Fonts from microsoft word

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Most applications (such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) include fonts that are automatically installed when you install the software. For example, applications that are created especially for document design projects, such as Microsoft Publisher, often come with quite a few extra fonts that you can use with any other program on your computer.

However, sometimes you may want to install custom fonts that you’ve created, purchased or downloaded from somewhere else. In this article we’ll talk about how to install those fonts so you can use them in Microsoft Office.

Locate custom fonts on the Web

In addition to acquiring and using fonts installed with other applications, you can download fonts from the Internet. Some fonts on the Internet are sold commercially, some are distributed as shareware, and some are free. The Microsoft Typography site site provides links to other font foundries (the companies or individuals outside of Microsoft who create and distribute fonts) where you can find additional fonts.

After you find a font that you would like to use with an Office application, you can download it and install it through the operating system that you are currently using on your computer. Because fonts work with the operating system, they are not downloaded to Office directly. You should go through the system’s Fonts folder in Windows Control Panel and the font will work with Office automatically. On the Mac you use the Font Book to add the font and then copy it to the Windows Office Compatible folder.

Many third parties outside of Microsoft package their fonts in .zip files to reduce file size and to make downloading faster. If you have downloaded a font that is saved in .zip format double-click the zip file to open it.

Install a custom font you have downloaded

Once you’ve downloaded the font you want to install you need to install it in the operating system. Once the font is properly installed in the operating system Microsoft Office will be able to see and use it. For detailed instructions select the operating system you’re using from the drop-down box below.

  1. Find the font file that you downloaded, keeping in mind that it may be contained within a .zip file. It’s probably located in your downloads folder.

  2. Double-click the font file to open it in the Font Previewer

    The Windows Font Previewer lets you view and install fonts on your Windows computer

  3. If you’re satisfied that this is the font you want, click Install at the top left. Click Install to install the font

  4. Close the Font Previewer, and open your Office program. You should now see your new font included on the font list.

  1. Find the font file you downloaded — it likely has a .ttf or .otf extension and it’s probably in your downloads folder. Double-click on it.

    Note: If the font file has a .zip extension you need to open that .zip file and open the font file from there.

  2. It will open in the font previewer. Click Install Font. It will open in the Font Book.

  3. Close the Font Book. Your font should now be available to Microsoft Office.

Note: If you’re using Office 2011 for Mac, you may need to drag and drop the font to the Windows Office Compatible collection in the Font Book to make it available to Microsoft Office.

Sharing files that contain non-standard fonts

When you install a custom font, each font will work only with the computer you’ve installed it on. Custom fonts that you’ve installed on your computer might not display the same way on a different computer. Text that is formatted in a font that is not installed on a computer will display in Times New Roman or the default font.

Therefore, if you plan to share Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, or Excel files with other people, you’ll want to know which fonts are native to the version of Office that the recipient is using. If it isn’t native, you may have to embed or distribute the font along with the Word file, PowerPoint presentation, or Excel spreadsheet. For more information about this see Fonts that are installed with Microsoft Office.

See also

  • Microsoft Typography

  • Change or set the default Font in Microsoft Office

  • Language Accessory Pack for Office

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  • Установка нового шрифта в систему
  • Установка нового шрифта в Word
  • Внедрение шрифта в документ
  • Вопросы и ответы

Как установить шрифты в Ворд

В последних версиях текстового редактора Microsoft Word имеется довольно большой набор встроенных шрифтов. Большинство из них, как и полагается, состоят из букв, но в некоторых вместо букв используются различные символы и знаки, что тоже весьма удобно и необходимо во многих ситуациях.

Урок: Как в Ворде поставить галочку

И все же, сколько бы в MS Word не было встроенных шрифтов, активным пользователям программы стандартного набора всегда будет мало, особенно, если хочется чего-то действительно необычного. Неудивительно, что на просторах интернета можно найти множество шрифтов для этого текстового редактора, созданных сторонними разработчиками. Именно поэтому в данной статье мы расскажем о том, как добавить шрифт в Ворд.

Важное предупреждение: Скачивайте шрифты, как и любое другое ПО, только с проверенных сайтов, так как во многих из них вполне могут содержаться вирусы и прочий вредоносный софт. Не забывайте о собственной безопасности и сохранности личных данных, не качайте шрифты, представленные в установочных файлах EXE, так как на самом деле распространяются они в архивах, внутри которых содержатся файлы форматов OTF или TTF, поддерживаемых ОС Windows.

Вот список безопасных ресурсов, с которых можно скачивать шрифты для MS Word и других совместимых программ:

Отметим, что все вышеперечисленные сайты крайне удобно реализованы и каждый из шрифтов там представлен наглядно и понятно. То есть, вы смотрите на картинку превью, решаете, нравиться ли вам этот шрифт и нужен ли он вам вообще, и только после этого качаете. Итак, приступим.

Выбор шрифта на сайте

Установка нового шрифта в систему

1. Выберите на одном из предложенных нами сайтов (либо на другом, которому полностью доверяете) подходящий шрифт и скачайте его.

Место для сохранения шрифта

2. Перейдите в папку, в которую вы скачали архив (или просто файл) со шрифтом (шрифтами). В нашем случае это рабочий стол.

Архив со шрифтом

3. Откройте архив и извлеките его содержимое в любую удобную папку. Если вы скачали шрифты, не запакованные в архив, просто переместите их туда, откуда вам будет удобно к ним добраться. Не закрывайте эту папку.

Шрифт и файлы в архиве

Примечание: В архиве со шрифтами помимо файла OTF или TTF могут также содержаться и файлы другого формата, к примеру, изображение и текстовый документ, как в нашем примере. Извлекать эти файлы отнюдь не обязательно.

Шрифт на рабочем столе

4. Откройте “Панель управления”.
В Windows 8 — 10 сделать это можно с помощью клавиш Win+X, где в появившемся списке нужно выбрать “Панель управления”. Вместо клавиш также можно использовать клик правой кнопкой мышки по значку меню “Пуск”.

Открыть панель управления

В Windows XP — 7 этот раздел находится в меню “Пуск”“Панель управления”.

Панель управления

5. Если “Панель управления” находится в режиме просмотра “Категории”, как на нашем примере, переключитесь на режим отображения мелких значков — так вы сможете быстрее найти необходимый пункт.

Панель управления Категории

6. Найдите там пункт “Шрифты” (скорее всего, он будет одним из последних), и нажмите на него.

Панель управления Значек Шрифт

7. Откроется папка со шрифтами, установленными в ОС Windows. Поместите в нее файл шрифта (шрифтов), ранее скачанный и извлеченный из архива.

Папка со шрифтами

Совет: Вы можете просто перетащить его (их) мышкой из папки в папку или использовать команды Ctrl+C (копировать) или Ctrl+X (вырезать), а затем Ctrl+V (вставить).

8. После короткого процесса инициализации шрифт будет установлен в систему и появится в папке, в которую вы его переместили.

Добавленный шрифт

Примечание: Некоторые шрифты могут состоять из нескольких файлов (например, обычный, курсив и полужирный). В таком случае необходимо помещать в папку со шрифтами все эти файлы.

На данном этапе мы добавили новый шрифт в систему, теперь же нам необходимо добавить его и непосредственно в Ворд. О том, как это сделать, читайте ниже.

Установка нового шрифта в Word

1. Запустите Ворд и найдите новый шрифт в списке со стандартными, встроенными в программу.

Шрифты в Word

2. Зачастую, отыскать новый шрифт в списке не так просто, как может показаться: во-первых, их там и без того довольно много, во-вторых, его название, хоть и написано собственным шрифтом, но довольно мелкое.

Меню группы Шрифт в Word

Чтобы быстро отыскать новый шрифт в MS Word и приступить к его использованию в наборе текста, откройте диалоговое окно группы “Шрифт”, нажав на небольшую стрелочку, расположенную в правом нижнем углу этой группы.

Диалоговое окно шрифтов Word

3. В списке “Шрифт” найдите название нового, установленного вами шрифта (в нашем случае это Altamonte Personal Use) и выберите его.

Выбор нового шрифта в Word

Совет: В окне “Образец” вы можете видеть то, как выглядит шрифт. Это поможет быстрее его найти, если вы не запомнили название шрифта, но запомнили его визуально.

4. После того, как вы нажмете “ОК” в диалоговом окне “Шрифт”, вы переключитесь на новый шрифт и сможете начать его использовать.

пример нового шрифта в Word

Внедрение шрифта в документ

После того, как вы установите новый шрифт на свой компьютер, использовать его вы сможете только у себя. То есть, если вы отправите текстовый документ, написанный новым шрифтом другому человеку, у которого этот шрифт не установлен в системе, а значит, и не интегрирован в Ворд, то у него он отображаться не будет.

Если вы хотите, чтобы новый шрифт был доступен не только на вашем ПК (ну и на принтере, точнее, уже на распечатанном листе бумаги), но и на других компьютерах, другим пользователям, его необходимо внедрить в текстовый документ. О том, как это сделать, читайте ниже.

Примечание: Внедрение шрифта в документ приведет к увеличению объема документа MS Word.

1. В вордовском документе перейдите во вкладку “Параметры”, открыть которую можно через меню “Файл” (Word 2010 — 2016) или кнопку “MS Word” (2003 — 2007).

Файл Параметры в Word

2. В диалоговом окне “Параметры”, которое перед вами откроется, перейдите к разделу “Сохранение”.

Параметры Word

3. Установите галочку напротив пункта “Внедрить шрифты в файл”.

Внедрить шрифт в Word

4. Выберите, хотите ли вы внедрить только знаки, которые используются в текущем документе (это уменьшит объем файла), хотите ли вы исключить внедрение системных шрифтов (по сути, оно и не нужно).

Параметры внедрения шрифта в Word

5. Сохраните текстовый документ. Теперь вы можете поделиться им с другими пользователями, ведь новый, добавленный вами шрифт будет отображаться и на их компьютере.

Сохранить документ в Word

Собственно, на этом можно и закончить, ведь теперь вы знаете о том, как установить шрифты в Ворд, предварительно инсталлировав их в ОС Windows. Желаем вам успехов в освоении новых функций и безграничных возможностей программы Microsoft Word.

You can split fonts into two main styles. There are serif fonts (with lines flicking out of each letter) and sans-serif fonts (without the lines). Serif fonts tend to be easier to read, but they look more formal. This article will show you some of the best ones in Word.

The best serif fonts in Microsoft Word are Times New Roman, Garamond, and Palatino Linotype. They all work well to show a more formal look in your writing. They’re also very easy to read, making them solid choices if you’re looking to write an essay or academic paper.

Best Serif Fonts in Microsoft Word

Times New Roman

Times New Roman is the default Microsoft Word font. You really can’t go wrong with it. Everyone knows what it looks like, and everyone uses it as the default serif font in Word. If you don’t actively change your font, it’s likely that you’re writing in Times New Roman.

It is a very professional font that has been proven to be one of the easiest to read on paper. It also makes your writing look more trustworthy, which works wonders when you use it for something like an academic or scientific paper.

You will find that Times New Roman is one of the most popular fonts in the world. It’s such a good choice because of how popular it is, and it can fit in just about anywhere in your writing. It works well for titles and in the main body of the text.


Garamond is another great serif font that works really well. It comes in at a close second to Times New Roman, which is saying a lot considering how popular Times New Roman is. Garamond is fairly easy to read, and it even comes in slightly smaller in size.

Garamond is a great font that makes your writing much more concise. The smaller size of this font allows you to fit more words onto your page without feeling like you’re writing an essay full of gibberish and waffle.

If people decided to choose a different serif font in place of Times New Roman, it’s likely that Garamond would rank quite highly as their next favorite pick.

Palatino Linotype

Palatino Linotype is a great font choice that a lot of people enjoy using. It feels a bit fresher than some of the other serif fonts, and the size of the letters makes it a little more appealing when you are writing it for more informal purposes.

You will find that Palatino Linotype looks good wherever you put it. It can be both in a heading or in the main text body. As long as you like the look of the font, you’ll find a great place to put it to make sure it fits in.

The letters on Palatino Linotype feel a little more “open” than those of Times New Roman and Garamond. That’s what makes it a better choice if you’re looking for something that’s a little bit easier to read or comes across with more informal energy.


Georgia is a very popular choice that a lot of essay writers are recommended to use. Many academics also vouch for Georgia, making it a really good choice if you’re looking to capture a more formal and trustworthy look.

People say that Georgia works really well as a heading. While this is definitely true, there is nothing wrong with using it as part of the main body of your text either. It can work in just about any situation, which makes it a great serif font choice.

While it’s not as popular as Times New Roman, it’s definitely up there in terms of how many people use it. It’s a fairly generic serif font, so there aren’t any specific style choices that stand it out from some of the rest.


Cambria is another great serif font that is a default choice in Microsoft Word. While it isn’t automatically set as a font choice, it is automatic if you use the specific Word style that allows you to write headings and sub-headings.

Cambria is one of the best choices to introduce new ideas with headings and sub-headings. Of course, you don’t have to be limited to including it as a heading. If you want it as the text body, too, that’s fine.

You’ll find that this ranks highly in popularity compared to many of the other fonts. It looks really good on the page because of the more “square” feel that the letters have.

Bodoni MT

Bodoni MT is a classical serif font that works well. People like to use this font for novels, which shows that it must be an easy-to-read choice. The purpose of novels is to have thousands of words page after page, so having an easy-to-read font is always going to be ideal.

Bodoni MT is one of the thicker fonts on this list. It almost looks like it is written in bold, which really helps it to stand out from some of the other options. It works really well when it’s used to write multiple words at the same time.

The serif style looks very similar to some of the best fonts on this list, too. While this doesn’t allow Bodoni MT to be unique, it does allow it to have a familiar look and feel to it.

Bookman Old Style

Bookman Old Style is another great font that is common for novels. Again, if it works well in novels, you can bet that it works well in any situation when you might need someone to read through what you’re writing carefully.

Bookman Old Style is a large font. It allows the letters to appear more free and open compared to many of the other choices. This makes it a great font that’s worth trying out.

Lucida Bright

Lucida Bright is a good font choice. It’s part of the famous Lucida font family, and it works really well to show a large serif style. Lucida Bright is one of the larger fonts on this list, making it a great choice if you’re trying to make your writing really easy to read.

Some people would argue that Lucida Bright is too large for most formal documents. It does mean that you’ll take up a few extra pages because of your larger font choice, but this isn’t always a problem. Sometimes, it’s refreshing to include a larger font.

Modern No. 20

Modern No. 20 is an interesting serif font that doesn’t often get used. It’s a great choice nonetheless, and it applies to situations where some of the other serif fonts might feel a bit too pretentious or samey.

Modern No. 20 has very sharp serifs on its letters. While all of the fonts discussed so far have decent serif accents, Modern No. 20 seems to have some of the largest serifs that really help it to bring a unique style to your writing.

It’s much smaller than most of the other options too. It makes for a great choice if you’re trying to include a lot of information in one area without feeling like you have to fill up a lot of pages to get it to work.


Rockwell is a great option that many people like to use. It comes from the Rockwell family, which has made its name with more obvious and impactful fonts like ExtraBold and Condensed. Rockwell on its own is a great option for your serif-font needs.

It fits a similar style to most of the other serif fonts. There is nothing particularly unique that makes it stand out, which is usually a good thing. People don’t like their serif fonts to look out of place in their writing, and Rockwell will fit in no matter where you put it.

Poor Richard

Poor Richard is a great font in Microsoft Word that deserves more attention. It’s a very attractive font that comes with small lower-case letters. The capital letters tend to dwarf the lower-case ones, making it an interesting font style that the other serif fonts don’t have.

This font style is both a blessing and a curse, depending on how you look at it. It’s a blessing because it means that Poor Richard has a unique personality that allows it to stand out from the rest of the serif crowd.

It’s a curse because the uniqueness and size of the font in its style mean it doesn’t work very well formally. You’ll find that Poor Richard is a much better serif font for your informal writing.


Perpetua follows the same general idea as Poor Richard. It’s not all that popular, but it deserves to be. It’s a great font with an interesting style (most of which comes from the way some of the letters go below the written line, like the “p’s” and “q’s”).

Perpetua works really well in formal and informal contexts. It’s worth trying to use it yourself to see whether you can get along with it. A lot of people think it’s an attractive font, but it doesn’t often get used because it’s not a very well-known name.

You may also like:
12 Smallest Fonts In Microsoft Word
12 Best Cursive Fonts in Microsoft Word
12 Most Scary Fonts for Halooween in Microsoft Word

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

In MS Word, an entire family of fonts is usually referred to as a Typeface (like Times New Roman). People also prefer using font style or font type.

And “Font” as a word, is reserved for a combination of different features such as font style, size, color and weight (like Arial, 12 pt, Red, Bold).

Therefore, the word “Font” in MS Word often means a whole family of display features such as the typeface, color, weight, and/or size.

If this distinction makes sense to you, let’s now see how we can explore the list of font styles in MS Word as well as how to add new font types or typeface.

Below is an illustration of the various fonts and how they look when applied.

Font styles in Word
Fonts in Word
Font types in Word

Below is the list of All fonts in MS Word. The above pictures are illustrations of how these fonts look like.

Abadi MT Condensed Light Impact
Albertus Extra Bold Incised901 Bd BT
Albertus Medium Incised901 BT
Allegro Incised901 Lt BT
Amazone BT Informal011 BT
AmerType Md BT Jester
Antique Olive Kabel Bk BT
Arial Kabel Ult BT
Arial Black Kaufmann Bd BT
Arial MT Kaufmann BT
Arial Narrow Korinna BT
Arrus BT Letter Gothic
Aurora Cn BT Lithograph
AvantGarde Bk BT Lithograph Light
AvantGarde Md BT Long Island
BankGothic Md BT Lucida Console
Bazooka Lucida Handwriting
Benguiat Bk BT Lucida Sans
BernhardFashion BT Lucida Sans Unicode
BernhardMod BT Lydian BT
BinnerD Marigold
Book Antiqua Market
Bookman Old Style Matisse ITC
Boulder Monotype Corsiva
Bremen Bd BT MS LineDraw
Calisto MT News GothicMT
Calligrapher NewsGoth BT
CaslonOpnface BT OCR A Extended
Century Gothic Old Century
Century Schoolbook Onyx BT
Cezanne OzHandicraft BT
CG Omega Pegasus
CG Times Pickwick
Charlesworth Poster
Charter Bd BT PosterBodoni BT
Charter BT PTBarnum BT
Chaucer Pythagoras
ChelthmITC Bk BT Ribbon131 Bd BT
Clarendon Condensed Sceptre
CloisterBlack BT Serifa BT
Comic Sans MS Serifa Th BT
Copperplate Gothic Bold ShelleyVolante BT
Copperplate Gothic Light Sherwood
CopperplGoth Bd BT Signboard
Cornerstone Socket
Coronet Souvenir Lt BT
Courier Staccato222 BT
Courier New Steamer
Cuckoo Storybook
Dauphin Subway
Denmark Swis721 BlkEx BT
English 111 Vivace BT Swiss911 XCm BT
EngraversGothic BT Tahoma
Exotc350 Bd BT Technical
Fransiscan Teletype
Freefrm721 Blk BT Tempus Sans ITC
FrnkGothITC Bk BT Times
Futura Bk BT Times New Roman
Futura Lt BT Times New Roman PS
Futura Md BT Trebuchet MS
Futura ZBlk BT Tristan
FuturaBlack BT Tubular
Galliard BT TypoUpright BT
Garamond Unicorn
Geneva Univers
Geometr231 BT Univers Condensed
Geometr231 Hv BT Vagabond
Geometr231 Lt BT Verdana
GeoSlab 703 Lt BT Westminster
GeoSlab 703 XBd BT ZapfEllipt BT
GoudyHandtooled BT ZapfHumnst BT
GoudyOLSt BT ZapfHumnst Dm BT
Haettenschweiler Zurich BlkEx BT
Heather Zurich Ex BT
Humanst 521 Cn BT  
Humanst521 BT  
Humanst521 Lt BT  

How to add new fonts to Word

Despite the fact that Microsoft Word and the other office apps have plenty of font styles, you may need to add new fancy fonts into your Word document.

You have no problem because, in this tutorial, I will show how to add any new font into MS Word and use it in your projects.

However, there are several ways you can add new fonts in MS Word.
I’ll go through each option one after the other here in this article.

Option 1: Using the Microsoft Store

Using the Microsoft Store, you can add new fonts into your
Word document or other office apps.

The steps are outlined below:

  • Go to Settings on your PC

To open settings on your PC, type settings in the search bar
and press the Enter key.

Search for settings
  • Click on Fonts > Get more fonts in
    Microsoft Store
go to fonts > Get more Fonts in Microsoft Store

Upon clicking on Get more fonts, the Microsoft Store will open with a list of available fonts in the store.

  • If you find the font you want to add, click on
List of Fonts in Word
  • Then click on the Get button to download the font.
Click on Get to Download fonts for Word

Of course, some of the fonts aren’t free. Some of them require you to make a little contribution before you can download.

After completing the above steps, the downloaded font family
will be available in Word and the other office apps like Excel or PowerPoint.

Option 2: Using the Font Installer

Microsoft Store doesn’t have lots of fonts. Therefore, you may not get the font you are looking for from there.

However, you can download whatever new font you want from other sources and install it into MS Word or other office apps.

Obey the steps below:

  • Download the font you wish to add to MS Word.

Download Fonts Here: AbstractFonts.Com

There are several places you can download awesome fonts from. The above link also has a lot of amazing free fonts for you to explore. Click here for more resources on free fonts.

  • After downloading the new font you want to add, browse to the folder that has the font file.

Note: The font may be in a zip file. If that’s the case, you
should unzip the file first.

Go to the folder with the downloaded font file
  • Right-Click on the font file. A shortcut menu will
    appear, select Install or Install for all users.
Select install to install font for Word

After applying all the steps above, the installed font will
now be available in your list of fonts in MS Word and the other office apps.

Fonts in Word

These are the various ways you may add new fonts into MS Word.

  1. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 1


    Download the font from a trusted website. Fonts are a common way to transmit viruses, so take care to only download fonts from trusted sources, and avoid any fonts that come in EXE format. Fonts typically come packed into ZIP files, or in TTF or OTF format. A few of the more popular font sites include the following:

  2. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 2


    Extract the font file if necessary. If your font downloads in a ZIP folder, double-click the folder, then click Extract at the top of the window, click Extract all, and click Extract at the bottom of the window.

    • Skip this step if the font downloads in TTF or OTF format, not in a ZIP folder.


  3. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 3


    Double-click the font file. Doing so will open the font in a preview window.

  4. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 4


    Click Install. It’s at the top of the preview window.

  5. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 5


    Click Yes if prompted. Since installing a font requires administrator permissions, you may be prompted to confirm this step.

    • If you aren’t on an administrator account, you can’t install a font.
  6. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 6


    Wait for the font to install. This will usually only take a few seconds. Once the font is installed on your computer, it will be accessible by any programs which use system fonts, including Microsoft Word.

  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 7


    Download a font. There are tons of sites that host font files that you can download for free (for home use). MacOS supports both OTF and TTF font formats, which are two of the most common font types. Some of the more popular font sites include the following:

  2. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 8


    Extract the font file if necessary. Since most font files download in a ZIP folder, you’ll need to unzip the folder by double-clicking it and waiting for the extracted folder to open.

    • Skip this step if your font downloads as a TTF or OTF file, not a ZIP folder.
  3. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 9


    Double-click the font file. Doing so will bring up a preview window.

  4. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 10


    Click Install Font. It’s at the top of the preview window. This will install your font for all text-based programs on your Mac, thus making it usable with Microsoft Word.[1]

  5. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 11


    Note the installed font’s name. Since fonts in Word are listed in alphabetical order, you’ll need to know the first few letters of your font in order to find it.

  2. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 12


    Open Microsoft Word. Its app icon resembles a white «W» on a dark-blue background.

    • If Microsoft Word was already open, close it and then re-open it. Failing to do this may prevent your font from showing up until you restart Word.
  3. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 13


    Click Blank document. You’ll find this option in the upper-left side of the launch page. Doing so opens a new Word document.

  4. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 14


    Click the Home tab. It’s at the top of the Word window.

  5. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 15


    Open the «Font» drop-down menu. Click

    Android 7 Dropdown

    to the right of the current font’s name in the toolbar. You should see a drop-down menu appear.

  6. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 16


    Find your new font. Scroll through the drop-down menu until you find your font’s name.

  7. Image titled Add Font in Microsoft Word Step 17


    Test the font. Click the font’s name, then try typing using the font. You may need to adjust the size of the font in order for it to appear normal.

  8. Advertisement

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  • Question

    What can I do if my fonts don’t appear in the dropdown?

    Community Answer

    Closing Microsoft Word and then opening it again will usually refresh the font list. If this doesn’t work, try re-installing the font.

  • Question

    It says it does not appear to be a valid font and cannot install. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    Instead of copying onto the control panel, double click on the extracted font file. You will then see either an open type or a true type file, double click on this and a preview of the font will show up. On the top left area of the window, there will be a button saying install. Click that.

  • Question

    How do I rename the font?

    Community Answer

    Never rename a font while it’s in the installed folder; it could get corrupted. Delete the font, and reinstall it. Before putting it into the fonts folder, right-click it, and select the option «Rename.» After naming it whatever you want, put it into the fonts folder normally.

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  • After a font is installed, it will be available in all Microsoft Office programs.

  • If you plan on sending your Word document to someone else, save it as a PDF to ensure that your custom font is retained. You can save as a PDF by clicking the «Save as type» (Windows) or «Format» (Mac) drop-down box on the «Save» window and then selecting PDF.

Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


  • Some symbols aren’t available in all fonts.


About This Article

Article SummaryX

1. Download the font.
2. Unzip the font if necessary.
3. Double-click the font.
4. Click Install or Install Font.

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Warning! This is a quick and dirty hack that may work, but it is ugly! : )

Fonts often have to be licensed in order to be distributed. You should not do this if you and/or the sender of the document do not have legal rights to distribute the font(s) in question. If you do own the rights to the font(s) then you can try this to install the font into your system. In short, I am not recommending that you break any laws to do this. This is all a theory and you use it at your own risk. I have no idea if this is legal or not, ask your attorney. If you own this font or have a legal right to get at it, you can try this.

I don’t have time right now to convert this process to something easier for you to use, but if you really want to try this, here is what you can do.

Before you continue you should have:

Windows 7 (or MAYBE Windows Vista). If you have Windows XP you may be able to get this to work but you will have to figure out the missing pieces on your own as the instructions are not for XP.

I am assuming you do not have Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or higher installed on your system. If you do, then you should be able to run this code no problem.

If you don’t, you must have the .NET Framework 3.5 or later installed on your system to even try this. That means you must have Windows 7 (which includes it already) or you have to install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 on your own (can download here from Microsoft for free if needed )

If you have Windows 7 and/or .NET installed, you can try this by going to this guy’s Web site and download his program “” at the bottom of his page here:

Or you can just download the zip file directly from him here:

After you have the Zip file on your system, unzip the file anywhere you want and remember where you put it.

Now, open the Word docx file that has the embedded fonts in it that you want to get out.

Save the Word document as an “XPS Document *.xps” document type and RENAME the Word document from whatever it is currently named to lorem.xps instead. Place it as lorem.xps into this “Resources” folder on your computer that you have from unzipping that file you downloaded:

Drive:wherever you unzipped toTextViewerFind_1TextViewerFindTextViewerFindResources

If it asks you if you want to copy over the existing lorem.xps, say YES.

So you should end up with a new copy of your Word document, saved as an XPS file, renamed to lorem.xps, inside of a path like this:

Drive:wherever you unzipped toTextViewerFind_1TextViewerFindTextViewerFindResourceslorem.xps

Now run the file named TextViewerFind.exe that you unzipped. It is inside of here, double-click it:

Drive:wherever you unzipped toTextViewerFind_1TextViewerFindTextViewerFindbinDebugTextViewerFind.exe

It should open up a Window with your lorem.xps XPS document in it. If you see your document in the Window, great, it is working!

If you don’t see your document in the Window or you get an error, make sure you saved it as an XPS document type, renamed it to lorem.xps, and placed it in the right “Resources” folder as previously described above. (You have Windows 7 or .NET 3.5 right?)

Close the Window that popped up. While opening this Window, the program also COPIED your font(s) into this folder on your system (if you Have Windows 7 or maybe Vista):

C:Usersyour usernameAppDataRoaming

The important part is you are looking for a file in there, date and time of right now, that has a file extension of “.odttf” on it.

If you see a file in there with that extension, RENAME the file extension from




So you will have a new file named something like blah-60042DDE-3C60.ttf

Double –click on that file and it should open the Font in the Windows Font Viewer. Confirm it is the Font you want to install, that you have legal right to install it, and then click the “Install” button. You should now have the font in your system. You can delete these files now if you want to.

I told you it was a hack and if you are still reading this you must REALLY want that font! : )

Good luck! Let me know if it works.

Inject some personality into your words

What to Know

  • Easiest option for Windows: Right-click the .ttf or .otf file and select Install.
  • Next easiest: Go to Start > Control Panel > Fonts. In another window, drag the .ttf or .otf file into the font folder you just opened.
  • For Word for Mac, double-click the font file to open a preview > Install Font.

This article explains how to install fonts in Windows, Word for macOS, Microsoft Word Online, Word for Android, and Word for iOS. Instructions in this article apply to all versions of Word going back to 2011 as well for Windows 10, 8, and 7, macOS, Android, and iOS.

How to Install a Font on Windows

Let’s learn how to install a font on Windows so we can then add it to Word. Installing a font on Windows is the same from Windows 10 all the way back to Windows 7. There are 2 ways to install.

Method 1

  1. If you don’t see a .ttf or .otf file, you may have to extract it from a zip file.

  2. Once you have a .ttf or .otf file, right-click the file and select Install.

  3. You will briefly see an installation progress window as it installs.

Method 2

  1. Select StartControl Panel > Fonts to open your system’s font folder.

  2. In another window, find the font you want to install. If you downloaded the font from a website, then the file is probably in your Downloads folder. The font file will likely have a .ttf or .otf extension.

  3. Drag the desired font into your system’s font folder. You can drop it into any white space between the other font icons in the font control panel.

    Font sets are often contained within .zip files, so you must extract them before dragging the actual font files into your system’s Fonts folder. For guidance on how to extract, or unzip, a .zip file, see Zip Files: Unzip Them With the Right Software. If a .zip file contains multiple variations of a font, you must install each one individually.

  4. Once the font is in the correct folder, it should install automatically. If it doesn’t, double-click the font file to open the Font Previewer, and click the Install button in the upper-left corner. The next time you open Word, the new font should appear as an option in the font list.

How to Add Fonts to Word for Mac

Before you can use new Microsoft Word fonts on Mac, you must add them to the app for managing fonts on macOS, the Font Book:

  1. Locate your font file and double-click it to open the font preview window. You may need to unzip the file first.

  2. Click Install Font near the bottom of the font preview window, which should open the Font Book.

  3. If you’re using the 2011 version of Office for Mac, then you must also drag and drop the font file into the Windows Office Compatible collection, which can be found in the left sidebar of the Font Book.

  4. After restarting your Mac, the font should be available in Word and most other apps including PowerPoint and Excel.

Fonts will only display properly in Word if they are installed on the user’s device. Text formatted with unsupported fonts will usually appear in a default font such as Times New Roman. If you plan on sharing your Word files with others, you may need to embed some fonts. You can only embed fonts in the Windows versions of Word, and the specific font must allow embedding. Check the list of Microsoft fonts supported by each version of MS Office to determine which fonts you might need to embed.

How to Add Fonts to Word Online

If you’re using the Microsoft Word Online app as part of Microsoft 365, you can make use of any font installed on your system. Just type the name of the font file minus the extension into the Font Options box.

When you save the document, the font name will appear in the font options box and display properly for any user who has that font installed on their device. Unfortunately, Word Online doesn’t let you embed fonts.

If I Add Fonts in Word, Do They Transfer Over to Excel or PowerPoint?

Yes. Once you add a font to your operating system and ensure that it’s compatible with Word, then you should be able to use it in any MS Office application including Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint.

How to Add Fonts to Microsoft Word for Android

Unfortunately, adding fonts to the newest version of MS Word for Android is much more difficult than it used to be. Before you begin, you’ll need root access to your device. Lifewire has an in-depth guide explaining how to root any Android device.

Rooting your device could void the warranty and cause hardware malfunctions. Before you attempt rooting, back up your important data using an app like Helium.

  1. With your rooted Android device, download FX File Explorer and install the root add-on.

  2. Open FX File Explorer and locate your font file.

  3. Select the font file by holding your finger on it for a few seconds, and then tap Copy in the upper right corner of the screen. If successful, you’ll see a new icon in the upper right corner that says «1 copied.»

    Use the FX File Explorer app to locate your font and copy it.

  4. Now, close out FX File Explorer, locate the MS Word app and hold your finger on the file icon to make a menu pop up. If your device has been rooted, you should see an Explore data option in addition to Open and Uninstall.

  5. Tap Explore data and find the font directory by navigating to Files > Data > Fonts.

  6. Paste the font file inside the font directory by tapping the «1 copied» icon in the upper right of your screen and selecting Paste from the menu that appears.

  7. The font will now appear as an option in MS Word.

How to Add Fonts to Microsoft Word for iOS

To add a font to an iPhone or iPad, you’ll need a font installer app such as AnyFont, which you can download from the App Store.

  1. Move the desired font file into your iCloud.

  2. From iCloud, tap the font file, and then tap Share > More (ellipsis) in the upper right corner of your screen.

  3. From the Apps menu, tap AnyFont.

  4. Once AnyFont opens, you should see your font file. Tap > next to the font on the right side.

  5. Tap Install on the next screen that appears.

  6. Tap Allow if prompted to allow a configuration profile download.

  7. Go to Settings > General > Profiles,

  8. Under Downloaded Profile, select the font.

  9. Select Install on the top right corner.

  10. Select Next.

  11. Select Install on the Unsigned Profile window.

  12. When asked for confirmation, select Install.

  13. Select Done.

  14. Open Word and select font under iOS Fonts.

Download Fonts for Microsoft Word

You can install any font file on any OS. You can find fonts online at Creative Market, Dafont, FontSpace, MyFonts, FontShop, and Awwwards. Some fonts are free while others must be purchased. When you download a font, it typically goes to your system’s Downloads folder unless you specify otherwise.


  • How do I embed my Word fonts into a PDF?

    On a Mac, select File > Print > PDF > Save as PDF > Save to convert the document to a PDF and embed all fonts. Windows machines should also automatically embed fonts when you convert a Word document to a PDF. To check, open the PDF in Acrobat Reader then select File > Properties > Fonts tab and make sure your fonts are embedded.

  • Why aren’t the correct fonts appearing in my PDF?

    You might need to adjust your Acrobat conversion settings. In Word, select Acrobat > Preferences > Advanced Settings. Select the Fonts section and check Embed all fonts.

  • How do I remove fonts from Word?

    In Windows, open the Control Panel and enter fonts into the search, then choose the font you don’t want and select Delete. On a Mac, open Font Book and pick the font you want to get rid of, then select File > Remove.

Thanks for letting us know!

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Office install fonts
Office install fonts
(Image credit: Future)

Although Office comes with a number of fonts, sometimes you may need to add new styles to make text stand out on your document or spreadsheet. However, none of the apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook, have the option to install new fonts.

If you have to install a new style or an entire font family, you must first download and install the font files (TrueType «.ttf» or OpenType «.otf») on Windows 11 (or 10) to make them available to all your apps using a Microsoft 365 subscription, the standalone version of Office 2021, Office 2019, or an older version.

In this how-to guide, we walk you through the steps to install (and uninstall) new font styles for Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and other Office apps.

How to install new fonts in Office from Microsoft Store

Whether you use Windows 11 or 10, you can use the Microsoft Store to download and install many different fonts.

Windows 11

To install new fonts for Office from the Microsoft Store on Windows 11, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Personalization.
  3. Click the Fonts page on the right side.

Open Fonts

(Image credit: Future)
  1. Click the «Get more fonts in Microsoft Store» option.

Get more fonts in Microsoft Store

(Image credit: Future)
  1. Select the font family.
  2. Click the Get (or Install) button.

Fonts install Office

(Image credit: Future)

After you complete the steps, the fonts will be available on Windows 11 and through out the Office apps.

Windows 10

To make available new fonts in your Office apps on Windows 10, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Personalization.
  3. Click on Fonts.
  4. Click the «Get more fonts in Microsoft Store» option.

Get more fonts in Microsoft Store

(Image credit: Future)
  1. Select the font family to use with your Office apps.
  2. Click the Get (or Install) button.

Windows 10 install fonts for Office

(Image credit: Future)

Once you complete these steps, the new font will be available in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and any other app that includes support for system fonts.

How to install new fonts in Office from installer

If you have a custom font or get one of the font families that are freely available from companies like Google, you can install them in different ways.

Self-installer on Windows 11 or 10

To use new fonts in Microsoft Word or another Office app using a file, use these steps on Windows 11 or 10:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Browse to the folder with the font files.
  • Quick tip: If you downloaded the font on a zipped file, use these steps to unzip the files before trying to install them.

Fonts file open installer

(Image credit: Future)
  1. Click the Install button.

Legacy font installer

(Image credit: Future)

After you complete the steps, the new font will be available for all Microsoft Office apps. You may need to repeat the steps to install additional styles for a particular family.

File Explorer context menu on Windows 11 or 10

To add a new font on Windows 11 (or 10) to use in Office, use these steps:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Browse to the folder with the font files.
  3. Right-click the font file and select the Install option to add the new font.

File Explorer menu install fonts for Office

(Image credit: Future)

Once you complete these steps, the next time you start a new Office document, the new fonts will be available from the «Font» settings in the «Home» tab.

Settings app

On Windows 11 or 10, you can use the «Fonts» settings page to quickly install fonts that will then be accessible from the Office apps.

Windows 11

To install fonts manually from the Windows 11 Settings app, use these steps:

  • Open Settings.
  • Click on Personalization.
  • Click the Fonts page on the right side.

Open Fonts

(Image credit: Future)
  1. Select, drag, and drop all the files into the «Drag and drop to install» box to install fonts.

Windows 11 drag to install fonts

(Image credit: Future)

After you complete the steps, the family of fonts will be available for Word, Excel, and the other Office apps.

Windows 10

To install fonts manually from the Windows 10 Settings app, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Personalization.
  3. Click on Fonts.
  4. Select, drag, and drop all the font files into the «Add fonts» box to install them.

Windows 10 drag install fonts for Office

(Image credit: Future)

Once you complete the steps, the fonts will be available in all the Office apps.

How to uninstall fonts in Office from Settings

If you’re no longer using a particular font on your Office apps, the Settings app also includes an option to uninstall fonts from your device.

Windows 11

To uninstall fonts on Windows 11, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Personalization.
  3. Click the Fonts page on the right side.

Open Fonts

(Image credit: Future)
  1. Click the font you want to remove.

Windows 11 fonts page

(Image credit: Future)
  1. Under «Metadata, click the Uninstall button.
  2. Click the Uninstall button again.

Windows 11 uninstall fonts

(Image credit: Future)

After you complete the steps, the font will be removed from Windows 11 and Office apps.

Windows 10

To remove a font from Windows 10 and Office, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Personalization.
  3. Click on Fonts.
  4. Select the font you want to delete.

Windows 10 open font page

(Image credit: Future)
  1. Under «Metadata, click the Uninstall button.

Windows 10 uninstall fonts

(Image credit: Future)
  1. Click the Uninstall button again.

Once you complete the steps, the font you uninstalled will no longer be available on Windows 10 or Office.

More resources

For more helpful articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10 and Windows 11, visit the following resources:

  • Windows 11 on Windows Central — All you need to know
  • Windows 10 on Windows Central — All you need to know

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Mauro Huculak is technical writer for His primary focus is to write comprehensive how-tos to help users get the most out of Windows 10 and its many related technologies. He has an IT background with professional certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, and CompTIA, and he’s a recognized member of the Microsoft MVP community.

Microsoft Word is the ultimate tool to fulfill your writing requirements. It offers almost every possible function for a better user experience, except the ability to add a new font directly to Word documents.

Word has a ton of pre-installed fonts to choose from. However, you may need to add a font to your Word file to make the document more visually satisfying and

Though Word doesn’t have any option to add a font to the Word font list, you can install any font on your device and use them on Microsoft Word.

In this guide, I will walk you through the steps to installing or removing a new font for Word and other MS Office applications.

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Check out our separate post on how to Double Space in Microsoft Word

Adding fonts to MS Word is very straightforward. There are several ways to install fonts. On Windows, you can directly install a font by right-clicking on it, or you can use your Windows settings.

There are two types of font files; one of them is TrueType (.ttf), and the other one is OpenType (.otf). You can download font files from numerous websites, including Google Fonts, DaFont, or  FontSpace.

Many more websites also offer a vast list of font collections. Before downloading any font, ensure the site is trusted; otherwise, you can download a file that contains viruses and malware.

After downloading the fonts, unzip the font folder if the folder is zipped. Now follow the below instructions to install the fonts on your system directly.

Also, check out our separate post on how to Fix: Microsoft Word Table Of Contents Not Updating

1. Install Fonts Using the Installer

Use the basic installer to install any font for word or other Office applications. Go through the subsequent instructions to successfully install a fond with the installer.

Here are the steps to install fonts using the installer:

  • Open the File Explorer by pressing the Windows + E keys.
  • Go to the folder where you stored the font files.
  • Double-click on the font file.
  • Click on the Install button. install-font

After successfully installing the font, you can now access the font on your MS Word application along with other Office apps. Install each font individually to access additional styles of a font family.

Read more on Microsoft Word Read Aloud Stopped Working

2. Install Fonts Using Settings

You can also use the Settings of Windows to install a font. The process is almost similar for Windows 10, 7, & 8. Follow the following methods to install fonts using Settings.

Here are the methods to install fonts using Settings:

Following the above steps will install your fonts on your device, instantly available within any Office application, including MS Word.

You can also search for fonts in the Microsoft Store and install them directly on your computer from the Get more fonts in Microsoft Store option. get-more-fonts

Also, check out our separate post on how to Unlock Selection in Word

If you have multiple users on your computer, you can install fonts using the context menu to limit the access to who can use the specific font. The instructions below show you how to install fonts using the context menu.

Here are the ways to install fonts using the context menu:

  • Launch the File Explorer.
  • Navigate to the font folder.
  • Right-click on the font file.
  • Select Install to install the font only for your account. You can also select the Install for all users option to install the font for all user’s accounts. install-or-install-for-all-user

Installing the font with the context menu will immediately install your fonts on your computer. And the font can be used by every user if you choose the Install for all users option when installing the font.

After completing the installation, your font will be ready to use on MS Word and other Office applications. It is also possible to add fonts on your Mac devices. Keep reading the following to install fonts on your Mac successfully.

Check out our separate post on Fix Export to PDF Error in Word

How to Install Fonts to MS Word on Mac

Installing fonts to Mac is super simple; download your desired fonts from any trusted site and unzip the file. After unzipping, place the file in a folder and follow the instructions below to install fonts on your Mac.

Here are the steps to install fonts to MS Word on Mac:

  • Navigate to the folder where you stored the font files.
  • Open the file by double-clicking on it.
  • Wait for the Font Preview window to appear.
  • Click Install Font from the bottom-right corner. install-font-mac

That will successfully install the font on your Mac device. It will be available on MS Word and other applications.

There are also some font manager applications for better managing your fonts on Mac. Font Book is one of them. In case you use Microsoft Word Online, you can easily add any fonts to MS Word. To learn more, keep reading.

Also, check out our separate post on how to Fix: Find and Replace Not Working On Microsoft Word

How to Add Fonts to Word Online

You can use your device fonts for the Word online version. To use any font in the Word web version, first install the font on your device by following the previous methods.

Quick Note: When installing a new font on your device, ensure the Word Online is closed. If you install the font while Word Online is running, you may not be able to see the font on the Word font list.

The instructions below will help you use any font for Word Online. Just type the font’s name in the font name box to use the desired font.

Here are the steps to add fonts to Word Online:

  • Install the font on your device while Word Online is closed.
  • Launch Microsoft Word Online on your web browser.
  • Select the Font tab from the top toolbar.
  • Type the font name in the display box.
  • Press the Enter button to apply the font for your current document. word-online-font

Following the above steps, you can quickly use any preferred font for your Word document or as a part of your Word file’s text.

You may also like to read How to Flip Quotation Marks in Word

How to Embed Fonts in a Microsoft Word Document

When you use a less popular font style for your word file and share it with someone, there is an excellent chance that they will not be able to see the font on their device if they don’t have the specific font installed.

To avoid this unwanted situation, you can embed the font with your word file, so the receiver can easily enjoy the doc with your favorite font. Follow the instructions below to embed a fond within the word file.

Here are the methods to embed a font within the Word file:

The above process will embed the essential font styles within the Word document, and anyone from any device can easily read the document with the embedded fonts.

Here’s a complete guide on how to Make a Resume in Word

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I import a font into Word?

You can import a font into Word by installing the font on your device. Right-click on the font file you want to import and click Install. After the installation, launch Word and search by the font name and select it to use for your document.

How do I remove fonts from Word?

In Windows, navigate to Control Panel > Fonts. Search for the font name, then choose the font you want to remove. Select the Delete button and click Yes to successfully remove the font.

Why does the font change in Word?

When you use a font installed on your device, and then you open the same document with another device that doesn’t have the same font installed. The MS Word will automatically change the font for the missing one.

A Final Thought

Though you will find a considerable pre-installed font collection in Microsoft Word or other programs, you can efficiently add various fonts to enhance the quality and looks of your documents.

While adding a new font to your Word document, remember that the document with not be able to show the fonts appropriately on other devices that don’t have the same font installed. In that case, embed your fonts with the document.

In this article, I have covered all the possible ways to download, install and use any fonts in your Word document. Do you have any additional queries? Mention them in the below comment section.

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  • For char in word python
  • Font width in word
  • For await unexpected reserved word

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