, control and output.

The arithmetic unit refers to those parts of machine that dictate the
functions to be performed by all the other parts.

6. Storage was provided by
such a device as a rotating magnetic drum or by magnetic cores.

3. Answer the following questions:

What do they call an electronic computer?

What is a most important adjunct to the definition of an electronic

What differs radically a computer from a calculator?

What is the term for a coded instruction?

How many units are there in a computer?

What is the function of the control unit, input/output,
storage and the arithmetic unit?

What way were the input, output, arithmetic and storage units
provided by?

What form are instructions placed in the storage device in?

Conversational Practice

1. Suppose that the information in the statement is insufficient. Repeat the statement and add your own reasoning, thus developing the idea. Use the following phrases:

There’s one more thing to
be noted …

I may as well add that …

Moreover …

You’ve omitted …

What is missing (lacking)
in the statement is that …

A computer has essentially only three parts: a memory, an instruction
processor and a data processor.

2. A datum is anything that
can be an operand.

3. Memory holds both data and

4. Instructions are organized
into programs, often called routines or codes.

given below
the introductory phrases and develop the idea further. Use the
following phrases

That’s right.

I fully agree to it.

I don’t think so.

This is not the case.

It’s wrong, I’m afraid.

Quite the reverse.

The computer models explain what people actually do when they think
or perceive.

2. There must be a digital way
of performing human tasks.

Discuss the statement. The following phrases may be helpful:

I am confirmed in my
opinion that …

The statement may be
confirmed by …

I can (not) be denied that

I deny that the statement
is true.

computers are much faster, more complex, multifunctional and useful
than most people dreamed 50 years ago.

Give a short summary of the text.

B. Computers

Read and translate the text

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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2. Find a word in the text above that matches each definition below.1  перевод - 2. Find a word in the text above that matches each definition below.1  русский как сказать

  • Текст
  • Веб-страница

2. Find a word in the text above that matches each definition below.
1 Events that mark an important stage in a process __________________________________
2 Organizing a company in a different way to make it more efficient____________________
3 (Two words; finance) the total value of a company’s shares __________________________
4 Companies owned or controlled by other, larger companies _________________________
5 A short description that gives the main ideas without explaining all the details ___________
6 (Two words) things that help a company be more successful than its competitors_________
7 Made for a particular purpose or person _________________________________________
8 Considering something as a whole; including everything ____________________________
9 Becoming smaller___________________________________________________________


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


2. Найдите слово в тексте выше, соответствующий каждому определению ниже.1 события, которые отмечают важный этап в процессе ___2 организовать компанию в другой способ, чтобы сделать его более efficient___3 (два слова; финансы) Общая стоимость компании разделяет ___4 компании принадлежат или контролируются других, более крупных компаний ___5. Краткое описание, которое дает основные идеи без объяснения все детали ___6 (два слова) вещи, которые помогают компании быть более успешным, чем его competitors___7 сделаны для конкретной цели или лица ___8. Учитывая то, в целом; включая все ___9 становить smaller___

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


. 2. Найти слово в тексте выше, что соответствует каждое определение ниже
1 мероприятия, которые знаменуют собой важный этап в процессе __________________________________
2 Организация компанию по-другому, чтобы сделать его более efficient____________________
3 (Два слова; финансовые) общая стоимость акций компании __________________________
4 Компании, принадлежащие или контролируемые другими, более крупными компаниями _________________________
5 краткое описание, которое дает основные идеи без объяснения всех деталей ___________
6 (два слова) вещи, которые помогают компании быть более успешным, чем его competitors_________
7 сделано для конкретной цели или лицо _________________________________________
8 Учитывая то в целом; в том числе все ____________________________
9 Став smaller___________________________________________________________

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


2.найти слово в текст выше, что матчи каждой определение ниже.1 события, которые ознаменуют собой важный этап в процессе __________________________________2 организации компании, по — другому, чтобы сделать ее более эффективной ____________________3 (два слова, финансов), общая стоимость акций, __________________________4 компании, находящиеся в собственности или под другими, более крупными компаниями _________________________5 краткое описание, которое предоставляет основные идеи, не объясняя, все детали ___________6 (два слова) вещи, которые помогают компании быть более успешным, чем его конкурентов _________7 для определенной цели или лица, _________________________________________8, учитывая, что — то в целом, включая все ____________________________9 ___________________________________________________________ становится все меньше

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку 2017–2018 уч. г. Школьный этап. Москва.

Reading (task 1)

Read the text below. Find the correct word in the passage for each of these definitions 1–7. The number in the brackets shows how many letters there are in the words.

1. A set of letters in a fixed order used for writing the words of a particular language
h (8)
2. A book that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains what they mean
o (10)
3. A word that means the opposite of another word
y (7)
4. A word that means the same as another word
o (7)
5. Another word for a book, or one of a series of books
e (6)
6. A book of maps is called an/a
a (5)
7. A picture, shape, mark or letter used to represent something
b (6)
Reference Books
Reference books are not designed to be read from the first page to the last but rather to be consulted to answer questions and give both general and specific pieces of information.
One of the most widely-used reference books is a dictionary, which provides information about words. It lists meanings and spellings, tells how a word is pronounced, gives examples of how it is used, may show its origins and also lists synonyms and antonyms. To help you to find the word faster, there are guide words at the top of each page showing the first and the last words on the page – and of course it helps to know the alphabet! There may be many special sections at the backwith facts about famous people and places, list of dates and scientific names, etc. There is usually a section at the front explaining how to use the dictionary.
An encyclopedia comes as either a set of books or a single large volume and is nearly always arranged alphabetically. As information changes so fast, encyclopedias have to be brought up to date regularly – this is easier if the information is in electronic format.
An atlas is also a reference book and contains charts, tables and geographical facts, as well as maps. Political maps locate countries and cities, physical maps showthe formation of the land with its mountains and valleys, and economic maps show industries and agriculture. To find a specific place, you need to look in the index at the back of the atlas and find a reference number which will indicate the correct page and the exact position on the map. There are a lot of map symbols that you need to know in order to be able to read a map – almost like a special language – and these are explained at the front of the atlas.

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