Food with 5 letter word

5 Letter Foods – List of Foods That Have 5 Letters

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Published: August 15, 2020

Modified: October 14, 2020

5 letter foods

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I help people to understand what’s right and wrong when they plan their diet. No, you don’t have to thank me.

Continuing our series of foods with different numbers of letters, in this article, we look at the lucky number five!

List of 5 Letter Foods


Detailed List of Food With 5 Letters


Adobo is a famous Filipino dish with meat, seafood, or vegetables marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, bay leaves, and black peppercorn, browned and simmered.

The adobo dish cooking method and general description in Filipino cuisine has the same similar characteristics as found in Spanish cuisine due to the Philippines being colonized by the Spanish in the late 16th century to early 17th century.


This five-letter condiment is derived from a flowering Apiaceae plant native to the eastern Mediterranean and to Southwest Asia. It has a sweet and aromatic flavor similar to fennel and licorice. It is commonly used around the Mediterranean as a food flavoring for candy and alcoholic drinks and gives an aromatic hint to culinary dishes.

Anise has long been used in traditional medicine in Europe for its carminative effect.


The apple tree originated in Central Asia and is now grown all over the world. This five-letter fruit has been grown for thousands of years and different cultivars are bred based on taste, and used for cooking, eating raw, and producing apple cider vinegar. Apple is commonly paired with pork in savory dishes like sausages.


This five-letter piece of meat can enhance the flavor of your food by serving it as a side dish, as a topping on pizza, or in a sandwich. Bacon is a salt-cured pork product made from various cuts of pork, most notably the pork belly. Bacon is often served in a full breakfast meal with eggs and sausages.


Bagels are a bread product that originated in Poland’s Jewish communities. They are traditionally ring-shaped and made from yeasted wheat dough, boiled, and baked, resulting in a dense, chewy, doughy interior while being browned and sometimes crispy on the outside.

Bagels have been around since the 13th century when they were referred to as ka’ak in an Arabic cookbook, and the first reference to the name “bagel” is in texts from 1610 in Poland.


Balut is a Filipino term for a boiled, fertilized, developing egg embryo eaten from its shell. It is typically sold in South China and Southeast Asia streets, especially in Cambodia and Vietnam. Balut is acknowledged as a national food in the Philippines but its origin may be in China as it is said that Chinese traders and migrants brought it to the country.


A tender plant in culinary dishes worldwide, basil has wide varieties, but sweet or Genovese basil is the most commonly used. Basil originates in India and tropical regions of Africa and Southeast Asia, but it is now globally cultivated.

The delicious aroma of this five-letter herb is best when it is fresh, so adding fresh leaves in the last few minutes of cooking is ideal.


Betel is a vine from the family of Piperaceae like pepper and kava. It is consumed in Asia and around the world by Asian emigrants. The leaves are wrapped around areca nut and slaked lime, and the parcel is chewed.

Betel contains a substance called arecoline, which has a stimulant psychoactive effect similar to caffeine; it can lead to alertness and a sense of well-being. This property makes it illegal in the US and other Western countries, but in many Asian countries, it has a strong cultural tradition.

Betel is often used as a mark of respect and is offered on special occasions and when in the company of senior community members.


Bread, made from flour and water dough, is a prominent staple food in several countries worldwide. It is made with or without yeast or other leavening agents. It is thought to be one of the oldest man-made foods, with evidence of grain pounding from 30,000 years ago found in Europe and Australia. Bread can be eaten fresh or made into toast for a breakfast favorite.


Chard takes its name from the French word carde, originating in the 14th century. This is a highly nutritious green leafy vegetable with large leaves often separated from the leaf blades. You can add it raw to your salads, but it has a bitter taste when eaten. The bitterness fades when the leaves and stalks are cooked, making it perfect for stir-fries, soups, omelets, and even tortillas.


This five-letter herb is widespread across Europe, Asia, and North America. A cousin of onions and garlic, chives give a milder flavor for salads and sauces. It is also a natural pest deterrent when grown around your other vegetables!


This dairy product can make your dishes creamy and tasty. It is made of fats that have undergone homogenization. In some industrial production of cream, they speed the process using centrifuges called separators. Cream skimmed from milk is called “sweet cream” to distinguish it from whey.

This five-letter food has plenty of uses in various foods such as ice cream, sauces, soups, stews, puddings, custards, cakes, and more.


Curry usually refers to a spice or herb mixture including turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, and chilies, but curry is a plant with leaves used in traditional curries. A range of dishes from India, Southeast Asia, and Oceania are called curries. They can have a tomato- or coconut-based sauce and are often eaten with rice.

Curry has been dubbed the “national dish” of the United Kingdom, with an estimated 12,000 curry houses throughout the nation.


Dashi is from the family of stocks, usually used in Japanese cuisine. It usually forms the base flavor with additional savory liquids called umami for soups such as miso soup, clear broth soup, and noodle broth soup. In the 20th century, Dashi became less popular due to the use of granulated or liquid instant dashi.


Made with juices of the meat and thickened with wheat flour or corn starch, gravy commonly accompanies roasted meat, meatloaf, rice, noodles, and mashed potatoes. 


Guava is a small tree from the myrtle family that originates in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. India is the largest producer in the world, with 17,650,000 metric tons of Guava harvested annually. The most eaten species of Guava is the Apple Guava.

Guava is often the ingredient used in making the fruit drink agua fresca, and it’s also used to make pulque de guava, a popular alcoholic drink in Mexico and other Latin American countries. It’s also a key ingredient in punch, juices for culinary sauces, ales, candies, dried snacks, fruit bars, desserts, and a dip in chamois.


Honey is produced from sugary secretions that bees collect from floral nectar or secretions of other insects called honeydew. Honey has been used as food for over 8,000 years, and proof of this can be found in several paintings in Cuevas de la Araña in Spain. This five-letter food is mainly used for cooking, baking, and desserts, and as a sweetener for tea or other beverages. The Hazda tribe in north-central Tanzania ranks honey as their favorite food.


Kebab is a Middle Eastern dish that is popular worldwide. It is made of ground meat, mashed onion, vegetables, and other ingredients, depending on the recipe. Traditionally, kebab is commonly made from mutton or lamb, but other recipes use beef, goat, chicken, and fish. Pork is rarely used due to religious prohibitions.

Kebabs are skewed over a fire or baked in the oven or a stew, such as a tas kebab, with a combination of herbs, raw onions, and rice or bread.


This five letter food is a traditional fermented drink of Slavic and Baltic areas, commonly made from rye bread or black bread. Kvass is classified as a non-alcoholic drink in some European countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland, where the alcohol is usually low (0.5-1.0%).

It is also a popular drink in Russia because Kvass can be paired with strawberries or raisins, or herbs like mint.


Liver is a common food in many parts of the world, and it is rich in iron, copper, vitamin B, and preformed vitamin A. Liver from pigs, lamb, calves, oxen, chicken, and geese is sold in markets worldwide, but liver from stingray and burbot are only common in European countries.

This five-letter food can be prepared by baking, boiling, frying, stir-frying, or eating raw such as the liver sashimi in Lebanon called asbeh nayeh or sawda naye. Cod liver oil comes from the livers of codfish and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


Mirin is a common ingredient in Japanese cuisine which is a type of rice wine, similar to sake but with lower alcohol content and higher sugar level. There are three types of mirin: hon mirin (true mirin) with 14% alcohol, shio mirin (salt mirin) with 1.5%, and shin mirin (new mirin) with 1%.

Mirin is also used to remove the fishy smell from fish for grilling and broiling, and it is also added to sauces such as Kabayaki sauce, Nikiri mirin sauce, Sushi su and Teriyaki sauce.


Mochi is a traditional food for the Japanese New Year. It is made from short-grain glutinous rice with water, sugar and cornstarch. Mochi is also used for seasonal specialties such as New Year kagami mochi, Spring Time Sakuramochi, Children’s Day Kashiwa-mochi and Girl’s Day Hishi mochi.


Olive is the most important agricultural source of oil in the Mediterranean region and is traditionally found in the Mediterranean Basin and also in South America, South Africa, China, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and United States.

Olive is considered one of the “trinity” or “triad” basic ingredients in Mediterranean cuisine, along with grapes and grain. 90% of olives that are harvested are processed to make olive oil while only 10% are eaten as fruit.


Onion is one of the most cultivated vegetables worldwide. It is very pungent when chopped, releasing a chemical substance that irritates the eyes. It’s used in many savory dishes, or eaten raw or used in pickles and chutneys. Onion is used as main ingredient in dishes such as French onion soup, creamed onions and onion chutney. 


A flattened round of ground meat, legumes, grains, vegetables or any other meat alternative served in cuisines worldwide, and usually cooked or grilled. The word ‘patty’ is commonly used in American English and it is almost a stranger to British English since they usually call this a ‘burger’. Patties are served in different styles such as croquettes, cutlets, fritters, quenelles, sandwich fillings, tartares and turnovers.


Pecan is a nut originating in northern Mexico and southern United States region of the Mississippi river, which is used for snacks or in recipes such as praline candy and pecan pie. The United States and Mexico are responsible for 92% of world production. Pecans have a buttery flavor and can be eaten fresh or used in cooking.


Petai is a long, flat bean with a bright green seed that is shaped like a plump almond. Petai has a unique smell that is similar to a shiitake mushroom but much stronger. This smell is due to compounds containing sulfur, and it can be smelled on breath, sweat and other bodily fluids for a day after eating it!

Petai is a popular ingredient in countries like Indonesia, eaten either raw with sambal (Sudanese cuisine) or added to cooked dishes. Petai also features in some Indian, Malaysian, Singaporean and Thai dishes.


Pilaf is a dish where rice is cooked together with a stock or broth, spices and vegetable or meat. Examples include paella, pilau, and biryani. This method of cooking rice spread from India to Spain. It is also the staple food and most famous dish in many countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China and Romania.


Pizza is a popular savory dish from Italy that is made from a round, flattened base of leavened wheat-based dough and topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and a selection of meat, olives, anchovies, or pineapple, according to taste.

Fun fact: the world’s largest pizza, measuring 1,261 square meters, was prepared in Rome in December 2012. It was named “Ottavia”, after the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.


Originating in Java, this five letter food is a salad dish which commonly found in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. The most famous variant is composed of fruit and vegetables served with a spicy palm sugar dressing. It is often described as a tangy and spicy version of fruit salad.

Rojak is also an essential part of Javanese tradition for a prenatal ceremony called Naloni Mitoni or tujuh bulanan, for the mother’s safe, smooth and successful delivery.


There are countless types of salad: garden salad, potato salad, Greek salad, Waldorf salad, sōmen salad. A salad usually consists of mixed pieces of food with at least one raw ingredient and added dressing, served chilled or at room temperature.

Salads can be served at different points during a meal: as an appetizer; as a side salad that accompanies a main course; as a main course salad with a high protein meat, fish, eggs, legumes or cheese; and even a dessert salad with a mix of sweet fruit. In 2016, Moscow recorded the largest Greek salad weighing 20,100 kilograms.


Salsa, paired with tacos and other Mexican or Mexican-American foods, is probably one of the best matches that you can have for this food. Salsa describes a variety of sauces that you can use as a dip which can be raw or cooked such as salsa roja and salsa cruda.

Salsa as table dip was first popularized in United States by the Mexicans and in 1992 the value of salsa sales in United states surpassed tomato ketchup.


Satay is a Southeast Asian dish that made by seasoning the meat, which is skewered and then grilled, and served with a sauce, commonly made from peanuts. Satay is popular in many Southeast Asian countries such as Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, while it is also recognized in Suriname and the Netherlands.

Indonesian satay is served often with kecap manis (a sweet soy sauce) together with a type of rice cake called lontong.


Squid is a soft-bodied octopus-like sea creature. It is one of the major food resources that is used in cuisines worldwide especially in Japan, eaten as ika sōmen, as sashimi and as tempura. To avoid it turning rubbery, squid must be either cooked for a very short time, or a long time.

It can be grilled, stir-fried or deep fried for just 30 seconds until opaque, or boiled or stewed for at least 30 minutes. Calamari is often thought to be the same as squid, but in fact it is a different animal. 


Statistics show us that, as a species, we have a sweet tooth. The average worldwide sugar consumption is about 24 kilograms of sugar every year. In the main, sugar comes from sugar beet and sugar cane. It can also be sourced from certain species of maple trees, from sweet sorghum, and from sugar palm. Sugar is delicious but be aware that excessive consumption is related to weight gain and other health problems, including diabetes and tooth decay.


Sushi is known as one of the traditional Japanese dishes and it is prepared with vinegared rice, salt, a little sugar and variety of seafood and vegetables, often raw. Sushi is sometimes confused with sashimi which is primarily thinly sliced raw fish and meat, with an optional serving of rice. There are different kinds of sushi such as Chirashizushi, Inarizushi, Makizushi and preparation methods differ.


Syrup is a thick viscous liquid consisting of sugar and water that forms deposit crystals similar to molasses. Many types of syrup are used in food products, such as glucose, corn, maple, and more. Simple syrup is a basic sugar-water syrup used as sweetener in making cocktails or in cooking and baking.

Flavored syrup is infused with a flavoring agent such as herbs, spices or aromatics during the cooking process. Gomme syrup is commonly used for mixed drinks such as iced coffee in Japan.


Thyme is an herb from the mint family Lamiaceae which is a relative of oregano. It is used for culinary, medicinal and ornamental purposes, and Thymus vulgaris is the common species used for cooking. Thyme was used for embalming in ancient Egypt while the Greeks used it in their baths, or as incense in temples. It is sold fresh or dried for cooking purposes.


Torte is a multilayered cake filled with whipped cream, buttercream, mousse, jam or fruit that is commonly baked in a springform pan. Torte has layers of cake and is made with little or no flour. The best-known tortes are Austrian Sachetorte and Linzertorte, German Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, and the multilayers of Hungarian Dobos torte.


Arc shape, thin wafer with a crispy, sweet or savory flavor, Tuile is originally from France and often served as accompaniment for other dishes, or garnish to desserts such as panna cotta or ice cream. Tuile is a thin cookie with curves like tuiles or tiles, similar to French country homes rooftops in Provence. It is traditionally made with flour, white sugar, melted butter and almonds.


This five letter food is a very thin, flat, light, crispy and dry cookie that is often paired with ice cream and other sweet dishes as a garnish. A wafer can also be a cookie with a cream filling, such as a Kitkat bar that has a wafer inside the chocolate coating.

Some wafers are traditional or used for religious rituals such as a Communion wafer, a Spa wafer, a Christmas wafer and an Oblea.


Wheat is a food staple throughout the world, and it was first cultivated in the regions of the fertile crescent in 9600 BCE. This five letter food has a world trade greater than of all other crops in total and it is the second most-produced cereal. In the marketing year of 2019/2020, global production was over 765 million metric tons, an increase of over 30 million tons compared to the previous year.

Raw wheat can be ground for flour or semolina; germinated and dried to create malt; or crushed and de-branned into bulgur, also known as groats. Wheat is one of the major ingredients in making foods such as bread, porridge, crackers, biscuits, muesli, pasta and more.

More 5 Letter Foods

Updated in 2023

Carob: A sweet and nutritious substitute for chocolate made from the pod of the carob tree. It’s often used as a healthier alternative in baking and desserts.

Dates: A sweet fruit with a sticky texture that’s often used in desserts, smoothies, and granola bars. They’re also a great source of energy and fiber.

Fungi: A diverse group of organisms that includes mushrooms, yeasts, and molds. Many types of fungi are edible and are used in a variety of dishes, from soups and stews to pizzas and stir-fries.

Grape: A juicy and sweet fruit that’s often eaten fresh or used in wine-making. Grapes are rich in antioxidants and are a good source of vitamin C.

Lentil: A small, edible legume that’s rich in protein and fiber. Lentils are often used in soups, stews, and salads and are a staple food in many cultures around the world.

Melon: A juicy and refreshing fruit that comes in many varieties, including watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe. Melons are often eaten fresh or used in fruit salads and smoothies.

Peach: A sweet and juicy fruit with a fuzzy skin that’s often eaten fresh or used in desserts and preserves. Peaches are a good source of vitamin C and fiber.

Quail: A small game bird that’s often roasted or grilled and served with a variety of sauces and side dishes. Quail is a popular dish in many parts of the world and is known for its tender and flavorful meat.

Sable: A type of fish that’s similar to salmon and is often smoked or used in sushi. Sable is also known as black cod and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


5 letter Food words for Foodle, Phoodle, or any food word puzzle game can be checked on this page: All those Puzzle solvers of the wordle Food-Related version knowns as Foodle or any Word game can check this Complete answer list of Five-Letter words of Foodle game. If Today’s word puzzle is stumped you then this Wordle Guide will help you to find the all Food puzzle answer of Word of 5 letters, especially for Food words.

Also checkToday’s Foodle Puzzle Answer & Hints

Contents Overview

5 Letter Food Words for Foodle & Phoodle- Wordle Hint

If you have tried all 5 attempts and remain only the last attempt then this list will help you to find the correct answer to the Foodle game or Phoodle Game or any food-related wordle game so that you never lose any game. Here are the valid Food-Related words that can be the Today Food wordle game answer.

Also check Today Phoodle Answer

5 Letter Food words List

Start with A

  • acorn
  • agave
  • aioli
  • algae
  • alton
  • ancho
  • anise
  • anjou
  • apple
  • apron
  • arepa
  • aroma
  • aspic
  • assam
  • azuki

Start with B

  • babka
  • batch
  • bacon
  • bagel
  • baker
  • basil
  • baste
  • beans
  • beefy
  • beets
  • bento
  • berry
  • betty
  • bialy
  • bison
  • blade
  • bland
  • blend
  • blini
  • boeuf
  • bombe
  • booze
  • brats
  • bread
  • bream
  • brill
  • brine
  • broil
  • broth
  • brown 
  • bunch
  • bundt
  • bunny
  • burnt

Start with C

  • cacao
  • cajun
  • candy
  • caper
  • carne
  • carob
  • carve
  • cater
  • cakes
  • chaga
  • chard
  • chewy
  • chick
  • chili
  • chill
  • chips
  • chive
  • chuck
  • chunk
  • cider
  • clams
  • clove
  • cocoa
  • conch
  • coors
  • corer
  • cosmo
  • coupe
  • cream
  • creme
  • crema
  • crepe
  • cress
  • crimp
  • crisp
  • crock
  • crocs
  • crudo
  • cruet
  • crumb
  • crush
  • crust
  • cubes
  • cumin
  • curds
  • cured
  • curry
  • cukes

Start with D

  • dairy
  • dates
  • dashi
  • decaf
  • detox
  • dicer
  • dijon
  • diner
  • dolma
  • donut
  • dough
  • dozen
  • draft
  • drain
  • dress
  • drink
  • dulce
  • dulse
  • durum

Start with E

  • eggos
  • enoki
  • evian

Start with 5

  • fanta
  • farro
  • feast
  • fiber
  • fieri
  • fizzy
  • flake
  • flaky
  • flank
  • flask
  • float
  • flour
  • fluff
  • fluke
  • flute
  • frank
  • fresh
  • fried
  • fries
  • frito
  • frost
  • froth
  • fruit
  • fryer
  • fudge

Start with G

  • gamey
  • giada
  • glass
  • glaze
  • gooey
  • goose
  • gorge
  • gouda
  • gourd
  • grain
  • grape
  • grate
  • gravy
  • graze
  • green
  • groat
  • grill
  • grind
  • grist
  • grits
  • guava
  • gumbo
  • gummy
  • gyros

Start with H

  • halva
  • Heinz
  • herbs
  • honey
  • hoppy

Start with I

  • icing

Start with J

  • jello
  • jelly
  • jerky
  • juice
  • julep
  • julia

Start with K

  • kasha
  • kamut
  • kebab
  • kefir
  • kiwis
  • knead 
  • knife
  • knish
  • korma
  • kugel

Start with L

  • ladle
  • lager
  • latke
  • latte
  • leafy
  • leche
  • leeks
  • lemon
  • limes
  • liver
  • lunch

Start with M

  • mache
  • maize
  • mango
  • maple
  • matzo
  • melba
  • melon
  • mezze
  • mince
  • minty
  • mints
  • mirin
  • mixer
  • mocha
  • mochi
  • morel
  • moxie
  • munch
  • mushy

Start with N

  • nacho
  • nappe
  • nutty

Start with O

  • olive
  • onion
  • ounce
  • orata
  • order
  • oreos

Start with P

  • pabst
  • padma
  • paleo
  • panko
  • parer
  • pasta
  • paste
  • patty
  • peach
  • pecan
  • peeps
  • pekoe
  • penne
  • pepsi
  • perch
  • pesto
  • pilaf
  • pinch
  • pinto
  • pizza
  • plant
  • plate
  • plump
  • plums
  • poach
  • pollo
  • ponzu
  • pound
  • prawn
  • prong
  • prune
  • pulse
  • punch
  • puree

Start with Q

  • quaff
  • quail
  • queso

Start with R

  • raita
  • ramen
  • ramps
  • ranch
  • reese
  • refry
  • ricer
  • rinse
  • roast
  • rolls
  • rosti

Start with S

  • sable
  • salad
  • salsa
  • salty
  • sanka
  • sapor
  • saran
  • satay
  • sauce
  • saute
  • savor
  • scald
  • scale
  • scant
  • scape
  • scone
  • scoop
  • score
  • scrap
  • scrod
  • seder
  • seeds
  • serve
  • shake
  • shank
  • sharp
  • shave
  • sheet
  • shell
  • shirr
  • shiso
  • shred
  • shuck
  • sieve
  • skate
  • slice
  • slurp
  • smelt
  • smoke
  • smore
  • snack
  • snail
  • socca
  • spear
  • spelt
  • spice
  • spicy
  • split
  • spoon
  • spork
  • sprig
  • spuds
  • squab
  • squid
  • stale
  • stalk
  • steak
  • steam
  • steep
  • stein
  • stock
  • stove
  • sugar
  • sumac
  • sushi
  • sweat
  • sweet]
  • syrah
  • syrup

Start with T

  • table
  • tacos
  • taffy
  • tangy 
  • tapas
  • taste
  • tater
  • tbone
  • thyme
  • timer
  • toast
  • toddy
  • toffy
  • tongs
  • tonic
  • toque
  • torta
  • torte
  • treat
  • tripe
  • trout
  • truss
  • tuber
  • tulip

Start with U

  • umami
  • unagi

Start with V

  • vegan
  • vodka

Start with W

  • wafer
  • wagyu
  • water
  • wedge
  • wheat
  • whisk
  • wings
  • wurst

Start with Y

  • yeast
  • yodel
  • yucky
  • yummy

Start with Z

  • zesty

5 Letter Food words – Wordle Guide

The list mentioned above is worked for every puzzle game or event if you are generally searching for Five letter words that are related to any food then this list will be the same and worked for any situation. Wordle game within months rules over the world and now people are searching for hints and clues that they can use to solve the puzzle in the best attempt (2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6).


Visit our Wordle Guide Section to Find more Five letter words list

The wordle guide is the best source to eliminate all those words that you already used and do not contain in today’s word puzzle answer. In that way, you will easily short the words that possibly be your today’s wordle answer.

Final words: Here we listed all possible words related to 5 letter food wordle. If somehow any English word is missing in the following list kindly update us on below comment box.


September 27, 2022

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There are a lot of different foods out there with unique names and spellings. But what about those that specifically have only 5 letters?

Today, we’re exploring a comprehensive list of more than 40 different foods that have 5 letters in their names – no more and no less. From apple to bread, curry, and candy, among others, you’ll learn a little bit about each one. 

Keep reading as we explore this list of 43 different foods with 5 letters in their names. And stick around to the very end to learn the basics about each of them. Let’s get into the list!

foods with 5 letters

Different Foods with 5 Letters


From taffies to chocolate bars, gummies, hard candy, and more, candy is a big part of our world. And it only rises in popularity during holidays such as Halloween, Christmas, and of course, Valentine’s Day. 

Sugar is often the main ingredient in candy, and perhaps that’s why it’s so hard to say no to. Just be careful not to ruin your teeth in the process!


Bread is one of the most prominent food staples that is consistently found around the world. Requiring only a few simple ingredients, such as flour, water, and yeast, bread is cheap and simple to make. 

And while this food traditionally uses wheat, we now have all kinds of gluten-free bread options available to consumers. 


We have green beans and navy beans, pinto beans, black beans, red beans, lima beans, and so many more. 

But what are beans exactly? These protein-rich vegetables are actually in a class known as “legumes”. They share this classification with lentils, peanuts, and even different kinds of peas. 


Cream is a dairy product that is important in a lot of food dishes. It’s necessary to make ice cream, whipped cream, half-and-half products, as well as many different cream-based sauces and soups.

It comes from the same source as milk – dairy cows – but has more overall fat content and density to it. 


Fans of pork know how delicious this fatty, crispy breakfast food can be when prepared properly. Bacon is a cut of pig meat taken from the stomach or back region, and it’s often cured with salt or smoked to give it its distinctive flavor notes. 

Today, you can even get pre-cooked bacon that merely has to be heated in the microwave!


Steak is a symbol of toughness in many food cultures, but this red-meat from cows can actually be quite tender in reality. 

And now, you can actually get your hands on steaks cut from different types of livestock, such as salmon, lamb, elk, and dear. From sirloins to filet mignon, there are options for different eaters.  


This Allium vegetable is used as a complimentary ingredient in foods in various cultures, from Latin American cuisine to traditional American, Italian, and many others. Onions may be stinky, and they may make you tear up when you cut them open, but they surely are versatile. 


Unlike the other foods we’ve mentioned so far, basil is distinct in its quality of being an herb. While basil is known for its popular use in Italian cuisine – often paired with tomatoes – it actually has native roots in Asian and African regions. It’s fairly easy to grow this food at home!


Thyme is yet another herb, but it has a distinctly different taste than basil has. Thyme is usually dried before it’s added to food, and it adds a somewhat minty, somewhat oregano-esque flavor. 

This herb has roots in the Mediterranean region, and it will grow back on its own each year if well-cared for. 


One of the citrus fruit family, alongside oranges, grapefruits, kumquats, and limes, lemons have a distinct sourness that we all can recognize. Lemons have Indian and Asian origins. Whether you’re using their juices for lemonade or adding them to a scampi sauce, this fruit is very versatile. 


Pasta is another staple in many food cultures, partly due to its affordability and partly due to its versatility. You can make pasta from wheat, rice, chickpeas, vegetables, and other ingredients to achieve a variety. But the bottom line is that this starch is filling yet neutral enough to add a myriad of other sauces and seasonings to. 


Honey is the next 5-letter food on our list, and it’s quite a sweet one. A byproduct of the work of certain bees, this special, sticky liquid works as a great throat soother, tea additive, and ingredient in sweet recipes. 

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to store-bought sugar, then honey might be a great choice!


Froyo, also known by its full name as frozen yogurt, is a cold sweet treat that has grown in popularity over the years. This soft dairy product is kind of like a cross between soft serve and yogurt, and it has a distinct taste that rivals ice cream. 


Berries are found all around us, from man-made scents used in beauty products to aromatic candles, breakfast cereals, smoothies, and even pastries. Berries are a type of fruit that includes blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, and Sloe berries. 

Fun fact: watermelons and pumpkins are actually considered berries botanically – giant berries. 


Sushi is now more widely accessible than it has been before. This fish-, rice-, and seaweed-based food is a staple of Japanese cuisine, and it’s often paired with heated flavors like wasabi, and distinct tastes found in ginger. 

Sashimi, rolls, and nigiri are just some of the options you’ll find when it comes to different types of sushi.


For Americans, this 5-letter food word is well-known as a crispy potato snack in a variety of flavors, including barbecue, salt and vinegar, sour cream and onion, and more. But for the British, chips is the appropriate term for what Americans call french fries. Either way you spin it, chips are tasty potato treats to enjoy.


Clams aren’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea, as these molluscs can have a somewhat bitter taste and gritty texture. But if you love a good bowl of clam chowder, then you might be a big fan of clams. 

Clams are found living in lots of aquatic environments around the world, including both freshwater and saltwater locales. 


Olives are found in a lot of dishes, often because of the use of olive oil in many cooking arenas. Otherwise, there are edible green olives and black olives to enjoy on their own, added to a salad, or even topped on your pizza. 


Next up is pizza – the great equalizer! This Italian food staple is also a fast food and cheap food option throughout the United States and other countries. Pizzas are made in a huge variety of methods and with nearly endless topping options. 

Whether you prefer pepperoni, onions, peppers, or some other ingredient, there’s a pizza for you. 


Not everyone will be keen on eating this slimy sea creature, but when prepared safely, it can taste great! 

Most people have encountered eating squid in the form of calamari, a battered and fried squid dish. But other people have even eaten it in the form of pasta – squid ink pasta that is!


Apples are one of the most easy fruits to come by. Dip them in caramel, peanut butter, or any dressing of your choice! Or, you can eat them sliced, as they are. 


Gravy is the perfect addition to a Thanksgiving dinner, salisbury steak, or even a fried chicken meal. Gravy is pretty simple to make – just some butter, flour, and dairy with seasoning. But the result is way more amazing than that. 


Taffy is a special kind of sweet treat that stretches and molds as you pull it apart. This sweet and sometimes tangy candy comes in a variety of flavors. You may have even had it while on a trip to the beach, where saltwater taffy is sold in every color. 


French fries are beloved by almost everyone, especially since they can be made vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and according to most other dietary restrictions. This golden, crispy snack of the shoestring, crinkle-cut, and home-fry varieties is a staple of fast food.


Aside from being a type of Latin dance, salsa is also a staple of Latin American food. Often a blend of hot peppers, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, garlic, and other ingredients, salsa is the perfect addition to a bowl of hot corn tortilla chips. 


Salad is such a versatile dish, not to mention a healthy one. Whether you’re into iceberg lettuce or the heartier kale and mustard greens, salad can be paired with a myriad of toppings. Cheese, croutons, dressing, meat, cucumbers, and other ingredients are great salad toppings.


Did you know that a leek is a vegetable? The stalks of leeks are the edible part, and the lighter colored sections are often cooked rather than eaten raw. This veggie is in the same family as onions and has a similar taste.  


We’re not talking about the popular Mario Kart character here – we’re talking about that juicy fruit that is the symbol of the state of Georgia. Peaches have a slightly furry exterior peel, a hard internal pit, and sweet juicy fruit flesh inside. 


A grape is a delicious fruit to eat by itself. Just make sure your dog doesn’t get a hold of one! These green and red fruits grow on vines and are the stuff that wine is made of. 


Mangos are tropical fruits that grow on trees. These stone fruits hail from southern Asia but are now found in many places around the world. Fun fact: Bangladesh’s national tree is actually the mango tree. 


Jerky is a unique kind of meat that is often tough and ripe with flavor. Rather than using the fat, jerky primarily uses lean meat from mammals to dry and salt-cure. You can find jerky made from different animals, including cows, bison, deer, lambs, pigs, and even kangaroos in some locations. 


Did you know that bagels have origins in Jewish Poland? This bread product, which looks like a donut but lacks the sweetness, is often served with cream cheese. You can get everything bagels, plain bagels, whole wheat bagels, cinnamon raisin bagels, and so many other types.


Jelly is a type of fruit preserve that may use fruits like strawberries, blackberries, apples, and grapes. Often served on bread or with breakfast foods, jelly gets its sturdy yet malleable form from the pectin contained in it.


Kabob refers to dishes that contain cuts of meat or sausage, as well as vegetables. Typically, a kabob is made with lamb and skewered then roasted over an open flame. Dishes like this originate in Middle Eastern countries primarily.


Gumbo is the result of different cuisines coming together in the US South. This spicy soup-like food is often paired with rice and some kind of shellfish (crawfish or shrimp) or even sausage. Head down to Louisiana, and you’ll be able to find this Creole dish offered at a lot of restaurants. 


When we say frank, we’re not talking about a man here. “Frank” is one term used to describe hot dogs. Typically, when you hear “ballpark frank”, it’s in reference to hot dogs made of all beef, rather than other meat supplements. 

We put them in a bread bun, and then we add toppings like chili, ketchup, and relish and enjoy!


Curry is an Indian and Southeast Asian dish that makes use of coconut milk and spices to create a stock that can be paired with rice and meat. You might carry the assumption that curry is a spicy dish, but this is not always the case. It can even be sweet at times. 

You’ll often find curry served at Indian restaurants, as well as Thai restaurants. 


Dates are a type of fruit that comes from palm trees. The trees they grow on are also known as date palms. This fruit is often dried before eating, but you can also eat it raw like you would eat a grape, for example. Because of its similarities to other fruits, dates can be used to make things like wine, preserves, and more. 


If you’ve ever watched the NBC show The Office, then you’re probably at least a little bit familiar with this bright reddish purple root vegetable. Beets are dense and full of flavor. 

They actually grow in different color varieties, including a yellow-gold color. Beets are well-known for their use in the Eastern European soup dish called borscht. 


Everyone is familiar with sugar – whether it’s refined sugar, pure cane sugar, sugar in the raw, or even the sugars you read about in chemistry class. Sugar is the staple we turn to when we want to sweeten our food and beverages. 

We put this 5-letter food in our coffee and tea. We use it for baking desserts. But at the end of the day, sugar is just a carbohydrate. 


Well-known for its use in pecan pie, praline pecans, and various desserts and pastries, pecans are a type of edible tree nut. 

Pecans grow on certain hickory trees in the United States that lose their leaves each year with the seasons. Did you know that the word “pecan” can also refer to walnuts and hickory nuts?


Kefir is a type of milk beverage, and it has its origins in old Russia. This beverage is similar to yogurt in that it uses fermented bacterial cultures. But it isn’t actually a type of dairy like we know in the United States. 

It’s actually made from livestock milk (sheep, cows, etc.) that has the kefir grain added to it. While you aren’t likely to find kefir on the shelves of your local American grocery store, you can find it throughout Eastern Europe.


Melon is a broad term used to refer to a variety of fruits. Most people are familiar with the fruits that have melon in their name, such as watermelon and honeydew melon. But did you know that there are other types of melon, such as cantaloupe, horned melons, and even banana melons?

What’s more is the fact that melons are actually a type of berry, when classified botanically. They’re often sweet and make great refreshing, raw snacks when it’s hot outside. 


We hope you enjoyed our list of 43 different foods with 5 letters in their names. From the apple to the olive, bread, kefir, steak, kabob, jelly, and so many more, there are a lot of unique food products that have this unique number of letters in their names. 

Make sure to try them out and explore the different options today!

43 Foods With 5 Letters


  • Candy

  • Bread

  • Beans

  • Cream

  • Bacon

  • Steak

  • Onion

  • Basil

  • Thyme

  • Lemon

  • Pasta

  • Honey

  • Froyo

  • Berry

  • Sushi

  • Chips

  • Clams

  • Olive

  • Pizza

  • Squid

  • Apple

  • Gravy

  • Taffy

  • Fries

  • Salsa

  • Salad

  • Leeks

  • Peach

  • Grape

  • Mango

  • Jerky

  • Bagel

  • Jelly

  • Kabob

  • Gumbo

  • Frank

  • Curry

  • Dates

  • Beets

  • Sugar

  • Pecan

  • Kefir

  • Melon


  • See how many foods with five letters you can list
  • Challenge your friends and family.

Laura Ritterman

Hi, I’m Laura and having studied an MSc in Nutrition, becoming a professional chef and appearing on major publications with my recipes I decided to create a website of my own. This website is where I share unique recipes, tips and cooking inspiration that will allow your culinary skills flourish. You can contact me here. For more information, you can find more about me.




























































































Are you an avid player of Wordle but struggling to make 5-letter words with food?

If you are facing trouble playing the Wordle puzzle, this is the right place to get the solution for your problem. Now you can learn numerous words to accomplish the targets by upgrading the in-game levels. We will guide you to explore 5-letter words with food. Keep reading till the end to learn more words and enhance your vocabulary!

5 Letter Word contain FOOD in them [ F, O, O, D at any Position ]

  1. flood
  2. foods
  3. foody

We have mentioned all 5-letter words with food that will help you play Wordle like a pro. If you want to explore more words, you can visit our website. We publish numerous guides that can assist you in learning more and more words. Stay tuned!


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