Foot and a half word

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

You see, I’m sitting in front of the stone stove three feet in height and a foot and a half in width and length.

Видишь, я сижу перед каменной плитой в метр в высоту и полметра в ширину и длину.

Brother the mason said in a quiet calm voice, as you see, I’m sitting in front of the stone stove three feet high and a foot and a half in length and width.

Брат, — ответил каменщик тихим, спокойным голосом, — как ты видишь, я сижу перед каменной плитой метр в высоту и полметра в длину и ширину.

In the middle of the room is placed a vessel of about a foot and a half high which is called here a baquet.

Посреди комнаты ставится сосуд высотой примерно в полтора фута, который здесь называется бак.

We had long heard of this snake; many reputable Hottentots and a few white men claim to have seen it, many more have seen its huge spoor in the sand or mud — a foot and a half wide.

Многие авторитетные готтентоты и несколько белых мужчин утверждают, что наблюдали ее, другие очевидцы видели ее огромный след в песке или грязи — полтора фута в ширину.

Less than a foot and a half between them.

The gates were engineered so that, when they were closed, the fresh water was about a foot and a half higher than the salt water.

Шлюзы были возведены таком образом, что когда они закрыты, пресная вода находится где-то на полметра выше, чем соленая.

Unfortunately, owing to a design quirk of my house, the toilet window doesn’t open to the garden, but instead into a narrow gap of about a foot and a half, separated from the outside world by another (non-opening) double glazed window.

Но, к сожалению, из-за дизайнерской причуды моего дома, туалетное окно на самом деле открывается не во двор, а в узкий промежуток около полутора футов, отделенный от внешнего мира другим (неоткрывающимся) стеклопакетом.

On 20 March 2006, a steel rafter in the roof of the new development fell by a foot and a half, forcing 3,000 workers to evacuate the stadium and raising further doubts over the completion date which was already behind schedule.

20 марта 2006 года стальная балка от новоразработанной крыши обвисла на 45 сантиметров, вынудив 3000 рабочих эвакуироваться со стадион и спровоцировав дальнейшие сомнения по поводу даты завершения работ, которая и так уже отставала от расписания.

I followed it on horse back, and overtook it still rolling on at a rate of some eight or nine miles an hour, preserving its original figure some thirty feet long and a foot to a foot and a half in height.

последовал за ним верхом, и когда нагнал его, он по-прежнему катился вперед со скоростью примерно 8-9 миль в час, сохранив свой первоначальный профиль возвышения длиной около тридцати футов и высотой от фута до полутора футов.

The naval attack on Trondheim, the reason for the Namsos landing, did not happen and his troops were exposed without guns, transport, air cover, or skis in a foot and a half of snow.

Военно-морская атака на Тронхейм не произошла, и его войска были оставлены без оружия, транспорта, воздушного прикрытия и лыж в полутора футах снега.

It was a foot and a half in!

The Giraffe has a very long tongue — more than a foot and a half long.

У жирафа достаточно длинный язык — около полуметра.

Like I tell folks, I had a foot and a half of water on my second floor.

У меня было полметра воды… на втором этаже.

I encourage it, because nothing is more entertaining than when Porter goes into performance mode a foot and a half away from you.

Я поощряю это, потому что нет ничего более занимательного, чем когда Портер начинает играть, сидя в полуметре от тебя.

Start about a foot and a half away from the wall, with your back towards the wall.

«I just want to improve by a foot and a half each week from now until the Olympics,» joked Nelson, who putted 20.68m last week in New York City.

«У меня есть скромное пожелание: каждую неделю до Олимпийских игр прибавлять к своему результату (около 45 см)», — пошутил Нельсон, который на предыдущем старте, прошедшем в Нью-Йорке показал 20.68.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 16. Точных совпадений: 16. Затраченное время: 46 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • #2

When combined with inches, we don’t pluralize foot.

She’s just five feet tall. Her sister is five-foot two, and her father is five-eleven. The latter is another way to say 5’11» or «five-foot eleven».

  • #4

Thanks a lot. And what does ‘and a half’ mean? Is it ‘and a half of an inch’?

Yes. Holden was 6’2-1/2″.



  • #6

It’s not wrong in BrE, but foot is more common with inches, though we’re mostly metric nowadays, officially at least among older age groups.

  • #7

In the US it’s common to use the plural: «I’m six feet two inches tall.»

It’s OK when you include «inches». I wouldn’t say I’m six feet two.

While reading a bit of commentary from north of the border, I came across a word, a big word unknown to me, sesquipedalian.

So I had to look it up, and Douglas Harper and his Online Etymology Dictionary don’t disappoint.

1610s, “person or thing a foot and a half long,” from Latin sesquipedalia “a foot-and-a-half long,” from sesqui- “half as much again” (see sesqui-) + stem of pes “foot” (from PIE root *ped- “foot”). As an adjective 1650s. Meaning “sesquipedalian word” (1830) is from Latin sesquipedalia verba “words a foot-and-a-half long,” in Horace’s “Ars Poetica” (97), nicely illustrating the thing he is criticizing.

Words that are a foot-and-a-half long? That certainly describes Conrad Black. But I do like him and his writing. His insights are a good perspective of whatever he’s commenting about.

Black’s trial and imprisonment is a case of the power of vindictive bureaucrats using the State to pursue their perverted senses of justice. Far too many people, from Martha Stewart to thousands of black men, have been wrongly caught up in the corrupt, highly profitable justice system.

There’s a lot of money in prisons. And we must demand reform! It’s time to reduce the prison population.


  • #1

«each person crammed their body and belongings into a foot and a half of space. «

Context: A scholar, during the invasion of China by Japan, saved his country’s records and books. He and his colleagues saved as many books as they could and put them on boats and set sail on river. To save space for more books, each person had to squeeze in their belongings and themselves into a small space.

Question: Can «of» work here with «space»? I expected «in» as in «1.5m in length.» If the word being modified were a name of a tangible object, I may use «of» as in «1.5m of rope», but it’s an idea — space.

Source: The Characters That Built China : Throughline

  • Tegs

    • #2

    «Of» is correct — «in» would be incorrect.

    «In space» is often used in the context of outer space. Astronauts are «in space» when they’re in a rocket heading for the moon.

    How much space a person has around them is «X amount of space».


    • #3

    a foot and a half of space = a space [consisting] of [only] a foot and a half

    Obviously it doesn’t make a lot of sense if you take it literally, since a foot and a half (18 inches) is a length, which is one-dimensional, whereas a space is three-dimensional.


    • #4

    I’m taking it to mean a space that was a foot and a half square (i.e. an area). It’s a boat, so height doesn’t make much difference if there is no roof.

    Last edited: Jun 9, 2022


    • #5

    Yes, we talk about things like «shelf space» referring to a length of shelving while not caring how high or deep it is.
    (For what it’s worth, I Googled it and the average human body has a volume of about 2.2 cubic feet so it’s not a realistic figure as a 3D volume.)

    context icon

    Now Ehud had made


    double-edged sword about a foot and a half long, which he strapped to his right thigh under his clothing.

    context icon

    Аод сделал себе меч с двумя остриями, длиною в локоть, и припоясал его под плащом своим к правому бедру,

    context icon

    context icon

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    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Я встретил Кэрри полтора года назад.

    context icon

    Прямо здесь, в метре от границы территоррии.

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Пять футов и шесть с половиной дюймов. ок.

    Place your foot on the lever(9:J) and carefully turn

    a half

    turn forwards.


    context icon

    Поставьте ногу на рычаг( 9: J) и осторожно поверните его на пол-оборота вперед.


    I removed




    gall bladder and

    about a foot and a half

    of bowel.

    context icon

    Удалила аппендикс, желчный пузырь и с полметра кишечника.

    About a

    pound and

    a half

    of velveeta.

    context icon

    И полкило мягкого сыра Велвита.

    context icon

    Results: 147823,
    Time: 0.2836





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