For await unexpected reserved word

The “unexpected reserved word (await)” error occurs in JavaScript when you use the await keyword in a function that is not specified as async. To fix it, add an async modifier to the function to mark it as async.

The "Unexpected reserved word 'await'" error occurring in JavaScript.

The “Unexpected reserved word ‘await’” error occurring in JavaScript.

Here’s an example of the error occurring:

function getName() { // ❌ SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word const str = await Promise.resolve('Coding Beauty'); return str; }

Note: As this is a syntax error, the function doesn’t need to be invoked for it to be detected, and no part of the code runs until it is resolved.

The async and await keywords work together in JavaScript (hence the commonly used term, async/await); to use the await keyword in a function, you must add the async modifier to the function to specify that it is an async function.

// ✅ Use "async" keyword modifier async function getName() { // ✅ Successful assignment - no error const str = await Promise.resolve('Coding Beauty'); return str; }

Fix “Unexpected reserved word (await)” error in nested function

If you’re using the await keyword, it’s likely that you already know that it has to be in an async function. What probably happened is that you nested functions and mistakenly ommited the async modifier from the innermost function containing the await keyword.

For example:

// ❌ SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word export const createTask = async ({ description }) => // ❌ "async" keyword missing from innermost function (dispatch) => { await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ description }), }); dispatch({ type: 'taskCreated', description }); };

For await to work, the deepest function in the nesting hierarchy is required to be specified as async. It won’t work even if any or all of the outer functions are marked as async.

So we resolve the error in this case by adding the async modifier to the innermost function:

// ✅ No error export const createTask = async ({ description }) => // ✅ Innermost function marked as async async (dispatch) => { await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ description }), }); dispatch({ type: 'taskCreated', description }); };

In this example, we should be able to remove the async keyword from the outer function, as it isn’t performing any asynchronous operations with await, but this depends on whether the caller of createTask() is expecting it to return a Promise or not.

Here’s another example where this mistake frequently happens; using await in an array looping method:

// ❌ SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word async function processPhotos(photoIds) { const data = await Promise.all( => { const res = await fetch(`${photoId}`); return await res.json(); })); // process data... }

Like in the previous example, the error occurs because the async keyword modifier is absent from the map() callback, even though it’s present in the function that calls map(). The fix is the same, add async to the map() callback.

// ✅ No error async function processPhotos(photoIds) { const data = await Promise.all( (photoId) => { const res = await fetch(`${photoId}`); return await res.json(); }) ); // processing... }

Use await at top level

If you’re trying to use await at the top level of your file, you’ll need to set the type attribute to "module" in the script tag referencing the file in the HTML. This works when your code runs in browser environments.

For example:

<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>

Now you’ll be able to use await at the global scope in your file, e.g.:

console.log(await Promise.resolve('Coding Beauty'));

If you’re using Node.js, you’ll need to set the type attribute to "module" in your package.json file.

{ "name": "cb-js", "type": "module", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "license": "MIT", // other fields... }

If there’s no package.json in your project directory, you can create one with the following command

# NPM npm init -y # Yarn yarn init -y

The await keyword will now work at the top level of your project files.

Ayibatari Ibaba is a software developer with years of experience building websites and apps. He has written extensively on a wide range of programming topics and has created dozens of apps and open-source libraries.

Here is my code that throws the exception. Not able to figure out why it says ‘Unexpected reserved word’. main() function is an async type. It isn’t complaining for above line of code.

const { BlobServiceClient } = require("@azure/storage-blob");
async function main() {
    try {
        const blobServiceClient = await BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString('some string');
        let i = 1;
        const result = await blobServiceClient.listContainers();
        for await (const container of result) {
            console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${}`);
    } catch (error) {


asked Dec 4, 2019 at 20:24

Taher Ghulam Mohammed's user avatar


Your are getting this error because your Node version is lower than 10.0 and doesn’t support for await...of. As a side note, for await has no effect here and can be substituted for just for Turns out api does need it

from the docs: you can either use for await of if your runtime supports it, or iterate an iterable in an old-fashioned way

let containerItem = await;
while (!containerItem.done) {
  console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${}`);
  containerItem = await;

answered Dec 4, 2019 at 20:32

Max's user avatar


4,3651 gold badge15 silver badges18 bronze badges


There is an work around for this one:

const { BlobServiceClient } = require("@azure/storage-blob");

async function main() {
    try {
        const blobServiceClient = await BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=devappsstorage;AccountKey=aw/FF01OIfnYmK6Bh+d4NIhvVBaDKn942O22YAMNycX/27qKVwYW+/Dma/C7pI+lvU0wpo/VBJ1jFd4yi3MMWw==;');
        let i = 1;
        let iter = blobServiceClient.listContainers();
        let containerItem = await;
        while (!containerItem.done) {
            console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${}`);
            containerItem = await;
    } catch (error) {


answered Dec 4, 2019 at 20:49

Taher Ghulam Mohammed's user avatar


Node.js wrapper function that contains your module is not an async function (nor is it a generator). Identifier await is parsed as a keyword only in async functions, while it can be a standard variable in non-async functions.

If you want to use await as a keyword and don’t want to declare separate named async function just to execute it, you can define async IIFE and put your code in it, like this:

(async () => {
    for await (let pkg of installPackages(items))

If you’re not sure whether something is a bug or not, I suggest posting in nodejs/help repo firstly next time.

The unexpected reserved word ‘await’ vueJS code exception affects your programming experience when you forget to declare async functions. Unfortunately, this leads to many obstacles because the unexpected reserved word fails to interpret the inputs and render the commands, forcing your system to display a warning.unexpected reserved word await

Although the unexpected reserved word ‘await’ React Native error happens for many reasons, this in-depth guide covers the most sophisticated solutions that work for all instances and bugs.

In addition, we will help you recreate the reserved word code exception using real-life examples and scripts millions of developers use daily, especially with JS programs.


  • Why Is the Unexpected Reserved Word ‘Await’ Bug Happening?
    • – Awaiting for a Procedure Without Declaring the Function
    • – Using the Package Manager on a Docker Environment
  • How To Remove the Unexpected Reserved Word ‘Await’ Code Exception?
    • – Adding an Asynchronous Property to the Inner Function
  • Conclusion

Why Is the Unexpected Reserved Word ‘Await’ Bug Happening?

The unexpected reserved word ‘await’ Vite error nearly always happens when your document lacks adequate declarations for the async functions with the unexpected reserved word. Unfortunately, the same error occurs with other inputs, although it is the most typical with the awaited procedure.

Therefore, you will likely experience the unexpected reserved word ‘await’ lwc exception when you use the specific word in a function that is not declared async. Although this only sometimes happens to skillful developers and programmers, it can affect any program or document, especially those with complex inputs.

On the flip side, applying the debugging methods and solutions for the unexpected reserved word ‘await’ Jest test only takes a minute, as you will soon learn. The point worth noting is that troubleshooting the document and pinpointing the exact failed command with advanced programs is the most challenging step.

However, no need to worry as we will help you recreate the unexpected reserved word ‘await’ in React to learn more about the error’s dynamic properties. Luckily, the lack of correct async functions is this error’s most standard culprit, although it happens in most programming languages and programs.

Hence, we wrote two chapters recreating the unexpected reserved word ‘await’ Axios code exception using standard elements and properties. Still, it would help if you remained calm if your project’s data differs because each script and syntax is unique, launching various procedures and functions.

– Awaiting for a Procedure Without Declaring the Function

This guide’s first broken script attempts to await a procedure without declaring the async function. Although this procedure looks ordinary and only requires a few elements, your system throws the unexpected reserved word ‘await’ in useeffect code exception, indicating that there are failed inputs.Unexpected reserved word await Causes

Hence, the example we will show you include a single async function and schema for accepting the data. So, we will provide the entire code snippet throwing the error and confirming the lack of functional declarations.

You can learn more about this script in the following example:

async function checkIfDatabaseHasUsersWithSameNameAndEmail(data) {

const uniques = [‘name’, ’email’];

return Promise.all ( (async (field) => {

const query = {};

query [field] = data [field];

query.deleted = false;

return model.findOne (query);



schema.statics.create = async function create (data) {

try {

const results = await checkIfDatabaseHasUsersWithSameNameAndEmail (data);

results.forEach ((result) => {

console.log (`Here’s the issue: $ {JSON.stringify (result)} ` );

throw new Error (‘Do something about it.’);


const company = new this (data);


} catch (error) {

throw error;



As you can tell, this short script fails to render the values and launches an exception due to the lack of async functions.

In addition, the code snippet indicates something about the error, but providing the complete error log is more beneficial. However, we will not exemplify the stack trace in this section because we want to focus on a different application.

Namely, we will help you reproduce the error on a Docker environment on Mac OS and list the complete error log because it pinpoints the exact failed path.

– Using the Package Manager on a Docker Environment

This article’s second and last invalid instance uses the package manager on a Docker environment. As explained earlier, your system blocks the procedure due to a single code line in the main document setting the dependency. So, we will exemplify the script, system information, and entire broken stack trace.

The following example helps you learn more about the main script:

main vite / packages / vite /bin/vite.js /<> Jump to

838 contributors

sapphi-red chore: node prefix lint (#67185) ✓

#!/usr/bin/env node

import performance } from ‘node: perf_he

if (!import.meta.url.includes (‘node_modules’)) {


try {

await import(‘source-map-support’).then((r) => r.default.install())

catch (e) {}

global._ vite_start_time =

Although we could list other inputs and elements, we kept the syntax as short as possible. In addition, the following example helps you learn more about the system’s versions and binaries:


OS: macOS 12.5

CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1038NG7 CPU @ 2.00GHz

Memory: 51.91 MB / 16.00 GB

Shell: 5.8.2 – /bin/zsh


Node: 18.7.1 – ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.7.0/bin/node

Yarn: 1.22.20 – ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.7.0/bin/yarn

npm: 8.15.1 – ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.7.0/bin/npm


Chrome: 115.0.57615.134

Safari: 15.6

So, the only thing left is exemplifying the invalid message. You can learn more about this in the following example:

vue-tsc –noEmit && vite build –mode develop


await import(‘source-map-support’).then((r) => r.default.install())


SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word

at Loader.moduleStrategy (internal/modules/esm/translators.js:140:18)

at async link (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:45:31)


npm ERR! errno 1

npm ERR! portal-ui@0.0.0 build:dev: vue-tsc –noEmit && vite build –mode develop

npm ERR! Exit status 1

npm ERR!

npm ERR! Failed at the portal-ui@0.0.0 build:dev script.

npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2022-12-12T10_43_04_971Z-debug.log

This example confirms the code’s inconsistencies and flaws with the synchronized functions. Luckily, you can quickly overcome them.

How To Remove the Unexpected Reserved Word ‘Await’ Code Exception?

You can remove the unexpected reserved word ‘await’ code exception by making the function enclosing the await property asynchronous.

Contrarily, you can remove the await command and reenable all procedures, but this changes your script completely. Hence, we suggest using the first method because it does not affect other operations.

So, you can get around this obstacle by changing the default sync property of your primary function. As a result, you will enable the await command and allow the snippet to render its values. Fortunately, we will exemplify the entire procedure by fixing the broken example from the first chapter.

The following example provides a fully functional document:

const onRefresh = React.useCallback(() => {

const deviceId = await AsyncStorage.getItem(‘@device_ID’)

const sessionId = await AsyncStorage.getItem(‘@session_Id’)

console.log (‘device ID: ‘,deviceId, ‘session ID: ‘, sessionId)

setRefreshing (true);

// wait (5000).then(() => setRefreshing (false));

(async () => {


let ServiceTicketData = await fetch (`$ {API_URL} /v1/ serviceTicket`, {

method: ‘GET’,

headers: {

Accept: ‘application/ json’,

‘apiKey’: ‘aklse90234e’,

‘deviceId’: deviceId,

‘sessionId’: sessionId



let STData = await ServiceTicketData.json();

console.log (STData);

setRefreshing (false)

} catch (error) {

console.log (error);



}, [refreshing]);

As explained, this syntax catches the error and reenables the processes by making the function async. As a result, you can complete the other failed inputs because this method flattens out all inconsistencies.

First, however, remember to apply this debugging approach to all code snippets containing the await command. Fortunately, this is relatively easy because the warning indicates the code exceptions.

– Adding an Asynchronous Property to the Inner Function

You can resolve your document by adding the async property directly to the inner function, serving the same purpose as before. Hence, the following example provides the broken script:Adding an Asynchronous Property to the Inner Function

export const sendVerificationEmail = async () =>

(dispatch) => {

try {

dispatch({ type: EMAIL_FETCHING, payload: true });

await Auth.sendEmailVerification();

dispatch({ type: EMAIL_FETCHING, payload: false }))

} catch (error) {

dispatch({ type: EMAIL_FETCHING, payload: false });

throw new Error(error);



Luckily, the fixed code is similar because a single property enables all procedures, as explained below:

export const sendVerificationEmail = async () =>

async (dispatch) => {

try {

dispatch({ type: EMAIL_FETCHING, payload: true });

await Auth.sendEmailVerification();

dispatch({ type: EMAIL_FETCHING, payload: false }))

} catch (error) {

dispatch({ type: EMAIL_FETCHING, payload: false });

throw new Error(error);



This example completes our debugging guide using real-life examples and scripts.


The unexpected reserved word ‘await’ code exception affects your programming experience when you forget to declare async functions. Remember the following details before you fix the program:

  • The lack of adequate properties in the primary function is this mistake’s only cause
  • We recreated the code exception when awaiting a procedure without declaring the async function
  • Making the function enclosing the await property asynchronous is the best debugging approach
  • You can add the async property directly to the main function

The error should no longer ruin your application or project because you learned the most advanced debugging methods. Nevertheless, we encourage you to open your document, troubleshoot the script, and apply our debugging techniques.

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To fix the unexpected reserved word ‘await’ error in JavaScript, declare your function “async”. The error “unexpected reserved word await” occurs when we use the ‘await’ keyword inside a not marked as async function. If we need to use the ‘await’, we should make the function ‘async’.

function getString() { // not marked as async function
  // unexpected reserved word 'await'
  const str = await Promise.resolve('Hello world!');
  return str;

// unexpected reserved word 'await'
const res = await Promise.resolve(42);


 const str = await Promise.resolve('Hello world!');
SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word

In this example, we didn’t mark the function as async so that this code will generate an “unexpected reserved word await” error.

To fix this error, declare your function as async.

async function getString() { // not marked as async function
 // unexpected reserved word 'await'
 const str = await Promise.resolve('Hello world!');
 return str;

//unexpected reserved word 'await'
const res = await Promise.resolve(42);


This code will run properly with no errors. However, if you use Node.js and want to use the await keyword on the top level, set the type attribute to the module on your package.json file.

See the below package.json file. This is a strict requirement if you use Node.js.

Set the attribute in your script tag to use it on the browser.

Use this tag on your HTML file.

<script type="module" src="app.js"></script>

Now you can use the top-level await keyword on your code. For browser:

console.log(await Promise.resolve(20));

That’s it.

Niva Shah

Niva Shah is a Software Engineer with over eight years of experience. She has developed a strong foundation in computer science principles and a passion for problem-solving.

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