First word that you see

word puzzle personality testThe first word that you see in this word search describes and reveals your character and who you are as a person.

Look at the picture.
What’s the first word you see?

Check out what this word says about your character and about your personality.

If you saw task

Your dedication and commitment are your two most important traits. You are dedicated to your job, and you make sure not to let your boss down. If you’re on the other side, and you have people working under you, you always make sure they feel appreciated, motivated and valued.

When you set your mind on something it’s quite difficult for someone to make you change directions.

If you saw power

You enjoy taking responsibility and having things in your control, and that is when you feel at your best. You don’t mind working in stressful environments, and you do better under pressure than most people do.

You don’t make assumptions; you analyze the situation and act accordingly. You don’t leave anything up to faith. Instead you take control and motivate everyone to work with you through all kinds of challenges and difficult situations, until you’ve finally achieved your goal.

You don’t like to lose, and that’s why you tend to jump into action faster than others so that you can take control of the situation before it gets out of hand.

If you saw home

You are a mediator, a friend, and a loving and caring person. You are calm and reserved and you don’t let others define who you are.

You have a fountain of joy within you that you share with your family and friends, and they appreciate you for it the most.

You like to surround yourself with like-minded individuals, and like spending time with people you love and respect.

Even from a young age you’ve discovered what the most important things in life are, and for you that’s definitely your family.

If you saw animal

If what you saw first was animal that means that you are among just 4% of the population that truly shines with a flame and passion for the outdoors, nature and most of all – animals!

You are a caring and shy person that likes to spend time with like-minded individuals. While people may see you as awkward and antisocial, the truth is that you like spending time with others, just as long as you feel safe and welcome in their circle.

Being a part of this personality group might often make you feel misunderstood by most people, and sometimes even lonely. What you must realize is that people don’t define you, your actions do! So keep on living life the way you desire, even if others won’t ever understand.

If you saw lover

You are a very energetic, blunt and charming person. Your personality type makes you stand out in a group, and always leaves a positive impact on others.

You like being a performer and an entertainer and you’re always ready for an adventure.

Your honesty and sense of humor are your secret weapons and people love you for that.

What makes people want to be in your company is the passion and trill they see in your eyes that immediately makes them wish they had your charisma and charm.

If you saw team

Your personality type is quite unique. The qualities that you possess make you very good at personal relationships as well as a good co-worker and team player.

Your analytics skills are amazing and you are always open to change and new ideas.

No matter if you’re a part of a team, or are leading one, you always make sure that everyone feels appreciated and valued, and that no one is excluded in any way. You take everyone’s opinions into consideration, no matter if you think you already have the answers to the problem.

Share your result with your friends, so they can see which of their personality traits and characteristics define them the most.

Christmas is almost here, and I just can’t contain my excitement anymore. So I thought, why not have some fun and try out something interesting? Personality quizzes and tests were always popular and this Christmas test is going to blow your mind, be rest assured.

This Christmas eye test can reveal a lot about your and your personality. All you have to do is take a look at this Christmas word puzzle and see the first word that catches your eye. The first word you see describes you and can say a lot about your personality and who you are as an individual.

So, are you ready to check out this Christmas personality test? Let’s find out!

Related: 13 Wackiest And Fun Christmas Traditions Around The World

Christmas Test: The First Word That You See Can Say A Lot About Your Personality

1. Luke

Christmas Test Luke

If you saw the word Luke first, then you are someone who is a loyal friend and a committed partner. You are a very family-oriented person who loves to organize and host big family dinners and get-togethers, and Christmas is your favorite holiday. Every year on this occasion, you go all out when it comes to gifts, decorations, food, and of course the tree.

You love spending time with your friends and family, and nothing makes you happier than taking care of them. Emotional, sensitive, compassionate, and strongly attached to your loved ones – you are someone on whom everybody depends.

2. Jesus

Christmas Test Jesus

If you saw the word Jesus first in the Christmas eye test, then you are someone who is extremely kind, compassionate, and generous. You never think twice before helping someone and you truly have a golden heart. Being the kind-hearted person you are, you always try to spread love and cheer wherever you go.

For you, Christmas is a feeling, more than a celebration with gifts. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t like to pamper your loved ones with gifts because you always want to show how important they are to you. Apart from your family, you also like to show your kindness towards the less privileged, by donating food, clothes, and money to homeless people and shelters.

Christmas test

3. Glory

Christmas Test Glory

If you saw the word Glory first, then you are an outgoing person and the life of the party wherever you go. You love bringing everyone together and having a good time, and no matter who you meet, they love spending time with you. Your extroverted and lively personality makes everyone feel comfortable with you, even people who meet you for the first time.

Making sure that people are comfortable and are having fun is something you take very seriously. For you, it’s not just having fun yourself, but everybody should have a good time. Whenever you see things getting uncomfortable, you are quick to diffuse the tension with humor and lightheartedness. Because of your fun-loving personality, it’s no wonder that everyone loves you and loves spending time with you!

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4. Mary

Christmas Test Mary

If you saw the word Mary first in this Christmas personality test, then you are a unique and incredibly special person. You bring joy and happiness wherever you go, and people love and admire you for that. You are an extremely positive and pure-hearted person, and children and adults all love you alike.

For you, making your loved ones feel happy and special matters the most, and you leave no stone unturned in making sure of that. Even though you are not really a materialistic person, and don’t believe that gifts are the be-all and end-all of everything, you still enjoy getting gifts for your family and close friends. You always get the perfect gifts for everyone, and all you care about is making them feel special.

5. Highest

Christmas Test Highest

If the first word you see in his Christmas test is Highest, then you are someone who always pretends not to care about Christmas, but the moment you see all the decorations and lights go up, your heart starts to sing with joy. You may pretend to be a Grinch on the outside, but you are actually Buddy The Elf on the inside!

Once the holiday season is here, you end up having the best time. Spending time with your family and friends, shopping for gifts, decorating the tree, singing carols, and stuffing your face with delicious food – you do it all.

6. Immanuel

Christmas Test Immanuel

If you saw the word Immanuel first, then you are a very spiritual and religious person, who believes in the power of God. You strongly believe that God is always with you, and no matter what happens, He will always stand by you and help you deal with every challenge in life.

For you, it is not about the material gifts you receive, it’s more about what you get. Your firm belief in the Higher Power pushes you to make it a spiritual and traditional affair.

Related: 8 Popular Christmas Traditions That Have Terrifying Origins

7. Angels

Christmas Test Angels

If you saw the word Angels first, then you are a person who is very close to their friends, and your friends are everything to you. You always give your best when it comes to them, and you always stand by them whenever they need you. Making them feel special is one of your favorite things to do in this world.

When it comes to Christmas, you prefer spending it with your close friends and family members reminiscing about happy memories, exchanging gifts, and enjoying some delicious food together. That is the best kind of Christmas for you.

Christmas test

What is the first word you see in this Christmas word scramble? What did this Christmas test reveal about you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Christmas Test First Word You See Reveals Personality pin


I keep seeing these pop up on Facebook. A friend posts an image with a caption to the effect, What’s the first word you see? I know you’ve seen them too.

Some variations state that the first three words you see are what you want in life, or what you’ll have more of in 2013.

I’ve seen people respond with words like Knowledge, Love, Family. And I do see those words.

But to be honest, the first word I see is AFCDEF. I imagine that what this says about me is that 2013 will be about a search for meaning.

Now some of you may be thinking, you’re supposed to look for real words.


McCoy (Photo credit: The Rocketeer)

To that I respond, Dammit Jim, I’m a writer, not a… well dammit Jim, I’m a writer. As such, I have a unique relationship with language. That’s part of the terms and conditions that I accepted when I received my Writer’s License. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Now if you’ll excuse me. I’ve visiting my parents; my mom made some delicious UKPQCC and I’m going to have some now.

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It is often said that we see what we want to see and we hear what we want to hear. The fact is that we are actually unconsciously attracted towards the things that we think about or towards the things which match our personalities. So the way we perceive things often reveal a lot about the kind of person we are.

So, go ahead and spot the first word you see.

#1 Honest

If this is the first word you saw then you have a personality which is true, sincere, and honest in all its being. There were negative words on the list too but honest was the word which caught your attention. You are, therefore, the kind of person who likes being straight and upfront with people. You know the value of honesty and understand how much it takes to be an honest person. It is difficult being you, in a world which doesn’t like honesty and your virtue, therefore, is unparalleled.

#2 Love

Love is what makes your world go round if this is the first word that caught your attention. A loving person at heart you are also quick to spot love wherever you find it. You can spot love if it were a needle in a haystack and this is what makes your personality warm, generous, and extremely kind. Love matters the most to you in all its form and glory and there are few who could love as unconditionally as you do.

#3 Kind

How often have you come across a person who is truly kind? Not often right? That’s because kindness is an attribute that few have. Also, kindness is something which can only be appreciated by the kind and if this was the word that caught your attention then your unconscious is truly pointing you towards this extremely rare trait which you possess. Your kindness is what defines you and there would come a time when you would find it returned when you need it the most.

#4 Death

Death is indeed a fascinating thing and we all think about it from time to time. The fact that this word caught your attention means that you have indeed been obsessed with this word. It reflects a dark and a morbid side of your personality and based on how you see death, you could either be a pessimist or a deep thinker who likes to think about the deeper meaning of life’s most important event. Death is not something which bothers you but something you would like to understand.

#5 Wise

To be wise to know wise. The fact that this word caught your attention means that you are the kind of person who likes delving into their thoughts. You like to contemplate the deeper things in life and you are the sort of person who tries to understand rather than judge. True wisdom comes from understanding and you understand the value of knowing more than most around you.

#6 Rage

If this is the word that caught your attention then there is anger seething in your soul. There is a fire which is waiting to burst into flames and once unleashed, it could destroy everything in its path. There may be pain and hurt inside of you fueling this rage and this may have blinded you towards the way this rage is eating your soul away. Your inner rage may, therefore, end up either destroying you or someone in your way.

#7 Doom

If doom is the first word that caught your attention then there is a rebel and an anarchist in you trying to break free. You were meant to bring an end to the society as we know it, to create something even better and beautiful. Id doom is what occupies your thought then you are the person waiting for the world to end for it has way too much hopelessness in it for you.

#8 Loyal

If this is the first word that caught your attention then loyalty is the thing that drives you. You understand the value of loyalty and you know how much it takes to build loyalty. You are, therefore, the kind of person who would never betray, never deceive, and never be the kind of person who stabs a friend in the back. Loyalty matters and for you, it is what defines you.

#9 Truth

Truth is something which a lot of people say they seek but are actually afraid of. The fact that this was the word that caught your attention means that you are, actually and inherently, attuned to seek the truth. You are the kind of person who despises lies and would rather say a harsh truth to hurt someone rather than comfort them with a sugarcoated lie.

#10 Break

There may be a destructive side to your personality which you keep hidden from others if this is the first word that caught your attention. There may be a rebel, too, trying to break the shackle of norms and compliance but either way, you are someone who is meant to destroy what has been created. If channeled well, you could lead a revolution and if not, you could lead anarchy.

#11 Hate

If hate was the word that caught your attention then you may be allowing your dark side to take over your warmer one. You may be giving in to the negativity of your life and you may be allowing toxicity take over. Hate is something that may be fueling you now and it may have been that someone induced hatred in you, but it is eating into your soul and you may need to let go of it.

#12 Trust

If trust is the word you saw first then you are the kind of person who is both trusting and who can be trusted. You are someone who understands the value of confidentiality and would rather cut off your tongue than utter a word said to you in secret. It is one of the rarest qualities to have and it makes you the kind of person one can confide in without fear.

All images and content within this article is source and courtesy of Meaww

Who are you based on the first word you see?

It’s an old saying, “We see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear,” but the reality is that we tend to gravitate towards and see things which match our emotional state and way of thinking. When we experience happiness, we often tend to see the happy things around us; we see a Mom with her child and stop for a second just to enjoy the cuteness and purity of the young one playing, or we may notice someone smiling and smile in return. On the other hand, if we aren’t feeling good, we can tend to focus on and pick up on things that are not visually appealing and add to our unhappiness: we may see some smog from a car passing by instead of the beautiful blue sky above, or we may notice some litter on the side of the road, further adding to our experience of unhappiness.

We unconsciously attract to ourselves things that align with our feelings, thinking, personality, traits, goals, and wants. Our perception of our world reflects on who we are as an individual. This is why the practice of self-compassion is so important. When we begin to practice feeling the feeling of love for all of the parts of ourselves, we begin to see loving things outside of ourselves, and attract loving things into our lives.

Look at the picture and remember the first word you see, then read below to find out what it means:

1. Heart

If the word heart caught your eye, then you choose to live your life from your heart your focus is in the right place. You’ve discovered that your innermost part of who you really are comes from deep within the quietude of your heart, and the beauty with which your personality expresses itself makes you a treasure among friends.

You are a deeply loving person inside, and with a bit of openness, people around you are able to feel loved when they are near you. If your mind gets busy with overthinking, stress, or worry, remember to stay in your heart; it is the rock within to build your empire of relaxation and love.

2. Compassion

If compassion is the first word that caught your attention, then you are a truly beautiful person with a calling to help serve the world.

You see the humanness is all people, and you see the life in all living things. You love others as your self, and when someone is struggling or in need, your heart goes out to them. You always try to operate from a place of sweetness within, and if people could always see the real you, they would fall in love.

Others may not always recognize your value, but you are truly a blessing to anyone who is lucky enough to have you as a friend or family member. When you choose to follow your heart, great things happen in your life; both for you and for those around you.

3. Softness

If softness was the first word that appeared to you, then you are a gentle soul with deep potential. Softness correlates with inner freedom, as those who remain soft of heart are blessed with the inner mobility to freely move through their emotions. They do not get stuck in heavy feelings such as hatred and pain, but rather soften within them and allow them to flow out of themselves.

Your deep reservoirs of potential are connected to your ability to listen deeply to your heart and to others. The way you are able to connect with others when you are coming from a place of softness and non-judgment is truly beneficial and healing to them. If you haven’t already read a few books or taken a few classes on how to enhance your already natural talent for listening, now would be a good time to do so. There is a world of opportunity waiting for you.

4. Hope

If hope was the first word that caught your eye, then you are the kind of person who can let go and trust that the future will be okay and will bring you all that you need. You may struggle at times to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but deep within you have an unshakeable knowing that things will turn out okay, and this deserves to be listened to more than whatever tries to bother you in the moment.

Gratitude is your secret superpower. Your ability to envision a bright future only needs the soil for this beautiful idea to grow, and that soil is being thankful for what you have now. Try practicing writing down, saying, or thinking of five things you are grateful for each day. Even after the first week, you may notice that you become happier, and that things start to move forward in positive ways in different areas of your life, that you’ll start saying ten things each day instead! Once you discover how powerful the practice of gratitude and thankfulness is in your life, your wonderful future will turn into a reality.

5. Kindness

Those who practice genuine kindness are truly people to be valued in life. If this was the first word that caught your eye, then you are one of the treasured people who possess this wonderful skill and ability. You offer a hand whenever asked, and often in your life have had times where you helped someone without expecting anything in return. Kind people like you make the world go round, and if there were enough people like you… it would be like heaven on Earth.

You may not always receive the same treatment from others that you give, but that is the essence of kindness, you do not expect anything in return. Yet you will find that those around you will answer you with kindness when you find yourself needing it the most. Stay true to your kind heart, these kind experiences will end up being the greatest things you look back on in your life.

6. Helping

If you first saw the word helping, you are a truly passionate person who has their priorities in the right place: in your heart. You are the friend people come to when they are in need, and your support helps people to change things that they can not accomplish on their own.

It can be a little exhausting to help others as often as you, to say the least, and sometimes when others ask you for help, it can feel challenging. But remember this; these people love you and you are their Angel in their time of need. When they think of a strong person who is there for them and  offers them unconditional love, you are the person that comes to mind. If anyone was to be given an award for integrity and being a truly good friend or family member, it would be you. Balance is key, so remember to take care of yourself too 🙂

7. Giving

Did you see giving first? If so, then generosity is in your nature and charity is your blessing to this world. You are naturally altruistic, and give without hopes of getting anything back. Your life has blessed you in certain areas as you well deserve it, but getting these blessings back is not what motivates you. You desire to see the best for everyone, we are all here to help each other.

You have a strong vision for how kind the world should be, and while the world is not perfect, you never stop giving your time, energy and money towards making it a better place. You are able to see things in a different light from others, and being able to motivate and show them why we need to contribute to others is one of your deep underlying strengths. Your potential for leadership is incredible, as you are not afraid to stand up for the causes you believe in. Stay true to the love in your heart, and share this love with others, and people will naturally follow you.

8. Laughter

If laughter was the first word you saw, then you know that one of the greatest joys of life is laughing till your belly hurts with friends and family. ‘Life is better when you’re laughing,’ and your witty sense of humor has been known to cause a few outbursts of amusement and joy. Others tend to feel comfortable around your warm and gentle energy.

You’re able to build intimacy quite easily with others and help them to feel good and to let their guard down. You don’t take yourself too seriously, and you accept yourself; flaws, beauty and all. You’re Flawsome; a person who accepts their flaws and knows they’re awesome regardless. Being able to brighten the day of someone who isn’t feeling the best is a specialty reserved for you. Go out of your way every now and then to cheer up your friends, family or even a random stranger, and life is sure to bless you with even more wonderful things to be happy about.

Which word did you see first? Let us know in the comments.

Have a beautiful day. You are loved.

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