На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
слово с ошибкой
ошибочное слово
слово с ошибками
слово с опечаткой
ошибочного слова
неверно написанного слова
This is why you might write and deeply edit a post for your blog and not realize you have a misspelled word or missing connector.
Вот почему вы можете написать и глубоко отредактировать сообщение для своего блога, не зная, что у вас слово с ошибкой или недостающий соединитель.
If there is a misspelled word in a name, that name will be, for all intents and purposes, completely hidden.
Если в имени есть слово с ошибкой, это имя будет, по сути, полностью скрытым.
Clicking on Replace All will initially perform the same function as clicking on Replace, but will automatically replace the misspelled word with the chosen replacement word, if it appears again (at a later point) in your document.
Нажатие Заменить всё обычно выполняет ту же функцию, что и нажатие Заменить, но автоматически заменит ошибочное слово выбранным для замены, если оно встретится далее в документе.
the misspelled word shown in context…
Fixes an issue that could prevent alternate words from displaying when tapping on a misspelled word
Исправлена ошибка, которая могла препятствовать отображению альтернативных слов при нажатии на слово с ошибкой
A low score indicates that the misspelled word was changed slightly, while a high score indicates that the word was changed a great deal.
Низкая оценка показывает, что слово с ошибкой было изменено в небольшой степени, высокая — что слово было изменено значительно.
Clicking on Add will add the misspelled word to your personal dictionary (this is distinct from the original system dictionary, so the additions you make will not be seen by other users).
Нажатие Добавить в словарь добавит слово с ошибкой в ваш персональный словарь (он отличается от оригинального системного словаря, так сделанные вами добавления не будут видны другим пользователям).
The term «Espinoza» is a misspelled word; the correct word is «espinosa» with an «s» instead of the «z», and means «full of thorns» or «protected by thorns», like a rose.
Термин «Эспиноза» — слово с ошибкой, правильное слово «espinosa» с «s» вместо «z» и буквально означает «полный шипов или защищенный шипами, как роза».
It reads through a text input and prints each misspelled word on a line of its own.
Choose the misspelled word and write it correctly.
The misspelled word is automatically replaced with the selected word.
Usually, broken links are caused by an issue that can be quickly rectified, such as a misspelled word.
Обычно неработающие ссылки вызваны проблемой, которая может быть быстро устранена, например, словом с ошибкой.
When referring to a spelling checker, a score is a number that indicates how much a replacement word differs from the original misspelled word.
В программе проверки орфографии оценка представляет собой число, показывающее, насколько заменяющее слово отличается от исходного ошибочного слова.
Or maybe there was a misspelled word.
The text body of each element is a suggested replacement for the misspelled word.
10 Point out a misspelled word can now send you to jail.
Similar to HODL, it is also an intentionally misspelled word.
One wrong word, one misspelled word, one missing comma, it’s a failed test.
Одно неправильное слово, одна описка, пропущенная запятая — экзамен провален.
the misspelled word position in the supplied text.
The teacher dictates to him from the passage, one phrase at a time, watching carefully as he writes to catch any misspelled word and correct it immediately.
Затем учитель диктует им отрывок по одной фразе и внимательно наблюдает, чтобы можно было сразу заметить неправильное написание слова и исправить его.
Результатов: 31. Точных совпадений: 31. Затраченное время: 32 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Spelling Tip
Use in a Sentence
This word can accommodate a double «c» and a double «m.»
I would like to accommodate his wishes.
Remember “i” before “e” except after “c.”
He achieved all his dreams.
I “c” that you want to acquire it.
The team acquired three new players this year.
Let “Ross” row across.
Let’s row the boat across the pond.
Deliver the double “d” to the right address.
Make sure you have the right address before you send the package.
The ADVERT was revISEd.
Madison Avenue knows it pays to advertise.
I “c” that you gave me advice.
Good advice is as good as gold.
A «monk» was among the worshipers.
He was among the living.
The AP ate with his PARENT.
It’s apparent that he made a mistake.
Gumbo lost an «e» in an argument.
The two politicians got into a heated argument.
Don’t delete the “l” in athlete.
Tom Brady is one of the country’s top athletes.
Something that is full of aw is always very bad.
That food smelled awful. It must have spoiled in the fridge.
The BAd man used a LANCE.
Try to strike a balance between diet and exercise.
It’s BASIC that I have an ALLY.
He is basically dishonest.
BEes will be COMING to flowers near you.
The boy is quickly becoming a man.
BEe went to the FORE when called upon.
He’ll be going away to college before you know it.
Add an “n” and “ing” to begin to get beginning.
In the beginning, there was the heaven and the Earth.
Do not believe a lie.
I believe in magic.
BENE is very FIT.
The benefit raised quite a bit of money for charity.
Take an extra “e” when you breathe.
I can’t breathe; I need some air.
The BRILLo pad was gIANT.
Einstein’s theory of relativity was brilliant.
The BUS IN the terminal was a mESS.
It’s not personal; it’s just business.
Dara checked the calendar every day.
Look at the calendar to see what date Thanksgiving is on this year.
Careful not to add an extra “l” to careful.
Be careful when crossing the street.
The CAT’s Ear is GORY.
When you play jeopardy, pick the right category.
Remember “i” before “e” except after “c.”
Do you know how to install a ceiling fan?
Eileen found herself at e’s in the cemetery.
Many horror stories take place in a cemetery.
He’s CERebral, so don’t TAINt it.
I’m certain I left my keys by the door.
Remember “i” before “e” except after “c.”
The chief of police just took over the job last month.
Don’t CITe It; practice ZEN.
The good citizen votes in every election.
Coming is too short to have two “m’s.”
I’ll be coming home soon.
The competition at the track meet was fierce.
Remember «i» before “e” except after “c.”
The convenience store opened at 7 a.m.
There’s no “s” in criticize.
I don’t mean to criticize, but you did the problem wrong.
Clide, remove the “l” and spell decide.
You need to decide which man to marry.
DEb had a FINITE spending limit.
I’ll need a definite answer today.
DEb POSITed that we deposit the money.
Don’t forgot to deposit the check at the bank.
DEb hired a SCRIBE.
Please describe the man who attacked you.
DES, PER your direction, rATEd it.
I am desperate to find a new place to live.
Lop off the “e” in develop.
They used to develop film in a darkroom.
We DIFFER about pENCE.
What’s the difference between pink and mauve?
Emma faced a dilemma.
I’m in a terrible dilemma; I don’t know what to do.
It takes two “p’s” but only one “s” to spell disappear.
The boy just disappeared. I hope he wasn’t kidnapped.
You have a point; add the second “p” in disappoint.
I hate to disappoint my mother.
The DISC Is Perfectly in LINE.
He is a believer in strong discipline.
The DOE Sang.
Does she want to come with us?
DU bought a RING.
It happened during the night.
The bEASt Is loveLY.
My mom is so easily fooled.
There’s an eight in height.
“Eight Is Enough” was the name for a TV show.
Ed Is THERe.
Either he goes, or I do.
It’s hard to EMBArrass Really Righteous And Serious Students.
I don’t want to embarrass you, but your pants have a rip.
A new environment will iron me out.
Many people are concerned about the environment.
Emphatically, hE QUIPPED that he had the gear for the job.
The plane is equipped with many of the modern luxuries and comforts.
Goofy Greg loved to exaggerate.
Don’t exaggerate; the fish you caught was only three inches long.
The EXact CELL is bENT.
The meal was excellent.
My EX is Certain I’m inEPT.
The student completed all the problems except the last one.
I EXERt and I’m preCISE when I exercise.
To lose weight, you need to eat nutritious foods and exercise.
I EXIST with mike pENCE.
Many have debated the existence of an all-powerful being.
I met my EX in PE, what did you expeCT?
What did you expect?
My EX said that PER Irv we’ll invite mike pENCE.
The trip was a great experience for the kids.
PER my EX, I MENTored him.
Scientists perform many experiments to find the truth.
My EX had a PLAN AT the unION.
I think he deserves an honest explanation.
That liar looks familiar.
The surroundings look familiar, but I’m still lost.
It’s “s” before “c” in fascinating.
Mr. Spock found many things to be fascinating.
In the end, there are two “l’s” in finally.
He has finally arrived; now we can eat our Thanksgiving meal.
FOR EIGght, the Nation said they were foreign dignitaries.
He grew up in a foreign country.
There’s no “u” in forty.
The punt return specialist ran the ball back forty yards.
FOR sam, he was a WARD of the court.
Be optimistic; always look forward.
Don’t be a fiend; insert the “r” in friend.
He was a dedicated and loyal friend.
Fundamental is just FUN, DAMEN, and TAL.
We have fundamental differences of opinion.
Generally, a general is your best ally.
The teacher was generally correct.
The GOVERNor was deMENTed.
The government might shut down if the parties don’t reach a deal.
GRAM didn’t want to MAR our grammar.
I try, but my grammar is atrocious.
The GUARd ANd the TEEn guaranteed it.
The car has a 100,000-mile guarantee.
The GUIDe was in a trance because there’s only one “e” in guidance.
The guidance counselor advised the student not to attend college.
Drop the “y” and replace it with an “i” to achieve happiness.
Jefferson wrote that all people are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
HE ROped an E for hiS heroes.
World War II produced many heroes.
He HUMs fOR the mOUSe.
The author was very humorous. His books displayed great wit.
There is an “ID” in identity.
It’s easy to have your identity stolen.
IMAGINe there’s no heaven. It’s eAsy if you tRY.
The little girl had an imaginary friend.
Don’t imitate. There’s only one “m” in imitation.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
Mom ate immediately.
Come here immediately.
He INCIted by DENTing the car of his ALLY.
Incidentally, I borrowed your car last night.
There is a dent in independent.
The young man was very independent.
IN TELLIng the GENT, he showed he was intelligent.
She is extremely intelligent; she scored 1,600 on her SAT.
The INTERn was bEST at showING he was interesting.
This article is very interesting.
The INTERn watered the FERn, I sEe.
Please do not interfere.
The INTERn PRETended that stATION was near.
The two had very different interpretations as to what happened.
Don’t interrupt: Interruption has two “r’s.”
The interruption couldn’t be helped; his wife was having a baby.
INVITe me to offer a rATIONale.
He received an invitation to the birthday party.
Don’t make the second “r” in irrelevant irrelevant. And there’s an “ant” at the end.
The information he provided was irrelevant.
It would irritate me if you forgot the second “r” in irritable, and set the table at the end.
After the operation, she was very irritable.
An island IS LAND surrounded by water.
Hawaii is made up of a group of islands.
JEAn’s a LOUSe to be jealous.
He was jealous of her former lover.
Unlike judge, there is no “e” after the “g” in judgment.
He showed bad judgment by putting that story in the paper.
I KNOW you can reach the LEDGE.
How do you measure the sum of all knowledge?
I had to LABOR at orATORY.
The scientist labored away in her laboratory.
Make it longer by putting a “g” between the “n” and “t” in length.
He ran the kickoff return the length of the football field.
Listen to the lesson, and spend LESS time ON studying.
The teacher gave a lesson on World War II.
Take the liberty of putting two «r’s» in library.
You’ll find many books in the library.
To say he had LICE is nonseNSE.
That’s not a license to steal.
The LONE LINE did have SS at the end.
Emily Dickenson suffered from great loneliness.
I like to hear LO SINGers.
Coach Vince Lombardi hated losing.
lying, laying
Truthfully, there’s a “y” but no “ie” in lying.
I was lying on my back, while he was laying the book down.
He MARRied her in a carrIAGE.
Their marriage is on the rocks.
MATH plus E equals matheMATICS.
The professor was an expert in mathematics.
Club MED Is at the CINEma.
All medical doctors practice medicine in one form or another.
MINI A has no staTURE.
Legoland has many miniature scenes built from the interlocking blocks.
Minute is MINU and TE.
It only takes a minute.
MY STERIO is for US.
She was very mysterious.
NATURe has an ALLY.
She is naturally blond.
It’s necessary to remember the CESSpool in the middle.
Is that really necessary?
The horse NEIGHed at the BORing man.
My neighbor lends me his tools.
NEll Is THERe.
It’s neither here nor there to me.
The notice is able to help.
His gray hair was very noticeable.
It’s an occasion to remember that occasion has two “c’s” and one “s.”
Christmas is a special occasion.
It occurred to him that there are two “c’s” and two “r’s” in occurred.
It never occurred to her to change the light bulb.
Old Frank Finklestein Is Cute In A Loving way.
It’s official: He’s now the president.
OF mice and men there were TEN.
I don’t come here very often.
Omit the second “m” but not the second “s” in omission.
Forgetting the wine was an omission on my part.
I hOPE to RATE it.
The doctor decided to operate.
Let’s hOP with TIM into the schISM.
I have great optimism that better days are ahead.
ORIGamI is NAL’s favorite.
His work wasn’t very original.
Ought is “bought” minus the “b.”
He ought to have told you.
PA Is Done with work.
When do you get paid?
Two “l’s” form parallel lines in parallel.
Parallel parking can be difficult.
PART Is in the CULt with ARLY.
His error was particularly egregious.
It’s peculiar the PECU is a LIAR.
That bird is very peculiar.
It’s «i» before «e» except after «c.»
I perceive things differently from you.
PER the directions they FORMed a line.
Will the band perform tonight?
The PERM on the mAN cost just a cENT.
That change was permanent.
PER the directions, he SEVEREd it.
The only way to succeed is to persevere.
The PERSON was an ALLY.
Personally, I don’t like it.
PER the SUn, he had it mADE.
I tried to persuade him that he is wrong.
The PIC was taken at the right aperTURE.
That’s a beautiful picture.
Have a piece of the pie.
Plan to put two “n’s” in planning.
I was planning to come later.
He tried to PLEASe the ANT.
The visit has been very pleasant.
The POL Is noT ethICAL.
Everything is so political these days.
Remember to possess two double “s’s” in possess.
You don’t possess an ounce of dignity.
The POSSe Is BLEssed.
It’s not possible to get the assignment completed in time.
PRACTICe to replace the “e” with “AL” in practical.
It’s not practical to rely on magic.
PREp the FERn.
I prefer orange juice to lemonade.
Don’t PREJUDge; think twICE.
The racist was full of prejudice.
The PRESident chose pENCE.
He made his presence known.
Privilege is just PRIVI with a LEG and an E.
It’s been a privilege to meet you.
He handled the PROBlem ABLY.
I could probably meet for lunch next week.
The PROFESSor said there are two “s’s” in professIONAL, too.
He was very professional in his conduct at work.
The PROM date was a surprISE.
I will never promise you a rose garden.
I have proof that there are two “o’s” in proof.
Einstein showed proof of his theory of relativity.
Please Say You Can Hit Old Ladies, Or Get Yogurt.
He practiced psychology for many years.
The QUANT Is TinY.
That’s a large quantity of grapes.
The QUARTEt is Ready.
Four quarters make a dollar.
Please keep quiet about my diet.
Just be quiet!
Quiet lost its “e” and became quit.
No, I won’t quit this job.
Quit added an “e” and became quite.
That’s quite a statement you made.
The REAl man materiaLIZEd.
I didn’t realize I was being so loud.
Remember “i” before “e” except after “c.”
It’s better to give than to receive.
Ryan Epping was COGent about having to orgaNIZE.
He was recognized for his bravery.
I recommend you put two “m’s” in recommend.
I highly recommend the applicant.
REFER it to mike pENCE.
I’d be happy to serve as a reference.
RELIGate the task to the pIOUS man.
There’s a great divide between religious and nonreligious people.
REPEaT IT In unisON.
Repetition is the best way to learn.
REST before you and your AUnt start to RANT..
He ran a very clean restaurant.
Rhythm Helps Your Two Hips Move.
Dance to the rhythm of the night.
RID the Island of CUrious LOUSes.
Your crazy plan is just ridiculous.
Use the SACk to RId the ofFICE of mice.
It was a great sacrifice for me to come here.
Safely add “ty” to safe to get safety.
He needs to heed the safety rules.
Steve Cut Into the Seven Samurai on Orders from Rick Smith.
Never run with scissors.
Just add “ary” to secret to get secretary.
The secretary is very quick at taking dictation.
There’s A RAT in separate.
There are separate doors at the front and back of the house.
Marty hurt his SHIN choppING wood.
The sun was shining brightly.
SIMI valley has a lot of LARd.
The two theories are very similar.
Pair SINCE and RELY to get sincerely.
Generally, end a letter by saying “sincerely.”
Sam Ordered Larry to DIE Respectfully for his country.
The soldier died in battle.
Draw it out: Put two “e’s” in speech.
Martin Luther King Jr. gave a memorable speech in Washington.
STOP and hear the PING.
We’ll be stopping at the store on the way home.
Schwarzenegger Trained REally Nicely at Gold’s gym on THe highway.
The athlete showed great strength and agility.
Just add “ing” to study to get studying.
I’ve been up all night studying.
To succeed requires two “c’s” and two «e’s.»
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
Be successful: Put two “c’s” and two “s’s” in successful.
The businesswoman is very successful.
Sure, just add “ly” to get surely.
Surely you don’t believe that!
The SURPlus caused inventory to RISE.
It was a wonderful surprise to see you here.
The TEMP, Ed, Realized Afterward That Umpire Rick Equivocated.
He had a temperature of 100.4 F.
The TEMP Or Rick Ate Real Yogurt.
Relax. This situation is only temporary.
Just add “hr” to tough to get through.
He counted every number from one through 10,000.
I TOW an ARDvark.
Never run toward danger.
Just switch the “i” and “r” in tires to get tries.
He tries so hard, but he rarely succeeds.
Tom Really Understands Libby’s Yeti.
I truly appreciate your help.
The TWin ELF THought about it.
He worked until the twelfth of the month.
To spell until, just think untile without the “e.”
He worked until the twelfth of the month.
UNUSed, Uni Asked Larry for a loan.
It’s unusual to duplicate sentences, but sometimes it’s called for.
Using is just like use, but replace the «e» with “ing.”
I don’t like using a computer.
USU was his ALLY.
He usually arrives early.
It takes two “l’s” to spell village.
It takes a village to solve problems.
Moving the «e» turns wired into weird.
That man was weird.
WE Love COmmunists from MEndecino.
Welcome to the jungle.
Whether, weather
Heather likes cold WEATHER, WHETHER or not anyone else does.
Whether I want to accept it or not, the weather will soon turn to snow.
To write writing, just drop the “e” and replace with “ing.”
As of this writing, the information is correct.
You mistype a word. You make a «finger check». You accidentally transpose letters typing too fast, or from muscle memory.
A spelling checker does not recognize your typo because your incorrect typing resulted in a correctly spelled (though wrong and unintended) word.
Only careful human reading (or maybe very sophisticated context analysis) will catch this mistake of a word that was not intended to be used.
What is the term for such a ‘misspelling’ (or this specific class of typographical error)?
People have argued that by definition, the mistyping is not a misspelling. This makes talk about locating these errors even more difficult because of the ambiguity of «spelling error» in this context.
What term would you use when requesting an editor to specifically look for this «misspelling but not a misspelling» class of error?
asked Dec 9, 2018 at 4:07
The phrase you’re looking for is ‘atomic typo’.
Urban Dictionary defines an atomic typo as:
A typo (one-letter keyboarding mistake, typewriter mistake) that the
spell-check function cannot pick up because the word is spelled
correctly — although not for the word you wanted to key in. They are
called «atomic typos» because the change of just one letter completely
changes the word, although it remains spelled correctly in terms of
the spell check functionExamples:
Chris, instead of Christ; war, instead of was; bite, instead of byte; massage, instead of message
There’s an interesting blog post on the subject of atomic typos, at CentrEditing, which says:
The term ‘atomic typo’ was coined in 2002 and since then it has
appeared in various blogs and newspapers but doesn’t seem to be in
common usage (it returns only just over 3000 results on Google!).
There’s even a blogspot dedicated to the atomic typo.
answered Dec 9, 2018 at 9:08
This is not exactly what you need, since it doesn’t include the low edit distance to the intended word, but in a bind you could say that there was a
(wrong wording or expression)
rather than a misspelling.
answered Dec 9, 2018 at 4:54
искажённое слово
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > искажённое слово
неправильно написанное слово
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > неправильно написанное слово
См. также в других словарях:
word — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 unit of language ADJECTIVE ▪ two letter, three letter, etc. ▪ monosyllabic, polysyllabic ▪ two syllable, three syllable … Collocations dictionary
word processing — writing, editing, and production of documents, as letters, reports, and books, through the use of a computer program or a complete computer system designed to facilitate rapid and efficient manipulation of text. Abbr.: WP Also, word processing.… … Universalium
misspelled — adj. Misspelled is used with these nouns: ↑word … Collocations dictionary
Commonly misspelled words — Also see: Wikipedia:Lists of common misspellings. The term commonly misspelled words [1] (or rarely, common misspelled words ) refers to the practice of often misspelling some common words, in general writing. A selected list of common words is… … Wikipedia
Four Word Film Review — The Four Word Film Review (FWFR) is an interactive website founded in 1999 by Benj Clews. It is an online database of film summaries, all written in four words or fewer and submitted by site members. The database currently contains more than… … Wikipedia
Spelling — For other uses, see Spelling (disambiguation). Part of a series on Reading … Wikipedia
Diff — In computing, diff is a file comparison utility that outputs the differences between two files, or the changes made to a current file by comparing it to a former version of the same file. Diff displays the changes made per line for text files.… … Wikipedia
diff — This article is about the file comparison utility. For other uses, see DIFF (disambiguation). Diffs redirects here. For the American punk rock group, see The Diffs. In computing, diff is a file comparison utility that outputs the differences… … Wikipedia
Diff — В вычислительной технике diff утилита сравнения файлов, выводящая разницу между двумя файлами. Эта программа выводит построчно изменения, сделанные в файле (для текстовых файлов). Современные реализации поддерживают также двоичные файлы.… … Википедия
diff — Эта статья об утилите для сравнения файлов. О сравнении версий правок в викисреде см. Википедия:Сравнение версий. В вычислительной технике diff утилита сравнения файлов, выводящая разницу между двумя файлами. Эта… … Википедия
Charlotte Mason — For the American philanthropist and socialite see Charlotte Osgood Mason. Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason Born 1 January 1842 Bangor, Gwynedd Died 16 January 1923(1923 01 16) (aged 81) … Wikipedia
Spelling in English can be hard. A misspelled word often ruins the impression of your writing. Wrong spelling in your essay will seriously reduce your overall score. At times it can be as simple as just paying attention to what you are writing. Other times though it can be tricky, especially when it comes to words borrowed from other languages, namely the French ones (like connoisseur).
A comforting fact is that ability to spell has little to do with your overall intelligence. Many famous writers were known for being very bad at that (spelling, that is).
How to improve your spelling
The one and only surefire way to increase your spelling literacy is to memorise words. Reading helps and so does looking words up occasionally whenever you have doubts about the correct way of spelling them. You can use flashcards to revise problematic words. Anki is probably the best free software that help memorising things — vocabulary, spelling and much more!
British or American spelling?
As you should already know by now, there are minor differences in spelling and more serious differences in vocabulary. Even though mixing British and American vocabulary isn’t punitive, you absolutely have to be consistent with your spelling. So if you choose to stick to British spelling (e.g. centre, cheque, judgement) then omitting “u” in “valour” or “labour” will be regarded as mistake and scored accordingly. Here is a basic reference table to AmE/BrE spelling:
American English |
British English |
Color, valor, honor, humor etc. |
Colour, valour, honour, humour etc. |
Theater, center, fiber, liter etc. |
Theatre, centre, fibre, litre etc. |
Realize, analyze, apologize, colonize etc. |
Realise, analyse, apologise, colonise etc. |
Traveler, enrollment, fulfill, jewelry, marvelous etc. |
Traveller, enrolment, fulfil, jewellery, marvellous etc. |
Offense, license, pretense etc. |
Offence, licence, pretence etc |
Words with difficult spelling
These are the usual suspects. Take your time to memorise this list of difficult words. You can even use this list for dictation in your English class!
a lot absence accidentally accommodate achievement acquaintance acquire advice(noun) advise(verb) amateur analysis apartment appearance argue ascend(verb) ascent(noun) assistance athletic attendance balance beginning belief(noun) believe(verb) beneficial business cemetery choose column committee conceivable conscience conscientious conscious controversial controversy criticise definitely disappearance disappoint discipline dissatisfied dormitory effect eighth eligible embarrassing |
encouragement environment equipped exaggerate excellence exhilarate existence experience explanation fascinate foreign forty fourth fulfil generally government grammar guarantee height hierarchy humorous hypocrisy immediate incidentally incredible independence inevitable intellectual intelligence interesting laboratory leisure license lightning loneliness lose/loose maintenance marriage mathematics necessary neighbour ninety noticeable occasionally occurred omitted opinion |
paid parallel paralysis particular pastime performance perseverance personal personnel perspiration physical possession possible practically precede preference preferred principal principle privilege probably pronunciation pursue quantity queue questionnaire receipt receive receiving recommend restaurant rhyme rhythm ridiculous schedule seize sincerely succeed succession technique threshold tomorrow unnecessary weather Wednesday weird |
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