Fit the meaning and the word

fit verb

fit verb



Phrasal verbs

fit adjective

 be in no fit state to do something

See more

fit adjective


fit noun

fit noun

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

fit noun

[ S ]

the way that something fits:


(Definition of fit from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

fit | American Dictionary

fit verb

fit verb


Phrasal verbs

fit adjective [-er/-est only]

fit adjective [-er/-est only]

fit noun

fit noun

fit noun


(Definition of fit from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

fit | Business English

Her new role fits her well.

[ I + adv/prep ]

if two or more things fit, or if one thing fits with another, they suit each other well:

[ T ] mainly UK

to make someone or something suitable for something:

Phrasal verbs

the way in which two or more things suit each other or work together:

 fit for human consumption

(Definition of fit from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of fit


Researchers could be misled by the publications of the first category because they were usually censored by the government to fit its propaganda purposes.

However, many of the interesting problems of generalization in psychological science do not fit this mold.

His central support also recovered, aided by the party’s need to have some provincial governments fit for display.

Different personality styles and psychological needs will fit best with each of the models.

It seems on the face of it rather unlikely, but all of the known examples do fit into this framework.

Unlike a nephrology consult, successful ethical practice does not easily fit in the consultative paradigm: it requires more than a 15-minute discussion.

Virtually anything can fit these broad categories of definition, with the effect that the defining criterion is no criterion at all.

We have formulated a constrained optimization problem to determine the least squares fit of a hyperplane to uncertain data.

Is his omission due to the fact that the classical approach to visual imagery would not easily fit the model?

We then performed a discriminant analysis on the result that provided the best fit.

We found that for both red and green center cells the data could be perfectly fitted by either mixed or pure surrounds.

The following algorithms are used to attempt to fit the two possible primitives to the data points.

However, the precision of estimation was reduced for models fitted at the youngest ages, reflecting the lower accumulative rates of parenthood in the teenage years.

Results of the model indicate a reasonable fit of the model to the data.

The goodness of fit in all specifications is reasonable and the null hypotheses of no misspecification and homoscedasticity are not rejected either.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Other forms: fitted; fitting; fits; fittest

«Don’t have a fit about it!» someone might snap at you. Chances are you’re making a fuss and acting out, characteristics that precisely fit or match what having a fit involves. Chill out.

When something fits like a glove, it fits just right. When you put a glove on, you fit each finger into its place. The word fit can mean «matching the shape of something» or «being a good match,» like two people who meet online and turn out to be a good fit for one another. But its definitions are not always so rosy. If you’re really angry and find yourself throwing a tantrum, you’re having a fit.

Definitions of fit

  1. adjective

    meeting adequate standards for a purpose

    fit subject for discussion”

    “it is
    fit and proper that you be there”

    fit to drink”

    fit for duty”

    “do as you see
    fit to”



    suitable for a particular person, place, condition, etc.


    adequate for the purpose

    suitable, suited

    meant or adapted for an occasion or use


    having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way

  2. adjective

    (usually followed by `to’ or `for’) on the point of or strongly disposed

    “in no
    fit state to continue”

    fit to drop”

    fit to burst”

    “she was
    fit to scream”


    primed, set


    completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress

  3. verb

    be agreeable or acceptable to

  4. verb

    be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics


    agree, check, correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally

    check, check out

    be verified or confirmed; pass inspection

    accord, agree, comport, concord, consort, fit in, harmonise, harmonize

    be harmonious or consistent with

    see moresee less


    disaccord, disagree, discord

    be different from one another


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    be consistent in form, tenor, or character; be congruous


    accord in appearance with


    match or correspond


    be the same


    be or come into adjustment with


    bear a reciprocal or mutual relation


    be parallel to

    duplicate, parallel, twin

    duplicate or match


    be compatible with

    bear out, corroborate, support, underpin

    support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm


    appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to

    conform to, meet

    satisfy a condition or restriction


    be homologous

    befit, beseem, suit

    accord or comport with

    accord, agree, comport, concord, consort, fit in, harmonise, harmonize

    be harmonious or consistent with


    form a pattern

    adhere, hew

    be compatible or in accordance with

    rhyme, rime

    be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable


    be co-ordinated

    look like

    bear a physical resemblance to

    come to life

    be lifelike, as of a painting

    take after

    be similar to a relative

    approximate, come close

    be close or similar

    fill the bill, fit the bill

    be what is needed or be good enough for what is required

    behoove, behove

    be appropriate or necessary

    fulfil, fulfill, live up to, satisfy

    meet the requirements or expectations of


    appear like, as in behavior or appearance

    echo, recall

    call to mind

    blend, blend in, go

    blend or harmonize

    accommodate, suit

    be agreeable or acceptable to


    correspond in vowel sounds; rhyme in assonance

    type of:

    be, equal

    be identical or equivalent to

  5. verb

    satisfy a condition or restriction


    conform to, meet

    see moresee less


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    be co-ordinated

    fill the bill, fit the bill

    be what is needed or be good enough for what is required

    behoove, behove

    be appropriate or necessary

    fulfil, fulfill, live up to, satisfy

    meet the requirements or expectations of

    accommodate, suit

    be agreeable or acceptable to

    answer, do, serve, suffice

    be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity


    provide for

    type of:

    agree, check, correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally

    be compatible, similar, or consistent; coincide in their characteristics

  6. verb

    be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired

    “This piece won’t
    fit into the puzzle”



    blend, blend in, go

    blend or harmonize

  7. verb

    conform to some shape or size

    “How does this shirt

    see moresee less



    be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired


    fit together exactly, of identical shapes


    fit as if by joints

    type of:


    have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)

  8. fit a dress”

    fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out”

  9. verb

    insert or adjust several objects or people

    “Can you
    fit the toy into the box?”

    “This man can’t
    fit himself into our work environment”

  10. verb

    make correspond or harmonize




    be equal or harmonize

    see moresee less


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    balance, equilibrate, equilibrise, equilibrize

    bring into balance or equilibrium


    make complete or perfect; supply what is wanting or form the complement to

    compensate, correct, counterbalance, even off, even out, even up, make up

    adjust for

    cancel, offset, set off

    make up for

    countervail, offset

    compensate for or counterbalance


    balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces

    type of:

    adjust, correct, set

    alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard

  11. verb

    provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose


    equip, fit out, outfit

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    rig, set, set up

    equip with sails or masts

    mechanise, mechanize, motorise, motorize

    equip with armed and armored motor vehicles


    equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse


    furnish with a collar


    equip with spurs


    equip (a car) with fins


    equip with a motor


    equip with a motor vehicle


    equip with a stock


    equip (a horse) with a horseshoe or horseshoes

    turn out

    outfit or equip, as with accessories


    equip with instruments for measuring, recording, or controlling


    fit with a muzzle

    kit, kit out, kit up

    supply with a set of articles or tools



    re-equip, rejig

    re-equip a factory or plant


    fit out again

    armor, armour

    equip with armor

    accouter, accoutre

    provide with military equipment


    provide with electrical circuits


    equip with a shaft


    furnish with spars


    furnish with staves

    adorn, clothe, invest

    furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors


    put into commission; equip for service; of ships


    provide with new wiring

    type of:

    furnish, provide, render, supply

    give something useful or necessary to

  12. noun

    the manner in which something fits

    “I admired the
    fit of her coat”

  13. noun

    a sudden uncontrollable attack

    fit of coughing”


    convulsion, paroxysm

  14. noun

    a display of bad temper

    “he had a


    conniption, scene, tantrum

  15. noun

    a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)

    fit of housecleaning”



  16. adjective

    physically and mentally sound or healthy

    “felt relaxed and
    fit after their holiday”

    fit with diet and exercise”


    able, able-bodied

    having a strong healthy body

    conditioned, in condition

    physically fit


    having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease


    financially secure and safe


    in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury

    see moresee less



    not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition

    afflicted, impaired

    mentally or physically unfit

    apractic, apraxic

    having uncoordinated muscular movements, symptomatic of a CNS disorder

    bandy, bandy-legged, bowed, bowleg, bowlegged

    have legs that curve outward at the knees


    (of a horse) having bones of the back united by a bony growth

    crippled, game, gimpy, halt, halting, lame

    disabled in the feet or legs

    crookback, crookbacked, gibbous, humpbacked, humped, hunchbacked, kyphotic

    characteristic of or suffering from kyphosis, an abnormality of the vertebral column

    disabled, handicapped

    incapable of functioning as a consequence of injury or illness


    (British informal) sore or lame


    having the knees abnormally close together and the ankles wide apart

    flabby, flaccid, soft

    out of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance


    (of horses) afflicted with a swelling of the hock-joint

    dipped, lordotic, swayback, swaybacked

    having abnormal sagging of the spine (especially in horses)

    maimed, mutilated

    having a part of the body crippled or disabled


    not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind


    not sound financially

    ill, sick

    affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function

    show more antonyms…

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘fit’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Recent Examples on the Web

How much can an underseat suitcase fit?

Anna Popp, Travel + Leisure, 30 Mar. 2023

With their polyester construction, satin sheets aren’t the best fit for everyone on the market for cooling sheets, but satin also does come with a naturally-chilly sheen that can work for some people who sleep hot.

Sarah Bradley, Health, 28 Mar. 2023

The online retailer offers hundreds of options fit for every aesthetic and price point.

Bianca Rodriguez, ELLE, 27 Mar. 2023

No More With These High-Impact Bras Surprise, surprise: The HIIT-ers were just as fit (in terms of exercise performance and muscle growth) as those moderate-intensity exercisers by the end of the trial—with far less time invested.

Julia Sullivan, Women’s Health, 24 Mar. 2023

Building the walls of a garden shed or garden building from cob, adobe, or straw bales, to name a few eco-friendly and sustainable examples, can give you a building that is unique and truly functional and fit for purpose.

Elizabeth Waddington, Treehugger, 23 Mar. 2023

Thursday’s weather forecast has plenty of sunshine fit for t-shirts, shorts and sunscreen.

Garfield Hylton, Orlando Sentinel, 23 Mar. 2023

Could DeAndre Hopkins fit in Foxborough?Rick Scuteri/Associated Press Jackson is in franchise-tag limbo.

Christopher L. Gasper,, 20 Mar. 2023

Do coffee pods fit in all single-serve coffee makers?

Emily Estep, Better Homes & Gardens, 20 Mar. 2023

This one is nicely sized to fit in your bag of gear without taking up too much room.

Lauren Breedlove, Travel + Leisure, 3 Apr. 2023

And trying to fit in as an immigrant.

Jason Sheeler, Peoplemag, 31 Mar. 2023

Cabins range in size from cozy to large enough to fit larger families.

Jean Chen Smith, The Enquirer, 31 Mar. 2023

It was constructed in the Bronx because there was not enough land available in Manhattan to fit the scope of its purpose.

Vince Guerrieri, Smithsonian Magazine, 30 Mar. 2023

Some thought the predators’ teeth were just too big to fit in their mouths, said study author Thomas Cullen, a paleontologist at Auburn University in Alabama.

Maddie Burakoff, Chicago Tribune, 30 Mar. 2023

There’s space behind the seats to fit a single golf bag as well frunk space that can easily accommodate two carry-on luggage bags.

Austin Irwin, Car and Driver, 30 Mar. 2023

Although anyone can practice the Wim Hof Method, its founder said it can be adapted to fit people’s individual conditions as well.

Angelica Stabile, Fox News, 30 Mar. 2023

From wide-leg trousers to airy linen pairs to breezy beach coverups, there’s a style to fit every need—and taste.

Sophie Dweck, Town & Country, 29 Mar. 2023

Even more casual and fun than Sperry’s infamous boat shoes, these penny loafers are updated with a modern, sneaker-like silhouette while still sporting the brand’s signature added cushioning for an ultra-cozy fit.

Christian Gollayan,, 4 Apr. 2023

This harness got top marks for fit, given its total of four adjustable straps to keep your dog secure., 4 Apr. 2023

The ‘fit was pretty much everything, with intricate embroidery throughout the piece, along with a gold top that showcased her seriously toned abs and arms.

Korin Miller, Women’s Health, 4 Apr. 2023

In fact, this rubber rain boot has an inside zipper closure and an elastic side panel for a good fit that’s easy to get on and off.

Alesandra Dubin, Travel + Leisure, 3 Apr. 2023

For us mere mortals (with pores, acne, fine lines), a fuller-coverage moisturizer might be a better fit.

Madison Yauger, Peoplemag, 31 Mar. 2023

Coffee tables that are a unique shape like circular or square can work well in large rooms with ample floor space, while tall, narrow coffee tables are often a better fit for small apartment or townhome living rooms.

Amber Joglar, Popular Mechanics, 29 Mar. 2023

And in his eyes, the Bulls are a better fit for him than the Lakers.

Broderick Turner, Los Angeles Times, 26 Mar. 2023

The 27-year-old speedster might be a better fit in a more timing offense than Buffalo had.

Nate Atkins, The Indianapolis Star, 21 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘fit.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

why the writer compares visual perception to color photography

sayhow the write calls the photographic analogy

(§2) see
if you can tell
how many discs were rotating, what was the speed of rotation and what
color was each of them

find facts
to prove that the man did better than the camera

explainwhat helped him receive a more accurate record of the external world
than could the camera

whether the leaf was greener than the donkey and why

(§5) find out
whether hungry and thirsty people managed to equalize the brightness
of pictures relating to food and drink.

Words to be remembered:

v. – регулировать,

appearancen. – внешний вид

constancyn. – постоянство, неизменность

compatibleadj. – совместимый, сочетаемый

externaladj. – внешний

identicaladj. – сходный, идентичный

intensityn. – насыщенность

lackv. – не иметь, испытывать

misleadingadj. – вводящий в заблуждение,

matchv. – приводить в соответствие,

obviousadj. – очевидный, вполне

v. – воспринимать,

perceptn. – объект/результат

perceptualadj. – перцептивный

perceptionn. – восприятие

percipientn. – воспринимающий,
способный воспринимать

resemblev. – иметь сходство,
напоминать внешне

ration. – соотношение, пропорция

reasonableadj. – разумный, обоснованный

recordv.,n. –
снимать, фиксировать, делать запись

similaradj. – похожий, подобный

samplen. – образец, образчик

satiatedadj. – удовлетворенный,

uniformlyadv. – однородно

visualadj. – зрительный

versatilityn. – универсальность,

5. Give Russian equivalents of the following.

It is
obvious that; it’s often helpful to consider; to appear uniformly
gray; the ratio of black and white; to adjust the ratio; one might
say that he did better than the camera; the situation is manifestly
more complex than this; wholly unconscious piece of computation; to
make a perceptible world compatible with one’s own experience; it
hardly needs saying that; unlike a photograph; to see pictures
relating to food as brighter than the rest; objects unrelated to
hunger or thirst.

6. Find English equivalents in the text.

Рассмотреть некоторые небиологические
процессы; в случае зрительного восприятия;
во многих отношениях; разумно (логично)
предположить, что; в лучшем случае можно
сказать, что аналогия; в его восприятии
нет ничего, напоминающего фотографию;
быть внешне совершенно разными; их
критерии были разными (отличались друг
от друга); можно сказать, что; постоянство
восприятия; едва ли нужно говорить, что;
удовлетворить потребности; расширить
(обогатить) личный опыт; в отличие от

7. The text contains some nouns of Greek and Latin origin. Pick them
out and learn their plural form. What other similar words do you
know? Classify them according to your own criteria (minimum 9-10

8. Fit the meaning and the word.

1). Put in order or agreement

2). Pull, twist out of the
usual shape

3). Preserve for use by writing
or in other ways (by means of photographs, gramophone discs, etc.)

4). Be similar to

5). The quality of having many
different functions or uses

6). Part of a whole taken to
show what the rest is like

7). Be without, have less than
enough of

8). Image of (representation
of) the sensory data






record v., n.



9. Match the words with the opposite meaning (1+2).

  1. intense, static, obvious,
    similar, external, stable, resemble, hungry, ambiguous, different,
    internal, dynamic, differ, dim, reversible, satiated.

  2. sense, conscious, related,
    compatible, fortunate, aware, ambiguous, proper, continuous,
    rational, similar, adequacy, lead v., interpret, reasonable,
    unreasonable, unambiguous, discontinuous, improper, dissimilar,
    inadequacy, unrelated, incompatible, unaware, misinterpret,
    unfortunate, mislead, unconscious, irrational, nonsense.

up the prefixes giving the opposite meaning.

10. Match the words with a similar meaning (1+2).

  1. obvious, rapid, plain,
    match v., similar, shade, fit n., view n., compatible.

  2. shadow, alike, vision,
    apparent, adjust, fast, simple, convulsion, identical, fit v.,
    sight, harmonious, quick, tint, easy, consistent, evident, seizure.

11. Form adverbs from the following adjectives adding the suffix -ly
and translate both, then rearrange them in alphabetical order.

apparent, unfortunate, spontaneous, uniform, whole, remarkable,
evident, manifest, odd, similar, obvious, dramatic, conventional,
eventual, accidental, occasional.

12. Fill in the table of derivatives with the words from the text.















13. Supply the missing words that all derive from the same root.

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fitТакое маленькое английское слово «fit» выполняет различные функции и участвует во многих устойчивых выражениях. Слово прошло сложный путь от средневекового английского до современного, в течение которого значения кардинально менялись, поэтому сегодня  fit – это и «припадок», и «приступ гнева, кашля», и «порыв великодушия».

Это лишь немногие значения fit-существительного, а еще fit является широко-употребляемым глаголом «годиться, быть в пору, соответствовать, прилаживать, точно подходить,  монтировать, устанавливать» и прилагательным «подходящий, соответствующий, здоровый, годный, способный». Значения этого многоликого слова мы постараемся в полной мере раскрыть в примерах. Слово «fit» также участвует в разных выражениях, которые, будучи идиомами, не переводятся дословно, поэтому их нужно запоминать отдельно.

  • I want this suit to a fit. – я хочу, чтобы этот костюм был точно по фигуре.
  • The dress is an excellent fit! I will take it! – платье сидит превосходно! Я беру его!
  • I don’t like clothes that is a tight fit; and I prefer shoes of an easy fit – я не люблю одежду, плотно обтягивающую фигуру; и я предпочитаю туфли, которые не жмут.
  • You will understand everything at a fit time – ты поймешь все в нужное время.
  • We’ll revert to this discussion at a fitter moment – мы вернемся к этому обсуждению в более подходящий момент.
  • We ordered meat but it was not fit to eat – мы заказали мясо, но оно было несъедобным.
  • These threads are not fit for sewing – эти нитки не пригодны для шитья.
  • I won’t go to the club as I have nothing fit to wear – я не пойду в клуб, т.к. мне нечего надеть.
  • Such life is not fit for you – такая жизнь не для тебя.
  • You have done the right choice! Our goods are fit for a king! – вы сделали правильный выбор! Наши товары наилучшего качества!
  • We don’t think/see it fit to continue cooperation with that supplier – мы считать нецелесообразным продолжать сотрудничество с этим поставщиком.
  • You are free to act as you think fit – вы вольны поступать, как считаете нужным.
  • Five men were not fit for service /duty – пять человек непригодны к службе.
  • You are such a lazybones! You are fit for nothing! – ты такой лентяй! Ты ни на что не способен!
  • When I learnt of my son’s behavior at school I was fit to die of shame – когда я узнала о поведении своего сына в школе, я была готова сгореть со стыда.
  • She feels fit in spite of her age – она здорова и бодра, несмотря на свой возраст.
  • I try to find time to go to the gym at least sometimes to keep fit – я стараюсь найти время, чтобы отправиться в спортзал, хотя бы иногда, чтобы поддерживать форму.
  • You’ll return to work only when you are fit for it – вы вернетесь к работе только когда будете в нормальном состоянии.
  • My granny is fit as a fiddle (as a flea) though she is 80 – моя бабушка абсолютно здорова, хотя ей 80 лет.
  • Tom’s speech fit the occasion – речь Тома была как раз уместна.
  • The key you left didn’t fit the lock – ключ, который ты оставил, не подошел к замку.
  • The black suit fits you tight and the blue one well – черный костюм плотно сидит на вас, а синий хорошо.
  • The furniture and room design fit together – мебель и дизайн комнаты подходят друг другу.
  • We decided to fit the garage for a workshop – мы решили переоборудовать гараж в мастерскую.
  • Both people and animals fit themselves to their surroundings – и люди, и животные приспосабливаются к окружающей обстановке.
  • You should fit your conduct to circumstances – вы должны действовать по обстоятельствам.
  • You have a month to fit yourself for new duties at our company- у вас месяц, чтобы подготовиться к новым обязанностям в нашей компании.
  • The shop was fit with new fridges – магазин был оснащен новыми холодильниками.
  • The dress fits you like a glove – платье обтягивает тебя, как перчатка.
  • Please don’t fit the cap on – пожалуйста, не принимайте на свой счёт.
  • Take this medicine in case of fit of coughing – примите это лекарство в случае приступа кашля.
  • He is terrible in his fit of rage – он ужасен в приступе гнева.
  • She will write that article when the fit is on her – она напишет эту статью когда будет в настроении.
  • His unexpected assistance gave me a fit – его неожиданная помощь поразила меня.
  • The story told by John laughed herself into fits – история, рассказанная Джоном, заставила ее хохотать до упаду.
  • When Mary knows of his actions she will throw a fit – когда Мэри узнает о его действиях, она закатит истерику.
  • You have a fit, don’t you? – ты расстроился, да?
  • I had a hissy fit when spoiled my flowers – я была в истерике, когда кто-то растоптал мои цветы.
  • Only the fittest survive – выживает сильнейший.
  • She visits aunt Lora in fits and starts – она навещает тетю Лору регулярно.
  • When my husband learns the price of that ring he’ll be fit to be tied – когда мой муж узнает цену этого кольца, он будет взбешен.
  • My team is fighting fit and has all chances to win the match – моя команда в прекрасной физической форме и имеет все шансы выиграть матч.
  • The doctor will fit you in on Monday morning – доктор найдет время, чтобы принять вас в понедельник утром.

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